#it was cheap 🤷🏾‍♀️
finna-liveblog · 2 years
Did Wes Come back??? I stopped watching htgawm After his death
Oh boo so did I, but luckily for you I've never not been obsessed with my baby Wes Gibbons so I can in fact answer this, only not in a satisfying way ☹️
As far as I can tell, Wes is still dead at the end of the show. A flash forward showed Alfie walking into a room (or sum) and of course everyone freaked out because Wes is back with a new haircut and everything. But as it turns out, this was a misdirect. With more clarification on the scene later on, that was actually Christopher the grown up version of Wes and Laurel's son and he looks exactly like his father.
I never actually watched any of the scenes so I might have some details wrong but that's generally the idea.
I remember being super irritated when I found this out. I had already lost interest in the show for the most part years ago after he died so I wasn't super invested but I was still peeved. It was part of why I stopped watching anyway. Not just because Wes died but because they clearly didn't care about the fans that loved and cared about Wes. I always felt like they prioritized the shock and moment of devastation than the character as well as the people who cared about the character. We followed this character and were invested in him from the start and they just said fuck you and killed him for shock value? That tells me you don't care, and killing a character is my LEAST favorite way of shocking an audience and causing emotion. After seasons of doing it the right ways, this one felt cheap and unnecessary and heartbreaking to those who actually cared about him. Not only did Wes deserve better but the show did too, do that kinda dumb shit in the 100, not here.
And then on top of that, you play with people again by pretend bringing back that very same character, getting people invested again just to let them down again. Like... Okay fuck us ig. Cause there was no reason at all for y'all to bring Alfie back and let people believe for a moment that Wes could have still been alive this whole time other than "we're gonna really fuck with people"
At the end of the day he's just a character and it's just a show and the writers have the right to do whatever they want. But considering how big the show was and how much people talked about it and how furious people were when Wes died and how many people stopped watching and how it just kinda lost a bit of that shine that was there in the beginning, I wonder was it worth it? I mean really, was the bit worth it? Cause I don't think it was
Sorry to ramble. I clearly have a lot of feelings about this still
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robotpussy · 1 year
i got discounted tickets to spiderverse 2 🙏
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sapphic-agent · 9 months
I think another problem I have with MHA is just how hit or miss a lot of their designs are. Like, Midoriya and Bakugo have some really really cool designs but then I look at Overhaul and literally just laugh. Overhaul is a young, yakuza plague doctor boss who wants to rid the world of works so the yakuza can rule again (still think his reasoning is dumb and Horikoshi missed the chance to have a "get rid of quirks bc they harm ppl more than they do good" plot, but w/e.) and THAT'S how he dresses? Oh my God, he looks ridiculous. Everytime I see Overhaul I laugh because his outfit is so fucking ugly. I showed my friends who aren't into MHA the outfit and they could not take him seriously. Like Horikoshi, you have a plague doctor yakuza boss character, and that's ALL you can come up with. Someone needs to redesign Overugly because while Overhaul is a competent villain, I just want him to actually look his part. Or just- half of the girls' outfits are just spandex suits. No cool costumes or practical purposes- the only one who has like a cool outfit that is a girl is like Lady Nagant.
Yeah MHA's designs are either really good or really bad. Like Shoto's costume is so bland and Hori for some reason refuses to fix it (yet another reason why I think he really doesn't put much stock into Todo past his involvement with his family/Dabi). Like jeez give the kid some sort of gimmick even if you have to keep it simple.
And we've gone over the girls' designs. Jirou's and Tsu's are probably the only ones that aren't sexualized in some way and it gets across how they're trying to appear.
This might be controversial, but Midnight's costume isn't bad to me. I mean, obviously it's fetishizing and fanservice but at the very least it's part of her gimmick. It has personality (despite what you might think about that personality).
Now compare it to Momo's costume and Bubble Girl's costume. Momo's gimmick is supposed to be "practicality," but it's just an excuse to use her for fanservice, as she has virtually no protection and her bookcase thing could break her spine if she falls on it. Bubble Girl's is even worse because it's almost completely unrelated to her quirk/personality. Plus, both costumes just look dumb, there's no style.
(I actually like Momo's winter costume better because it gives her a fancy flair, it kind of makes her look like a general/commander)
Mina and Uraraka's suits aren't terrible. Uraraka's for the whole gravity/space suit thing going on and Mina's fits her personality. Obviously I could do without the sexualizing, but hey🤷🏾‍♀️
And don't even get me started on Hagakure. There's absolutely no reason to have her naked on a literal fucking battlefield. Hori could have written around that, he chose not to for a cheap joke
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
Re: The noise in public transit posts
I had no clue that it being "polite" to wear headphones/not play loud music on public transit was a white supremacy thing. I've gotten really annoyed at people (though usually just ignored it) cause I see things from a disabled person's POV. Super loud music Hurts especially if it has lots of bass. (Which now that I am actively thinking about it's either a POC or some white dude in a sports car and I don't know if that means anything or I'm overanalyzing again...) I've been in the car with my dad before when someone was playing music loud enough we could feel it and he had to stop the car cause it triggered a severe vertigo wave.
There are Loads of things that make public transit inaccessible and so I tend to get annoyed when there is something that people can do to make it easier and they either don't think about it or they actively ignore it. I definitely understand now that as a whole, politics of noise is in favor of white people (like So many other things.) But this does bring up the questions of, where is the line drawn between letting people live their lives, and making for an accessible city? How do we define what is and isn't ok when playing music on a speaker? And the biggest question, how do we avoid being racist in the endeavor to be accessible?
Thanks for the new outlook! I would love to hear some thoughts on this.
Well first, please don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say that being polite to wear headphones is a "white supremacy thing". I said that the Right to Comfort was a "white supremacy thing". The idea that you are so entitled to public space and your comfort in it that state violence should be enacted to maintain that comfort (even if it means detrimental and biased effects on other groups of people) is a white supremacy thing.
There are Black and Brown disabled people too! And they have to consider that yes, those things are annoying, but they are ALSO in danger of increased policing bc their disabilities and discomforts will not be treated on par with a white person's! So in this solution...who is it for? What is it really accomplishing? Who is really safer, in the long run? Because based on the interaction I just had, there's plenty of racism involved in the decision.
I addressed some of your question here. What I believe to be the core, racist issue revealed is here.
If everyone wants everyone to wear headphones, maybe we need to start having stations to buy cheap headphones! Lobbying to get phone jacks put back in phones. Maybe having specific train cars meant for silence only, for those who have sensitivity issues. I don't have all the answers.
To be honest, you're going to have to do your own research on this, if it means so much to you. Perhaps looking into disabled activists of color that discuss these things without utilizing policing. I guarantee there are people who have talked about this far more patiently and eloquently than I! But at the end of the day, if we don't come up with something that won't put my entire community in danger for the comfort of a few, no I'm not supporting it. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 8 months
Just an opinion. Don't @ me or reblog with hate:
I don't know why people would get mad at Megan's song Hiss. She's tired of people criticizing her all the time, making cheap jokes about her trauma and slut shaming her. If Megan wasn't famous and the people ridiculing her wasn't famous they would be called bullies.
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But because she's famous they act like she should just deal with it. She's tired of just dealing with it so she has every right to speak or in this case express herself through her music.
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And by the way Nicki responded I guess Megan struck a nerve. 😉
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And I don't know why because she's not the first person who called her husband a sex offender. (By the way Megan didn't directly say that.) 🤷🏾‍♀️
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We gotta balance "individual consumer choices are not really important enough for urgent social criticism" and "in a more equitable society your consumer options are going to look a lot different so it's important for ppl to get used to and celebrate not having the shiniest things, not having the most convenient tools and products and lifestyle, not having the cheapest fast fashion". Inb4 ik a lot of people are already there - due to navigating the world w disability, poverty, etc. But
(1) a lot of people still need to get there, politically and personally. See: all the people who were bizarrely whiny about being asked to boycott Starbucks and other warmongering franchises lol
(2) systems that make life easier for marginalized people will likely make life for privileged folks more inconvenient. See: Car owners vs public transport users; suburban homeowners vs affordable housing renters
Another example: eliminating slave labor will likely raise the prices of cheap fast fashion brands - yes even if the CEOs r paid less lol 🤷🏾‍♀️ most ppl probably own first hand slave labor clothing to an extent bc its genuinely unavoidable but eventually some ppl r gonna have to contend w the fact that it is not their human right to own 12 brand new slave labor crop tops for $1 each in 2024
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lenaromanov · 11 months
Hi,me again
So,more interesting things happening
Quick story. I live in Brazil and here we have electric showers. They're a menace. Not only they can burn but also short circuit your entire house while they do this type of shit.
Of course we have other types of showers that don't need electricity but the electric showers are more cheap and more common around here.
I yesterday I was happily taking my shower and doing my affirmations while doing so (is one of my favorite parts of the day. At this point is almost a ritual 😅) when I smelled burned wires. You know when an electronic burns and they give off that smell? Yeah. Luckily I had finished my shower at that point but it turn off by itself. I thought shit now I'll have to call someone,and if it's gone I'll have to buy another one,and it I'll be a whole ordeal to install the new one,I'll have to call someone to do the installing too... At least that's what I was starting to think but then I remembered I'm on this manifestation journey. So I erased this previous thoughts and started to think nothing ever burns or breaks in my house,so of course it didn't burned,it's OK. It's working like it should work,it's fine.
And today (next day) my roommate is showering right now and it is FINE!
Also,Friday we had an awful storm here where I live and even though I live in a condo some generator burned and many people in my unit lost some of their electronics that were plugged at the moment. We didn't. NOT A SINGLE THING!
I then remembered that I'm doing affirmations that say I'm the luckiest person in the world,and nothing bad ever happens to me,everything works out in my favor, so,yeah. IT.ISWORKING.
It can appear to be little details but things are really working FOR ME and not against me like they did most of my life.
Neville said that signs follows the manifestation so I'm getting there and this are the signs.
And I'm very happy 😊
If I wrote something wrong english is not my first language,not even close 😅 I speak brazilian portuguese so bare with me. I actually manifested speaking it, now that I'm thinking of it,without even knowing. In high school I had some classes but nothing even close to get us to speak the language or understand it,so I DECIDED I would learn it and speak it and here I am 😅🤷🏾‍♀️
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
I agree Tom should said something and I understand about becaue he’s a white privileged man and has a big platform but I have Twitter and im always active in the damn app and the discourse become about Tom besides the focus be on supporting francesa they were pressing the man to said something I was embarrassing for him because I knewn it wouldn’t saying anything at all and they were blaming Tom for the weird these they made about francesa more than blaming the racist and incels lol destiny they even called out zendaya saying how she didn’t tell him to speak like z is his mother pls some people on Twitter only care about the stan wars and getting a outta moment to drag Thomas
I mean, I don't think anyone should be PRESSURED to speak out about anything tbh.
If I have to beg and plead for you to say smthg, then you saying something will automatically feel cheap and less than once you DO say smthg. I don't wanna have to BEG someone to speak out on smthg that I feel passionately about.
If I have to beg you to say smthg, then you might as well not have said anything at all. 🥴
That's why I never understand it when fans are out here begging celebrities to speak up on smthg. Your words automatically lose value to me if I had to force or shame you into saying smthg. 🙄
That's just my personal viewpoint though. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Others may feel differently.
Like I said last week.... I'm 99.99999% sure that Tom said smthg to Francesca personally and in person, so I don't worry that she's not getting support from her cast mates.
But would it have been a nice gesture for Tom to say smthg himself, or even simply repost the producer's words in solidarity?
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She's his Juliet....
But hey, Tom might still say smthg or address this issue in the future, so I don't think fans need to worry about it TOO much.
I still don't think that fans should be pressuring Tom (or any celebrity) to publicly speak on smthg.... whether on social media or in an interview. 🥴
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mypimpademia · 1 year
you was just talking ab acknowledging that they're perpetuating stereotypes but imma be a hater and take it a step further so if y'all tryna have beef with anyone have it with me and go punch some drywall when i once again retaliate
those stories are LAME. as fuck. not only does it show your lack of creativity and originality (because very often the people who write it write it exclusively) but it shows you're a cheap writer who doesn't care about the source material. yeah i get it, headcanons and all, but you know the thing about headcanons? they're supposed to be adjacent to canon but created in your head. y'all im sorry but eren's a damn loser. he ain't gang banging nobody 💀 there is a point where a headcanon turns into just plain old out-of-character shit, and that is what makes ts so hard to enjoy. that's not the character you were intending to write and have people read about. that's an oc.
and this is a point others have made but i'll reiterate it for fun: it's not just the activities within the fic either. it's how you present the character themselves. the way they speak, the way they look, the way they act. y'all be serious. kirishima isn't being a cool little guy trying to become a great hero and turning around saying "aw whats the matter ma cheer up". the only nigga in mha i'd believe might actually speak like that is sero. remember him?
anyway, the fics where the characters are actually themselves are better in possibly every way. they're cuter, more versatile, more enjoyable to read in general because we can actually see ourselves interacting with the character and not italian mafia boss #2. who wouldn't enjoy watching izuku stumble because he's captivated by you in the sun and he reverts back to his stuttering ways of season one.
write something positive about black people, especially black women, for once. i implore you.
and yes i'm a minor, but i will still read you and push you around like i'm ya mama.
Heavy on that last part‼️ there’s no reason for ppl to portray black ppl in stereotypical ways esp when it’s unnecessary, and ESP if you are also a black person. And if you do, you just need to be aware at the very least🤷🏾‍♀️ Dashi don’t do nun but spit facts tbh🗣️‼️
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
So I’m on twitter and cc. There’s not much talk of satellite. But some of his followers are very sensitive about Harry looking like he smells as there were more than a few out of nowhere comments defending his odor ….. 🤷🏾‍♀️🥴
Another thing was how they love his clown music so much, but then why are they making ai covers of him singing Louis songs. They also just made one of him singing a Taylor song. IMO these are signs his own fans are getting bored of the same old act. It’s like Harry the quirky queerbaiter with a receding hairline is getting played out.
He is too try hard nowadays as he tries to remain young looking and still acting like his bald ass is still 16 to appeal to his tween fanbase. But as they’re getting older, so is he, but not in a good way. His cocaine diet makes him look 53 and they are noticing. It doesn’t help that he sounds stupid when he is expressing his own opinions.
feels a bit rude for harry to go about looking smelly all the times just to force the fans to defend him for it. if he's fine with looking smelly, why do they get so mad about it? it's his whole aesthetic.
how soon till they start trying to make AI versions of him singing actual queer music? though in the state harry's voice is in, he may be putting out AI versions of his own songs in a few years too.
the satellite video looks like it cost a few dollars to make. just a cheap generic robot going across LA. that's pretty much it. corny backstage stuff. corny set up. i guess that's why they put it out, because it was so cheap to make. and why they tried to hype it with some fake person leaking photos and stories about it from january.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
omg i remember tellin one of my friends that i have like 190 pics on my phone n they were like “what? i have 1,000!” n i was like “huh?” idk if it’s bcuz i have a real cheap momma that hates spendin money on me unless she has to or smth 🤷🏾‍♀️
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robotpussy · 1 year
gonna clear up one of my hard drives and put wii party on it until i can afford to get it on a disc because i like to spend money on games i know i will enjoy (also i saw a copy of it for £5 on ebay...........)
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br4tphobia · 1 year
Nah miss lulu, that's not the reason. Why can't y'all just admit the truth lmao because it's as visible as y'all's cheap lace fronts. I can name a handful of black writers on here and in other fandoms who are so overly obsessed and always on some type of drama because that's what y'all live for. Like miss Val said over here, she responds to the hate bc "ts fun." 😂 it's fun but you mad af over it? You typed a whole piss-baby paragraph over it love.
apperently u mad too if u keep coming in my inbox sayin all this, id do it again if i got to. you actin like what i do for myself affects u..😭 pls if u gon say sumn to lu dont say ts through my page ..🤷🏾‍♀️
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xiasgone · 2 years
Makeup? —Dani
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Dani considers herself to pretty much just use chap stick. Which isn't make up. And lotion, that also isn't makeup. But she was cursed with skin that not only has eczema, but is sensitive towards scented products - or really, anything that's accessible and cheap. She has bad memories of putting on some nighttime face cream only to have a rash the next day. Ever since her teen years, she recognizes that she has her good skin days and her bad skin days. The best she can do is to just try to rock with it. She's sure there's definitely makeup out there that works for her, but she also feels that its meant for the 'social elite' like...Naomi. She assumes Naomi is pretty rich. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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awanderingdeal · 2 years
Today I found out y’all (Brits) like…don’t sell applesauce in stores for adults. Like it’s available for babies but then it’s weird? I found actual sauce for porks but no applesauce. And yet mushy peas is an acceptable side dish? Is that true or only the aldi near me because this was devastating to discover
Yeah, apple sauce is very much a baby food here. And if you buy those they will probably be purree. I think applesauce tends to have more bite? If you get a cheap apple sauce for pork then it's basically going to be stewed apples, but much tarter than applesauce (more expensive ones tend to have things like cider in).
Mushy peas are chefs kiss. I love them 🤷🏾‍♀️ They aren't everybody's cup of tea though.
I do understand the struggle of not having certain foods when away from home though 😫😫😫
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 6 months
Already setting them up for failure by telling them somewhere in this group is the next Roman Reigns or the next Charlotte Flair.
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Wrestlers become Superstars and Legends because something about their character, voice, physical appearance, style of wrestling, gear is unique and stands out and connects with the audience. I'm just saying.
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Trying to be a cheap version of an already established wrestlers is nothing special.
Just let them be themselves.
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These athletes are the future of the @WWE. From executive producer John Cena, stream all access docuseries #WWENextGen free on April 1. Only on @therokuchannel.
Honestly this just looks like an updated version of Tough Enough. 🤷🏾‍♀️
And there is Only One Roman Reigns.
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