fat2jackedfood · 6 years
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Hey everybody! It’s Mike from @fat2jacked. Im home for the summer which means I’m back to reaching my fitness goals through fitness and good food! I decided to make second blog for my cooking so here we are. Just know that I am not a professional so cooktimes and things like that may not be 100% accurate but just use your best judgement. Without further ado, here is my first recipe for all of you. Veggie Fries! Ingredients 1 sweet potato 1 eggplant 3 zucchini (I used 2. It wasn’t enough) Olive oil Ginger Salt Pepper Onion powder Garlic powder Directions 1) Wash all vegetables 2) Cut up vegetables into 3” sticks. Try to keep them all the same size for even cooking 3) Place raw vegetable sticks on a cookie sheet lined with foil 4) Pour olive oil over vegetable sticks (a brush would work great if you have one) 5) I used ginger on my sweet potatoes and the salt, pepper, onion and garlic powders on the zucchini and eggplant 6) 1 cookie sheet at a time Bake in oven at 425 for 15 minutes then move sheet to higher oven rack on Broil for 5 minutes. 7) Let cool for 5 minutes and enjoy! If you decide to make this recipe be sure to let me know and send me a photo! Let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to make!
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