feelsupremeco · 9 years
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T-minus 7 days until #valentines day. Treat your partner to a relaxing massage with our handbag size Feel Supreme Organic Coconut Oil. Or cook them a healthy meal with one of our bigger jars, or use it to brighten up that bright smile. Also great as a natural lubricant....if you know what we mean 😘 www.feelsupreme.co.uk/shop/ #feelsupreme #organic #coconutoil #valentines
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feelsupremeco · 9 years
Dog lovers, take heed. Your dog deserves the same nutrition as you. Coconut oil can help boost a dogs (and humans) metabolism, improve their coat and protect against allergies. Fish oils can help maintain a healthy cardiovascular function, help mobility and reduce inflammation. #feelsupreme http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/coconut-oil-vs-fish-oil/
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feelsupremeco · 9 years
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Check out our 2nd outing in one of the UK's biggest publications, Glamour Magazine. We feature in the February issue's article "Get Fit With Glamour"
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feelsupremeco · 9 years
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Pleasr check out our other social media pages!
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feelsupremeco · 9 years
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Back to business! Feel Supreme #organic #coconutoil can be found here www.feelsupreme.co.uk/shop
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feelsupremeco · 9 years
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I try to eat an #organic, wholefood diet the vast majority of the time, but today I've decided to remove the grains and try a more #paleo based diet. It's only been 8 hours but check my before and during pics! 👊 #feelsupreme #GoOrganic #organic #coconutoil #paleo #paleolifestyle #paleodiet
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feelsupremeco · 9 years
Vitamin Tablets
Yesterdays Daily Mirror featured an article claiming that an excess of vitamin tablets may give rise to an increased risk of developing cancer. This says to me that the trial was tested on those taking synthetic, man made supplements, which the body can struggle to break down. These are usually the low cost supplements commonly found on supermarket shelves. I firmly believe that if you consume a balanced, wholefood diet, from an organic source, you shouldn't need extra supplements. However, the modern lifestyle, with limited time and limited money, can make it difficult for some to follow this diet, which may result in a deficiency of certain vital nutrients and a breakdown somewhere in the body. If this is the case, and vitamin tablets are required to replenish depleted levels, look for a plant-based/non-synthetic/natural supplement, which may cost more research and more money but may be somewhat effective. #vitamin #tablets #natural #supplements #feelsupreme
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
Wholewheat/ wholegrain foods can make up part of a wholefood diet. When the grains are refined (white bread/rice/pasta), the food may lose any goodness which was contained within the grain. When wheat is refined, it is stripped of the nutrients selenium and magnesium. • Selenium- a deficiency of selenium has been linked to hypothyroidism (weight gain and sluggish metabolism), premature ageing and arthritis. Adequate levels of selenium can help protect against the effect of heavy metals and can help combat viruses. • Magnesium- magnesium is a natural relaxant which can help calm nerves, ease stress and constipation, ease mental and emotional imbalances such as depression and bi-polar, ease cramps and migraines and can help create good digestion. Magnesium may also be effective in reducing high blood pressure. So look out for wholegrain or wholewheat products instead of their "white" counterparts as part of a balanced, wholefood and preferably organic diet. #feelsupreme #wholewheat #wholegrain #selenium #magnesium #hypothyroidism #depression #bloodpressure #stress
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
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HYPOCHLORHYDRIA (low stomach acid) For an individual with low stomach acid, I would advise a balanced wholefood diet and to try to promote healthy levels of HCl (stomach acid) with diluted apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or cabbage juice. I would also recommended to limit water consumption at meal times to help prevent further diluting what little acid there is, and to manage stress levels since stress may lower HCl production. Low levels of HCl can present many symptoms, and could result in a viscous circle e.g. HCl production relies on zinc, however zinc cannot be absorbed properly if there is too little HCl. Here are effects of low HCl. • low levels of HCl can inhibit the breakdown of protein, possibly leading to a disruption of hormones and problems with the thyroid, digestive system and reproductive system. Depression may also be by-product of this. • minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium may not be ionised, possibly leading to problems such as oesteoperosis, hair loss, anaemia, cramps, breathlessness, low sperm production, bad skin, constipation and low energy. • low levels of HCl can contribute towards lymphatic congestion, which may lead to ear infections, sinus problems and a chesty cough. Low levels of stomach acid may often be misdiagnosed as excess stomach acid as the symptoms are similar. You can test your levels by drinking a solution of bicarbonate of soda and water, and timing how long it takes to burp. 2-3 minutes can indicate adequate levels while any sooner may mean too much and any later may indicate that stomach acid levels are too low. #feelsupreme
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
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I have one slot available on Thursday for a private consultation, offering advice on; • weight loss • stress relief • relief from constipation and bloating • relief from craving sugary foods • relief from tiredness and mood swings • or just eating habits for good health #feelsupreme #naturalhealing #diet #health #weightloss #constipation #bloating #bloodsugar
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
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What's all the fuss about Coconut Oil? Coconut Oil has courted a lot of media coverage of late, and rightly so. The nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic benefits of this natural oil are numerous. Feel Supreme Organic Coconut Oil is raw, virgin and cold pressed- just how nature intended. Below, I will give my top 20 uses and benefits of Feel Supreme Organic Coconut Oil. • Although high in #fat, it is a healthy fat (medium chain fatty acids) which is easily digested and converted by the liver into energy, rather than stored as fat. It can actually help promote #weight loss as it can promote a healthy #metabolism. • It is considered the best oil to cook with as it is not affected by high temperatures. Other oils, including #olive oil, can have the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 disrupted by high temperatures. Please note, olive oil is still a healthy oil when applied cold. • 50% of fat in the oil is lauric acid. This can be used to help destroy viruses e.g. #Herpes, #influenza and #measles. • It can be used as a natural sweetener in tea/#coffee. • It can help absorb fat soluble #vitamins. So for anybody taking vitamin supplements, Feel Supreme Organic Coconut Oil can help the body absorb them more efficiently. • It can help regulate blood sugars and hormones. • It can promote heart health, #thyroid function and the immune system. • As the brain is made up of fat, coconut oil can help protect against neurological disorders such as #dementia and #Alzheimer's. • It can help maintain healthy skin • It can be used to help whiten teeth naturally with a process called oil pulling. It's antibacterial properties can help cut through plaque and draw out toxins. This can also help strengthen teeth and help to heal cavities. Swish the Feel Supreme Organic Coconut Oil around your mouth, pushing and pulling between your teeth, for upto 20 minutes. Be sure to spit the residue in the bin rather than down a plug hole! • The antibacterial properties means it can also be used as a toothpaste (combined with baking soda),can kill any bacteria which is causing bad breath, effective against #gingivitis, dry lips and bleeding gums. • It can be used as a moisturiser which can be effective against #eczema. It can either be applied or put in the bath. • It can kill fungus e.g athletes foot, #candida, #ringworm and skin rashes. • It can be applied to wounds,burns, bites and stings to help sooth. • It can be used as a makeup remover, shaving lotion, eye cream, cuticle cream and lip balm. • It can be combined with cane sugar and used as a body scrub • Its anti bacterial properties means it can be an effective deodorant. • It can be combined with oregano oil and applied to cold sores. • It can be combined with lavender oil and applied to #heamarroids • It can be used for a perineal massage - expectant mothers can use it to massage the perineum daily, starting about a month before the due date, to help reduce the chance of tearing. Feel Supreme Organic Coconut Oil retails at £6.99 per 350ml glass jar. #feelsupreme #coconutoil #organic #naturalhealing
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
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Water left near electrical appliances, wiring, computers, Wifi or mobile phones can have the life forced zapped out of it, which can affect our absorption of water. Keep your water in a glass bottle as far away from electrics as possible. Room temperature water is also easier on the digestive system. #feelsupreme #hydration #water #electric #digestion
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
A New You?
So it's the 1st Monday of the New Year which is the day that a lot of people start their healthy living regimes. Feel Supreme's basic guidelines of a healthy diet are: • eat real foods - whole foods which are naturally grown with nothing added or taken away. Preferably organic. Fruit, vegetables, whole grains (whole grain bread/whole grain rice etc), eggs, fish, and meat. (Although I personally prefer a vegetarian diet). • try to eat 5 times per day- breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Keep meals and snacks balanced with carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein. • don't be scared of fat- healthy fats such as butter, coconut oil, oily fish and nuts are actually good for you. Fat is a source of energy and the reason why people gain weight is a result of too many refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice etc) and refined sugars (cakes, biscuits etc). A low fat diet can actually be damaging. •keep well hydrated - 1.5 to 2 litres of hydrating fluids per day. Hydrating fluids include water (preferably filtered), herbal teas, Redbush tea, and diluted natural fruit juices (eg diluted fresh orange at a ratio of 1:1) • keep caffeine consumption for inbetween meals. • try to replace cows milk with healthy alternatives (almond milk, hazelnut milk, hemp milk. It's easy to make your own). If cows milk is a must, use full fat instead of semi/skimmed. • replace margarine with organic, grassfed butter. ASAP! • only use healthy cooking oils e.g. Coconut oil, hemp oil. The likes of olive oil is healthy when it's cold, but not as a cooking oil. Being healthy doesn't have to be expensive and I try to make it not too disruptive to your current diet (unless it's currently like a war zone). Make 2015 a good year where you don't need a "new year new me" in 2016. Matthew Murphy Feel Supreme
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
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So reports this morning state that scientists are suggesting that 2 thirds of cancer cases are purely down to bad luck, and that a leading doctSo reports this morning state that scientists are suggesting that 2 thirds of cancer cases are purely down to bad luck, and that a leading doctor has claimed that cancer is the best way to die. There is a reason behind everything, and in the case of cancer, it's usually through a poor diet were the toxins (baddies) outnumber the antioxidants (goodies), radiation (even from a mobile phone), pollution or a number of other factors- bad luck not included. However, there are diet-based natural cures for cancer, which may never be spoke of in the mainstream as cancer patients are too valuable to the giant pharmaceutical companies. #feelsupreme #cancer
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feelsupremeco · 10 years
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There is a common misconception that organic foods may be unaffordable. Yes, the supermarkets get away with charging astronomical prices for higher quality food, but independent organic farmers don't take this stance. I find that organic food from independent farm shops (top right picture) to be a lot cheaper than the non-organic supermarket food. My weekly shop (bottom left pic) for fresh, organic fruit/vegetables/fish/nuts/eggs/natural yoghurt/cheese, for a family of 3 comes to roughly £21 per week. The bottom right pic is of my new favourite fruit, a Sharon fruit. If you would like to any fresh produce delivered of a weekend please email [email protected] #feelsupreme #organic
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