#fire rairy x riven
evycloudberry · 9 months
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* note: I am writing this as (Y/N) being a fire fairy.
* note: I did not name the friends, so all readers can ‘personalize’ this story easily. They are mentioned according to their ability.
Disclaimer: swearing
Taglist: @slytherinambitious @ellatitanium @untalentedsideoffandoms
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Begin Again (Part 9)
"Talk about the devil," her brother remarked, nodding towards the figure at the entrance. "That's definitely my cue to leave!"
And he hurried off in quick footsteps.
She approached him, smiling but a bit puzzled.
"I thought I'd check on you after today's events," he began.
"That's very considerate of you, Riven. You didn't have to," she said appreciatively.
"As crazy as this is going to sound, I care. I can only imagine what happened this evening, so I had to make sure to check on you," he replied sincerely.
"That's very sweet. I am fine. Thank you for taking the time to do that, especially after the hectic day you must have had yourself. You're a good friend," she replied warmly.
He chuckled nervously. "Friend... yeah. Well, this friend saw some pretty ugly shits this evening, and thought he might just take a another big risk before the next attack. We never know, I could run out of luck."
She frowned, puzzled. "I needed to make sure you know that I will fix whatever is going on. I guess it's a fucked-up way to teach me a lesson, but I am going to fight for you. Even if all our memories together are gone from your memory, even if I get erased, I will find a way to get back to normal. Our normal... now that sounded completely insane," he laughed, and she joined in.
"It absolutely did! And to be honest, I am not sure I understand" she admitted.
"Just try to remember that I love you, (Y/N)" he blurted out.
The silence hung heavily. "Your timing is very bad" she said with a low voice.
"And technically, you love me." He added
"You don't say..." she quickly responded, she wanted out of the awkward situation, and passing him, but she stopped abruptly upon hearing his next words.
"And, icing on the cake: You and I, we are dating! Or at least, we were... it's complicated."
"I can see that." She turned to face him
"I broke up with you."
"May I ask why?" she said in a harsh tone, feeling strangely hurt by the revelation
"Honestly, I'm not even sure anymore..."
"Are you doing this because you want closure?" She questioned her heart tightening, and accelerating. But she could not understand why. Could he be telling the truth? Why couldn’t she remember?
"No! I mean, honestly, this situation is fucking confusing..."
"You're a nice guy, Riven. But communication doesn't seem to be your forte. I'm going to assume this was a drunk conversation," she concluded, then turned and left for good.
As she approached her suite, she noticed a shadow at the door.
"This might be creepy, but I was hoping to see you before turning in," Zane greeted her.
"Zane, hey. You didn't have to. Funny, someone had the same idea."
"Oh. Someone I know?"
"Let's not go down that road... it's too late for heavy conversations."
"Well, let's not talk then," he smiled, opening his arms. "Sometimes all you need is a hug. And you look like you could use one right now."
She contemplated it for a moment before accepting. It felt nice—his strong yet gentle arms, his calm and soothing heartbeat, his regular warm breath on her head. It was pleasant yet oddly unsettling. As if this comforting moment was somehow wrong. For now, she decided to push those feelings aside. She was tired, emotionally stirred by her earlier conversations: her brother's warning and Riven's strange revelations had left her feeling on edge. So, she welcomed this support.
Zane started to rub her back and then her arms slowly and tenderly. She relaxed, wrapping her arms around his waist, savoring the moment. How could this be wrong? His lips brushed against her forehead, and he gave her a gentle kiss. She shifted her body slightly, just enough to look up. Only a few inches separated their faces, their noses almost touching. His eyes admired her features, eventually moving to her lips. With no opposition from her, he leaned in.
Her mind got hazy for a moment, enjoying the softness of his lips on hers, warm and gentle. She opened her eyes and gently pushed on his torso, creating some space between them. They gazed at each other, both smiling.
She broke the silence first. "I'm sorry. We have a rule about boys staying over that prevents me from asking you to stay the night..."
"Well, we could go to my dorm? Nothing frisky, I swear. It's just that... it would be such a shame to walk away right now," he suggested.
She laughed before agreeing. Before leaving together, she slipped into her room to grab some essentials for the next day.
Note: feel free to share your thoughts!
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