filmorgue · 27 days
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Daphne exits the elevator leading up to her floor then wheeled her luggage towards the apartment she was assigned. She walks inside taking in her bearings and glance around the room.
D: Well this is cozy. Not to kin on the color choice or style but it's not the end of the world
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She noticed a box in the middle of the room. "Who's box?" she wonder to herself until she heard a door open.
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M: Oh hey, you must be my new roommate. Welcome my names Majesty
She held her hand out for a handshake. "It was the girl from HQ" Daphne thought to herself almost flustered. Nonetheless she reciprocate the gesture
D: I'm Daphne, its nice to meet you *grabs her hand*
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She gasped yanking her hand away
D: What the hell was that? *mumbles*
M: Is everything okay?
D: Um yeah, I'm fine
M: Good. So you're a freshman? I'm just guessing because I haven't seen you around
D: Yes, I missed enrollment last year but I made sure to stay on top of it this year
M: *chuckles* I understand. Seems like just yesterday I was freshmen, well, it kind of was but I'm glad I made it to my sophomore year
D: That rough?
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M: You can say that but I don't think it was that bad. As long as you don't got Mr. Furdinand. He literally has a pop quiz every week but thank goodness for my good memory
D: Yikes, I hate quizzes in general
M: *smile* I'm sure you'll do just fine
Her smile was captivating, a delightful distraction that drew Daphne in completely. But what was that vision she experienced? Daphne had never encountered anything so vivid before. It was as if she had stepped outside of herself, even if only for a fleeting moment. The warmth of her breath brushed against Daphne's neck, and her hands enveloped her body, creating a sensation of pure ecstasy. As she turned her gaze, she noticed her lips moving. Wow, now that was a true daydream…
D: *clears throat* Sorry forgive me. Can you repeat your statement?
M: Oh I said hopefully you feel right at home. Your room is to the left of mines and bathroom straight cross from you. Feel free to decorate the living room how want. I'm hardly home anyways
D: Right, thank you
M: No problem, I'm gonna go finish moving my stuff around but if you have any questions or just need someone to talk to. I'm your gal
Daphne nodded her head and thanked her again under her breath as she watched her walk away back into her room
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Her scent remained in the air, what a pleasant smell. Chill Daphne, you just meet the girl, she thinks mentally slapping herself. It's already bad enough she was already having inappropriate thoughts about her....visual thoughts. She snapped out of it and rolled her suitcases across the floor towards her room then opened the door.
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D: *sign* This is gone be a long semester
Chapter 8 "Roommates"
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filmorgue · 28 days
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Daphne exits the elevator leading up to her floor then wheeled her luggage towards the apartment she was assigned. She walks inside taking in her bearings and glance around the room.
D: Well this is cozy. Not to kin on the color choice or style but it's not the end of the world
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She noticed a box in the middle of the room. "Who's box?" she wonder to herself until she heard a door open.
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M: Oh hey, you must be my new roommate. Welcome my names Majesty
She held her hand out for a handshake. "It was the girl from HQ" Daphne thought to herself almost flustered. Nonetheless she reciprocate the gesture
D: I'm Daphne, its nice to meet you *grabs her hand*
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She gasped yanking her hand away
D: What the hell was that? *mumbles*
M: Is everything okay?
D: Um yeah, I'm fine
M: Good. So you're a freshman? I'm just guessing because I haven't seen you around
D: Yes, I missed enrollment last year but I made sure to stay on top of it this year
M: *chuckles* I understand. Seems like just yesterday I was freshmen, well, it kind of was but I'm glad I made it to my sophomore year
D: That rough?
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M: You can say that but I don't think it was that bad. As long as you don't got Mr. Furdinand. He literally has a pop quiz every week but thank goodness for my good memory
D: Yikes, I hate quizzes in general
M: *smile* I'm sure you'll do just fine
Her smile was captivating, a delightful distraction that drew Daphne in completely. But what was that vision she experienced? Daphne had never encountered anything so vivid before. It was as if she had stepped outside of herself, even if only for a fleeting moment. The warmth of her breath brushed against Daphne's neck, and her hands enveloped her body, creating a sensation of pure ecstasy. As she turned her gaze, she noticed her lips moving. Wow, now that was a true daydream…
D: *clears throat* Sorry forgive me. Can you repeat your statement?
M: Oh I said hopefully you feel right at home. Your room is to the left of mines and bathroom straight cross from you. Feel free to decorate the living room how want. I'm hardly home anyways
D: Right, thank you
M: No problem, I'm gonna go finish moving my stuff around but if you have any questions or just need someone to talk to. I'm your gal
Daphne nodded her head and thanked her again under her breath as she watched her walk away back into her room
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Her scent remained in the air, what a pleasant smell. Chill Daphne, you just meet the girl, she thinks mentally slapping herself. It's already bad enough she was already having inappropriate thoughts about her....visual thoughts. She snapped out of it and rolled her suitcases across the floor towards her room then opened the door.
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D: *sign* This is gone be a long semester
Chapter 8 "Roommates"
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filmorgue · 1 month
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L: This building is as big as the HQ
R: Yeah, but i don't know about it being co-ed
L: Hmm, I don't mind it, at least the boys have their own floor plus the 4 out of 6 of us in the same building
R: I guess so. Since we on the subject, would you like to room together. I rather not be in a room by myself with strangers
L: *smirk* I thought you never ask. I was gone to suggest the same
X: I wish their were single rooms but I guess it rooming with you won't be so bad
M: Pfft, I sure I can stomach being around you for a semester. Just know I'm not your maid and make sure your things stay on your side of the room
Xen rolls his eyes clicking his teeth mumbling under his breath. That's when the front door open up next to them
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M: Welp, there goes the neighborhood
L: Eww I take every thing back. Being under the same roof as those two brought down the mood
X: Funny cause I feel the same
R: Right as long as they stay out of our way; they're irrelevant
L: *rolls eyes* I guess
R: For now, I need to unpack
They all head upstairs to the designated rooms to unpack before settling down for some much needed TLC.
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The group find themselves in the living room conversing amongst themselves until Xen started to feel a little agitated.
X: Uhh, I'm bored. I need to lose some adrenaline
R: Go work out
X: I already did that
M: Maybe play some video games
X: That won't help either
L: Well what do you want to do?
X: I don't know....oh I have an idea. Let's race
All: What?
X: Let's have a race, Its a nice day and some sunlight can do y'all some good
R: No thank you
M: Yeah, I don't like running unless I have to
X: Boo you guys suck. How about you Leona?
L: *smirk* Sure why not
M: Umm Leona I don't think...
X: Aww, what you worried about me beating your sister
M: Pfft, I'm more concern about your ego
X: How little faith you have in me bro
L: Yeah Mack, have some faith in him *smile*
R: I'm definitely not missing this
Mack looks at his sister with a frown. He can tell she is enjoying this too much. And all honesty, he could careless but this what happens when he tries to be the nice guy. The both of them made their way towards the outside with Rhiannon walking behind them. Mack only few steps behind. They line up in the middle of the road. Xen began stretching.
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X: Shouldn't you stretch? Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself
L: *laugh* Oh I'll be just fine, trust me
X: Suit yourself
R: *mumbles under her breath* So you're not gone to tell him?
M: Nope. Where's the fun in that?
Xen got into position, ready to take off once Rhiannon gives the word. As for Leona, she just stood there with her hands on her hips
R: Alright. On your mark. Get set. Go!
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X: Don't chicken out now
M: *rolls eye* Can you get this over with, I don't want to be out here longer than necessary
L: *yawn* I was trying to give him a head start but fine
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She was off at full speed that caught up in no time. Everything seemed like it slowed down. Xen notice someone was on the right of him. He stared at her and she winked back. Thrown off course, he almost lost his footing. All he could do was stare as she made it to the half way point.
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After moping, he made his way back to his backstabbing school mates. Rhiannon laughed at the sour look on his face while Mack just shook his head.
M: I tried to warn you
X: That was unfair advantage and you know it. And you didn't think to tell me
R: *shrugs* you didn't ask
L: Woah that was great. Aye I'm always down for a round 2
Xen marched inside the dorms as the peanut gallery laugh behind him
Chapter 7.5 "Unfair Advantage" Filler #1
Lot by amitaliri
Rhiannon @sadraccoon061 Leona and Mack Starnes @invisiblequeen Xen @xstardustbatsx
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filmorgue · 1 month
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Thank you @sadraccoon061 and everyone who got me to 50 reblogs!
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Flint and Seth strolled into the main hall, where they spotted a cluster of students huddled together. Flint recognized the group from orientation and made his way through the throng to reach them.
D: Hey, there you are!
R: We were searching for you!
F: Funny, because I distinctly remember you two abandoning me. Traitors!
Laughter erupted, followed by their apologies.
R: Looks like you’ve made a new friend!
F: Indeed! This is Seth. Seth, meet the crew: Rhiannon, Daphne, Leona, Mack, and Xen.
S: Great to meet everyone! So, we’re all freshmen here?
D: Seems that way smirks.
F: So, did you all discover anything interesting today?
D: Not much. I hit the library and found some fascinating books about the magic realm, even for seers like me.
R: I chatted with a few teachers. I think I might dive into alchemy and poisons. A werewolf with sorcery skills? Call me a hybrid!
The group burst into laughter, and then Leona chimed in.
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L: That sounds awesome! But I’m keen on joining some clubs. What do you think, Mack?
M: I suppose I could consider it.
X: While you all are busy with your clubs and learning, I’ll be focused on serious stuff. I want to become the ultimate duelist!
Mack crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, while the girls giggled. Just then, another bell rang, followed by someone clearing their throat.
H: Welcome to all freshmen and returning students. I trust that you find this initial orientation engaging as you embark on your semester here. For those of you who are returning, you are already familiar with the expectations, and I eagerly anticipate witnessing your achievements this year. However, I sincerely hope we do not encounter a recurrence of last year's incidents. The faculty and I will be monitoring the situation closely. Freshmen, you have been provided with a guide and a map detailing all Filmorgue facilities within the mortal realm. Additionally, your accommodation details and the courses you will be enrolled in this quarter are included.
Tomorrow is designated as a free day, so I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to finalize your course selections before classes commence. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any headmaster. I wish you all the best for a successful year filled with exploration and learning.
A hush fell over the room, signaling that Mr. Hellstring had finished his speech, and soon a booklet materialized in everyone's hands. The audience began to murmur among themselves as some started to drift away. Flint glanced at the magical tome and realized that she was primarily enrolled in basic beginner courses. More like "So you wanna know magic 101" aspect not quite hands on. I guess being mortal you have to start the lowest of the low.
F: Not even one potion making course, lame
D: I think it's common for folks that can't...wield magic plus it's only the first quarter.
R: You have plenty of time to learn the more "difficult" stuff
F: Yeah yeah *rolls eye*
X: Alright I'm ready to check out this housing before all the good rooms are taken
Before he could take one step towards the door, two jerk powered through the crowd and bump into him causing him to fall on the ground
R: Hey watch where your going idiots!
?: Pfft, you're fault. Shouldn't have been in our way
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Leona growled under her breath but Mack hold her back.
L: You losers could have also walked around us. There was plenty of room
?: Where's the fun in that?
They smirked before going on their way out the exit. Mack bend down to offered Xen his hand for help
M: You know when I said you'll get your comeuppance. This isn't what I had in mind
F: Are you okay Xen?
X: Pfft, of course I am. Jerks just caught me off guard
L: Well no school is completed without bullies. Ugh so high school
D: Everything was going so well
R: Let's not worried about those idiots, we should all start getting settle in while we still can
The group made their way towards the exit.
Chapter 7 "Comeuppance"
Rhiannon (@sadraccoon061), Leona & Mack The Starnes (@invisiblequeen), and Xen (@xstardustbatsx)
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filmorgue · 1 month
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Flint and Seth strolled into the main hall, where they spotted a cluster of students huddled together. Flint recognized the group from orientation and made his way through the throng to reach them.
D: Hey, there you are!
R: We were searching for you!
F: Funny, because I distinctly remember you two abandoning me. Traitors!
Laughter erupted, followed by their apologies.
R: Looks like you’ve made a new friend!
F: Indeed! This is Seth. Seth, meet the crew: Rhiannon, Daphne, Leona, Mack, and Xen.
S: Great to meet everyone! So, we’re all freshmen here?
D: Seems that way smirks.
F: So, did you all discover anything interesting today?
D: Not much. I hit the library and found some fascinating books about the magic realm, even for seers like me.
R: I chatted with a few teachers. I think I might dive into alchemy and poisons. A werewolf with sorcery skills? Call me a hybrid!
The group burst into laughter, and then Leona chimed in.
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L: That sounds awesome! But I’m keen on joining some clubs. What do you think, Mack?
M: I suppose I could consider it.
X: While you all are busy with your clubs and learning, I’ll be focused on serious stuff. I want to become the ultimate duelist!
Mack crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, while the girls giggled. Just then, another bell rang, followed by someone clearing their throat.
H: Welcome to all freshmen and returning students. I trust that you find this initial orientation engaging as you embark on your semester here. For those of you who are returning, you are already familiar with the expectations, and I eagerly anticipate witnessing your achievements this year. However, I sincerely hope we do not encounter a recurrence of last year's incidents. The faculty and I will be monitoring the situation closely. Freshmen, you have been provided with a guide and a map detailing all Filmorgue facilities within the mortal realm. Additionally, your accommodation details and the courses you will be enrolled in this quarter are included.
Tomorrow is designated as a free day, so I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to finalize your course selections before classes commence. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any headmaster. I wish you all the best for a successful year filled with exploration and learning.
A hush fell over the room, signaling that Mr. Hellstring had finished his speech, and soon a booklet materialized in everyone's hands. The audience began to murmur among themselves as some started to drift away. Flint glanced at the magical tome and realized that she was primarily enrolled in basic beginner courses. More like "So you wanna know magic 101" aspect not quite hands on. I guess being mortal you have to start the lowest of the low.
F: Not even one potion making course, lame
D: I think it's common for folks that can't...wield magic plus it's only the first quarter.
R: You have plenty of time to learn the more "difficult" stuff
F: Yeah yeah *rolls eye*
X: Alright I'm ready to check out this housing before all the good rooms are taken
Before he could take one step towards the door, two jerk powered through the crowd and bump into him causing him to fall on the ground
R: Hey watch where your going idiots!
?: Pfft, you're fault. Shouldn't have been in our way
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Leona growled under her breath but Mack hold her back.
L: You losers could have also walked around us. There was plenty of room
?: Where's the fun in that?
They smirked before going on their way out the exit. Mack bend down to offered Xen his hand for help
M: You know when I said you'll get your comeuppance. This isn't what I had in mind
F: Are you okay Xen?
X: Pfft, of course I am. Jerks just caught me off guard
L: Well no school is completed without bullies. Ugh so high school
D: Everything was going so well
R: Let's not worried about those idiots, we should all start getting settle in while we still can
The group made their way towards the exit.
Chapter 7 "Comeuppance"
Rhiannon (@sadraccoon061), Leona & Mack The Starnes (@invisiblequeen), and Xen (@xstardustbatsx)
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filmorgue · 1 month
Sorry for the little hiatus but it's back. Unfortunately, pose player has broken for me. Pose thumbnails are showing up blank like this:
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to the point I don't even know what pose I'm doing. And honestly I just don't have the patience to be guessing around. So a chuck of them are useless. I thought it was a mod that might be conflicting but I've updated all other mods since than and its been a month or so. Hopefully when it updated again, it'll fix the issue. But for now, not only this story but even others are effected because posing is literally essential (WW don't even help) 😫 Some chapters will just have to be written out w/o visual presentation. Which isn't awful but for a visual novel kinda bums me out.
Oh wells, not much I can do but continue to update. That's all for now 💗
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filmorgue · 3 months
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After concluding their tour of the expansive facility, Flint is left in awe and filled with anticipation for what lies ahead. It seems as though her life is taking a turn for the better compared to her previous mundane existence. She feels a sense of belonging and relief as she embarks on this new journey. Meeting some of the teachers and getting a brief introduction to some of the students, it is definitely a refreshing change from her previous school. However, she can't quite say that she completely "fits in" just yet. This is only the beginning, and there is still so much she doesn't know. For example, what was Van Hellstring referring to when he mentioned "sensitive" books being locked away? What secrets do they hold? Despite his warning about asking questions, her curiosity persists.
They approach some doors leading to the outside balcony.
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L: We've come to the end of our tour Ms. Lockewood. Any questions?
F: Um, just a couple. You said the archives was one of the many ones you have. How many exactly?
L: Ah yes, well in this realm, the possibilities are endless. But in the 'mortal' realm; I say about five...give or take. All modernized I might add just to avoid suspicion.
F: There's more back home? Why haven't I've heard of them?
L: Well, to give you a brief history between our two worlds. Mortals and the Realm of Magic have never really been on the same page to say the less. In fact, we've only agree to coexist in the last decade. And as an extra safety precaution, I took the liberty of placing each facilities in excluded areas
F: But why the secrecy? Wasn't that the whole point of the..treaty?
L: *chuckle* It's hard to believe, Ms. Lockewood, but there are still people who don't accept us for who we are, and the feeling is mutual. Even though I personally don't feel the same way, I have a responsibility to protect and support my students and others. Interestingly, just like you, only a select few trusted individuals are aware of this place and others like it.
F: But what about me makes me...special?
L: That my dear....only you can answer for yourself
He gave a mischievous smirk before something else caught his attention. He face towards the entrance portal and the smirk fell from his face.
L: Please excuse me Ms. Lockewood. There's something I have to take care of. My apologies
He gave a respectful bow before vanishing from her sight. Once again, suspicion crept in, prompting her to look in the direction he had been gazing. To her surprise, he was standing on the bridge, but he wasn't by himself.
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F: Who could they be?
?: That's council
Someone spoke from behind her. She clutches her chest before scolding the culprit. Why do everyone like to walk up behind me?
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S: My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you, I just couldn't help but overhear your question. Names Seth by the way
F: Oops, excuse my outburst. But I'm Flint, nice to meet you. Gave me a bit of a heart attack but it's fine. Umm, what was you saying again?
S: Hello Flint, it was a pleasure to meet you as well. As I mentioned earlier, those individuals conversing with Hellstring are none other than the other headmasters, who refer to themselves as 'The Council'. It is highly likely that they are the most esteemed and exclusive magic council of this century.
F: Interesting, are they really that significant?
S: With no one else willing to take on the job, and considering their unique ability to survive for an extended period of time, it seems like the logical choice. I can see the reasoning behind it, don't you think? -smirks-
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S: You don't have to fret about encountering them frequently. They only appear once in a blue moon, typically at special events or private sessions such as the one you are witnessing now.
Flint shifts her focus to the group. From a distance, she detects a menacing and ominous vibe emanating from the other two. She's not one to typically make snap judgments. Nevertheless, she believes she should trust her instincts this time.
F: So what's their deal? Is there anything I need to know about them?
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S: Among the three individuals, Van Hellstring stands out as the most relaxed, despite his rather intimidating name. They are undoubtedly the wealthiest beings in the area. However, when it comes to the other two, I strongly recommend keeping your distance or proceeding with caution, especially with Ms. Edith Lynx. From a distance, she may appear to be a kindhearted lady, but be wary of her sharp tongue. It seems that she only has genuine concern for her grand-daughter and doesn't particularly care for anyone else.
F: Grand-daughter? Does she go here?
S: Oh yeah, I've seen her around, but I've never actually hung out with her. However her bloodhound of a boyfriend makes it hard for anyone to get close. All puns intended. If you spot them together, you'll understand. He's always keeping a close eye on her, but that's nothing compared to what Ms. Lynx is capable of. Word on the street is, she's not a big fan of 'mortals' like you.
Flint gulped nervously and reminded herself to avoid the intimidating vampire woman.
S: And finally, the legend himself, Vladmir Straud. Despite Van Hellstring being the main headmaster of FilMorgue, it is Straud who provides the majority of the funding. There isn't much information available about him, except for the fact that he is the eldest among them all. He is believed to be the longest-living vampire in existence, a true enigma. Only those closest to him have any insight into his motives. Rumor has it that he is the mastermind behind The Council and the Realm Magic Court Order, a governing body that represents each occult group, known as the House of Magic.
Flint nodded her head taking in all the information Seth shared with her. Took one final look at the headmasters. This really going to be an interesting school year. Interrupting her train of thought, a loud chime was heard throughout the facility.
S: That's our cue to regroup in the main hall
F: Oh alright, right behind you
Chapter 6 "The Council"
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filmorgue · 4 months
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As the girls enter the building, they were struck by a weird surge of power. This place is radiating with magic which could probably go without saying.
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F: Noice, where should we start?
D: I'll like see those archives, point me towards the books
R: I rather just mingle round to be honest
F: Shouldn't we tour the place first
D: Eh, there's plenty of time for that later
R: Yeah, but if that's what you want to do. I won't stop you
D: We can always meet back here when we're done
F: Umm o-okay
D/R: Sweet byeeee!
They smiled and wave back before parting ways. Flint just stood there confused and a little overwhelmed.
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F: Geez, made new friends and they already abandon me. Nice
?: I hope I'm not interrupting something, Ms. Lockwood?
Shocked, she let out a gasp before spinning around to confront the mysterious man. The sharpness of his features gave away his true nature - he was a vampire. Despite his alluring eyes, there was an intimidating aura about him.
F: Y-you know my name?
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L: As your headmaster, it'll be very unprofessional if I didn't. Don't you think?
F: Headmaster? Wait, you're Luis Van Hellstring?
He gives a slight bow
L: At your service and Mr. Hellstring would suffice. It's also been brought to my attention; you are late. Cutting it close already I see
Flint blushes away and scratched the back of her neck. Clearing her throat before speaking.
F: I-I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again I swear
L: *chuckles* That's quite alright Ms. Lockwood. As long as you're here now, I see no point of punishing you. I don't partially hold grudges anyways
F: Good to hear, I guess
L: So are you ready to complete orientation. Seems like the others rather keep to themselves. But no matter, I hope you don't mind sparing an old fossil a couple minutes of your time
F: Not at all, please after you sir.
L: Thank you
As he effortlessly glided past her, a mischievous smirk played on his lips. In that fleeting moment, she couldn't help but envy his ability. Lost in her thoughts, she realized that their first destination seemed to be the cafeteria.
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L: At the cafeteria, many students enjoy lounging around. Our talented culinary team is here to cater to all tastes. You're welcome to hang out even after hours, just remember to clean up after yourself and avoid starting any fires (I know easier said than done). Let's show some gratitude to our hardworking staff
F: Exciting! Very noisy though
L: It can be a bit crowded. Right this way. We'll start from the lower level
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Van Hellstring escorts Flint through the crowd of people, leading her down the corridor towards the Observatory. The corridor opens up into a spacious room, resembling an arena at its center. The lighting casts a slightly subdued glow, creating a captivating atmosphere.
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L: The observatory, commonly referred to as "The Pit," serves as a tranquil setting where students return to hone their magical abilities, particularly witches and sorcerers. Occasionally, students engage in friendly duels with their peers, and the observatory also hosts tournaments and challenges for all to partake in and compete for prizes
F: Wow, that sounds fun but..what if someone gets really hurt?
L: We, as staff members, prioritize the safety of our students. I can confidently guarantee that we always have highly skilled paramedics available and responsible observers present at every event. We encourage our students to act responsibly and avoid endangering themselves or their peers. Any reckless behavior will lead to immediate dismissal.
Flint sensed the tension in the room and in Hellsting's voice. She pondered if there was a specific moment he was referring to, but she decided not to inquire. With a nod of her head, she trailed behind him as they made their way back upstairs towards their next stop.
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L: Welcome to the enchanting archives, or rather, one of the numerous libraries we possess. It is meticulously designed to house an extensive collection of books and passages on magic, encompassing the history, present, and even the future of various species. The entire structure is a haven for book lovers, with shelves upon shelves filled with captivating literature. However, we do take extra precautions to safeguard the more 'sensitive' books. Trust me, it's for everyone's safety, although I must admit, the secrets they hold are truly fascinating.
F: Umm, alright (not ominous at all)
Chapter 5 "Tour"
Rhiannon @sadraccoon061 , The Starnes Twins @invisiblequeen, Xen @xstardustbatsx (tagging everyone so ppl can get custom to the cast again. Sorry it's been awhile)
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filmorgue · 4 months
Okay, ngl to y'all but posing sims for chapters are starting to be a lil bit of a drag lbs So heads up some chapters might have 2-3 pics and rest straight dialog 😩
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filmorgue · 4 months
Hey readers! I am sorry but I think I've bored y'all of apologies lol No I haven't forgotten about ya or the story. My BC has taken all my time for now until I finish it. Then I can get back on track.
On Wednesday, I'll have a few chapters prepared for you all. I just wanted to reach out and inform you (@sadraccoon061, @batvalkorey, @invisiblequeen) that I won't be tagging you in every chapter. Since the story will focus on different characters, I'll only tag you in the chapters where your sims are involved. I hope this helps avoid any unnecessary notifications for you.
Otherwise, every chapter/fillers will be in order on the pinned post just in case you miss out on anything.
That's it for now. Thank you for your time and patience if you're still here. Smooches 💜
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filmorgue · 4 months
That moment...when you have no idea what you want to do for the next chapter but know exactly what you want to do for the upcoming ones....
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filmorgue · 5 months
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Story Time: Meet Danica and Dale
Dale, a young orphan surviving on the streets of Copperdale, found himself in a tough situation. Moving from family to family due to his aggressive nature, he eventually ended up on the streets, making a living by scavenging abandoned homes and other places. One fateful evening, he stumbled upon an ill Danica. Despite her sharp fangs, he couldn't bring himself to leave her side. Their eyes met, and he was instantly smitten, feeling like he was "lost for words."
After a few minutes of attempting to communicate with her, all Dale received in response were soft murmurs and her shaking head, accompanied by gestures towards her mouth. It became clear to Dale that she was unable to speak. Faced with this new challenge, he felt unsure of what to do next. However, just as he was contemplating his options, she mustered enough strength to type a message on her phone: "Need animal blood." Dale couldn't help but find the request slightly amusing, considering they were standing in the middle of a sidewalk where no animals could be found. With a stroke of brilliance, he suggested that she could feed off him instead. Instantly, she rejected the idea, even after he reassured her that it would be alright. However, after a couple of minutes, she realized she had no other choice. Summoning all her strength, she positioned herself as he presented his neck. The moment she caught a whiff of his intoxicating scent, she didn't hesitate to sink her fangs into his flesh. He let out a groan, a mixture of pain and pleasure, until everything faded to black.
Suddenly, he found himself waking up in a luxurious, well-decorated room with a tearful Danica sitting beside him. The opulence of the room was a bit too much for his liking. Strangely, he felt a strong urge for blood. Danica finally noticed he was awake and flashed him a wide smile, wiping away her tears. He couldn't help but wonder if she was crying because of him. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "He's alive…I see," a voice echoed from across the room. A woman with medium-length white hair and piercing white eyes sat there, looking quite intimidating. "I would be relieved, but I don't appreciate my granddaughter bringing strays into my mansion…especially mortals," she growled, extinguishing her cigarette before approaching them. "However, since she mentioned that you played a part in saving her life…I suppose I owe you my gratitude." He nodded silently, unsure of what to say.
Edith Lnyx introduced herself with a sense of detachment, but she still engaged in a conversation with him. When Dale confessed that he had nowhere to go, Danica looked at Edith with a sorrowful expression. Edith could have easily dismissed the idea of living with a mortal or feeling indebted to anyone. However, she couldn't bring herself to refuse her beloved girl. As fate would have it, Dale and Danica grew even closer while living under the same roof, eventually becoming lovers. To their surprise, Danica accidentally turned Dale into a vampire by consuming enough of his blood. She felt guilty, but he reassured her that everything was alright. Despite his new vampire lifestyle, he was content as long as he could stay by her side, embracing her vampnemia. He proudly wore her bite mark and demonstrated his devotion every single day.
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filmorgue · 5 months
Hey babes/readers, real quick want to let y'all know the chapter going to be a lil late because I need to make characters. That's mb 😓 But I'll try to put out more than one chapter tho to make up for it. Hopefully I get some characters done before midnight (my time). And next time ill make sure to put chapters on quo. Also side note, I hope y'all are getting these notification when a chapter post. I still don't know why this account glitches cause now its affecting my post. I wont know until I get a notification. So try to reblog from my 2nd page but even that takes time to show 💋🤷🏾‍♀️ @sadraccoon061 @batvalkorey @invisiblequeen
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filmorgue · 5 months
Chapter 4 "FilMorgue"
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F: Damnit *mumbles* I guess I did miss everything
She hears belief chuckling and someone clearing their throat.
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R: I wouldn't say that. Just the usual boring speech but for the most part you right on time.
The red head smile down at Flint as the other nodded her head in agreement. Flint gave them both a warm smile before taking a step towards them.
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F: Oh thank goodness, by the way my name, Flint Lockwood. It's a pleasure to meet you both.
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R: Hello Flint, I'm Rhiannon Mckenna
D: My names Daphne Halliwell. And it's a pleasure to meet you too
Flint smile at the duo then open her mouth to speak but paused. Carefully thinking about her next words.
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F: *clears throat* Hopefully I'm not rude for asking but I'm curious....do you have any....umm...specialties?
D: Specialties? *giggles* if you meant "techniques" then yes. I am a seer. I can see into the past and future.
F: Wow that's cool
R: I'm a werewolf and you must be..mortal
Flint was taken back, she blushes.
F: How can you tell?
R: I can smell it on you. *chuckles* Sorry didn't mean to sound rude. I just have a really good nose.
Didn't take long for Mack to intervene considering his good hearing plus the fact he was still standing behind them. He was blessed with two "magnetic" sights.
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M: Well hello pretty lady. Couldn't help but overhear you ladies chatting amongst yourselves. I'd like to properly introduce myself, I'm Mack Starnes, I'm a werewolf too and a twin to add. Excuse my sister, Leona, she just excited to be here. Speaking of which, I should be keeping an eye on her. Sorry to leave so sudden but you ladies have a nice day
With that, he was off to hunt down his sister. The girls just look at each other then laugh.
F: Maybe we should be heading in as well?
R/D: After you
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@sadraccoon061 Rhiannon, @invisiblequeen Starnes Twins, and @batvalkorey Xen
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filmorgue · 5 months
Hello moots and readers, I'll update as soon as I can. Lately, I'm still getting the disappearing body parts in game and Tumblr has this glitch were if I scroll down my db; images won't load then cause my whole tumblr to lag/crash? as soon as I refresh the page. Only for this account tho. Technology just been trash 😭
I'll get back to ya soon. Smooches @sadraccoon061 @invisiblequeen @batvalkorey
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filmorgue · 5 months
~*Mobile Navigation*~
Hello I'm Mask aka blvckentropy. This is my second page.
FilMorgue tells the story of Flint Lockwood, a human navigating her way through the mysterious world of occultists. Flint has always struggled to find her place, feeling out of sync even among her fellow mortals. Concerned for her happiness, her parents encourage her to explore a different setting. This journey leads her to a path of self-discovery and acceptance. Alongside her new friends Seth and Daphne, and many others, Flint embarks on an exciting adventure filled with endless possibilities.
Shoutout to sub cast: Rhiannon by sadraccoon061, The Starnes Twins (Leona & Mack) by invisiblequeen, Xen by xstardustbatsx
Character Preview | The Council |
Chapter List:
Orientation Pt. 1
Orientation Pt 2
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filmorgue · 5 months
IT HERE <-----------------
So many trials and tribulations I went through, but I finished it and I'm happy. A huge weight lifted off my shoulders😅
But I also learned the does and don'ts of editing/animation.
Don't estimate when you get finished
Go at your own pace. Don't try to rush
If you must, shoot scenes frame by frame because sims dont stay posed!
Never pose a lot of sims on one lot.....ITS HORRIBLE. U WILL GO CRAZY
DOUBLE CHECK YOUR RECORDINGS....because the sh*t mouse might be on screen
DOUBLE/TRIPLE CHECK LOT/Build because you might forget a wall paint error 🥴
There's lot more but this was just a little rant for myself to myself ctfu. Overall I did enjoy making my first animated chapter. Later chapters will be better. And hopefully I'll have less problems 🤷🏾‍♀️
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