faistfics · 3 years
New Dodge fic for ya'll!
Part 1
Word count: 3.1k
Genre/tropes: whump + enemies to lovers
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‘’Dodge!’’ I yell. The rain is pouring and I see him walking across the street without an umbrella. What is he doing?
He turns to look at me but doesn’t stop walking.
‘’Hey! What are you doing out here?’’ I’m standing in the doorway of my house watching him. When he doesn’t react I yell again.
‘’Dodge, get over here!’’ At this point I feel my voice crack before I say ‘’Come on, please!’’
He turns his head again and I can see him hesitate before jogging over to me.
Once he’s at the door I rush him inside.
‘’Are you crazy? Oh god, you’re soaked.’’ I scold him, closing the door behind us.
Once he’s inside I look at him and his face turns away from me. His hair and clothes are completely soaked.
‘’I’m fine.’’ He mutters.
I examine him closer but he hides his face from me.
‘’Dodge, what happened?’’ I ask slowly.
‘’Nothing, okay? Thank you for inviting me in but i really don’t need your help.’’
I stiffen at his words but shake it off because he’s obviously upset.
I step closer to him and manage to get a look at his face. I take my hand and cup his cheek, lifting his head up, revealing a bruise on his eye a cut on his brow. His nose is bleeding too and I let out a deep sigh.
‘’It’s nothing.’’ He says, turning his head away from my hand.
‘’Dodge, who did this to you?’’ I ask softly.
He finally meets my eyes and gives me an empty stare.
‘’Who do you think it was?’’ He almost snaps at me.
I think for a second before realizing. ‘’Oh, I knew it.’’ I say, shaking my head, feeling the frustration boil up inside of me.
‘’That’s it, I’m calling Ray. Things can’t go on like this.’’ I go to get my phone but he stops me by grabbing my arm.
‘’No, stop it.’’ He says sternly. ‘’This is exactly why I didn’t want to come in here or tell you anything. Listen, I  know you think your boyfriend is a nice guy or whatever but he’s an asshole. And you choose to act like you don’t see it.’’ He says it like he’s been wanting to say it for a long time. ‘’You calling him is the last thing i need.’’
I frown as he lets go of my arm. ‘’Don’t talk about him that way.’’ I say slowly. ‘’I know what you think about me, okay? You think I’m just some privileged princess who peaked in high school or whatever cliche bullshit you’ve reduced me to and I know you think you’re better than all of us,’’ I say keeping my voice steady, ‘’but you don’t know anything about me. And this little angsty loner act isn’t a good look on you, so I’d think about checking your superiority complex before you judge anyone else because I was nice enough to invite you inside so you wouldn’t freeze to death out in the rain, so would it kill you to be nice back just for a minute?’ I wasn’t expecting to go off like that but I had to say something.
He looks at me for a minute before letting out a laugh.
I raise my brows at him in further annoyance.
‘’Wow.’’ He says looking at me, an almost amused look on his face.
‘’Angsty loner?’’ He repeats my description of him. ‘’Superiority complex? I mean you really got me all figured out, don’t you?’’
‘’Listen, I don’t dislike you, Dodge.’’ I tell him. ‘’I don’t know what happened tonight with you and Ray, but I’m sorry it did. It’s not okay. Let me help you.’’ I say in a calm tone. ‘’Now, why don’t you get out of those clothes, you must be freezing.’’
He scoffs but doesn’t object.
‘’You know, you are such a hypocrite.’’ He says, pulling his sweater off over his head.
‘’Excuse me?’’ I say.
‘’You snap at me for stereotyping you but then you just do the same thing to me.’’
‘’I was doing it to prove a point. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. We work together, we went to school together, that’s it. What do i know about you other than your last name?’’
‘’You know why I was in that fight tonight.’’
‘’What are you talking about?’’
‘’Oh, please.’’ he says, rolling his eyes. ‘’Ray’s convinced there’s something going on between us. You and me, as if that would ever happen.’’
I look at him stunned. ‘’What?‘’ I ask, confused.
‘’Yeah. He told me he doesn’t like ‘how much time we’re spending together’ and the way I was ‘looking at his girl’.’’
‘’We work together!’’ I yell in disbelief.
‘’Well I know that but your insecure boyfriend doesn’t seem to.’’
‘’Are you kidding me right now?’’ I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head.
He shrugs, tossing his sweater on the floor. I look away, trying not to stare at him. I reach into the little cupboard by the bathroom and hand him a towel.
‘’Listen, Dodge, I’m sorry.’’ I say, ‘’I’ll talk to him.’’
‘’I just told you not to do that.’’ He says, drying his hair.
‘’Well what am I supposed to do?’’ I ask, frustrated. ‘’He should know there’s nothing going on.’’
‘’Why? It’s more exciting this way.’’ He says as another amused smile grazes his expression.
I roll my eyes and stand up to go get him some fresh clothes.
I grab a sweatshirt and some pajama pants for him to change into.
When I come back into the room, Dodge is only in his boxers. I refrain from looking at him while passing him the clothes, before retreating to the kitchen and putting on some hot water.
‘’These Ray’s?’’ He teases while pulling the sweatshirt on.
‘’No,’’ I respond, ‘’they’re my brother’s.’’
Once he’s dressed he joins me in the kitchen, taking a seat at the counter.
I turn up the heat on the stove.
‘’Hm, I assumed you’d have people for that.’’ He teases.
‘’Just because my family is well off doesn’t mean I’m some sort of spoiled kid. And besides, I like doing it myself.’’
‘’Must be nice.’’ He mutters.
‘’So, where is this ‘well off family’ of yours anyway?’’ He asks, resting his elbows on the counter.
‘’My parents are away on business.’’ I respond shortly.
‘’What about your brother?’’ He asks and I stiffen.
‘’He’s not really around anymore.’’ I say slowly.
‘’Is it true that he won Panic a few years back?’’
I find myself thinking of a way to avoid the subject.
‘’Um, yeah. He did. He kind of disappeared right after that, though. No goodbye or anything. I don’t really like to talk about it.’’
I think about my brother. I think about the call I received from him two months ago that made me suddenly decide to play Panic. That left me with no choice but to win…
He notices my discomfort and changes the subject. ’’Your dad’s that real estate guy, right?’’
‘’You know it’s funny, I think your boyfriend was beating the shit out of me right next to a bench with your dad’s face on it tonight.’’
‘’God, you’re an idiot.’’ I say with a small laugh. ‘’Let’s get you cleaned up.’’ I reach for the first aid kit from the drawer and walk over to his side of the counter.
‘’You don’t need to do that.’’ He says.
‘’Seriously, can’t you relax for once? Would it kill you to accept my help?’’ He’s not much less stubborn at the diner, keeping his distance and trying to get everything done by himself, as if we’re not supposed to be coworkers.
He stiffens up a bit but doesn’t protest anymore.
I wet a cloth with some alcohol. ‘’Since I’m sure this isn’t your first rodeo, I don’t have to warn you this’ll sting a little.’’ I say, dabbing it over the cut above his eye.
It surprises me when he flinches and grabs my wrist. I give him a look and he lets go slowly, allowing me to continue.
‘’Not so tough now, are you?’’ I tease.
‘’Hey, I’m not the type of guy who goes out looking for trouble every night.’’ He says. ‘’So, not your type of guy.’’
I roll my eyes once again as a smile tugs at his lips.
‘’Well you’re sure not opposed to it, though, are you? I saw what happened at the last challenge. Thank god the cops came because you weren’t about to go easy on Ray.’’ I say, recalling the events of last weekend. There’s already been two challenges of Panic and the last one was cut short so no one has been eliminated yet. I eye Dodge closely. Right now, he’s one of the people who are in the lead.
‘’He fucking asked for it. I almost died up there.’’ He says, referring to the incident of Ray’s sabotage when it was Dodge’s turn to do the challenge.
‘’What do you think is gonna happen?’’ I ask in a more serious tone, referring to Panic.
‘’Don’t know.’’ he responds. ‘’You worried?’’
‘’Well…’’ I hesitate. ‘’I mean, I didn’t get to do the challenge before the cops came, which means I didn’t get any points. And I don’t wanna get eliminated or whatever, I just really…need to win.’’ I say slowly, cleaning his cut carefully.
I can see him suppressing an eye roll.
‘’You need to win, huh? What, did daddy cut you off?’’ He mocks.
I shake my head. ‘’I don’t want to talk about it.’’
‘’Some of us actually need the money.’’ He mutters.
‘’Hey, you know what? I need that money just as much as you do. Why do you think I’m working a summer job? And for someone who just moved here and is barely eligible to play the game, you’ve got a lot of nerve passing judgement.’’ I say, annoyed, throwing the cloth away.
‘’The rules say all graduating seniors get to play.’’ He states.
‘’Yeah but not all deserve to.’’ I snap.
‘’Oh and you think, what? Huh? That Ray Hall deserves to win that money? I bet he promised to split it with you, be your partner. Well, I hate to tell you this but he doesn’t care about you. Him and Tyler have got it all worked out and they’re playing dirty. Might wanna change your strategy.’’
‘’How would you know that?’’ I ask, not knowing how to react.
‘’Because tonight wasn’t just because of you, it was about panic.’’ He says.
I raise my eyebrows at him.
‘’With Tyler in the lead, he’s got a better chance at winning than most of us do right now. They’re splitting the money. Ray’s taking his best bet. They tried to get me to join their alliance because they know I’m the one to beat. When I refused they thought their only other option was to mess me up so bad I couldn’t play.’’ He explains.
I’m not sure how to respond. Would Ray really do that to me? It makes sense and why would Dodge be lying? I don’t know what to believe, but either way, should I really be taking that chance?
I give Dodge a look as an idea comes to my mind.
‘’Dodge, you’re going to be my partner.’’ I say.
He chuckles. ‘’In your dreams.’’
‘’Face it.’’ I say. ‘’with Tyler and Ray together, your chances of winning are slim. But not if you have me telling you their strategies. He’s stringing me along so I’ll know what moves he’s going to make.’’
Sure, Ray is my boyfriend. But I’m not about to sit around and let him go behind my back to win. I’ve got to play the game.
He gives me an uncertain look.
I stick out my hand. ‘’And we’ll split the money 60-40%.’’
He smiles at the corner or his mouth, his dimples showing.
‘’Deal.’’ he says, taking my hand.
‘’So what do you need the money for?’’ He asks after a pause. I walk back over to the stove and take the kettle off.
‘’What do you need the money for?’’ I return the question.
He doesn’t say anything.
‘’I mean, we work together, Dodge, and yet, I think this might be the longest conversation we’ve ever had.’’ I say, pouring hot water into two ceramic mugs. ‘’Tell me something about yourself.’’
‘’I want to get out of here.’’ He says.
‘’Don’t we all?’’ I let the teabags soak in the water and turn around to look at him.
‘’You’re telling me you wanna leave all this behind? Your perfect life here in Carp? With your perfect boyfriend and your perfect friends?’’
I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his shallow description of my life.
‘’High school is over.’’ I say with a shrug. ‘’Sure, I’m happy, but I can’t stay here forever.’’
‘’What about Ray?’’
‘’Ray’s far from perfect.’’ I say with a small smile.
‘’Oh, really?’’ He raises his eyebrows in amusement.
‘’Yes, really. But I care about him. And he cares about me.’’
‘’You sound so sure.’’ He mutters.
‘’And what makes you think he doesn’t?’’
‘’I just don’t think he deserves a girl like you.’’
He catches me by surprise. ‘’Oh and what kind of a girl am I, exactly?’’
‘’I don’t know, you’re just a better person than him.’’
‘’I’m flattered.’’ I say, sarcastically, but there’s a hint of something in his voice I can’t quite figure out.
‘’I just don’t think a guy like that knows how to treat a girl like you.’’
‘’You know nothing about my relationship. Ray treats me well.’’
‘’What about Panic?’’
‘’It’s just a stupid game. Everyone’s trying to win and if I expected anyone to play dirty, it was Ray.’’
‘’Do you love him?’’ He asks, all of a sudden.
‘’I...’’ I pause, not knowing how to respond. ‘’That is none of your business.’’
‘’Yeah, but do you?’’ His eyes fixate on me.
‘’Why do you care?’’ I ask.
‘’I don’t know. The kitchen light is making you look awfully beautiful. I was just wondering.’’ He says, seemingly out of it.
‘’Are you joking?’’
‘’It’s probably just the concussion talking. You don’t usually look like that, do you? I mean not that I’ve ever seen you outside of your uniform. This is the first time. You got an icepack?’’ His rambling catches me off guard.
I nod slowly and grab some ice from the freezer, handing it to him.
‘’How come you never talk to anyone?’’ I ask.
‘’Got nothing to say.’’ He puts the icepack over his eye.
I place his mug in front of him, the teabag sinking inside it.
‘’Thanks,’’ He says, going to pick it up.
‘’Careful,’’ I warn, ‘’it’s hot.’’
‘’I can handle it.’’ He says, proceeding to burn his tongue on the warm beverage.
‘’You sure are stubborn.’’ I say, setting my own mug on the counter.
‘’I should go. After this. After this, I should go.’’ He says, hastily.
‘’Okay.’’ I say. ‘’It’s still raining.’’
‘’You can stay if you need to.’’ I offer.
He looks at me and there’s a distracted expression on his face. ’’No.’’
‘’You sure?’’
‘’Finish your tea.’’ I say, nodding towards the mug.
‘’I prefer coffee.’’ He blurts.
‘’You said you wanted me to tell you something about myself. Well, there it is. I like coffee.’’
‘’Do you want me to make you some coffee?’’ I ask, noticing he’s more relaxed now.
‘’No, don’t.’’ He quickly declines.
‘’It’s really not a problem, I mean if I had known I would’ve-‘’
‘’No, I don’t want you to make coffee.’’ He cuts me off.
‘’Why?’’ I raise my eyebrows at him.
‘’Because I’ve never met anyone who knows how to make good coffee. I can’t drink it when other people make it. Like, not even at cafes and stuff. It’s terrible.’’
‘’You are so weird.’’ I say. ‘’Here, why don’t you make it, then?’’
‘’We’re drinking tea.’’ He says.
‘’Okay, so we’ll have coffee too. The night is young.’’
‘’You’re the only person I know who drinks tea.’’ He tells me and I scoff.
‘’Yeah. Does Ray drink tea?’’
‘’Will you leave Ray alone? No, he doesn’t drink tea.’’ I shake my head.
‘’So tell me something about you, now.’’ He leans on the counter, staring at me.
‘’Like what?’’
‘’I don’t know, how do you take your coffee?’’
‘’With cream and sugar.’’ I answer.
‘’No.’’ He says.
I give him a confused look. ’’What do you mean ‘no’?’’
‘’Listen to me, if you don’t drink your coffee black, you don’t drink coffee. I’m making you a black coffee.’’ He says, getting up from his chair.
‘’I don’t want a black coffee. I like it just fine with my three spoons of sugar.’’
‘’Three? You’re disgusting.’’ He shakes his head.
‘’You’re such a snob.’’ I say with a laugh.
He looks almost offended but laughs. ’’Oh, I’m a snob?’’
‘’Yeah, getting so worked up about something as simple as coffee. There’s like a million ways to drink it, what’s the big deal?’’
‘’Yeah and half of those ways should be illegal. Just try it. Trust me.’’ He says, putting the water on.
‘’So, is coffee like your thing?’’ I ask, taking a seat at the counter.
‘’Why do you think we have so many customers at the diner? Best coffee in town.’’ He says smugly.
‘’Huh, impressive. You know, even Ray likes your coffee.’’ I say.
‘’Yeah, just wait until I spike it with something one day.’’ He says with a grin.
‘’Not funny.’’
‘’A little funny.’’
‘’Why do you hate Ray so much?’’ I ask, leaning against the counter, watching him make the coffee.
‘’Is that really what you’re asking me? He’s rude, he’s self-centered, narcissistic, egotistical-‘’
‘’I’m pretty sure those are synonyms.’’ I interrupt.
‘’Yeah, well, they’re all true.’’ He says. ’’Plus, he’s so insecure he thinks I’m trying to take you from him or something.’’
‘’Well, is he really so wrong?’’ I raise my eyebrows.
‘’What?’’ He turns to look at me.
‘’I’m just saying, if my girlfriend was working with a tall, mysterious new guy, I’d be worried too.’’ I tease.
‘’Tall and mysterious? What happened to angsty loner?’’ He asks with a laugh.
‘’That still stands.’’ I assure him.
He walks over to the counter, leaning against it and looking at me, without saying anything. A small smirk on his face.
My eyes wander over his face and I notice the cut on his lip.
‘’Oh, you’re bleeding.’’ I say, breaking the silence.
I pull another cloth from the drawer under the counter and lean over to press it against his lips.
Our eyes meet and I pause for a minute, captured under his gaze.
‘’Maybe you’re right.’’ He says slowly, as I pull the cloth away.
‘’Maybe Ray should be worried.’’
I look at him for a minute before brushing it off as the concussion talking.
i was recently feeling very uninspired regarding my riff fic, so i decided to write a little bit of dodge, which i hope you'll like! i'll try to have part 6 of the riff fic up soon, but in the meantime let me know if you would be interested in a part 2 of this? i have some ideas. also don't forget i'm open for requests!
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faistfics · 3 years
So I think before I publish a WSS Riff fanfic, I need to make this point:
Riff is not meant to be a nice person. The uwu-ification of Riff is not good and erases the very prominent fact that there is a lot of racism in WSS towards the Sharks and the Puerto Rican characters and almost all of it is from the Jets.
I think if you write a Riff fanfic, you can’t erase that part of him and the jets. You can make him good or however you want to spin a romance, but you can’t get rid of his horrible qualities. Yes, Mike Faist plays him and does an AMAZING job, but that’s no excuse to forgive Riff.
Just write him accurately. That means addressing his racism.
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faistfics · 3 years
hey everyone! i’m currently taking requests! i will write anything ya’ll want (that i know), just throw me some ideas!
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faistfics · 3 years
I really love your fic it’s one of the best riff fic I have read maybe the best
It is so incredibly well written and imagined with real developped characters and a very good plot I am so pleased and so happy for your fic to exist !
You’ve done a really good job especially with dialogues I really love them and they re so accurate to the characters in wss ! Really your story is a diamond piece and I hope you will keep posting the following part 🥰
You have a great talent
Thank you so much
aww this is so sweet thank you so much! it makes me so happy that you are reading it and that you like it:) part 5 out now!
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faistfics · 3 years
part 5
riff x latina!oc
word count: 2.6k
plot summary: as the situation spirals out of her control, isabella rethinks her choices.
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Riff walks me back to Doc’s. As we walk down the street, he doesn’t let go of my hand.
I look up at him, the moonlight illuminating his face. There’s a bruise under his eye and he looks tired.
‘’Oh, I never asked you,’’ I begin, ‘’how are you feeling? I mean, after your fight last night…’’
‘’Better than ever. You sure did fix me up real good.’’ He says with a smile. ‘’What would I do without you?’’
I smile and feel myself blushing. ‘’I’m glad I could help.’’
Inevitably, we reach Doc’s and stop in front of the door. It was a short walk and I find myself not wanting to go. I just want to stay out with him all night. The air is so fresh and a little breeze is blowing. He looks down at me and takes my other hand. I raise my brow as I look back at him.
‘’May I have this dance?’’ He asks.
I look around us and the streets are empty. It feels like we have the entire city to ourselves. The lights shine brightly in the distance and the New York City skyline shadows over us. I nod and step closer to him. He spins me around slowly. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands find my waist. We begin to slow dance in the street. It’s spontaneous and romantic.
‘’You know, señorita, I thought you’d never let me dance with you again.’’ He says.
‘’You know you don’t have to call me that.’’ I say, figuring we’re past him addressing me that way, but also figuring it’s more of a nickname than a formal title to him.
‘’But I like callin’ you that.’’ He says, smiling with his teeth.
‘’Okay, then.’’ I say, smiling back.
‘’What’ll you call me?’’ He asks, still beaming.
‘’Oh, I can think of many things to call you…’’ I say, ‘’no todas son agradables…’’ (not all of them are nice…)
‘’Hey, no fair.’’ His expression falls, ‘’what’d you just say?’’
‘’Don’t worry about it.’’ I say, teasingly. ‘’I will think of something to call you, Riff. Something nice.’’ I promise and he pulls me closer to him, looking down at me.
I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling this whole time, and even now, when he leans down to kiss me again, I’m still smiling against his lips.
I kiss him back, my hands on the back of his neck.
He’s a good kisser. He wraps his arms around me entirely and pulls me closer, deepening our kiss. This time around it feels looser, easier. Like we don’t care who sees, but also there’s no one around to see.
In that moment Riff picks me up and spins me around and the two of us are a mess of laughter and smiles when he puts me down. Our sweet moment is short-lived as we’re interrupted by someone.
‘’What the hell?’’
I turn my head to see Tony. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. This can’t be good.
‘’Tony!’’ I say, surprised, pushing Riff away from me immidiately.
Tony’s fuming. He looks like he can’t believe what he’s seeing and I’m sure he really can’t.
‘’What the hell do you think you’re doing, huh?’’ He asks, charging at Riff, shoving him in the chest.
‘’Tony!’’ I yell again, grabbing his arm. ‘’Calm down.’’
‘’Calm down? And what are you doing out here with him, huh? Did you just forget the way he treated you at the dance?’’ He asks, talking in a hurried voice. He’s so upset and everything is happening so quickly.
‘’Hey, I thought you said she wasn’t your girl.’’ Riff says, almost teasingly and I can’t believe he’s reeling Tony in like that. ‘’Guess I just got to her before you did.’’
Tony pushes him once again and the look on Riff’s face is almost amused as he stumbles back.
‘’Tony, por favor.’’ I say, desperately.
‘’No, I don’t believe this, how could you do this? He’s bad news, Isabella. He ain’t no good for you!’’ I can see the hurt in his eyes.
‘’Hey man, I didn’t do no harm.’’ Riff says, lifting his hands up.
Tony turns his head to look at Riff. ’’And you sure ain’t gonna stick around to do any either.’’ He says, steadying his voice. ‘’Now, get lost.’’ He finishes, taking a few more steps towards Riff.
I watch as Riff strolls away nonchalantly, but not before giving me a look.
I have no idea what to do or say, Tony’s just standing in front of me looking furious.
‘’Listen,’’ I say, slowly. ‘’Riff is not a bad guy, we-‘’
‘’How the hell would you know that? You think just because you two are laughing it up one night, he’s some kind of angel?’’ He says, growing heated again. ‘’You don’t know him like I do, Isabella. You don’t know what he’s done or what he’s gonna do, he’s unpredictable, he ain’t some sort of misunderstood guy that’s gonna change for you or whatever the hell he told you. He’s been like this forever and there’s no hope for him. He don’t people like you, you think that’s just gonna go away?’’ He continues and I can’t even listen to him anymore. I walk past him into the diner, trying to get away. ‘’Hey, don’t just walk away ‘cause you don’t wanna listen to the truth! He ain’t what you need, Isabella, he can never be that for you. He’s a lost cause and you’re just gonna end up getting hurt because trust me when I say that Riff ain’t capable of caring for someone like that.’’ He says, following me inside. I wish he would just stop talking. Who said I was looking for something serious with Riff? I’m not stupid, I know he’s not a saint and I know he still has a lot of issues, but tonight was one of the hardest nights of my life and he was there. He was there and I don’t know what I would’ve done if he hadn’t been. That means something to me and I know that I can’t even begin to explain it to Tony. Plus, it’s not like I could even get a word in with his raging monologue going on.
‘’You need someone who can care about you, who isn’t gonna get you into trouble. Someone who’s responsible, who isn’t reckless, hell, someone who your grandmother would like!’’
‘’Oh, you mean someone like you?’’ I snap, stopping in my tracks and turning around to face him.
He stops behind me and furrows his eyebrows, before looking into my eyes.
‘’Yeah, you know what, someone like me.’’ he says, slowly, ‘’would that be so bad?’’
I stare at him for a couple of seconds before letting an exasperated laugh escape me.
‘’You think I should be with someone like you? Because you’re such a good guy, right? You’re so responsible and reliable and you’ll keep me out of trouble, won’t you?’’ I say, mockingly. ‘’That’s very funny considering you won’t even tell me where you’ve been running off to for the past two days!’’ I shout and at this point I worry we’ll wake up Valentina.
His expression seems to soften and I can see a hint of hurt flash across his features.
‘’Fine.’’ He says, softly. ‘’I’ll tell you.’’
I look at him expectantly. He sits on one of the stools at the counter and rubs his forehead, evidently distressed.
‘’I’m…on probation.’’ He exhales. ‘’I got arrested for assault. Back when, uh, I was a part of the Jets, there was a rumble. And I was beating on this kid, and I kept going and going and going.’’ He pauses and stares down at the floor. His voice soft.
’’I almost killed him. He survived on sheer luck. Like, one more punch and that would be it. And I would’ve done it.’’
I stare at him, not knowing what to say.
‘’That’s where I was yesterday and today. I had a meeting with my parole officer. It’s been a month since I was released and now they’re making sure I don’t slip up again. And I wanna be good, too. I don’t ever wanna go back to who I was before.’’ He explains.
I sigh, feeling bad for him but also remembering that his reaction to me and Riff was still uncalled for.
‘’So, really, you’re right. I’m no better than Riff.’’ He says, looking up at me. His eyes glossy. He looks like some sort of lost puppy dog and I don’t know why it’s making me feel guilty.
‘’I didn’t know.’’ I simply say, looking down at the floor, avoiding his gaze.
‘’How could you? I was keeping it a secret for a reason. Didn’t want you to think badly of me. But I guess it’s too late for that, huh?’’ He says and I’m really not sure how to respond to any of this. I feel bad that he felt like he couldn’t tell me and that he was afraid I would judge him. He seems remorseful about the whole thing and I wish I knew how to comfort him. I hate that this whole situation got so out of hand.
‘’It’s just seeing you with Riff, I don’t want something bad to happen to you. You know those guys are more dangerous than you think,’’
Oh believe me, I know…I think to myself, remembering the events of tonight.
‘’I just don’t like you being around them.’’ He says.
‘’Listen, Tony,’’ I say, finally, placing my hand on his shoulder gently, ’’you don’t have to worry about me and Riff. You’re right, those guys are bad news and I don’t want anything to do with them, either.’’ I say, feeling the memory of what happened stinging in my mind. Sure, Riff helped me, but at the end of the day, those guys are his family. They’re all he’s got and I can’t expect him to choose between me and them. Because he’ll always choose them.
‘’If you don’t want me to see Riff anymore, I won’t.’’ I say, halfheartedly.
Tony looks at me and I see relief wash over his face.
He nods his head. ’’Alright.’’ He says, quietly.
I offer him a weak smile and we stand there in silence for a moment.
‘’I think it’s time to call it a night.’’ He says, finally, his gaze lingering on me.
‘’Let’s do that.’’ I agree and start heading down the stairs, hearing him follow me slowly.
Thoughts race through my mind as I get into bed. Tony wanders off into the bathroom as I pull the covers up over myself. I think about what Tony said. He said I’d be better off with someone like him. What did he mean by that? Did he mean someone like him or him, specifically. I get this weird feeling about him. Like there’s things he left unsaid. I decide there’s too many things burdening my mind at this point and that the only thing I should do right now is try and get some rest. I turn on my side and close my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.
The next morning I wake up early, seeing Tony still passed out next to me. I get out of bed and take my time getting ready for the day. I take off any remaining makeup from last night and brush my teeth before taking a long hot shower. It gives me time to think but today I find my mind blank. I stand in front of the mirror and braid my long black hair into two loose braids. Pulling a navy blue sweater over my head, I slip into a skirt and throw on some comfortable shoes. I’m supposed to open Doc’s in half an hour, which gives me some time to myself. I head up the stairs and make my way to the jukebox, flipping through the song choices. I pick a song and start dancing around the diner all by myself. This might be my favorite part of the day, where I can just let go with no one around, in the morning when no one’s there to interrupt. I start singing along to the song and i let my body move to the rhythm. As I spin around the diner, I’m suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I jump at the noise and turn my head to see Riff standing outside, a smug grin on his face. My expression falls and I turn down the music before heading over to unlock the door. Once I open it, I decide not to let him in and just step outside instead.
‘’Hey there, señorita.’’ he says, his hands immediately gripping my waist and pulling me towards him. I put my own hands over his and remove them from my waist. He looks and me and raises an eyebrow.
‘’You shouldn’t be here, Riff.’’ I say, looking down at the ground, avoiding his gaze.
‘’Aren’t you happy to see me?’’
‘’Listen, I’m not doing this with you.’’ I tell him blankly.
‘’Doin’ what?’’ He asks, biting down on his lower lip as he stares at me.
‘’I don’t want trouble, I need to focus on other things and you-we, what we’re doing is-‘’ I begin to say, but at that moment he pulls me in and kisses me, not allowing me to finish my sentence.
When he pulls away I’m forced to look into his eyes.
‘’What are you doing?’’ I ask, breathless.
‘’I’m just reminding you of last night.’’ He says, searching for a reaction in my eyes.
‘’Well, I don’t need to be reminded of last night.’’ I say, keeping a blank stare. ‘’Do you forget what happened last night? Last night was the worst night of my life! I was scared and vulnerable and you used that!’’ I feel myself becoming more upset as the memories flood in. ‘’Because that’s what you do isn’t it? You use people. You use those guys to do your dirty work, how do I know you didn’t put them up to something like that?’’
He looks taken aback at my words. ‘’I would never do that to you.’’
‘’Yeah? Why not? You don’t even know me, Riff! You think just because I helped you out one night, we’re friends, now? Well, we aren’t. The truth is, you don’t like me or my people, you never have and you never will. I can’t expect you to change that. So you don’t need to worry about me. Helping you that night is something I would have done for anyone who needed it. Just forget about it.’’
His gaze shifts as he stares at me, ultimately trying to process what I’m saying.
’’Where is this coming from?’’ He asks, finally.
I avoid his eyes. ‘’Listen, Riff, I’m working right now and Tony is here and I’m really not sure what you want from me.’’
‘’Tony, huh? Is that what this is?’’ His almost raises his voice.
‘’You should leave.’’ I say.
He stares at me, trying to meet my gaze, but I look away.
He shakes his head in frustration, but does as he’s told and leaves.
I watch him walk away and wonder if I made the right decision. I don’t ever want to find myself in a situation like last night ever again. And so I need to stay away from him. Even though it’s hard. Even though I feel conflicted. Even though my heart is sinking as I watch him turn the corner now.
hey everyone, sorry for the long wait. i have been busy and uninspired to be honest, but i finally found the time and motivation to finish writing this so i hope you enjoy it! thank you for all of your support, part 6 soon!
(tagging anyone that expressed interest for the story in the replies, thanks for reading! if anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know!) @whisperofsong @lovinghunty @loverisi @leviecharmed86 @mikefaistandarianadebosestan @ilovey0us0 @mari123sstuff @mikefaistwasinnewsies @whereintheworldisjayne @thefutureoxforddoctor @but-it-hits-different @poguesarah @whereintheworldisvienna @calumxxpuppy
175 notes · View notes
faistfics · 3 years
part 4
riff x latina!oc
word count: 2.5k
plot summary: Isabella realizes that her new job isn’t what she was expecting and things get out of hand…
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The line rings 3 times before someone picks up.
‘’Hello?’’ A raspy voice answers.
‘’Hi, um…is this…? Oh Dios mío, I don’t know his name…’’ I say under my breath.
‘’Hey, is that you, señora?’’
I roll my eyes in annoyance. I can’t believe I have to talk to this idiot.
‘’I’m calling about the job.’’
‘’I knew you’d come around!’’ He exclaims.
‘’When can I start?’’ I ask, trying to get straight to the point.
‘’How ‘bout tonight?’’
I stop and think for a minute. It’s 10pm and I’m in bed in my nightgown. But I need the money.
I take a deep breath.
‘’Okay. When and where?’’
‘’I’ll pick you up in an hour.’’ He says.
What am I doing? It’s late and I have no idea who this guy is and where he’s taking me. What if Valentina realizes I’m gone? And what happens when Tony comes back and sees me missing? I’ll have to tell him about the job eventually. Where is he, anyway?
‘’Okay.’’ I say, finally.
‘’Wear something pretty.’’ He says and hangs up.
I bury my face in my hands and stay like that for a moment until I can remind myself why I’m doing all of this.
I head for the bathroom and brush out my hair, picking out a dark red lipstick color.
My suitcase is full of dresses and tonight I decide to wear a little black one, not quite sure how to dress for the occasion. Well, apart from ‘pretty’. I put on my black dancing shoes and throw on a coat before heading up the stairs, making sure to be extra quiet so that Valentina doesn’t hear me.
I sneak down to the door and once I’m out, no ones there yet. Of course he’d be late, what did I expect? My mind wanders but before I have time to rethink my decision I see him approaching. Wearing a jean jacket and smoking a cigarette.
‘’Hey there, doll. Boy, you sure look nice tonight.’’ He says staring me down. I pull the coat closed, covering myself up.
‘’How much does this job pay?’’ I ask as we begin strolling down the street.
‘’Depends how much ya earn.’’ He responds, taking a drag of the cigarette. He offers it to me.
I shake my head, declining. I suppose whatever it pays will have to be enough. Who knows if I can even find something else in time.
’’I’m Balkan by the way,’’ he says somewhere along the way.
We walk in silence until we reach our destination which is just a few blocks away.
The place is a sketchy looking old pub with a light up sign, but only a few of the letters are still lit, while the others have faded. He opens the door for me and gestures I go in.
‘’After you.’’ He says as I slowly walk in. The lights are dim and it’s almost too dark. There seems to be only a couple of men wasting away on the dirty bar stools. I get a few looks from them as I pass by. I feel Balkan’s hand on my back as he guides me to the back of the room. In the center of the room there’s a platform where I assume the dancing happens. I stare suspiciously at my surroundings, growing nervous as we reach what seems to be a backstage area. A few girls are in there and they all turn their attention to us as we enter. There’s some lit up mirrors on the walls and I almost trip over an empty bottle. Balkan greets some of the girls, his hand still on my back. Just as I think we’re about to stop in the backstage room with the girls, he opens the door to another a hallway of some kind. I follow him reluctantly as we walk up a flight of stairs. He opens another door and behind it are some guys, sitting on a couch and smoking. I recognize one of them as the second guy who was in the shop today. They all stare at me when we walk in, grinning and smirking.
Balkan walks away from me and sits between them.
‘’Alright,’’ he says, ‘’now dance for us.’’
I immidiately become confused.
‘’What?’’ I ask, earning a few laughs from the couch.
‘’You heard me. Dance for us, baby.’’ He says as my anxiety builds up.
‘’I don’t understand, I thought I was here for a job, at the bar? I-‘’
I’m caught by surprise when one of them sneaks up behind me and grabs me by the waist.
‘’This is your job. Don’t worry, we’ll pay you once we’re done.’’ He says and presses my body to his. I struggle against his grip.
‘’What? I-‘’ My voice shakes as I speak.
‘’Hey, what’s the matter? Ain’t that what you Latina’s do?’’ Balkan asks.
I furrow my eyebrows in disgust.
‘’Let me go!’’ I shout.
‘’Hey, what is it they call you girls? ‘Women of the night’?’’ He says and again the others on the couch laugh.
I try to break free from the guy who’s holding me, but he just spins me around so that now I’m facing him. I feel his hands going lower down my back. ‘’You’re a beautiful girl,’’ he says, looking me up and down, ‘’I just can’t wait to have my way with you.’’
With that, I push at him hard, making him let go of me.
I stumble back and bump into one of the others. I feel myself shaking in fear as I spin around. All of them are so much bigger than me. What was I thinking coming here tonight?
‘’Hey, no need to get hostile, baby’’ One of them says, putting his hands on me and pulling down the strap of my dress. I slap his hand away and move towards the door, feeling my dress rip. I’m prevented from leaving by two more of them. ‘’Hey why don’t you just dance for us?’’ Another asks.
‘’You lied to me!’’ I yell at Balkan.
‘’Hey, I ain’t never lied about nothin’. I told you it was a dancin’ job, so get dancin’.’’ He says and I shake my head in frustration.
‘’I dont’ want to dance for you.’’ I say firmly, holding my ground.
‘’You hear that, boys? She don’t wanna dance for us.’’ Balkan says and they all chuckle.
‘’Oh come on, one dance.’’ He presses on, taking hold on my hands and swaying side to side.
‘’No!’’ I shout, pulling away from his grip.
‘’Why’re you makin’ this so difficult? I just wanna dance with you.’’ He says, taking hold of my waist.
‘’She said no.’’ A voice sounds from the corner of the room.
I turn around to see Riff.
‘’Hey, boss.’’ Balkan greets with a smile, not letting go of me.
‘’Leave the girl alone. Get your hands off her.’’ Riff says, his voice remaining calm.
Balkan steps away from me reluctantly. A confused expression forming on his face.
‘’Hey, whats the deal? I mean she ain’t just any girl, she’s-‘’
‘’I don’t care what she is, now get the hell out of here before I get you out myself.’’ He says, his voice a normal volume, yet incredibly commanding.
‘’Oh, I get it…’’ Balkan nods, a smirk forming on his face. ‘’You want her all to yourself, huh?’’
Riff’s lip twitches and he comes closer, grabbing Balkan by the collar.
‘’Listen to me, I don’t know what the hell you think you were doing just now, but you better stay the hell away from her from now on. How you would you like it if someone did that shit to you, huh? Now I told you to beat it and you do what I say, don’t you?’’ He says, still never once changing his tone from calm and steady.
Balkan stiffens, but eventually nods. Riff lets him go and he walks out of the room, not even looking at me as he exits. The rest follow after him.
Riff turns to me.
I’m not really sure what to say to him.
‘’Riff, I-‘’ I begin but he cuts me off.
‘’What the hell were you thinking?’’ His voice is nothing but calm now. ‘’Going along with a guy like that? You know those guys are trouble, what the hell were you thinking?’’ He repeats, sounding exasperated and upset. The look in his eyes filled with worry.
I want to say something but he interrupts me again.
‘’Do you know how bad that could have been? What if I hadn’t walked in here when I did, huh? Why would you go anywhere with him? Are you into him or something?’’ He’s talking so quickly that it’s hard for me to keep up.
‘’No!’’ I manage to say. ’’He offered me a job, alright? Today at the diner. I needed the money and it seemed like my only hope.’’ I explain the situation to him, my voice small and desperate.
‘’Oh,’’ he almost laughs, ‘’a job? And you believed that? Right before he offered you that job, you were telling me how I’m a good for nothing criminal, but you decide to trust him? How could you be so stupid?’’ He yells.
As he’s talking, I feel tears well up in my eyes. They begin to spill down my cheeks slowly as I listen to his words.
He stops for a minute and shakes his head when he notices my crying. ‘’God, don’t do that.’’ He says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
I feel myself slowly sinking to the ground as I feel too overwhelmed and weak to stand. He’s right, what was I thinking? This is all my fault. I didn’t think at all. I feel a pit in my stomach as I sob into my hands.
He crouches down beside me, then. Taking hold on my hands and moving them away from my face. His blue eyes stare into my glossy dark brown ones. I close my eyes as more tears come. I don’t want to look at him. I just want to go home. He brings my hand towards him and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into an embrace. I don’t fight it. I don’t say anything. I lean into him and rest my head on his chest, letting my self cry, unrestrained.
‘’It’s alright.’’ He says, quietly. ‘’I’m here.’’
I’m confused and don’t know what to think. He’s so different than the guy I met at the dance. Back then I’d say he’s no better than all those other guys. But tonight and the night I found him in the alley he proved me wrong. I feel him kiss the top of my head and my heart swells. I feel safe with him now.
‘’I’m so sorry.’’ He says and it catches me by surprise. I’d say he’s said that word in the last two days more than he has in his entire life.
‘’You are?’’ I pull away from him, looking up into his eyes now.
‘’’Course I am.’’ He says meaningfully.
His eyes are filled with concern, anger and uncertainty. And something else I’m unable to identify.
‘’It’s all my fault.’’ I tell him, my voice breaking.
‘’Hey, listen to me.’’ He says and cups my face with his hands gently. ‘’It’s not your fault.’’ He says sternly. He’s looking into my eyes. ‘’It’s mine.’’ He continues. ‘’It’s my fault because I ain’t no better than those guys with the way I treated you at the dance and the way I’ve been treating people my whole life.’’ He says. ‘’You were right about what you said about me today. I am a theif and I’m a perpetrator. I’m a bad guy. I hurt people who don’t deserve it and I don’t have anything to say for myself. It’s just the way I’ve always been.’’ I can see the emotion in his eyes. The desperation and the powerlessness. He’s still holding my face in his hands.
‘’But that ain’t who I wanna be anymore. I wanna try to do something right for once.’’ He says and I can tell he means it. ‘’Because ever since I met you I started thinking differently. Because you were the first person that called me out on my shit. You were the first person that gave a damn about me even after I was a jerk to you. Even after I tried to push you away.’’ He says.
I smile a little. ‘’Well, I had no choice. I couldn’t just leave you there.’’
‘’But anybody else would.’’ He says and I look up at him, unable to tell what I’m feeling.
‘’But you were there when no one else was even though you had every right to just walk away. I was supposed to die that night. End up how I was always supposed to end up. Bleeding out on the street, ain’t ever done a single good thing in my life. But you saved me that night. You showed me that it doesn’t have to be that way and that maybe I can do something more with my life. So, how am I just supposed to go back to the way I was after that? I can’t. I won’t.’’ He says all of this and it’s coming from such a deep and broken place inside of him that I feel a new wave of tears coming, but this time, they’re for him. I cry for him and for the things that he has gone through that have made him feel like this.
He lets go of me and looks away.
I look up at him and this time, I take his face into my hands, making him look back at me.
His eyes scan my face and he looks down at my lips.
‘’I promise you’re worth so much more than you think.’’ I tell him. ‘’I see it. I see it in your eyes.’’
There’s so much in those eyes. So much hurt, so much fear. But there is also so much strength.
‘’I have faith in you.’’ I say.
He brings his hands up and takes hold of my wrists.
He looks so defeated. So lost.
I feel myself leaning in closer to him. He doesn’t do the same, instead, he waits. I move away for a moment, trying to read his expression. He raises his eyebrows a bit, almost expectantly.
I lean in again and this time I kiss him and he just lets me. I hold his face in my hands and kiss him. He tightens his grip around my wrists and kisses me back, leaning in further.
When we pull away, he’s smiling. He’s smiling like a kid and it makes me smile, too.
I feel close to him. Connected to him somehow. After he opened up to me, I feel like I understand him better. I want to understand him better. To be there for him.
He moves a strand of hair from my face.
‘’Let’s get out of here.’’ He says softly and I nod in agreement.
We stand up and he takes my hand, intertwining our fingers as we walk out of the room together.
(tagging anyone that expressed interest for the story in the replies, thanks for reading! if anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know!) @whisperofsong @lovinghunty @loverisi @leviecharmed86 @mikefaistandarianadebosestan @ilovey0us0 @mari123sstuff @mikefaistwasinnewsies @whereintheworldisjayne
part 5:
148 notes · View notes
faistfics · 3 years
ahh part 3 of your riff gif was so good!!!!! i'm so curious to see where the story is going! <3
aww i’m so glad you liked it! posting part 4 right now! :)
3 notes · View notes
faistfics · 3 years
part 3
riff x latina!oc
word count: 3.3k
plot summary: Isabella is desperate to find a job before her school starts, but what lengths will she go to in order to find one?
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‘’Bella!’’ I’m awoken by the sound of my grandmother’s voice. Oh, shit! I have a boy in my bed and not just any boy- Riff! They all know Riff and if Tony sees him-
‘’We’re home!’’ Right on que, the sound of Tony’s voice threatens to come in and spot us. And what would he see if he came in? Riff, out cold, sleeping like a baby, his head on my chest. In Tony’s bed. In my bed. With me. And he’s shirtless. I don’t want to wake him. I shouldn’t have to. But this is a disaster in the making.
‘’Riff!’’ I whisper-yell, shaking him a bit. He doesn’t move. ‘’Riff…’’ I practically beg because if he doesn’t wake up and get the hell out of here I have no idea what’ll happen next. I try to move underneath him, slightly pushing him off of me. His hand flies over my waist and he stops me.
‘’Don’t.’’ He mumbles, his voice raspy. ‘’Just a few more minutes’’ He moans with his eyes still closed.
‘’Isabella?’’ Shit. Tony. Coming down the stairs. Right now.
‘’Uh, just a minute, Tony…Don’t come in, I’m, uh, naked!’’ I yell in a panic. Why couldn’t I have come up with something better? I sigh and feel Riff’s hand slide up my waist.
‘’Hey, you’re not naked.’’ He says, opening his eyes.
‘’Shh!’’ I shush him and shake my head. ‘’Of course that’s what got your attention.’’ I say more to myself than him.
‘’Uh, okay. I’ll wait.’’ Tony says from behind the door. I urgently get up out of the bed and motion for Riff to be quiet. He just lays in bed and stretches a bit, evidently amused by the situation. ‘’Okay, quick!’’ I whisper, having thought out a plan. ‘’Get under the bed, I’ll see what Tony wants and send him away, then you can sneak out the back door.’’ I explain and he simply nods, before slowly getting up.
‘’Why don’t you just tell him the truth? I mean nothing happened, right? You were just helping me out.’’ He says with a yawn.
‘’Yeah, but do you think he’ll believe that? How do you think this situation would look to Tony? To my grandmother?’’ I reason.
‘’Alright. It’s no problem for me, I’ve hid under beds before.’’ He says nonchalantly, before getting under the bed like I asked him to.
I rush over to the door and open it just a crack. Tony’s smiling on the other side.
‘’Hello, Tony.’’ I say, trying to sound normal.
‘’Hey, you alright?’’ He asks.
‘’Yes, I was just taking a shower.’’ I lie.
‘’Oh, okay. Well, Valentina and I brought breakfast, so, you come upstairs when you’re ready and eat with us.’’ He offers and I give him a quick nod, before shutting the door.
‘’Guess there was no use for me hiding.’’ Riff says and I jump a bit.
‘’Not so loud!’’ I say, hearing Tony’s footsteps still retreating back up the stairs.
‘’Relax, baby, he ain’t gonna hear us.’’ Riff says, while picking up his shirt from the floor. It’s all bloody and dirty.
‘’Wait.’’ I say without thinking and he stops to look at me, an amused grin appearing on his face once again.
‘’…What do your tattoos mean?’’ I ask shyly, sitting down on the bed beside him.
He seems surprised at the question, but he answers.
‘’Well, this one’s of my ma.’’ He gestures to the one on his shoulder.
I examine it curiously. Riff doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to get a tattoo of his mom.
‘’What happened to her?’’ I ask a little too quickly. ‘’I mean, you don’t have to answer that.’’ I say, trying to take back the question.
‘’Nah, it’s okay. I don’t know, actually. She left when I was a kid.’’ He answers and I frown.
‘’I’m sorry.’’ I say quietly, looking up at him.
‘’Well, it is what it is.’’ He responds, shrugging. ‘’I guess I probably would’ve done the same thing if I had a kid like me.’’
‘’Don’t say that,’’ I say, my voice low. I feel so bad for him. I had no idea.
‘’I should get going.’’ Is all he says. ‘’But, uh, hey, what’s that song you were singing last night?’’ He asks me as he gets up and pulls his shirt back over his head.
‘’It’s just something my grandmother used to sing to me.’’ I reply.
He stops for a minute and smiles. But not a stupid smirk or a grin. He just stands there and smiles and it’s a genuine smile.
‘’I really liked it.’’ He says, meaningfully. I can’t quite tell what he’s thinking as he looks at me.
‘’It was in Spanish, right?’’ He asks, lingering in the doorway.
‘’Yes.’’ I answer, tilting my head to the side to watch him.
‘’I like it when you speak Spanish.’’ He says and there’s a grin incoming. But the way he says it is sweet and again, genuine.
‘’Apuesto que lo haces,’’ (I bet you do) I say with a little smirk of my own, ‘’pero no te acostumbres a que te cante todas las noches, cariño mio.’’
The corner of his mouth curls into a smile. ‘’What’s that mean?’’
‘’I said don’t get used to me singing to you every night.’’ I respond. ‘’Because that’s not happening.’’
‘’We’ll see about that.’’ He teases. ‘’But, what’s that last part mean? You called me something, at the end, didn’t you?’’ He questions once more.
I blush for a brief moment. ‘’It means my darling.’’
‘’Sure it does.’’ He chuckles, before finally turning around to leave.
I smile. It’s all I can think to do.
‘’I’ll see you around, señorita.’’ He says after giving me one last glance and making his way up the steps, careful to sneak past Tony and Valentina.
‘’Hasta luego.’’ (See you later) I call after him.
When he’s gone I let out a sigh. What a strange night. Definitely not what I had in mind for my day in charge, but hey, I was very responsible, after all. I think maybe I should have asked him if he’ll be okay, considering the wound and everything, but I thought better of it. Riff seems like he can take care of himself. I did my part. He’ll be alright.
I put my hair up into a high ponytail after brushing it and pull on an outfit before rushing up the stairs.
‘’Querida, what took you so long?’’ Valentina asks when I reach the table. The two of them are crowded around a tiny diner table, eating takeout pancakes and drinking coffee from a machine. They both greet me with smiling faces. Completely oblivious. Riff must have gotten out just fine. Not that I doubted him.
‘’Oh, I just had a late night. I had trouble sleeping knowing it was just me all alone.’’ I say and almost laugh at my own lie. ‘’How was your day, yesterday?’’ I ask to make conversation while taking a seat at the table.
Valentina and Tony exchange looks. I glance between the two of them, suspiciously. Maybe they’re hiding something, too. They never told me where they were going yesterday after all.
‘’Oh, it was good, mija,’’ Valentina begins, ‘’we got some errands done. Picked up some things for the shop.’’ She says.
Tony won’t stop awkwardly smiling at me. A certain tension washes over the three of us. I pick out a pancake and start spreading some butter on it.
‘’What things?’’ I ask.
‘’Hm?’’ Valentina looks at me.
‘’…for the shop?’’ I say and she and Tony do that weird looking at each other with uncertainty thing once again.
Neither of them say anything for a moment.
‘’Okay, what’s going on with you two?’’ I ask, breaking the silence.
‘’How about we talk later?’’ Tony says finally, but I really don’t want to talk later, because I’m almost certain there won’t be a talk later.
I nod my head and finish up with breakfast before helping Valentina clean up. Tony opens up for the day and I start doing inventory.
‘’Is it later?’’ I ask, after a few minutes.
‘’Uh,’’ he stops what he’s doing and looks at me. ‘’I’d rather not talk about it…at all’’ He says, almost as if he’s embarrassed or something.
‘’Oh,’’ I nod, ‘’okay.’’ I decide to respect his privacy and not ask about it anymore.
‘’Hey, so, I was actually meaning to ask you,’’ I start to change the subject, ‘’I’m kind of looking for another job.’’
‘’What’s wrong with this one?’’ He gives me a confused look.
‘’Nothing. I’ll still work this one, but I need…another one.’’ I tell him, not really sure how he’ll react. I suppose I haven’t thought it through too well.
‘’What do you need two jobs for, Isabella?’’ His tone is almost stern, when he focuses all of his attention to our conversation, turning away from the shelves to face me. ‘’When would you even find time to work another job?’’ He asks.
‘’Well…I thought I’d work nights.’’ I explain.
‘’Nights? Are you insane? What are you gonna do when you start school?’’ He questions, starting to sound a bit agitated, but I can see that his tone is due to concern.
‘’Well, I can’t go to school if I don’t get another job, so it’s not like it makes a difference!’’ I shout at him, not meaning to come off so upset.
Tony’s features soften. ‘’What do you mean?’’
‘’I mean, if I don’t get another job then I won’t be able to afford tuition, and so I won’t be able to attend.’’
‘’Wait, but I thought Valentina said you were on a scholarship?’’ He says.
‘’I’m not. Turns out the school doesn’t cover full tuition and the amount I got is barely enough.’’ I explain and it’s the first time I’ve said it out loud. It all hits me. I have less than a week to find something and Tony’s right, even if I do, how am I going to work two jobs while also having to attend classes all afternoon? ‘’¡Oh Dios! What am I gonna do?’’ I said, stepping away from the shelves and burying my face in my hands. Why did I think I could do this? It’s obvious now that I can’t.
‘’Hey, wait, we’ll figure something out, okay?’’ Tony says, comforting me.
‘’Like what?’’ I ask bitterly, losing hope by the minute.
Tony takes hold on my shoulders and gives me a reassuring look. ‘’I think I might have an idea.’’ He says calmly.
‘’But, still, I can’t work day and night, there’s just no-‘’
He cuts me off, ‘’Listen to me, I’ll cover your shifts when you need me to. We’ll figure it out together.’’ He says.
I wipe away tears with the back of my hand. ‘’I couldn’t ask you to do that.’’
‘’Just until you work out your schedule, okay? Listen, there’s a frequent customer that buys from Valentina daily. Anita, a Puerto Rican, she has girls sewing for her. You know how to sew?’’ Tony asks, his voice steady. I manage to nod and surpress my sniffling so that I can get back to work. ‘’Next time she comes in, you ask her if she can help you out.’’
‘’Thank you, Tony.’’ I say in a small voice.
He gives me a faint pat on the back in response, before we both get back to work.
The hours wind down and Tony’s shift ends. He’s leaving early today, again, to do something he’d ‘rather not talk about’ again. I can’t help being curious as to what it is, but still, I don’t pry.
I begin to dust the shelves and sweep up the floors. Keeping myself busy until a customer comes in. And then, there she is, walking through the door. A beautiful puertorriqueña. I smile at her and she fiddles with something in her bag while approaching the counter. Once she looks up and her gaze is met with me, she looks surprised.
‘’¿Mis ojos me engañan? ¿O eso es una pequeña puertorriqueña trabajando detrás del mostrador? ¿Te conozco, querida?’’ (Do my eyes deceive me? Or is that a little Puerto Rican girl working behind the counter? Do I know you, my dear?).
I smile. ‘’No, me acabo de mudar aquí. soy la nieta de Valentina, Isabella.’’ (No, I just moved here. I’m Valentina’s granddaughter, Isabella.) I introduce myself.
She pipes up when I tell her who I am. ‘’Bueno, es un placer conocerte, querida, soy Anita. Si lo hubiera sabido antes, te habría invitado a cenar de inmediato. tú y Valentina deben venir a nuestra casa una noche.’’ (Well, it's nice to meet you, my dear, I'm Anita. If I had known earlier, I would have invited you to dinner right away. You and Valentina must come to our house one night.) She kindly extends an invitation.
‘’Gracias, es muy amable de tu parte.’’ (Thank you, that’s very kind of you.) I say, as the little bell on the door dings, signifying the arrival of a new customer.
‘’But I have been meaning to ask you, I heard you are hiring girls to sew for you? See, I really need the job and I was wondering…’’
‘’Say no more, querida! Of course I can help. How about you hand me my pickup for today and by the time I come back for it again tomorrow, we can figure out an arrangement.’’
I smile and nod, happy the interaction was so easy.
‘’Sì, bien. ¡Muchas gracias!’’ I thank her. I reach over to the shelves to fetch her order. That’s when I notice, out of the corner of my eye, who had walked in earlier.
And he’s not alone, either. Two other guys hang around him and they appear to be browsing magazines in the corner.
I don’t pay them too much attention, because I’m focused on my customer at the moment.
I hand Anita the white paper bag with her name on it and she smiles before handing me the money for it.
‘’But, I must tell you, querida, this job I would be giving you. I can’t gaurantee you a pay right away.’’ She says apologetically and my heart sinks. ‘’The earliest I could get it to you is by the end of the month.’’ She explains. I try not to appear too dissappointed but my world is collapsing as she speaks.
‘’Oh, well I sort of need the money now.’’ I tell her. ‘’So I suppose I will think it over, pero muchas gracias por tu oferta.’’ (but thank you so much for the offer) I say, forcing a smile.
Anita sends a sort of sympathetic expression toward me and in response. ‘’Aun así, ven a cenar, ¿de acuerdo?’’ (Still, come to dinner, okay?) She says before she heads out of the shop. I nod and smile until she’s gone. All I want to do is scream or hit something.
I look over to the two guys and Riff when I hear a burst of laughter coming from them. I see Riff holding an opened bottle of beer and the three of them pass it amongst themselves.
‘’Hey! You need to pay for that!’’ I shout over to them, which catches Riff’s attention.
‘’Well,’’ He starts and makes his way over to me. ‘’I kinda thought I wouldn’t need to after last night.’’ He says in a low voice, leaning over the counter so that only I would hear.
‘’Well, I really don’t know what made you think that.’’ I say, tending to the register. ‘’And if you’re not going to buy anything, please leave the store.’’
‘’Oh, come on, now, what’s with the attitude?’’ He asks. ‘’I thought we were friends. I apologized to you, didn’t I?’’
‘’No, Riff. We’re not friends. And I’m at work. And if you come in here during my shift, you come in as a customer. But you’re not even a customer, you’re a thief, so excuse me for doing my job.’’ I can’t deal with him right now.
‘’Hey, woah, what’s with you, huh?’’ He asks, trying to read my expression.
‘’Unlike you, I have responsibilities. Real responsibilities. I need to work, I need to find another job so that I can go to school and I don’t even know how I’m gonna do all of that!’’ I say, frustrated. This is just a bad time for me to be talking to anyone. I need to clear my head.
‘’And I just can’t believe people like you!’’ I say, raising my voice. ‘’You just go around, taking whatever you want, not having to worry about making a future for yourself, or anything, for that matter!’’ I continue. ‘’Do you know what happens if you don’t pay for that beer?’’ I ask. ‘’The money comes out of my pocket! Same as with every innocent low paid worker you steal from!’’ My rant heats up and I didn’t expect to say all of this all of a sudden.
He looks at me for a minute. ‘’Don’t you think I’d want a future if I could have one?’’ His voice is calm and steady.
I immidately soften and a small frown tugs at my mouth. I shouldn’t be taking all of this out on him.
‘’Here.’’ He says, tossing a few quarters onto the counter. ‘’I’m sorry if your life is hard right now, but don’t assume things you don’t know about mine.’’ He says, coldly. He gives me a blank stare, before turning around to leave. With the snap of his fingers, the two guys he came in with follow.
I watch him as he leaves and just as I’m about to end my shift, someone speaks.
‘’Hey, couldn’t help but overhear you’re lookin’ for a job?’’
I turn around and see that it’s one of the Jet boys that was just in here with Riff.
‘’Yes…’’ I say cautiously.
‘’Well, hey, maybe we could work somethin’ out. I know a place.’’ He says in his thick New York accent.
‘’What kind of place?’’ I ask, eyeing him curiously.
‘’Ya like to dance, don’t ya? I know a place where they’re lookin’ for dancers. A bar over on 25th street. And they could use someone like you. You’d only be workin’ nights, though.’’ He says.
Nights? That does sound like something I’m looking for. ’’I don’t know.’’ I say slowly.
‘’Come on, I’ve seen ya dancing. And you’re pretty damn hot. Now just imagine makin’ money with that body…’’ He says, eyeing me up and down.
‘’You can go now.’’ I say firmly, not wanting to have this conversation any longer.
‘’Fine, but if you change your mind, just gimme a call.’’ He says and slips me a piece of paper before turning around to leave.
Are all guys in America like this? I shake my head and untie my apron. Heading down the stairs, I let my hair down and yawn. I think about how I have only about 5 days to start earning some money. I rack my brain for ideas. What about Anita’s offer? But I just can’t wait that long. I need the money now. Maybe I should just ask my grandmother. God, that’s a terrible idea. She’d probably send me straight back to Puerto Rico. I change into my nightgown and get into bed. My mind wanders to the job Riff’s friend mentioned. I mean, I am desperate and how bad could it really be? Earning money for dancing? It’s what I love to do and it’s what I do best.
Besides, what other choice do I have?
I sigh and get up out of bed, reaching for the phone. I find the slip of paper and dial the number…
i hope you liked part 3! this is a bit of a filler chapter, setting up a situation for the next part where there will be a moment between riff and isabella…stay tuned, i will have it up by tomorrow! :)
(tagging anyone that expressed interest for the story in the replies, thanks for reading! if anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know!) @whisperofsong @lovinghunty @loverisi @leviecharmed86 @mikefaistandarianadebosestan @ilovey0us0 @mari123sstuff
part 4:
110 notes · View notes
faistfics · 3 years
I love your Riff fanfic! When do you think you’ll post part three?!
hopefully tonight! i’m working on it right now:)
4 notes · View notes
faistfics · 3 years
part 2!
riff x latina!oc
word count: 2.7k
plot summary: When Valentina leaves Isabella in charge of the diner for the day, she receives some unexpected company…
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I wake up to find Tony is already gone. The sun is shining through the little window in our room. I turn off the alarm clock and stretch. Today is my first day of work. I get out of bed and rummage through my suitcase before I decide on an outfit. Nothing too special, just a plain white blouse to go underneath my apron. I brush my teeth and comb out my hair before I throw on my clothes and head up the stairs. Today is a big day. In one week, I start classes. I need to find another job by then, because at this rate I won’t be making nearly enough. Maybe I could ask Tony, I wouldn’t really want my grandmother to know I’m hunting for a second job, she might get suspicious. I tie an apron around my waist and before I walk out from the hallway, I notice Tony’s sitting there at the counter, but he isn’t alone. Sitting next to him on one of the bar stools is Riff. They appear to be arguing.
‘’Come on, man. You acted like a complete idiot last night. If you want me to show up tonight, or at all, for that matter, you’re going to have to apologize to her.’’ Tony’s saying. I continue to quietly listen in on their conversation.
‘’Tony, you of all people know apologies ain’t my thing. Now, I know she’s your girl or whatever and for that reason I’ll respect her from now on, but-‘’
‘’She’s not my girl, Riff. And even if she was, you shouldn’t respect her just because she’s my girl, you should respect her because that’s how it should be. She’s just like you and me, Riff, she deserves respect no matter what.’’ Tony says firmly and a small smile tugs at my lips.
‘’See, you can’t go around saying things like that, Tony. She ain’t like you and me and that’s the problem, but hey, believe whatever you wanna believe but you know I ain’t ever done apologies and I ain’t gonna start now. But I’ll leave the girl be, if you say so.’’ Riff says, while getting up to leave. ‘’And you know, we don’t need you tonight, anyway.’’ And with that, he walks out the door.
I see that as my que to step in. ‘’What’s going on tonight?’’ I ask, earning Tony’s attention. He stares at me for a moment.
‘’Oh, you heard all that?’’ He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
‘’Just that last part,’’ I lie, stepping behind the counter and tending to the register.
‘’Nothing you should worry about.’’ He says shortly and joins me behind the counter.
I want to ask him more questions but it’s at that moment that Valentina comes in through the door.
‘’Isabella, good, you’re awake! Starting your first day not a minute too late, that’s wonderful, mija!’’ Valentina chimes and I smile at her.
‘’Yes, everything’s going well.’’ I assure her.
‘’I’m sure it is. Which is why, I’m leaving you in charge, today. See, Tony and I need to make a trip out of town today, it’s very important and we won’t be back until tomorrow.’’ She says and I take a moment to process her words.
‘’You’re leaving me alone? On my first day?’’ I ask.
‘’Yes, mi niña, I trust you. Think of this as a way to prove to me you are responsible. I wish it could be any other day, but we need to get this done today.’’ She says, giving Tony a knowing look.
I stare between the two of them, not sure what they’re up to.
‘’Come on, Tony.’’ Valentina says and heads for the door.
‘’Where is it you’re going?’’ I ask, as Tony takes his apron off.
‘’Maybe I’ll explain when we get back.’’ He replies and tosses me the key. ‘’Lock up at 10, okay?’’
I nod and the two of them exit the diner. I can’t help but wonder where they’re off too, but I’m more curious to know what’s going on tonight and why Riff needed Tony to be there so badly.
The hours slip by and only a few customers walk in throughout the day. I find myself bored and tired, but the job isn’t too hard. I lock up by 10 and finish cleaning the tables and sorting out the cash register. Some more time passes and I get ready to take out the trash. I remember there are some dumpsters behind the building and make my way out through the backdoor. Outside, it’s dark but there’s a flickering streetlight just by the dumpsters. I feel a slight breeze and hurry to toss the trashbag away. That’s when I hear it. A groan. It seems to be coming from the corner and I’m not sure wether or not I imagined it. But, before I have time to decide there it is again. Someone’s here and they sound in pain. I take a few cautious steps toward the sound. Maybe I should just go back inside. But what if someone’s hurt? If it were me or somebody I cared about I know I’d want someone to help. I peak behind the corner and there, lying against the brick wall, is Riff. I gasp when I see the wound in his side. He’s placed his hand over it and he looks terrible. All pale and beat up. I notice the few bruises on his face when he turns his head to look at me.
‘’Hey, señorita, it’s you.’’ He says weakly. ‘’Listen, I’d love to dance, but I’m kinda busy right now.’’ He mumbles and I don’t even know how to react.
‘’Unbelievable,’’ I say, ‘’you’re fatally wounded with only me around to help you and you still have the nerve to make stupid comments?’’
He presents a half smile and looks up at me. No fear whatsoever is visible in his eyes. It’s almost as if wether he lives or dies is completely irrelevant to him.
‘’I don’t need your help.’’ He states.
I roll my eyes. I’d love nothing more than to just walk away from him right now, but of course I’m not going to do that. It doesn’t matter who he is. No one deserves to die alone behind a dumpster. Not even Riff. Not if I can help it.
I put on a brave face before kneeling down next to him.
‘’Listen, I know you don’t like me and I sure as hell don’t like you, but neither of us wants you to die, so I’m going to help you.’’
‘’it’s all the same to me,’’ he mutters.
‘’Are you really going to make this harder than it is?’’ I ask, staring at him with a sort of urgency in my eyes.
‘’Do your worst.’’ He says, surrendering.
I begin to think of what I know about things like this. Valentina must have a first aid kit and probably a few other things in the shop, so I pull Riff up and hear him groaning as he gets on his feet.
‘’Come on, you need to walk to the door.’’ I say, struggling to carry his weight.
‘’You’re really doing this, huh?’’ He asks and I can’t believe he still has it in him to act smart.
I turn to him and find myself staring at him almost pleadingly, something which I can’t help, but I feel very urged to help him. I think about if it was one of my brothers and I know I would pray for someone to care enough and do something.
‘’Riff, please.’’ I say slowly.
He looks up at me, eyes tired and heavy.
‘’Please.’’ I repeat, hearing my voice cracking and biting my lip to stop the tears that are welling up in my eyes. I don’t even know if I can save him, but I need to at least try. What kind of a person would I be if I didn’t at least try?
He keeps looking at me and his expression seems to soften for a brief moment until I feel but him lifting his weight and begin to limp against me. He doesn’t say a word. We somehow make our way to the door and down the stairs. I lay him down on the bed and immidiately take a look at the wound. In order to do that, I instruct him to lift his shirt. The cut is just above his torso, next to some stupid tattoo I don’t bother to wonder about. He flinches when my fingers graze over his bare skin, as I’m trying to determine the severity of the wound.
‘’You really don’t gotta do this.’’ He goes on and I sigh.
‘’So what exactly is the plan, then? Just let you bleed to death in my bedroom?’’ I ask, grabbing a cloth and dousing it with disinfectant alcohol.
‘’Hey, you’re the one who brought me to your bedroom.’’
‘’Exactly. I brought you here so that I could help you.’’ I say and begin cleaning the wound.
I shake my head, trying to clean as much as I can.
‘’I need you to take your shirt off.’’ I say, as it’s getting in my way.
He smiles stupidly. ‘’Well, I ain’t gonna say no to that.’’
‘’Oh Dios mío’’ I say under my breath as he takes the shirt off, revealing a few more tattoos and some scars. He inhales sharply as I get back to work on the wound. It isn’t deep, it seems as if somebody only grazed him a bit.
‘’Who did this to you?’’ I ask, wondering what he could’ve possibly been doing tonight and thinking back to this morning when he had asked Tony to join.
‘’You wouldn’t know him.’’ He stated shortly.
‘’Well, what happened?’’ I press, wanting to know.
‘’Where’s Tony tonight?’’ He asks intentionally.
‘’He’s out of town.’’ I reply, applying pressure to the wound which results in him seething in pain and his hand flying over my own where the wound is.
‘’Easy.’’ He warns and I almost laugh.
‘’Don’t be such a baby,’’ I say, throwing the cloth away. ‘’Sit back.’’ I instruct.
He looks annoyed but obliges. ‘’So, why’s Tony out of town?’’
‘’I don’t know. He didn’t tell me.’’ I say and begin pulling out the bandages.
‘’He didn’t tell you? Don’t he know keeping secrets in a relationship ain’t no good?’’
‘’Good thing we’re not in a relationship.’’ I remind him.
‘’Right. Tony sure is one dumb son-of-a-bitch for not trying it with you. Hey, you two sleep in here together?’’ He says, before coughing a bit.
‘’Tony’s not like that.’’ I simply say, before getting down on my knees so that I can wrap the bandage around him.
‘’All guys are like that, sweetheart.’’ He says.
I stare at him, before tightening the bandage.
‘’No, Riff,’’ I say, ‘’not all guys are as disrespectful and ill-mannered as you are.’’
‘’Ouch. I’m hurt that you think that.’’ He puts his hand over his heart. ‘’In fact, I always wait for the girl to make the first move.’’ He says, leaning in a bit closer to me, that stupid smile not leaving his face.
‘’Oh, I’m sure you do.’’ I say, tightening the bandage one last time, before finishing up.
‘’Yeah, which is why I’m wondering what’s taking you so long, señorita.’’ He says and I raise my eyebrows at him because he can’t be serious.
‘’You’re funny.’’ I say.
‘’I can be a lot more than just funny. I can be whatever you want me to be.’’ He says and this time I laugh.
‘’Oh, please! Will you stop with the stupid lines? Just say something real for once.’’ I say, turning to put the bandages back in the first aid kit.
‘’Real, huh?’’ I hear him say behind me. ‘’I don’t think you’d like the real me.’’
‘’Ay, there you go again! Cliché after cliché.’’ I continue teasing.
‘’Fine, you want real, I’ll tell you where I was, tonight. I was in a fight. With people like you. Puerto Ricans. And one of ‘em got me really good, as you can see.’’ He says.
I stare at him, not knowing what to say.
‘’There was supposed to be a rumble, tonight. I wanted Tony to be there, too. But while I was on my way, some of those Sharks caught me off guard, without my guys, and they just jumped me.’’
I listen to him as he goes on.
‘’See, for me, this whole rivalry is more about territory than it is about anything else.’’ He says. ‘’You know I wake up to everything I know either being sold, or wrecked, or being taken over by people that I don’t like. And they don’t like me.’’
I continue to watch him silently as he talks. That was as real as I could hope for.
He looks at me and for the first time I think he’s really looking at me. No stupid smile or smirk or dumb comment coming out of his mouth.
‘’And then there’s you.’’ He says. ‘’You see me lying in the street, good for nothing, nobody’d care if I was gone, and, without a second thought, you help me. After everything you heard about me. After what I said about your people and how I feel about the world, you still helped me. That ain’t something I was planning on. Now, what do I do with that?’’ His voice has somehow softened and he’s waiting for me to answer him now.
‘’See, you stop speaking like an idiot and for a minute there I may have even liked you.’’ I say and the stupid smile is back. But this time it’s warmer. Or maybe I’m just imagining things.
‘’You liked me, huh?’’ He’s smiling with his teeth now and I can’t look away. He has a nice smile.
‘’Don’t let it get to your head.’’ I can’t help but return the smile. He stares into my eyes, as if searching for something in them.
‘’You should get some rest. I’ll wake you up tomorrow before Tony and Valentina get back.’’ I tell him, breaking the tension by moving to get up. I feel his hand wrap around my wrist and he holds me back.
‘’You’re not staying?’’ There’s a hint of trouble in his voice. Like he’s daring me to.
‘’No.’’ I say, fighting back another smile.
‘’Why not?’’ He almost whines.
I think about it. Why not? Sure, Riff was an asshole and there’s not really any good reason I should stay with him tonight, but then again it’s not like I haven’t been with guys who are assholes before and I was in America now, why not have a little fun?
I shook my head.
‘’Riff, I know you think that us Latina girls will just sleep with anyone and even if that were true, I still wouldn’t want to do it with you.’’ I say, turning back around to face him fully.
‘’Damn,’’ he said, raising his eyebrows. ‘’Listen, I’m sorry for saying that last night, okay? It was out of line.’’ He says softly and if I didn’t know any better I’d think it even sounded genuine.
I almost can’t believe what I just heard him say. He’s sorry? That must be a first for him.
‘’Well, that’s nice, but I still stand by what I said.’’
‘’Hey, I didn’t say nothing about fooling around, all I want is you to say down here with me. Sit by the bed ’til I fall asleep?’’ He says it like a little kid.
I roll my eyes, but ultimately find no harm in doing what he says. As soon as I sit on the bed by him, he rests his head in my lap. Before I can object, he begins talking again.
‘’You know, this is how my ‘ma used to get me to sleep when I was little. There wasn’t no way I could fall asleep without her.’’ His words take me by surprise. I don’t say anything back, instead, I rest my hand on top of his head gently.
’’She used to sing to me, you know?’’ He tells me and a small smile escapes my lips.
‘’Ay, alright. I’ll sing for you, Riff.’’ I say, before beginning to sing a calm tune. It’s a lullaby in Spanish that Valentina used to sing to me when I was a little girl.
‘’Buenas noches mi amor
Cierra bien tus ojitos
Que la noche viene ya
Su canción te arrullará…’’
(‘’Goodnight My Love
Close your eyes well
The the night is coming
Her song will lull you…’’)
I begin to stroke his hair slowly and continue singing to him, noticing his breathing getting heavier and feeling how he has relaxed in my arms. He’s asleep.
hey everyone, here is part 2 as promised! i’m glad ya’ll are liking the story!! let me know if you want to be tagged in updates and thanks for reading:)
part 3:
134 notes · View notes
faistfics · 3 years
Fic update!
okay so i’m about to post part 2 of the fic! hopefully ya’ll are into it, let me know what you think and if you want me to continue or if you have any thoughts on it at all! having so much fun writing it:)
7 notes · View notes
faistfics · 3 years
new riff fic for you, literally just something i wrote when i was bored so i thought hey, why not post. PART 1!
riff x latina!oc
word count: 4.1k
plot summary: Isabella has just moved to New York City to live with her grandmother, Valentina. At a dance on her first night out she meets someone who makes her think that America may not be what she always imagined…
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Until now, I had only heard stories. I’d only ever saw it on screens or read about it in books. But today, I was in the midst of it all. America. The land where you’re promised freedom and hope. A beginning. I walk into the little diner on the corner. My home for the next four years. Finally, finally, finally. My grandmother agreed to let me come stay with her while I was studying. The deal was that if I got accepted into a good school in the city and was offered a scholarship, I could move in with her and fulfill the dream I’ve had since I was a little girl: dancing. And I did get accepted, the only problem was, they couldn’t offer me financial aid. It was one of the most prestigious dance schools in New York City. And for someone like me to get accepted? I couldn’t just pass up an opportunity like that. But my family simply couldn’t afford it. So, I came to New York City with nothing. And I’d work for the tuition. Getting a job at the little diner my grandmother owns was only the first step. I’d do anything to stay here. To have a chance here. At a career, at a life. I walk in with bags in my hands and a little bell goes off. At that moment, a boy with brown gelled back hair and dimples spins around from behind the counter. His expression shifts and his features turn up in a charming smile. He runs over to me and takes hold of my bag.
‘’Hey, hey, let me help you with that.’’ He offers.
‘’Oh, thank you.’’ I say with a smile and allow him to take my suitcase.
He sets my bag on top of a chair and gestures for me to sit at the little diner table.
‘’Best seat in the house.’’ He says, smiling.
I let out a small laugh at his gesture. ‘’Actually, I’m not here as a customer. I just moved here, I’m Valentina’s grandaughter.’’
He looks at me for a second, almost trying to figure out what I mean.
‘’Oh, right! Of course, I’m so stupid. That’s all she’s been talking about for weeks, the sweet woman. Must have totally slipped my mind, you know, a guy forgets his own name around a girl as pretty as yourself.’’
I smile politely and feel myself blushing at his words.
‘’Anyway, names, right. How about you tell me yours until I can remember mine?’’
‘’I’m Isabella, it’s nice to meet you.’’ I say and extend my hand.
He takes it and eyes me carefully.
‘’Isabella…’’ He repeats, sort of dazed.
‘’Yes, that’s right.’’ I say and notice him not letting go of my hand. ‘’And you are?’’ I ask, waiting for some sort of response from him.
‘’Oh, I’m Tony.’’ He replies quickly, letting go of my hand. ‘’So, you’re Valentina’s grandaughter? Man…um, you must be tired from your trip, probably wanna get some rest, huh?’’
‘’No, actually. I want to see the city.’’ I say and it’s true. I’m eager to see the bright lights up close. Become a part of them.
Tony’s expression seems to change and he looks almost surprised.
‘’Oh, like, right now? Like, I mean, tonight?’’ He blurts.
‘’Yes.’’ I say. Then, I lean in closer to him, whispering, almost like I’m telling a secret. ‘’I’ve been waiting for this night my entire life.’’
‘’Oh.’’ He swallows and stares at me, evidently intrigued.
‘’Sure, well let’s get you to your room and then we can hit the town. Or, you can hit the town. By yourself, if that’s what you want. But I just thought maybe I could be like, your guide, or something. This is your first time in New York, right? I could show you all the best places, I mean, I don’t really go out too much myself, but I used to, so like, I know some spots you might like, I mean not that I-‘’
‘’Do you dance, Tony?’’ I ask to interrupt his chattering.
‘’Do I dance? I, uh, sure, I like to dance.’’
‘’Perfect. So, tonight, you take me dancing.’’ I say and head for the room downstairs.
He seems taken aback by my direct demeanor. ’’Yeah, alright, I can do that.’’ He agrees, rushing after with my bag. I hear him speaking again, then.
‘’Oh and by the way, we’re sharing this room, I don’t know how much Valentina told you but I’m staying with her, just for a little while, but I won’t be a bother, you know, I already got myself an air matress and everything, so you can take the bed and all.’’
‘’Don’t be silly, Tony. You will not give up your bed just because I’m here now. Look, it’s big enough for the both of us.’’
‘’Oh no, I couldn’t ask you to-‘’
‘’Tranquilo, Tony. I have plenty of brothers and sisters back home. I’m used to these kinds of things, besides, Valentina took you in, that means you’re family, ah?’’ I reasure him and take my bag.
He looks a bit stunned but shakes it off quickly. ‘’Right, brothers and sisters, sure.’’ He mumbles.
‘’I need to um, cómo se dice, how do you say, ducharme?’’
Tony looks lost and his eyes scan the room, as if he’s looking for an answer.
‘’You need the shower, mi cariño!’’ A voice from upstairs says. Slow footsteps creak down the wooden steps as she emerges, my grandmother.
‘’¡Abuelita!’’ I exclaim, running to greet her.
We haven’t seen each other in a year since she last came to visit us.
‘’¡Mi niña, cuánto has crecido!’’ (My child, you’ve grown so much!) She says while giving me a big hug.
I wrap my arms around her and pull her close.
‘’Y no has envejecido ni un día.’’ (And you haven’t aged a day) I tell her as we pull a way.
She takes my face in her hands to get a better look at me.
‘’Que hermosa eres.’’ (How beautiful you are) She says meaningfully.
‘’Si, hermosa.’’ Tony chimes in from behind us. The words sound so funny in his New York accent. ‘’She certainly has your genes, Valentina.’’ He remarks, earning a smile from my grandmother.
‘’I see you have already met this sweet young man, querida. You see, he takes care of me, so now, he will take care of you too.’’ She says.
‘’Oh, no, see, Valentina’s the one taking care of me around here.’’
‘’Now, now, don’t kid around. This boy is a real good one.’’ Valentina insists and he almost blushes a little at her sweet words.
‘’Now, niña, go take that shower, so that you can get out of here!’’
I do as she says, grabbing my towel and other bathroom necessities from my bag.
When I’m gone, I can no longer hear the conversation outside.
Long black silky hair, gorgeous doe eyes, tanned skin, rosy cheeks, full lips, beautiful smile and dimples all topped off with her buttery voice. Isabella.
Isabella who was gonna stay in my house, in my room, in my bed. With me.
Of course, I’m sure Valentina could see right through me and what made me even more sure was the look she was giving me right now.
‘’Tony, I know what you’re thinking.’’ She said sternly.
‘’Oh, you do? I didn’t know you could read minds, now. When did you develop this superpower?’’ I tease, all in an attempt to avoid her questions.
‘’Tony, I know you are in a tough place right now and that you’re waiting for this big miracle to come and solve everything, but I can tell you right now, it’s not my Isabella.’’
But of course it is. How can she not see, how it entirely, completely, undeniably, is?
‘’That’s not what I’m thinking Valentina.’’ I say, sounding convincing. At least I think.
‘’Tony, I know you and I know my grandaughter and I know she’s just dying for the chance to get in trouble with a boy like you.’’
‘’Trouble? Valentina, come on! I’m no trouble. Like you said, you know me. Plus, I’m not thinking any thoughts at all about your grandaughter, promise! Isabella’s a nice girl and she’s much better off with me than any other guy in this neighborhood and you know that! I’m just gonna show her around is all.’’ I say defensively.
Valentina looks at me like she wants to say more but she refrains and nods reluctantly.
‘’Don’t stay out too late.’’ She says and heads back up the stairs.
‘’No problem, you have nothing to worry about!’’ I yell after her and I can feel her shaking her head.
I’m about to waste all the hot water. But I can’t help it, once I start singing in the shower, I can’t stop for the life of me.
‘’…Te he buscado dondequiera que yo voy, y no te puedo hallar…’’
I hear light knocking on the door.
‘’Hey, what’s that song you’re singing?’’ It’s Tony.
I turn the water off, seeing this as my que to get out. Who knows how long he’s been listening.
‘’It’s called Perfidia.’’
‘’It’s pretty.’’ He says shortly and I wrap myself up in the towel, before opening the door. When I do, Tony basically falls over, as he has been leaning on it.
‘’Oh, hey, sorry!’’ He says awkwardly, trying not to look at me as I walk to my suitcase.
‘’What time is it?’’ I ask, not paying attention to his frantic behavior.
‘’It’s quarter to eight.’’ He answers as I pick out the dress I’m wearing tonight.
‘’Anyway, I’ll be upstairs, until you’re ready to go.’’ And with that he leaves.
I make my way to the small mirror on the wall. It’s all dirty and dusty, but I manage. I slip into the dress. It’s red with black details on it and a flowy skirt. I apply a bit of lipstick before putting on my black stilleto heels. I take one last glance at myself in the mirror and I’m ready to go. My first night out in New York City.
I sit at the counter debating where to take Isabella tonight. I think about where I used to go, not really a lot of nice places. Mostly wasting away in alleyways and rooftops with a pack of beer and the Jets. The Jets. They’re expecting me tonight. At the dance. And Isabella wants to go dancing. Would it be so bad for me to make an appearance tonight? I’d be bringing a perfectly nice girl with me, so if anything, that could only look good to my parole officer. And it’s not like it’s a dance with only my crime-loving buddies, it’s for everyone. And I’m determined to show Isabella a good time. Just then, I hear someone coming down the steps and low and behold, it’s her. I hope the dumb expression on my face when I see her doesn’t give me away. The dress fits her perfectly. Red is definitely her color. She gives me a small smile as she approaches.
‘’Ready to go?’’ She asks and I try not to sound like a complete idiot when I say -
‘’Ready as I’ll ever be.’’
I kissed Valentina goodnight before we headed out and she told me to be careful tonight and not get carried away. But how can I not get carried away when I’m about to be dancing in New York City? I take Tony by the arm as we walk.
The street we’re walking down is beautiful and dimly lit. The tall buildings with their high fire escapes and small windows line up in front of us. I feel a spring in my step as excitement fills me.
‘’So this dance you’re taking me to, will there be Puerto Ricans there?’’ I ask, absentmindedly making conversation while staring at our surroundings.
‘’Uh, yeah. I mean, it’s sort of like a social mixer, so everyone will be there.’’
‘’Do you know any Puerto Ricans, Tony?’’ I ask, looking over at him.
I feel him sort of stiffen as he mutters an answer.
‘’Well, you see, our kind don’t really mix with your kind too much. I mean, we’re kinda rivals around these parts. I don’t know, it’s stupid.’’ He shakes his head.
‘’Rivals?’’ I raise my brow at his choice of words. ‘’You don’t consider my people your rivals, do you, Tony?’’
‘’No! Not me, I mean, Valentina’s practically the only family I have…but see, these guys, the Jets, they’re kind of like my family too.’’ He goes on.
‘’The Jets?’’ I question.
‘’Yeah, they’re, um, a group of guys I used to hang out with. And then there’s Bernardo and the Sharks…’’
‘’Bernardo? A Puerto Rican?’’
‘’Yeah, Bernardo’s the leader of the Sharks, the Puerto Rican gang.’’
‘’Yeah, you know, you don’t gotta worry about that. Tonight’s about you having fun at your first dance in New York.’’
‘’So we’re going to dance with gangsters?’’
‘’I mean, they’ll be there, but we’re not gonna dance with them, I mean especially you. You shouldn’t go anywhere near them.’’
‘’Okay, Tony.’’ I say. ‘’I just want to dance.’’
The Gyms packed with them. Puerto Ricans. I always found it amusing how dimwits like Officer Krupke could even imagine that putting all of us in a room together could somehow turn out to be a civilized event. I watch as more of them pour in. Bernardo with his girl, right on que. I see his little sister walk in behind them with this sort of clumsy looking dude. Poor girl, Bernardo’s got her on a leash.
‘’Hey, check it out.’’ Ice’s voice catches my attention. I turn my head to see Tony, walking into the gym. I knew he’d show up, I knew it!
‘’It’s Tony,’’ Balkan comments in his thick accent.
‘’What did I tell ya!’’ I say, getting up. I’m about to make my way over there, when I notice Tony’s not alone. That’s when I see her. Short, but standing up as tall as she can. Not even one foot on the dance floor and already she’s got eyes on her. Black hair, lacey red dress. Puerto Rican. What the hell is Tony doing with a Puerto Rican girl? I can hear the Jets already making comments.
‘’Hey, who’s she?’’
‘’Why’s Tony with a Puerto Rican girl?’’
‘’Who cares, she’s hot!’’
I make my way through the crowd, not taking my eyes off of her.
Tony offers her his hand before I decide to interrupt.
‘’Tony!’’ I shout when I’m close enough for him to hear.
He sort of snaps his head toward me, looking almost as if he’d just been caught doing something he shouldn’t be.
‘’Riff,’’ his voice is low, like he’s scared someone will hear.
‘’Hey, man, I knew you’d make it!’’ I pull him into a brotherly hug. He seems taken aback but returns the gesture.
‘’And you brought a girl, how nice. Pleasure to meet you, señorita.’’ I extend my hand and she takes it cautiously.
‘’Hi, I’m Isabella.’’ She says in her little Puerto Rican accent and I can see her eyeing me almost suspiciously.
‘’Isabella, this is Riff.’’ Tony cuts in and places a hand on her back. ‘’Well, we really should be-‘’ His sentence is interrupted by a certain blondie running over and throwing herself in his arms.
‘’Tony!’’ She exclaims, eyes beaming and smile wide. My Graziella, formerly, Tony’s Graziella, that is before he got caught and sent to the slammer. Someone had to step in after that, but she was obviously still hung up on him.
‘’It’s so good to see you! I didn’t know you were coming tonight, you know, you never called me…’’ I can hear her chattering fade as the music swells in and out. She’s got Tony cornered.
I turn back to the little lady he dragged in with him.
‘’Hey, so, Isabella, was it? This your first time dancing in America?’’ Tony’s tall friend with the shaggy brown hair and the blue eyes turns to me.
‘’Yes, it is.’’ I reply, shortly, trying to get a better look at the people on the dance floor. I’m just itching to join. What is taking Tony so long?
‘’Well, then, might as well dance with a real American guy.’’ He says smugly, offering me his hand.
I stare at him and let out a little laugh, not sure whether he’s serious.
‘’And that’s supposed to be you?’’ I raise my brow, not taking his hand.
He keeps it extended towards me. ‘’Right.’’
I tilt my head to the side and stare at him for a moment. His overbearing confidence is almost attractive in a sense. He knows what he wants and he’s not going to stop until he gets it. I bite my lip and look over at Tony who seems to be preoccupied with this blonde chick. I can’t wait for him all night. I look back at Riff, who’s’ staring straight into my eyes, his blue ones hinting at trouble. Trouble. Something I was advised to steer clear of. But I didn’t come to New York City to stay out of trouble, to reject cute guys and be on my best behavior. I came to dance. I put my hand in his and he immediately pulls me close to him.
‘’Let’s see what you got, americano.’’ I say, earning a sly grin from him. He escorts me to the dance floor and suddenly, we are in the middle of it all. Everyone around us has become a blur of colorful fabric. People really know how to dress in New York, it’s so glamorous. I love every minute of it. Riff leads as we dance through the sea of people. He spins me around, once, twice, three times. My skirt spins along with every step. I must say he knows his stuff.
‘’You’re actually not so bad.’’ I shout over the music.
His hands find my waist and he smiles down at me.
‘’Not too shabby yourself,’’ he says and with that he dips me and I find my arms around his neck. Our faces are inches apart and I smile back at him before gracefully escaping his grip and dancing a few steps on my own. I notice some people around us staring, but I’m so entirely lost in my own world that it’s hard to care. He takes my hand once again and spins me around.
‘’You know I’ve always wanted to dance with a Puerto Rican girl.’’ He says.
‘’What’s been stopping you?’’ I ask as we continue dancing.
‘’I guess I just never found the right one ’til now.’’
I laugh and roll my eyes.
‘’So, listen, you and Tony, is that a thing?’’ He asks me.
‘’Tony? I just met him, I mean I-‘’
He cuts me off: ‘’Because you know Tony’s my best friend and well, I wouldn’t wanna move in on his girl.’’
‘’I’m not his girl,’’ I say quickly. ‘’I just met him, I don’t-‘’
‘’Well, you just met me, too, yet there seems to be an undeniable connection, don’t there, sweetheart?’’
I laugh a little again and he raises his eyebrows.
‘’I mean I know you don’t got a problem being with two guys at the same time, since I’m sure you’ve probably danced with a lot of guys and given, you’ve probably done a lot more than just dance with ‘em, so all I’m saying is-‘’
‘’What did you just say to me?’’ I ask, pulling away from him. I feel his hands on my back keeping me from going any further.
’’Hey, no offense there, doll,’’ he says, pushing a strand of hair from my face, ‘’you just look like you get around, if you know what I’m saying. I mean aren’t all you Puerto Rican girls a bit like that? And hey I’ve got a whole group of guys who’d just love to get a taste of-‘’ before he can finish I find my hand flying across his face, slapping hard against his cheek.
He instantly presses his own hand against his face in pain. ‘’Ouch,’’ he utters, but there’s still some kind of sick smirk across his expression.
‘’Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing!?’’ The blonde girl that was pestering Tony shouts, as she has now made her way over to us.
‘’Hey, hey, calm down there, girly girl, you know how these Latinas can get. Fiesty.’’ He says, getting a hold of her before she comes at me.
‘’Don’t talk about me and my people like that ever again.’’ I say firmly as Tony walks over.
‘’Hey, what’s going on here?’’ He asks with concern and I shake my head.
‘’Let’s dance, Tony. You promised me we’d dance.’’ I say, wanting to get out of this annoying situation. Sure, I didn’t expect America to be perfect. I know who I am and how people treat those who are like me. But is there nowhere a girl can go without constantly needing to have to stand up for herself? That is why I dance, one of the reasons, at least. Because when you dance it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from or what you believe. You are disappearing into the music and it’s the most free you will ever feel.
Tony nods and I take his hand and head away from Riff.
‘’Hey, you know, Tony, if I were you I’d skip the dancing and take her right back home!’’ I hear Riff calling after us and I can’t believe I ever danced with him. I’m just overwhelmed by the situation. Tony escorts me away from the tension and stops when we’re far enough.
‘’Hey, it’s alright.’’ He says, rubbing my shoulder for comfort.
‘’It’s not alright, Tony!’’ I yell and he frowns, seeing my evident frustration.
‘’You’re right, you’re right, it’s not. I’m sorry. That’s just how Riff is, you know? But it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have let you go off alone, especially not with him.’’ Tony says softly and I shake my head.
‘’You don’t get it, Tony.’’ I say, even though I know he’s just trying to help. ‘’A woman should be able to ‘go off alone’ at a dance, without having to worry about constantly being disrespected by guy who is ‘just how he is’.’’ I say, using air quotes.
‘’You’re right. Riff is an asshole. Nobody should talk to you like that.’’ Tony says. His voice is steady and he’s trying to sympathize with me.
‘’Nobody should talk to anyone like that, Tony. You don’t know what it’s like to be a woman, let alone a Latina woman, people talk to us like that every day and I’m so tired of it. I thought it would be different here, I thought you would be different, but you’re all the same!’’ I say, exasperated.
‘’Hey, no, I’m not like that, okay? I wanted you to have a nice night here, to dance, remember, we can still dance, huh?’’ He says and it’s obvious he’s trying so hard to fix this and cheer me up.
‘’You say you’re not like that, but you’re friends with him. How can you be friends with someone like that, Tony? What does that make you, then?’’ There’s a hint of accusation in my voice.
‘’I’m not, okay? I used to be. I used to be just like him. Just a messed up kid who didn’t know any better and even though that’s not an excuse, you gotta know, that’s all Riff is. He just doesn’t know any better.’’ He says carefully.
‘’But he’s not a kid anymore. He can think for himself and he can tell right from wrong. If he doesn’t know any better, then he should learn.’’ I say.
‘’He’s got no one to teach him. He needs that, he needs someone to care, you know? He doesn’t have that. I’m basically all he’s got.’’
‘’Well then maybe you should teach him, Tony. I think it’s time for us to go.’’ I start to walk past him but he stops me.
‘’No. Please, okay, please? I’m sorry this happened, but you can’t let it ruin your first night in the city. I promised you we’d dance so we’re going to dance.’’ He says importantly.
He’s right. And maybe I was wrong to call him out without knowing who he is or what he’s been through. I just met him and I shouldn’t judge him without getting to know him first. He gives me his hand and I accept it, waltzing back to the dancefloor. Tony’s a good dancer. But, and as much as it pains me to say it, he’s not as good as Riff. Still, I feel so much better dancing with him, knowing I’m safe. Safe. That’s exactly what Tony is. He’s the safe choice. No trouble. Maybe I can do it after all, stay out of trouble, that is. Or maybe not…
feedback would be appreciated!!!
part 2:
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