fanatolliel · 3 years
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fanatolliel · 3 years
babbling about "Even If Only For Tonight"
I don't know if anyone will be interested in this, but my nonsense might be amusing.
So here are my thoughts while writing "Even If Only for Tonight."
Cody swearing =❤️love❤️
Obi-Wan prim and proper whilst covered in bodily fluids =❤️love❤️
how many times can an enhanced super-human clone and a force-assisted Jedi come? MORE THAN YOU'D THINK
can I write sex? NOPE / can I write sex better than 50 shades? oh most definitely
here I go oscillating between floral euphemisms and dry medical jargon again
who's blushing more: Obi-Wan or ME?
Obi-Wan is a SLUT for more Cody
Obi-Wan enjoys reading informational texts on HOW TO SEX because he's a 35-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN and a NERD
Cody = virgin? maybe? or maybe he's helped a brother out *wink wink nudge nudge*
Google: how long does normal sex last OR how long is too long? (AKA NOT PORN) (wait, yeah, this is for porn research but I'm not interested in porn kthxbai) (I'm lying. I didn't Google this. I don't care. This is sci-fi.)
how quickly can a dude get it back up? OB says "right now, isn't that amazing? no, I'd never misuse the Force like that"
words I'm overusing: THRUST (alternates: rut, drive, fuck), SHUDDER (alternates: tremble, shake, shiver), ARCH (OB your lower back is gonna be killing you tomorrow)
words I don't want to use, but can't think of a replacement right now: BOUNCE, PUMP
OB: shy for like 3 more minutes, then he's done, he has a man to sex, no more of this being shy nonsense
everyone is sweaty and gross, because sex is sweaty and gross (I GUESS; I'M A VIRGIN)
get a washcloth, you boys are GROSS, using the sheets, EWW
is everyone understanding that they REALLY REALLY cleaned themselves well in the shower? are my allusions and implications CLEAR? they are squeaky clean. super clean. lots of soap. in the butt.
first half: I forgot whose room they're in SO Cody just keeps lube in his belt, you boy scout you
the bed isn't big enough for this. the shower isn't big enough for this. they don't have enough extra bedding for this. OH FREAKING WELL
should I use different star wars swears? kark and kriff are my favorites, throw in a few fucks and shits and I'm happy (I added a "stars," but that makes me think stars and garters and this ain't x-men)
marathon SEX, but these idiots know like 3 1/2 positions 1. normal 2. gentleman on his back 3. cowboy 1/2. laying on top of each trying for osmosis
when is OB going to notice there're boys in the hall, just waiting, horny himbos the lot of them
Cody kink: he likes marking OB up, but doesn't like getting him dirty so much, he knows OB likes being clean and discovers he loves aftercare
OB kink: he likes marking Cody up, likes getting him dirty, but wants to clean him up right away, he loves being praised and praising and teasing -later, he's a bit subby, but more like he likes to be taken care of, he still wants to fully discuss everything and only do what he wants so everyone's happy, he's not slutty and doesn't want to be called names, ('cept he is super slutty for his husbands) -Cody is the gentlest, praisiest dom ever - service top, emphasis on the service -ALSO, I think I avoided it in the main story, b/c everybody has their preferences, but I like shorter OB, sorry not sorry.
saying abs seems shallow, I'll use abdominals instead, or how do I explain that CODY IS RIPPED. KRIFFING, KARKING RIPPED. BOY IS SHREDDED. WHICH WAY TO THE GUN SHOW? *entire star wars galaxy points at Cody*
IS It CUM OR COME1??!//?!? -ok, I Gooooogled it, and apparently, both are correct, tho come has been around A LOT longer -connotation-wise, come is "classier" and cum is "dirtier" -for some, come is the verb / cum is the noun -people have OPINIONS -this article was hilarious tbh, "gender fluid" & "cum as you are"
dirty talk - 50% fun, 150% awkward
OB pay attention! or we'll have to do this again!
OB is a solid bruise by now... maybe so much bacta?
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fanatolliel · 3 years
current project
Star Wars Nicknames series [so many more parts]
Cody/Obi-Wan scene - posted: "Even If Only for Tonight"
organizing all scenes so that they make basic chronological sense
figuring out how to make these makes sense in A03
A-Squad rescue - posted: "Couldn't Have Done Much Better"
Gregor/Obi-Wan - posted: "A Very Vigorous Workout"
Trapper/Obi-Wan - posted: "I Have Plans for You"
Vonty/Obi-Wan - posted: "A Quick Christening of the Lucky Jedi"
Crys/Obi-Wan - posted: "So I Would Be Special to You"
Family bonding - posted: "Of Assorted Events in Which Familial Bonds Are Strengthened"
Boil/Waxer/Obi-Wan - posted: "Both Have a Go"
Honey/Obi-Wan - posted: "A Delicate Balance"
Gearshift/Obi-Wan scene - posted: "A Bit of Privacy"
Table/Obi-Wan/Cody scene - posted: "Out of Regs"
Longshot/Obi-Wan - posted: "(Not So) Gentle in the Sunlight"
Imi/Iro/Ite/Obi-Wan - posted: "We Like Taking Care of You"
Threepwood/Obi-Wan - posted: "Better Than a Dream"
Barlex/Obi-Wan - posted: "Wild and Savage, Frantic and Tender"
Eyeball/Obi-Wan - posted: "The Skill of His Hands"
Dooku reveals all - posted: "Bring All This to the Light"
Peace! - posted "Peace Talks, Quarrels, Insults, and Assassination Attempts"
Overtopp/Obi-Wan - posted: "Hurry and Admire"
rescuing POW troopers - posted: "Rescued, One and For All"
time to sleep - posted: "Lay Down Your Sweet and Weary Head"
Kamino - posted: All of Us, Everyone
Wooley/Obi-Wan - revising
Snapper/Obi-Wan - revising
Cale/Reed/Obi-Wan - revising
Obi-Wan & Dooku - revising
Obi-Wan, Anakin, & Rex - revising
Senior clone officers - revising
Obi-Wan, Busy, & Truff - revising
getting a new ship - rough drafting
Hey, if there's a pairing/scene/kinks you would be interested in reading, reply to this or however Tumblr works now. Bear in mind, I'm pretty mild vanilla. <3,
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fanatolliel · 3 years
current project update
1. not dead :)
2. I was working on the next part of my series... the sex scenes. And realized that I couldn't write sex scenes. So I wobbled and wibbled over what to do... since APRIL. Yikes, sorry.
3. Then I was about to give up, but I listened to a podcast (about filmmaking, which I don't even do), and the point was, don't be precious. I realized that my writing is not some sacred, precious thing - it's for FUN. So, I decided to have fun. As long as it's better than 50SoG, I figure it's fine. Y'all can read it or don't, IDEK. I had FUN.
4. Then Nanowrimo was in like 2 days, so I figured why the hey-howdy-hey not? So I've been writing crap like a madwoman for all of November. I passed my 50,000 words a few days ago. SO, now I've been editing and organizing this nonsense.
5. THEN, I saw that A03 has limited the number of tags per story. SO THAT WON'T WORK FOR ME, BABES. So annoying for this type of story. I had planned to do one work with a bunch of different chapters, 1 per pairing (which, tbh, I've always found a little annoying, so I'm not super mad), but that means I have to switch everything up. These are just smut, so not plot-important. I think I'll make a second series/collection???? I'm not sure, I have to figure out A03. I don't use it for months years and everything changes on me. :))))
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fanatolliel · 3 years
I have this horrible habit of portmanteau'ing words that don't need to be portmanteau'd.
so when I saw: space mermaids
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fanatolliel · 3 years
WOOKIEEPEDIA. The source of anything and everything you want to know related to Star Wars. Good for fact-checking, character history, or simply killing time. There is also, of course, the official Star Wars Databank! STAR WARS GALAXY MAP. A fantastic project that maps the Star Wars galaxy as we know it. Consider donating ( if you can! ) to help keep the site up and running! Also check out W.R. van Hage’s map and the Star Wars Atlas Online Companion. TIMELINE. While hosted on Wookieepedia, this is nevertheless deserving of its own bullet point. This page provides an approximate timeline with dates of all canon material. You can also filter items, so that it displays only TV episodes, for example, or only books, or only movies! Find the Legends timeline here. STAR WARS SLANG AND PHRASES. A collection I’ve been keeping of phases, slang, idioms, insults, and more from the Star Wars universe. This also contains a glossary of frequently used terms, such as “refresher” in place of “restroom”. Please feel free to use/share! 
STAR WARS NAME GENERATOR. This is a fun one AND a life saver. You can generate up to 100 Star Wars-sounding names ( first and last! ) with a click. 
Spaceship names as well as spaceship type/models
Earth-like alien planets for any alien planet you don’t have info on
Random landscapes, see above
Technobabble generator for when you need a reason for a red alert
Alien plant/herb/flower name generator. Also: mineral/metal/gemstone names, material names, medication names, and descriptions of alien substances
Scifi tool names for gadgets and gizmos
Jeff Russell’s Starship Dimensions, Dirk Loechel’s Sci-fi Spaceship Size Comparisons, and other Star Wars Deckplans
Star Wars Post 
Star Wars News Net
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fanatolliel · 3 years
Basic Guide to Clone Trooper Armour
I don’t know about you guys, but I have a hard time keeping the terms for various parts of clone armour straight in my mind. So, I decided to make this Guide To Armour, to make my life easier for those times I’m drawing or writing stuff and need to reference what this, that or the other piece is called, how it’s put on or taken off. (I’ve also tried to include/come up with some casual or slang terms for some parts because you cannot seriously expect these guys to use the Right Proper Terminology for everything all of the time.)
This is based on the Clone Wars cartoons, because that’s what I know best. Also, this is just the standard armour of regular troopers; if y’all want something about the possible additions/variations that you could have then lmk and I’ll see what I can put together I guess?
Note: a lot of this terminology is taken from medieval knights’ armour. Many terms are originally French; alternative names provided where possible. I did do a bit of research on medieval plate armour, which is the closest thing I can think of to clone armour, but I am by no means an expert so if you have any input or corrections feel free to @ me. Likewise, if you’ve cosplayed as a clone trooper or stormtrooper, I’d very much like to hear about your experience wearing this stuff, how it moves and how it might be similar or different to the “real thing” so to speak.
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Figure 1: Clone trooper armour, front view. Kix got chosen for this because he’s a vain little bastard and loves to be painted. (ETA: this diagram now comes with a second, funnier version.)
(long post under cut)
Keep reading
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fanatolliel · 3 years
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fanatolliel · 3 years
things I have recently learned about myself while writing
I overuse the word just
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fanatolliel · 3 years
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Lawful Pantser
Writes everything in order
Uses flashlight method to get to the end
Ends up in strange places
Knows random details no one else cares about
Neutral Pantser
Writes things as they come to them
Not afraid to bounce around
Knowing the ending makes it boring
Chaotic Pantser
Writes completely out of order
What the fuck is a plot?
Loves side fiction and writes whatever they’re excited about
Lawful Plantser
Knows the ending, writes toward it
Loves to worldbuild
Uses character bios/has definitely taken personality tests for their characters
True Plantser
Starts an outline
Goes off script and ends up in unexpected places
But that’s okay because this is more interesting anyways
Chaotic Plantser
Has an idea of a plot when they start
who writes things down???
has to assemble scenes into a frankendraft
Lawful Plotter
Has detailed character bios
Multi-page outline organized by scene/chapter
Probably knows what colour socks their MC wears on Tuesdays
Neutral Plotter
Brief outline
Likes to use beat sheets
Modifies and updates as they go
Thinks about writing character bios, rarely does
Chaotic Plotter
Writes scene on little cards and tries to organize them on a board
Writes said scenes out of order
Copy and paste is your friend
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fanatolliel · 3 years
exhibit a & b as to why I am too tired to keep writing:
“Obi-Wan, giving his beard a good stroke...”
“Obi-Wan, rubbing his beard...”
Fortunately, I caught these gems before anything dire happened.
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fanatolliel · 4 years
I’ve decided that 10.5 Arial is the best font for writing in, in case I wasn’t extra enough.
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fanatolliel · 4 years
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How I write: 
brainstorm a ton of unconnected ideas, moments, vibes
write everything down on scraps of paper, color-coded by vauge themes
spread them all over my floor, trying to find some semblance of order
turn these into an outline of sorts, no chapters, just an indefinite order
make a textbox of unclear themes I want to pepper throughout
end the outline on a hilarious non-ending, I'll just figure that out later
start first draft
edit and revise way too much as I go
finish rough draft
use too many online writing checks to help control my nonsense
put everything on a black background with white writing
minor editing
freak out for multiple days before posting
post everything at once
find many spelling, grammar, punctuation errors
fix them
don't open AO3 for weeks
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fanatolliel · 4 years
current project
Star Wars Nicknames series part 3
Read it so far!
Current wordcount: 5,432 | 6,132 | 7,012 | 9,275 | 10,505 | 11,251 | 11,800 | 15,383 | 20,000 | 26,274 | 32,2746 | 37,024 | 37,346
Final Wordcount: 37,023
Finished Part 25 of 25
Posted Chapter 10 of 10
rough draft
editing each chapter
posting each chapter
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fanatolliel · 7 years
Synonyms For Very
This is a masterlist of words that you may use alongside the word very, very being one of the most common words that are used when writing. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me in our writing seem more sophisticated and unique. 
Very accurate - exact- precise Very afraid - fearful Very angry - furious - livid- tempestuous Very annoying - exasperating- bothersome- vexatious
Very bad- atrocious Very beautiful- exquisite- alluring Very big- immense- massive Very boring- dull- monotonous Very bright- luminous- glaring Very busy- swamped- occupied
Very calm- serene- tranquil- unperturbed Very careful- cautious- precise- heedful Very cheap- stingy- budget Very childish- immature- youthful Very clean- spotless- immaculate- crisp- fresh Very clear- obvious- comprehensible- explicit- transparent Very clever- intelligent- astute Very cold- freezing Very colourful/colorful- vibrant Very competitive- cutthroat Very complete- comprehensive Very confused- perplexed Very conventional- conservative Very creative- innovative Very crowded- bustling Very cute- adorable
Very dangerous- perilous Very dear- cherished Very deep- profound Very depressed- despondent Very detailed- meticulous Very different- disparate Very difficult- arduous Very dirty- filthy Very dry- arid Very dull- tedious
Very eager - keen Very easy - effortless Very empty - desolate Very excited - thrilled Very exciting - exhilarating Very expensive - costly
Very fancy- lavish Very fast- swift Very fat- obese Very friendly- amiable Very frightened- alarmed Very frightening- terrifying Very funny- hilarious
Very glad- overjoyed Very good- excellent Very great- terrific
Very happy- ecstatic Very hard- difficult Very hard-to-find- rare Very heavy- leaden Very high- soaring Very hot- sweltering Very huge- colossal Very hungry- ravenous -voracious Very hurt- battered
Very important - crucial Very intelligent - brilliant Very interesting - captivating
Very judgemental - prejudice
Very large- huge Very lazy- indolent Very little- tiny Very lively- vivacious Very long- extensive Very long-term- enduring Very loose- slack Very loud- thunderous Very loved- adored
Very mean- cruel / ruthless Very messy- slovenly
Very neat- immaculate Very necessary- essential Very nervous- apprehensive- anxious Very nice- kind Very noisy- deafening
Very often- frequently Very old- ancient Very old-fashioned- archaic Very open- transparent
Very painful- excruciating Very pale- ashen Very passionate- zealous Very perfect- flawless Very poor- destitute Very powerful- compelling Very pretty- beautiful
Very quick- rapid Very quiet- hushed
Very rainy- pouring Very religious- orthodox Very rich- wealthy
Very sad- sorrowful Very scary- chilling Very serious- grave Very sharp- keen Very shiny- gleaming Very short- brief Very shy- timid Very simple- basic Very skinny- skeletal Very slow- sluggish Very small- petite Very smart- intelligent Very smelly- pungent Very smooth- sleek Very soft- downy Very sorry- apologetic Very special- exceptional Very strong- forceful Very stupid- idiotic Very sure- certain Very sweet- thoughtful
Very talented- gifted Very tall- towering Very tasty- delicious Very thirsty- parched Very tight- constricting Very tiny-minuscule Very tired- exhausted
Very ugly- hideous Very unhappy- miserable Very unusual- incongruous Very upset- distraught
Very warm- hot Very weak- frail Very well-to-do- wealthy Very wet- soaked Very wide- expansive Very willing- eager Very windy- blustery Very wise- sage Very worried- distressed
Very young- youthful- innocent
A/N: If you know of any more words I can add please message me.
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fanatolliel · 7 years
novelette: Healing Heavy Hearts: Star Trek
Title: Healing Heavy Hearts (I’m linking, since it’s too long to read comfortably hear) Fandom: Star Trek: AOS Characters: Leonard/Spock, Jim, Christine, cameo by M’Benga Prompt: "It’s a heavy heart to  carry.” thanks to @colormayfade Rating: NC-17 Genres: romance/fluff, angst, smut Warnings: offscreen minor character death Word Count: 5,200 Summary: Spock comforts Leonard. Leonard comforts Spock.It takes Leonard longer than Spock to realize what they mean to each other, but he figures it out eventually. Notes: post-destruction of Vulcan, story 4/∞ on this new blog
Link again:  Healing Heavy Hearts
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fanatolliel · 7 years
Short Story: Spilled Coffee and Singed Pillows: Marvel
Title: Spilled Coffee and Singed Pillows Fandom: Marvel Characters: Clint/Phil, cameo by Nick Fury Prompt: “I tried to surprise you, but I spilled your coffee on the way over…” thanks to @lukeskywalkersbutt Rating: G Genres: romance/fluff, humor Warnings: talk of guns and shooting Word Count: 1,100 Summary: Phil’s tired from a mission, Clint fails succeeds in taking care of him Notes: pre-Iron Man, story 3/∞ on this new blog
Phil tried to keep his frown from turning into a snarl as the post-mission review hit the thirty-five minute mark. It had been scheduled for ten, but everyone in the meeting who hadn't actually been on the mission kept talking about what happened and discussing different solutions. One of the new bean counters kept asking inane questions, like 'why didn't you use less bullets?" Phil was annoyed, his team was exhausted, and Fury was beginning to look murderous.
Finally, Phil put his foot down – or more literally his hand, as he smacked the table to get everyone's attention. "We didn't use <i>fewer</i> bullets, Jakobson, because that's how many it took to stop the target from firing his gun at Agents Kraig and Lu. If you think that's still too many, then you can take it up with me, privately, before you insult any member of my team further." Jakobson had at least enough sense to quail under Phil's glare. "We're done here." Phil nodded to his team. "Dismissed. Go get some sleep."
These post-mission meetings were a waste of time. Since Secretary Pierce had made them mandatory, it seemed like they had to explain in detail every tactical decision they made down to every bullet they fired. And there was always someone who didn't seem to understand that people were tired and wanted to go home. Plus the way some of them acted, it was like they were trying to make you feel bad for taking out the bad guy – be it terrorist or arms dealer or whoever. Phil always said he hated meetings he wasn't in charge of.
Phil was done for the day.
He wanted to go home, but the pullout couch in his office was much closer and calling his name. Decisively, Phil made a plan: nap in office, shower in the gym, food in the cafeteria or vending machine, then paperwork, then home. And then more sleep.
The door to his office was a few inches ajar.
Phil was not in the mood for a visitor.
Nevertheless, he pushed the door open. The sight made him groan – more in relief than exasperation.
Clint Barton straightened up in surprise from where he was leaning over Phil's desk. A pillowed dropped from Clint's hands. A singed pillow.
"You're back, babe!"
"You look surprised."
Clint laughed with a tinge of franticness. "Nope, I saw you were logged back on base, so I figured I had an hour or so after the debrief, medical check, and post-mission meeting. You took a lot longer."
"The post-mission meeting took longer. Again." Phil stepped forward, shutting the door behind him, taking a closer look at his office. Yes, that pillow was definitely singed. Apparently, by the candle that had toppled over and spilled wax on a stack of thankfully to-be-shredded papers. There were the remnants of some sort of food in the garbage can, but still plenty on the floor. The pullout had been partially pulled out. Clint smiled sheepishly. "Was there an earthquake, Clint?"
The laughter was chagrinned this time. "Sorry, babe, I tried to surprise you, but I spilled your coffee on the way over."
"Okay, but what happened in here?"
"Oh yeah, well, I tried to bring you food and coffee, but, as stated, the coffee spilled out there in the hall. I had too many things in my hands. Your couch is tricky, Phil; it's very, very sneaky. So I tried to pull it out, but pulled the wrong thing too hard and it popped and knocked me into the desk, and I knocked the food off onto the floor. And the candle. Yeah. I'll buy you a new pillow. Um… those papers weren't important, were they?"
Phil took a deep breath before stating, "Fortunately, no, or you'd already be dead."
Clint gave a dramatic "phew!" of relief. He walked over to Phil and shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry, babe. Glad you're back."
Phil shook his head and wrapped his arms around Clint. "I'm glad I'm back too."
Releasing him, Clint said, "Help me pull this darn thing out, and you rest while I finish cleaning up."
Phil showed Clint how to squeeze the bar to release the legs and the bed folded out nicely. Phil relaxed on his remaining pillows, while Clint bustled around putting his room back in order. "Here, babe, the bottled water survived." Phil smiled and drank a third of it down, before closing his eyes and listening to Clint hum a Motown song as he worked.
When Clint was finished, he asked, "What do you need first? Food, sleep, coffee, me shutting up and leaving you alone? Honestly, in spite the disaster I just caused, I am capable of taking care of you."
"Dim the lights and come lay next to me," Phil said.
Clint did, making sure he locked the door as well, cuddling up next to Phil. "Missed you, Phil."
"You're like a dog who panicked and destroyed the door because mom and dad left."
Clint snorted, belying his affronted words, "I'm offended!"
"I'm not surprised. When did you get back in from Ashgabat? You're probably as worn out as I am."
"No, I got in early this morning, so I got a few hours kip. But another nap would be great."
Phil's voice was soft as he drifted, but Clint managed to catch it. "I sleep better next to you."
Gently, Clint kissed Phil's forehead. Phil was back in his arms and all was right in the world. He was going to talk to Fury about those post-mission meetings though. Honestly, what did those pencil pushers think they were accomplishing? Big waste of time. Read the debrief like everyone used to do, and ask questions if you need to.
Phil shifted and suddenly asked, "Why a candle?"
"It was eucalyptus and lavender – supposed to be relaxing."
Phil settled down again. "Sounds nice."
"I bought two."
"Don't you dare move; I'm too comfortable. We'll bring it home."
Clint smiled and kissed Phil again. "Sounds like we could use it while we take a nice, relaxing bath. With bubbles and maybe one of those bath bombs Natasha tries to keep secret."
"You have sensitive skin – you'd itch."
"Probably. Still, think you'd look hot all glittered up."
Phil chuckled and poked Clint in the ribs. "I was halfway asleep. Don't make me laugh, and I'm too tired to think about baths with you."
"Just think of the warm water, the scent of eucalyptus and lavender, and my arms around you and drift right off to sleep."
Phil sighed deeply. "That sounds nice, sweetheart."
Clint tightened his arms around Phil. "Goodnight, babe." All was indeed right in the world, despite the subtle burnt smell wafting around the room.
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