fawnaflytrap · 16 days
The trio ever
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“What are you listening to?”
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fawnaflytrap · 3 months
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follow forthefuns for more funny stuff
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fawnaflytrap · 4 months
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fawnaflytrap · 4 months
I made another
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Anyone can do what they want, but please mention me.
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fawnaflytrap · 4 months
Look what I made :)
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
Rajbow angsty headcanons (Potential spoilers under the cut)
Raj doesn’t exactly fully trust Bowie after the (game) cheating incident
After what happened with Priya and Caleb, Raj started to wonder if Bowie was using him
Bowie sometimes shuts down when Raj doesn’t reply quickly
Raj thinks he’s too dumb for Bowie
Bowie thinks he’s too mean for Raj
Bowie often feels like he plays second to Wayne
Raj gets jealous of Bowie's friends
They hate not living in the same state
Whenever they fight, Raj thinks Bowie hates him
Bowie doesn't back down, even when he's wrong and often makes things worse
Raj often phrases his texts wrong ('We need to talk', 'I'm not sure if this is working', 'I've met someone', etc)
Bowie had issues with trust and often gets worried when Raj goes out
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
Rajbow Headcanons (Potential spoilers under cut)
Raj thought he just thought guys were cool
Bowie likes flirting with Raj, even though Raj is often too dense to understand
Raj likes playing with Bowie’s hair, but gets too nervous to do it. Bowie picked up on this and often rests his head on Raj’s lap so he can
Wayne referred to Bowie as Raj’s ‘boytoy’ for a week or so without realising what it meant, but quickly changed when Bowie explained what it actually means
Bowie kisses Raj’s cheek, forehead and nose randomly and Raj always goes bright red
Raj’s dog LOVES Bowie and Bowie loves it right back
Bowie has made jokes about Raj being like a puppy dog and Raj takes it as a compliment
Bowie pretty much dresses Raj whenever they go out
Bowie keeps one of Raj’s spare jerseys in his room, often under his bed or pillow
Bowie got a little worried the first time he went out with Raj in makeup, but Raj just spent the whole date spacing out and staring at him
Bowie blew a kiss at Raj during a hockey game and distracted him enough that he smacked into a wall
Bowie knows how to skate, but he rollerblades and doesn’t ice skate
Bowie and Raj try each others versions of skating (Raj ends up tumbling when trying to stop himself and Bowie falls on his butt when he moves his leg wrong)
Bowie cut Raj’s hair one night and Wayne freaked out because he looked so different
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
We need to, as a collective community, talk about the fact that the first proper interaction Bowie and Raj had was Raj:
1. Saying he swallowed 3 teeth (two that weren’t his)
2. Throwing food on Bowie’s shirt
3. Awkwardly fumbling with his shirt to try and clean said mess
And yet Bowie was like: “Yup, that’s the one I want.”
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
Like looking in a mirror 😌
Some incorrect Wayne, Raj and Bowie quotes:
Bowie: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Wayne: Hey, Raj? Can I get some dating advice?
Raj: Just because I'm with Bowie doesn't mean I know how I did it.
Wayne: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.
Bowie: I'm gonna tell him.
Raj: I didn't drink that much last night.
Wayne: You were flirting with Bowie.
Raj: So what? He’s my boyfriend.
Wayne: You asked if he was single.
Wayne: And then you cried when he said he wasn’t.
Bowie: Sorry, I'm late to the party. I've been doing things.
Raj, entering in an unbuttoned shirt: I got caught up doing things too.
Wayne: Wow, Bowie was late too! What a coincidence!
Raj: Two years ago, I married my best friend.
Raj: Bowie is still mad about it, but me and Wayne were drunk and thought it was funny.
Bowie: Could you rephrase the question, in like, two words maybe?
Raj after episode 6-
Raj: Wow, it sure smells like wrong dog in here!
Wayne: Oh buddy...
Raj, already sobbing: ASK.
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
I have a headcanon for little Raj and Wayne:
Raj lived in India for a small time as a child and moved to Canada when he was only about 5. He didn’t know much of either language, nor how to speak it, so he didn’t speak. Wayne sat down and started talking to him every day and soon Raj learnt to pick up his accent instead.
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
Another Lightning being Bowie’s brother headcanon:
Bowie holds a lot of resentment towards their father, while Lightning practically worships him. Their father also does not like Bowie’s ‘lifestyle’ (as he calls it) and often talks about helping him ‘find a girl’. Bowie never so much as speaks to him when he mentions that.
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
Spoilers for season 2, episode 12 under the cut
I really want to thank the Total Drama creators for this challenge (though I wish they’d done it earlier… it would make writing the phobia factor challenge so much easier for me)
But I almost got Wayne’s fear right previously! :D
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
Would season 1 be hard to write with the reboot cast given their limited numbers? Or do you plan to pull an Action/season 2 and make every other challenge or so a reward?
Also for a ship that could be added, Zemma is pretty cute and might be fun to see in a rewrite. And while not a ship, Bowie and Emma friendship?
I’m gonna be doing rewards, like you thought, for the first season. I changed certain eliminations that I didn’t like (such as Haute Camp-Ture as that was my least favourite elimination). While I wasn’t planning on putting Zee with Emma, I’ll look into how that could be written.
Emma and Bowie are definitely gonna be friends, have a fight but I am going to make them friends again, rather than keeping them in a bad spot like in the current canon.
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
Currently, I’m planning to rewrite all of the first 3 seasons of Total Drama but with the 2023 Reboot cast rather than the original. I’m mostly stuck on the relationships and who I should put with who.
Currently, Chase x Emma, Scary Girl x Anyone and Ripper x Chase are completely out of the running.
The ships I’m planning on using is Bowie x Raj, Axel x Ripper (though handled differently) and MK x Julia. If there are any other ideas, I’d be happy to hear them :)
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fawnaflytrap · 5 months
I'm trying something in regards to the ships.
Try this link and it will help me to work out what ships are favourites and which aren't. Namely the Reboot, but all welcome :)
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