Here I was unsuspectingly our to lunch with my family...
We were talking, just got our food, and the restaurant has had pretty good music in the background so far but it’s pretty quiet. Then, one line, ONE LINE, of Carry On My Wayward Son plays super quietly in this restaurant. My head shoots up like a rocket except I’m legit the only one in my family, in this whole restaurant who has any idea that I know that song bc of SPN....
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I was gonna reblog this the day he passed but I think now is more appropriate. I think it should be a separate short or extra long end credit that gives us the humor he would’ve wanted while thoroughly representing him.
When Stan Lee dies, all the Marvel movie characters should mention they have funerals to attend for their postman/doorman/friend/stripclub DJ and then be very confused when they all show up at the same one.
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Speaking to the influence of these shows: my little 11-year old sister started watching She-Ra years ago and LOVED it. She only watched He-Man bc she ran out of She-Ra episodes. And now NOW she is getting to see a show she has always loved come back to life for her generation. She finished them in no time flat (she literally binge watches better than I do) and she told me that both shows had parts she liked better and parts she liked less. Now this girl who doesn’t even have a concept of the political or social implications of this show notices the lessons and was able to enjoy both shows without truly degrading either and that gives me just a little more hope for humanity.
Some dude bro on the internet talking about the new She-Ra reboot: Ugh SJWs are taking over cartoons and making them all preachy. I hate it when shows try to push an agenda on kids. Why can’t they be like they used to be, you know?
Original He-Man, looking straight at the audience: We had a lot of fun here today, but you know what isn’t fun? Judging others based on how they look. Not liking a person because he or she is a different race or religion is wrong. Also, plant a tree, and don’t do drugs.
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Or even just cuz I want to fight something
Sometimes I feel like I should’ve been born in Viking times for the hair asthetic and sometimes just bc of my hearty belly laugh
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Sometimes I feel like I should’ve been born in Viking times for the hair asthetic and sometimes just bc of my hearty belly laugh
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Ok.....that mighta just broke me
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Rest in Peace Stan Lee
Thanks for all the great memories.
You did good kid.
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Iron Man taught me to be brave.
Captain America taught me to be kind.
Black Widow taught me to be strong.
Thor taught me to be forgiving.
Hulk taught me to love myself.
Hawkeye taught me to never give up.
STAN LEE taught me what it means to be a HERO.
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“I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I had more to offer this world than just making things that blow up.”
~Iron Man
Or simply put:
“There is much good, we might do!”
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Today we lost a man who lived a long, fulfilled, happy life. He created many of the characters that my generation and future generations have come to love and look up to. He saw the world and decided to bring as much good as he could to it through his comics and the characters he created. He has had such an impact on so many childhoods, so many growing ups that I feel almost greedy to say that he impacted mine after first being exposed to Marvel a year or 2 ago. The posts that I once laughed at now make me want to cry. I just sat quietly today as my little sister really questioned why so many people were crying over a man they’d never met... I don’t blame her but I don’t know how to explain the loss our culture has suffered today.... the loss of such a great intellect, imagination, and influence.
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I will always reblog for ladies loving marvel. I will always get behind strong, intelligent women in movies who can be the heroes of little girls everywhere bc let me tell you that I don’t remember having that when I was little.
Reblog if you’re a girl and are a big Marvel fan!!
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Trying to prove a point…
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So you know this scene...
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I always found it a bit odd. Hilarious, but it raised too many questions. When did Steve make these? Why did Steve make these? How did he manage to be so cheesy and overly sincere knowing how much crap he would get from the other Avengers for it?
Well, today my sister told me her headcanon. Picture the scene. Steve leans on the back of a chair, as above. Peter immediately launches into ‘So, you got detention…’. Cap blinks. Peter awkwardly tries to explain. It turns out Cap has no idea what videos he means, and neither do any of the other Avengers.
So they get in touch with the company who made them, and they swear blind that it was really the real Captain America, and that it all his idea. That he came in and said how much he wanted to help the youth of today.And the Avengers all lose it because someone is running around doing an unbelievably good impression of Captain America, they could have destroyed his reputation, they could have infiltrated the Avengers; and instead all they are apparently using it for is to make silly, embarrassing videos.
It’s completely baffling. Who could possibly be behind it all?
A mystery.
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I just have no words.....
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This would be my last 2 brain cells at school every day...
A visual representation of my last 2 brain cells:
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insp [x]
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1/? Shuri Edits:  
A TIME Magazine exclusive with the new queen of Wakanda
Inspired by the fanart with Tony Stark, Helen Cho, and Shuri that I cannot find at the moment but is 100% canon. Set Post-IW, obviously. Because Shuri’s a boss and the world deserves to know. 💯
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That’s me in class tho....
*avengers playing kahoot and Peter is in first but misses one question and get bumps to last*
Steve: it’s okay kid-
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