finna-liveblog · 2 years
Did Wes Come back??? I stopped watching htgawm After his death
Oh boo so did I, but luckily for you I've never not been obsessed with my baby Wes Gibbons so I can in fact answer this, only not in a satisfying way ☹️
As far as I can tell, Wes is still dead at the end of the show. A flash forward showed Alfie walking into a room (or sum) and of course everyone freaked out because Wes is back with a new haircut and everything. But as it turns out, this was a misdirect. With more clarification on the scene later on, that was actually Christopher the grown up version of Wes and Laurel's son and he looks exactly like his father.
I never actually watched any of the scenes so I might have some details wrong but that's generally the idea.
I remember being super irritated when I found this out. I had already lost interest in the show for the most part years ago after he died so I wasn't super invested but I was still peeved. It was part of why I stopped watching anyway. Not just because Wes died but because they clearly didn't care about the fans that loved and cared about Wes. I always felt like they prioritized the shock and moment of devastation than the character as well as the people who cared about the character. We followed this character and were invested in him from the start and they just said fuck you and killed him for shock value? That tells me you don't care, and killing a character is my LEAST favorite way of shocking an audience and causing emotion. After seasons of doing it the right ways, this one felt cheap and unnecessary and heartbreaking to those who actually cared about him. Not only did Wes deserve better but the show did too, do that kinda dumb shit in the 100, not here.
And then on top of that, you play with people again by pretend bringing back that very same character, getting people invested again just to let them down again. Like... Okay fuck us ig. Cause there was no reason at all for y'all to bring Alfie back and let people believe for a moment that Wes could have still been alive this whole time other than "we're gonna really fuck with people"
At the end of the day he's just a character and it's just a show and the writers have the right to do whatever they want. But considering how big the show was and how much people talked about it and how furious people were when Wes died and how many people stopped watching and how it just kinda lost a bit of that shine that was there in the beginning, I wonder was it worth it? I mean really, was the bit worth it? Cause I don't think it was
Sorry to ramble. I clearly have a lot of feelings about this still
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finna-liveblog · 2 years
Sam Wilson: I'm going alone
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finna-liveblog · 2 years
Me logging onto tumblr dot com to check my trash little blog and post my trash little posts about my trash little interests
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finna-liveblog · 5 years
And it was! But it's also not cause I called that shit!!!
Me: It’s the last ten minutes, everything I’ve said since the reveal is true, this is the part where they reveal Wes is ACTUALLY alive and it was all a rouse!
Htgawm: Shows Wes’ death in full mind numbing, traumatizing, high definition detail
Me: Man when Wes comes back it’s gonna be a real twist
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finna-liveblog · 5 years
Wes has gone through:
Gas inhalation
A punctured lung
An explosion
An autopsy
And I’m still like
Wes… come on stop playin where you hiding
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finna-liveblog · 5 years
didn’t I tell y’all DIDN'T I TELL Y’ALL
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
ipoddymouth replied to your post “I’m obsessed enough with chesters flaming hot fries enough to know...”
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
Welp time for me to go back into seclusion again this was fun byyye
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
So did they explain why the game is addictive? We’re just supposed to believe it is and go with it? ...ard
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
So is this show supernatural now? That goblin thing wasn’t human and I’ve heard things about it suddenly being like that. If so that’s lame
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
Sorry to the Betty fans but this bitch is so annoying just leave well enough alone
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
I said I didn’t mind but I mind. How you gonna have a Breakfast Club type of episode and have had Molly Ringwald been previously in the show, and yet not even have a cameo from her
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
Side question, all these parents were in the same grade? Had their kids at the same age so that they would be in the same grade? Why is that the part i’m having most trouble suspending my disbelief for
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
Yeah this was good. Fuck these kids tbh let’s just watch a show about generation 1.0 slowly becoming people they never thought they’d be
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
Ewww why am I feeling bad for Penelope?
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
Now it’s How To Get Away With Murder
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finna-liveblog · 6 years
Ew germs
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