fanaticwriting09 · 5 years
I made this blog to initially separate my writing from my Main blog, I have hopes of doing lots and lots of writing in the year 2020. I have done some thinking though and have decided that having them separate is just hard to keep up with so, I will be moving the 2 stories I have already posted to my main blog @southernbell91 I hope that if you enjoyed the 2 stories I have already posted you will go give that page a follow and check out some of the other stories I have already posted. 
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fanaticwriting09 · 5 years
tysm for the billy lee fic! it’s rare to find good billy fics and this one was so hot. i really enjoyed reading it.
You’re very welcome!
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fanaticwriting09 · 5 years
How do you Like it?
Pairing: Cockles X Reader, Jensen Ackles x Misha Collins x Reader, Misha Collins x Jensen Ackles
Rating: 18+, NSFW Word Count: 1700 Warnings: Light D/s elements, Light Punishment, Poly relationship, Smut. Authors Notes: This is basically just porn with a small plot thanks to an idea that just came to me. 
  It had been 3 weeks since you last saw Misha and Jensen, that’s the longest you all had been apart since they invited you into this crazy relationship nearly 6 months ago. That’s why it didn’t surprise you when Jensen walked into the house and things move from zero to sixty fast. One moment you’re sitting on the couch watching TV and next thing you know you’re shirtless and he’s sucking a hickie into your neck with you perched precariously on his lap, a very visible tent growing in his pants.  Sliding your hand down his bare chest you moved to rub his erection through his pants when you felt a hand stop you. Looking up at him confused you couldn't hold back the pout, it had been weeks since you had touched each other and you were dying to feel him again. 
"You know we can't do anything till Misha gets back sweetheart, wouldn't want him to be left out would you?" 
Shaking your head you climbed off his lap, not able to avoid the sulking look on your face. A few minutes of silence passed as you stared blankly off into the distance, finally the sound of Misha coming through the front door caught your ears but truth be told you weren't really in the mood anymore. 
You looked up when you heard him come into the room, returning his smile that changed into a look of question when he realized you were only half dressed. Misha came closer, giving Jensen a quick kiss before turning his attention to you, doing the same.
"Having fun without me I see."
"No we weren't actually," you said a little harsher than you meant, giving Jensen a short glare. Noticing the tension he turned to Jensen.
"What happened?" 
"We were fooling around and someone got a little excited, I just reminded her that we needed to wait for you and so now she's pouting." 
Misha looked between Jensen and you before finally standing up from where he had been crouched in front of you both.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" 
You couldn't help but jump as he raised his voice.
"Three weeks, you realize that? Three weeks we've been away from her and you're just going to what, deny her?" 
Jensen went to say something but Misha held his hand up, silencing his boyfriend. Holding his hand out to you he murmured "come here baby." 
Pulling you close he kissed you softly, his hand running from the nape of your neck down the length of your body stopping when it reached your pants dipping in them he brushed his fingers through your folds, groaning into the kiss at the feel of your wetness. 
Pulling back he smiled, his finger still lightly toying with you. "All of this, just for Jensen and he wasted it, didn't he?" 
Nodding you did your best not to close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of someone's hands finally on you. Without turning his attention away from you he spoke to Jensen.
"Pants off, now. If you can't give her what she obviously needs, I'm going to let her take it, and you're not going to do anything but let her." 
Jensen grunted out a "yes sir" as he shifted pulling his pants and boxers off, Misha worked to undo your own pants, sliding them down your legs. 
"Now sweet girl, I want you to ride Jensen, cum as many times as you want, but first." He added walking away coming back quickly with a small object in his hand, he gave you a smirk before crouching down in front of Jensen again. 
"First, I'm going to make sure Jensen doesn't get to cum. If he can't take care of you, he shouldn't get to be taken care of should he?" 
 Jensen whimpered and you watched as Misha stroked him to hardness before sliding a cock ring on tightly securing his shaft to ensure he wouldn’t be cumming until Misha allowed it. 
Standing again Misha pulled you in for another kiss, this one deeper than before, his hands roaming your body as you felt your skin heat up beneath them. He kept kissing you as he slowly helped you remove your clothes, knowing he was helping you just as much as he was teasing Jensen. 
"Now sweet girl, are you ready to ride Jensen?" You nodded, your bottom lip pulled tight between your teeth. 
Misha moved you stand in front of Jensen, his hands on your hips reminding you he was still very much in charge. 
"You," he said directed towards Jensen. "Hands on the back of the couch. I don't wanna see them move or I will tie you up and you'll end up wearing that the rest of the night." He added, gesturing towards Jensen cock straining under the ring. 
Jensen groaned and you couldn't help the little smirk that played on your lips, the look he gave you letting you know he noticed it and you would certainly be getting paid back for this. The thought of that alone sent a shiver over you that Misha noticed. 
"Eager are we little girl? Climb on up on Jensen's lap and get yourself ready sweetheart." 
Obeying you moved to straddle Jensen, your hands resting on his shoulders and your core hovering just above his erection and you couldn't help but notice him buck his hips up slightly, trying to close the distance. You heard Misha tut before giving a slap to Jensen's cock before guiding you down, you let out a gutteral moan as he stretched and filled you. 
"Does he feel good sweetheart?"
"Fuck yes, I forgot how thick he was." 
 You couldn't help but pant as you adjusted to Jensen's size Your hips slowly started to rotate as you began a slow pace, rising until only the tip was left and lowering back down almost agonizingly slow, wanting to draw your first orgasm out as long as possible. Misha growing out of patience moved a hand to your hip, helping guide your pace making you speed up. His other hand began to dance along your bare skin, goosebumps rising under his feather light touch until he reached your nipple, you couldn't help the breathy moan that escaped your lips as he pinched and tweaked it. 
You felt the orgasm beginning to blossom in your core as your breathing started coming out in quicker shallow breaths, Misha's breath hot on your neck as he started peppering kisses along it, whispering to you, his eyes not doubt on Jensen who looked like he was seconds away from snapping himself.
"Does that feel good sweetheart, taking something Jensen was mean enough not to want to give you?" 
"Ye-yes Misha." 
"I want you to look at Jensen when you cum, show him how good you're making yourself feel on his cock." 
You nodded, swallowing hard as your felt your first orgasm hit you, your eyes locked on Jensen's as you moaned loudly, your thighs tightening around Jensen's. 
Your head fell back to Misha's shoulder as your movements slowed, your breath and heartbeat slowing down as well.
"Fuck, doesn't she look amazing when she cums Jensen? Too bad you didn't actually have anything to do with it huh? I think she should take one more, what do you say sweetheart, can you take another orgasm from Jensen." 
 You nodded, seeing the lust on Jensen's face inspired you through your exhaustion. Turning your head you pulled Misha in for a searing kiss,smirking at the feeling of Jensen twitching inside of you, you knew you had accomplished your goal of teasing him more. Slowly your hips began to move again, your body tired but craving more, you knew a second orgasm wouldn’t take long at all given how long it had been since you had, had any. 
   Moving your attention back to Jensen you planted your hands on his shoulders, using them as leverage to help you move faster, your hips rolling now in a steady rhythm. Leaning forward you ghosted your lips over Jensen’s ear as you spoke, “Pity you can’t move your hands, I bet they would feel amazing on my skin right now, daddy” 
You couldn’t help but let out a wicked little chuckle when you heard him growl, his hands gripping the back of the couch tighter. 
 Sitting up you let out a little gasp, Misha’s hands once again roaming your body this time working their way down your stomach. You mewled under his touch when his fingers found their way to your clit, your leg giving a little involuntary twitch at the intrusion.  
 “She is stunning, isn’t she Jen? Let’s see if I can’t help her soak your cock. Wouldn’t that be something.” 
 You moaned at the combination of his words and movements, feeling that familiar feeling beginning to pool in your belly, your hands gripping Jensen’s shoulders tighter as you tried to keep your movements steady. 
“Fuck, that feels so good.”
“That’s right little girl, tell Jensen how good his cock is making you feel” 
“So good, fuck!” You yelped when Misha’s other hand made it’s way to your breast, a nipple trapped between his fingers. 
  Your legs began to tighten around Jensen’s yet again as you felt the dam begin to break, your movements all but stopped as Misha continued his assault on your clit, drawing the orgasm out in waves until you finally felt what he was working towards, a gush of liquid flooding from your body as the built up tension finally let go. 
Unable to hold on anymore you slumped forward, clinging to Jensen’s body as you tried to control your breathing, everything feeling heavy.
“That’s a good girl” Misha praised as he planted a kiss to your shoulder, your eyes were so heavy you could tell he was moving but didn’t care what for. You whimpered as you felt Jensen slide out of you, his strong arms wrapping around you as he stood. Moments later you felt the soft cushion of the mattress underneath you and the tale tell signs of them cleaning you up, Jensen and misha both whispering words of praise as they joined you in bed.
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fanaticwriting09 · 5 years
Necessary Distraction
Character: Billy Lee (Bad times at the El Royale) x Reader
Rating: 18+, NSFW
Warnings: Smut, Cock Warming, somewhat public sexual situation
Word Count: 1874
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 It wasn’t uncommon for Billy to hold meetings in the big house, especially ones that he didn’t want the rest of the collective to interfere with. No one went in the big house unless asked by Billy. That made things all the more strange when he sent someone to ask you to join him on a meeting day. You hadn’t been with the group long, only 6 months or so, you had been in the big house once. It was one morning when Rose, or boots as Billy called her, saw Billy leaving from your tent before day break. You got up early to start on your chores when you were jumped, showing up fairly quickly he stopped the fight, banning her from the house for weeks and taking you in to get cleaned up. 
    Shaking the memories from your head you nodded at the woman he sent after you and cleaned up, making your way up to the big house. Heading in you went straight for the kitchen, the girl in their pointing you upstairs to Billy’s room. Uncharted territory. Taking the creaky stairs one step at a time you worked your way to Billy’s room, your nerves starting to get the best of you. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what he could want from you, not today when the collective elders as he called it were set to gather to talk about who knows what. Letting out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding you tapped lightly on the door. Footsteps thudding on the other side matched your rapidly beating heart as he opened the door. 
 “Well hello there darling” He greeted, his wicked smile beaming at you. “Come on in, I have a proposition I’d like to discuss with you.”  He said, stepping to the side. 
Walking through the door, the sound of it closing echoed throughout the room.
“Proposition? What sort of proposition Billy?” You asked, voice audibly shakey. 
  You looked around taking in your surroundings, thoroughly impressed with Billy’s digs. Silk sheets covered his large bed, the thing had to be big enough for four people at least, you’ve never seen one so big, everything was so large and each piece of furniture stood out, you couldn’t help but think of just how well it fit Billy’s personality. 
 “Don’t you worry sweetheart.” His thick voice broke through your minds ramblings, his face suddenly coming into view as he stepped in front of you. His hand moving to gently caress your face. “You know Billy lee will take care of you, I just need your help getting through this little meeting and I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll set you up real nice here in the big house for a few weeks, how’s that sound.” 
You felt your eyes go wide at the prospect of Billy letting you stay here, but then his condition hit you.
 “How-how can I help you get through the meeting?” 
His trademark smirk decorated his face as his eyes ran the length of your body. 
“You can help darling, by keeping my mind pre-occupied by other things.” 
His free hand slid down your body, gently running down your sides to your hips and down your legs, lifting your skirt as his hand traveled back up. Billy’s fingers connected with the panties underneath and his demeanor changed, the air around him becoming near electric. 
   “Now, that’s gonna be a problem.” His fingers gripped them, sliding them down your thighs. You began to stutter, trying to pull away and he shushed you, his hand on your face moving to grip the back of your head, his lips gently ghosting over your own. 
 “Easy there darling, you know I’m not going to show anyone else what’s mine. Now, you do want to be mine, don’t you?” He asked you, his finger brushing against your folds, his eyes leaving little room to argue with. Nodding slowly you swallowed hard, closing your eyes while Billy continued to toy with you, his finger slipping just past your lips, a groan escaping him when finding you wet. 
   “That’s a good girl. Now, you sit with me during my meeting and help me out and I’ll take care of this for you. You’d like that wouldn’t you.” 
   Nodding again you looked at him, your breath catching at the sight of the lust in his eyes. 
    “Now now, don’t be shy. Let Billy hear you. Now tell me, are you mine?” 
“Yes Billy.” 
“And are you gonna be a good girl and make sure I get through this meeting?”
“Yes Billy.” 
“That’s a good girl.” He whispered, kissing you lightly before pulling back. Your eyes couldn’t help but wander as he stepped away, the tent in his pants visibly noticeable. 
 “Now, I suppose we should get a move on before they come looking for us. Don’t worry about those,” he said pointing to your now discarded panties on the floor. “There’ll be none of that in the big house, ya hear?” 
Taking his now outstretched hand you nodded again, following him out of the room and down into the dinning room, finding it still empty. 
  “Now, you don’t say anything unless I speak to you. You understand me? You’re here for one reason and one reason only and it’s not to interrupt.” 
  “Yes sir” You said, feeling suddenly very aware of your lack of underwear. Billy sat, quickly working his pants open, just enough to spring his erection free. 
   He grabbed his cock, stroking slowly as he took in your reaction, a devilish smirk on his own. This wasn’t the first time you had seen it, no the night before Boots attacked you Billy had been visiting, giving you his own welcome to the group. Your cheeks flushed at the memory, it was a good night that ended far too soon in your opinion, and it made the prospect of staying in the big house all the sweeter. 
  Billy’s hand on your hip brought you back to reality as he guided you over to him. 
“Now turn around and have a seat darling, I’ll take care of the rest.” 
 “Yes sir” you said softly, turning as you started to sit, one of his hands on his cock, the other on your hip guiding you down, he lifted your skirt enough to move it out of the way, you had to bite back a moan as you sank down on his length, your whole body trembling as he filled you to the hilt. 
 “That’s my good girl” He said low in your ear, as he pulled you to lean back against his chest. “Now, stay just like that through this meeting and you’ll get your reward.” 
  You nodded, biting your lip trying hard not to make any noise. Right on cue the door to the dining room opened and the others made their way in, a few giving you a curious look before quickly looking away, clearly Billy’s face let them know not to say anything about your current situation. 
 The meeting droned on for quite some time, you could feel Billy growing restless, his grip on your hips tightening as he grew impatient. Occasionally his fingers would find themselves under your skirt, never touching where you wanted to feel him the most, your body reacting every time you felt his hands on your bare skin helped to keep him hard and you knew it was driving him just as mad as it was you. 
   After the 2nd full hour of meeting and pointless discussion Billy finally lost his resolve. 
“That’s enough for today.” 
  Everyone glared at him, knowing the reason for him cutting the meeting short was perched upon his lap but no one said a word against it, your cheeks heating up as you noticed a few people giving you strange looks. Several of them nodded, not ones to argue with Billy, they slowly made their way out of the room a few of them grumbling under their breath as they went.
  The moment the room was clear, you felt the air once again shift around Billy, his breathing picking up almost in an instant. Without any warning he lifted you from his lap, your skirt being yanked down your legs almost effortlessly. 
“Now, I’m not in the mood to wait until we get upstairs, so do me a favor sweetheart and lay down on this here table and let me take care of both of our problems.” 
Nodding you did as you were told, stretching your upper body across the table, making sure your ass was high in the air, putting yourself on full display for Billy. You could feel your wetness running down your legs and no longer cared about being embarrassed, to busy wanting Billy to take care of this ache you had in your core.
  He ran his fingers through your folds again, brushing against your sensitive nub before pulling back, you heard his pants hit the ground, your whole body trembling in anticipation. You couldn’t help the whimper you let out when you felt the head of his thick cock push against your entrance, that sound turning to a drawn out moan as he pushed in all the way, pulling back slightly only to slam into you harder. It was one thing to sit on his length for hours, it was a totally different story to having him moving inside you filling you over and over with it. 
Your nails dug into the table beneath you as he kept a punishing pace, grunting and letting out moans of his own as the table rocked. 
  “That’s a good girl, you take me so well. We’re going to have lots of fun the next few weeks in the big house, aren’t we?” 
   “Yes sir,” you couldn’t help but moan, feeling your orgasm building after hours of teasing. Using what strength you had you lifted up, pushing your body back meeting Billy’s thrusts. 
 “Fuck! Billy, I’m so close.” 
“That’s right baby girl, cum for Billy, let the whole house hear how good I make you feel.” 
 Grabbing your hair he tilted your head back, his lips latching onto your neck where you were sure to have a bruise come morning. With a scream you came, hard, clenching around his length as his own pace became erratic. He groaned in your ear as he felt you peak, his own breathing becoming laboured. Letting go of your hair he gripped your hips as your body collapsed onto the table, a few thrusts later you felt the warm wetness hit your inner thigh as Billy came, pulling out just in time to cover your legs and the floor below, the sounds of your breathing and his moan the only ones in the room. 
  After a few minutes you slowly sat up, turning to look at him, not even realizing he had collapsed into the chair behind him, a wicked smirk on his face. 
  “I think we may even discuss extending your stay here, what do you say sweetheart?” 
 You couldn’t help but smile at his words as you sat across from him on the table, not caring about the mess. 
“Whatever you say Billy, whatever you say.” 
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fanaticwriting09 · 5 years
Hello all, I can’t wait to start sharing some of my work on here. I write for several fandoms and hope to expand even more beyond what I already write for. 
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