fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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     ❛ And just why would you say ‘cheese’ or ‘butter’ when taking a picture? ❜   now… that is the real question.
“I don’t know... It’s just something I learned from observing human behavior. They seem to like mentioning food names when there’s a camera around...”
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“One time, I heard them say ‘peach’. I wonder if that’s the word Hinamori-san would say when someone takes her picture...”
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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“Soifon-taichou, why does Isane-san keep telling me to say ‘cheese’ instead of ‘butter’ when I’m taking pictures?”
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
Callout post just for me on this beautiful monday morning
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
A Hell Butterfly landed on Nemu's shoulder, and a distraught, weak-voiced Kurotsuchi blurted from it. "Nemu... I'm sorry."
It was early in the morning; bony, yet delicate fingers were almost tangled in soft strands of black, knitting them into the lieutenant’s signature braid when suddenly—or rather, unexpectedly, the Jigokuchō, onyx as her shihakusho, made its way to her shoulder, whispering a voice so familiar—and yet, words ever so foreign that it helplessly rose a slight concern. Nothing came out of rosy lips at that very moment, knowing full well it was a matter to be better taken through a direct approach.
Sliding the door to his room open, she held her head up, ensuring contact with her master’s eyes upon his response to her murmur.
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“Is everything alright, Mayuri-sama..?”
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
If I told you about the darkness inside of me would you still  look at me  like I’m the Sun
Harman Kaur (via harmankaurwrites)
(via nicetryshyguy)
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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Credit || @nicetryshyguy​ ♥
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
non native english speaker culture is constantly switching between british and american spelling and writing words however you prefer without caring about consistency and you dont really always know which is which anyway
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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Credit || @nicetryshyguy​ ♥
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
It was the apology that struck him the most.  It wasn’t something that he got all that often.  although, to be fair, the young woman before him didn’t seem all that used to saying such things… or with dealing with people at all for that matter.  … Hanataro didn’t see her out and about, dealing with people, aside from SWA meetings… he often found himself wondering if she had many friends, just a small curious thought that would surface at odd times like this.
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He knew he shouldn’t be thinking about such things, especially right now.   He had a job to do.  At the very least, she seemed to have calmed down, and he moved to get her that glass of water, filling back up to replace the small amount that he had spilled before.   “Oh, Y-Yes, of course,” he assured the woman as he gently helped to raise her head, and brought the glass to her lips with a  practiced efficiency.   Hanataro may be clumsy and socially awkward and not much use in a fight… but when in came to healing, to caring for the injured?  There weren’t too many better than him.
“Um,  A-About your c-captain, Captain Unohana s-said she’d take care of i-informing him,” he explained, very relieved by that information himself.   The Captain of the Twelfth Division was terrifying, and Hanataro knew he wasn’t alone in that way of thinking.  Yet he knew Captain Unohana could handle him.  For some strange reasons, even the difficult minded captains didn’t argue with the Fourth Division leader all that often.  Hanataro had no idea why, but at least she would make sure Mayuri didn’t interfere with this situation… for now at least.  “I-It…” he began, noting the distress in her eyes, he wanted to reassure her that everything would be fine.  Yet he hesitated, not sure if he could follow through on that, for any number of reasons… yet, it was that same fear on her face that made him speak back up, “It’ll be fine, you don’t need to worry a-about anything but getting better… o-Okay?” he offered with a small, kind smile.
Ah... So their captain herself had to go through all the trouble to deliver the news, huh...
To a degree, the brand new information managed to provide the much-needed relief to soften her visage. Unohana-taichou... Delicate she might seem, even the lieutenant knew for a fact that the graceful lady was among the short number of people whose words her master would actually put into consideration, no matter how unwillingly. She still had her concerns, for sure—if he was going to take it well, what sort of chastening awaited her when all of this was over and done... Not that the thought scared her, no... It was never about her, to begin with; it was always about Mayuri—how the experimental-borne would hate to become a source of disappointment to him, the man she devoted her entire existence to.
But at least for the time being, the healer was right: she could—no, she should deal with those worries later; it wasn’t like they were going to leave her mind soon, anyway... And stressing over it now would only do more harm than good to her healing process—which in turn, would mean a longer, not necessarily desired, stay in this room she desperately wished to escape from.
Finally feeling the courage to look at him in the eye, the sense of warmth his gentle smile sent to her heart was inevitable. She was almost caught off guard, at first—although quickly retaliated through her own version to mirror the kind gesture, followed with a faint nod.
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“Okay,” crimson-stained, rose-colored lips parted, allowing her feminine, silky voice to slip past the aperture. This was something she had barely ever experienced before—people taking care of her, patiently offering comfort as her body underwent recovery. Through the many decades she had continued to thrive, Mayuri was the only person to ever lay their hand on her whenever she got injured and his methods were...not always the most pleasant, as bearable as they could be to his creation.
Though... Now that she thinks about it... Is it just this guy in particular or does everyone in the 4th always practice such benevolence?
Then again, shouldn’t it be required of them to show hospitality to those under their responsibility? After all, they certainly had a different set of rules in their approach to their...‘subjects’ compared to her own squad, given the complete-180 nature of their respective purposes in administering their treatment. Not only that, their leaders’ rather strong opinion on each other was also a determining factor that prevented her from satisfying her curiosity regarding how the infirmary was truly run, despite her extensive knowledge of their members’ personal stats.
But the emerging interest was quickly cut short as emerald hues caught a glimpse of blood that seeped through the bandage on her side; replaced by a sudden apprehension—one that had failed to trigger due to her frantic wave of distress earlier.
“Uhm... Yamada Hanataro, isn’t it?” Ah yes, his name—of course she knew it, when even the sequences of his genes was engraved in her cingulate cortex, as requested by her creator. “My wounds... Did you tend to them yourself? Are you...feeling anything out of the ordinary? Because my blood... It’s different.”
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A pause. There was a hesitation, as if the mention of her circumstances brought an unexpected hint of shame; a bitter taste at the tip of her tounge.
“Mayuri-sama... The things he did to his blood—our blood... I can only hope they’re not doing any harm to you or anyone else who touched it.”
He did it to protect them, she knew; the poison he embedded in the very fluid running in their system, that is—and she wasn’t mad about that, just...found it hard to admit to strangers. People judged him enough as it was; and while they never seemed to faze him in the slightest bit, hearing their words sometimes...hurt? Even though she couldn’t really begin to explain why exactly it made her feel that way. And the boy, too—putting aside the fact that he had been anything but gentle to her, he was still an outsider; one who had never got the chance to see her father for who he really was...
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
"What is your favorite color?" He asked, feeling very self conscious asking about something like this so suddenly, but the thought had crossed his mind and the little healer just couldn't stop himself from feeling curious
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The question caught her off guard; not exactly due to its unexpected nature, but rather because she never really gave much thought about it before. Sure, she had her likes and dislikes, yet it wasn’t something people seemed to care enough to ask of her.
“I like purple and red, I guess…,” she finally answered after a brief moment of silence; raven eyebrows rising slightly at her own surging curiosity.
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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𝙱𝙻𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙷 𝚁𝙿 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙲𝚃𝙾𝚁𝚈  /   reblog  this  post  to  be  added  to  the  masterlist  ;  in  the  tags  specify  [  𝚂𝙸𝙽𝙶𝙻𝙴  𝙾𝚁   𝙼𝚄𝙻𝚃𝙸  ]   ;   [  𝙲𝙰𝙽𝙾𝙽    𝙾𝚁   𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙰𝙻   𝙾𝚁   𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴   ]   ;   [   𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴   𝙾𝙵   𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁   ]    ;    [    𝙾𝙺𝙰𝚈   𝚃𝙾   𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴   𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁   𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙾   𝚁𝙴𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙶𝙶𝙴𝙳   &   𝙵𝙴𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙴𝙳   𝙾𝙽   𝙾𝚄𝚁   𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙶   ]    ;    any    inactive    blogs    will    be    removed    from    the    list    but    upon    return    can    reblog    again    &    will    be    re-added   !    multis   needn’t   specify   all   characters   as   we   will   check   your   muse   list  !   please    reblog    once    to    avoid    cluttering    ! 
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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Basically her face when she figured I didn’t even realize her birthday was right around the corner orz It’s all thanks to @tcnente​ who sent me a screenshot of Mayuri scolding her on BBS for me to wake up to that at least I didn’t completely miss the event xDDDDD
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
shipping prompts
“thumb” - your muse runs their thumb over my muse’s knuckles
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Where… was he?  His mind was groggy and heavy, and his memories seemed to slip out of his grasp, like sand through his fingers…   Sand?  Like in Hueco Mundo.  That’s right, he had gone to that Desert like realm to help Rukia and the others, but then Rukia had… had attacked him?   
Gently, the healer tried to move, still not fully aware of his surroundings, yet one thing that he did become aware of very quickly was a searing pain across his chest, the kind of pain that forced him to stay laying flat where ever it was that he happened to be.  Yes, he had been attacked,  the cut was very deep, Hanataro could tell that much.  he was lucky to be alive… that likely meant he had gotten first aid right away.  Captain Unohana, probably?  That was good.  Still, he wished he hadn’t ended up being such a burden for her.  For Rukia… for everyone…
It was only when the small shinigami let his usual control slip and started to let himself feel self pity that he finally felt it.   Something soft on his hand, gently moving over his knuckles, with a soft steady rhythm.  Again, he weakly worked his eyelids, trying to clear the grit and fog from his vision.  It was someone’s hand, gently stroking over his knuckles.  For a moment, he couldn’t place who it was.  Dark hair? Rukia? … no, they had a long braid… so Captain Unohana?   No that wasn’t it…
“N-Nem- I mean… Kurotsuchi-san?” he asked looking up at the woman as she sat so close.  Was she asleep?  How long had she been here?  by his side?  The healer’s cheeks warmed at the thought.  It was kind of a nice feeling.  Soft and warm like the woman’s hand.  Hanataro shifted his own hand, able to handle that much movement at least.  Even his fingers were sore, but he didn’t care as they wrapped around Nemu’s, just holding on to her.   He hoped she wouldn’t mind if he simply… held on to her for a little while
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fidelis--marianum · 4 years
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Daniel Arsham & Hajime Sorayama
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