eternalnight8806-2 · 7 months
How to: Aftercare your Sub
Ideas and Tips
These tips may vary depending on what your sub likes/enjoys or doesnt like/enjoy.
Try taking these into consideration before anything else:
Always ask how they feel, does anything hurt?
Make sure they know they are safe and you care about them
Simply ask if they need anything, Reassurance? A glass of water? Cuddles?
Respect if your sub needs some space, doesn’t feel like talking, or just wants to sleep
After Care Ideas
• Holding/ Cuddling your sub
• Praising them: ex. ‘You were such a good girl’, ‘You did so well’
• Treating any wounds: ex. from spanking, rope burn, etc.
• Putting a cold/warm wet compress on any welts, cuts, or bruises
• Kissing any welts, cuts or bruises
• Running them a warm bubble bath
• Wrapping them into a warm fluffy blanket
• Massaging them
(w essential oils, sensitive skin lotions)
• Watching their favorite movies, shows
• Listening to their favorite music*
*preferably soft, calm music
• Giving them a treat they enjoy
• Carrying them where ever they might need to go
The Importance of Aftercare
Aftercare is not only very important but essential, for both vanilla and kinky sex.
Sub drop is how a sub might feel depression/anxiety or even considering their self worth after sex, especially BDSM/Hardcore Sex.
It is very important to be there for your sub as well as reassure them that they are safe, and you care for them.
This is also when you tend to any wounds that may have occurred during sex, like welts, bruises, cuts or rope burns.
Immediately leave your sub alone or unattended to for an extended amount of time after sex! especially after hardcore/rough/bdsm sex scenes.
Leave any wounds received by the sub unattended to
Try to jump into some unrelated activities THAT CAN WAIT, without proper after care; ex. asking them to do chores, get ready to go grocery shopping.
Failure to comply with essential aftercare risks the trust you and your sub share and your subs mental security after sex,
especially after Hardcore/BDSM/Rough Scenes; ex. Rape Play, Bondage, Spanking, Anal Play and many more.
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eternalnight8806-2 · 9 months
I don't care if it's accepted by linguists, you just sound like a fucking moron when you talk like that. "He be working, finna, using the 'N' word every other sentence like it's not offensive," etc. It makes you sound uneducated and childish. Honestly, I could say the same for how most of Gen Z talks, but that's off topic. The point is that it IS bad grammar and it sounds horrible. I realize that nobody speaks completely proper English, but this is so bad it's borderline offensive to hear (and sometimes it is offensive.) If you want to be taken seriously, speak with a modicum of propriety, or else continue to be looked down upon by people who probably aren't smarter than you, but atleast know how to speak the language you're butchering.
people understand that Spanish speakers speak different dialects of the Spanish language but don’t understand that black people speak a dialect of the English language
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eternalnight8806-2 · 1 year
The Help Recipe: Minny's Fried Chicken
“Chicken’s been soaking in the buttermilk,” I say.  “Now mix up the dry."  I pour flour, salt, more salt, pepper, paprika and a pinch of cayenne into a doubled paper sack.  "Now.  Put the chicken parts in the bag and shake it.” Miss Celia puts a raw chicken thigh in, bumps the bag around.  “Like this?  Just like Shake ‘n Bake commercials on the tee-vee?"  Real careful I lay the dark meat in the pan.  It bubbles up like a song and we watch the thighs and legs turn brown.  I look over and Miss Celia’s smiling at me."What? Somethin' on my face?” “No,” she says, tears coming up in her eyes.  She touches my arm.  “I’m just real grateful you’re here.”
1 (3- to 4-pound) whole chicken, cut into pieces
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2 cups buttermilk
Self-rising flour
Vegetable oil
Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper.
Place chicken in a shallow dish or zip-top plastic bag, and add buttermilk. Cover or seal, and chill at least 2 hours.
 Remove chicken from buttermilk, discarding buttermilk.
Dredge chicken in flour.
Pour oil to a depth of 1 ½ inches in a deep skillet or Dutch oven; heat to 360°.
Add chicken, a few pieces at a time; cover and cook 6 minutes.
Uncover chicken, and cook 9 minutes.
Turn chicken; cover and cook 6 minutes. Uncover and cook 5 to 9 minutes, turning chicken the last 3 minutes for even browning, if necessary.
Drain on paper towels.
Recipesinmovies note: This is the recipe that I found online, however it doesn’t exactly follow what what is in the book/movie. The main differences are, in the book Minny uses crisco instead of the vegetable oil, and she shakes the chicken with the dry ingredients in the bag. If you want a more healthy recipe follow the one above, or if you want to follow Minny’s recipe more exactly, simply replace the vegetable oil with crisco, and shake the chicken with dry ingredients in a paper bag. :)
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eternalnight8806-2 · 2 years
I don't know how to tell him I need more stimulation...
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eternalnight8806-2 · 2 years
Welp, barely one month in and he already doesn't want to touch me with a 10 foot pole. That must be some kind of record. I knew it would happen but I didn't want it to happen this fast. Maybe I pressed my luck those first few days I had him here. Maybe this is Karma kicking me in the ass because of E. Though E definitely should get the worst end of the Karma stick after what she did to me this past year.
How could I have thought this would be different? I'm a fucking disgusting, fat, ugly, dumbass piece of rank ass garbage and everyone knows it. But sometimes someone will get desperate or lonely enough to stomach putting their dick inside me for a while until they can find someone who will actually make them want to be hard, not the girl who they have to close their eyes real tight and imagine literally anyone else just so they can keep their erection. I know I'm that go between. That rebound. That placeholder girl.
I just thought maybe once it could be different, but I should've known better.
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eternalnight8806-2 · 2 years
It's not fair that when I think of you I almost always get instantly horny, especially if I think of things we've already experienced together. You're touching me more and
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I can't help but crave you even more. And not just sexually. The way you speak to me and about me makes me quiver. You told me you were in love with me last night. That you have been for upwards of a decade or more. The original attraction began in high school but the real feelings came with age and maturity. But you couldn't act on it then because I was with someone and had been for over 6 six years. Someone you've repeatedly told me you wanted to beat the shit out of for the way he treated me. But that would've been crossing a line and you knew that. So you moved away and got married, thinking you would be happy with your wife and her family. But when things got too hard for her, she bailed on the relationship and on you. So you came home and found me, not single but still available since my partner and I were trying a poly relationship. You blurted out everything. Your attraction to me in high school and years later before you left. We slept together the night we saw eachother for the first time in over 8 years. My relationship with my partner crumbled for other reasons so you asked me to be your girlfriend, exclusively. I agreed and we spent 3 glorious days together smoking weed, watching amazing movies and having increasingly more amazing sex. Seeing you again after a few days apart and having you tell me that you're actually in love with me has been giving me butterflies 🦋 and quivers both in my belly and in my heart. This is both a blur and a slo-mo recap of the last 18 years of my life with new information absolutely blowing my mind.
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eternalnight8806-2 · 3 years
Does he actually want me? Or is he just trying to get some pussy where he can? Does he actually have feelings for me or is it all just bullshit? Do I really turn him on or does he have to think of someone else just to get through it? Would lingerie actually accomplish anything or would he just be vomiting internally? Would he want it as dark as possible just so he doesn't have to look at me? What if it's all just some sick game? What if I see that look in his eyes that I always see? That look of disgust and disdain? What if we can finally have an actual sexual encounter and he sees how utterly gross my body is? What if he liked the girl I was 18 years ago but the woman I am now makes him want to claw his eyes out? What if he can't even get hard because he saw me and now the image is burned into his brain and he can't get it out? What if my orgasms gross him out? What if he tells our mutual friends that he fucked me and it was the worst sex he's ever had? Like, he had to fake cum just so he could leave asap? What if he thought being with me would be a certain way and I can't meet his expectations? What if he forces something on me? Or all out rapes me? What if he leaves me a broken shell of a person and then laughs when he's done with me? What if he tosses me my clothes and says, "I'm not gonna give out any more pity fucks to the fugly fat bitch," ?
Because that's all I'll ever be. A disgustingly fat tub of lard with boobs that I can't even get to point the right direction long enough to try on a piece of clothing, mousy brown hair and eyes, a giant nose, a huge ass that I can't fit into anything, a loud ass mouth with zero filter and I'm not even educated. I have no redeeming qualities. None. I'm fat, ugly, gross and stupid. Every man's dream woman, right there. I should just go run my car into a street light at 90 mph and pray that kills me. I'm literally worth more dead than alive. My life insurance will cover my debts. It's not like anyone would mourn me. I'm the resident bitch and everyone knows it, even my parents. Hell, they'll probably sigh in relief when I'm gone.
Lifestyles of the poor and the disgustingly ugly. Just slip me about 10x the overdose amount of any fast acting kill pill and tell the dump truck to toss me where the carrion birds and insects can have their buffet for years to come on this walking barrel of fat.
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eternalnight8806-2 · 3 years
I am so... flabbergasted. He's liked me since we were kids. Thought of me sexually. Wanted to be with me. Said he wanted to beat my ex every time he saw him treat me poorly. That there were times I'd walk around him in my apartment and he'd just want to grab me.
It's like a cheesy 80's Rom Com. Teens sitting in a car being all nervous and one finally admits their feelings and floors the other one.
Whhhhhhhhy? I am not cute, sexy, pretty or even decent to look at. I'm a fat ass mess of a bitch with a loud mouth, no filter and a hugely dirty mind. Why would anyone want that in any way, but least of all sexually? I am so confused.
He said I lived in his mind rent free, often in horny jail, but not always. He wanted me 18 years ago, and he wants me now. He had to physically readjust himself after I admitted I had thought about us, sexually. He told me to stop giving him "Kiss me" eyes, even though I didn't know I was doing any such thing, because it just made him want me more.
He pulls the right places and holds back when needed. He's not pushy or forceful in any way that's not wanted. He came within seconds of my lips touching him, which was very endearing and refreshing. He said I'm "too fucking good at that."
He makes me laugh and remembers shit from when we were kids, which is something I've never had with a sexual partner. We can talk about movies, cars, music, nerdy shit, high school, exes, it doesn't matter. He knows me then and he knows me now and he still likes me.
I want him to see me in lingerie, something I haven't wanted in a very long time. I feel like he would appreciate it and that makes me excited and happy. I sent him old pics of me in lingerie and he practically begged me to come fuck him. I don't think I've ever had anyone react like that.
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I want him in in my life. He makes me happy and feel good about myself. I don't think I'll ever love him the way I love my partner, but he fulfils a piece of me that I didn't even know I needed fulfilled. I love that connection to my past and that sense of adventure he gives me, even when he's spouting bs to impress.
He's sweet and caring and not too gentle and he sees me. He sees the me that I didn't even remember I had in me. He gives me tingles and butterflies and gets me going in a way I haven't felt in a long time. He wants snuggles and kisses and to just talk and laugh with me, he never expects anything sexual, which just makes me want him more.
I have a partner that I'm in love with down to my soul that may never want to be sexual with me again. I have another partner that I deeply care about and could possibly love on some level, though probably not as deeply as my other partner, but that openly wants to fuck me daily and appreciates my bratty tendencies. How did I strike gold?? Here I thought I'd never have one person and now I'm sitting here with two very different people that both care about or love me and I just feel so lucky to have them both.
To my live in partner, you are my soul, my heart, my everything. I love you more than I knew I could love someone. I never want to be without you and I hope you'll be with me forever, even if not sexually.
To my new partner, this is exciting and so fun and I want you in my life, forever. I hope we can make eachother happy for a long time. I love your dorkiness and your never ending ability to make me smile. I think the sex between us will only get better, especially once we can stop screwing in my car like a couple of kids 🤣😅
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eternalnight8806-2 · 3 years
I feel like I'm losing you and I don't know how to stop it. You think so little of me but you say you love me. You think I'm so incredibly stupid but you want me to be interested in overly complicated science-y issues. You think my opinions are garbage but say you want to hear them. You say you want intimacy with me but I can feel you cringe whenever you give me a chaste kiss. Is this all in my head? Is my imagination running away with me? Am I so paranoid and anxious that I'm projecting my fears onto you? Or do you just really not want me anymore?
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eternalnight8806-2 · 3 years
What if you cum inside me... and continue fucking me... until you cum again... haha jk... unless?...
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eternalnight8806-2 · 3 years
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eternalnight8806-2 · 3 years
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Black is not a dirty word.
Click here for 200+ free social justice and mental health resources. Follow @bfpnola for more!
And please remember, Black is good is a radical concept, but radical concepts are what create change. Keep fighting.
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eternalnight8806-2 · 5 years
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Ok Boomer
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eternalnight8806-2 · 5 years
Jesus fucking christ you're never going to learn are you? You have a disaster of a house with nasty ass bugs everywhere, you can't even pay your own bills, she doesn't have a fucking job and isn't looking for one and you're fucking pregnant!?!?! I know it's a long shot that this one takes, but still. Y'all aren't ready to be parents. You're just not. You shouldn't be bringing a baby into that situation at all, no matter if it's a long shot or not.
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eternalnight8806-2 · 5 years
Jesus fucking christ this legitimately pisses me the fuck off
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Look, I personally don't give any fucks what goddamn color anyone is. You can be purple with yellow polka dots for all I care as long as you're a decent human being. But the color of your skin does not inherently make you immune to being a racist piece of shit. Even POC can be fucking racist.
Yea, I get it, POC have been treated poorly for many generations by white people. I know. But unless I'm a piece of shit to you because of your race, don't assume I'm one of those fuckers just because I'm fucking white. Being white does not make me a fucking antagonist. If my actions do, so be it. But the color of my fucking skin does not mean I'm the big evil bad man (woman) out to get all the non white people.
Please stop acting like just because you're not white that you can't be a racist asshole. Racism sucks, yo. No matter what color the victim of it happens to be.
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eternalnight8806-2 · 5 years
how to track anonymous asks.
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eternalnight8806-2 · 5 years
How to: Add links to your Tumblr description/sidebar
In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through adding links to your theme’s description that often displays in the header or sidebar.
Step one: Open the “edit theme” page
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1. Log into Tumblr and click on the ’human’ cog icon and Select your blog from the right-hand column.
2. Click the Edit appearance option.
3. Click Edit theme
Step two: changing your description
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I’ve highlighted the box where you can add your description.
To add to your description, simply type something in the box.
When you want to add links, copy and paste this into your box:
<a href="http://quickguide.tumblr.com/">Link to Quick Guide</a>
Replace “http://quickguide.tumblr.com/” with the website you want people to go to (make sure you include the http:// part, or the link won’t work), and replace “Link to Quick Guide” with words you want people to see.
For example, in my site description box, I’ve added two links to a Tumblr blog, and Instagram account:
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Now, when I open my Tumblr blog, you can see the links:
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Other tips
To make a line break (a “gap”) in your description, paste the following code in your description:
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