fellatiogal94 · 3 years
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I don’t have to explain why I am reading Harry Potter time-fix fanfics but this Intro...
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fellatiogal94 · 3 years
Stranger Danger for Puppers
Yesterday my Dad and I decided to get some chinese take-away near our home. We drove up with our soon-to-be 7 month old Chow, Mochi, to the place as there is this perfect area to practice Heel and Short-leash in a noisy and highly distracting park area. This is like advance training that I wanted to test out on Mochi to see if he will remember his training in this area.
So I walk out to the park while my Dad went to the take-away, as soon as I crossed the road over the park, this overweight middle aged (over 40) white guy limps away from his seat infront of this cafe, making moon eyes at my dog. “Oh look at ‘im, he’s so fluffy, can I pet ‘im? Oh please, I love dogs”
Now, I really need to train Mochi. He goes up to everyone and every dog hoping to make friends and get the world record of the most pets he can get. I need this to stop as he could and has, run out on a road. He might get hit or hurt, maybe the dog is not friendly or the person has severe dog phobia. So I tell the guy that I am very sorry but I need to train my dog, I gave him my reason and tried to walk away but my dog is like 20kg (40 pounds) and he is going no where as there is a big person that is gushing at him.
The guy ignores my wishes and starts lathering Mochi with pets while gushing on and on on about “How fluffy”, He tells me how he understands “You see?”, he has a friend who had such a sweet dog, “but he ran out and got killed by a car, you see?” “It was a terrible terrible accident” “I wanted to walk ‘im so I let ‘im out” “But I didn’t have ‘is leash, you see” “I didn’t kill ‘im” “It was an accident” “terrible terrible”
At that point I am getting warning bells, Mochi had enough of the pets and turned to watch a car drive past, the guy was fingering his collar looking and trying to see past the fluff. and then Mochi veered away and I see the collar slump a little. I lunged forward and grabbed my dog by his butt fluff and the guy backed off, walking behind me. THE FUCKER HAD RELEASED THE FUCKING CLASP ON MOCHI’S GOSH DARN COLLAR!
He walked up behind me and Mochi, sensing my fear, went around, removing my grip, and started nipping at the guy’s heels until he chased the guy off of the sidewalk and then heeled by my side, loose collar, my heart in my throut.
The guy limped off laughing “he likes me, he likes me” and I bent down and reclasped the quick release collar and walked into the park dragging Mochi away.
If I hadn’t been vigorously training Mochi, he might have run across the road where it’s slightly busy and gotten hit....and If he did, I would have killed the guy, I don’t care if I went to jail, that dog is my fucking life, I didn’t spend more than 3 months loving and raising my fluffy land shark, just so some creepy prick can kill my dog and call it a “terrible terrible accident”. 
I didn’t tell my Dad about how close that guy got, I didn’t want him to worry or to chase the guy down. I was tempted to call the police but I had no proof or evidence, it would be my word against his...but NEVER AGAIN. If I see that guy again, I’m not going to fucking let him near my baby.
Have a picture of my dog, look at that pose! My little lion!! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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fellatiogal94 · 4 years
I was just about to pass this by with a heart, when then I remembered this fanfic; https://archiveofourown.org/works/445817
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Spent like three hours scouring my downloaded fanfiction folder just to get the link!
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disney’s sleeping beauty and the beast
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fellatiogal94 · 4 years
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screenshots dont do this justice
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fellatiogal94 · 4 years
To the person who posted in the post chat about this: Nobody should deserve to suffer or choke for being manipulated; to err is human, correcting wrong is noble.  
When President Trump asked the people to follow the First Amendment  and lead a 'peaceful' protest outside the Capitol. He did not mean for people to force thier way in and trash the place. The woman who was shot, was shot in the chest for trying (and getting help) to go through a window after police fired warning shots. You see the video of her trying to get in with a guy behind her, pushing her up and then *Blam* she is on the floor and people are freaking out. The News will do anything to paint Trump in a bad light, going so far as to slander him, he, like anyone else, is in full right to sue for defamation but he doesn’t because of his position. If he were to slam the News for the shit anyone else would slam them for, he would get more hate. How is that fair?!
Trump does not control the masses, he did not say, “You should go in, treat the police like shit and cause property damage”. But the News paint it like he said that!
Another thing you point out is the Hunter Biden investigation. The DOJ, the FBI have ample evidence for the shit Hunter Biden has done to earn an investigation, Trump does not control the FBI, he does not control the DOJ. If the FBI are dragging their feet like they did with Hillary Clinton’s investigation, then Trump can’t do shit about Hunter Biden.
Why I hate Biden, he is a lying piece of fucking shit that many Democrates did not want as president but because Trump was going for another term, they freaked out and advocated for a lying scumbag. Biden got 11 million more votes than Obama. Let me right that out for you again...11 million more votes than Obama. How about one more time....11 MILLION MORE VOTES THAN OBAMA.
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That’s right Captain Kirk, that is impossible!
How did a guy that tried to run for Presidency in the 80s, got caught lying and plagerising, managed after running again, get 11 Million more votes than the guy everyone wanted because of his skin color? I remember seeing Obama’s face everywhere, before and after the elections. Everyone wanted a First Black President more than a First Female President. 11 million people more than Obama, thousands of Dead votes, counting votes after the deadline, countless proof of voting fraud shown on camera. 
And yet....Trump is to blame for every misgiving that other people have done. Trump who was well liked by everyone, Trump whom even Obama declared was a TRUE American who stood for Peace, Justice and Equality. That is until Trump decided, “Heeeeey, I should run for Presidency!”. Then it’s all OMG Trump is a dumb bigot, he’s racist and sexist!  He TOLD guys to grab a girl by the pussy, he is in love with his own daughter, his wife is going to divorce him because he’s a criminal, he didn’t earn that money he’s a failed buisness man, he manipulates people, he’s bad Bad BAD! 
I swear to GOD, I have heard the worst bullshit from the Spanish News than the American News. Suddenly locker-room talk amongst friends is sexist, am I sexist for wanting to bite along Henry Cavill’s trapeze muscles while I whisper, “Sir, you better fuck me or I’ll get my strap-on and fuck you”, am I racist for finding bronze toned people like Gal Gadot or dark toned like Anthony Mackie far more attractive than pasty people, (except for you Stephen Dorff, you sexy naughty vampire god). No, it’s just personal preferences! I share my fantasies with my sister all the time, even telling her “shut the fuck up and stop cock-blocking me” when we were watching Wonder Woman 1984, my god, Gal Gadot in that white dress was bombing! with the leg peaking out during that walk, mmmf. 
The shit I tell my close friends and family about people I am horny for, if anyone else were to overhear, they would think, “Jesus this girl needs to get laid! that’s one horny bitch!”. They won’t think I’m sexist, they won’t think that I am degrading the beautiful people I crush on for wanting to body worship them. They just look at me like I am waay too graphic and need help.
I remember a time when I was in year 12, first year of A levels, it was the first week of October, the whole school was in Cathedral service, three year 9s were sitting in thier own row behind our school house seating section because they were late. I was sitting in the back because I was tasked with guiding other students to thier seating, so these girls were directly behind me. Well while the priest was giving his sermon, these girls start whispering about a guy that all three of them gave BJs to. At the time, I had no idea what that word was but I guessed it was a sex act because all these girls were saying, was that his dick was curved weirdly and his testicles had nicks on them from shaving down there. I had now, more knowledge on what to expect on giving a premature ejaculation guy with a wonky dick a BJ. I had to ask my friends on what a BJ was and they were like, “You sweet summer child” and I was then like, “Ooooh they meant Fellatio!”. The worst part was finding out that the guy was in yr13 so he was like 17-18 years old. By the way, here in the UK, yr9 are 13-14 years old.
I did not shame these girls for mocking this guy’s dick, I did not shame them for talking about his cum tasting like day old raw pastrami pizza that dried in the sun or how they found it funny when they pulled on his nicked sack and he would jump in pain/pleasure. I did not call them sexist, I did nothing but sit there and listen because it was a hell of a lot more interesting than listening to the same sounding sermon I had listened to for the past seven years. I did jokingly call the yr13 guy a cradle robbing cunt tho’.
BUT NOT TRUMP, no they record what he is saying, put it out of context and suddenly he is sexist! 
The only reason politicians, democrats and the media hate Trump..it’s because he is not a politician. He proved he could get in and do the job, and a fine job he did! To run a country is to run a business. What’s the best way to insure a mega corporation stays standing as times change? Only a businessman from a mega corporation would know. How long was America in debt for? Trump rolled in and went, “Hmmm, cut money here here and here, put money on this this aaaand this!” It fell $102 billion in the first six months after Trump took office. But because of outside forces and things out of Trump’s control, the debt started to rise again, you had the federal debt ceiling and now Covid19. 
Trump is not a bad guy, he’s made mistakes, just like we all do, but at least he doesn’t lie to cover his own ass about his mistakes. When was the last time a President said, “I was wrong, I’m sorry” when they screwed up? Obama in 2013 apologized to an engaged couple for displacing their wedding so he could play golf. Every other time it was apologizing for something or someone else or even cry on national tv because guns are bad!
Now I can’t find the video from 2012-2013 where a woman talks about losing her parents to a crazed gunman, who was carrying a hand-gun to kill and injure innocent civilians inside a diner. She knew her gun was in her car because of gun safety and laws, you can not bring a gun in a diner that is a child friendly place. She tried to get to it only by the time she reached the open window, she realised her parents weren’t with her, she looked back and saw her mother holding her dying father and looking right at the barrel of the hand gun before the crazed gunman pulled the trigger. It was a powerful and heartbreaking story, it was a reminder that yes there needs to be more restrictions, but not banning guns, that does nothing, I am saying this as someone living in the UK that banned guns in 1997, are still having gang shoot outs in London!
You can not ignore and expect you won’t get shot after warning shots are fired. The police fired warning shots, ignore it and you will get shot. A peaceful protest is not barging in to a building a defacing it, it’s not looting, it’s not treating the police like shit. You will always have people who do that, it’s not on the leader of the protest, unless they started the looting and terrorising first. It’s not Trump’s fault, it’s on the looters and the horrible people that mocked and defaced the place. It’s on the small percentage of the protesters that went there to start shit. It’s on them. You can not expect that to be Trump’s fault.
I want the REAL NEWS, not a slandering crew of dipshitting cunts, cherrypicking shit to make veiwers stupid! Stop blowing shit out of proportion, not all cops are evil misogynistic racists, it’s only a small fraction and yet they are the ones that bring the whole force down. Why don’t companies, politians or News workers get slammed like that when skeletons in thier companies get revealed? Remember Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith and the Westminster “pedophile ring”? To this day people are covering that shit up!
This video was filmed on Capitol Hill yesterday. 
Literally hours after DC police had cheerfully allowed Trumpists into the building. Before they were pretty goddamn friendly even with rifle-toting Trumpists, and now (as you can see on video mark 0:44) we’ve seen police bashing at an unarmed Trumpist who was just walking by. 
BLM protestors have said that there’s a disparity between how white nationalists get treated at a protest, vs. how black/latino/’left’ leaning whites were treated during a protest. I never thought I’d see such a difference yesterday, but I was goddamned shocked and saddened by how the police quickly turned against the same people who they were taking selfies with. 
Apparently 25 people have been arrested during yesterday’s event (with one woman killed. Witnesses are claiming that she was shot in the neck and had been just standing between DC police and another man carrying a rifle. It’s saddening and horrific to see how the event escalated uncontrollably and caused this woman’s death. Simply because the freaking police treated the Trumpists like kids sneaking into a movie theater and then decided to start shooting for being embarrassed by their own actions). These Trumpists had spent all of last summer watching BLM protesters getting tear-gassed, beaten, dragged into unmarked cars driven by ‘plain clothed police’ (which happened to Nikki Stone, a white trans protestor), and shot at–yet somehow they thought that they could carry weapons (and zipties like in the below picture) unmasked into a government building and be totally safe with the police. 
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And it’s not to hard to see why they thought that. They likely told themselves that the BLM are terrorists–they told themselves that no matter what, the police are never at fault and are justified for using dangerous and harmful tactics against civilians. They also witnessed fully-armed ‘militants’ like Ammon Bundy and his far-right cronies capture and trash a federal building in 2016, and how the ‘law enforcement allowed the militants to come and go from the refuge at will’ for three weeks during the occupation. They’ve also witnessed last year’s protests in Michigan and witnessed armed MAGA-hatters walk freely around federal buildings while banging on doors and breaking windows. While the police looked on like this: 
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So it makes sense why yesterday’s Trumpists were shocked and freaking out when the police turned against them. Because they thought they’d get preferential treatment like in Michigan last year (while ignoring how even with Occupy Wall Street, unarmed and careful protestors still got beaten and pepper sprayed). 
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Apparently, even some of the Trumpists brought kids in push-chairs to the Capitol Building yesterday (though this has only been reported by DC locals, so please note that this has not been verified by any news reports). But if they did, it just massively shows how they arrived feeling that they’re ‘above’ everybody else in protesting in front of the police. The majority of Trumpists have never sympathised with anyone that have clashed with police in prior protests (like the Occupy Wall Street protestors, the BLM, Occupy ICE, and March For Our Lives), and many of them advocated for people getting run over for ‘blocking motorways near airports’.
It’s saddening that now they’re facing what it feels like to be in a BLM protest (even though BLM were fighting to end police brutality and unlawful deaths especially on black people, which as got nothing to do with losing an election)–but I doubt any of them would ever learn from this. Despite President Trump still being president–they’re gonna act like Biden’s calling the shots. They’re already claiming several Trumpists were AntiFa (by (sadly) hilariously pointing at unmasked  protestors that stand out among the crowd–literally people that are easy to search for with a Google Image Reverse Search), and pretty soon they’ll be screaming that ‘they’ were attacked unfairly but fuck everybody else that faced similar situations in the past and future. 
And you know the crazy thing? All this was started from a president who whined since April 2020 about the ‘issues’ of mail-in voting–but refused to even do anything to rectify the voting process (or even offer alternative voting methods because of this year’s pandemic) until the last. fucking. second on Election Day. Oh, and he also claims corruption on Biden–after spending three months doing a shoddy investigation on Hunter Biden in 2019 before pulling Rudy Giuliani out of Ukraine, and then not doing fucking anything to continue the investigations for an entire year. 
I absolutely hate Trump, his policies, and his actions. I am also absolutely repelled by his fans (not because they’re ‘right winged’, but because they hate Americans that are immigrants/muslim/trans/gay/minorities and even Republicans who say even a split-second criticism regarding Trump), but I’m still saddened and concerned for them because these people have been used. Trump told them to march to Capitol Hill. Trump told them that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution", and then went off to hide in his room when the situation escalated. 
Even right now Trump is still fucking whining after admitting that Biden won. He still hasn’t given any address to yesterday’s situation, and I highly doubt he even gives a shit about all his fans who were beaten and shot by police (including the woman that died yesterday). 
It’s sad that none of these people will ever realise it. They’re fighting to keep a man (who scammed hundreds in Trump University) in the White House. A man so goddamned inept that he flip-flops his foreign policy (and later assassinated a man with a drone missile, and then made a hesitant statement that the US was ‘standing down’ the DAY AFTER despite our US bases had been shot at) and couldn’t even follow through ANY investigation against voting issues and corruption to save his life, and was clearly incapable and uncaring with handling Americans getting sick by the thousands last year. Just like he had used people for money, he has now used these people to get back at anyone (Republican and Democrat) that disagreed with him in the White House. 
I think back to 0:49 in the above video, where a woman in the crowd screams, “They’re going to kill more people!” I wonder if this woman would ever realise that the same person who put her up to this–was the same person who walked past the BLM protestors (getting shot at, shoved by police and tear-gassed) to do this photo op: 
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Trump fans–we’ve been trying to tell you from the START that there’s issues with the police, national guards and how protests/demonstrations are handled. You ignored us, you attacked us, and mocked us. 
You then went to ‘assemble’ as is your right , and didn’t realise that you’ll get beaten and shot at. Just like the rest of us. And now you’re treated contemptuously by OUR PRESIDENT, just like the freakin’ rest of us (I mean, sure–most of us are accused as terrorists and vilified from the start. But at least we’re not lying in cells or hospital beds bleeding while the president goes, “Haha, please be peaceful. Love you all!”). 
I hope to fucking christ that no more people get any more manipulated by this fucking asshole (or any future assholes). Because the moment we have another Trump that’s smarter and better at obfuscating his intentions, we’re all fucked. 
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fellatiogal94 · 4 years
When another fandom comes in with a cross-over and it works better than your otp
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Coming into a fandom late
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fellatiogal94 · 4 years
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fellatiogal94 · 4 years
Lady of Evil and Grief
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Doctor of War & Sorrow
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fellatiogal94 · 5 years
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I love it
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I know I’m way late to the party but. Im love designing princess versions of minor Mario enemies…..
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fellatiogal94 · 5 years
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fellatiogal94 · 5 years
everyone shut up and post keanu reeves
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fellatiogal94 · 5 years
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Captain Marvel Review
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This…this is awkward. *Ahem* How does one put this gently? The Captain Marvel movie, kind of sucks. Like “oh my gosh this is bad” sucks. That sentiment comes from an objective viewpoint; well as objective a viewpoint one can have after watching whatever Marvel’s, Captain Marvel was.
I paid little attention to the calls for the film to be boycotted or whatever controversy surrounded the lead of the film, Brie Larson. All I wanted was a good film as Marvel is accustomed to delivering. Sadly, I was let down. Why you ask?
.Carol: A tale of Two Leads - One of the biggest problems for me is not the character of Captain Marvel but what Marvel is trying to do with her. It is in some way similar to what happened with Iron Man in his first live action film.
Robert Downy Jr took a C to B list character at best and gave a performance that shot him into the upper echelons of comics. However that was more of an unintentional thing. There was no one saying how great Tony Stark was. We saw this with his ingenuity throughout the film but more than that we saw it by how vulnerable he was by being captured, and left for dead more than once, thus having to learn or rely on others. Why? Because Tony is a genius and he is genius enough to know he needed others to help him in his plight. Yes he has an ego but that falls away when he knows his or others’ lives depend on it. He makes mistakes and comes out of the other side stronger for it. That’s relatable.
In Captain Marvel from the first exchange of dialogue in the movie, we are told how strong Carol is though she is “emotional” (Something we see little of). We have constant scenarios of the character being lauded by others for how brilliant she is, whether as a pilot, warrior or hero. There is no fall for her beyond brief moments of being captured…twice. In each scenario she manages to get away with ease and gain little from either. Yes she “falls” in the movie during montages as Marvel tries to hamfist the idea of rising up into the plot line but Steve Rogers did that already and without needing to hammer it home that this was a Psuedo-motivational moment.
Again let’s look at Tony. In his workshop Tony goes through countless tests to get his suit to fly or do what he wishes and we see him fail before he succeeds. But Tony does not give up! He keeps going till he gets it done and even then, he keeps upgrading his suits for any possible situation because he knows he is not invincible. Anything is possible and he needs to be prepared. Whether this is caution or his need for control it shows us Tony’s mindset which almost seems neurotic at its worst.
Carol…falls from space, closes her eyes and decides to fly. That is a scene meant to be empowering but I instead just groaned. Marvel seems to want us to buy into Carol being the cornerstone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but I think it can be argued while not nearly as strong as Carol, Black Widow deserves that spot.
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(This picture has more charisma than the cast)
.The Attitude - Carol is cocky. Not quite Tony Stark or Namor cocky but she has an ego of sorts. She is a woman who knows she is powerful, knows she has the means to take control and is not afraid of doing so. However she has an attitude of no nonsense but also of being able to empathize with others, such as when Scarlet Witch returned to her senses after the House of M storyline. Carol in her Ms.Marvel guise along with Spider-Woman come to her aid before taking Wanda to the Avengers’ Mansion and in those few pages we see a range of emotions. Joy at seeing her friend. The jubilant yet skilled approach Carol takes to fighting the threats facing them. The pain on her face when Vision turns Wanda, his wife at the time, away.
Those are organic expressions and it hurts to say those pages carry more emotion in them than Brie’s portrayal. It is wooden and has no real character behind it. Yes she is soldier but so is Captain America, Bucky, Falcon and Black Widow. Yes she has amnesia, so did Bucky and in Civil War he still showed the emotion of someone who felt like they could not even trust themselves, worry, fear, wariness of all around him besides Steve. Brie really only has one emotion throughout. Stoic. Stoic in happiness, sadness and anger.
She does stoic well but nothing else. For example, upon realizing all she knows is false, Carol in the movie has no moment of breaking down that others face. T’challa upon seeing his father’s transgression confronts him and completely changes his mindset about aiding the outside.  Charlize Theron as Furiosa in Mad Max - Fury Roa upon realizing what she was fighting for all along no longer exists, this bastion of strength walks into the desert, takes off her prosthetic arm and screams into the distance. Carol has none of that besides saying, “I don’t know who I am!!!” which is quickly countered by her friend saying, “You are Carol Danvers….”. And…that’s it. She has a moment at the end where she echoes this and ordeal over. Yup.
.Missed Opportunities - Yon Rogg, Korath, Ronan, Agent Coulson, Mar-Vell and even the Skrulls feel like they were wasted in this movie. Some are glorified cameos and that sucks. Korath especially feels like he could have had backstory to show how he became what he was in Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh and Mar-Vell…what did they do to Mar-Vell!?!? Moving on!
Nick Fury feels like he got some of the worst of it all. Many wanted to see how he got those Scars but the pay off is so bad you wish it was instead a moment better left to our imagination. While it is fun seeing a younger Nick Fury at work with a different attitude to his older self, there seems like he deserved a subplot that paid off the speculation of him losing his eye.
Skrulls + He trusted someone he did not + Lost an eye = Easy Subplot. Imagine going through a movie with Nick having faith a character only to see that is not who he thought it was and pays a huge price before painfully having to take that person out? That would have explained the Nick Fury who we know so well.
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(Annnnnnnd…lack of common sense starts now)
.Plot Twists - NO! That’s all I will say! NO! I understand trying to subvert expectations but there are some things in the Marvel Universe that should stay as such. This is not like changing, M’Baku to a anti-hero/hero or the Mandarin into an Actor (Who was not even the real Mandarin). This is like taking the Red Skull and making him a hero. It  just does not work. That is all I will say to avoid spoilers.
.What Genre am I? - You know something? Winter Soldier is a Spy Thriller movie. Ant Man, a crime comedy. Thor-Raganarok and Sci-Fi Comedy. None of them are really the same despite being hero flicks. Each has its identity. Each understands what it wants to do. Captain Marvel does not.
It shifts from bad action movie, to bad drama to bad comedy. It is jack of nothing and the ace of nothing. Captain America understood it was a period piece and played up the aspects of this. It was essential but Captain Marvel only has this is spots before the film does away with them.
It is no rite of passage tale like Homecoming was or even Shazam. In those films the heroes fall due to their own errors and must dig themselves out of it, in one case literally. Captain Marvel has none of that. Brie is powerful at the start and becomes more powerful at the end. It has action the spy of spies in the MCU, Nick Fury but fails to use him nearly enough.
A depowered Carol, (Thanks to a power cancelling chip on her neck) on the run with Fury trying to understand her past sounds like an amazing prospect, making me want to see her regain her powers after gaining better understanding of how to utilize them. But nope, she whoops ass and will make sure you know. Even if you don’t want to.
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(I’m the badass female of the MCU…after Black Widow, Okoye, Shuri, Peggy Carter, Valkyrie, Gamora, Frigga, Pepper Pots, Aunt May, *Aunt May Into the Spider-Verse* Nebula, Sif, Sharon Carter, Nakia, The Ancient One…yeah after all of them!)
Rating: 1 out 5
.Boring Screen Play and action
.Bland Lead
.Misguided attempt at a powerful female lead (Wonder Woman & Furiosa did it far better even if they were flawed as well)
.Convoluted plot
.Goose is awesome and so is Nick Fury.
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fellatiogal94 · 5 years
So I watched Shazam! and I must say, it was very entertaining!
The jokes were fun and the villain played by Mark Strong was...omg hot with that scar! Very good acting and filmography, so much so, I found my self appreciating this movie, well done DC, I haven’t appreciated your live actions as well as this since I grew up on my Dad’s collection of Batman 1960s tv episodes!
------------------------------Spoiler part--------------------------
I loved how at the very end, they included MASTER MIND!  I completely forgot that guy, only realised who he was when I was on the train ride home. Nevertheless I love that guy, he’s such an ass! 
My friend and I sat there after the scene(not remembering about MM), laughing our asses at the idea of an evil twin of Heimlich from Bugs life trying to take over the world whilst giving Sivana a crash course on magic and domination while shoving his face with food. I then thought that he’d get all excited for world domination and when he would get close to it, he’d hurriedly build his cocoon whilst still giving his evil speech, getting faster from his excitement and at the end he’d be like: “And soon your universe will feel it’s doom from my WINGS OF DOMINATION!”
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Unfortunately, from what I remembered and confirmed, DC made MM into a moth.....a Kaiju moth...
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Destroyed my child-like hopes that day when I snuck away from the laundrymat to check out the latest releases (I think this was around 2005-6???) at the corner store, I remember reading this and then putting it back in the rack and reaching over for the Lantern comic, I was mildly disappointed that DC killed off MM from ever returning and overcomplicating his demon-ness to make him ‘scary’, it just makes me think that Godzilla would show up and sucker-punch MM whilst Aquaman rode on his back like: “It’s cool guys, my friend and I got this!”. 
I’m glad that he is finally seen in live-action! 
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fellatiogal94 · 5 years
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Brian Froud concept drawings for Jim Henson’s THE DARK CRYSTAL (1982).
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fellatiogal94 · 6 years
I love the colour of sunset orange with the pink, yellow and red blurring together but my go to color is Blue....Still, Institute of Blood and Darkness sounds supernatural and modern-esque, whereas Court of Blood and Darkness sounds like something from a George R.R Martin book.
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New year, new novel! What’s your next book going to be?
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fellatiogal94 · 6 years
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He’s got point. :3
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fellatiogal94 · 6 years
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