feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Session Recap:(8)   Maleficent Manor
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ After defeating the Oggress Feoar, an elderly rooster waltzes into the room Tika is in, sits before her, and promptly sets on fire. Quickly a small chick emerges from the ashes, squawking and looking at Tika. It spits out a wood ring you swear was on the Oggress’ finger. It calls to Tika, so she puts it on. She feels the ring magically awake, and send an alert out somewhere within the realm. When they return to the caravan, they find Rylek arguing with Derval, Seilig and Allura. Also, a stranger has joined their midst claiming to be a friend of Andevai. His name is Svon, and illusionist Bear Kin. He impresses them all, convincing them he is a person of importance and skill. That night Tika has a strange dream, which she tells no one about.  Past the Oggress hut, they come across Maleficent’s manor. They decide to pay her visit, and decide inside what they would like to do - help Maleficent kill the princess? Rescue the princess and claim the King’s reward? Or reunite the former lovers? The possibilities are many. Tika runs ahead, exploring on her own. The rest of the party finds Maleficent and the Sylpha princess Briarie in mid argument. Anatole also spots a malevolent shadow behind the arguing figures slip away by another exit into the ballroom. They tell Maleficent about the shadow, so she asks them to guard the princess while she searches - she finds no shadow but she does stumble upon Tika, who begins flooding with her criticisms and warnings about “that Lecherous Vayl”.  Meanwhile, Vayl is in fact flirting with the princess while they guard her. He is wing-manned by Svon, ignoring the warnings from Lous. Vayl offers an amorous night with the princess and Malificent as a means to reconcile them. Maleficent returns and immediately sets Vayl on fire. His friends check to see if he’s still alive, and find he is only just barely. They beg to take “the corpse” away, and are given permission before Maleficent and Briarie behing arguing once more.  As our adventurers flee the manor, they can hear and feel the tremendous spells Maleficent and Briarie begin slinging at each other.
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Session Recap:(7)   Oggress in the Mountains
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Leaving the now mostly thornless Thornwoods, they travel along the main road north - leaving the castle behind with the King’s request to free his daughter from Malificent. The caravan mostly decides to only give it a shot if convenient, but is mostly focused on moving on.  While traveling along the road, the earth suddenly tremors slightly - spooking Vayl and Keegan’s horses. Pierrot scolds Tika as the are stopped to check a wheel, and the earth begins to tremor again. Suddenly giant hands of earth burst upwards, yanking at the caravan members, punching through some of the wagon floors to grasp at the occupants. Half of the members are grasped by the hands, and carried through the earth. Louis, Anatole and Malvasus decide to track them while the rest who were not grabbed stay with the caravan. Meanwhile the hands drop them into a basement cellar, caged. A human cook talks to them, and the they manage to convince her to help them escape in order to kill the Oggress who has them all as prisoners. Louis, Anatole, and Malvasus track them to the Ogress hut, in time to hatch a plan. The Oggress wants to eat one of the prisoners, so they will hunt down a deer to pass off as the meat - adding in a poisonous apple. Louis and Malvasus are almost murdered by a stag, but Anatole is able to save the day. They return to make the Oggress her stew. Unfortunately, by unfortunate turns of events, the Oggress finds her prisoners have escaped and a difficult battle ensues. Tika saves the day when she takes some of the poisonous stewed apple and shoves it in her face. They begin to loot her home of what few possessions they find useful, and promise to take the human cook with them. 
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Session Recap:(5-6)   Sleeping Kingdom Aroriell
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The caravan comes upon the kingdom of Aroriell, within the Thornwoods. Elderly Pixie Mender Merryflora coaxes them to the castle surrounded by shifting vines. She begs them to wake the princess, and thus the realm, warning them that they must get past the dragon (who turns out to be an half-ravenkin shifter named Maleficent). Pixie says only a royal fey's kiss can wake her, and none have been by in 100 years, none will answer her summons. Malvasus finds and captures a new pet while they explore the castle filled with sleeping, and sometimes munched on bodies of the court. They loot as they go, fighting dangers and collecting ingredients for their crafts. Tika is depressed when a vine trap rips off her wings, but she still desperately wants to try kissing the princess. Vayl hogties her twice during their path through the tower - determined to be the one to wake the princess. Louis secretly had been following, and while they fought two massive spiders he slipped by to find the sleeping queen. He lures the dragon in, attempting and failing to seduce her. He does manage to convince her that he’ll help her get to the princess to kill her. Not long after, the others catch up and follow Louis’ lead. While they try to open the door to her rooms, they ask Maleficient the story behind her rage against the princess and kingdom. Maleficent says she was a scorned lover of Briarie, who misled her and betrayed her for money and status for her kingdom. Maleficent then attempted to murder the princess, and her precious kingdom. Merryflora stepped in and was able to shift the curse to sleep rather than death. Only the princess’s greatest wish could wake her. Maleficent, in her crazed grief, turned into a dragon and stalked the castle in a 100 year bout of insanity. She asks for a piece of sanity from as many of them as possible, so she can return her senses enough to take her true form again. When Vayl’s nobleman’s kiss does not wake her, they wonder aloud if a wealthy fey would do the trick. She wants either to be in love, or to have the security of her people via a royal marriage - would not wealth result in security? Louis attempts to disguise himself as Rylek to preform the kiss that wakes her. He immediately runs from the room, and returns in his fey form. Much confusion ensues, and Maleficient makes off with the now woken princess, taking dragon form once more and escaping out the window. Now awake, the King thanks the ‘heroes’, and asks them to save their princess from the dragon witch’s clutches. They offer what limited riches they can, and point them towards the near by mountains where her lair should be.
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Session Recap:(4)   Sunless Arbour of Rozenndel
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The caravan remains in the great city of Rozenndel, preparing the newly repaired Caravan for travel. The caravan members are very concerned when the Captain of the Rozenndel Guard approaches Andevai for a private conversation. Luckily for our adventurers, he is there with a job offer. The captain explains that after the recent fiasco of fey children kidnapping, he wants to put some distance between the guard and potential failure – not to mentioned how overworked the guard is currently. However the Guard has gotten a tip that must be pursued: Recently a magical rosehip fruit has hit the market, amid many rumours. It seems they can either miraculously heal or fatally poison, recently there have been some assassinations via unassuming pastries. Rumours say that the druid Belak is peddling them, and he claims they come from the fabled Dark Rosehip Tree, found in the lost Sunless Arbor. The enchanted fruit are starting to spread in their dispersal to surrounding lands, bringing much ire and suspicion to the city. The myths claim that the Sunless Arbor was a great garden citadel lovingly tended by an Archfey. Some ancient magical devastation pulled the Arbor bellow ground. Its magics twisted, and vile subterranean creatures infested it – feeding on the corrupted magical plants. At the heart of this Arbor likes the tree, providing ruby-red rosehips the size of apples. (Cultivated at dawn or dusk heals, every other time is poison). The guard suspects that they will need a blacksmith to get in, a master hunter for the creatures inside, a magical plant expert, as well as the smartest and strongest amung them to get through the unknown dangers. The guard had tracked the druid to an ancient door found in the sewers of the city, that they hope leads to the ancient garden – but the Captain believes leads to the druid’s workshop. The willing caravan members are tasked with finding the source of the rosehips. A guard-ally is their guide, Snorri - a Gnome (Fey dwarf) roams the aquaducts and sewers of the city. He sells Valhindria, Louis, and Tika some Under Lamps which glow without fire. Louis tries to tempt him with a Human utensil set, Snorri’s excitement proves too much and both he and a fork go plunging into the sewer waters. He returns and is temped by a spoon, in his glee glomping Louis. Anatole comes to his recue, and punts poor Snorri back into the waters. He grumpily leads them to the ‘door’. He says he’ll wait for you for 24 hours, to lead you back. Valhlindria successfully pries open the locked door to a blighted labyrinth of a garden. The adventurers are attacked by Violet Mushrooms, Awakened Trees, Swarms of firewasps, and Vayl is able to tame a Lilly Tiger as his second Ranger pet. When they finally make it to the tree, they find it with a few fruit open it - including a mysterious white rosehip. Niko, TIka, and Anatole are enthralled by it. A furious Belak emerges from the trees and attacks the intruders. After he is defeated, and with many adventurers nearly dead, they rest in the clearing to regain their strength. Niko, Tika, and Anatole sneak a bite of the mysterious white Rosehip. A scene is revealed to the three of them, a memory. The Archfey (Feircherowyn) who tended this garden was a powerful druid Queen. She was betrayed by a neighbouring kingdom, and as warriors stormed the city she fled to the center of the Arbor. She turned herself into the most beautiful rose tree. She tempted the enemy soldiers, dropping fruit that healed their wounds. Until finally the enemy warrior Queen approached, and as she bit into the rosehip she was poisoned and died. Unable to destroy the tree with sword or fire, the greatest mage of the Enemy kingdom instead placed an orb within her roots to put her forever to sleep – a malicious spell that twisted the magic of the garden tied to the Archfey. As soon as they wake, the three begin furiously digging at the roots of the tree. They find and remove the orb, allowing the tree to return to her true form. She rewards her saviours with her true name, as well a gift of Rose-red boots, a stone hammer-throw, and a golden chain of Fey Nobility.
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Caravan member, of the Tuath Journeyman’s Fellowship Leatherworker, skinner, mortician, taxidermist.  Ranger. Personality: Even by Fey standards, he is unnerving. He has a tendency to stare, and rarely seems to blink. He likes his meat nearly raw or charcoal black, and is basically carnivorous. He takes great pride in his work, and seems to be involved in the caravan only to find rare creatures to hunt and skin for profit. He is particularly good at using all of an animal, letting none go to waste. He is fairly quiet and withdrawn, but reappears at the first hint of dangers. It is hard to read his personality, but he is remarkably durable and relentless in his hunt. Strengths: Animal knowledge, Physical Prowess, Stealth, and Cunning. Flaws: Disturbing, Tight-lipped, Revels in Violence Court and causes: He is a Solitary Fey. He recognizes the power of Archfey, but tries not to entangle himself with them.  Season: Summer. What?! Yes I know, Summer. Appearance: It is very hard to tell what race of Fey he is, but he must be a mut - a mixbreed born of mixbreeds. He lacks much colour, though he is not part of the Gloaming Court. Some whisper that he is Forlorn, though he doesn’t seem depressed. He has extra long ears, clawed hands and feet, a satyr’s goatee, and 2 jagged horns. He dresses in his wares, often with a creatures head as his shoulder guard.  Relationships: Of all the caravan, he is best tolerated by Andevai. He is building a strange relationship with Louis, where he has kept Louis’ secrets and has yet to punish him for his misdeeds. The other caravan members he trades with, and is cordial to - in his way. He likes to startle Keegan and Derval as often as he can, and seems to have a bit of a soft spot for Allura. Sidenotes:  He has had many careers, including mortician. 
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Session Recap:( 3)   The Piper in Rozenndel
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The caravan safely leaves the Winderlind Realm. They approach the Greay Fey City of Treasures, Rozenndel, nestled in the Hills of Hither. These hills mark the beginning of the Realm of Roses.  Both Queens have eyed the city greedily, but are too occupied by their battles of their own realm. The city is run by a council of Magistrates. Its prime location on the River Brell makes it a trading hub, home to amazing craftsman. A headquarters for the Tuath Journeyman’s Fellowship is found here. Delegations from the courts are always in attendance, and the city is known for its very lavish revels among the artists, merchants, and innovators. Some citizens wear red or white in allegiance to The Heartrender or Diamond Queen. As the caravan is brought to the trade district, Master Andevai negotiates caravan repairs as the rest of our adventurers are welcome to explore the city. They find that the city is bustling with activity over a spectacular parade - held in honour of the Pied Piper who has recently brought a great harvest of human children to the city. He weaves his bard magics to keep the children enthralled as they march the city streets.  The caravan members all react differently to this news, naturally the humans are outraged - but at a loss as to how to help. Tika takes it upon herself to try and sneak to the humans, but is thwarted by the guards. Meanwhile, an invitation is brought to Andevai, requesting the caravan mambers join the feast in honour of the Piper. It is sent by the city’s head Magistrate - Decemvir.  As the caravan dresses in their (or their tailor’s) very best, Malvasus makes a great recovery from his near-death. He will forever walk with a limp, but this does not prevent him from joining them. At the great estate the Pied Piper Hamelin explains to Louis that he has recently sung many human children over, for sale to the city. Decemvir’s is presented to him, before they are sent to the market for open sale. The prophet Anoon who fortold Anatole’s arrival is also in attendance, and explains she feels indebted to Anatole for endangering their life and revealing their whereabouts to the Queens. As they uncover the truth, and force Magistrate Decemvir to reveal his intentions to betray the deal with the Piper, they and Anoon agree to help the piper with a plot for revenge. They help smuggle the human children out, taking them out on boats on the river Brell to the Piper’s assistant waiting on the outskirts. There they find out which children have eaten Fey Food, and which haven’t. Those who have are taken by Prophet Anoon, where she promises to find them good homes, and takes one as her own personal assistant. When the Piper arrives he has a slew of kidnapped Fey Children from the city, and Anoon guesses he is planning on holding them for ransom. They force the Piper to send the human children who haven’t eaten of they fey, back home to the human realms. They then leave him with his ransoming, and return into the city to keep up their appearance of innocence.
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Caravan Master, of the Tuath Journeyman’s Fellowship Artist, Designer, Architect.  Conjurer. Personality: His demeanor is sometimes unpredictable. He tends towards his persona of the Calm, Collected, and All-knowing caravan master, but glimpses are seen often of his other sides. Like many Eladrin, he is both flirtatious and generally apathetic. He behaves as if he has seen it as all, as a well-traveled craftsman - but he is sometimes easily fascinated. As an artist, he is simultaneously giddy with pride in his newest creations, pompous about his achievements, ferociously protective and secretive about his techniques, and obsessed and consumed by his work. You see him at his most happy and most gloomy when he is admiring other’s work. Strengths: Knowledgeable, good at bartering, knows many languages, excellent at delegating tasks and finding other’s talents. Flaws: Apathetic, Secretive, and Possessive Court and causes: He is a Solitary Fey. He recognizes the power of Archfey, but tries not to entangle himself with them. Is generally apathetic to all causes, other than the proper treatment of craftsman. Season: Late Autumn   Appearance: He has very long, luscious royal blue hair. His skin is ivory, with patterns of royal blue. His eyes are bright red, and his eyebrows are monstrous - of which he is proud. He is fairly tall, and it is very hard to place his age. Relationships: Of all the caravan, he is the one on best terms with Malvasus - they seem to have a mutual respect. He is generally on good terms with the whole caravan. Of the new additions, he is most appreciative of Vayl, and is very curious about Louis.  Sidenotes:  He is the proud designer and inventor of The Caterpillar Caravan Train. 
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Session Recap:( 1&2)   Tulgey Wood in Winderlin
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Our adventure began with a traveling caravan of apprentices and master craftsman apart of the Tuath Journeyman’s Fellowship, working towards becoming Fellowship Masters in their crafts. As they pass through the Tulgey Wood. Their hired guide has stopped them at the safety of The Lake of Tears. They are on neutral ground between the two queens who rule the realm. Suddenly all the fey feel a ripple as two humans pass through the veil. As the caravan members discuss it, watching the humans flee, a booming voice makes them kneel. He reveals himself as the Acorn King, Arch Druid, Mallicos. He makes the fey kneel, the solitary seem particularly affected by the command. He marks them all with a white hot symbol. He claims that any harm that comes to the human progeny, will be dealt with interest back at them. They are now tethered to “the human, their fates sealed together until you journey to the Oaken Castle. The journey will be trecherous, but you will be rewarded handsomely for your completion of this task. Failure, will ofcourse mean doom. You are enchanted to never be able to communicate to others about the curse upon you.” As they begin to move again through the Tulgey Wood, a voice yells at them to stop. It is a rabbit kin, introducing himself as Lithger. He explains that he is a messenger between the sister-Queens of the two kingdoms of Tulgey Wood (The Heartrender Queen Iracebeth of Saalazen Grum, and the Diamond Queen Mirana of Marmoreal). A prophet spoke about a human with a great destiny passing through the veil that very day, the queens now both want that human. The caravan moves on, eventually finding their way blocked by a Griffin with a thorn stuck in its paw. The Heartrender Queen set it upon them, using the poison-thorned roses she likes so much. For sparing he Griffin, they are rewarded with its company - it now owes them a favour and won’t leave them until it is repaid. They stop for the night, and in the morning find a purple cat in their camp. They find it’s name is Bouverie and it belongs to a cat-kin named Chess, an illusionist who has been sent by Lithger to aid them. He helps them navigate the forest. In the flower fields a skirmish breaks out between the Red side and the White side of the dryads, insight ed by a drunk Allura who simply wanted to party. The ensuing fireball match resulted in setting Derval’s caravan on fire, and nearly killing him. Ahead they meet a Pixie named Absolem along the way who decides to watch the entertainment for a time. At the fork ahead they choose the Heartrender path, and eventually spot a fearsome Jabberwocky in the distance. Louis convinces much of the caravan to go slay it for prophet, but the caravan is shocked when Malvasus goes over the edge of a cliff and seemingly dies. The caravan spends an amorous evening after all the excitement, which is cut short by a scream as Anatole finds a flithy and wounded Malvasus in the dark. By morning he is fevered and hallucinating. Senwynna and Seilig treat him, hoping to save his life. As they reach the border of the woods, they find a thorn wall blocking their escape. On the road the Thorn wall has 2 doors, each guarded by goblins. They inform the caravan that the Queens have decided they want the To-Be-Hero human to give their support in favour of one of the Queens - to tip the power in the realm to one side and end their bickering and wars. Louis claims to be the Hero human, and is told he must drink the blood of one of the queens. Moving quickly, he manages to drink them both - bringing peace to Winderlin Realm, and infusing his blood with a touch of both queens magics.
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Physical Description: The Tengu are noble race of sentient bird-people. They very in appearance as widely as their bird brethren. Generally, they have a bird head, and giant wings large enough to carry their weight. They are humanoid in size, and walk similarly on their long bird-like legs when they are not flying. They have long tails that also help them in flight, never step on their tail while they walk or you will be snapped at. Though they are usually the same colouring of whatever bird they resemble, they can resemble fey birds that are of colourings and patterns never seen in mortal realms. Languages: Fey, Tenguen Size: Medium, 6”-7” Age: 500 Years Speed: Base speed of 20 walking, 50 flying Court Relations: Tengu can be found in any court but water, as many are scholars and merchants. They are respected by all the courts, and are often consulted. Society: Within the courts, Tengu take on more Eladrin lifestyles – while keeping their traditions sacred. Their own society is very erudite, reveling in scholarly pursuits like histories and intricate magics. They are also a race of merchants and travelers, carrying wares from place to place while learning and amassing their own treasure hoards. They look down on earth-bound creatures, and find most non-tengu to be barbaric, chaotic, and severely lacking self-control. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Standard Racial Traits: - Ability Scores: +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence - Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill. - Bird Wings: You can fly! But also must roll acrobatics frequently to do anything nimble. Your wings work like Feather Fall, taking no fall damage. You need a 10 ft radius to accommodate your wingspan to get off the ground. - Talons: Your sharp bird talon hands give you 1D6 unarmed damage. - Air Affinity: Bonus 1 damage to all air magics. Plus you know the Gust cantrip. - Weather Sense: They are so in-tune with the air and sky that they can take 10 minutes once a day to predict the weather. If no magics interfere, this prediction is always right. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Subrace: Passerine: Generally resembling songbirds in physical appearance, these Tengu are lively and extroverted. They are opposed to brute force, and are generally more light-hearted than other tengu. They revel in song, much preferring the sound of their lovely voices then the racket of most fey instruments. Their homes are beautiful and colourful treetop city of delicately carved wood nest-homes. +1 to Charisma +1 to Performance Raptor: Resembling birds of prey, these Tengu are fast in mind and body. These tengu are very stoic and serious, seeking mastery in their chosen professions or fields of study. Their eyesight allows them to easily spot and eliminate targets at high speeds. They tend to live separately, their communities in trees with ample distance between nests. + 1 Dexterity + 1 to Perception Strix: Resembling owls, these Tengu can seem unnerving to other Fey with their swiveling heads. Other than that, they are fairly charming for Tengu. They revel in good craftsmanship, and are the most creative of the Tengu. They are the most tranquil of the Tengu, and tend to magpie their own creations rather than anything and everything. They often live in ingeniously carved stone rookeries, in the sides of cliffs or mountains. Sometimes they live in carved wood and stone estates. +1 Wisdom +1 Perception Scavenger: The most intimidating of Tengu, they resemble vultures and other such birds. They are particularly exclusive and gloomy, even more judgmental and critical of other races. They covet their learning, and only trade their lowest quality goods. They tend to live in rookery cities in cave systems, or wooden homes precariously placed up cliff faces.+1 to Constitution+1 to Investigation
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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The Kin
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Physical Description: The Kin vary greatly in their appearance, and are split into many subgroups. Generally, they have the ears, tails and lower legs of an animal. They may also have a few other traits – Mammal Kin may have pointed teeth and claws, with fur like hair. The bird-like Harpykin may have Feathered wings sprouting from their arms and pointed noses. Satyrkin have spots all over their skin and large Doe-eyes. Discuss with DM how much or how little you want them to look animalistic. Their colouring tends to match their animal qualities. Languages: Fey, Kin Size: Medium, 6”-7” Age: 500 Years Speed: Base speed of 35 Court Relations: Kin can be found in any court, though typically the herbivores tend towards the Seelie court. Some Kin Cities lie in the boundaries of the court, while many small ones are Solitary and hidden. Society: Within the courts, Kin Societies take on more Eladrin lifestyles – while keeping some of their traditions sacred. They do complex rituals to respect a kill, and have deep ties to nature. Outside of the courts they are more secluded and wary of other races. They live in city states or tribes where their laws and practices vary. They are always protective of their territory, and live in harmony with their habitat. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Standard Racial Traits: - Ability Scores: +1 Dexterity, +1 Charisma - Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
- Warm Fur: You have resistance to cold damage, and bonus to Survival Skill. - Ferocious: Your animal qualities (horns, claws, etc.) give you 1D6 unarmed damage. - Beast Connection: You know the Primal Savagery cantrip. Once you reach 2nd level you can cast the Speak with Animals spell once per day as a spell (Only to your animal type). Once you reach 5th level you can also cast the Beast Sense spell once per day(Only to your animal type). Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Subrace: Harpykin (Birds): Choose a bird as your influence. Even more than other Kin, they are intensely curious. In general, Harpykin have an almost obsessive interest in curiosities, ancient artifacts, relics and magic items - not for the items themselves, as much as the stories and secrets they hold. Once an item had been thoroughly examined and studied, and its secrets revealed, it would lose its allure and the Satyrkin would quickly lose interest and pass it on. They are famous for their frequent wanderlust, preening, as well as their love for luxuries. They can be more haughty than the other Kin. +1 to Intelligence +1 to Acrobatics Satyrkin (Hooved): Choosse a hooved animal as your influence. Satyrkin want to experience the thrills and spills that life has to offer, often getting themselves into trouble simply for the experience. Most Satyrkin are good-natured, free-wheeling and fun-loving, but not terribly bound to any hard system of morals. They are fiercely loyal to their herd, however, and feel it almost their duty to problem-solve a situation. A lot of Satyrkin are pranksters and partiers, making plenty of problems and puzzles for others. + 1 Dexterity + 1 to Perception Lykin (Mammals): Choose a mammal as your influence. There is a great varity in the personality and cultures of the many different type of Lykin. Quite a few of them don't even refer to themselves by that name, preferring Felkin for Cat Kin, or Urskin for Bear Kin. Some of the qualities they do have in common are an intense sense of companionship compared to other Fey, and a love for both hard work and long vacations. They enjoy boisterous play, and will make most work into a competition or a game. They are also great fighters, especially the carnivorous Kin.  +1 Strength or Dexterity +1 Stealth or Athletics Nixikin (Amphibians): Choose an amphibian as your influence. Nixikin are curious and rather friendly compared to some Kin. Despite their skill at athletics, they are not very hostile. They love to swim and usually love to feast. They are very hard-workers, and sleep an extra 2 hours in the winters. They tend to be more ponderous and relaxed in the cold, and more exuberant and hyper in the warmth. +1 to Strength +1 to Investigation Gorrkin (Reptiles): Choose a reptile as your influence. Gorrkin are often using their honed magical skills and significant cunning for their own gain, or simply to amuse themselves. They can be very blunt and forthcoming in their observations, which some find intense. They are serious and dour to new people, as it takes a very long time for them to trust outsiders. Their culture is more chaotic than the others, as they are a clever and shrewd people who don't like to be bored. They tend toward trickery and stealth. +1 to Intelligence +1 to Stealth or Arcana
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Physical Description: Sprites are lesser Elementals, having no Eladrin blood in them (unlike Sylphs). Their appearance varies depending on their type, but all of them look like their element whirls gently beneath their skin. Their skin, hair, and eye colour matches their element, and sometimes they have features on them made of the element itself (Frost in the hair, leaves sprouting from their shoulders). Their eyes tend to glow slightly, their pupils are darker shade of the whole eye colour. They tend to be beautiful, but can also seem eerie and other-wordly – even for Fey. Languages: Fey, Primordial Size: Medium, 5'- 6' Age: 550 Years Speed: Base speed of 30 Court Relations: Sprites are most commonly found in the Summer, Winter, and Water courts – through there are a few in the others. There are also a fair few communities of Solitary sprites. Society: It is said that the beauty and grace of a Sprite can turn a Human blind, mad, or possessed. Sprites. They are inextricably linked with their element, and feel a pull to it always. It is said a Sprite rarely dies, instead choosing to go out in a flare of elemental magic when their time draws near. They are a matriarchal society, greatly respecting the ability to create life. They bond to their true homes, which may or may not be where they are born. They will wander the Feywilds until they find their bonded territory – once found they will rarely leave, as it will cause a type of deep depression and magical homesickness similar to Cold Iron Sickness. They tend to view the machinations of other fickle Fey as tiresome, as the rolling emotions of their connection to elemental magic gives them all the entertainment they need. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Standard Racial Traits: - Ability Scores: +1 Charisma, +1 Wisdom - Element Affinity: When hit with your element, the damage rolled heals instead. - Commune: One a day they must commune with their element or suffer penalties. - Tied to Elements: You have double damage to one type of elemental damage, dependent on your affinity. - Unearthly Grace: While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC is equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier. You also know Performance in Dance. - Blinding Beauty: As an action, you can force all humanoids within 30 feet to succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw or become distracted and confused. - Bonded Home: Once a Sprite finds her True Home, she is bound to it and can not leave its general vicinity without suffering something similar to Cold Iron Sickness. She will search for it like a piece of her is missing, and once found her health is tied to it's health. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Subrace: Water: The water Sprites are the physical manifestation of the beauty of the Sea, Rain, and River. They have voices like tinkling springs, and move like dancing rapids. These Sprites tend to live closely with Merrow and may be a part of the Water Court. They tend to build their relations around their bonded home. If that happens to be a lake in the middle of the Unseelie Court, that is where they will make their home. They love to spend their time bathing and dancing, perhaps caring for the creatures that respect their waters. They tend to be some of the most friendly Sprites, often tending healing springs. +1 Wisdom +You are Aquatic and you know the cantrip Shape Water Air: The air sprites have a greater range on their Bonded Territory than other Sprites, allowing them to travel far with changing winds. They have a deep connection with sound and music, channeled through their Air Affinity. Their homes tend to be in high places, where they listen to the voices of the Feywild. They tend to be Solitary Fey, preferring to stay out of Court troubles – though a few can be found in the Winter court with an abundance of Ice Sprites. + 1 Dexterity +You can Fly, and you know the cantrip Gust. Fire: Sprites of Fire are a rambunctious sort, more so than the other Sprites – except perhaps the Electric ones. Their homes tend to be deep underground in Lava Pools, in dry desserts or humid jungles. Unlike other Sprites, they must light an Everlasting Flame at their Bonded Home, and must keep it alight. For this reason, many Fire Sprites rely on each other for help, and will aggressively protect their territories. The easiest life for a Fire Sprite is in the cities of the Summer Court, where there flames are protected by the Royals. +1 Charisma +You are hot to the touch, and know the Create Bonfire and Control Flame cantrips. Ground: Sprites of earth are a sturdy and resilient kind, who are the physical representation of the nurturing ground and patient stone. Like most Sprites, they love music and dance – but their style is usually slow moving and rhythmic. They love drums and a stomping frolic. They recharge by digging their hands and feet into the soil, and are very good at keeping their Homes healthy. The can bond to any area or climate in the Feywilds. They get along well with Nature Sprites and Dryads, preferring them to most Courts. +1 Constitution  + You have advantage on Climb rolls and know the cantrip Mold Earth.-> Consult with DM for any other Element Affinities
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Physical Description: Small mischief makers, Pixies are strange mixes of humanoid and bug. They have very large and pupil-less eyes. They can be any vibrant colour. They have small sharp teeth and little claws, with pointed ears and little antennae. Their wings are gossamer, and covered in dust. They wear very little clothing, and it is usually made of shimmery spider silks and magically preserved leaves or pelts of woodland beasts. Languages: Fey, Pixan Size: Small, 2'-3' Feet Age: 250 Years Speed: Base walking speed of 15, flying is 35 Court Relations: Some Pixies make their homes in the Courts (other than Water and Gloaming), but the majority are Solitary. Society: Devious and irresponsible, Pixies are race that tend to amuse or irritate the other Fey – often both. They love to spy and steal, but have a great fear of being captured. This makes them shy to new people, but their curiosity tends to win out. Humour and comedy is prized above all else. They have huge egos for such small creatures, and do not react well to sleights or perceived insults. Their Glade cities are well hidden, and rarely seen by other Fey unless as an express guest. They tend to be surprisingly klutzy, but stronger than one expects for their size. The majority of Pixies abhor the risk of being hit by weapons, and tend toward stealth and magics. This doesn't mean they are nonviolent, quite the contrary – they simply don't like risking being hit themselves and will avoid situations where they can't escape. They love to mess with Adventurers, leading them off their paths. Sometimes their tricks are elaborate and take years to accomplish. Sometimes Pixie's come across as quirky or insane. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Standard Racial Traits: - Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution - Pixie Wings: You can fly! But also must roll acrobatics frequently to not fall. Your wings work like Feather Fall, taking no fall damage. If torn they can be regrown after a long rest. - Tiny Agility: Their small size and quick reflexes give them a bonus on escape and proficiency in stealth. - Tricksy Magics: You can turn invisible for 1 turn at a time, which is a bonus action. This equals 1 minute of game time. This gives you advantage on stealth, disengage or hide. - Delicate: You start off with half the usual hitpoints for your class, and you strength maxes out at 10. - Magical Potency: You get +1 to all spell damage rolls. - Pixie Dust: As a bonus action you can attempt to confuse an enemy using your wing dust. You can also use to shrink items down to your size, requiring a intelligence saving roll. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Subrace: Common Pixie: These Pixies tend to be more humanoid in appearance, with hair styled in cute updoes and great care put into their appearance. They have four long wings that sparkle in the light. They are often sought after for their wing dust and potent magics, so tend to be shy and stick together. +1 Int +1 Arcana Imp Pixie: Sharper and more aggressive features and demeanors mark the Imp Pixies. They have sharp little fangs and are desperately thin. Their wings are smaller and much more slender. They are carnivorous and hunt in swarms. + Dex +1 Sleight of Hand
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Physical Description: Merrow are typically enchantingly beautiful, with alluring voices and grace. Their skin glimmers with patches of very small scales in or out of the water. While in the water they have long fish tails, out they have bodies like the Eladrin. Their ears are small and pointed or small fins, and their eyes are dark. Some have fins on their arms, and even legs when out of water. Skin, hair, and tails can be any colours. Those from a warmer climate tend to be more colourful (like tropical fish). Languages: Fey, Merrowan Size: Medium, 5'5” - 7' Age: 450 Years Speed: Base walking speed is 25 feet, swimming speed is 40 feet. Court Relations: Merrow are almost entirely in the Water Court, though there are a few in the other courts. Because of the rarity, they are often treated as spies for the Water Court – and may be! Society: Merfolk are playful, fickle creatures dwelling on sandy beaches, secluded coves, underwater cities and rocky islands that love to sing, swim, dance, and laugh. They frequently draw strangers into their games and parties, but they rarely grant such visitors more than a few hours of their time. Generally they are very prideful, and have disdain for “Land-Dwellers” or the “Swimless”. They can be surprisingly malicious and cruel when slighted – or even on a whim. They care known to accidentally drown humans (and sometimes fey) in their shenanigans. Their cities are atleast half underwater, and are often made of coral or stone. They train aquatic animals to do their bidding. They cross to the human realm more often than any other Fey race. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Standard Racial Traits: - Ability Scores: +1 Wisdom and +1 Charisma -Aquatic: You can breathe both air and water. You are resistant to cold damage but vulnerable to lightning. You consume twice as much water as other creatures, and must rinse off once daily or take penalties. -Darkvision: You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. -Merrow Weapon Training: You have proficiency with the trident, halberd, and spear. -Slippery: You have Advantage on Dexterity saving throws against being grappled or restrained. You have penalties on trying to grapple or restrain others. -Magic of the Sea: You know the Fog Cloud cantrip. Once you reach 2nd level you can cast the Charm Person spell once per day as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level you can also cast the Dominate Person spell once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. -Musical Voice: Melodious singing voice that many humanoids find strangely alluring. You gain proficiency at Performance, and if they know how to cast spells that would typically require the use of a musical instrument as a focus, they can use their voices as the focus instead. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Subrace:  Tropical: The tropical Merrow are more languid even than Freshwater Merrow, and love to sunbathe to entice wanderers. Their colouring and settlements are stunningly gorgeous, and they consider themselves the richest in sea treasures. They have the largest dwellings, and do not put as much effort into hiding their cities. They adore the arts above all else, and will frequently kidnap artists to sing them new songs and make them jewelry. +1 to Charisma +1 to Performance Freshwater: Freshwater Merrow often dwell in settlements on or in rivers, ponds, waterfalls and lakes. Occasionally they help or hinder wanderers who approach their waters. The curious and thoughtful Merrow are natural explorers, and their ability to stand on the soil have let them wander across nearly the entire Fey world. They are slightly more friendly towards other races than Saltwater Merrow. +1 to Charisma +1 to Insight Saltwater: Saltwater Sirens are the ruling class in the oceans. They organize their pods and rarely leave the ocean. They are more hearty than Freshwater Merrow, and more stern. Even they enjoy a good Merr Revel though, and will invite all sorts of aquatic races and wandering guests.+1 to Constitution+1 to Persuasion
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Physical Description: Sylphas tend to be thin to the point of appearing delicate, but their skinny bodies are often more resilient than they look. Sylphas also bear more subtle signs of their air elemental heritage, such as a slight breeze following them wherever they go. These signs become more pronounced as a Sylpha experiences intense passion or anger, spontaneous gusts of wind tousling the Sylpha’s hair or hot blusters knocking small items off of shelves. They have the entire range of possible skin, hair, and eye colours but they tend towards the subtle rather than vibrant. This is part of why they can be so difficult to spot when stealthing. Their large wings are not built for long distance flying, but helps them immensely with short bursts of jumps and hovers. Languages: Fey, Sylvan Size: Medium, 4'5”-5'5” Age: 350 Years Speed: Base speed of 30 Court Relations: Sylphas can be found in any court but Water, though they tend towards the Solitary or Seelie courts. There are a few Sylpha communities in the Summer Demicourt. Society: A shy and reclusive race consumed by intense curiosity. Sylphas spend their lives blending into the crowd, remaining unnoticed as they spy and eavesdrop on the people around them. They call this hobby “listening to the wind,” and for many Sylphas it becomes an obsession. Sylphaas rely on their capable, calculating intellects and on knowledge gleaned from eavesdropping to deliver them from danger. Sylphaas enjoy prying into the affairs of most other races, but have little taste for actually associating with most of them other than for curiosity or amusement. An inborn urge to get to the bottom of things drives many Sylphas to the adventuring life. A Sylpha who runs across the trail of a mystery will never be satisfied until she has uncovered every thread of evidence, followed up on every lead, and found the very heart of the trouble. Such Sylphas make plenty of enemies by poking around into other peoples’ affairs, and usually turn to their roguish talents or wizardry to defend themselves. Sylpha cities are always built off the ground – often in wooded canopies or carved into cliff faces. Even for fey, Sylpha love music and silence in a Sylpha community is a mark of something desperately wrong. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Standard Racial Traits: - Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution - Sylpha Wings: They work like Feather Fall, taking no fall damage. You are also proficient in acrobatics, using your wings to do impressive maneuvers. - Air Affinity: Bonus 1 damage to all air magics. Plus you know the Gust cantrip. - Weather Sense: They are so in-tune with the air and sky that they can take 10 minutes once a day to predict the weather. If no magics interfere, this prediction is always right. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Subrace: Dragonfly: Gossamer dragonfly wings are the most common wing type of the Sylphas. They particularly value stealth and secrecy, their problem-solving tends to gear towards information gathering and even theft. Their curiosity leads them mystery solving and learning, always one-upping each other with what they've learned or heard. +1 Int +1 Stealth Moth: Somewhat darker leaning than they other Sylphas, the moth-winged are not as curious about other races – though still love a good mystery. These Sylpha would rather explore nature, and can be almost feral in their societies. They are surprisingly scrappy fighters when cornered. They tend to attack in numbers and can be very territorial. + Dex +1 Sleight of Hand Butterfly: Colourful and large wings mark these Sylphas from their brethren, they tend to rely a little less on stealth and a little more on charm. Their entire societies revolve around music and words, and their insatiable curiosity blends with their creative drives to make them common wanderers. They are remarkably pretty, and like to use it to their advantage for mischief. +1 Charisma +1 Performance
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Physical Description: Pointed ears, perceived as an exceptionally beautiful race. They are incapable of growing facial hair. Though typically they have Skin colours mostly within the human range, with only a tinge of another colour – an Eladrin may have magic or mixed Fey lineage that gives them any colour of skin. Hair and eyes can be any colour. They tend to dress elegantly if a court fey, taking great care in how they are perceived by other Fey. Solitary Eladrin tend to dress more practically, and ruggedly. All Eladrin tend to wear their hair past their ears, taking pride in its care. Many have braids and elaborate styles. Jewelry and tattoos are not uncommon. Languages: Fey, Eladrin Size: Medium, 5'5” - 7' Age: 750 Years Speed: Base speed is 30 feet. Court Relations: Eladrin make up the majority of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, though there are some Solitary. They have the largest numbers of all the  Fey races, with cities and fiefdoms all across the Feywilds. Society: They are a lofty race that pride themselves on their great Cities, and magical prowess. The Noble Eladrin rule much of the Fey Realm, and make up a large number of the Archfey. While fickle and playful like most Fey, they also have a larger number of ambitious Fey who wish to master their craft. Of all the Fey races, they kidnap humans most often – using their creativity and labour to make their grand Eladrin Palaces. Their architecture is intricate and finely crafted to last millennia. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Standard Racial Traits: - Ability Scores: +1 Intelligence +1 Score of your Choice - Unique: You gain one feat of your choice. - Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill. - Reveler: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, and confused. - Eladrin Weapon Training: You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Subrace: Noble: Raised to believe they are naturally superior, they are expected to become exceptionally skilled and useful in one way or another. Nobility can be gained not only through blood heritage but also service to the Royal Eladrin. Their education is taken more seriously than others, and though they revel in opulence and search constantly for entertainment – they also know a pressure to succeed that most Fey do not. They tend to believe more strongly in the Reincarnation Cycle than most Fey. Their noble lifestyles gave them advanced teaching, and skills at Persuading or Intimidating other Fey to do their bidding. +1 to Intelligence +1 to Persuasion or Intimidation Common: Though “common” compared to the Noble Eladrin, their lives are as careless and extravagant as the wealthiest humans. Their main dangers in life are mostly born from boredom – leading to fey pranks mischief or rivalries and blood feuds. The commoners have jobs, but accomplish them as a fun challenge – common Eladrin will often change jobs on a whim but everything always gets accomplished eventually. Their city lives made them particular skilled with social interactions, and able to preform in revels for entertainment. +1 to Charisma +1 to Performance Rural: Rural Eladrin are a little more hard-working than the Common Eladrin of the cities. They lean more heavily on each other to do their share of the work, but still live a comfortable and easy lifestyle for the most part. They are protective and passionate about their lands, and their revels are raucous and rowdy affairs. Their rural life taught them to move swiftly and precisely through woods, and how to survive among the wild Fey dangers. +1 to Dexterity +1 to Survival
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feywildcampaign · 6 years
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Feats List
Alert to Danger - You may add your proficiency bonus to your initiative check rolls. - You don't take extra damage from sneak attacks, and you get +5 on perception to sense sneak attacks. Arcane Weapon Focus Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell (Fey Only) - You channel your fey magic through your weapon, giving it a +1 to melee damage - You can cast magic while using a two-handed weapon - Your weapon attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance Archery Champion Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or Higher - You can attempt to intercept an opponent's ranged weapon attack with your own. When a creature you see makes a ranged weapon attack, use a reaction to make a ranged attack against the projectile. - You can take a bonus action to fire 2 arrows in quick succession rather than 1. Archfey Heritage Prerequisites: (Fey Only) - You gain the following spell-like abilities, each usable once per day: Confusion, Sleep, and Alter self. Armor and Weapon Master - You have trained extensively with a particular set of armor and weapon. You gain +1 proficiency with one type of armor and one weapon or your choice. Astute Mind Prerequisite: Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher. - Increase Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a max of 20. - As a reaction only, you can make a Strength, Dexterity,or Constitution Saving through use add your Int or Wis modifier as well. Blademaster Prerequisite: Dexterity or Strength 13 or Higher - You gain +1 to AC, blocking blows with your blade. - When you are hit by a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction to deflect the missile. When you do so, the damage you take is reduced by 1d10 + your character level + your Dexterity or Strength modifier. If you reduce the damage to 0 or less, you slice the projectile out of the air, destroying it. BoneBreaker - Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by a +1 to a maximum of 20. - When you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike, the target is knocked prone. Cantrip Caster Prerequisites: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher. (Fey Only) - Choose a class: You learn one cantrip of your choice from that class's spell list. Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose. - If you already know multiple cantrips, once between long rests you can double the range of a cantrip spell or add your spellcasting modifier to the damage. Cleaver - Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher Once on your turn, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee weapon, you can immediately make an attack against another creature within reach with the same weapon. Before making the extra attack, you can choose to either use the previous attack roll, or make a new one. Combat Brute Prerequisites: Strength 13 or higher. (Human Only) - Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. - You can attempt to shove a creature who is 2 sizes larger than you or smaller. When you successfully shove a creature, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 0) and you may push them an additional 5 feet away from you. Counter-attacker Immediately after a creature targeting you misses with a melee attack, you can make one melee weapon attack against that creature. Additionally, if the creature misses with a natural 1, you gain advantage on this attack and it does not expend a use of this feat. You can do this a number of times equal to your Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is greater. Dagger Expert - Any hit you score with a dagger against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit(max damage). - You gain advantage on any Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks to conceal a dagger on your person. Dancing Blade Prerequisites: Dexterity 13 or higher - You master the art of dancing around your opponents on the battlefield whilst simultaneously delivering swift and precise strikes. You gain a +1 bonus to attack roll checks you make with your blade (Shortsword, Rapier, Scimitar or Longsword). - Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Dauntless Prerequisites: Constitution 13 or higher - You are never well known for giving up. In fact, you never compromise, even in the face of your own defeat. You get a +1 to will saves. - When you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1d10 plus your level, which take as much of the triggering damage as possible. You lose all temporary hit points gained this way at the start of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short rest or long rest before you can use it again. Dual Casting Prerequisites: The ability to cast at least one spell (Fey Only) - You can spend an action to cast two spells that are equal or lesser strength of spellcasting modifier + your proficiency bonus. This may only be used a number of times equal to 1/2 your caster level (rounded up) per long rest. Dual Wielder - You get +1 to your damage roll of your offhand weapon when dual-wielding. - If you throw a light weapon, you can draw another light weapon as part of the action. - You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one. Fey Hunter Prerequisites: Must have survival skill. (Human Only) - You can naturally sense when a fey creature is within 30 feet of your person at all times. - When fighting a fey creature, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to your attack roll to gain +10 to the total damage. Fey Persuasion Prerequisites: Must have Persuasion skill. (Fey Only) - You are blessed with fey cunning and beguile, once a day when speaking to another creature with an intelligence lower than yours you can roll charisma vs their charisma. If you succeed, you are able to trick the creature into answering any one question of your choice, no matter how secret of private it is. Great Weapon Master Prerequisites: Strength 14 - You may use shields while wielding a heavy weapon in one hand.
- Your Strength increases by 1 - Your Dexterity decreases by 1 while wielding a heavy weapon in one hand. Insane - Increase Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20 - You have long since discovered that behaving in an unpredictable and crazy manner gives you +1 to persuasion and intimidation rolls. - When a creature within 120 feet attempts a concentration check, you can intefere with some insane method. Subtract your charisma modifier from their roll. Inspiring Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher - You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight. W hen you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within 30 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you. Each creature can gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. A creature can’t gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has finished a short or long rest. Linguist - Increase Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20 - You learn three languages of your choice. - You can ably create written ciphers. Others can’t decipher a code you create unless you teach them, or they succeed on an Intelligence check (your Intelligence score + your proficiency bonus) Lucky - Two times between long rests you can re-roll a d20 check.
Mobile - Your base movement speed increases by 10 feet. - You gain an additional movement action each round that is a Dash (double the movement speed) Observant - Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20 - If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying by reading its lips. - You have a +4 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores. Poisoner - Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20. - You gain proficiency with the poisoner's kit. If you are already proficient with the kit, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. - You can apply poisons to your melee weapons with a bonus action. A poison applied this way stays applied for 1 turn. You can also poison 20 arrow or bolts or 30 darts during a short rest. A poison applied this way stays applied for 8 hours. Over the course of any short rest, you can create basic poisons without needing to spend gold, instead using materials gathered during your travels. You must have a poisoner's kit with you. Savage Attacker - Once per battle when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total. The Sight Prerequisites: Must have Perception skill. (Human Only) - You get a bonus to perception rolls when seeing through glamours and illusions - You are seasoned when it comes to running from they fey, and get advantage on saving throws from being charmed/frightened/possessed by a fey. Weapon Master - Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. - You gain proficiency with four weapons of your choice
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Aristocrat(Human Only) - You are a scion of one of the noble families of the Human Plane. Whether you are a shining example of responsibility and reason for this title or one who proves the rule by being an exception, people expect things of you when they know your surname and what it means. Your reasons for taking up adventuring likely involve your family in some way: Are you the family rebel, who prefers delving in filthy dungeons to downing spirits at festivals? Or have you taken up sword or spell on your family's behalf, ensuring that they have someone of renown to see to their legacy? You might be part of the main line of your family, possibly in line to become its leader one day. Or you might be one of any number of cousins, with less prestige but also less responsibility. Skill Proficiencies: History, Persuasion Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle (Carriage or mount), a Gaming set of your choice, Navigator's Tools. Equipment: A cold-iron weapon, a nostalgic trinket from home, set of very fine clothes, a signet or brooch, a skin of, and a pouch containing 15 gp of gems. Feature: You, like most aristocrats, had a cold-iron weapon on your person when you were taken. Whether it is a small dagger, or an elaborate broadsword – the cold-iron poison is valuable and useful. From your etiquette and education, you are amusing to the Fey in your strange dances and silly mortal stories.
Artisan(Fey Only)- Life as an artisan is very different in the Feywilds. Fey makers live a luxurious life of esteem and respect, showered by attention from the most powerful noble Fey. The ability to create and design better than other Fey makes for a valuable individual, and may even earn them higher status and power. You are freed by talent and income, from the constraints of most social hierarchies and blood status. You may have worked with humans, and Fey from races other than your own to come up with your own style in the precise and elegant craftsmanship of the Fey. Skill Proficiencies: Craft, Persuasion Tool Proficiencies: One type of Artisan's Tools Equipment: A set of Artisan’s tools (one of your choice), a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp Feature: You are a Commissioned Artisan. You are known well throughout your local area or maybe even your court. On request, you gain entry into noble households and meetings with rich merchants who want a commissioned piece. You get paid ahead of time for your efforts, you must discuss and negotiate the price you will be paid for your art work. You have an advantage when rolling to persuade a merchant or noble person when bartering. Choose one artisan craft from: Architect, Armorer/Locksmith, Brewer/Distiller/Vintner, Scribe, Carpenter, Shoemaker, Chef/Baker, Glassblower, Jeweler, Tailor/Outfitter, Leatherworker/Tanner, Mason/Stonecutter, Potter, Smith, Weaver/Dyer, Woodcarver/Bowyer/Fletcher. Artist(Fey Only) - Life as an artist is very different in the Feywilds. Fey makers live a luxurious life of creativity and revelry, showered by attention from other Fey – including nobles. Many Fey can create or preform in one manner or another, but Artist Fey are greatly skilled and master more than one craft.The ability to create better than other Fey makes for a valuable individual, and may even earn them higher status and power. You are freed by talent and income, from the constraints of most social hierarchies and blood status. You may have worked with humans, and Fey from races other than your own to come up with your own style in the precise and elegant craftsmanship of the Fey. Skill Proficiencies: Craft, A second Craft or Performance Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle (Caravan or mount), Artist's Tools Equipment: Artist's Tools, a set of working clothes, a sketchbook, and a belt pouch with 15gp. Feature: You are a Commissioned Artisan. You are known well throughout your local area or maybe even your court. On request, you gain entry into noble households and meetings with rich merchants who want a commissioned piece. You get paid ahead of time for your efforts, you must discuss and negotiate the price you will be paid for your art work. You have an advantage when rolling to persuade a merchant or noble person when bartering. Choose one or two artistic crafts from: Painting, Sculptures, Tapestry weaver, Sign-maker, Writer, Illustrator (bestiaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, map-making). Changeling Child(Human Only) - You spent formative years in the Fey Realm. You were young when you ate the food of the Fey and became a Changeling, so you know more of the Fey Realm than your original home – Or you were born in the Fey realm of two parents, and have never known the Mortal Plane. You have some Fey mannerisms, and are more knowledgeable about the Fey World and Etiquette than the average human in the Feywilds. You also have more of a fickle and lackadaisical approach to life than the others. Your self-esteem has been affected in some way by this upbringing. Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Nature Knowledge or Disguise Tool Proficiencies: Whatever suits your profession Equipment: A map of the Fey city or town you live in, a pet mouse, a fey disguise, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp Feature: The magic of the Feywilds has fully set into your Human blood, when you're over-stressed, or just from bad luck, you cause random magic shenanigans to occur. Your subtle fey-like mannerisms put Fey more at ease than around other Humans. Examples: You dance with a fey-like grace, lying gives you a twinge of pain, your eyes are an unnatural colour, you can eat a wider variety of substances, your blood flows thicker, or your teeth are sharper. Cursed - Woe is you, unfortunate soul. You have been cursed by an Archfey, whether from malice or some unfortunate series of events, and this curse holds sway over your life. You are not sure if the curse can be broken, but certainly your life would be much more pleasant without it. You may at times feel helpless against the power of this curse, or maybe you reject these dark fortunes and strive against them. In the end though, luck is not on your side. It is up to you and your DM to determine what kinds of effects your curse may have on you beyond what is detailed in this background. Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, and one that is associated with your curse's origin Tool Proficiencies: One of your choice Equipment: Tome about breaking curses, a protective bundle of thyme, a set of common clothes, and a small pouch with 10gp, plenty of scars and a grim trinket. Feature: You are drawn to others who are under the influence of a curse or similar magics. NPCs that are suffering from a curse will be drawn to you, and you to them. You can sometimes sense the type of magic your curse originates from, and have bonuses to sensing that element of magic. Disowned from a Court(Fey Only) - Why have you been Dishonored or Disowned? You are renowned around your former court as One who was Banished. Are you formerly a noble or a retainer of a great house? What must you do to get back in the good graces of your former court, if possible? Did you join a new court after being banished? Is the journey that you are currently on something you enjoy, accept, or is it torture and cruel punishment to make your own way amongst the savages? Have you given up returning? Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion Tool Proficiencies: Mount, an instrument or one type of Artisan's or Artist's tools Equipment: Mount(land), Pouch of 20 gp, Bedroll, winter blanket, and some memento of home (lover's locket, father's ring or Dagger Ect. cost between 0-10 gp) Feature: Though you are not welcome back among your lands and people you still bear the name or legacy of your illustrious heritage or former employment. You are infamous, and many a Few not from your court may love to hear the story. They will tolerate much from you to hear the tale. Grower/Animal Keeper/Gardener – Tending animals, sustenance or gardens, is a respected act among the Fey. Many of the Fey who tend these duties are common and/or rural Fey. Though there are some artisan tenders of sentient Fey creatures, rare magical plants, and enchanted gardens. If you are a human you were what most common folk are–a farmer. You worked on a lord's estate, their land, or you worked your own land. Farmers focus on raising living things and harvesting various useful goods–mostly food–from the land. Farmers make up the vast majority of the peasantry, alongside other raw resource producers, such as miners and fishermen. Farmers are a hearty, enduring folk, they work long hours under the sun often doing dirty and exhausting or even disgusting work. Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Animal Handling or Survival Tool Proficiencies: Farm or Gardening Implements Equipment: A farm implement (such as a pitchfork or shovel), a set of work clothes or common clothes, a wide brimmed hat, a sack containing 5 gp worth of trade goods, and a belt pouch containing  2d4 gp. Feature: You lack the formal education of the higher classes, but for how little you may know there is a great deal that you understand. You have a practical, working knowledge of astronomy and meteorology, and can easily track the time and date as well as predict the weather within a few hours, or days if you're lucky. You understand the patterns of physical inheritance, and the connections between different plants and animals. This can be represented by allowing a farmer to cast commune with nature once per long rest, except that the range is limited to environments common to you within 60 feet. Herbalist(Fey Only) - Whether you are a tribal witch-doctor, a healing class, a potion master, or inherited the craft of herbology from your family, you specialize in the treatment of ailments and creation of brews and herb salves. You may have a shop where you sell your creations, or you're traveling to collect new and rare ingredients. You're love for ingredients and identifying the uses of plants also makes you a great chef, and very useful to your nearest Fey Community. Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Nature Tool Proficiencies: Herbalist's Kit and Medicine Kit, or Poisoner's Kit. Equipment: All kits you have proficiency with, 2-man tent, bedroll, blanket, Book (About herbalism, potions, etc), common clothes, five bars of soap, a water skin, a belt pouch containing 5 gp. Feature: By spending a few moments examining a concoction (a vial of liquid, a packet of ground powder, or the like) you can determine whether the substance is intended to harm or heal (or neither). This examination does not reveal any specific information about the substance(such as that a powder is actually an inhaled poison, or that it paralyzes its victim), only that it is either harmful or helpful to those that it is used on. You can also make income on your herbal creations. Forlorn/Hermit - You either grew up isolated in nature, or chose to leave civilization to be alone, far from the comforts of town or frequent company. The wilds are in your blood, whether you are a recluse by choice or you are one of the “Forlorn” Fey (an unfortunate affliction of depression that strikes the long-lived Fey, visibly desaturated and wistful). If you're a hermit human, you earned your freedom and likely decided avoiding Fey was best. You keep social interaction to a minimum, either through circumstances or a distaste for crowds/people. People either view you as enigmatic and eccentric, or downright crazy and antisocial. Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival Tool Proficiencies: Woodcarver's tools, Herbalism kit, Cooking Utensils Equipment: Woodcarver's tools, Herbalism kit, Cooking supplies, stitched fur and hand-spun garments, a small knife, a journal, a quill, a jar of ink, a belt pouch with 5gp. Feature: Your time in the wilderness has left you with an altered perspective that most people cannot appreciate. You have difficulty conversing about the mundane, and people often find you strane or even incomprehensible. You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.   High Courtier (Seelie. Fey Only) - You understand the wealth and responsibility of one of the Noble Court houses of the Seelie Fey. You carry a noble title, your family own slands and wields significant political influence. You might be a pampered aristocrat unfamiliar with work or discomfort, a talented upstart just elevated to the nobility, or a pompous elitist with a disproportionate sense of entitlement. You could even be an honest, hard-working landowner who cares deeply about the Fey who live and work on your land, keenly aware of your responsibility to them. Either way, you are well versed in the etiquette of the Day court, indulging in the frivolities of the wealth of Fey balls and schemes. Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight or Performance Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle (Carriage or mount), a Gaming set of your choice. Equipment: Writing supplies, set of very fine clothes, one mount, a symbol of your household, and a gossamer pouch containing 20 gp Feature: You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk and merchants make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to. You know proper etiquette for interacting with the nobles of all races and courts. High Courtier (Unseelie. Fey Only)- You understand the value of politics and power. You grew up in a realm who looks at the might of your court with respect and often fear. Each Fey in court is often vying for advantage and wealth. You learned to watch for hidden daggers and poisoned food at an early age, and your first lessons taught you how to read people and manipulate them for your benefit. You're skilled at what the Night court is known for – secrets and subterfuge. Perhaps you belonged to a lesser house, forced to serve a larger and more infamous Fey bloodline. Or you could have belonged to one of the great houses, living a life surrounded by both luxury and the constant threat of betrayal. Regardless, you understand the complexities and allure of courtly intrigue. Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Deception Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle (Carriage or mount), Game set of your choice. Equipment: Writing supplies. A set of very fine clothes, one mount, a symbol of your household, and a velvet pouch containing 15 gp Feature: You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk and merchants make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to. You know proper etiquette for interacting with the nobles of all races and courts. High Courtier (Water. Fey Only) - From your underwater or waterside home, you have looked down (figuratively, but unlikely literally) on the unwashed masses of the land-dwellers your entire life – or since you were elevated to a noble in the Water Court. Your delicately embroidered sea-silk robes and training in the performing arts mark you as wealthy and perhaps well-born. Whether you personally covet a higher standing or not, you are at home in the dance (or swim!) halls where the aristocracy gathers to plot, to scheme, to do business, to discuss the arts, and, above all, to see, and to be seen. Whether from a far off ocean fiefdom, or a small fresh water riverland, you have an enormous pride in your Court. Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Performance Tool Proficiencies: Water mount, one type of Artist's tools or one Musical Instrument. Equipment: A set of very fine clothes, one water mount, artist's tools or musical instrument, a symbol of your household, and a sea-silk pouch containing 20 gp. Feature: Every other class of citizen in the city defers to you, and even water fey not in the court treat you with deference. Other Court aristocrats and nobles accept you in their circles and likely treat you with respect and fascination. Your connections can get you the ear of noble or politician under the right circumstances  You know proper etiquette for interacting with the nobles of all courts, though you look at the land-dwellers with pity. High Noble (Solitary. Fey Only) - You are a scion of one of the Lords of an independent fiefdom. Whether you are a shining example of responsibility or a layabout of mirth and dangerous boredom, people expect things of you when they know your title and what it means. Your reasons for taking up adventuring likely involve your family in some way: Are you the family rebel, who prefers delving into ancient secrets to downing fey wines at festivals? Or have you taken up sword or spell on your family's behalf, ensuring that they have someone of renown to see to their legacy? You might be part of the main line of your family, possibly in line to become its leader one day. Or you might be one of any number of cousins, with less prestige but also less responsibility. Either way, you have less prestige than the Noble Court Fey but often just as many expectations on you. Skill Proficiencies: Appraise, Persuasion Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle (Carriage or mount), a Gaming set of your choice. Equipment: Set of very fine clothes, one mount, a signet or brooch, a skin of feywine, and a pouch containing 15 gp Feature: Your name and signet are sufficient to cover most of your expenses; the inns, symposiums, and feast halls you frequent are glad to record your debt and send an accounting to your family's estate to settle what you owe. This advantage enables you to live a comfortable lifestyle without having to pay for it. Hunted - You are an experienced criminal with a history of breaking the law, and Fey are after you with bounties and grudges against you. You have spent a lot of time among other criminals and still have contacts within the criminal underworld. You’re far closer than most people to the world of murder, theft, and violence that pervades the dark corners of the Feywolds, and you have survived up to this point by flouting the rules. You must be cautious you avoid the attention of the Wild Hunt. Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools Equipment: Thieves Tools, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp. Feature: You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network of other fey criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you. Impoverished(Human Only) - You grew up on the streets alone, orphaned, and poor. You had no one to watch over you or to provide for you, so you learned to provide for yourself. You fought fiercely over food and kept a constant watch out for other desperate souls who might steal from you. You slept on rooftops and in alleyways, exposed to the elements, and endured sickness without the advantage of medicine or a place to recuperate. You’ve survived despite all odds, and did so through cunning, strength, speed, or some combination of each. Despite this, you still ended up in the clutches of the Fey world. Now you do not want for food, but find yourself looked down on for your race. Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Stealth Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, Thieves’ tools Equipment: A small knife, a map of the city you grew up in, a pet mouse, a token to remember your parents by, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp Feature: You know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow. Merchant – You have lived as a Fey merchant, owning your own store or working either a local business or your family store. Perhaps the business imports ore, uncut gems, furs, or agriculture. Perhaps more expensive goods such as fine cloth, faceted gems, fine furs, or Dragon's Breath(a brandy-like liquor). Regardless, you've largely given that life up for some reason and have chosen to seek adventure or you are a traveling merchant collecting and peddling wares. Nevertheless, the training you received then, and even the contacts you made, serve you well now. Or you are a human – and before being whisked away to the Otherside of the Fey, you were a successful merchant. You helped operate warehouses, organized caravans, shops, or a trading ship with contacts throughout the region. Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight or Appraise Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land) and vehicles (water) Equipment: A pack of wares, fine set of work clothes, a signet ring, and a silk purse containing 15 gp. Feature: You know how to barter. If you're Fey you have contacts with caravan masters, shopkeepers, sailors, artisans, and farmers throughout your region and all along the coasts. Once per game session, when adventuring in either of those areas, you can use those contacts to get information about the local area or to pass a message to someone in those areas, even across the great distances if suits. Performer(Fey Only) - Life as a preformer is very different in the Feywilds. Fey preformers live a luxurious life of creativity and revelry, showered by attention from other Fey – including nobles. Many Fey can create or preform in one manner or another, but Preformer fey are greatly skilled and master more than one instrument. You thrive in front of an audience. You know how to entrance them, entertain them, and even inspire them. Your poetics can stir the fickle hearts of those who hear you, awakening grief or joy, laughter or anger. Your music raises their spirits or captures their sorrow. Your dance steps captivate, your humor cuts to the quick. Whatever techniques you use, your art is your passion. You may have worked with humans, and Fey from races other than your own to come up with your own style in the precise and elegant sound of Fey showmanship. Skill Proficiencies: Performance x 2 Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle (Caravan or mount), Disguise kit, Performer's tools of your choice Equipment: A Musical instrument/tool/prop, the favor of an admirer (love letter, lock of hair, or trinket), a disguise kit, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp Feature: You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a troupe, at a theater, or at revels. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you. Choose one type of Performance you are adept at: Acting, Dancing, Music, Poetry, Comedy, Acrobatics Philanderer(Fey Only) - Nobles, common folk, often other races, you're known for having a plethora of romantic partners in your history. You're adept at the the art of seduction. Unlike most human cultures, to the fey this never seen as shameful. If anything, being a heartbreaker and skilled lover adds distinction to your reputation, which you use to your advantage. Whether it is using your charms to persuade a fey to change their mind on an issue, using your unique skill set to distract targets while you steal from right under their noses, or even playing the part of a temptation to a fey trap. Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion and Insight Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, Poisoner's Kit Equipment: A disguise kit, set of fine clothes, a musical instrument or artist's tools, a small gilded mirror, and a scandalous letter from a secret paramour, a silk purse containing 15 gp. Feature: When you need to, you can gather information about a person judging from how they interact with you. You generally are able to see a person’s “tell”--a habit they exhibit when they are under stress, or any other similar condition. While you don't truly know what someone is thinking, you can often infer what they are feeling through their body language and use that to your advantage. Through your charming demeanor you are able to get people to devalue secrets and information personal or otherwise. Reveler(Fey Only) – Sometimes a flirt but always a partier, often a lush, and generous with coin. You love a good feast, and to dance the day away whenever you have the chance. Maybe you're wealthy enough to revel more than you work, or maybe you work hard at your day job so you can party long and often. You know a lot of fey from your local area, and even some travelers. You have tons of humorous stories, Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Deception or Performance Tool Proficiencies: Possibly an Instrument, Gaming Sets Equipment: A set of very fine clothes, a warm blanket, a gift from a lover, a skin of wine, and a pouch of 0-20 gp. Feature: Shops, taverns, and other revelers love you – unless you get serious all of a sudden. You have many friends who also like to party, plenty of which are admirers. You have a wealth of friendly people you can gain information from or call on for favours – though favours are a tricky business. Sailer – Unless you are a water fey, you are unnerved and possibly less powerful on the open sea – but many a fey take up a sailor's life by sticking to the safer coastal routes and the intricate river pathways through the Feywilds. Either through a love of traveling and insatiable curiosity, or through the tasks of a merchant providing goods to distant lands – you find yourself at the mercy of the primal water elements of the Fey realm. Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Sleight of Hand or Survival Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, vehicles (water), Navigator's Tools Equipment: Navigator's Tools, fishing tackle, thick rope, a skin of water, gaming set, a set of common clothes, a stashed rowboat, a token from a Waterfey, and a belt containing 5 gp. Feature: Harbourfolk and sailors remember you and still treat you as one of them. They welcome you and your companions. They'll always offer what food and shelter they have; they'll even hide you if the city guards are after you. You have bonuses to swimming checks. Servant/Slave(Human Only) – As a servant to a noble or a high ranking family, you spent your time as their faithful retainer. Your duties may be as a butler, steward, messenger, marshal, clerk, chamberlain, custodian, bailiff, chef, stable hand, maid, housekeeper, lady-in-waiting, chambermaid, governess, etc. The people you served under became your family, something very close to you. Your own family might be a part of a servant ancestry with a long tradition of working under your master's family. At some point in your life, you were captured by the fey – most likely by one of the courts. You were put to work in some fashion: they might have used you as a personal valet, guard, or scullery worker. Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Insight Tool Proficiencies: Tools fitting your servant tasks. Equipment: A set of Fine Clothes, a signet ring given to the servants of the family, and a pouch containing 10gp. Feature: As a servant to a Fey family, whether former or present, you are still seen through their reputation. Your expertise and heritage is useful in the eyes of other Fey. Merchants and nobles don't pay much attention to you. Scholar- As a Fey child, you were inquisitive when your playmates were playful raucous. In your formative years, you found your love of learning more valuable treasure than gold or gems. Now you quest for new lore to add to your storehouse of knowledge. OR you are a human with a dangerous interest in Fey Magics who found yourself now trapped in the Fey Realms. Its now your goal to crack many of the mysteries of the Feywilds and believe knowledge is power in these dangerous lands. Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Arcana or Nature. Tool Proficiencies: Writing supplies Equipment: The scholar's robes of your homeland, maps, a journal, a book on the subject of your current study, and a pouch containing 10 gp Feature: You speak in a way that makes you sound knowledgeable about subjects (even if you aren't). This can make you seem like a bore to revelers, but can give you advantages to convincing others you know what you're talking about. Tithe Seeker(Fey Only) - You have always had a way with people. You know what makes them tick, you can tease out their heart’s desires after a few minutes of conversation, and with a few leading questions you can read them like they were children's books. It’s a useful talent, and one that you’re perfectly willing to use for your advantage. You know what people want and you deliver, or rather, you promise to deliver. You likely work for one of the Courts, or a single powerful Archfey. Your job is either to lure humans to the Otherside, or to make a bargain for a boon in exchange for the human to willingly go. You're also tasked with tracking down those trying to escape the bargain once their time is up, or to find the progency of Fey-human relations – which are property of the courts. Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Sleight of Hand Tool Proficiencies: Mounts(land), Disguise Kit, Human Forgery Kit Equipment: A set of fine clothes, disguise kit, a mount, tools to con humans, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp Feature: You have created fake human identities that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can transform into a human guise. If you are a non-magic class you can do thise once a day, magic classes can twice. Wanderer -  Almost all of the common people and other folk that one might encounter in a fey revel have one thing in common: they live out their lives without ever traveling more than a few miles from where they were born. You aren't one of those folk. You have been to distant lands. Chances are good that even if some people you meet have heard of where you have been, they know merely the name and perhaps a few outrageous stories. You have come to this part of the Feywilds for your own reasons, which you might or might not choose to share. By the same token, you're a person of interest, for good or ill, to those around you almost anywhere you go. Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival Tool Proficiencies: Any one Musical Instrument or Gaming set of your choice, likely something native to your homeland, Mounts and Vehicles. Languages: Any one extra language. Equipment: One Musical Instrument or Gaming set you are proficient with, maps that depict where you are, a small piece of jewelry worth 10 gp in the style of a far land's craftsmanship, and a pouch containing 5 gp. Feature: Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign or having visited foreign lands. Curious glances are directed your way often, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories. You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchants, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant travels. Wild Hunt Hopeful(Fey Only) - You are or were a member of the army for one of the Fey Courts, the King's Guard, or the armed force for a noble estate. They took notice of your talents and resourcefulness and appointed you to a high position in the ranks. Your skills eventually brought you to the attention to the esteemed Wild Hunt – the ultimate authority of Law in the Feywilds. Perhaps you still hope to be chosen, you were almost selected but failed the testing, or circumstances kept you from answering the call. Either way, you have some infamy for being scouted by their attention at all. Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, and Persuasion or Intimidation Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle (Carriage or mount) Equipment: A bottle of black ink, a quill, a journal for taking notes, a set of traveler's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gold pieces. Feature: You are particularly well-versed in the Fey laws, and know what attracts the Wild Hunt to criminals. Your experience with authority over others still holds sway, and people react to your body language and tone with a scale of respect or defensiveness. You may, while in a pinch, be able to bond or draw help from old contacts or guards in a new region. Writer/Chronicler(Fey Only) - Most of the Feywild's history and culture is inked into the pages of tomes that lie in the dusty halls of the courts or live in the studies of great mages. Those who write these tomes can influence the way people think and feel, how events are remembered, and how the future may be looked out. You are one of these people, a writer. Few people look at a writer as one who goes out of their way to find knowledge, many, in fact, imagine a writer to stay at their desk and merely write until their dying breath. This raises the question: How do the authors who write of the natures of beasts and fey learn of these things? Simple, they go out into the world themselves. They say a writer’s greatest tool is his ink and quill, but clearly a sword and spell can help pull a book together just as well. What has driven you leave your writing desk and go out into the world? Was it to find more information or get some first hand experience about your new book's topic? Was it to help stir up your creative flow, find a new muse or find a way to get rid of your writer's block? Was it you were forced out as your books were deemed too dangerous or taboo? Much fey writings are poetry, put to theater or song as lyrics, thus many writers are also performers. Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Performance; or Investigation and Insight Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle (Carriage or mount), Calligrapher's supplies Equipment: A book (your first draft of your newest book), a blank book, perhaps an instrument, a bottle of black ink, a quill, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15gp . Feature: Your words have particular significance to some of your readership. You have amassed a fan base, which might be widespread or small and fanatical. You are often somehow running into a fan (of your work, or writers in general) that can help you, or at least willing to put you up for the night, even if it's to get a sneak peak at your next book or get an autograph. You can use your work as an excuse to interview an individual, and attempt to get information they wouldn't normally reveal.
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