MC: You cheater! How could you do this to me?!
Sebastian: We both knew it was inevitable! I wish there was another way, but I did what I had to do.
MC: That’s it. I’m leaving, and I’m taking Ominis with me.
Anne, picking up the Gobstones: That’s enough for one day.
Ominis, already walking towards the door with MC: Same time next week?
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Excuse the crude picture (I don’t have a clue how to digital art)
First time ive drawn ANYTHING in about 10 years, using a child’s art set because I honestly never thought I’d have the motivation to draw again but this community has brought that motivation back.
I used a couple templates off Pinterest.
Any tips and tricks from you talented people are much appreciated!
I cannot draw features at all!
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welcome to my blog im annoying
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This fits so many things but there is one particular Wizarding trio that came to mind…
Dolores: What did you two do?
Dolores: You're not in trouble, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
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Sebastian: Ominis, I get the sense you like MC more than me.
Anne, reading a book on her bed: He does. As do I.
Sebastian: But you- we’re- you’ve known me longer!
Ominis, reading a book beside Anne on her bed: Exactly.
Sebastian: You wound me. How can you say such a thing?
MC, reading a book behind them on Anne’s bed: Sebastian, you also like me more than yourself.
Sebastian, dramatically grabbing a book and walking over to Anne’s bed: Well of course I do, but that’s not the point.
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And of course the dreaded “oh, is that a new chapter- wait nope nevermind. Last update was 3 months ago.”
looking for fics about your favorite character on ao3 be like:
dont care
dont care
dont care
what the actual fuck
dont care
ooh that sounds- what the fuck
don't care
the best fic ive ever read in my life. this absolutely ruined me and ill never be the same ever again
dont care
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alternatives for ai to design ocs
hero forge
the fucking sims 4
your local furry artist
shitty photoshoped collage
DeviantArt bases
making edits of your favorite character
searching "dress up game" on the app store
learning how to draw
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put in the tags:
your first concert
your last concert
your next concert
your favourite concert
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Ominis Gaunt really is an untapped angst fic goldmine...
We all know the “Ominis had to be dead by his 50s” fact, courtesy of Gaunt family lore (which in and of itself is an angst riddled consideration), but no one talks about how sad even the alternative to that is.
“Ominis could have changed his last name, thus removing him from the family prior to their ‘extinction’” is just about the only argument that keeps Ominis’ potential early demise from being an absolute certainty, but has anyone stopped to consider how sad even THAT is?
Imagine you grow up in an absurdly heinous family, escape after years of torture, abuse, and attempted brainwashing, and then all you can do is “watch” from a distance as your entire family falls apart.
And sure, we all know that Ominis wasn’t a fan of his family members, but when we talk about them we aren’t thinking about the additional two who would have done nothing wrong by the time he likely would have left the family - Morfin and Merope.
Because assuming that Marvolo was Ominis’ brother, that would have made Ominis an uncle to them around 25/26 and 32/33 years old.
And sure, you could absolutely argue that he may have never even learned his niece and nephew existed in a world where he left his family entirely at whatever age, but I struggle to believe he wouldn’t have at least learned of them eventually (if not at their birth) and felt the need to check in from afar from time to time.
I mean, think about it, Ominis mentioned having looked up to his aunt Noctua to the extent that she was his favorite, and he likely had almost no one else who shared (and maybe even helped him to develop) his personal views on blood purity. Knowing that, do we really think he’d be able to separate himself entirely from the youngest members of the Gaunt family when, in his own experience, it was a family member in the very same position as he who made him feel understood for the first time in his life?
All that I’m saying is, if Ominis didn’t die, he inevitably had to learn of his family’s suffering from afar, and considering how purely innocent even individuals like Morfin and Merope were at birth, I can’t imagine it was easy to learn of what was becoming/ultimately became of them while he could do nothing but wish things to be different.
And yes, I will be expanding upon this concept EXTENSIVELY in the Ominis x Reader series I have planned, so this is FAR from the end of Gaunt family lore angst.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk 😌.
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 2 months
Hey folks, if you want to fight back against the twitterfication of tumblr USE IT LIKE IT'S TUMBLR!!!!!! REBLOG THINGS!!!!!! USE THE TAGS TO SCREAM AT YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 2 months
Being a young adult is so strange. You enter a coffee shop. The 20 year old girl waiting behind you cried all night because she just came to a new city for university and she feels so alone. That 27 year old guy over there works a job he is overqualified for, he lives with his parents and wants to move out but doesn't know what to do about it. That one 24 year old dude already has a car, a house, and a job waiting for him once he graduates thanks to his dad's connections. The 26 year old barista couldn't complete his higher education because he has to work and take care of his family. The 28 year old girl sitting next to you has no friends to go out with so she is texting her mother. That couple (both 25 years old) are married and the girl is pregnant. The 29 year old writing something on her laptop has realized that she chose the wrong major so she is trying to start all over. We are not alone in this, but we are actually so alone. Do you feel me
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 2 months
Ominis: Don’t forget who can’t swim. Be glad she bothered saving you.
Anne: Come on, trust me! Don't forget who pulled you out of the lake first year.
Sebastian: Don't forget who pushed me in.
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 2 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 2 months
Okay, I have a weird request. What if F!MC tries to confess her feelings to Ominis, but he completely rejects her. Like, full stop. Gently, of course, he is a gentleman, but he tells her that he simply cannot return her feelings.
Oh my heart hurts already! The angst x
This took a turn. It’s still the outline but I figured he needed a good reason to turn her down. My stubborn boi.
And when I say short it’s SHORT but I love the concept and may expand on it later x
“Ominis can we talk?”
She’d found him sitting alone in the common room, it was late and everyone else had long gone to sleep it wasn’t unusual to find the blind boy awake during the late hours, he relished in the silence and tranquility the night brought
Ominis raised his head turning in the direction of her voice a small smile tugging at his lips, he nodded “Of course” he replied shifting over on the sofa for her to sit beside him “what’s on your mind?” He asked once she’d sat down, he could feel the nervous energy radiating off of her
Silence. He could practically hear the gears turning in her brain as she formulated her next words, he waited ever the embodiment of patience and grace
“I … I think I’m falling for you” she said her voice barley a whisper, her gaze firmly planted on her hands in her lap, the longer the silence grew the larger the lump in her throat became, the butterflies in her stomach seemed to multiply with each passing second
His brow furrowed for a moment as he contemplated her words, he looked almost pained as he rested a hand on her knee sending the butterflies in her stomach into a frenzy once again, he let out a sigh and spoke his voice wavering slightly
“I’m sorry … I can’t … I can’t reciprocate your feelings”
Her head spun as she felt the proverbial rug tugged roughly from under her she shifted in her seat her eyes raking over his now stoic face searching for answers, for any further explanation she opened her mouth to respond but he seemed to sense it and spoke first
“It’s not you, you’re wonderful, you’re truly something special…it’s my family … it’s complicated”
She stared at him for a moment the tears that welled in her eyes threatening to break free any moment, his voice so gentle and calm only served to highten the blow of his rejection
“I don’t care about them! I can look after myself Ominis!”
Ominis shook his head withdrawing his hand from her knee this time swallowing before he rose to his feet she found herself swiftly following her hand reaching for his
“Please Ominis”
He froze for a moment before turning back in her direction, she was momentarily glad he couldn’t see the tears rolling down her cheeks and started when he raised his hand from her grip and brushed a tear from her cheek in an all too gentle caress that make her nauseas for all the wrong reasons
“I made a Promise to myself and I’ve got to keep it - I will never take a lover, I’ll never marry and I certainly won’t ever have children, my family line will die with me and I refuse drag anyone else into it” his voice was clipped as though he’d rehearsed the line many times over and still it pained him to say it out loud
“I would be a fool to lead you along just to spare your feelings now, when I see no future for us, I won’t destroy our friendship for something that can never be”
They stood in silence for a moment as his words washed over her, she wasn’t sure why but she could feel heat rising in her cheeks a subtle anger or frustration bubbling beneath the surface she bit back a retort her fists clenching at her sides
“I’m not asking -“ she started but Ominis held up his hand silencing her almost instantly, before she could truly work herself up
“No you’re not listening to me, I will not engage in this discussion further, I’m sorry. ”
With that he turned and she stood frozen to the spot as she watched the boy she loved walk away from her his figure blurred through her tears her stomach twisting and legs threatening to turn to jelly right under her as she collapsed back onto the sofa wiping furiously at her eyes.
Ominis lay awake in his bed the curtains drawn around him his heart hammering in his chest so furiously he thought it would break free of his rib cage as he thought of the possibilities.
He couldn’t.
He wouldn’t.
She deserved so much more.
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 2 months
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Who ever made this and posted it, thank you! 😊 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it's made my day!!! Love the reference to lilo and stitch which is one of my favourite Disney movies 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 3 months
(MC slips and falls in the Common Room)
(Sebastian laughs)
(Imelda laughs)
Ominis: My love, are you okay?
(Sebastian slips and falls in the Common Room)
(MC laughs)
(Imelda laughs)
(Ominis laughs harder than all of them)
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 3 months
Brother Bear coded
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