ffstate · 10 years
alright fam ive gotta get off for a few, i’ll be back later if not then i will be tomorrow :*
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ffstate · 10 years
text > all contacts
Piper: someone asked me today "did u get a haircut"
Piper: returning a puzzled look, i said "no, i got them all cut"
Piper: *drops mic*
Tatum: uh???
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ffstate · 10 years
I guess they just think you need to be reminded Chris.
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People like to tell me ‘what a cute boy I am’… like I don’t already know.
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ffstate · 10 years
To bad you’re kidding, I was gonna say you could do that whenever you wanted to! Oh well! Hm, I’ll keep that in mind, I mean your legs are fine as hell.
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Well, luckily for me, I’m not some ugly old guy, so does this mean I can put my hands all over you in a totally platonic way? Nah, I’m just kidding, but that’s seriously fucked up. If you ever need a body guard, I can totally follow you wherever you go for $100 an hour and distract everyone from you with my long legs and natural glow?
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ffstate · 10 years
Aw that’s cute you’re trying to hurt my feelings. Bitch I look way better than you so take a step back sweetheart
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I will when you stop looking like a pubescent 13 year old.
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ffstate · 10 years
Well yea if they look good i’m all for it. Especially if I know I can get it in with the boy. But if your some ugly old guy putting your hands all over me, expect to get pepper sprayed.
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A picture’s fine by me, but you can only get my number if you’re cute, to be honest. Some guys I meet are just too good to pass up on, y’know? You shouldn’t have to push them away though, shit. No one should be that close to you, what the fuck?
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ffstate · 10 years
Exactly, you can’t say angry at me Kayleekins!
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God, you scared the crap outta me, Tate. Well, you did bother me… but I’ll live.
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ffstate · 10 years
I don’t blame you I would be too! I mean she could have at least invited you right?
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Well my mother just cancelled on dinner with me for the third time this week because of a last minute Paris trip, I’m sure this isn’t an issue for any of the New York commoners, I must say i’m a bit jealous. 
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ffstate · 10 years
Especially where there people all around you taking pictures.
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It never gets any less embarrassing watching family members getting drunk during lunch at a restaurant. 
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ffstate · 10 years
Don’t get me wrong, I love having the attention whenever I go out somewhere. But damn, if a girl is pushing you away and telling you to go the fuck away, don’t keep bugging her for a picture or her number.
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ffstate · 10 years
Then go get a new one? I’m sure 50,000 dollars didn’t really cause you damage.
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You know the bad thing about Cartier is that you pay 50,000 dollars for a watch then it breaks after a month. 
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ffstate · 10 years
Jeeze take a chill pill! Didn’t realize you were reading. No just felt like bothering you.
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Okay, can you please not sneak up on me and scare the crap out of me when I’m reading? I really do not appreciate it. Do you need something?
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ffstate · 10 years
You should just get a sign or something to put on your car when you go in the store that says “Stay the fuck off my car”
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I go into the store for no more than ten minutes this afternoon, and come outside to a crowd of teenagers around my Aventador taking pictures, and sitting on the hood. I swear to God, if I wasn’t worried about the blood getting on my car I would’ve killed one of those fools. Never touch another man’s car, especially if it’s a fucking Lamborghini.
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ffstate · 10 years
It’s not like you don’t have money. Why don’t you just get off your ass and go get your own?
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This bitch spills her latte all over me and decides to just stand there and apologize instead of moving her flat ass and buying me a new top. What the hell is wrong with this generation?
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ffstate · 10 years
Mmm I just might join you. Although if it’s too cold i’m not doing that shit.
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"The second there’s a trace of sunlight I’m backing bikinis and spray tans regardless of the temperature, who’s with me?"
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ffstate · 10 years
Yea but if you think about it there are some nobodies out there who get just as much followers and all that. Plus it all depends on how good you look too. I don’t know about you but i’d like some real people in my life. Not just people wanting to know me because I have money and my dad is someone big in the business. But that’s just my opinion.
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Do you ever just sit back and think about what your life would be like if a certain factor hadn’t played into it? If so, same. Today I was wondering how my father not owning a car dealership would impact the way I live and, honestly, I could hardly bare the thought. At this point in my life, I’ve raked in over 10k followers on Instagram and nearly double that on Twitter, all because people know who my dad is. Do you know how reassuring it is to know that none of my tweets will ever go without at least 50 favorites and 25 retweets? If that’s not security, then I have no idea what is.
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ffstate · 10 years
I would but then i’d be lying to you. Nah i’m just fucking with you, you’re pretty girl,
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Tell me I’m pretty.
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