fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
I’ve never laughed so hard at a video.
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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Some fanart for @trasshess !! Luresong is such an amazing comic I cant wait for the next page! Sorry for the trashy fanart tho haha.
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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*casually puts this here* Hiyesiloveyouraussoenjoythissketch @caseydambro
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
Klance Fanart
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Fanart of @caseydambro ‘s Klance AU!! I LOVE this au so much haha. enjoy!
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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Happy birthday keith! ;D
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
It was the middle of a battle when it happened.
The galra soldier was just too fast for lance to shoot at it before it reached him.
The sentry placed a strong kick against against Lance’s chest and kicked him to the ground, his bayard skidding across the ground and hitting the wall across from them.
Sitting himself up with a groan, lance looked up at the sentry with lidded eyes. He had a slash along his cheek and multiple cuts elsewhere.
His armor was heavily damaged, chest plate having spindly cracks everywhere. Threatening to break soon.
The battle had been going on for awhile, he didn’t know how long for though. His helmet had been kicked away when he tried to call for help, glass shards from the broken visor strewn across the floor.
Looking up at the sentry, lance decided to take the time to think about all the happy moments he had with the team.
Happy cuddles with hunk, messing around with pidge and experimenting, beauty nights with allura, exchanging stories with coran, hanging with shiro, and training with Keith.
Oh keith, I never got to confess to you. Lance thinks while the sentry is walking towards him. He could have escaped, but he was accepting the fact that he was about to die.
It wouldn’t make that much of a difference. I am the seventh wheel after all. These types of thoughts tended to make his way into his mind frequently during the day.
He always tried to shut them down, tell himself that the team needs him. That he isn’t just a placeholder untill the real blue paladin comes. But this time he let them in.
He let the darkness consume him. All the thoughts he’s ever had about himself. All the doubt. The insecurity. He bathed in it.
Goodbye team. It was nice serving with you. He thought in his head as the sentries sword came crashing down towards his head. He shut his eyes tightly, waiting for the impact. But he never felt it.
Opening his eyes widely, he stared at the figure in front of him. It was one of the blade of marmora. They saved him. He watched as they defeated the sentry with little to no difficulty.
After the sentry dropped to the ground and they were out of danger, the marmora went to lance and dropped down beside him.
Lance wondered who it was, curiously he reached up and took the mask off. He was surprised that they left him.
He was greeted with tear filled violet eyes. Eyes that only belonged to one person. Keith. He looked at keith for a moment, eyes still not believing that Keith came to save him.
That must have meant that the Blade was on a mission in this ship. When lance made direct eye contact, those tears started to overflow the bright violet eyes. Spilling onto his armpit in waves as the raven haired boy clutched him tightly.
“I’m sorry” “I’m so so sorry.” Keith said while clutching lance in his arms, sobbing into his shoulder.
“I should have stayed.”
Eyyy. Enjoy this fic I wrote while not payinn attention in class haha XD. @jaspurrlock @onesmolhurt
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“I cradled you in my arms.”
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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Bii Boh Bii is so cute, along with the rest of the spaghetti people
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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A small doodle for @jaspurrlock i did in class!!! Good thing i didnt get caught on your blog looking for references 😂😂😂. ((Im 💮 anon btw :33
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
It was just a normal day like any other, all the paladins sat down to have their specitaly “family” dinners together.
Lance looked down at his food, playing with it slightly. He wasnt feeling that good today. First they failed the mission because of him and he let them down.
He was supposed to cheer everyone up. He wasnt supposed to be seen sad. He was just comedic relief untill the true blue paladin. He was just there at the time and it felt convenient.
But now even blue rejected him. He always gets rejected even when he tries his hardest. And now hes with red. Its not that bad he thinks.
While lance is lost in his thought, the other paladins noticed the lack of conversation at the table. It was awkwardly silent without lance making a joke every minute or so.
Deciding to try and make a joke, pidge went to say something. With a hearty chuckle, pidge starts to talk.
“Hey guys, I guess well finnaly get some-
Before she could finish, they all hear it before they felt it. Red crashed through the wall and snapped lance up in her jaws before retreating back to her hangar.
-peace and quiet now that lance isnt talking. “
Pidge finished.
All of the paladins looked worridly at eachother, wondering why the red lion took lance away before he could hear pidge’s joke.
Have my shitty ramble lol @abbystaffyisgeek13
Keith had to pass a physical test to become the red paladin and Red always kept him physically safe- it’s basically a joke by now. So since Lance had to pass an emotional test does that mean Red will protect Lance’s feelings from getting hurt? Like they’re all say in the dining room and Pidge is about to make an unintentionally hurtful joke so Red just crashes through the wall and snaps Lance up so he doesn’t hear what Pidge was about to say and everyone else is just …?
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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And keiths eyes are done! I had a ton of fun drawing these ones. I have a headcanon that keith has very thick and nice eyelashes.
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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And keiths eyes are done! I had a ton of fun drawing these ones. I have a headcanon that keith has very thick and nice eyelashes.
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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Drew some bill :3
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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Art trade with the lovely @maryomahmed !!!
This drawing was referenced!!!
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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Allura sketch!!!! ***this drawing was referenced***
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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@fe-niks made me post it LMFAO, enjoy all the sladdy art haha XD 
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fandomtopia17 · 7 years
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Aaand another keith drawing!! OwO
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