faceless-words · 3 years
[What’s the rush?]
Months spent, years lost
several ages of humankind,
Turned to dust.
Searching the meaning
In meaninglessness
Seeking the purpose
In pointless existence.
In the grand universe
Though a tiny particle
Striving to leave a mark
On the earth's chronicle
That's Its own way
of attaining immortality
Conquering the fear of death
And Converging to eternity
But shortsighted as you are,
Didn't stop to think
That writing on the sand
Could be erased in a blink
Could be that your life,
Is one beautiful accident
You shine for a moment,
You exist, and that is the point.
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faceless-words · 3 years
Pain Of A Broken Heart♡
Where do all these broken hearts go?
Do they wither away
Like a colorful rose
plucked away from his home
Or become sharp like a broken glass
That can tear your skin apart
Are they somewhere
Hiding from the world, healing?
Are they lost
In a permanent state of mourning?
Or have they stopped beating
Left in a cold wooden box
In an open graveyard
For others to see
As an emblem of tragic love
Or are they the wanderers
Sitting on an unknown grave
Crying for a stranger
For a broken heart knows
The pain of thousand deaths
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faceless-words · 3 years
Come with me into the woods
Where the sky's fogged with clouds
And I'll show you millions of stars
In the deepest parts of the ocean
I'll show you what is air
Close your eyes, shut your mind
I'll show you how it feels to live a dream
Away from the harsh rays of sun
Where all floating dandelions have gone
Will you come with me?
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faceless-words · 3 years
You are right my lady
I'm no one's judge or jury
I lack a heart to know your beauty
Nor am I a commander of truth
What do I say; what do I do?
When I'm just your eyes
Reflected back at you.
Mirror, mirror on the wall;
Save your breath, save your words;
What makes you my judge and jury;
You see an image, not my beauty.
Whoever says mirrors don't lie,
When your very reflection is inverted.
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faceless-words · 3 years
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faceless-words · 3 years
Mirror, mirror on the wall;
Save your breath, save your words;
What makes you my judge and jury;
You see an image, not my beauty.
Whoever says mirrors don't lie,
When your very reflection is inverted.
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faceless-words · 3 years
[What’s the rush?]
Months spent, years lost
several ages of humankind,
Turned to dust.
Searching the meaning
In meaninglessness
Seeking the purpose
In pointless existence.
In the grand universe
Though a tiny particle
Striving to leave a mark
On the earth's chronicle
That's Its own way
of attaining immortality
Conquering the fear of death
And Converging to eternity
But shortsighted as you are,
Didn't stop to think
That writing on the sand
Could be erased in a blink
Could be that your life,
Is one beautiful accident
You shine for a moment,
You exist, and that is the point.
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faceless-words · 3 years
It doesn't matter how hard you try.
You glue them together or tie them in a knot or hold onto them for dear life;
There'll be always something that's left behind; that becomes the ghost of the past.
I feel like that ghost sometimes, desperately gasping for that one breath of life.
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faceless-words · 3 years
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faceless-words · 3 years
You patched yourself up
With little pieces of me
But can't you really see
It has left me empty
The daunting hollowness
Eating me from inside
Yet your eyes taunt
I must be guilty
What's so additive
About the pain and the heartache
That I couldn't step aside
Until pushed to the edge
I couldn't leave your side
The millions of seconds
It took me to realise
The best of your moments
Are the worst of my life
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faceless-words · 3 years
[a better place]
I like it here
I like the tranquility
The soft glow of moon
And the hidden reality
I like the coolness of
Passing breeze on my skin
And the sound of leaves
Dancing along with it
I like the stars in this world
They don't mock me
Glancing down from their heaven
Here, they watch me
With a knowing smile
As if something good is to happen.
I like this place
I just don't know
How to hold onto it.
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faceless-words · 3 years
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faceless-words · 3 years
When I'm staring at the stars
At night
My dreams come alive
As if the million tiny lights
Are holding a mirror to my mind
At times
I let myself wander those streets
it's a different world alright
And In my haze of midnight
I hold my fist tight
I won't let it slip this time
not this time
But as the earth glows in light
And the darkness goes to hide
forcing me out of the world
I painted with my mind
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faceless-words · 4 years
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faceless-words · 4 years
What can I do for you..
What can I do for you?
Shall I put on my happy mask,
Wear a charming persona
Draw a curved line with my lips?
I can entertain you
Celebrate your day
Won't let a frown
Appear on your face.
I'll ignore the dread filling my heart
Like a shadow in the dark
I'll change the colour of my soul
So it could reflect the light of your own
I can pretend the world is pink
And I'm a person, who's living her dream
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faceless-words · 4 years
It's flooding
All over
The city's sinking
I'm drowning
For the waves
To calm down
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faceless-words · 4 years
You are the cruelest of them all
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