Persona 5 soulmate au with goro and reader
This an interesting request in that it’s probably the most open request I’ve received thus far! I can play with it a bit and I hope you enjoy the result.
Today was the big day, five years together with Goro and I could hardly believe it was actually real. I had never thought I’d ever be able to find someone that would stick around this long, after most of high school being nothing more than meaningless flirting and weekend flings. My first month interning at the Shibuya police department we bumped into one another a few times at the subway station arriving downtown, making small talk through the chatter of the commuter streets as we filed into the office. Eventually he began to appear on my platform waiting with a can of real coffee extended towards me, a welcome development in light of the dirt-water the station tried to pass off as morning joe. Coffee cans led to breakfast snacks which led to weekend lunches which ended in upscale dinners every Friday night. At that point I felt it was pretty much solidified that Goro and I were together. Two months of dating ended in pooling money for an apartment together on a subway line direct to the station, and now five years later here I was: juggling four pans on the stove and an oven raging and timer screaming at me to please for the love of God check the duck or else it will turn into briquettes and the surprise you had been for weeks will literally go up in flames.
“I’m home!” I heard Goro’s voice carry through the entryway into the kitchen. Oh no, he was home already? I hadn’t even heard the door.
“W-welcome back,” I replied nervously. My carefully-laid plans were about to come flying apart.
I heard his footsteps plod slowly up the hallway. “Something smells amazing.” As he rounded the corner, I could only imagine the stereotypical comedy that lay before his eyes. Myself, apron fastened tight around me, in front of a literal army of cookware bubbling and steaming into the air above the stove top with oven timer blaring like a foghorn telling him to steer clear of the turbulent shores. He smiled. “Am I interrupting something?”
I shook my head. “No, you just weren’t supposed to come home yet.”
He pulled on the knot of his tie, loosening its grip on his neck. “Why would I work any later than this on such an important day? Not everyone makes it to five years.”
I stifled the timer alarm and checked on the duck in the oven. “I know, I had a feeling. I guess I over-estimated my ability to get all this cooked up.”
Goro laughed. “I think you’re capable of making something delicious, but I would agree your time management requires a little work.” He set about clearing the table of newspapers and coats. “You really didn’t have to cook, though. I would have been okay with just going out somewhere.”
“Well like you said, not everyone makes it to five years.” I began switching off the stovetops one by one. “Besides, we go out every week as it stands and you still never let me pay. It’s my turn to take care of things for a change.”
“And I’m very grateful,” he nodded, “thank you for taking the time.”
We set the table and Goro helped me plate the meal I had prepared. He produced a bottle of wine from his bag, having stopped and picked it up on his way home, and we poured ourselves each a glass. We sat, ate, talked about work and the news. It was…nice. Calm. Something about being together for a big meal in the comfort of our own apartment made the low energy level brought about by the strain of our work seem less apparent than being seated in a fine restaurant in the heart of the city. He seemed to be sitting closer to me, the overhead lights made him look less tired and more relaxed. He toasted nearly every sip he took from his glass of wine, whether it was to my health or my cooking, even a toast to me being able to get over my cold last week. He seemed so much more cheerful than usual, more open and wearing a larger grin. As the bottle of wine finally began to run dry, he sat back in his chair and clasped his stomach with an affirmative smack. “Do you ever feel,” he said, looking up at the ceiling, “that you’ve just done something you’ve already done a thousand times before?”
I swallowed a final drop of wine and lowered my glass. “What, do you mean deja vu?”
“Perhaps? I’m not sure that’s entirely it.” He scratched his head, trying to churn up the words he wanted to speak. “I don’t know. It’s as though I’m having deja vu for a time I experienced deja vu.”
I smirked. “Slow down there, Descartes. Don’t think too hard on a full stomach and pull something.”
Goro shook his head. “Very funny.”
“Where did that come from?”
He shrugged. “I’m not sure. This just seems so…familiar to me. As though I’ve done this all my life. And not as a routine or a chore, as just a part of who I am.” He looked me in the eye. “As cliche as it may sound, I don’t think I’ve ever told you how much I love you and how much you complete me.”
I felt my cheeks flush red. “Goro, stop.”
“I mean it,” he urged. “Five years together, and it feels like so much more. And I mean it feels like we’ve known each other all our lives, and if souls could carry into new bodies when they die we also would have known each other in the past, all the way back to the beginning of time. I feel like we’ve had this meal, this night, thousands of times before and we’ll have it thousands more after this life is gone.”
“You’re so embarrassing,” I said with a smile, reaching over and giving him a push on the shoulder. “I love you too, but that reincarnation stuff is a little too melodramatic for me.”
Goro sighed. “Maybe you’re right. I guess what it all comes back to is I’ve never felt more fulfilled than I have these past five years, and that’s because of you.” He reached his hand across the table and took hold of mine. “Thank you.”
I gave his fingers a squeeze. “Thank you too,” I whispered.
I tease, of course, but I could not deny…I sort of felt the same way too.
A/N: This ask gave me the most severe case of writer’s block I’ve had in years! Dx I wrote and re-wrote this scene about four times, and finally I have something I think is worthy of posting. Apologies for taking so long and being so slow to update!
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If you’ve ever been interested in modding a P5 Imagines Blog, there are open applications running over ar @rosesandpersona5imagines :)
Mod Applications!
Hey guys! I haven’t really been posting here much - and I’d like to give you a brief rundown of why I haven’t and why I’ll be opening mod applications as a result. 
So, the reason for my absence is mainly school (being in honors and actually doing things really takes it out of you). But, I also want you guys to know that unfortunately, I don’t have as much motivation to write for this series as I once did. 
Why this happened, I have no clue. Sometimes, I go in and out of fandoms, and I’d be sad to see it happen with this one. So, I’ll be spuratically in and out. 
This also means I finally get to open mod applications! I’d love to work with one of you guys, and opening mod applications means I can do just that! They’ll be open until the end of this month (so, 11 days, closing on October 31st at 12:00am EST) 
I’ll be accepting 1-2 mods. It’ll most likely be one, unless I simply can’t decide who to chose! 
To submit an application - all you need to do is fill out the following information and put it in a submission! Don’t worry; none of them will go public! 
Name (what you would like me to call you): 
Mod Name: 
Do you have a discord or some way I can contact you?: 
If so, what is your discord? If no, would you be willing/able to make one?: 
Age (if comfortable): 
Are you willing to write NSFW?: 
Triggers/things you will not write: 
Why did you apply?: 
How often can you do imagines/write?:
Will you write character x character?: 
How comfortable are you with helping out with matchups?: 
Imagine (choose one, or both - I really don’t mind either!): 
Option A: Phantom Girls + Hifumi with an S/O who’s a singer
Option B: Akira, Goro, Ann, and Haru being confessed to
Option C: Headcanons for the Phantom Boys (including Goro), cuddling with their S/O
(Bonus points for style!)
Good luck, and if you do apply, thank you! 
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Check out this neato ‘zine that’s being put together! They are still accepting applications! Who knows, maybe I’ll end up participating as well?
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Attention Phantom Thieves!
(view the original document here)
Do you love making art? Do you love writing words? Do you enjoy putting your favorite characters in loving, humorous, or thrilling/dangerous situations? Does the thought of having your work in a collaboration of other writers and artists strike your fancy? Well if so we have the project for you!
The Crimson Compendium
What is the Crimson Compendium?
The Crimson Compendium is a Persona 5 zine written and illustrated by fans for fans of this wonderful game. Our goal is to create a zine consisting of ten short stories accompanied by artwork from various artists.
Is this Zine For Fanart or Fanfiction?
Short answer? Both.
Long answer; it is a collaboration between artist and author! Many artists are inspired by fanfic, many authors are inspired by fanart. We want to bring these two elements together to create the greatest Persona 5 fanwork in existence.
Okay, so who or what are you looking for?
The Ultimate Treasure!
People who are willing to dedicate to the project. In order to succeed in our heist we are looking for at least ten writers and ten artists. We already have four writers and three artists, so we need six and seven more, respectively, to complete our team.
We are also looking for anyone with prior experience in putting together a zine; whether another fanzine or an official publication to help us get on our feet.
See the list of our current staff here!
Sounds good! What are the rules?
As stated above this is a collaborative project. Our aim is to pair one artist with one author to put together a piece for the zine.
How you collaborate is up to you! The author can take charge and write a story and the artist then make one or two pieces based on it, or the artist can put together a piece and the author can write something to accompany it. Or the two can discuss their goals and work on their pieces simultaneously. Again it is up to you!
We do have a word limit! We prefer stories be anywhere between 2000-4000 words. They cannot exceed 5000. (This could change if circumstances allow, but don’t count on it.)
We will not be accepting pornographic content! Please keep it SFW (Safe for Work).
We will also not be accepting any manner of crack or incest, or content shipping Sae/Makoto, Ann/Kamoshida or anything similar. This isn’t that kind of project.
Characters from previous Persona games or other Shin Megami Tensei/Atlus games are certainly allowed. However, remember that this is a Persona 5 project! If you include characters from outside P5, make sure they fit into a P5 context alongside P5 characters, and meet our other existing content requirements.
I’m a writer AND an artist! Can I illustrate my own story?
Possibly, if you’re up for that! However, because we want to give everyone an equal opportunity to participate, and not everyone can both write and draw, this may not be something we can accommodate. If you could do both, let us know in your application which you’d prefer if you had to only do one, and we’ll figure out who can do what as we go!
Will the Zine be in black and white or in color?
We’re planning to have a small number of full-page color inserts serving as “cover art” for each story, while the remainder of the drawings are intended to be black and white, and embedded in the text.
Do you have any experience making zines?
Nope! None of us have ever done anything like this before, but that’s what’s making it exciting for us! We’ve done a lot of research into what it takes, though, and we’re confident that it’ll work out. We hope everyone outside is confident in us too!
Okay, so what’s the plan?
Glad you asked! Here’s our tentative timeline of deadlines etc. Should note, we are just people and we are also creative people, so this schedule could change if we need more time to make our work better, or if we finish sooner than expected. Anything could happen… but this is what we think will happen: - Now until October 23rd: Taking submissions! (See the information about applying below.) - October 23rd: Last day for applications! Within the following week or two, we’ll announce our final lineup of creators. - December 1st: Hopefully by this point we’ll have got some stuff done! At the very least, all the writers should have a pretty good idea what happens in their stories and how, and the artists should all have a pretty good understanding of what sort of stuff they need to draw. - January 31st: Everything should be mostly done by this point! We’ll put out progress updates on this tumblr while everything happens to let everyone know how it’s goin’. - February 14th: Valentine’s Day, our final deadline for completing the work! The day Persona 5 was supposed to be released. If all goes well, we’ll succeed where Atlus failed!… sort of. In any case, by this point we should have all the writing and drawing done, understand what will go into the zine and how, and be able to start working on actually creating the final product. - March/April (Exact date TBA): Hitting the presses and stealing hearts! We’ll print the zine, mail it out, etc. All the participants will get a free copy and all that jazz. Hopefully it’ll be awesome!
What are the tech specs?
Like the schedule, this can change depending on our needs, but: - At least 10 stories - 10 full-page color art inserts for each story - Plus black and white illustrations - A5 paper (probably) - About 230-250 pages - And a cover. Someone has to draw a cover.
I want to be a part of this project! Where do I sign up?
If you wish to join us in creating the greatest treasure the Persona 5 fandom has seen, please apply here! If you have any questions, contact Josiah at [email protected]
original art sketched by @da-can-draw-stuff, inked by @hurenoshmureno, and colored by @sachimizoraarts
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Follow up on that Ann with a nerdy S/O post (first date, first time being intimate, etc)?
I’ll do a slice of their dating life directly following the last ask!
Their first date at the park goes well enough. Ann does most of the talking and helps her obviously nervous new s/o feel more comfortable. They have some snacks, walk around for a while, and then go home.
At school Ann goes out of her way to be around them more. She leaves her classroom during breaks to go see how they’ve been doing, eats meals with them in their classroom. People around the school start to talk about her again, but less maliciously and more in surprise that she would be spending time with such a low profile person. Ann kind of likes this attention, but tries to make it less about her popularity and more about what her s/o offers as a person.
With extra attention, her s/o begins hearing from more people and actually begins to make friends amongst their classmates. Ann watches their confidence grow over time, every date they take her on becoming less and less reserved and more relaxed and comfortable. They ask her if she’s okay with the new friends they’ve made and she says she’s just glad they are finally seeing the potential they have.
After a few weeks, Ann notices that her s/o is getting more physical. Longer touches, sitting closer, holding hands everywhere. At the café after school, they take their seat on the same side of the booth as her. She asks them what’s going on with this, and they just say they like being near her.
“We are a couple, you know,” she says. “Don’t feel…embarrassed to ask to do things couples do.” She blushes and looks at the table. “I think we should be doing something like that at this point. But, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
They tell her that they’ve been wondering whether or not she wanted to be together with them for a while now. She laughs. “What do you think all this has been? We’ve been together since the last time we were here. Do you remember?”
Her s/o would get really quiet, blushing. Ann would shake her head. “Close your eyes.” When they close their eyes, she leans over and kisses them on the cheek. “Was that what you wanted?”
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Working on Asks
The remaining asks I am working on are some pretty in-depth ones. I appreciate all your patience while I write up something I can be proud to share with you all!
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This blog is a good personal friend of mine and she draws some amazing stuff. If you've had any ideas you've wanted to see drawn; she's your sloth!
Running out of money and don’t have time for a regular job, but I can still do the odd commission! Now with lineart and colour if you want it!
Prices (In Canadian Dollars):
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Lines: +$2.50
Flat colours only: +$1.50
Colours w/ full shading and lighting: +$2.00
(Examples lower down!)
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Lines: +$3.00
Flat colours only: +$2.00
Colour w/ full shading and lighting: +$3.00
(Examples lower down!)
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Lines: +$4.00
Flat colours only: +$3.00
Colour w/ full shading and lighting: +$4.50
(Examples lower down!)
Extra additions (anything other than character + plain solid colour background) are negotiable
What you can get:
Guaranteed effort! I will always try my absolute best. :)
OCs, fanart, as long as I can get my hands on reference material you’re gold.
What you can’t get:
Any NSFW, gore, excessive violence, etc. you get the deaFurriesFully armored characters (plz no D:)
Colour Examples:
Lines + Flat Colour:
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Lines + Full Shading and Lighting:
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Sketch + Full Lighting and Shading:
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I can (at least reliably) only work on commissions on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and they will take max 24h for plain sketches, and 48h for lines + colour. I can also only do ONE per weekend, so when I get a commission I will close to new ones temporarily until I have completed it. Thanks in advance for your patience!
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How would Ryuji/Yusuke -or both, you decide- react to their S/O being catcalled? ♥ Good luck with your blog! I'm loving it so far!
This one should be fun!
Ryuji’s experience with the new Shujin track team has helped him come to terms with what he values in feedback from other people. Catcalling wouldn’t upset him that much, because he knows that what matters is what he and his s/o think about one another.
If his s/o was severely upset by it, he would talk it out with them to try and learn why. He would assure them they are worthy of respect, and remind them of everything they have that makes them desirable to him. Their inner qualities, not what can be seen by other people. He is with them for what’s on the inside, and no catcaller will ever be able to see what really matters, so why should the catcaller matter to his s/o?
Yusuke would attempt to confront the catcallers, asking them what possessed them to raise their voices. He’d be very sure of himself, but what he would actually say wouldn’t make much practical sense. It would be awkward analogy to art following awkward pseudo-philosophical reasoning as to why the urchins are wrong. They would leave in confusion, deciding it wasn’t really worth their time to deal with Yusuke’s uniqueness.
OOC: I’m not really sure how a generalized s/o would respond to this behavior from Yusuke. I could think of specific examples for other characters but part of my goal for this blog is to not promote specific character relationships of my own volition. If you have a specific s/o you ship Yusuke with and you would like to see them in this scenario together, Anon, let me know!
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Relationship hc with Akira and shy s/o?
Akira is a very patient, very understanding person. His s/o being shy wouldn’t bother him much.
Since he’s fairly quiet himself, Akira wouldn’t mind if his s/o wasn’t ever sure what to say or how to say it.
He would do whatever he could to keep them happy. Whether it’s spending the evenings together doing simple indoor things like reading at Leblanc or going with them when they needed to go into town just to keep them company.
Sometimes, and he’ll never understand why, his s/o will apologize for the way they are. He just shakes his head at them. “You don’t need to be anyone else. I just want you. I’m happy when you’re happy. You don’t have to apologize.”
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New Imagines Tonight
Been feeling better, have written some more and I should have two imagine requests posted tonight after I get home from work! Thank you for your patience! — C
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No Imagine Today
Apoligies but I won't be able to upload an imagine today. Been a really bad day for my anxiety–had a major attack while at work–and I wasn't able to write. Not related to the blog, you guys are awesome so don't worry yourselves. Stay great my friends! See you tomorrow! — C
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May I request some headcanons on what the PT girls would do in a makeout session with their S/O? Not looking for anything too NSFW, just as far as you are comfortable with.
I’m definitely comfortable with this!
Ann Takamaki
Ann would be very nervous. For all her outward appearances and the reputation given to her by her classmates, she’d never been this close to someone else before.
As her s/o leans in, she would stop them at first. Her heart is pounding, she can’t breathe. But looking into their eyes again gives her the courage she needs to meet them halfway.
She would want it to be like the movies, arms wrapped around one another, tumbling breathless all over the furniture, but obviously life is a little different than that. She and her s/o would bash teeth when she tries to pull them down onto the futon.
With the storybook illusion broken, Ann would start to laugh. The two of them would nurse their sore teeth for a moment before Ann takes the lead herself and they try again.
Makoto Niijima
Makoto has read many books with romance elements, so she wouldn’t have any hesitations when the time came. Reading the queues to know when the time had come, though, is another story. Her s/o would practically be on their third separate occasion of asking before it finally dawns on Makoto that they’ve been trying to kiss her.
Makoto would have a running internal monologue of what she was going to do. *Eyes closed, lips pursed but still slightly open, hands… where do I put my hands?* As her s/o draws closer, she would realize that no amount of reading could have ever truly prepared her for this.
No amount of reading could have ever told her what it would feel like either. When their lips meet Makoto completely forgets everything she had been thinking and ends up just following her s/o’s lead. It feels good for her to not have to worry about what to do for a change, and to be able to have that control in the hands of her s/o makes her feel especially safe and cared for.
Futaba Sakura
Futaba has been growing more and more curious as to what kissing would be like ever since she realized she had feelings for her s/o. She’s excited when they mention that they kind of want to kiss her.
Despite being excited, Futaba actually has no idea what to do. Like, whatsoever. Her s/o isn’t surprised, but she makes it difficult for them to keep the mood together. They keep laughing at her quirks, her game references, and they can’t ever get her to stop talking long enough to lean in.
Finally, out of frustration, they grab hold of her face and kiss her. When they let go for a breath, Futaba’s face is beet red. She isn’t talking any more. “Are you alright?” her s/o asks, “Did I surprise you?”
She takes her glasses off. “Can we…do that again?”
Haru Okumura
Haru would be hesitant to kiss her s/o at first. She’s not fully comfortable with intimacy having been treated so poorly by her former fiancé.
When she is finally ready, she and her s/o would take things slowly. She would ask them to be gentle, to let her take the lead so that she doesn’t end up doing something that will bring up bad memories.
Haru is initially very dainty and timid, but the longer she kisses her s/o the more comfortable she becomes and the more daring she gets.
I realize they kind of got shorter as they went on, not for any real reason. All of these girls are great and they all deserve to be happy! I guess my hc for the first two are just more fleshed out than the latter. Also, I have more hc for the girls not in the PT than in the PT.
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Request Guidelines
As stated in the blog description, I reserve the right to say No to any requests I deem inappropriate or uncomfortable. Some specifics on what those requests could be:
I will not write any requests involving sexual assault/themes of sexual assault. I do not feel comfortable writing that and therefore I will outright refuse any request including those subjects.
I am okay with requests involving mild sexual content, but I will not write graphic sexual scenes or accept requests that are clearly going to be fetishized. This is an imagines blog, not a porn blog. Fluff is acceptable, very light smut will be okay as well. But this is not a place for graphic sexual content.
Other than that, there is plenty of room for freedom in requests! Request away, and thank you for your support! — C
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Crossover Options
I can do crossover requests! Here are some franchises I feel like I could cross over well (because I am a big fan of them):
FullMetal Alchemist
Elder Scrolls
Miraculous Ladybug
Asks are still open! Thank you for your support! — C
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Can I ask what kinds of things would be auto- 'no's ? Like things/subjects you almost always find inappropriate/uncomfortable and will probably never write for? Not to pry, it is just something that varies from blog to blog.
Automatic “no”s include sexual assault/themes of sexual assault. That’s basically the only immediate no for me.
I’m okay with sexual content, but I will also say no if the content is excessively sexual clearly meant to be fetishized, if that makes sense. This is an imagines blog, not a porn blog. Fluff/light smut will be allowed. But graphic sexual content doesn’t really belong here so I will be turning down requests that ask for graphic sexual content.
I will make a master post with the tag “request guidelines” for future reference as well. Thank you for asking! — C
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are you able to do p5 crossovers? like for an example, puella madoka? if not it's totally fine.
That’s a good question! I will probably make a separate post about this, actually.
But to answer your question: I can do crossovers! However I haven’t seen any Madoka Magica. :( So maybe not that one. But I can do plenty of other crossovers! Here’s a quick list:
FullMetal Alchemist
Elder Scrolls
My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia
Miraculous Ladybug
All those listed above are franchises I feel comfortable with doing good crossovers for. I’ll make a separate post for these and use the tag “crossovers” and I will update said list as I read/watch more things! —C
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Asks Open Again!
I picked away at the requests and I’m opening asks again! Thank you for your patience, I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew, I’d rather be cautious about how many asks I take as opposed to take in too many and be overwhelmed. Thank you for understanding!
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Futaba realizing her S/O enjoys fighting shadows a little too much?
Precious, precious Futaba… Also your question could be taken in two different ways so I’m going to do an imagine for both!
S/O is Reckless:
Futaba would be very concerned to see her s/o throwing their life at Shadows recklessly, seeking bigger and more entertaining conflicts.
The first time she wouldn’t be sure how to address it. The second time, she would mention it after the dust settles only for her s/o to tell her she worries too much. The third and fourth times, she tries to stop them during the fight but they ignore her. She cries, to which her s/o tells her she needs to toughen up. They’re fine, they know what they’re doing, and she should stop worrying about them.
Futaba finds it difficult to talk with her s/o for a couple days after that. She spends time with them still, but silently. They ask her what’s wrong, she just says she feels tired. It’s hard for her to understand why they wouldn’t listen to her, why they didn’t understand why she tried to stop them. She cries while they watch a movie together, not sure how to bring it up. She is afraid of pushing them away.
S/O is Bloodthirsty:
Futaba would witness her s/o’s bloodlust in the Metaverse, where they purposefully enter negotiations only to massacre the Shadows once they nearly entice them to give an item or some money in exchange for freedom. The smile on their face as they break the Shadow’s heart is larger than anything they’d ever shown to Futaba in private.
Futaba thinks about it every night as she watches her s/o sleep. All she can see when she looks at their peaceful face is that smile. When they ask in the morning why she looks so tired, all she says back is that she had a bad dream. They kiss her on the head, and she tries not to remember what she saw them do.
Futaba researches personality disorders to figure out if there’s something going on with her s/o. She looks for ways to treat it, ways to cope, anything she could do to help.
She realizes though that she can’t avoid going with them into the Metaverse, even though every part of her being is afraid to. Her heart hurts that the person she loves is no longer someone she can feel safe around. All she wants is to feel safe and she doesn’t know how so long as her s/o behaves that way.
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