eternalscarsworld · 3 years
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eternalscarsworld · 3 years
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I wrote this one thinking about prejudice and rigid thinking and how they hinder our progress and evolution.
May we always have the courage to move further into the mysteries of each other and of ourselves.
And just like the universe, may we keep expanding towards the unknown.
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eternalscarsworld · 3 years
Sad but true :')
Truth is more glorious in our imagination than reality.
Sometimes of all the things you desire for only one thing, one connection, one person. Your days, nights, evenings everything revolves around them. All you want is them, every inch of them and nothing can dread the power of love, they do come. But, tragedy is they come not as a desire anymore but a dread, excess of love corrupts the heart. They come in bit by bit, but your hunger of having all of them eats every bit of you, they do come but not as you desired them and that breaks you, you don't want them in that form but you can't even let them go, that haunts you, you want to be with them but things were more glorious in the imagination.
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eternalscarsworld · 3 years
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High Life (2018)
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eternalscarsworld · 3 years
The dark tunnels you are lost in looking for your healings, the empty corridors you cross every night looking for something that will make your journey worthwhile is important for your growth. What you go through makes you the person you need to be. What you heal can never hurt you again. What you know can never become unknown and make you suffer again. All the dark you feel is going to be the very light you will need in life. Knowing that you will hit home in one way or other no matter how away you wander is important. -Ayana Arora
(If you are on Instagram, click on the link in my bio and find my latest write ups there. )
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eternalscarsworld · 3 years
I think someday if I have to cut myself into tiny pieces to show the world that kindness remains even after you leave, that kindness makes you beautiful no matter how physically battered you are, that our world is in dire need of kindness, that only if we decide to be kind this world could become breathable again, that there is no emotion like kindness and it should be the basis of our existence then I will, without even a second thought I will lay myself down to prove this beauty I feel -Ayana Arora
Never enough.
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eternalscarsworld · 4 years
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Poems & Words
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eternalscarsworld · 4 years
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Poems & Words
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
..... Or Maybe everybody in the whole damn world just want love and kindness from each other but there are few givers maybe just Maybe..... !!!!
“…Maybe everybody in the whole damn world is scared of each other.”
— John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men (via books-n-quotes)
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
The one you can not tell to anyone 🍁🍁
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
— Maya Angelou (via quote-diaries)
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
“Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible.”
— Lisa Kleypas, Sugar Daddy (via books-n-quotes)
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
How hard it is when someone say i quit its not just a statement its broken soul broken heart million dreams that's gonna stay dream just because of the pressure of society.There is hell lot unspoken pressure of not being who you are by society or i may say by your loved ones and thats where we start losing ourselves and we fight with everyone but when it comes to ourselves we can not fight , we fell apart and
Quit !
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
We all are Fighters :)
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Sometimes, I don't know what it is that keeps me up at night. My thoughts float above me; easy to touch and never far enough to go unnoticed. We only have what we have for now and it's no secret that underneath, deep down inside, we are all scared of something. My emotions are never one solid color but an array of varies colors all intertwined and a part of a familiar but overwhelming masterpiece. What resides inside my body is trapped and wrapped in skin. I've cried enough to make waterfalls and rivers made of the tears I shed from moments of sadness and even moments of joy. I am not delicate like a flower or fragile like glass but I am strong like an earthquake and even a hurricane. In a world full of so much hate, I choose love, and always will. I have no interest in living a boring life; I am here to inspire and to be inspired by all things extraordinary. I often hesitate to ask for help at the times I truly need it the most. Sometimes the urge to scream and shout my deepest darkest secrets to someone drowns me in anxiety, and sometimes I barely make it out alive from this urge. Competing with no one but myself, I often find myself relapsing on negative thoughts; sometimes almost giving up on anything and everything, but doing what I love is what keeps me going.
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
For someone like me who is fighting :)
How badly you want to cry when you feel like now you can not stay strong this is it. This is the last time you are trying to be strong when you give up ,when you just think you are weak, you accept it or i must say people around you make you feel this way you just give up, there are no words that can explain how you are feeling, your heart is broken ,you feel worst than a looser becuse you again lost this battle ,the battle that is on 24/7 with yourself or maybe i should say with people around you , you feel like mess you don't want to be strong now you just wanna cry but you can't , you can not explain how badly you are hurt you feel like someone is cutting your veins, there are words stuck in your throat you are unable to utter single word there are just tears in your eyes you just wanna run away far from everyone you just wanna escape but you know there is no escape and again you are hopeless all those months, years when you tried so hard to face everything when you tried to be strong they are in vain and you again cry there are million reasons to cry and you feel vulnerable and you don't even try to look for one reason to fight again ,you just give up .Those are the days that make you strong don't feel like you are mess you are best you are in process of becoming best .You will fight again you will win i know because im with you in this journey
i trust you i support you ♡
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
We all are grey characters , no one is completely black or white we have bad side and a good side but the difference in shades of grey matters those who are darker shades of grey have invisible wounds , wounds that can only be cured by care and compassion .Those wounds can be seen only in the eyes of person they need your help ,you need their help 'i need your help !
Help to heal !
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
The only important thing is not a thing
Wandering souls
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eternalscarsworld · 5 years
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