loud and pulsing by owlinaminor (AO3)
Summary: Jaylah has to wear the uniform. It's not as bad as it could be.
Pairing: None (Star Trek: Beyond)
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Character Study, post-Star Trek: Beyond, Starfleet Academy
I absolutely LOVED Jaylah, and this fic does her justice.
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Not Joking by DemonCrafting (AO3)
Summary: When injured on a mission, Shepard doesn't have the patience to deal with her crew.
Pairing: Background Female Shepard/Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect)
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Humour
I am quite sad this author only has one fic; this one is hilarious! It focuses on the banter between Vega, Cortez, Joker, and Shepard with an exasperated Liara in the mix!
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Daughter of a gun (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ No idea if such a thing existed but surely there had to be girls born on board in the Age of Sail?
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as a hello by respoftw
Summary: I Love You Prompts #1: As a hello
Pairing: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis)
Rating: Gen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Worried John, Self Sacrificing Rodney, Angst with a Happy Ending, Coma
Aaaand I have no excuse, other than being too lazy to update.
This lovely story by @buffycuddlespigs is just part one of an amazing and on-going series! I just can’t even begin to describe this so go read it yourself!
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Adventure Is Out There by notfreyja and Straight_Outta_Hobbiton (AO3)
Summary: Regardless of her feelings about parenthood, Winona will be dead before she leaves her last remaining link to George on Earth.
Jim is just the average, everyday, Starfleet-brat boy genius. His time is split between the mostly-Vulcan engineering crew and raising hell on the rest of the ship. If anybody (including Jim) knew the details of what occurred during his first trip to Vulcan, they wouldn't be surprised.
Pairing: James T. Kirk/Spock (Star Trek: AOS)
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (4/4)
Warnings and Tags: Kid Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Accidental Bonding, Pon Farr, warning: the hobbit killed the dog
Series: Part 1 of Doubt The Stars
Oh my gods this series is amazing!!!?!! It's an alternate of the alternate series, as in Winona Kirk is actually a good mom, and dang do these two fine authors do it so well!
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Prism by StarMaple and stitchy (AO3)
Summary: A 6 page comic set in a Soulmate AU in which one suddenly sees colors upon meeting their soulmate.
Pairing: Poe Dameron/Finn (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Fanart, Comic, Soulmates, Magical Realism, Canon-Typical Violence, Poe POV
As if you can't tell by the summary and tags, this is a comic of our favourite duo! (And a complete adorable/squeal-worthy one at that). The art is by @stitchyarts and the story is by @bakingstreetsarah (I can’t tag you for some reason!?).
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To Not Watch by DisguisedasInnocent (AO3)
Summary: In Waverly Earp’s opinion there is nothing more enjoyable that snatching an hour of free time with her girlfriend to pointedly not watch TV together.
Pairing: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught (Wynonna Earp)
Rating: Gen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: None
Thank you tumblr, for getting me into this fandom, because these two are absolutely adorable. This fic is just so...them.
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First Five Times by deathwailart (AO3)
Summary: Aela first meets the Dragonborn when she helps slay a giant. When she signs up to join the Companions, they can't help but cross paths.
Pairing: Female Dovahkiin|Dragonborn/Aela the Huntress (Skyrim)
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Werewolves, Femslash, First Meetings, Pre-Relationship, First Kiss, Battle Couple
I love playing Skyrim, and I love playing as a werewolf; Aela is just an added (lovely) bonus. I absolutely loved this fic because of it, as it just brings the game to new heights.
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Que Sera, Sera by Extrinsical (AO3)
Summary: “Detecting elevated tension. Are you alright, Shaw?”
Pairing: Root/Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest)
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Post canon fix-it
This is what a call a darn good fix-it!
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The Universe and Human Stupidity by respoftw (AO3)
Summary: Rodney blinked stupidly at Elizabeth. Well, not stupidly. He's the smartest man in two damn galaxies after all - nothing he does could possibly be classed as stupid - but right at that moment he could be forgiven for feeling a little slow because he could have sworn that Elizabeth had just told him that his son was going to be 'gating back to Atlantis with Major Lorne's team.
Rodney suddenly has to deal with the surprise arrival of his son on Atlantis, all while dealing with his problematic attraction to one John Sheppard who looks far too good with a kid on his hip for Rodney to handle.
Pairing: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis)
Rating: Gen
Status: Complete (8/8)
Warnings and Tags: Kid Fic, Getting Together, Fluff and Angst
Our lovely @buffycuddlespigs is at it again! This is such a wonderful kidfic, with dad!Rodney (and eventually dad!John), and mini McKay is so adorable!
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Carpe Diem by InspectorBoxer (AO3)
Summary: It was all so polite. So professional. So painfully not them.
Pairing: Kara Danvers/Cat Grant (Supergirl)
Rating: Gen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Drabble
Another lovely fic by @inspectorboxer. You can practically feel the tension between these two.
On a side note, I want to apologise. I won’t be able to update as much as I used to be able to (and I want to apologise again for being random on that). I don’t have access to wifi like I used to. 
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Working with what we got. by naturegirlrocks (AO3)
Summary: Loki needs protection. How do you get your enemies to protect you? You bring gifts!
Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Thor/Jane Foster (The Avengers, MCU)
Rating: Not Rated
Status: Complete (21/21)
Warnings and Tags: More relationships as story develops, Loki may be hurt but he's no pushover, Tony is good a lying, But he's not good at the consequences, Beware or strange logic, Loki brings gifts, Asexual Character
I'll just put this here:
"Again!" Natasha hit her fist on the kitchen-isle-slash-breakfast-counter. "I need more cranberry juice! I'm going to pee and we are doing it again!"
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Laid to Rest by mauzymom (AO3)
Summary: After the chaotic mess that had been V-Day, everyone's got to learn to get back on their feet, right? Finding out Harry's alive does wonders to that end for Eggsy - that is, until ghosts from the past rise up to ruin it all. How could Harry not have seen this coming? Archnemeses that can't stay dead seem to come with the territory of being a spy.
It's too bad that this particular ghost isn't one of Harry's... It's Eggsy's.
Pairing: Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (Kingsman: The Secret Service)
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Status: Complete (24/24)
Warnings and Tags: Arthur!Harry, Alive!Harry, Fix-It, mentions of past non/dub-con, Mentions of past prostitution, past rent boy!Eggsy, Past Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Recovery, mentions of past underage, Graphic Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Attempted Sexual Assault, Consensual Sex, Barebacking, Explicit Sexual Content
Please read all the tags before reading this fic.
My mind was just absolutely blown away by this fic. It was just a brilliant ride, from start to finish.
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a heart that's beating softly by tinyphrases (AO3)
Summary: Her mother would laugh, tend to her scrapes and bruises, and also to that one bone that she broke while chasing the neighbourhood boys, who had called her some mean name that Jess could never remember. Even with all her scrapes and bruises and that one broken bone, her mother would never tell her otherwise. Because Jessika had been born with wings, wings full of strength that didn’t want to be suppressed.
About finding home and keeping it safe.
Pairing: Jessika Pava/Rey (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: None
Wonderful, wonderful character building, and it's Jess x Rey. An absolute great fic.
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Earning Her Stripes by TheHatterTheory (AO3)
Summary: Tattoos can be intensely personal. They can show clan loyalties, family ties, and sometimes they serve as reminders that the wearer is more than she appears to be.
Pairing: Higurashi Kagome/Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
Rating: M
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Tattoos, Body Modification, tebori, Romance, Sex, Art, Painting, Oneshot, Complete, Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Oh my gods, I cannot believe I forgot about this one! I love the art of tebori and I'm glad the author used it in this fic. Kagome, of course, is also wonderful in this story, with how she brings the Fuedal Era to life in the mordern one.
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Written on the Body by InspectorBoxer (AO3) and zennie (AO3)
Summary: Root knows Shaw will never admit she cares. She doesn't have to.
Pairing: Root/Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest)
Rating: M
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: None
I needed something positive after the latest episode.
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Nightime Patrol by h_pw (AO3)
Summary: Belle meets a werewolf in the night.
Pairing: Belle/Red Riding Hood|Ruby (Once Upon A Time)
Rating: Gen
Status: Complete (1/1)
Warnings and Tags: Red Beauty Week, Red Beauty - Freeform, Werewolf, there's a dead rabbit, One Word Prompts, Firsts, Wolfstime
Happy femslash friday everyone! I have one word to describe this fic: d'awwww.
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