evycloudberry · 4 months
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Requests are closed* Under the cut is my masterlist and rules/guidelines for requesting! Thank you to anyone who reads my fics, I appreciate you! ♡
*Closed while I work on getting some initial fics posted. Please understand, however, that even once opened not all requests will be fulfilled. I am very much the type of writer who can only create when I am truly inspired by a prompt. That said, I will do my best!
Rules & Guidlines:
Who I write for: Draco Malfoy (I will add more in the future!) What I write: Angst & Fluff, Headcanons, Drabbles, & Oneshots. Very occasionally, I may write smut which will always be noted on this masterlist with an asterisk * and indicated as 18+ Only on the fic itself. What I don't write: Anything involving domestic violence between romantic partners or SA. Please do not request anything of this nature; thank you.
Sleepy Smiles (Draco x Reader)
Heavy rainfall, soaked clothes, and a warm embrace (Draco x Reader)
Barstool Blues (Draco x Reader) (Fluff)
You Are In Love (Draco, Theo, & Mattheo)
'Tis the damn season... (Draco x Reader)
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evycloudberry · 4 months
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Out at the Three Broomsticks with his mates, Draco has one too many drinks, becomes an emotional wreck, and refuses to leave with anyone but you. Unfortunately, you're back at the castle.
A/N: Draco x Reader. Fluff. Just some fluffy drunk Draco for you on a Friday morning. Please be gentle with me, this is my first fic for Draco in ?? like 7 or 8 years so I'm just getting a feel for writing him again. I hope you enjoy! 💚 Wordcount: 1,560 Warnings: Alcohol consumption. Drunken behavior. That's probably it, if you think something should be added please let me know and I'd be happy to update.
Snow crunching under your heavy boots, the winter wind whipped snowflakes about with terrible force as you approached the Three Broomsticks. A favorite location of Hogwarts students on their weekend trips to Hogsmeade, with butterbeer and firewhisky freely flowing, occasionally the gatherings grew raucous. Shivering, stomping the snow from your boots on the conveniently placed mat at the threshold of the pub, you frowned. 
Not long ago, warm in the comforting shelter of the Slytherin Common Room, fire blazing in the hearth, you’d been studying for the upcoming round of exams prior to the holidays. Returning to Hogwarts for a final year to make up for the one the war ruined, you were determined to give it your all. Draco, your boyfriend of a couple years, decided to traverse the winter storm with the rest of the Slytherin boys, claiming that he needed to ‘let loose’ before cramming at the library all week. Five chapters deep into your note taking, a very out of breath Blaise approached at a rapid pace. 
“Y/N,” he gasped, doubled over as he regulated his breathing, “you have to come to Hogsmeade, Draco is absolutely soused.” Eyebrow raised, you set your quill down, closing your textbook as you dogeared your current page.
“Forgive me, Blaise,” you began, an amused grin tugging at your lips, “but why did you not just…walk him home?” A look of pure annoyance cut you like a dagger.
“Because your sodding boyfriend is a blubbering mess, refuses to move from the barstool until you come walk him home, and keeps hammering on about how none of us understand what it’s like to be in love,” he spat, and Salazar help you, a giggle escaped involuntarily at the complete exasperation on your friend's face.
“You’re kidding,” you laughed, “is it really that bad?”
“Worse,” he promised. Sighing, you packed the school supplies back into your bag, and walked towards Blaise.
“Alright, let’s go collect him then,” you agreed, patting your housemate on the shoulder.
Now, entering the bustling pub, within seconds you located the inebriated blonde by the sound of his slurred shouting. As you approached, Theo Nott, the recipient of your boyfriend's belligerence, breathed an audible sigh of relief.
“Never been happier to see your face, Y/N,” he began, “I’ve had about all I can take of Malfoy in his current state.” Shooting him a sympathetic glance, you took a deep breath, readying yourself to reason with a man out of his wits with drink.
“Draco?” you beckoned, placing a hand on his shoulder to harness his attention.
“Y/N!” he shouted, a noticeable ease coloring his expression as he threw his arms around you, leaning his full body weight into the embrace. 
“I hear you’re having a rough night,” you offered tentatively, rubbing a soothing pattern across his back. Behind you, Theo was filling Blaise in about what happened while he’d been gone. 
‘Where’d everyone else go?’ Blaise asked, looking around the pub.
‘The wankers left me here alone with him,’ Theo explained, swiftly downing the contents of his glass.
Releasing you from his embrace, finally his face came into view and you noted his tear stained cheeks, flushed pink from the alcohol he’d consumed. Draco had a threshold with drinking that, once surpassed, left him an emotional wreck. 
“What’s wrong?” you whispered, brushing back his bangs which had fallen from their perfectly quaffed spot atop his head.
“I’ve had enough of this wretched establishment. I want to go home,” he huffed, pressing his forehead against your own.
“Why didn’t you just go home with the guys then?” you asked, fighting back the giggle that threatened to escape at the discrepancy between his words and actions.
“I missed you,” he admitted, tears welling at his eyes, wobbling a bit in his chair. Not daring to point out that he would have seen you sooner had he just walked home, you offered him a warm smile, wiping away the tears from his cheeks.
“That’s very sweet, Dray,” you began, holding him up as he began to slump over, “but that’s no excuse to be rude to our friends, they were only trying to help.”
“Well it’s their fault I’m this drunk in the first place,” he hiccuped, “they kept ordering rounds of shots, and I’m certainly not going to be the one lightweight who refuses.” 
“But you are a lightweight,” you teased, earning an glare. Laughing, you maneuvered to his side, slinging one of his arms over your shoulder as you beckoned Theodore over.
“Let’s just get you back to the castle,” you suggested, sending a silent thank you to Theo as he took Draco’s other arm, providing much needed stability as the three of you exited the Three Broomsticks into the frigid night air, Blaise a step ahead.
“I’m never drinking again,” Draco asserted, hiccuping again before letting out a groan of discomfort, already dreading the inevitable hangover he was facing come morning.
“You say that every time, mate,” Theo leveled with a snicker; annoyed, Draco attempted to shrug him off, but in doing so, slipped on the frozen snow nearly toppling the pair of you over.
“For Salazar’s sake, Draco!” you chastised, as you regained your footing. Theo, having half a mind to abandon the git entirely, begrudgingly returned to his side, if only for your benefit.
After a long walk through blizzard like conditions, having had to stop twice for Draco to nearly retch as the alcohol worked through his system, the three of you walked into the Slytherin common room. Strewn about the leather sofas and chairs were the friends who’d abandoned their mate earlier, Mattheo, Enzo, and Blaise who had joined them upon his arrival after he refused to slow down on the journey home. The lot were smirking as they observed the scene before them, which you ignored as the three of you made your way to Draco’s room. 
Setting the blonde on his bed, you breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from your forehead before removing your coat. Out of the corner of your eye you caught Theo lingering in the doorway, staring at his friend who was laying face first on the mattress.
“Do, uh, do you need any more help with him?” he asked, gesturing towards the motionless blob that was your boyfriend.
“No,” you sighed, “I’ve got it from here, Theo. Thank you for helping me get him home.” With a nod in acknowledgement he left the two of you alone, closing the door behind him. 
Sat beside him, you placed a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. He whined and wiggled further away from you on the bed.
“Draco, we have to get these clothes off of you,” you insisted, maneuvering yourself so that you could remove his shoes.
“Darling, as much as I’d love to, I am in no state for–,” Draco began before you cut him off, blushing and rolling your eyes, you swiftly set him straight.
“I meant so that you could go to sleep,” you clarified, as you unbuttoned his crisp white shirt. Much to your displeasure, he continued to lay like deadweight across the bed.
“This would go so much faster if you participated,” you pleaded, and he raised an eyebrow.
“If I participate, will you stay the night?” he bargained, eliciting a giggle as you removed his belt.
“I was already planning on staying, Dray,” you assured, and with that he suddenly found the strength to get up and remove the last of his clothes save for his undershirt and boxers. Shaking your head, you swiftly changed into one of his large jumpers and crawled into the bed beside him. 
Lifting his arm in invitation, you curled into him; legs intertwining, arms wrapped tightly around each other’s torsos, a set of silver-grey eyes bored into your own. 
“My head is spinning,” he groaned, closing his eyes to ease the nausea.
“Yes, you drank a lot apparently, that’ll happen,” you teased, earning another groan in return. Hand tangled in his hair, you massaged soothing patterns into his scalp as he hummed his approval.
“Y/N?” he asked, his hoarse voice just above a whisper.
“Hmm?” you hummed in response, blinking your eyes open to find him staring.
“Thank you for coming to get me tonight,” he began, “I’m sorry I made you go out in the cold.” Smiling, your thumb brushed along his cheekbone.
“You don’t have to thank me,” you promised, “I’m always here for you.”
“No, don’t you see? I do have to thank you,” he insisted, “because you love me even when I don’t deserve it.” There it was, the negative belief behind the outburst of emotion he had every time there were one too many drinks in his system; the thought he kept locked away deep inside his mind, when sober.
“Draco, you always deserve it, whether you believe that or not,” you assured, “now get some rest, or you're going to regret it in the morning.” 
Wetness caused his eyes to glimmer in the soft glow from the fire; he pressed the softest kiss to your forehead, before heeding your advice. Within minutes, his breathing slowed, and soft snores filled the room. Content that he was safe, asleep, and happy, you closed your eyes, prepared to follow him into the sweet embrace of slumber.
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evycloudberry · 4 months
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Hogwarts classrooms History of Magic / Astronomy / Transfiguration / Divination / Charms / Potions / Herbology / Defense Against the Dark Arts / Magical Theory / Beasts / Muggle Studies / Alchemy / Arithmancy / Music
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evycloudberry · 9 months
This is my first Draco imagine, I wrote it in a way that would let the reader some free mind choices, and to suit any year they wish (well probably not the first 2😅).
There’s no disclaimer, but if you want to be picky there are some swearings.
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Friend-ship -Draco Malfoy
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It was the final morning period, and the two of them were on their way to Snape's classroom after finishing the task of restocking and inventorying his storage room. Astrid was once again assisting Draco, who had received detention for the second time that week. His first detention had been with Mrs. Pomfrey, where he was tasked with taking care of the plants in the back greenhouse and organizing the area. Initially, he had insisted on doing it alone, as he didn't mind the solitary work. However, Astrid had convinced him otherwise with a few persuasive arguments. Today, he found her waiting for him in front of Snape's storage room, inventory list in hand. Draco decided not to argue this time and got to work. It took them the full two hours until lunch to complete the task.
Once they were done, she walked with him to the Potions class but waited outside as he handed Snape the inventory list. She overheard Snape's comment, "I am glad you have friends to stand up for. Don't take advantage of their kindness by letting them do your detention work." Draco remained silent, and as she heard his footsteps approaching, she instinctively took a few steps back, finding the stone wall suddenly fascinating.
As they walked to the Great Hall together, she spoke first, "Thank you, Draco."
"What are you thanking me for?" he asked.
"I know why you got detention today," she replied.
"I don't know what you are talking about," he retorted.
"No matter what people say, you are a great friend. That's why, maybe next time, just let them run their mouths. No one should get detention for defending their friend's honor in their absence. That's absurd, even from Snape. Also, I feel guilty when I know I am the reason you got detention."
"Now who's absurd? I didn't get detention for you," he replied, turning and continuing to walk.
"Hurry up, I am starving!"
Of course, when they arrived, everyone had already finished eating and was chattering. Astrid sat between Daphné and Theo. Daphné was engaged in conversation with some Hufflepuff girls, gossiping about some dramas that had been circulating around the school for some time now, with no concrete evidence.
"Say, Astrid, how's the storage room?" Theo asked, his gaze shifting to Draco sitting across from him. Blaise playfully dropped an arm around Draco's shoulder, smirking at Theo, clearly finding the situation amusing.
Since the beginning of the year, they had been trying to set Draco and Astrid up as a couple, claiming they would be a perfect match for each other. However, neither of them played along with the idea. Draco saw it as impractical, not viewing Astrid in a romantic light, and Astrid simply laughed it off, as she ‘had her eye on someone else’ she often said. In their first year, she may have had a minor crush on Draco, but it had long passed. Her friend, Olivia, had developed a crush on Draco unpractically at the same time. Astrid and Olivia had met on the train to Hogwarts during their first journey to the school. They had both helped Hermione and Neville search for Neville's escaped frog. During that search, they had their first encounter with Draco. Olivia had always been very open and verbal on her feelings. So when Astrid realized she might have a crush on Draco too, she dismissed those feelings, not only because her friendship with Olivia was more important, but also because she couldn't be sure of what she was feeling at the age of 11. As the years passed, Olivia's crush on Draco didn't wane, and she began referring to it as "love." She made no effort to hide her affection, but Draco consistently maintained that she was just a friend.
"Well, it looks better than it did two hours ago. Honestly, I believe Snape only assigns detentions as an opportunity to avoid doing the work himself. It's quite strenuous!" Astrid commented.
The boys laughed.
They ate a bit more before heading out. Just as they left, a voice called out to Astrid from behind. Pansy asked if they should wait, but Astrid declined, telling her friends to go ahead.
Pansy led the way, pulling Theo and Blaise to follow.
"Hey, Oliver. Everything alright?" Astrid inquired.
"Great," he replied. "Listen, I keep saying it, but the other day I’d you would not have help me, I don’t know what would would have happened! So I want to thank you properly. Would you spend some time with me on Saturday?"
Astrid blinked a few times, surprised. It wasn't the first time she had helped Oliver with some tasks, and he had done the same for her when needed. They knew they could rely on each other.
"I know it's a bit last minute and out of nowhere, so if..."
"It's okay," Astrid interrupted. "I don't have anything planned for Saturday, so sure."
"Really?" Oliver beamed. "That's fantastic! In that case, I'll wait for you at the clock tower at 4o'clock."
"Perfect, 4 o'clock on Saturday," Astrid confirmed with a warm smile.
"Oh, and just a heads up, wear some comfortable shoes," Oliver added before heading off.
Astrid happily agreed, saying, "Good, comfy shoes, noted."
She arrived on time for her History of Magic class. Professor Binns, as usual, was delivering lengthy lectures. Astrid enjoyed the class, unlike some of her friends, and was diligently taking notes. While she was in the middle of taking notes, a paper butterfly landed on her desk, catching Blaise's attention as well.
Opening the note, it asked, "Did Oliver came to talk to you?" She looked up to see Emma and Kelly, two Hufflepuff girls she didn't particularly like, staring at her.
In response, she gave them a big smile and crushed the note in her hand before returning her attention to Binns. Unfortunately, her action prompted a second note: "You said yes!? That's vile! You don't even like him!" She glanced at Emma and Kelly, who were now glaring at her.
Astrid shrugged in response to their disapproval, once again crushing the note.
The afternoon passed quickly, and Astrid spent some time studying in the library with Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Cho. Despite being in different houses, they had a strong friendship.
Once their study session was over, they walked together to dinner.
"I sometimes can't believe you're in Slytherin," Blaise remarked.
"Don't be close-minded, Blaise," Astrid replied.
"He's right, Astrid," Pansy chimed in. "I love you, but I've had my doubts too."
"Blaise, get out of Pansy's body!" Astrid teased, giving her a playful nudge.
They laughed until Astrid noticed the serious expression on Draco's face. Olivia was sitting beside him, talking about something, but he clearly wasn't listening.
"Draco?" Astrid tried to get his attention.
"Draco! Hey!" She waved her hand in front of him. He frowned at her before abruptly standing up and heading out.
"Draco?" They called out together.
"Did something happen?" Astrid inquired.
"No," they answered almost in unison
"Was he like that all day?" Theo asked.
"He actually listened in Binns' class!" he exclaimed. "Took notes and all."
"On the contrary of you, Astrid." Pointed Blaise arching an eyebrow
"That's not true, I took notes!"
"Yeah, between receiving notes," he chimed in.
Everyone around them agreed, "You people need to mind your own lives."
"Well, I am worried you won't get top marks. You're the best, and without your brain, we won't get enough points to win the cup. We can't have you distracted," Olivia expressed her concern.
"The points don't count just for me, Olivia," Astrid replied, taking a sip of water.
"What did Emma write to you anyway?" Pansy inquired.
A brief silence fell, and Pansy had to repeat the question.
"She wanted to know if Oliver had talked to me."
"Ah, that girl!" Olivia responded, sounding annoyed.
"What did Oliver talk to you about, by the way?" Theo suddenly remembered their encounter after lunch.
"I think he asked me out."
"What do you mean, you think?" Pansy asked.
"Like a date?" Blaise questioned.
"Well, he wanted to do a little gesture to thank me for all those times I helped him around... I don't know if it's a date."
Olivia beamed, her smile reaching her ears, while the others seemed unusually quiet. To Astrid's surprise.
"You said yes, right? Oh, I am so happy!" Olivia exclaimed.
Besides her glee, the mood had oddly shifted to awkwardness.
"I did," Astrid answered awkwardly, mirroring the mood, very confused.
"Oh, that's so exciting! Where is he taking you?"
"I'm not sure... he just said to wear comfy shoes."
"Oh, whoa! I guess he's going to surprise you!" Olivia's enthusiasm was contagious, but for some reason, Astrid smile, but couldn't match her glee.
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evycloudberry · 9 months
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hate to love you.
mattheo riddle x fem! reader.
enemy’s to lovers arc
- shades of cool by lana del rey
mattheo riddle was the boy everyone wanted, boys wanted to be him and the girls wanted him all to themselves but somehow he didn’t care. he was cocky, he’d flirt and flirt until he got bored and moved onto the next one. it was a game you were familiar with yet girls just kept on falling for it.
since the beginning of the year mattheo fucking riddle was a thorn in your side. you were partnered up in history of magic for the entire year. at first you were shy, he was attractive you’d admit that but he was shallow, arrogant and annoying. “oh ms. y/n” he smirked as he walked over to the table. “good morning riddle” you spat as you played with your quill. “what’s got you in a mood love” he asked as he touched your hand slightly. “mattheo you’ve got me in a mood.” you replied not looking up from the desk. “if you wanted to fuck you couldve told me a month ago” he winked at you as you rolled your eyes. “riddle i swear i will hex you so your dick won’t work. “ you twisted your body away from him.
at first he thought you were adorable, every little flirty thing he’d say your cheeks would turn red, you’d look down shyly at your shoes but now this was a game, he was obsessed with you, he didn’t understand why. he had girls lining up outside his dorm wanting him but you would push his advances away, always snapping back at his comments. you filled his mind day and night, something he was never familiar with
you were sitting in your room. it was cozy during the cold weather, a candle lit and the window open so you could hear the rain when an owl landed in your window “bloody hell” you cursed as you got up to retrieve the note.
hello beautiful, i know you don’t think you really enjoy my presence most days but i think you should come to the slytherin party tomorrow night. i won’t see you in class tomorrow so this was my formal invite to you. i hope this finds you well - riddle
he really can’t leave me alone can he? but this was very sweet, he wants me to come. you thought before quickly getting out a quill and paper.
riddle, i was already planning on coming to the party but i appreciate the very personal invite. i shall see you there but this does not mean i hate you any less. if you aren’t in class tomorrow i will spill ink in your lap on monday - y/l/n
he wasn’t in class that morning, you were heavily annoyed. after classes wrapped up you quickly gathered your things and started to get ready, you were never one to wear too revealing clothing to these events so a pair of blue jeans and a little low cut top was your go too. the plan was to maybe find your friends or maybe a cute boy but not to be under too much influence of alcohol or weed.
the party was already filled with people, the dance floor holding most of everyone. you were against the wall, cup in hand starting to feel a little woozy. “y/n” fred and george said in unison “you look absolutely gorgeous” “stunning really” they complimented you. you had to say the weasley twins were cute. “thank you” you replied lightly tapping their noses “flirt with me again and i might just have to make you mine” fred said as he leaned a bit closer to you “fred i called her first” george looked at fred with a confused look on his face. “you two are flirts ya know” you said giggling “maybe you will have to fight over me” you said.
soon you found yourself in a group off of the main crowd, sitting in the floor playing the drunk version of spin the bottle. mattheo couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. “y/n, it’s your turn babes” pansy said. “fine” you took a swig before pulling out your wand and making the bottle spin. of course with your luck it would land on mattheo. nott laughed before mattheo gave him a faint slap on the hand. “of course it would land on the most annoying man here” you spat- you couldn’t tell if it was truly anger or the fact you wanted to hate him but couldn’t.
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evycloudberry · 9 months
brown eyes - m.r
pairing: mattheo riddle x gn!reader
warnings: violence, mentions of blood, slight angst, description of an anxiety attack, ends in fluff (was going to end in angst but he deserves better)
summary: you’ve been observing mattheo through the years and only you seem to see the softer side of him
a/n: he truly has the prettiest brown eyes
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— 1st Year
You walked into the Great Hall sandwiched between all the new students walking in. Ahead of you there was a boy that stood alone as everyone tried to avoid even looking at him. He looked around uninterested but there was a glimmer of what looked like disappointment in his eyes. Both of you locked eyes and it seemed like the air had been coated in a thick layer of honey.
Everything seemed to slow down around you both until a booming voice broke you both out of the trance. He went back to looking uninterested but you were intrigued by him. You continued to look at him until you were pushed further into the crowd and away from him.
That night you learned his name was Mattheo Riddle, the son of Voldemort. The piece of information was irrelevant in your mind - to you he was his own person.
— 2nd Year
Your first year had come and gone by without you actually talking to Mattheo but you had taken to watching him from afar. It wasn’t because you were scared of him - it was more because you had noticed a pattern in his behavior. When no one wash watching him, he would do the oddest things.
He would feed the stray cats that lingered around the fountain, he would volunteer to organize the books in the library and he would converse with the paintings around the castle. You didn’t know what you had expected but it certainly wasn’t that.
What was stranger was that whenever one of his friends was around he would make a complete one eighty no longer behaving nicely. It made you more intrigued as to who he really was. Was he the kind boy you saw or was he the rude git who he presented himself as?
— 3rd Year
This year you finally shared a couple classes with him. To your surprise you were sat next to him in every single one. You hadn’t planned it but you weren’t complaining as it gave you a clearer view when you observed him.
You noticed he liked Potions class but detested History of Magic. He always drew small creatures on the side of his notes and he liked using magic to make them move to pass the time. He played with his rings when he was nervous.
Other than that this year seemed just like the rest - never able to get closer than arms length. He seemed to always keep some space between him and people outside his friend group.
— 4th year
You walked towards the train rushing through the crowds of people hoping to get a compartment for yourself. You managed to squeeze through the doors and find a lone compartment in time. You panted slightly at all the running but ultimately calmed yourself and put away your things.
You were immersed in book when you heard knocking on the door. You looked up and saw Mattheo there. You looked at him questioningly.
“Can I sit in here? All the other compartments are full and I’d really like some quiet,” he stated.
You looked at him a bit surprised before just nodding still stunned at him speaking to you. “Thanks.” He sat across from you and pulled out a book of his own. You just smiled in response and went back to reading.
“We had some classes together last year right?” he asked.
“Yeah we had quite a few together,” you replied quietly. “What did you do during the summer?” he questioned.
“Just went back home and read all summer really.” He smiled a bit before replying, “Same it’s a good distraction - reading I mean.”
“Yes it is.”
Before either of you noticed you had arrived at Hogwarts and the nice conversation quickly fizzled out at the appearance of his friends.
You were left alone in the compartment feeling cold no longer feeling the warmth of his eyes on yours.
— 5th year
You had noticed the dark bags under his eyes as soon as he first entered the Great Hall. He seemed to hide amongst his friends trying to get away from all the prying eyes. Harry Potter had claimed his father, Voldemort, was back and that he had killed Cedric Diggory. Many didn’t believe him but Mattheo’s body language was different this year.
He had gotten into so many fights this year - every little comment setting him off into a blind rage. Scars littered his body from the constant physical fights and duels he got himself into.
You were worried. Yes he would be rude and mean when his friends were around but it was never this bad. You knew you couldn’t blame his new temper on his friends this time around.
During Transfiguration you noticed his erratic behavior the moment he sat next to you. His breathing got louder until he suddenly sprung up from his seat and left the classroom. You didn’t stop to think when you got up and followed him.
When you found him he was sat in an empty classroom against a wall his head between his hands. You walked closer when you heard small sniffles leave him. You said nothing but sat next to him and held his hand.
Mattheo stiffened when he felt someone grab his hand but squeezed it when he noticed it was your hand.
The both of you sat there in silence as he calmed down. “Thanks.”
Just like that once again you found yourself left alone and yearning for his warmth.
— 6th year
Even if your previous interactions with him were short they had still been nice but this year he was completely withdrawn from everyone and everything. His eyes no longer shined during Potions and his notes were left bare of any his many creature doodles.
He seemed to never utter a word even when he was with his friends. His eyes were dull and tired as he stared out into space seeming to mentally be in another place.
Everything was getting worse at Hogwarts. Students continued to stare hatefully at Mattheo - well those brave enough the rest only scurried away scared.
During a fateful night you managed to bump into him alone at the Astrology Tower. You were about to turn away when he called out, “Stay. Please.”
You sat next to him and gazed out at the sky together. Nothing was said but the air grew thicker just like it had done during your first time meeting. You pondered whether you should speak or not before finally gaining some courage.
“I’m here. If you need to talk about anything i’m here. I don’t care about anyone else not here with us,” you uttered quietly.
He only nodded at my words but continued to gaze at the stars. There was a silent pause before he spoke. “Thank you. I need you to promise me something. When things start getting dangerous you run away, don’t stay here please.”
“What do you mean Mattheo? Is something going to happen? When?” you questioned slightly panicked.
“I can’t tell you that but just promise me that please.” He said quickly.
You agreed and that night you left first not wanting to experience the coldness that hit you after your interactions ended.
Once you arrived at your dorm you found that it was useless to run away as you still felt the emptiness when he wasn’t next to you.
— 7th year
You ran quickly through the halls of Hogwarts avoiding the many attacks of the Death Eaters surrounding you.
You had broken your promise to Mattheo. You couldn’t leave the rest of your peers to defend Hogwarts while you ran away. You didn’t want to break your promise but you would not be a coward.
You tried not to think about how the bodies on the floor were people you shared meals with, people you shared notes with.
You also tried not to think how the people attacking you could very well be people you knew and grew up with as well. How many were doing it willingly and how many were forced into it? A sudden pain shot up your spine as a spell bounced off someone and hit you. You hit the ground with a heavy thud as you screamed at the pain.
Heavy and rapid footsteps approached you as you felt arms lifting you up. Your eyelids were heavy as you tried to keep yourself awake. “Why couldn’t you just listen to me? I told you to run away,” said Mattheo as he gazed at you worriedly. He began carrying you away from the chaos into an empty corner.
“Sorry,” you slurred eyes fluttering in pain. “Stay awake come on you can’t die. Can’t you see I care for you? I’m completely bewitched by you and can’t seem to quit you even if I tried.” He started performing any healing spells he knew trying to
You chuckle a bit head spinning from the pain but it slowly dwindling as Mattheo continues healing you.
“You waited all those years to tell me?” you question. He chuckled at your response before speaking, “Sorry sweetheart it seems it took you almost dying in my arms for me to realize just how much you mattered to me.” He cups your face and kisses you softly and slowly.
As the noise and chaos around you died down you knew you were going to be okay. You gaze at each other and you notice his beautiful brown eyes are once again filled with the warmth you had missed so much.
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evycloudberry · 9 months
what’s the smell? m.r || amortentia with… mattheo riddle
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the faint scent of dried blood. you're not too sure how he manages, but you have yet to see mattheo completely bloodless. maybe it's on his knuckle, or on his nose, maybe it's days after a fight. fights he would begin and end to defend his friends, or defend you. he was a fighter as much as a lover (although only you knew how much of a lover he truly was). mattheo was loyal to a fault, a little of blood meant nothing in order to defend his loved ones' honor. specially yours. he would bleed and draw blood for you, and so he would tell you every time.
the taste of cherry sweets, only making his kisses more addicting. mattheo had a sweet tooth, it wasn't a secret to any of you. the boys would often tease him for it. as much as he acted big and scary, he would end up the day begging pansy for her secretly stashed cherry flavored gum. he wouldn't admit to it, but his love for the fruit's sweetness began with you and your enticing cherry flavored lip balm the first time you had kissed him in the darkness of the black lake.
it's the lingering smell of cigarettes smoke he leaves behind to haunt you. it's on his hands when he cups your face delicately, like you're the finest china he has ever seen and one wrong move would break you. on his clothes, when he offers you his tunic, cause merlin forbids you get sick in his presence. it's on his tongue when he kisses you like a desperate man, always leaving you wanting more, but nothing compared to his craving of you.
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evycloudberry · 9 months
This is my first Draco imagine, I wrote it in a way that would let the reader some free mind choices, and to suit any year they wish (well probably not the first 2😅).
There’s no disclaimer, but if you want to be picky there are some swearings.
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Friend-ship -Draco Malfoy
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It was the final morning period, and the two of them were on their way to Snape's classroom after finishing the task of restocking and inventorying his storage room. Astrid was once again assisting Draco, who had received detention for the second time that week. His first detention had been with Mrs. Pomfrey, where he was tasked with taking care of the plants in the back greenhouse and organizing the area. Initially, he had insisted on doing it alone, as he didn't mind the solitary work. However, Astrid had convinced him otherwise with a few persuasive arguments. Today, he found her waiting for him in front of Snape's storage room, inventory list in hand. Draco decided not to argue this time and got to work. It took them the full two hours until lunch to complete the task.
Once they were done, she walked with him to the Potions class but waited outside as he handed Snape the inventory list. She overheard Snape's comment, "I am glad you have friends to stand up for. Don't take advantage of their kindness by letting them do your detention work." Draco remained silent, and as she heard his footsteps approaching, she instinctively took a few steps back, finding the stone wall suddenly fascinating.
As they walked to the Great Hall together, she spoke first, "Thank you, Draco."
"What are you thanking me for?" he asked.
"I know why you got detention today," she replied.
"I don't know what you are talking about," he retorted.
"No matter what people say, you are a great friend. That's why, maybe next time, just let them run their mouths. No one should get detention for defending their friend's honor in their absence. That's absurd, even from Snape. Also, I feel guilty when I know I am the reason you got detention."
"Now who's absurd? I didn't get detention for you," he replied, turning and continuing to walk.
"Hurry up, I am starving!"
Of course, when they arrived, everyone had already finished eating and was chattering. Astrid sat between Daphné and Theo. Daphné was engaged in conversation with some Hufflepuff girls, gossiping about some dramas that had been circulating around the school for some time now, with no concrete evidence.
"Say, Astrid, how's the storage room?" Theo asked, his gaze shifting to Draco sitting across from him. Blaise playfully dropped an arm around Draco's shoulder, smirking at Theo, clearly finding the situation amusing.
Since the beginning of the year, they had been trying to set Draco and Astrid up as a couple, claiming they would be a perfect match for each other. However, neither of them played along with the idea. Draco saw it as impractical, not viewing Astrid in a romantic light, and Astrid simply laughed it off, as she ‘had her eye on someone else’ she often said. In their first year, she may have had a minor crush on Draco, but it had long passed. Her friend, Olivia, had developed a crush on Draco unpractically at the same time. Astrid and Olivia had met on the train to Hogwarts during their first journey to the school. They had both helped Hermione and Neville search for Neville's escaped frog. During that search, they had their first encounter with Draco. Olivia had always been very open and verbal on her feelings. So when Astrid realized she might have a crush on Draco too, she dismissed those feelings, not only because her friendship with Olivia was more important, but also because she couldn't be sure of what she was feeling at the age of 11. As the years passed, Olivia's crush on Draco didn't wane, and she began referring to it as "love." She made no effort to hide her affection, but Draco consistently maintained that she was just a friend.
"Well, it looks better than it did two hours ago. Honestly, I believe Snape only assigns detentions as an opportunity to avoid doing the work himself. It's quite strenuous!" Astrid commented.
The boys laughed.
They ate a bit more before heading out. Just as they left, a voice called out to Astrid from behind. Pansy asked if they should wait, but Astrid declined, telling her friends to go ahead.
Pansy led the way, pulling Theo and Blaise to follow.
"Hey, Oliver. Everything alright?" Astrid inquired.
"Great," he replied. "Listen, I keep saying it, but the other day I’d you would not have help me, I don’t know what would would have happened! So I want to thank you properly. Would you spend some time with me on Saturday?"
Astrid blinked a few times, surprised. It wasn't the first time she had helped Oliver with some tasks, and he had done the same for her when needed. They knew they could rely on each other.
"I know it's a bit last minute and out of nowhere, so if..."
"It's okay," Astrid interrupted. "I don't have anything planned for Saturday, so sure."
"Really?" Oliver beamed. "That's fantastic! In that case, I'll wait for you at the clock tower at 4o'clock."
"Perfect, 4 o'clock on Saturday," Astrid confirmed with a warm smile.
"Oh, and just a heads up, wear some comfortable shoes," Oliver added before heading off.
Astrid happily agreed, saying, "Good, comfy shoes, noted."
She arrived on time for her History of Magic class. Professor Binns, as usual, was delivering lengthy lectures. Astrid enjoyed the class, unlike some of her friends, and was diligently taking notes. While she was in the middle of taking notes, a paper butterfly landed on her desk, catching Blaise's attention as well.
Opening the note, it asked, "Did Oliver came to talk to you?" She looked up to see Emma and Kelly, two Hufflepuff girls she didn't particularly like, staring at her.
In response, she gave them a big smile and crushed the note in her hand before returning her attention to Binns. Unfortunately, her action prompted a second note: "You said yes!? That's vile! You don't even like him!" She glanced at Emma and Kelly, who were now glaring at her.
Astrid shrugged in response to their disapproval, once again crushing the note.
The afternoon passed quickly, and Astrid spent some time studying in the library with Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Cho. Despite being in different houses, they had a strong friendship.
Once their study session was over, they walked together to dinner.
"I sometimes can't believe you're in Slytherin," Blaise remarked.
"Don't be close-minded, Blaise," Astrid replied.
"He's right, Astrid," Pansy chimed in. "I love you, but I've had my doubts too."
"Blaise, get out of Pansy's body!" Astrid teased, giving her a playful nudge.
They laughed until Astrid noticed the serious expression on Draco's face. Olivia was sitting beside him, talking about something, but he clearly wasn't listening.
"Draco?" Astrid tried to get his attention.
"Draco! Hey!" She waved her hand in front of him. He frowned at her before abruptly standing up and heading out.
"Draco?" They called out together.
"Did something happen?" Astrid inquired.
"No," they answered almost in unison
"Was he like that all day?" Theo asked.
"He actually listened in Binns' class!" he exclaimed. "Took notes and all."
"On the contrary of you, Astrid." Pointed Blaise arching an eyebrow
"That's not true, I took notes!"
"Yeah, between receiving notes," he chimed in.
Everyone around them agreed, "You people need to mind your own lives."
"Well, I am worried you won't get top marks. You're the best, and without your brain, we won't get enough points to win the cup. We can't have you distracted," Olivia expressed her concern.
"The points don't count just for me, Olivia," Astrid replied, taking a sip of water.
"What did Emma write to you anyway?" Pansy inquired.
A brief silence fell, and Pansy had to repeat the question.
"She wanted to know if Oliver had talked to me."
"Ah, that girl!" Olivia responded, sounding annoyed.
"What did Oliver talk to you about, by the way?" Theo suddenly remembered their encounter after lunch.
"I think he asked me out."
"What do you mean, you think?" Pansy asked.
"Like a date?" Blaise questioned.
"Well, he wanted to do a little gesture to thank me for all those times I helped him around... I don't know if it's a date."
Olivia beamed, her smile reaching her ears, while the others seemed unusually quiet. To Astrid's surprise.
"You said yes, right? Oh, I am so happy!" Olivia exclaimed.
Besides her glee, the mood had oddly shifted to awkwardness.
"I did," Astrid answered awkwardly, mirroring the mood, very confused.
"Oh, that's so exciting! Where is he taking you?"
"I'm not sure... he just said to wear comfy shoes."
"Oh, whoa! I guess he's going to surprise you!" Olivia's enthusiasm was contagious, but for some reason, Astrid smile, but couldn't match her glee.
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evycloudberry · 9 months
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* note: I am writing this as (Y/N) being a fire fairy.
* note: I did not name the friends, so all readers can ‘personalize’ this story easily. They are mentioned according to their ability.
Disclaimer: swearing
Taglist: @slytherinambitious @ellatitanium @untalentedsideoffandoms
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Begin Again (Part 9)
"Talk about the devil," her brother remarked, nodding towards the figure at the entrance. "That's definitely my cue to leave!"
And he hurried off in quick footsteps.
She approached him, smiling but a bit puzzled.
"I thought I'd check on you after today's events," he began.
"That's very considerate of you, Riven. You didn't have to," she said appreciatively.
"As crazy as this is going to sound, I care. I can only imagine what happened this evening, so I had to make sure to check on you," he replied sincerely.
"That's very sweet. I am fine. Thank you for taking the time to do that, especially after the hectic day you must have had yourself. You're a good friend," she replied warmly.
He chuckled nervously. "Friend... yeah. Well, this friend saw some pretty ugly shits this evening, and thought he might just take a another big risk before the next attack. We never know, I could run out of luck."
She frowned, puzzled. "I needed to make sure you know that I will fix whatever is going on. I guess it's a fucked-up way to teach me a lesson, but I am going to fight for you. Even if all our memories together are gone from your memory, even if I get erased, I will find a way to get back to normal. Our normal... now that sounded completely insane," he laughed, and she joined in.
"It absolutely did! And to be honest, I am not sure I understand" she admitted.
"Just try to remember that I love you, (Y/N)" he blurted out.
The silence hung heavily. "Your timing is very bad" she said with a low voice.
"And technically, you love me." He added
"You don't say..." she quickly responded, she wanted out of the awkward situation, and passing him, but she stopped abruptly upon hearing his next words.
"And, icing on the cake: You and I, we are dating! Or at least, we were... it's complicated."
"I can see that." She turned to face him
"I broke up with you."
"May I ask why?" she said in a harsh tone, feeling strangely hurt by the revelation
"Honestly, I'm not even sure anymore..."
"Are you doing this because you want closure?" She questioned her heart tightening, and accelerating. But she could not understand why. Could he be telling the truth? Why couldn’t she remember?
"No! I mean, honestly, this situation is fucking confusing..."
"You're a nice guy, Riven. But communication doesn't seem to be your forte. I'm going to assume this was a drunk conversation," she concluded, then turned and left for good.
As she approached her suite, she noticed a shadow at the door.
"This might be creepy, but I was hoping to see you before turning in," Zane greeted her.
"Zane, hey. You didn't have to. Funny, someone had the same idea."
"Oh. Someone I know?"
"Let's not go down that road... it's too late for heavy conversations."
"Well, let's not talk then," he smiled, opening his arms. "Sometimes all you need is a hug. And you look like you could use one right now."
She contemplated it for a moment before accepting. It felt nice—his strong yet gentle arms, his calm and soothing heartbeat, his regular warm breath on her head. It was pleasant yet oddly unsettling. As if this comforting moment was somehow wrong. For now, she decided to push those feelings aside. She was tired, emotionally stirred by her earlier conversations: her brother's warning and Riven's strange revelations had left her feeling on edge. So, she welcomed this support.
Zane started to rub her back and then her arms slowly and tenderly. She relaxed, wrapping her arms around his waist, savoring the moment. How could this be wrong? His lips brushed against her forehead, and he gave her a gentle kiss. She shifted her body slightly, just enough to look up. Only a few inches separated their faces, their noses almost touching. His eyes admired her features, eventually moving to her lips. With no opposition from her, he leaned in.
Her mind got hazy for a moment, enjoying the softness of his lips on hers, warm and gentle. She opened her eyes and gently pushed on his torso, creating some space between them. They gazed at each other, both smiling.
She broke the silence first. "I'm sorry. We have a rule about boys staying over that prevents me from asking you to stay the night..."
"Well, we could go to my dorm? Nothing frisky, I swear. It's just that... it would be such a shame to walk away right now," he suggested.
She laughed before agreeing. Before leaving together, she slipped into her room to grab some essentials for the next day.
Note: feel free to share your thoughts!
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evycloudberry · 9 months
I am actually working on re-writing the first parts I posted, from 1 to 6. Nothing is changing events wise, I just had a few re-read of them and weren’t satisfied with their outcome grammatical.
Made it easier to find my stories:
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• Begin Again (Rivenxreader - Fates saga) - on going 🟢
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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evycloudberry · 9 months
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* note: I am writing this as (Y/N) being a fire fairy.
* note: I did not name the friends, so all readers can ‘personalize’ this story easily. They are mentioned according to their ability.
Disclaimer: swearing, mention of drinking/alcohol, mention of sexual gestures
Taglist: @slytherinambitious @ellatitanium @untalentedsideoffandoms
Back to the menu chapters
Begin Again (Part 8 )
"Hmm... Mother, I don't quite grasp this. (Y/Bro/N) and Aldrich are getting married?" She wanted to chuckle, but stress and confusion overwhelmed her laughter.
"No, child. You are."
Right then, the calm moment shattered. Stella confronted her mother, her brother argued with their mom, and her dad tried to intervene. Voices escalated, and chaos ensued.
But suddenly, she burst into hearty laughter, seeming a bit mad, yet it silenced the room.
After a sip of water and more laughter, she stood with a serious expression.
"No," she declared firmly, placing her cup back on the table. "I'm retiring to my suite. Aldrich, I apologize for your family's journey in vain. You're surely a fine man, but I'm not the girl for you. Mother, Father, these customs belong to a bygone era. Enjoy the rest of your night here, but be gone by morning. Queen Luna, it is always a pleasure meeting you." She turned towards the exit.
"Stop right there, (Y/N)!" Her mother raised her voice.
"Not this time," she replied as she left.
Her anger kept her warm in the chilly night. She discarded her ridiculous heels as she entered the building.
Inside, it was a stark contrast. People hurried about, the scent of blood and smoke filled the air. Injured individuals were being rushed to the infirmary.
She rushed back to get Stella.
Together, they reached the infirmary, searching for their friends.
(Y/N) spotted them in the crowd, helping out. Without hesitation, she joined in and they explained what had occurred. Burnt ones had breached the protection barriers and they found themselves surrounded.
She scanned the room, clearly looking for someone but without knowing who exactly, yet her instinct told her, that she needed to find a certain person.
“He’s alright” said her friend
Before she could question her, a voice came around “I am indeed”
“Zaine!” She eyed him head to toes “you alright”
“I am aware is not the time or the moment but, woah girl ! You look ravishing!”
“N/N” called a familiar voice from over the crowd
“What happened?”
“Burnt ones.. (Y/bro/N) you don’t have to be here. Mother…”
"Is not someone to be near right now. I'd rather lend a hand," he replied, eyeing Zaine suspiciously.
With everyone helping it took no time to mind the injured, and they soon got send to their chambers, once the medics declared the work manageable.
(Y/N) and her brother made their way back to her suite.
"So, you and Zaine...?" he began.
She smirked at him. "He's nice."
"Nice? Are we talking about the same person?"
"Wait, you know him? How?" She stopped in her tracks.
"Yes, we do. I mean, you probably don't remember; you were very young. His father was a good friend of the family. Father always suspected his mother of having suspicious motives, so he never fully trusted her," he explained.
"You need to be careful about him. His mom is a powerful witch, and not a sympathetic one. Also, I've never seen anyone so obsessed with someone the way he was about you. And back then, it wasn't in a healthy way."
“ What do you mean?" Panic crept into her voice.
"You two were still so young, and Mother found it cute how he'd follow you everywhere, be at your beck and call, always by your side, defending you in arguments, and things like that."
"I don't remember any of that” she said, resuming her walk.
"What's going on between you two?" he pressed.
She flushed red "Nothing... but he's a good friend. He's always kind and funny. He's nice, a good fighter too. Not as good as my friend Riven, but not too bad," she beamed.
"Ah, now! I was wondering when you'd start mentioning him," he continued.
She just smiled. "Why?"
"Last we spoke, you couldn't stop raving about the guy!" He paused. "Did you two have an argument?"
"What? Why would we? And Riven and I are just friends."
"Just friends?" His expression showed confusion and shock. He was at a loss for words.
"What happened?" he asked kindly.
"Nothing happened," she answered, not displaying any specific emotions, leaving him even more puzzled.
They walked in silence for a while. As they approached the building, he stopped her.
"(Y/N), I hope you know you can talk to me."
"I do, and I love you for that " she replied and hugged him.
"Here. You might want this back," he said as he searched his inside pocket and retrieved a thin chain with an elegant oval-shaped medallion. It was the kind of jewelry you could wear every day without worrying about matching your outfit.
"I figured I'd give it back to you in private. I know how much it means to you."
Her uncertain expression unsettled him. She took the necklace as if it were her first time seeing it.
"Thank you," she said with a smile, as her hand instinctively clutched it tightly to her chest.
They bid each other good night at a path fork.
"Talk about the devil," her brother remarked, nodding towards the figure at the entrance. "That's definitely my cue to leave!"
And he hurried off in quick footsteps.
She approached him, smiling but a bit puzzled.
"I thought I'd check on you after today's events," he began.
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evycloudberry · 9 months
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* note: I am writing this as (Y/N) being a fire fairy.
* note: I did not name the friends, so all readers can ‘personalize’ this story easily. They are mentioned according to their ability.
Disclaimer: swearing, mention of drinking/alcohol, mention of sexual gestures
Find the others part here
Taglist: @slytherinambitious @ellatitanium @untalentedsideoffandoms
Begin Again (Part 7)
On that same day, after their morning work and practice, the group rejoice at their usual lunch table.
There were conversations yet the discomfort was palpable. The girls on their way crossed Zaine, and (Y/N) happily invited him to eat with them.
Riven was on a near table with Sky, and his girlfriend Bloom, along with an earth fairy, that looked oddly familiar. But (Y/N) friends couldn’t seem to understand why she suddenly was there.
(Y/N) was completely oblivious of what was going on, she was chatting and making good conversation with Zaine, who grew increasingly touchy, rubbing her shoulder, playing with her hair, and moving strands away from her face.
She smiled even more. Mischievously. Bringing her drink to her lips, when Stella, one of Bloom’s best friend rushed over to her.
“I am sorry.. well not really. Better me than anyone to bring you this” she urged, handing her a small card, adorned with (Y/N) family’s seal.
She looked in Stella’s hands, noticing a similar card.
She quickly went serious, took her courage in both hand before opening the small card. Her face went pale.
“I guess we got the same news.. I believe our afternoon is scheduled” Stella said.
“Thank you Stella, I appreciate you bringing it..”
“Good lucks are in orders” she smile anxiously
“Absolutely.. go ahead, I’ll be a minute”
“Are you alright ?” Asked Zaine when she left
Hesitating, she turned towards the group, mustering a smile, and hummed in response.
“So, my family will be here soon.”
“Would you like us to be there?” Asked her water fairy friend
“No, I’ll managed..” she played with the card a bit before adding “actually.. I have a bad memory of our last get together.. but.. I don’t remember exactly why.. I mean I suppose it was about our usual differences..” taking a breath she got up “I need to catch up with Stella. I will see you tomorrow”
Zaine caught her hand and rubbing it gently he said “if you need to talk afterward, or during their visits because they are annoying, I am here for you”
She hesitated before thanking him and pulling her hand free.
Preparing wasn't overly difficult, but stress weighed heavily on them. She got dressed in Stella’s suit, after bringing everything she would need over.
Once downstairs and outside, they awaited the arrival of the cars. The manicured hedges, pristine path, and clear water didn't calm their racing hearts. A long red carpet was laid out, adding to the grandeur of the moment.
"It's just one day," Stella attempted to reassure.
"The card didn't provide any details."
"They may have planned activities, and perhaps your family is staying longer to spend time with you. That's rather nice of them," Stella mused.
(Y/N) side-glanced at her knowingly.
"I know, that's a stretch! I'm just hoping it won't—"
At that moment the first car pulled on the road, followed by another, and another.
“Stella who else is coming ?”
“No body! I mean I don’t know, I don’t have more information than you.. oh god”
This was worse than they would have anticipating.
(Y/N) stood a bit backwards as Stella’s family car approached. Her mother was alone, they greeted before Queen Luna approached her.
Now, (Y/N)'s family's car stopped. Her heart pounded harder, and her hands tensed. As the door opened, her brother emerged, and relief washed over her as they warmly hugged. Their father followed, extending his hand to her mother.
Her father's joviality was apparent as he embraced her before greeting Queen Luna. However, her mother's demeanor remained stern and stoic.
"Hello, Mother," (Y/N) initiated, striving to control her voice.
"Child," her mother responded dryly, then turned to Queen Luna, offering a welcoming smile and open arms.
(Y/N) couldn't tear her eyes away from the last car.
“Dad and I tried to prevent it.. but we failed” said her brother on a barely whisper voice.
A middle-aged couple emerged from the car, accompanied by a young man. She froze, eyeing Stella.
Quick greetings ensued, with the mothers leading the way, seemingly ignoring the rest of the party.
A room was cleared at the Garden globe, a room the girls did not even know existed. They had supper, and (Y/N) was glad to see her brother again. Stella and her even had a chat with the young gentleman. It was going smoothly, so smoothly that her mother stood up, for a toast. Expressing gratitude to everyone, her mother's final words left (Y/N) and Stella stunned. "This seems like the perfect time to share the news. Please, Aldrich, stand." Aldrich rose, beaming. "Starting today, I'm proud to call you a son and welcome you into our family."
(Y/N)'s gaze darted to Stella, who mirrored her confusion.
"Um, Mother, I'm a bit lost. Are (Y/Bro/N) and Aldrich to be wed ?" (Y/N) almost laughed, the absurdity a mix of stress and confusion.
"No, my dear. You are."
In that instant, the calm shattered, and turmoil took over the moment.
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evycloudberry · 9 months
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* note: I am writing this as (Y/N) being a fire fairy.
* note: I did not name the friends, so all readers can ‘personalize’ this story easily. They are mentioned according to their ability.
Disclaimer: swearing, mention of drinking/alcohol, mention of sexual gestures
Taglist: @slytherinambitious @ellatitanium @untalentedsideoffandoms
Back to the menu chapters
Begin Again (Part 8 )
"Hmm... Mother, I don't quite grasp this. (Y/Bro/N) and Aldrich are getting married?" She wanted to chuckle, but stress and confusion overwhelmed her laughter.
"No, child. You are."
Right then, the calm moment shattered. Stella confronted her mother, her brother argued with their mom, and her dad tried to intervene. Voices escalated, and chaos ensued.
But suddenly, she burst into hearty laughter, seeming a bit mad, yet it silenced the room.
After a sip of water and more laughter, she stood with a serious expression.
"No," she declared firmly, placing her cup back on the table. "I'm retiring to my suite. Aldrich, I apologize for your family's journey in vain. You're surely a fine man, but I'm not the girl for you. Mother, Father, these customs belong to a bygone era. Enjoy the rest of your night here, but be gone by morning. Queen Luna, it is always a pleasure meeting you." She turned towards the exit.
"Stop right there, (Y/N)!" Her mother raised her voice.
"Not this time," she replied as she left.
Her anger kept her warm in the chilly night. She discarded her ridiculous heels as she entered the building.
Inside, it was a stark contrast. People hurried about, the scent of blood and smoke filled the air. Injured individuals were being rushed to the infirmary.
She rushed back to get Stella.
Together, they reached the infirmary, searching for their friends.
(Y/N) spotted them in the crowd, helping out. Without hesitation, she joined in and they explained what had occurred. Burnt ones had breached the protection barriers and they found themselves surrounded.
She scanned the room, clearly looking for someone but without knowing who exactly, yet her instinct told her, that she needed to find a certain person.
“He’s alright” said her friend
Before she could question her, a voice came around “I am indeed”
“Zaine!” She eyed him head to toes “you alright”
“I am aware is not the time or the moment but, woah girl ! You look ravishing!”
“N/N” called a familiar voice from over the crowd
“What happened?”
“Burnt ones.. (Y/bro/N) you don’t have to be here. Mother…”
"Is not someone to be near right now. I'd rather lend a hand," he replied, eyeing Zaine suspiciously.
With everyone helping it took no time to mind the injured, and they soon got send to their chambers, once the medics declared the work manageable.
(Y/N) and her brother made their way back to her suite.
"So, you and Zaine...?" he began.
She smirked at him. "He's nice."
"Nice? Are we talking about the same person?"
"Wait, you know him? How?" She stopped in her tracks.
"Yes, we do. I mean, you probably don't remember; you were very young. His father was a good friend of the family. Father always suspected his mother of having suspicious motives, so he never fully trusted her," he explained.
"You need to be careful about him. His mom is a powerful witch, and not a sympathetic one. Also, I've never seen anyone so obsessed with someone the way he was about you. And back then, it wasn't in a healthy way."
“ What do you mean?" Panic crept into her voice.
"You two were still so young, and Mother found it cute how he'd follow you everywhere, be at your beck and call, always by your side, defending you in arguments, and things like that. But when no one was looking he did some shady and ugly tricks to get what he wanted.. never really thinking about consequences.."
"I don't remember any of that” she said, resuming her walk.
"What's going on between you two?" he pressed.
She flushed red "Nothing... but he's a good friend. He's always kind and funny. He's nice, a good fighter too. Not as good as my friend Riven, but not too bad," she beamed.
"Ah, now! I was wondering when you'd start mentioning him," he continued.
She just smiled. "Why?"
"Last we spoke, you couldn't stop raving about the guy!" He paused. "Did you two have an argument?"
"What? Why would we? And Riven and I are just friends."
"Just friends?" His expression showed confusion and shock. He was at a loss for words.
"What happened?" he asked kindly.
"Nothing happened," she answered, not displaying any specific emotions, leaving him even more puzzled.
They walked in silence for a while. As they approached the building, he stopped her.
"(Y/N), I hope you know you can talk to me."
"I do, and I love you for that " she replied and hugged him.
"Here. You might want this back," he said as he searched his inside pocket and retrieved a thin chain with an elegant oval-shaped medallion. It was the kind of jewelry you could wear every day without worrying about matching your outfit.
"I figured I'd give it back to you in private. I know how much it means to you."
Her uncertain expression unsettled him. She took the necklace as if it were her first time seeing it.
"Thank you," she said with a smile, as her hand instinctively clutched it tightly to her chest.
They bid each other good night at a path fork.
"Talk about the devil," her brother remarked, nodding towards the figure at the entrance. "That's definitely my cue to leave!"
And he hurried off in quick footsteps.
She approached him, smiling but a bit puzzled.
"I thought I'd check on you after today's events," he began.
Part 9
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evycloudberry · 9 months
Sorry it too so long, I am back at it, here is part 7 !
Made it easier to find my stories:
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• Begin Again (Riven x reader - Fates saga) - on going🟢
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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evycloudberry · 9 months
some “break a sweat” news…
hi friends! i’m excited to share that starting september 5th i’m going to be reworking “break a sweat” into a bigger, multi-chaptered fic!!!
“break a sweat” is truly my baby. it’s always been my favorite fic to work on, and bash is my favorite characterization of sebastian. it’s also my most-read fic and the one i’m asked to continue most often.
(aaaaaand it’s a sport fic, which has been a throughline in my writing for many years 💛)
i’ve been wanting to write a longfic but struggled to find an idea that excited me. turns out, i’ve had one right in front of me this whole time!
what this means for the fic: starting on the 5th, i’ll archive old chapters and post a brand-new prologue and first chapter. i’ll be using existing content throughout, but if i post a chapter using “old” scenes, i’ll make sure to share plenty new moments as well!
the plan will then be to post weekly.
is this nuts??? who knows! but i’m very very very excited to write more bash ✨
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evycloudberry · 9 months
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* note: I am writing this as (Y/N) being a fire fairy.
* note: I did not name the friends, so all readers can ‘personalize’ this story easily. They are mentioned according to their ability.
Disclaimer: swearing, mention of drinking/alcohol, mention of sexual gestures
Find the others part here
Taglist: @slytherinambitious @ellatitanium @untalentedsideoffandoms
Begin Again (Part 7)
On that same day, after their morning work and practice, the group rejoice at their usual lunch table.
There were conversations yet the discomfort was palpable. The girls on their way crossed Zaine, and (Y/N) happily invited him to eat with them.
Riven was on a near table with Sky, and his girlfriend Bloom, along with an earth fairy, that looked oddly familiar. But (Y/N) friends couldn’t seem to understand why she suddenly was there.
(Y/N) was completely oblivious of what was going on, she was chatting and making good conversation with Zaine, who grew increasingly touchy, rubbing her shoulder, playing with her hair, and moving strands away from her face.
She smiled even more. Mischievously. Bringing her drink to her lips, when Stella, one of Bloom’s best friend rushed over to her.
“I am sorry.. well not really. Better me than anyone to bring you this” she urged, handing her a small card, adorned with (Y/N) family’s seal.
She looked in Stella’s hands, noticing a similar card.
She quickly went serious, took her courage in both hand before opening the small card. Her face went pale.
“I guess we got the same news.. I believe our afternoon is scheduled” Stella said.
“Thank you Stella, I appreciate you bringing it..”
“Good lucks are in orders” she smile anxiously
“Absolutely.. go ahead, I’ll be a minute”
“Are you alright ?” Asked Zaine when she left
Hesitating, she turned towards the group, mustering a smile, and hummed in response.
“So, my family will be here soon.”
“Would you like us to be there?” Asked her water fairy friend
“No, I’ll managed..” she played with the card a bit before adding “actually.. I have a bad memory of our last get together.. but.. I don’t remember exactly why.. I mean I suppose it was about our usual differences..” taking a breath she got up “I need to catch up with Stella. I will see you tomorrow”
Zaine caught her hand and rubbing it gently he said “if you need to talk afterward, or during their visits because they are annoying, I am here for you”
She hesitated before thanking him and pulling her hand free.
Preparing wasn't overly difficult, but stress weighed heavily on them. She got dressed in Stella’s suit, after bringing everything she would need over.
Once downstairs and outside, they awaited the arrival of the cars. The manicured hedges, pristine path, and clear water didn't calm their racing hearts. A long red carpet was laid out, adding to the grandeur of the moment.
"It's just one day," Stella attempted to reassure.
"The card didn't provide any details."
"They may have planned activities, and perhaps your family is staying longer to spend time with you. That's rather nice of them," Stella mused.
(Y/N) side-glanced at her knowingly.
"I know, that's a stretch! I'm just hoping it won't—"
At that moment the first car pulled on the road, followed by another, and another.
“Stella who else is coming ?”
“No body! I mean I don’t know, I don’t have more information than you.. oh god”
This was worse than they would have anticipating.
(Y/N) stood a bit backwards as Stella’s family car approached. Her mother was alone, they greeted before Queen Luna approached her.
Now, (Y/N)'s family's car stopped. Her heart pounded harder, and her hands tensed. As the door opened, her brother emerged, and relief washed over her as they warmly hugged. Their father followed, extending his hand to her mother.
Her father's joviality was apparent as he embraced her before greeting Queen Luna. However, her mother's demeanor remained stern and stoic.
"Hello, Mother," (Y/N) initiated, striving to control her voice.
"Child," her mother responded dryly, then turned to Queen Luna, offering a welcoming smile and open arms.
(Y/N) couldn't tear her eyes away from the last car.
“Dad and I tried to prevent it.. but we failed” said her brother on a barely whisper voice.
A middle-aged couple emerged from the car, accompanied by a young man. She froze, eyeing Stella.
Quick greetings ensued, with the mothers leading the way, seemingly ignoring the rest of the party.
A room was cleared at the Garden globe, a room the girls did not even know existed. They had supper, and (Y/N) was glad to see her brother again. Stella and her even had a chat with the young gentleman. It was going smoothly, so smoothly that her mother stood up, for a toast. Expressing gratitude to everyone, her mother's final words left (Y/N) and Stella stunned. "This seems like the perfect time to share the news. Please, Aldrich, stand." Aldrich rose, beaming. "Starting today, I'm proud to call you a son and welcome you into our family."
(Y/N)'s gaze darted to Stella, who mirrored her confusion.
"Um, Mother, I'm a bit lost. Are (Y/Bro/N) and Aldrich to be wed ?" (Y/N) almost laughed, the absurdity a mix of stress and confusion.
"No, my dear. You are."
In that instant, the calm shattered, and turmoil took over the moment.
Part 8
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evycloudberry · 9 months
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The wind took a look at this dead looking guy rising from his water grave and really said: you’re my friend now. Which, fair, we all kind of did.
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