#characters die all the time but imagine following Harry Potter
finna-liveblog · 2 years
Did Wes Come back??? I stopped watching htgawm After his death
Oh boo so did I, but luckily for you I've never not been obsessed with my baby Wes Gibbons so I can in fact answer this, only not in a satisfying way ☹️
As far as I can tell, Wes is still dead at the end of the show. A flash forward showed Alfie walking into a room (or sum) and of course everyone freaked out because Wes is back with a new haircut and everything. But as it turns out, this was a misdirect. With more clarification on the scene later on, that was actually Christopher the grown up version of Wes and Laurel's son and he looks exactly like his father.
I never actually watched any of the scenes so I might have some details wrong but that's generally the idea.
I remember being super irritated when I found this out. I had already lost interest in the show for the most part years ago after he died so I wasn't super invested but I was still peeved. It was part of why I stopped watching anyway. Not just because Wes died but because they clearly didn't care about the fans that loved and cared about Wes. I always felt like they prioritized the shock and moment of devastation than the character as well as the people who cared about the character. We followed this character and were invested in him from the start and they just said fuck you and killed him for shock value? That tells me you don't care, and killing a character is my LEAST favorite way of shocking an audience and causing emotion. After seasons of doing it the right ways, this one felt cheap and unnecessary and heartbreaking to those who actually cared about him. Not only did Wes deserve better but the show did too, do that kinda dumb shit in the 100, not here.
And then on top of that, you play with people again by pretend bringing back that very same character, getting people invested again just to let them down again. Like... Okay fuck us ig. Cause there was no reason at all for y'all to bring Alfie back and let people believe for a moment that Wes could have still been alive this whole time other than "we're gonna really fuck with people"
At the end of the day he's just a character and it's just a show and the writers have the right to do whatever they want. But considering how big the show was and how much people talked about it and how furious people were when Wes died and how many people stopped watching and how it just kinda lost a bit of that shine that was there in the beginning, I wonder was it worth it? I mean really, was the bit worth it? Cause I don't think it was
Sorry to ramble. I clearly have a lot of feelings about this still
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saintsenara · 1 year
I have really enjoyed reading your answers to the rare pair tag game. I have added a lot of the fics that you recommended on your latest answer to my 'Marked for Later' list on a03 to enjoy over the weekend. I was wondering your honest thoughts are on the following ships: Tom/Ron, James/Snape, Tom/Hermione, Molly/Bellatrix, James/Regulus and Snape/Lily and Dudley/Draco. I apologise for the number of ships and I am really curious on your opinions.
thank you so much for the ask, @sarafina-sincerity - and for continuing my recent tradition of offering opinions nobody else wanted to hear on an increasingly unhinged list of pairings.
[i know you sent a message apologising for sending some ships which were asked before, but i love to chatter, so i'm going in to answer the original...]
tom riddle | voldemort/ron weasley
obviously this is the crack pairing when it comes to voldemort + a member of the trio - while tomarrymort and tomione/volmione stories number into the thousands on ao3, voln/ton/rom/ronmort/whatever we're calling it has a grand total of... ten tagged works.
i think this is a tremendous shame, but not - it's important to say - because i agree with the tedious fanon idea, particularly prevalent in ships which feature hermione with anyone else, that ron would make a good death eater [as you will see below, i think that honour belongs firmly to hermione herself...] - even in a voldemort wins au, ron isn't going over to the dark side. it sounds too much like hard work.
instead, i'm into this pairing because ron is... kind of mother. he likes to look after people and he channels his negative emotions into doing this [he wouldn't have left the tent if harry and hermione had learned how to shoplift properly and he could be settled in front of a nice pot, i'll die on that hill]. just imagine little captive ron - maybe the snatchers recognised him, maybe voldemort's won and everyone else is dead - bustling around his gilded prison in malfoy manor making the dark lord a cup of tea when he turns up to psychologically torture him. voldemort would - as i am - be intrigued.
and if, in fact, you'd like to see almost exactly this situation play out, you will definitely enjoy wind tunnels by @mrmxlemons. ron isn't having a good time, but his cooking is.
james potter/severus snape
i've not read much snames, so this is mostly just based on general vibes: i think it's fine but not fantastic.
as i've said in literally everything i've ever posted about sirius black/severus snape, snack is a great pairing because they're narrative mirrors, something which creates so much drama that it makes me scream.
severus and james don't have this - if anything, they're narrative opposites. james is adored by his parents, he's rich, he gets the girl, his best friend is in love with him and not the other way round, he's the ringleader of his gang rather than a follower, his whole family have been gryffindors, and so on and so forth. obviously opposites attract, but you haven't got the immediate potential for connection that you have between severus and characters such as sirius, lily, and - let's all be real - voldemort.
i'm not really going to get into the bullying debate here, but it seems to me that severus would regard james - had he lived - in a similar way to how he regards the adult lupin; that is, that he would completely disassociate from any situation in which he's present, rather than love getting in his face as he does with sirius. i don't love snupin for this reason [i'll read it, of course, but it always feels extremely ooc to me] - the fissure caused by their conflicting personalities simply runs too deep, and my suspicion is that snames is the same.
hermione granger/tom riddle | voldemort
so, this is the one where I think I'm likely to deviate most significantly from the opinions of my dash...
i think it's entirely plausible, but only from hermione's side.
the argument i've seen most against tomione/volmione is that hermione's moral code would never permit her to accept anything less than a voldemort who was transformed into a man she would want - which means the whole murder thing needs to get thrown in the bin.
i... disagree. the canonical hermione is someone who is very morally inflexible in relation to how she expects others to behave, but incredibly morally flexible - and often quite immoral - in pursuit of things she herself wants or thinks she wants. she is also the cruelest and most ruthless member of the trio. she thinks herself rational and would - therefore - be the easiest for anyone cleverer than rita skeeter to manipulate. she is very lonely, and would, in a situation in which she was captured, be the member of the trio most swayed by basic demonstrations of kindness [lord voldemort only needs to endure a brief conversation about hogwarts: a history and hint that harry and ron aren't coming to look for her and he's golden]. she always thinks she's right - if she's convinced just by harry and ron not telling her otherwise that her knitted hats are freeing house elves in their droves, i am certain she could be convinced that she won concessions for muggleborns under voldemort's regime through her own skill and not because he wanted to grant them anyway. and so on.
whether the relationship is something she has to do or wants to do, i think she'd be able to justify it to herself as a necessary evil which doesn't actually go against her standards for herself. that she would never think this for harry and ron if they shacked up with the dark lord is part of the fun...
from voldemort's perspective, while he definitely has a weakness for dark curly hair [bellamort nation, rise up], i cannot see him going for it as anything other than a tool of psychological warfare [whereas i think you can write e.g. tomarry based very much in mutual attraction]. intellectually, while hermione is very clever, she doesn't have the interest in experimentation which voldemort has [this is why snapemort and riddledore both always slap - they have the same views on magic], she's extremely condescending, which is his thing, she obviously grew up incredibly rich, and her dour, whiggish empiricism doesn't align very well with his late-antique-emperor's view of the world.
she doesn't give a shit about dead rabbits though. maybe they could bond over that.
bellatrix lestrange/molly weasley
yeah why not. they canonically went to hogwarts at the same time and bellatrix is definitely giving off jilted ex vibes in that final duel.
would molly put up with bella's nonsense? absolutely not. bellatrix would have exactly the same reaction as fleur to the burrow - nothing to do except cooking and chickens - and the ensuing argument would burn the place to the ground far more interestingly than that dogshit scene in the half-blood prince film.
regulus black/james potter
i don't know her, sorry.
lily evans/severus snape
as i said here, i'm into it in a post-james world where lily is trying to rebuild her life by connecting with her past.
so let's take it from a different angle: do i think it could work in the pre-james era?
absolutely not. i think these two need something as seismic as catastrophic loss to force them to actually engage with each other as they are, rather than as the versions they've constructed in their heads. at school, where they're both just dancing round each other, never seeing eye-to-eye on anything, they're never going to be able to get to that place.
i also think james needs to be out of the picture - she's clearly into him long before the mudblood incident, and that knowledge would only ever make severus astonishingly unpleasant to have as a boyfriend. rip king, but you were lost in service of shipping.
dudley dursley/draco malfoy
yeah it's hot. boxer!dudley is enormous and ripped, what's not to love. draco deserves a huge boy who also hates harry.
plus imagine narcissa vs petunia on the topic of their darling boys. or lucius vs vernon when the former pulls up to privet drive in a flying rolls royce. i would be seated.
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midnightstargazer · 1 year
Regulus Black is probably my favorite Harry Potter character, but I don't understand why he's so often portrayed as being forced to join the Death Eaters.
Don't get me wrong, I totally get the desire to portray him sympathetically or give him a redemption arc. And I definitely think there's room for different interpretations as far as what he actually did as a Death Eater and why he betrayed Voldemort in the end. But there's really no ambiguity in whether he joined willingly or not. Every time he's brought up, including when the truth about his death is revealed, it's emphasized that he changed his mind, not that he was never loyal in the first place.
I know there's a popular headcanon that Sirius ran away to avoid being forced to join the Death Eaters, and I can see how that idea would naturally lead to Regulus being pressured to as well. But Sirius never actually mentions Voldemort or the Death Eaters when he explains why he ran away. He also tells Harry his parents were not Death Eaters, and while he indicates they were probably proud of Regulus for joining, he never suggests that they might have pressured him into it.
This is especially important because it's implied that Sirius had more nuanced feelings about Regulus than the rest of the family. (That's a topic for another day, but seriously, he put a hippogriff in his mother's bedroom and carelessly threw away dozens of family heirlooms, all while leaving his brother's room untouched). When he tells Harry about Regulus, Sirius shifts part of the blame for his poor life choices onto their parents, describing Regulus as a "stupid idiot" who was "soft enough to believe" their ideology. If he had any reason to believe they had forced Regulus to get the Dark Mark, and especially if that reason was that they had also tried to do the same to Sirius himself, why not say so?
The version told by Kreacher in Deathly Hallows reveals more about Regulus's decision to join: he expressed blood purist views, admired Voldemort, talked about him for years before joining, and was "so proud, so happy to serve." Again, nothing to indicate reluctance or coercion. He was certainly influenced by his family's ideology and most likely experienced peer pressure from his fellow Slytherins, but that's not the same as saying he was made to join against his will.
I wouldn't be surprised if, by the end of the first war, there were certain pure-blood families that expected their sons to become Death Eaters. Was there ever anybody who wasn't thrilled by that prospect, but went along with it because it wasn't easy to say no? Possibly. But I actually don't think Regulus is a good candidate for that. Aside from everything I mentioned above, he didn't go along with it. Just a year or so later, he was prepared to die to strike a blow against Voldemort. That's much easier to imagine coming from a true believer who for whatever reason had a change of heart than a reluctant Death Eater who only joined out of fear. And in my opinion, it's more interesting that way.
For what it's worth, I don't think he has to be forced into joining to be sympathetic or redeemable. Consider the following:
He was only sixteen when he took the Dark Mark, an age at which the human brain is not yet fully developed.
We're never told about any specific crimes he committed, and he was still a student at Hogwarts during most of his time as a Death Eater. He doesn't necessarily have to be guilty of extreme atrocities (although I tend to think he should be guilty of something beyond just going to meetings and having an ugly tattoo).
He was noted to be kind to his house-elf. Regardless of exactly what that looked like beyond not being cool with what Voldemort did to him, it creates an interesting contrast with the Malfoys and the way they treated Dobby. This suggests that Regulus didn't enjoy engaging in pointless cruelty just for the sake of being cruel. Which is admittedly a very low bar.
He did eventually turn against Voldemort, and none of the characters who provide accounts of this seem to fully understand why, making a wide range of headcanons plausible.
In an AU where he survives his trip to the cave, he would almost certainly end up going into hiding and/or changing sides, and therefore would be separated from the influence of his family and fellow Death Eaters, quite possibly surrounded by people who would challenge his views.
There are enough ambiguities and indications of nuance that (in my opinion) he can be portrayed as a morally gray character, set up for a redemption arc, or just humanized and portrayed with some degree of sympathy, without undermining the fact that he did make a really awful choice.
So what's the appeal of having him be a good person from the start? Like, I understand that morally gray characters are not everyone's cup of tea, but there are plenty of straightforwardly good characters in the series. What's the appeal of changing the narrative to make a Death Eater basically an innocent victim?
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dhr-ao3 · 11 months
unsteady https://ift.tt/5kgNBaJ by arabellyn It was curious how it all began, how what seemed to be just another boring school night had started it all. "So?Fighting the urge to jump off? "she asked,bringing the bottle to her lips.The blond followed her movement with icy eyes,which seemed to be glued to her face. "It would make you quite delighted,I imagine "his voice is calm,no trace of the hostility Hermione expected to receive. "Not really,I'm quite tired of seeing people die." "I think that's the first time we've agreed on anything,Granger." The one in which Hermione didn’t plan to fall in love with Draco Malfoy during her last year at Hogwarts. Words: 1273, Chapters: 1/30, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Narcissa Black Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Post-War, Hermione Granger is So Done, Draco Malfoy is Bad at Feelings, Theodore Nott Needs a Hug, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, Past Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Past Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, Everyone Has Issues, Good Narcissa Black Malfoy, Ginny Weasley is a Little Shit via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/wYDBRmt October 18, 2023 at 10:15AM
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unnursvanablog · 9 months
The movies I watched in 2023
and what I thought of them....
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See How They Run: It was a pretty solid movie to start the movie watching for the year. It had fun characters, a nice mystery and just had a really good style to it that I really enjoyed. Just charming overall.
Pinocchio (2022): I loved all those old-feeling special effects, all the props, scenery and costumes in this film. The film felt sincere and imaginative, which I would expect from an Italian film that was almost reclaiming its own fairytale from Hollywood.
The Menu: Some of the speculations and comments that the film presents might sometimes feel a bit stilted at times, but the film certainly offers a fun black comedy with interesting plot twists that you can't exactly foresee as you watch it, and the cast is wonderful.
Troll:  the action was fun, and I enjoyed the folktales and myths features of the story, but damn the plot was so predictable and the clichéd dialogue was so heavily styled from some heroic Hollywood movie that doesn't work in a Nordic film.
Banshee of Inisherin: An incredibly personal, quiet and interesting film that ends up being slightly lengthy at times.
Mr. Malcolm's List:  I adore being immersed in this kind of costume-drama and this movie kind of checked most of the boxes I want to be ticked when it comes to a romance costume drama of this kind. A very fun watch.
Good Luck to You, Leo Grande: A sincere, humorous, and interesting character story about an older woman experiencing her own body and such things for the first time in her life.
Wakanda Forever: I just thought it was nice, and it's certainly not as formulaic as most of those marvel movies that are coming out right now. But it didn't move me as much as I thought it would.
Viking Wolf: everything about this movie was pretty predictable and typical of such a monster movies. I was a bit bored.
Volaða Land: A rather slow, bitter and sad film, which is totally in the spirit of the subject matter and there are a few humorous scenes in between to break it up, but I still thought it was a bit too long.
Sisu: Incredibly fun action and bloodshed and although the scenarios often felt a bit unrealistic it does feel part of the fun and the film is very exciting and time flies by while you're watching it.
Coccaine Bear: The trailer for this film made it look a lot more fun than it turned out to be. I was tired of the humor present there after about half an hour.
Dungeons and Dragons – Honor Among Thiefs: funny and just the fine little adventure film. I didn't expect it to go super deep on the characters or anything. It is just such a fun popcorn movie, and I was happy with that.
The Last Kingdom – Seven Kings Must Die:  I watched this one with one eye open, not really caring about any of it, but I was just trying to finish it off so I could finally see how the tv show that preceded this movie was going to end.
Nimona: Followed the comic very well and expanded on it and just was one of the most entertaining animations I have seen in a while. There is good humor in it, and the characters are awesome. Loved the animation as well.
Indiana Jones 5: This is just a fun Indiana Jones movie. That’s pretty much it. Maybe the third best Indiana Jones movie in my opinion. You basically get everything you want from Indiana in this one, even though Ford is getting a little tired and it shows.
Hansan – Rising Dragon: It's a grand and spectacular visual film that puts a lot of effort into everything but ends up being a little too long in my opinion.
Dream: While the film certainly has heart and humor, it still felt like the story was in a bit of a hurry to get to the finish line before it's completely earned it.
Harry Potter 7 and 8:  I started watching the first movie with my little niece and then she got into the books (before Rowling went full on terf) and I have sort of just allowed her to enjoy the world that I once found solace in. Now my little aunt had finished the last book and I kept my promise to her to watch the movies it with her once she did.
Lord of the Rings 2: My little niece was once too afraid to watch Lord of the Rings but before the summer she had watched the first one – just not with me. But she wanted to hold on to this until I came over to her part of the country in the summer so we could watch it together. Also this is my favorite of the Lord of the Rings movies.
Polite Society: a strange mixture of Bollywood splendor and very dry British humor that works so fantastically well. A cool action-comedy with very charming characters and all sorts of fun shenanigans and wonderful female friendships.
Zom 100 - Bucket List of The Dead: Japan and Korea seem to be far better at making zombie movies than the Americans. This one was so much fun, before it lost its steam.
Barbie: The only movie of the year I watched twice because it was just excellent entertainment. Colorful and campy yet with a big heart and seemed to have something to say about the society we live in – although through a very narrow lens. Interesting and thoughtful, but sure was interesting that the one that got the most hype from the internet of such a female-centric film the main male character of the story. But that’s also telling of the society we live in.
Downton Abbey – New Age: Although I find the formula that these stories follow little tired now and you tell that from this film how some of the conversations and jabs and almost don’t come natural sometimes, I do think the characters are awesome and I've followed most of them for so long that they do have a dear place in my heart. Downton still makes me cry.
Ehrengard - The Art of Seduction: This film has its funny moments, and it is a fun little period piece. But Ehrengard, the title character, is more of a plot device than a character for most of the film, which I thought was a little silly.
The Last Voyage of the Demeter: A very good horror movie that made me cover my eyes and cry out as I sat alone in the movie theater watching it. Good horror, interesting characters, and thrilling storytelling. Great fun.
Sister Death:  It's has a really cool style to it, but that's kind of the only thing I thought the movie had going for it. There was something about it that made it difficult to follow the story, in my opinion.
The Marvels: It felt like another draft of a script that had been written with the same old story structure that Marvel still hasn't updated in a long time. It still somewhat works, but it's also really predictable and tired. I knew almost what each character would say before they said it, because Marvel has become a real cliché.
In Love and Deep Water: Just a really adorable Japanese romcom movie. Cute characters with a funny little murder mystery lurking around in the background. Just good fun.
We have a Ghost:  a fun idea and the cast was awesome, but wow this script felt stilted.
The Hunger Games – the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes: Followed the book very well – I haven't read in years, so therefor I didn't do a proper review. There's a lot crammed in there in a rather short period of time, but I thought they were able to deliver Snow's character so the message of self-satisfaction and the promise of comfort and power trumps everything else for many people in this a position of privilege, even if other people suffer because of it. Did everything they needed to do.
This is Christmas: a cute little Christmas movie that, in a sense, is just a traditional romcom set around Christmas. But still it does manages to have a little more going for it than just two strangers falling in love around Christmas and I did enjoy the characters a lot.
1000 Miles from  Christmas: romcoms like this don't usually have the structure of pining and the buildup that I enjoy in a romcom. I thought things were happening a bit too fast here, but the story was adorable and the characters were fun though predictable. And although I thought all the little fact that one of the main characters 'hated Christmas' was a little overdone he didn't seem to be cured too swiftly of that ‘ailment’. But I would have liked more depth to it all, but there just wasn't time for that.
Monster: A heartwarming and heartfelt Japanese film where the three changing perspectives of the film keep surprising you until the very end without feeling too dramatic. Very attentive and compassionate.
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
Dumb story idea: Murder game with microtransactions
Okay, let's see if we can make this less dumb.
Rambling about themes and stuff
When I say "murder game," I'm thinking something in the same vein as Mirai Nikki. An organized event where a bunch of people murder each other for some kind of (often supernatural) prize. For my followers who read Wildbow and don't watch much anime, think "Face". For my followers who watch much anime and don't read Wildbow, you probably thought of two or three examples before you read this sentence.
So. Microtransactions. They're profitable, but infamous for promoting a "pay-to-win" climate. And sometimes just being super crass (remember that time a Harry Potter mobile game designed its initial progression so you'd run out of free resources during a scene where your character is basically being tortured?), but let's focus on the pay-to-win aspect for a moment, because themes.
Pay-to-win mechanics vary greatly. Sometimes it's just paying to speed things up, to get the same benefits as a free player in less time (which still means being a much stronger player in the short term...and the long term if the power cap keeps creeping upwards). Sometimes it's a big boost explicitly restricted to paying players. Often, it's in between. Always, it's hated—especially by the free players, whose hard work is irrelevant in the face of players with deep pockets.
The real world is, in a sense, also pay-to-win. People with money can buy all sorts of advantages, getting better education, better housing, better opportunities to gain more money (often without having to do anything except invest some of your money). Bringing this real-world unfairness to the story would open a pretty fertile thematic vein and serve as a natural way to make our protagonist (who is not a whale)
Before I get to the premise proper: Some more recent death game anime have designed their games in a way that theoretically allows nonviolent conclusions to the game. Of course, for one reason or another, a significant number of players don't want to take the nonviolent route, because otherwise there wouldn't be a story. (Not that it's hard to come up with those reasons, since the author makes up the terms by which a game ends and the consequences thereof.)
I like the complexity this adds. The basic death game structure doesn't allow much flexibility; if A doesn't want to die, B needs to die sooner or later. This opt-out-of-murder thing does mean no "only one of us can survive this" angst, but that's pretty played out.
Rules of the Game
Imagine a world with futuristic technology, particularly biotech and the like, but a violently backwards value system. Only the worthy should rule, they believe, and only the strong are worthy. The world is run by private associations, and those associations are lead by the strongest within them. (So, Ghost in the Shell as written by Klingon Ayn Rand, kinda.) If you paid attention to the previous section, or the title, you can probably guess how the groups find their strongest.
Whenever an associations needs a new chairman, applicants enter into a big death game test of might. Applicants can choose to subordinate themselves to another applicant; this subordination makes them permanently ineligible for becoming chairman. When only one eligible applicant and their subordinates remain, that applicant becomes the association's chairman.
There might be smaller tests of might for lesser positions, but those are lower-stakes and hence less appropriate as a central plot. They'd work well as a way to build up the threat of antagonists, though. "Andrew Edison knows what he's doing; he's already won three tests!"
Should the test of might take place in public cities, like most death game anime, or should it have some kind of dedicated arena? The latter makes more sense; outsiders can't easily interfere (except by official channels), it limits damage to productive assets (and citizens), enables a more active level of surveillance than the standard panopticon.
So what would this arena be like? Well, it should be spacious and compartmentalized by enough cover/structures/whatever that teams can safely camp out and fortify said camp; nonstop gunfire until everyone dies would be quite a harrowing test, but hard to control, and harder to write a coherent narrative around. And it needs the infrastructure to distribute supplies, both for the microtransactions and for basic survival. And...
It would probably be possible to justify having the test of might take place in some Hunger-Games-style outdoorsy arena, or an abstract artificial space full of traps and environmental hazards. But I struggle to think of a reason why that would be better than a facsimile urban environment. Especially since we could lean into how shallow that facade is for symbolism. Also in ways that make it feel less like it's aping genre staples.
Which brings the question of how much of a city should be simulated. Filling it with android set dressing would stretch suspension of belief for little narrative benefit, but autonomous vehicles driving around the streets, mostly just serving as obstacles but occasionally being useful in schemes or to raid for spare parts, could be neat. And the occasional combat robot to serve as a hazard (or maybe to be directed via microtransaction) could also liven things up. But that's moving away from "simulated city" and towards "artificial environment". Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Anyways, I think most of the buildings should basically just be empty shells, perhaps with a couple upper floors and/or some chest-high walls for cover. Because facade. Symbolism!
Team Stuff
I'm a bit conflicted on how permanent subordination should be. Can subordinates willingly abandon their superior and subordinate themselves to a different applicant? What happens if a subordinate's superior is killed—does the subordinate become un-subordinated? If so, subordinates have an incentive to kill their superior; if not, a superior's death leads to a bunch of subordinates with no chance of survival if they can't subordinate themselves to another eligible applicant—and what happens if the only survivors are subordinates?
There are two options I'm leaning towards. One is "loose association"; subordinates remain subordinates, but can more or less freely change masters. This allows social/character dynamics between characters to play into the story more, but limits rules-based politicking. The only rule is "Join the winning team before the test ends," and it seems like subordinates would logically bail once they realized their team is losing. When only one non-subordinated applicant remains, that player automatically becomes chairman; it's assumed subordinates of other applicants would rather join the team than die.
The other option is "strict teams". Once you subordinate yourself to Alice, you're Alice's subordinate permanently. If Alice dies, you're screwed; you can't sign on with another eligible applicant. "Unlead subordinates" only have one chance at survival: If all eligible applicants die, all subordinates become eligible applicants again. I like this one for a few reasons.
First, it allows the rules of the game to be leveraged against other players for some interesting politicking. Second, those unlead subordinates make for a distinct "team" in a way emerges from the rules without being stated by them: If the unlead subordinates can kill every eligible applicant (or force them all to subordinate themselves to someone else), then they're back in the game. But it's a different team than the eligible-applicant-headed ones, because the unlead subordinates don't have any formal ties to each other; they have some medium-term interests in common, but character/social dynamics come back in full force.
It turns the unlead subordinates into a scattered out-group. They have common interests, but little to prevent infighting and no coordination. Plus, there are probably systems that subordination-based teams can use (like team chat or maybe some kind of funds-transfer system) which aren't available to the unlead subordinates.
The eligible applicants and their subordinates casually hunt them, background violence between big clashes; they're just petty threats, after all. Maybe the active subordinates would benefit from the unlead subordinates getting their way, letting them have a second shot at victory (or at least a second choice of leader)...but that would require the unlead subordinates to actually succeed, and it seems far more likely that they'd just weaken your team before dying.
(I was trying to discuss two decent options and accidentally talked myself into choosing one...)
I'm also considering the pros and cons of tiered subordinates. Like, if an applicant with subordinates becomes someone else's subordinate, do their subordinates just become normal subordinates of their boss, or is there something to be gained from making it more complex?
While I'm here: I know "eligible applicant" and "unlead subordinate" are clunky phrases to repeat dozens of times, but I like them. Subcategories named by adding an adjective to the category name feels "formal corporate," if that makes sense. It feels like something that would be written in a business textbook or accounting ledger. Cold, technical, bloodless.
Cycling back around to the stupid idea that started me thinking down this route at last.
People in power are, of course, going to use that power to influence the outcome of these "tests of might". So they accumulate wealth, and when the test comes, they use that wealth to buy advantages. That's kinda the point of this whole thing.
Since we're drawing a connection between the death game and (usually) mobile games, we should probably steal some of their mechanics. At the very least, have microtransactions be paid for with a "currency" that can theoretically be earned in-game (e.g, by killing other players). Of course, it can be gained in far greater quantities with real-world cash, from the applicant, their family, or "campaign donors". (Possibly, some donors would be more like investors or Hunger Games viewers? Keep the options open until someone actually decides to write this.)
But what are they buying, and how? If this was fantasy, it would be easy; they're buying boons, which they get by magic. But fantasy would clash with this story. It's mixing aesthetic/mechanical elements of modern mobile games with critique of how wealth disparity makes a joke out of the modern world's alleged meritocracy. That fits perfectly with cyberpunk, but poorly with the sensibilities of fantasy (which lie somewhere between ancient myth and the Wild West).
So. Cyberpunk. Suppose that all applicants have a certain base level of cybernetic augmentation. Maybe cyberarms or torso implants or what-have-you are standard in this society. (Which has further implications beyond the power system—for instance, people being forced to replace parts of their body with tools to keep a job.) Microtransactions could provide modules to upgrade those standard cybernetics, some of which are very powerful. Of course, smaller microtransactions could provide other things. Medical supplies and spare parts, ammunition, information, maybe food and cybernetic...energy...things. Sci-fi batteries. But the big-ticket items would be the modules. And maybe a "get out of death free" card, free resuscitation in case of death; no reason the rich and powerful should be subjected to the same risks as the plebs.
Here's how I imagine the module system working:
It's opt-out gacha. You can pay a lot to get a specific module you want, or pay less for a random module. You can pay more to get better modules; there's a "default banner" which can give any grade of module, and "premium banners" which guarantee you'll get a 5☆ module.
Applicants are limited in the number of modules they can purchase per unit time. Applicants of means don't buy more modules, generally; they buy better modules.
You can only install so many modules in your cybernetics. However, you can also give your modules to subordinates and allies if you want (or as ransom).
Recovering modules from the deceased is impractical; even if you avoid damaging them, corpses are swiftly recovered. But it's not impossible, if you have a good enough plan.
Most other microtransactions are unlimited. Control options like "make that big combat robot ignore my team" or "have vehicles cause problems for that one guy" would be exceptions.
Microtransactions involving physical objects would be limited to locations where the object could be physically dispensed. This probably involves some kind of dispenser machine—which can, of course, be destroyed by your rivals. Possibly, all (nearby?) players are alerted when a nearby dispenser is being used, for a bit of extra tension/systems to exploit. (It's also another reason to build your fortified camp around a dispenser location.)
These rules apply to stuff like food and ammo as well as big purchases. Resource management is key...unless you have enough resources that it's trivial.
Why play this rigged game?
Point 1: It's the only game in town. Point 2: Some people are idealistic enough to think it's fair, a genuine chance for the strong to prove their worthiness. Point 3: Some people might be forced into it, either literally (through individual contracts, or some policy written for the purpose, or something) or factually (they're out of options, so they go for the moonshot).
But that's pretty threadbare, isn't it?
Broadly speaking, I think there are two broad ways to justify people taking this risk without having the means to actually win. First, death benefits. Maybe someone who shows valor in the test of might (by killing other applicants) before dying has some fraction of their earned microtransaction currency cashed out and handed to their next of kin.
Second, networking. Joining the test of might gives you a shot at working directly for the future chairman! It's not just a chance to prove your worthiness to lead the association; it's a chance to prove your worthiness to the association's leader. If you bet on the right horse and impress the future chairman, or especially if you save their butt, they're likely to give you a good subordinate position. And maybe there's an expectation that anyone who willingly becomes your subordinate gets some kind of position out of it (if you survive and win).
That's better. Now onto something important.
Alright, so...I feel like the primary themes should be obvious by now. Consolidation of wealth bad, equality under capitalism false. The veneer of competition is just a way to build legitimacy for people with power to maintain/expand their power. By contrast, non-hierarchical organizations and systems which actively distribute power are good and fair (to the extent that such systems can be portrayed in this aggressively hierarchical setting).
But that's just themes. What meat goes on this thematic skeleton?
One of the larger associations has a chairman opening, so it holds an exceptional test of might. Thousands of applicants flood in, some of whom held positions at other associations, all hoping for a shot at landing a decent gig at the big association.
Our hero is a mechanic with a bit of experience with handguns. He's contracted by an idealistic, hopeful applicant to become his subordinate and support his push for chairmanship. Said protagonist is mostly there because he can make cyberlimbs and modules work in ways that they aren't strictly supposed to work. Of course, he's not the only one contracted, and a few more applicants join the boss's team by force.
All of this establishes a normal for this kind of competition, but also contrasts the "normal" that other players expect with our hero's boss's attitude. He seems like a good dude; friendly, charismatic, pretty talented, and he pulled a top-rank module by sheer luck. The boss, the hero, and a few other notables on the team seem to be forming a five-man-band at the core of a bunch of misfit underdogs with the tools they need to take down this system.
And then the boss dies, along with some of the other major-seeming characters. Everyone on the team is an unlead subordinate, basically doomed to die. Some of the press-ganged guys start shooting the core members of the ex-team, chaos ensues, the hero and some of his former teammates barely get away.
Now that they're proper underdogs, lowest of the low, the story can begin. A story about trying to organize people at the bottom of the hierarchy, about trying to do something that could change things. Things they need to do to survive, but that doesn't make them easy to do.
I'm torn on whether this story should end like a modern dystopia or a classic dystopia. That is, should our protagonists ultimately succeed and Make A Change to the system, or should they be crushed by it? The former ending would be more uplifting, more empowering, more fun, but...it also goes against the core themes of the story. It would be the protagonists working hard, pulling themselves up by their bootraps, and beating their opponents despite the unfair advantages they bought themselves. The contest is fair after all! The people who deserved to win, did!
But maybe there's a third option. The hero's team tries to fight by the rules, gets battered for it, and decides to fuck the system. Forget the game, forget the rules.
Maybe I'll think of a good way to do that if I fill in the blanks in this outline. But that's enough for now.
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adiarosefandoms · 2 years
Hocus Pocus 2
Review: *Spoilers start at the end of paragraph 3
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Look, I am a witchy girl. I love black cats, and medieval/Victorian fashion, and all things magic. With this I have also fallen in love with witch-themed movies and books. Wicked, Practical Magic, and Harry Potter I all love. But little else signifies the transition into the Halloween season for me quite like Hocus Pocus. Me and my family have been watching this movie every October for, I don’t even know how many years. So, you can imagine that I was very excited, but skeptical, when Disney announced that they would be coming out with a second movie. And all I can say is, I am pleasantly surprised. I’m not sure how bad a movie can even be with the Sanderson Sisters at the helm, and while the first Hocus Pocus is superior, this one was still loads of fun to watch and I have zero regrets. I don’t care about the new teen leads. I had no emotional connection to them, I didn’t care about them, they didn’t matter. They were a means to an end to get this second movie made. But every scene with the Sandersons or Billy, pure childhood nostalgia. To start with the real stars of this movie, lets discuss the witches. I remember vividly just transitioning from wanting to be a princess one day, to wanting to be a witch the next. They’re stories always just end up being much more sympathetic, and they just seem like more fun. Seeing the sisters on the screen, Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy just looked like they were having so much fun. The dynamic between the three girls is as amusing and entertaining as it has always been, but they added an extra emotional element by giving us an origin where Winifred was almost taken from her sisters. And the ending where Winnie sees her sisters die, and without a second thought says that she doesn’t care about her powers, she wants her sisters back, it was just beautiful. But it was made even greater when revealed the sisters weren’t returning, she was going to them, and Winnie just had the most content smile on her face. You just can’t not love those witchy sisters. Next: Billy. I always liked Billy a lot. Next to Sarah he was my favorite character. But he just became even more lovable in this film, and even more like Johnny Depp Jack Sparrow/Edward Scissorhands character, so that I fully fell in love with him. I was skirting the edge of that pond before, but now I’m completely submerged and have zero regrets. I don’t know why actors focusing on physicality makes me fall for them, but every jerky movement Billy made just made me fall further and further. I also just loved the way he talked, and his insults to Winifred. Doug Jones was just fantastic in this role. I didn’t care for when the Sandersons appeared and did the musical number in the forest, because that’s meant to bewitch people and there was no one they were trying to bewitch. I was suddenly super afraid they were just gonna Disney Channel-ify the whole thing, but their cover of “One Way or Another” was super fun to watch. Also, I’m a little confused. Winnie plainly stated in the original movie that her book was given to her by Satan himself, so either that witch in the woods was Satan in disguise and Disney thought that Satan is too scary for kids, or the writers just forgot a key part of the canon they had to follow. I’m hoping it’s the former. I also really enjoyed all the callbacks to the original, including the fourth wall break of two guys actually watching a scene from the first Hocus Pocus. We had another black cat (though nonspeaking), Sarah’s song was reprised several times, and we got a random town’s lady in the mothers iconic Madonna costume. There were also mentions of Sarah’s hidden rat tails, talk of the spell that would one day be used on Binx, Mary riding a vacuum again (but this time two roombas), the use of water to trick the witches, the sisters saying “Buh-bye”, and Sarah gleefully shouting “Amok! Amok! Amok!”
Overall, the movie was just a good time. The Sandersons were fabulous as ever, most jokes landed, Billy was amazing, and it was about time that a book shed a tear after all the times they’ve made me cry. Is there going to a third one? The post-credit scene sure made it look like it, but I would be satisfied with this movie concluding the Hocus Pocus story. I was incredibly impressed with the writers’ abilities to not only emulate key characteristics of the witches, but also add more depth to them. If you’re looking for a high-quality feature, this movie isn’t for you. But if you want to have some fun, experience a spin on nostalgia, and get into the season, it’s a really good and quick watch. After all, it’s not meant to be a life-changing thing. It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus.
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🍍🫐 for the fruit asks
Hello my dear @ria-coolgirl I'm finally happy to answer something like this (I find this very cool because followers learn more about you and your stuff and I I just like that)
Pineapple : So AU first what I like. I like alternative universes where everything is darker, bloodier and full of fear and pain. I don't know why but like making kids/youth series darker and a big what if we just throw in a couple of guns, vampires and monsters and see what it's like. (I already did that with die wilden kerle (the wild soccer bunch), a German children's series where I just threw in weapons, a what if after the fifth film there was something else and a bit of gayness and violence (and it went down really well and mayn liked it which made me really happy). What I also like for alternate universes is when you put two different fandoms together (can be just one fandom) and (characters have to harmonise well and it has to be well written) and maybe send them to a different time than the one they are in. But not in a ,,Oh my god where are we" way, but that it has always been set in that time.
But what I don't like at all is that I haven't read anything good for it, for example harry potter but without magic or you take away the skin feature and just make it normal like school life or something that I just find kind of boring.
One thing I don't like in fanfiction in general (everyone can read whatever they want, I just don't click on it and look for something else) is A/B/O or Omegaverse. I just don't like it at all which is not least due to the fact that this au (if you can call it that) disturbed me in the mha fandom (but I am also (luckily) not in the mha fandom which scares me and I found the manga boring). I don't know this whole heatwave and knots and male pregnancy thing is not mine and I don't like it (maybe I hate it more than a little bit but seriously everyone can read what they want)
Blueberry : So coming to the blueberry I'll just list a few fandoms
The Adventures of Tintin : Tintin and Sakharine I know there are a few things about the 2011 film on ao3. But I think they both have so much potential, especially in the darker obessions area which I just love. This cat and mouse game between the two and how Skaharine actually wants to get rid of Tintin only to have him for himself - I like the concept a lot.
House of the Dragon : A shipping I have only read a one-shot for is Otto Hightower and Viserys Targaryen. I know it sounds weird but I like to think that maybe they had a bit of a thing together (like Rhaenyra and Alicent) and that broke up for whatever reason. I like to imagine that it is more than just greed for the throne that drives otto and not perhaps revenge that Viserys has turned away from him.
Horror fandoms : So in a little thing of its own a shipping which is a crossover ship. Daniel Matthews from Saw and Quentin from the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. I wrote a one-shot for them and I think they have so much potential. Trauma bonding and angst and just fluff for the two of them together.
Disney : Another crossover ship but that is due to disney crossovers amvs on youtube. Dimitri from Anastasia and Jim from the treasure planet. The two have become my favourite crossover ship simply because of the videos and I just like it.
Fantastic beast and where to find them movie 3 : Anton Vogel and Helmut my sweet german boys. I know that they have I think like zero interactions but me and a friend of mine just love them together in a obsesssive you are mine I'm your way. I also have writen a Four-Shot as my own au (where Anton and Helmut are together, Helmut was a soldier and an ex prostitute and got into buisenss with Anton. Also Percival Graves lives and is together with Credence)
Apart from that, I think that's it for now. I know it's kind of small, but I can't really think of that many at once. I hope it was interesting anyway :)
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bg-sparrow · 2 years
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers! ✨
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!) Three and a half? Four on a good day. I've come a long way in 18 years, and I am always looking for ways to improve my craft. Seeing how much I've learned in that time, I can only imagine how much more there is left to learn.
2. Why do you write fanfiction? I love being able to share stories with others who are already invested in the people, places, and stories of canon. I get to feel like I have a say. I like that my audience already knows so much without me having to world-build, too. It's a great community.
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? I'm a lot older than your average fanfic author these days, so I just have more experience in general on how to tell a story and what elements work well in certain places. I also research the crap out of everything I do because I don't like to spread misinformation, even in fanfic.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you? @knickynoo, @writingwife-83, @alydiarackham, @florencia7 @perrydowning - to you all, while you don't know me, I adore your works, and they inspire me to provide a worthwhile experience with a quality story. Thank you for sharing all of your amazing works with your fandoms and helping me become a better writer for it.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? I'm big proud of Where You Are (Time Circuits Series #2). That story took forever to sort out the logistics, but it so paid off. It's my favorite big story in the series. Also really proud of Principles of Compromise because I came back after eight years and finished it!
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily? Dialogue. I love writing dialogue. It's what keeps people engaged and the story moving. People don't skip the dialogue!
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Starting. Once I start, the words will just keep coming; I know that. But I get stuck on starting so much.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write? I find my OC from the Time Circuits Series, Emma Brown, easy to write because I've literally been writing her for seventeen years. Marty and Doc also get a mention because they're with her in all the stories. I'm also super good at Tony Stark, I'm told. And Cutler Beckett and Buford Tannen, my bad boys. ❤️
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write? Recently, Clara Clayton, but only because I had little experience in writing her before Part 3. I'm comfortable enough with my take on her, but I always hoped others might tell me it was enough.
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for? I like drama and comedies. Angst can get fun, too!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most? These crazy people whose lives revolve a time-travelling DeLorean.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about. I am very excited about the Secret Santa I'm working on right now, and I'm planning notes on a sequel to Once Upon a Time in the West! It will likely be titled "Once Upon a Time in the East" and follow Marty and Buford toward the East Coast in pursuit of a mutual enemy.
13. First fandom you ever wrote for? I guess Harry Potter? First one published was Pirates of the Caribbean.
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for? Right now, Back to the Future. I've known these movies for 33 years, and I feel confident enough to write about them.
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for? Bewitched (2005), Stranger Than Fiction, Copying Beethoven, and Die Hard.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? Arranged marriage, time travel, unplanned pregnancy, silly miscommunication/ misinterpretation
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for. Soulmate, A/B/O, coffee shop
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written? FFHQ for sure: Nina Cue is the newest secretarial substitute at FFHQ, a fan fiction production company. Being a “sub” is quite a unique experience — floating from fandom to fandom each day to fill in for the characters’ secretaries. The charming, insufferable James Norrington sets the tone for her foreseeable work life. With fellow subs Reese and Josh to share in her wins and woes, Nina just might survive the parties, paperwork, flirts, rivals, and drama.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between? I'm all for any, depending on the mood. I wrote an OC x canon with the utmost respect for canon in mind, so I guess in between?
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff? I do tend to get shippy, but I'm just a romantic and I can't help it. Not like a romance novel-level romantic, but a small-things-are-big-gestures romantic.
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!) I have spent ten years writing Marty McFly and my OC, Emma Brown, and I must say, they go well together! I actually also really enjoyed writing for Elizabeth Swann and James Norrington even though they weren't the ship in the story! People were rooting for them and they knew it wasn't the endgame lol. I also wrote a lot of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts (Pepperony)! Apparently I've just got a knack for these two!
22. Do you listen to anything while you write? I do have playlists cultivated to go with each specific story I'm working on (mostly film/ TV/ video game scores), but when music isn't helping, I'll listen to rain or thunderstorms!
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? I think a lot of original ideas can come from prompts and challenges! I'm about to start a sequel on a little side story I wrote for Cowboyvember, and I'm taking it so seriously! But the ideas within the story are fairly original.
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works? Usually one-shots because TIME. But if the work count isn't crazy, I'll do multichapter.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them! I do! For Time Circuits Series, I think about Marty and Emma having those four daughters Marty joked about. I think about going back to write the 1985A version of their counterparts' stories. Maybe an origin story for Doc and Emma's mother. For "Once Upon a time in the West", I'm about to work on the sequel, "Once Upon a Time in the East".
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try? Yes, and I'm actually starting to try it for the first time in my "Once Upon a Time in the West Stories" — sexuality. I've written pretty vanilla stuff my whole life, but I want to give this stuff a shot because I know how to be respectful and tread lightly (but appreciate being told otherwise if that's not the case as I'm not experienced).
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received? This one has stuck with me since it was posted to Where You're Going (Time Circuits #1) on FFN in 2015, and it's the one that inspired me to maintain these expectations as I continued the trilogy: "I am completely head over heels for your story! Emma is a wonderful character and I think she has a good amount of Doc in her, which I've seen other variations of his daughter lack. Also I love how you've incorporated her into the story so smoothly, giving her a sub-plot that intertwines so well with the movie but doesn't feel forced at all. While reading I actually found myself forgetting that she wasn't actually IN the movie. Your writing style is wonderfully lively and I can't wait to read more!"
28. How well do you handle criticism regarding your writing? So, I was writing an excellent piece for a creative writing assignment in college. The next day, the professor hands out copies to the entire class, and they DESTROY it. And I was hurt and embarrassed at the time (yay, RSD), but it was THE BEST THING that EVER happened to me as a writer. I use the one class period EVERY SINGLE TIME I WRITE as a lesson, motivation, and key to putting my best out there. Thank you, Dr. Craig. After that, I can happily handle whatever criticism people want to throw at me.
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out? I did that with "Once Upon a Time in the West". I made Marty bisexual, though he's kind of in denial about it and still leans more toward women. I've never touched anything like that before. And I wrote about depression a lot in the story. Also new-ish territory now that I'm writing with experience.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst? Both.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them! I never shut up about Emma Brown, the teenage daughter I gave Doc Brown in my rewrite of the Back to the Future film trilogy. She's a little brainy like her dad but not quite there yet, heavily sarcastic to the point it's a shield/ coping mechanism, loves peanut butter and old sitcoms, outgoing, outspoken, has terrible handwriting, and an unspoken romantic. Her mother died in childbirth on Aug 9, 1968. You can find out more about her — and see her — here!
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less. "Marty and Buford begrudgingly respect each other sort of"
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process? I do it all between working motherhood. I write on my work computer, my phone, my couch, my bed, my desk, my dining room table. I have full-blown conversations with myself in my notebooks as a kind of Roundtable of Ericas discussion for figuring out big plot points and they never disappoint!
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of. This excerpt is from Where You're Going (Time Circuits #1), Chapter 14: Of the Essence, in which Emma has been tasked with writing the letter to warn her father about the Libyans and turns to Marty for help. That letter always has to come from Marty for me, and this was how I made that work (and snuck in some romance):
"I can't do it."
Marty looked up from the television as Emma fell into the couch next to him, defeated.
"Can't do what?"
"I can't write the letter!" she half-whispered in frustration. She grabbed the throw pillow at the far end of the couch and pushed it into her uneasy stomach as she tucked her feet up under herself. "I don't know what to say! What do I say? Should I tell him everything or be as vague as possible? Do I tell him who I am? Is that even relevant to the whole thing? I don't know if it should be short or long or scolding or sorry or just…euragh!"
Her overwhelmed nerves sent her forehead between his shoulder and the couch with a helpless, muffled grunt of resignation. Marty's eyebrows raised at her outburst.
"I need your help," she practically whimpered.
Marty sighed, calmly looking over at her crinkled mass of loose waves spilling over his shoulder. The television's light gave her rounded back and calves sharp contrast, but the firelight touched her wild tresses with all of the soft warmth of an oil painting.
He swallowed.
…What the hell, McFly?
Suddenly, her breath found that exposed part of skin where his shirt had ridden up against the cushions, and he blinked at the sensation, rolling his neck slowly to ward off the goose bumps travelling up his spine.
Now was not the time to be dwelling on such things - such things as Emma recently being able to desensitize him as easily as throwing a switch, for example. And when exactly had "recently" started?
He should not have even entertained acknowledging this stuff right now. Whatever "this stuff" was. Not when she was on the verge of legitimately wigging out. You'd think the girl had misplaced her organic nomenclature notes to the point of searching the freezer again.
The situation at hand, however, was way more serious. Doc didn't get shot by terrorists because Emma couldn't find Chemistry notes. And regardless of what involuntary thoughts, feelings, and reactions he had "recently" been having towards the girl stuffed into his shoulder blade, she was a friend that needed him above all else right now.
Carefully, Marty shifted his right side into the arm of the chair.
Already emotionally numbed from her escapades at the writing desk, Emma hadn't the mind to do anything but bat her eyelashes as Marty laid back into the corner of the sofa, took the throw pillow from her, and dropped it to his lap. Emma hazily stared at Marty's arm outstretched beside her. He nodded to himself, the fingers of his left hand extending a quick, fluttering invitation to come closer. Her eyes met his in a wordless exchange, and he simply reached for her.
Before Emma could let herself overthink more things than she was already overthinking, she boredly told herself to shut up, stretched out on her right side, and let her head settle into the pillow. The curve of her neck relaxed as black and white flickers from the television danced along it. In some other state of mind, she would be incredibly proud of herself for not flinching as Marty's arm draped over her, fingertips barely touching the pleated waist of her silken nightdress.
Right now, his contact seemed a necessity, not a desire. She needed somebody, something to reassure her that all three of them were going to come out on the other end of this thing okay. It seemed to be all catching up to her after being bombarded with the questions posed while writing the letter to her father; one wrong move was all it took. Emma putting one word out of place, Marty pushing his father out from in front of a car, Doc miscalculating by a single decimal place – everything hung in the balance of the simplest things that shouldn't require any thought or no-never-mind.
Instead, she folded her knees up over her churning stomach. She sighed again as Marty's thumb grazed a small spot on her arm. Rin Tin Tin came back from commercial break.
"What do we do?" Emma asked at length.
Marty looked down at her, lowering his fist from the side of his face. Her rosy nightgown and Doc's oversized robe cascaded over her and off the couch, much as her hair had sprawled into his lap. He couldn't count how many times they'd hung out on the couch at the end of a long study session or because they simply didn't want to do anything for the rest of the day. And, yes, they'd sat shoulder-to-shoulder occasionally and dozed off that way, but having her laying at his side with his arm around her like this?
Friendly casualness, comforting, what have you; everything aside, this was a first.
And it felt like they'd done it a hundred times.
Swallowing, Marty gently clutched the excess of robe at her waist. "We'll write it together tomorrow."
"Do you think we're going to be okay?"
Marty's heart sank. Emma, who had been barreling headlong through this week so very brave-faced, was finally beginning to show the hope wilting within her. He sat back into the couch. Of all the difficult questions she had ever asked him, this was one of the hardest.
"Of course we are," he whispered, trying to convince himself as much as her. He curled his hand over hers. "We're going home tomorrow night, Em. Where your dad is alive and waiting for us."
Emma's throat thickened. Her lips shook.
"I miss him, Marty."
He squeezed her hand and didn't let go.
"So do I."
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want! When I got back into writing last year, I planned to wrap up the fics I'd left unfinished and be at peace with fan fic, maybe be more of a reader than writer after that. Now, I'm putting out more than I ever have, thanks to finding the BttF community on Tumblr; they just want me to keep writing my crazy adventures and I want to share them! So maybe I'm not done writing just yet. :)
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rickchung · 2 years
I (Finally) Binged All of ‘Game of Thrones’
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I am currently watching the new Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon (without having seen any of the original series first) and have enjoyed it so much so far, it finally got me to binge-watch the entire eight-season run of one of the most popular and culturally relevant television shows of all time and even finished it all before the HotD season one finale.
Anyway, here are a few random thoughts I had throughout watching the series (major spoilers ahead!):
It’s interesting being basically spoiled for every major plot point in the show and not really caring. I even read ahead for certain spoilers to better understand the many different characters and where they were heading.
It’s insane how so many of the main characters who are related to each other are separated almost immediately when the show begins and in some instances either never meet again (they die) or not until near the end of the entire series.
I absolutely hated the following characters in order starting from the worst: Joffrey, Viserys, Ramsay, Cersei, and Theon. Joffrey was the absolute worst. I actually skipped through many of his scenes. A lot of the sadistic behaviour from the aforementioned characters felt very undercooked and they just had to die eventually.
There really were way too many characters in general to follow. I feel like every British or Western European actor not already in Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter showed up. I was surprised how many actors I didn’t know were on GoT ended up appearing.
I found it very frustrating how many nakedly power-hungry characters there were who were constantly making enemies and eliminating others in their path without considering the consequences. It’s almost as if being needlessly cruel and ruling through fear or violence would backfire. In contrast, everyone loved Jon Snow and wanted him to be king because he was so noble and trustworthy.
I can’t imagine watching the show week to week over the course of eight years. Since there are no time jumps and the multiple stories unfold like a soap opera, it’s very satisfying watching one episode after another in immediate succession.
It’s insane how much of the action of the series takes place while one character (often paired with another character) is travelling from one continent to another. I actually groaned every time someone ventured out on a quest. Some pairings seemed very random with allegiances switching very quickly.
Daenerys just kind of wandered the desert and somehow amassed a massive army and dragons? Also, people moved and travelled on foot or horseback a lot with not much luggage or food for sometimes years at a time.
Jamie Lannister’s redemptive character arc over the course of the whole series was pretty impressive considering we’re introduced to him just railing his twin sister doggystyle before throwing a boy out a window and crippling him in the very first episode.
Alternatively, Theon Greyjoy has probably the wildest arc. He goes from essentially a hostage to a traitor, being castrated, enslaved, and eventually redeeming himself.
Why does the Hand of the King seem to have so much unchecked power for an appointed position?
It’s almost as if propping up an ill-equipped, spoiled, and petulant child with no experience or aptitude for ruling anything much less a kingdom as a monarch to lead from behind the scenes is just a bad idea.
In season four, they just replace Ed Skrein with Michiel Huisman (who was later basically just left behind forever in season six) and found it incredibly jarring considering how different they look and act.
Most disturbing imagery: Lysa Arryn breastfeeding her grown child, Theon hitting on then groping his sister Yara before realizing who she is, and a naked Melisandre giving birth to a shadow monster.
Bran seems to disappear for large stretches and reappears randomly with strange new powers in the middle seasons. I forgot he was still on the show during various parts.
I did not care for the whole religious sect taking over King’s Landing storyline in season six. It seemed like a very stupid idea to merge church and state.
Jon’s heroic arc from bastard to king was the real deal as he basically becomes both his adopted brother Robb and father Ned, whom he worshipped, in his reluctant hero characterization by the finale. Also, I now get why everyone laughed when Richard Madden and Kit Harrington appeared on screen in Eternals.
Pedro Pascal’s Oberyn Martell really went out like a punk, didn’t he?
Tywin Lannister was kind of the big bad villain of the whole series and no one else ever felt replaced him as a big threat after he was gone.
Cersei somehow became Queen because all of her heirs died even though none of them with actually born of King Robert, everyone hated her, she was tried and punished for some heinous crimes, and clearly killed a bunch of people including her husband..? No way she should have survived the entire series. Surely, someone would have killed her far earlier. She had so many powerful enemies and frankly, she was really incompetent and kind of backed into power thanks to her father.
You can tell they had way less budget in the first couple of seasons where scenes were overlit, sets looked very generic, location shooting was clearly limited, and they relied way too much on close-up shots.
The sweet spot was around the middle seasons before they ran out of book material and they clearly had enough juice to fully executive some of the more expensive action.
That undead zombie dragon attack on the wall was pretty badass.
I never understood who the hell the “Lord of Light” was.
I felt like Jon and Daenerys’ conflict around who had the biggest claim to the Iron Throne should have lasted at least a whole season.
Daenerys’ descent into madness in the last few episodes is much less problematic when watched so quickly. But yes, it feels very rushed and forced.
Ravens seem like a crazy advanced and accurate form of mail. Everyone seems to get their messages and quickly despite no one knowing where anyone is or even if they are alive. Information seems to travel fast in the Seven Kingdoms.
Does the whole series take place over the course of like a few years... like almost in real-time without the break in between seasons in reality?
Who finally ends up on the Iron Throne and why and how is incredibly unsatisfying given the eight seasons of buildup. Seriously though, Bran?!
I normally would try to watch any big culturally popular series live on the air but after finally watching all of GoT, I’m still kinda glad I sat it out and was able to have a different perspective on the show years later.
Considering the massive production, the sheer amount of storytelling, juggling so many characters, and having outpaced the still unfinished book series it’s based on, there was little chance GoT was going to have a broadly satisfying conclusion to such an epic and unconventional saga.
Finally, I forget, do Lannisters always pay their debts or not? They never mention it. Seriously though, Joffrey sucked and I could not wait for him to die.
Also, I went back and watched a bunch of GoT-related videos, parodies, and such and now understand all the various jokes and references I kind of missed out on while they were happening. I highly recommend “Jon Snow to a Dinner Party”, “Melisandre at a Baby Shower”, and the Conan O’Brien-hosted reunion special.
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seelestia · 2 years
it's like a patronus lol more proof that we're family, no? :P
very very true. any editors are better than tumblr atp ;w; even on mobile, tumblr editor deletes paragraphs at times. like... why. >:/
chicken sandwiches ftw!! hskshdks that's kinda adorable... yes child, you have your cocoa latte while i'll have my flat white- /j
yes yes the jp version is my favorite in that scene!!! (isn't umeyuu really ikemen irl too lol) i mean the en va did a good job too ofc but from all versions the jp one just hits differently... or maybe i am biased lol
i am loving the married couple bickering between those two lmao i really hope their banner is together or something (i heard kaveh is a 4*?)... oooh i wish genshin had a system where there was a unique "added to party" line that triggers if certain characters are in that party yk?? e.g. if you add kaveh to a party with al haitham he might have the chance to say "ugh not this guy" or "you have bad taste" lmaoooo wouldn't that be fun?? i'm so making this a post sjdlsjdl
i tried exploring around mond to 100% my exploration (so far only 2 areas are 100%) with the treasure compass and it's. it's so relaxing but also it takes so. much. time. lsdfjslhdfjks i'm gonna die from the electroculus and dendroculus searching, i just know it ;w;
*stamps 'chronic simp' sign on your hand* welp now we match-
yeye i heard about that too! so my current plan is to use my guarantee to 'mouchie cause i just gotta collect these anemo boys it's my destiny (i somehow have a feeling his rerun won't be anytime soon after this cause we're already kinda 'done' with his story, while compared to that childe will definitely still appear in the future???) and then pull on ayato's banner. if i'm lucky, i'll get ayato, but if not at least that means guaranteed al haitham (which i heard will be in 3.4?). but whatever it is al haitham's coming home no matter what cause i have the power of credit card
sobs i love that one the most too. the inspiration gods blessed me with that one ;w;
i'm cradling your hugs and cuddles close to my chest and sipping your tea with a smile. sending you back twice the hugs and headpats <3 <3
calling them our patronus sounds so cute AWWW <3 this makes me want to rewatch harry potter all of a sudden, but i'd probably end up falling asleep the moment i laid my head down on the sofa 😭 i think ayato would find the wizarding world vv intriguing and comment on its perks ("my, an invisibility cloak? i can only imagine the many tricks i'd be able to get away with." smack him /j). and for heizou, ik for sure that he would deffo be a fan of it (he's a nerd, a cute one).
i can see why you like the jp ver because umehara yuichiro's voice makes alhaitham sound extra feral LOLL i'm vv excited to see you go feral when his drip marketing comes out on twitter 👀 and yep, kaveh is a 4-star and it is most likely he'd be on the same banner as his beloathed roommate, pfft. OH, THAT IDEA SOUNDS FUN LOLLL you add kaveh into the party and alhaitham's unique voiceline is just "...sigh, care to remind me why he has to be here again?"
good luck with mondstadt's exploration, rin jie! >:) treasure hunting is like a more relaxed way to get 100% exploration and primos in small quantities. don't be like me and resort to finding the oculi yet because hoyoverse hides them in the weirdest places that i had to pull out guides 😭
GO GET SCARAMOOSH HOME! from what i saw in leaks, his kit is super cool and unique from the rest. the angy man literally floats in the air LOLLL and wishing you my good luck on ayato! hopefully, that commissioner will follow his great buddy oni's example and come home ;D and the way alhaitham is technically already guaranteed to be yours, whether that be with the power of credit card or not (hopefully not) fjejwkske
as you know for me, i'm definitely pulling for ayato with my guaranteed pity at 25 (i managed to secure layla within 20 pulls on childe's banner) + i have 80 fates saved rn, so it is safe to say the man will come home safe to me! i grinded so hard like i collected dendro sigils, the lumenstones and the res crystals at dragonspine to get those 2 free fates hoyoverse gave out 😭 i think after i get ayato, i'll probably go back to my "pulling on the banner i regret the least" technique. i hope ayato comes home early, so i'd still have some leftover fates <//3 EITHERWAY, BEST OF LUCK TO BOTH OF US! ✨
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vampireinterview · 4 years
pro tip on how to explain the spn ending to your friends
Have them imagine an alternate ending for the Harry Potter saga: what if Ron died in book 6 and never got mentioned again? Imagine he had no funeral and he was never grieved by any of the characters. 
After Harry kills Voldemort he starts planning to get a wizard career and finally rise to his full magic potential. First, he wants to visit the Dursleys and he falls off the stairs in their house. Hermione offers to heal him with magic but he says “he was always supposed to die in this staircase”. He promptly dies, right after a semi-romantic moment between him and his cousin. Nobody has time to attend his funreal because they’re busy with work (maybe?). Only Hermione and his owl show up.
Hermione moves on, gets a party wig and marries a man (but we never learn anything about him, his face is blurred). We do not know whether Hermione manages to follow her dreams and become the cleverest professor in all of Hogwarts, the details of her life are left out in favor of showing her son for some reason. 
All of the other characters - the Weasleys, Luna, Neville, Draco, Snape and Dumbledore - are killed by Voldemort and then resurrected off screen, we never see them again. 
Ginny’s arc is building up to have her be the love interest of one of the leads but then she’s just never mentioned again. 
Harry reunites with his abusive adoptive family in heaven because he doesn’t want to meet his actual parents. He doesn’t want to see Ron either but he smiles when he hears that he’s here.
The last shot is just Daniel Radcliff waving at the drone camera, thanking everybody for coming to the movie theater, as a Katy Perry cover of the main theme plays in the background.
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"Tom Riddle effectively destroys the country from the inside out, which I believe was his true goal the entire time" (c) wait a second, so you think that he wasn't going to really take over or anything, just destroy the fuck out of w britain?
I have avoided this ask long enough.
I’ll start by saying that asking me about Tom Riddle is like staring down into a bottomless rabbit hole. We could travel down that path, but it is a dark and perilous journey, and by the end of it I will come out looking like the Mad Hatter.
It also requires a few prerequisites that you’re just going to accept as true (or else got off the crazy train here).
We know very little about Tom Riddle or Voldemort
What we do know of Tom Riddle comes to us from suspect sources
I’m just going to go out there and start with the basis that Tom is not crazy
Elaborating a little on number 1. We never actually see much of Tom Riddle or Voldemort directly. He’s a bit like Thanos in the MCU, or Palpatine in the first two movies of the Original Trilogy, he’s this looming threat that we pass by and glimpse every once in a while but never really get quality time with.
Generally, Voldemort makes an appearance in a moment of crisis.
He and Harry fight over the philosopher’s stone for Tom’s very survival. He and Harry fight over the diary for Tom’s very survival. He resurrects himself with Harry as a witness. We get those very strange dreams from Voldemort’s perspective (half of which we later learn are fabricated).
None of these really lend to our, or Harry’s for that matter, understanding of Tom Riddle. There’s too much going on, it usually happens far too fast, and there’s usually something Tom Riddle desperately wants or needs that eclipses all other concerns or else he has an audience.
This is part of the reason we get those Halfblood Prince pensieve lessons: Harry knows nothing of Tom Riddle and doesn’t understand him at all.
Which leads us, of course, to number 2, most of what we know about Tom Riddle comes from Dumbledore. I’ve talked about this before, so I won’t spend much time on it, but Dumbledore has a very clear agenda in relaying these memories to Harry. Dumbledore already has strong suspicions of what objects are horcruxes and where they’re located, he already has Snape as a very reliable agent to continue work when he’s gone, his job here is to convince Harry there is no path but suicide. And that involves portraying Tom Riddle as the most evil man who ever eviled, was born eviler than the antichrist, and will die eviler than the antichrist. 
Now, does this make Tom necessarily good or bad? No.
However, it does mean when Dumbledore tells us things like, “See, Harry, an impoverished child was upset when I lit all his belongings on fire! What a monster!” (especially given that, in a similar situation, Harry thought it was hilarious when Hagrid gave Dudley a permanent physical deformity and Harry was told he was an angel child) we should take it with a very large grain of salt.
Right, so, with all that backdrop what I’m getting at is that a) we can’t take Dumbledore at his word b) even if we could he could be wrong c) Harry doesn’t have the introspection to be able to figure himself when a or b is happening. I won’t elaborate on this last much, suffice to say that Harry’s world is very black and white, divided into the camps of those who personally like him and those who don’t.
So, why do I think Tom’s goal was not to rule the wizarding world but instead to destroy it?
A few things.
First, there are so many easier ways he could have ended up ruling the wizarding world. More, even when he effectively does rule the wizarding world in book seven, he takes very strange actions so that he’s never directly in power.
Second, I never really bought Tom’s racism. It’s too convenient and too contradictory with his backstory.
The second first, because we’re going out of order today. I’ve gone over this before, but I don’t believe Tom had minions early and I think he was effectively treated as a muggleborn (see here and here) until he took on the Voldemort persona many decades later. I’m hard pressed to believe someone as intelligent, angry, and proud as Tom Riddle would willingly believe and accept he was inferior to the likes of Abraxas Malfoy. More, even if he wished he was a halfblood, I think the evidence of him being muggleborn would be stacked too high against him to deny even to himself (and when he finds out it’s not true, he has maybe a month or so before he realized that he’s the bastard son of a squib). 
And it’s just so convenient. All the people with the power, with the money, who are itching for a cause against a threat that doesn’t really exist believe in blood purity. Ergo, Voldemort shows up suddenly espousing over the top blood purity rhetoric (rhetoric that directly clashes with his “there is only power” philosophy at that). 
In other words, I think Tom Riddle gave himself a line that he knew would get him places very quickly.
And now for the first. For a guy who has had the entire country in the palm of his hands twice, one time taking it over in a bloodless coup, he’s really big on causing collateral damage and really small on actually doing the ruling thing.
The first wizarding war, Tom Riddle as Voldemort has the backing of the heirs of the most prestigious and wealthy noble houses save a select few. These are people with seats in the Wizengamot, which has a frightening control over the government itself (including the minister of magic). I imagine, in 1980 had Tom Riddle wanted to be elected as Minister of Magic, he would have been elected as Minister of Magic. If he wanted a friendly face in office then he probably could have made that happen to.
More than even this though, by this point, Tom had already won. By having control over the majority of the Wizengamot he owns the government. He’s done, it’s over, it’s finished, and many of the characters admit as much which is why Harry Potter was such a miracle. So why all the seemingly random, exceptionally pointless, terrorism? 
One answer is that Voldemort is crazy bananas. And sure, I guess we can go with that, except for someone insane he’s oddly effective and very consistent. 
I believe Tom was systematically destroying the very foundations of the country through its core aristocratic families. Within a few short years Tom decimates the Black family, it goes from having five heirs to none, and while some of this isn’t Tom’s fault he does take care of quite a few of them. He brands Lucius for life, while Lucius rises high in politics he never escapes the stigma of being a known Death Eater and in the end cannot escape the consequences for his actions. The Malfoy family is very nearly destroyed by the end of the series, had Draco died in the Fiendfyre. The LeStrange family, presumably decimated as well.
More, this is mostly me headcanoning, but I imagine Tom fuels an extremism that the Wizarding World had never contemplated. I imagine, previously, anti-muggleborn sentiment was probably fairly rampant among purebloods. Oh, some were very pro-muggleborn I’m sure, but I think most were fairly “eh” on the people and felt they were a drain on society (such as requiring constant funding for the obliviation department).
However, when Diagon Alley starts getting blown up every other week, when muggleborns start being tortured and murdered, when purebloods who aren’t anti-muggleborn enough are being tortured and murdered, this starts wigging people out in a way they’ve never wigged out before.
By the time we get to Harry Potter’s canon, it is now only a minority that are anti-muggleborn, and they’re perceived as raving lunatics. Nobody wants to be grouped with these people. Which, just goes to show, how much Voldemort rattles the wizarding world in a very small amount of time.
Then there’s Deathly Hallows, rather than become minister himself Voldemort installs a puppet minister. He shows no signs of wishing to change this and instead does things like destroy the sorting hat (which again shakes the very foundations of the wizarding world as whta will we do if we don’t know who’s a Gryffindor anymore?!)
So, where is this ramble going?
Given the results we see, that more than any others it seems to be the purebloods and often Tom’s own followers that suffer colossal losses, I think Tom’s actions are, in part, a means of vengeance against the entire damn wizarding world (but especially the purebloods).
He makes fools of these people, brands them as his slaves, and has them participate in the most over the top ridiculous rituals (the cloaks, the masks, the entire theatrics of it feels like Tom got drunk one night and planned this whole thing out). He destroys them entirely, and better, enables them to completely destroy themselves and the country they believe they’re trying to save.
Basically, I think by the time the series begins Tom is fueled by a nihilist rage that knows no bounds. But dammit all, the wizarding world is going to burn.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Rager Teenager.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Kelly Olsen x Niece!Reader
Word Count: 2900.
Alex doesn’t even look shocked when she sees you landing in her backyard, dropping a bag of clothes loudly on the ground.
“Hey.” You greet her with a smile, looking at her standing in the doorway with a glass of wine in her hands.
“Running away, kiddo?” She points at the bag, but she means it like a joke. Let’s just say you were quite generous with the amount of clothes you packed. You could be leaving the house for a month, for what it’s worth. Yet, no one would actually think that you are running away from home.
“Yep.” You shrug it off. Her eyebrows are pinched together immediately. “Can I stay?”
Alex moves away from the door, giving you space to walk in. “Should I call your moms to let them know or-?”
“Nah, they’re aware.” You pick up your bag and make your way inside, passing her on the way in. “Hi, aunt Kelly. Where’s Jamie?”
“Oh, hi.” Kelly smiles at you from her wine glass. She then acknowledges the bag, pointing at it with her face. “Is that some big creation or something fun for you two to do?”
“Actually, just my clothes. I’m moving in.” You smile making your way to the stairs. “Indefinitely.”
“Oh. Sounds fun.” Kelly gives you two thumbs up, not looking as amused as she made it sound. “Your cousin is upstairs.”
“Cool. Thanks for letting me stay.” You say, making your way to Jamie’s bedroom to surprise her.
You are aware they didn’t exactly let you stay. Especially not ‘indefinitely’. But you know they would never say no to you, just like your moms would never say no to Jamie if she wanted to stay at your house. You also know that Alex is probably calling Kara right now, and that at some point tonight Kelly will try to assess how you’re feeling, claiming this is an open safe space.
It’s annoying that they’ll treat you like you’re the one that needs to talk about your feelings and understand them. You do understand what you’re feeling. You’re feeling like they think you should be ok with the fact that you don’t need their attention anymore. And of course you don’t need it. But you want it.
Your moms have always been your best friend. You tell them everything and you like that. You like the fact that you don’t have to be rebellious to get their attention, because you are the most important person in their lives, and you liked that feeling.
But well, now things are different. Maybe you need to change a little. Make a little trouble. Be a rebel rascal. A wild child. A rager teenager.
“Hey!” You drop your bag in a loud thud on the floor, making Jamie look up from her phone.
“I see you finally brought back all the things you borrowed from me.” She points at the bag with her eyes, and you roll yours in response.
“You wish.” You throw yourself on her bed, in front of her. “I’m actually moving in.”
“You don’t say.” She throws her phone to the side, looking at you with curiosity in her eyes. “Well, go on. Let’s hear it.”
You tell her everything and Jamie looks amused that the first time you’re throwing a tantrum is over something so dumb as not getting their attention. Says the girl who doesn’t pick up her phone at eight -not even in a life-threatening situation- because that’s her catch up time with her moms.
“So your big rebellious act is coming to my house?” You nod. “I would’ve thought staying with, I don’t know, Lillian Luthor would be far more dramatic.”
“Should I?” You ask out loud, but you’re actually talking to yourself. “No, right? No. That’s insane.” Is it? Yes, yes it is. “But I do have another rebellious idea in my baggage.”
Jamie zeroes in the bag you brought in. Sure the bag is big, but it doesn’t fit what you’re thinking.
“Not my actual bag.” You roll your eyes. “I meant my emotional baggage.”
“Oh, that’s a lot bigger than that one.” She agrees with her head, making her point. You look at the enormous bag on the floor of her bedroom.
“No, it’s not.”
“Hey, remember that time you almost died?”
“Which one?” You ask and she gives you a satisfied grin, like she is saying ‘touché’. Yeah, you guess she has a point.
“ANYWAYS!” You say, trying to ignore her. “Movies!”
See, it was kind of obvious that you wouldn’t be good at being rebellious. You never had to do this before. You’ve only seen it in movies. Ok, so let’s try what movies did. In Harry Potter, Hermione's big rebellious act was erasing her parents' mind. Huh. That you have the means to do. But no, that’s insane. Right? Right! Making your moms forget you is insane! Maybe you should think of rom-coms or teen movies. Hm, in ‘Mean Girls’ Cady throws a party when they’re parents aren’t in the house and dresses slutty or whatever. You can’t pull any of this off. Who would come to your party? How would you kick your moms out of the house? And you would rather die than dress slutty.
“Movies.” Jamie repeats, incredulous. “You know, for a genius you really lack basic information at times.” She says making you gruff. “You want to be rebellious? Steal Lena’s BMW, sneak out, go to a party, get drunk-”
“I can’t exactly get drunk unless it is alien alcohol.” You add.
“Steal alien alcohol.” She adds to the list, a little disgruntled that you made her lose her train of thought. “Make me go with you.”
“You’re literally giving me the idea.”
“Hmm, yes. Because I’m dying to go to this party Maya told me about, but I need plausible deniability. As in-”
“If your moms ask, it was all my fault?” You ask with an eyebrow raise and she agrees with her head. “Ok, fine. I’ll take the blame. But I think we can be more rebellious than that.” You give her a wicked smile. “Can you imagine how crazy it would be if-” You take off your glasses. “She went to a party?”
“WHAT!” Jamie sits straighter in bed looking equally terrified and excited. “No! You can’t have Superkid go to a party! She is a SUPER! Kara would absolutely kill you.”
“What’s the point of only pissing off Lena? I do that way too much already.” You throw yourself back in bed, thinking about it. “Besides, no one wants a Luthor in their party. Now, who’s going to say no to Superkid?”
“Ok, wait a minute. I-I-” You can tell you have made Jamie really confused when you leave her speechless. “Superkid doesn’t even exist anymore, and you want to bring her back just so you can go to a party?”
“Superkid doesn’t-'' You laugh, then furrow your brows. Holy shit, people still think you’re not supering anymore. “Oh, yeah, about that. I’ve been supering in secret ever since I came back from that other reality.”
“You-” Jamie’s mouth comically open wide like a cartoon character. “But-You-And then-I don’t get it.”
“See? That’s why I’ve been doing it in secret.”
Because how do you do it? How do you go back to being a superhero when you made such a big deal about not ever wanting to be a superhero ever again in your life? How do you unsay it?
Should you just come back home and be like ‘oh yeah, by the way, Superkid exists again, and you have to go back to worrying about me, Lena. And yes, Kara, you might have to go to outer space save me again a couple of times. No biggy. Good night!’
So you don't, right? You sneak in in secret instead. Pray you don't die on the job. Pray they don't find out. And mostly, you pray that you're doing the correct thing, because it's the righteous thing to do and not because you selfishly want that powerful feeling you had before.
“So for weeks you’ve been going around National City saving people and no one knew?” You nod. She needs to make sure. Jamie slaps your arm like you could feel pain. “You didn’t even tell me?”
“I’m telling you right now. Before anyone else.” She still rolls her eyes at you. “Come on, it’s a great way for Superkid to do her comeback. At a party, dancing with stupid teens.” Jamie looks unconvinced. “We can still take Lena’s car.”
“Why would we need it? You can just fly us there.”
“Yeah, I know. But it will piss off Lena.” You give her another wicked grin. “I’ll let you drive.”
“Yeah, ok, cool.”
Simple as that.
So it’s Friday night, Jamie agrees she will go to the party with Maya, and you told your girlfriend you were grounded. Yes, it’s a lie. But barely. You’re sure you’ll be grounded right after this, anyways.
It’s before midnight when both of your aunts say goodnight and go to bed. Kelly makes sure she schedules a ‘talking about your feelings’ session right on Saturday morning with you, before she leaves, though. Ugh, this won’t be fun.
You give them some time, then use your super hearing to make sure they are asleep, before you fly out the window and look for Lena. Like you suspected it’s Friday night and she’s made it back to L Corp, after you left home. Rao, you’re so mad.
You fly home and check for Kara’s presence. All clear. Must be tailing Arnold McKenan or running away from her problems. For someone so brave, you can’t believe how much of a coward she is when it comes to Lena. Rao, you’re raging.
You grab Lena’s car keys, your supersuit in their closet, and then pick the car up and drop off in front of Jamie. You love Jamie, and you know she drives better than you do, but still you fly behind her car the entire time to make sure she is safe. Damn the car, if it was for you, you would toss it in the ocean, it’s Jamie you care about.
“Holy!” Maya says, when she slides in the car. “That’s-wow! Did you steal this?”
“For sure.” Jamie smiles and drives off, leaving nothing but tire marks behind.
“Is that why Superkid is following us?” Maya asks, and you smile to yourself.
“Nah. She was saving a kitten and I asked if she wanted to come to a party. Now, she’s following the car.”
“WHAT!” Maya yells, sounding excited. “You’re joking! We’re going to a party with Superkid?” She gets nothing but a nod. “Holy fucking shit! I can’t believe my girlfriend won’t be there. Maybe we could convince her to sneak out?”
“Please. Do you even know your girlfriend?” You hear Jamie’s response. “She would never.” You scoff. “Besides, I don’t want to be third-wheeling all night. You guys are awfully handsy.”
“Yeah, well. She’s hot.” Maya says, making you smile even more. “Here. We’re here.” And so Jamie parks.
“Hi!” You open the car’s door to Maya, giving you her hand so she can exit the car. “I’m Superkid.”
“Of course you are.” She manages to say, looking red as a tomato.
“Your friend Jamie said it was ok if I came. I hope I’m not intruding on anything.”
“NO! No! Not at all. You’re more than welcomed. I mean, it’s not my party, but I’m guessing you will be more than welcome. I mean, who wouldn’t want Superkid in their party, right? So yeah you’re welcome! Anyways, you cool? I’m cool.” She rambles, making you and Jamie share a look. “Oof, I’m sweating.”
“Don’t be nervous.” You put your hand on her shoulder for a light squeeze. “I’m just a normal teen.”
She wheezes out a laugh. “I don’t know about normal.”
“More than you think. Shall we?” You point inside the house, and she agrees with her head. They fall a little behind you, and you can hear Maya whispering.
“Doesn’t she look awfully familiar?”
“Haven’t you met her before a few times?” Jamie saves you and you smile when Maya agrees, and lets it go.
Let’s just say going to a party as Superkid is on the top of the best ideas you’ve ever had. Superkid is a big hit. There’s even a line so people can take pictures with you. And they all love you. You’ve never felt so loved in your life. This was exactly what you needed.
It sucks that alcohol does literally nothing to you, but you still enjoy watching Jamie and Maya getting louder and flushed and talking nonsense to you all night. So this is what it's like to be a normal teenage girl? You’ll take it.
It is also very exciting that Maya can’t ever stop bringing your name up. The real you. Not Superkid. Not you in this shiny suit. The nerdy you that is apparently home, texting her so she can enjoy the party.
The night goes on and you don’t think once about Lena in her stupid office, doing her dreary paperwork, acting like that fucking company is more important than your family’s existence. You also don’t think about Kara in that stupid DEO, doing her dreary patrol, acting like the fucking world is more important than your family’s wellbeing. Or maybe you thought about it once or twice. But not as much as you would if you were home alone waiting for them. But hey, you shouldn’t be thinking about them! They sure as hell aren’t thinking about you right now.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Jamie says looking at her phone. “It’s mami! She probably noticed I’m not in my bedroom.”
“It’s ok. Let me see that.” You grab her phone. “I’ll take this up in the sky, so she doesn’t hear all the noise.”
“You’re going to answer her phone?” Maya asks, and you realize that it doesn’t make a lot of sense for you to be answering the phone of some girl you just met. Damn! Maya still makes sense even with all the alcohol.
“Oh. Um. I’m really good at impressions!” You say with a smile. But you can’t actually impersonate Jamie. You put both hands on your waist and look up. “Hope, help, and compassion for all.” Then you smile. “That was Supergirl.”
“It was perfect.” She says, and now the alcohol is probably doing the effect again.
“Ok! Gotta go!” You fly up and notice that a bunch camera flashes follow you. Feels good to be loved. “Heeeey auntie.”
“Where the hell are the two of you?” Kelly yells through her phone and you actually have to take it off your ear, because it’s too loud.
“Oh!” Think of something, come on. “We’re at-at the Fortress. I brought Jamie to help me look for this thing-”
“And none of you thought it was a good idea to let us know that? We were here thinking she was kidnapped!”
“By whom?”
“Well, I don’t know. It’s a new threat every day in this town! A few weeks ago you literally vanished from your bedroom one night!” Oh, that. What a cool funny story, that no one thinks is cool nor fun, except you. Kelly exhales. “Why didn’t she pick up the phone herself?”
“Oh! I think she got lost in one of the rooms.” You hate that you’re lying so much. You never once lied to Kelly before. What if she just knows? “Don’t worry, auntie. We’re safe, and will be back home in bed soon, ok? Go to bed, everything is ok. Goodnight!”
You hang up before she answers. Way to be suspicious. You come back to the party and see Jamie hyperventilating afraid of the conversation you just had.
“We should go.”
“Relax, I handled it.” You pick up another jello shot, putting on Jamie’s hand. “Chill, I’ve got this. No one will ever know.”
And when you make it back home and park Lena’s car exactly like it was parked -in all honesty Jamie couldn’t parallel park so you picked it up and put it in its place-, you think no one will ever know. And when you and Jamie sneak in her bedroom and go straight to bed, and none of her moms wake up, you are sure no one will ever know.
Wouldn’t it be nice if that was actually the case? But when you wake up the next morning… Oh, crap. Oh, shit. Oh, no. What are Kara and Lena doing here?
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rcksmith · 4 years
Nobody else — Five Hargreeves
Requests: “Hello! May I request number nine from the fluff prompts and number seven from the smut prompts for Five? Maybe where the reader is a super skilled fighter, and the other Hargreeves siblings can’t get over how amazing she is, but that causes Five to become a little jealous?”
“Okayy if you're not tired of Five and smuts yet, can I request 18,70,74 and 84 from smut list with fem reader?”
Fluff prompts:
9. “So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?!" "No, that girl is my wife!”
Smut prompts:
7. “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
18. “Are you sure? Once we start, i might not be able to stop.”
70. “Maybe I should leave you like this, that way anyone who wanted to use you could have a go with you. Would you like that?”
74. “I think I like you better with a gag in your mouth.”
84. “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.”
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here !!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
Thank you for requests💖 I hope you guys like💖I decided to compile these two requests, since they were the same energy and they prompts connect to a central plot. I added all the elements that were asked for individually, and made sure that all ideas were respected and written down. Good reading.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves / Fem! Reader.
Warnings: explicit smut, dirty talk, bad words, fluff, fight, mention of death, jealousy.
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People need each other to find support, comfort and understanding. Thomas Merton said: “Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life alone, but with the other. ”
And as cliché as it was, it was the truth. And that is exactly what happened to you.
It was difficult to explain how many years you had already been killing for the commission. Ever since, maybe? You did not remember a time when that work was not part of your life, your routine, your system. But you could feel, vaguely like a hazy dream, that one day the act of breathing was ... light.
Killing without conscience brought many regrets, and the weight of guilt filled your chest, making it difficult to breathe.
But you were good at that. God, you were very good. Maybe it was the endless years of training, your quick thinking, or the simple fact that you had a lot more physical stamina than the other agents. But, whatever it was, it helped you move up the board quickly.
Murdering with a gun was easy, quick, clean, and there were already many agents who did that job. For someone like you, so empowered, the commission has relocated you to more… arduous and dangerous missions.
Your job was to kill those whose gunshots could not show up at the necropsy. Someone who needed to die without the body revealing what had happened very well.
Shoot JFK? It wasn't with you.
End Hitler? It wasn't your job.
To kill Socrates with your bare hands and make everyone believe it was poison? This is where you came in.
The difference between the jobs was that you had to do the whole process. And a melee interaction instead of a weapon always brought people who wanted to fight for their lives. And that is why the commission chose you to do that, without any partner.
They elected you because you fought like a super soldier, focused on your goal like a robot, and never came back without success. It didn't matter how many fights you had to fight with your target, how many punches you had to throw and also take, or how many injuries you returned. You always won.
Over time, you learned things in practice, tricks that made it easy, scams that would save you effort. You learned to study each person in seconds, find their weaknesses, and use his own strength against them.
That's when you met Five Hargreeves. And Thomas Merton's quote made sense.
You two were so much similar. Both the best in their fields, wrecked in a sea of ​​personal traumas, buried by a job that got the best of you two. You two felt misunderstood, alone in the vastness of that world. And when you two met... well, were no longer alone.
You two got involved, in all possible ways and ways. Loved each other, adored each other, and completed each other. Life went out of automatic mode, and for the first time in a long time, you two managed to breathe lightly. The food now tasted good, the heat of the sun on the skin was now better, and the world... the world was ruled by the red color of love.
So it became the most obvious and coherent decision to you two get married. Five could no longer imagine a life in which you did not exist, and you did not know how the world could go without him.
“I can't believe we did that!” You laughed, astonished, as you entered the apartment that you and Five shared.
You two had just married, something just for you two and the ceremonialist. You two chose something very intimate, reserved. And now the ring on him left hand looked like the most beautiful thing in the world for you.
Five laughed softly, hands moving up your arms, bringing you closer.
“We did. Wife.”
After that, your two contract with the commission changed. Five would only continue to do that if no one dared to touch a hair of yours, and you swore to The Handler that if someone did something to Five, you would destroy that place brick by brick.
Five saw in you a strong and atrocious ocean, which could swallow whole cities only with the force of its fury. And he liked that. He liked having someone as competent and firm as he was. Five liked to know that if there was a disaster, he would not be the only one who would go after a solution.
You were the type who knew that if you wanted things to happen, you had to do it with your bare hands. And Five loved it, because he felt understood. He carried so many responsibilities on his back that it was relieving to find someone who also felt the same things.
Five knew that, when him found way home, you were going with him. And you went. You two exchanged vows that would be together in joy and sadness, in any situation. And if the situation now said to go to 2019, well, you would.
“It makes me so sick, God!” Five heard you say when you two fell out of that blue portal he created.
He would have laughed if his muscles didn't hurt so much. For someone so trained you got sick of his powers very quickly.
"Five?!” And then the voice of one of the brothers was heard.
And that's how you two ended up there. A week later, in the Hargreeves' living room, with Diego swearing that you wouldn't be able to beat him in a fight.
Five laughed against the margarita's straw, sitting comfortably at the bar, giving up on telling his stupid brother that you had already killed much more dangerous people with your bare hands.
“I do not want to hurt you.” You smiled understandingly, and Klaus laughed.
“I bet 50 bucks that she beats your ass, Diego.” It was only logical that he was going to encourage his brother to fall.
“There is no way you can hurt me.” Diego guaranteed, getting up and starting to push the sofa away, making room for a fight.
“Are you up for it or are you scared?” He played with you, and Five laughter it back there, having a lot of fun.
“This is ridiculous, Diego.” Allison stressed, but it was obvious that she wanted to watch too.
You smirked, getting up from the bar chair next to Five. You didn't want to defeat your husband's brother in that fight, you understood that the circumstances between the two of you were not fair.
You were created to kill, injure and decimate. Body wrestling was your job and it wouldn't be fair to Diego. You knew, from Five, that the Hargreeves were created to be heroes. Saviors of the motherland. Hurt and kill if necessary, but don't make it a goal.
But not with you. Killing was your goal, always. And your weapon was not super powers or pistols, but the body itself.
“Okay.” You laughed and went to the circle that Diego had made “But I don't want to hurt you. The first one to fall to the ground loses.” You were trying to be peaceful.
Diego agreed, giving him a friendly smile before saying:
“But I will use my knives to distract you.”
It was logical that he wouldn't make it cheap and easy, even if it was for himself, you knew that.
So you agreed, took off the suit you were wearing and rolled up the sleeves of your white dress shirt, while the Hargeeves sat in a safe area, away from that makeshift ring.
Diego delivered the first blow, and you just deflected the trunk, taking him by the same arm and twisting it against his back. At that moment, if it was something for real, you would put more strength to break the bone, but you didn't want to hurt him, so you just released Diego with a little push forward.
Diego turned to face you again, the naughty smile on the face of someone who knows his own potential. He was very good, you knew that, but the different upbringing made you a better opponent.
This time, the blow came from below. It was a trip that you jumped while pulling on the fist he used to land another blow in the same second, forcing him to come forward with force while you deflecting once more. Diego staggered forward, steadying himself on the floor once again.
It was all absurdly fast, as if you were a robot. A machine programs for that.
Diego hurled the knife in the wind while attacking with his other fist. You dodged again, but this time you struck back, slamming a blow down the side of your stomach, blocking his attack with your other arm and unleashing a kick in the chest, which made Diego stagger backward.
In a matter of seconds, the knife was at the end of its course. And while Diego was advancing again, the wind that the knife was making hit your hair. But the knife didn't finish course. You stopped the blade with your hand, holding to the object with your palm.
At that moment, you saw Diego's eyes falter. And a surprised gasp by the Hargreeves graces the ambience. Then it was your turn to attack. You threw the knife on the floor, driving the blade into the wooden floor as you went.
There were punches, deflected blows, creeps. The two of you were dancing to an agitated song, which was reaching its climax.
Diego had holding you in him arms, and you turned your body, locked him left arm in your hands while you used the momentum to propel your legs up, past his neck and turning, taking you both to the floor. He fell on his back while you used your own momentum to balance yourself, standing upright.
“YES! YOU OWM ME 50 DOLLARS!" Klaus's voice was heard.
You laughed, and you were about to walk away when Diego dug his left hand into your heel. He pulled you in a single stroke, and it made you fall, your back hitting the ground as he took the lead. Diego put his legs on your hips the first second you fell on the floor, and he used his own strength to keep you there.
You laughed out loud, and so did he.
“This is cheating!” You scolded him, punching him in the chest.
“Whatever, but you had to fall too!”
Diego was a good loser, you recognized that by the intonation of the voice. He was not possessed or reviled because you won, but he wanted it to be an eye for an eye, even if only as a joke.
But as soon as Diego got up off you, holding your hand for you got up too, your eyes went to Five. And you found the green irises burning in an atrocious fire. You frowned, not understanding, but you didn't have time to go over there and ask what happened. Klaus and Luther came to you and Diego.
Klaus charging his brother and Luther asking you how you did that final blow.
“It's for me to use when he pisses me off!” Luther looked directly at his brother in a silent threat “ But he will not get up alive!”
“Fuck you” Diego said before practically shoving 50 dollars in Klaus's face.
“Is easy.” You replied Luther “I'll show you."
But while the brothers were having fun, marveling at you, Five burned in a visseral cholera.
Wasn't it enough for Diego to have literally been on top of you, you had to want to teach that stupid gorilla too ?!
Oh fucking no!
When Diego went to Luther and started explaining with you, him your side, how the scam worked, Five was exploding. Now that stupid men butcher knife would be on your side?! Agreeing and explaining whit you as if it were your husband?!
Wasn't it enough just fucking being on top of you?!
Definitely fuck not!
“Take it easy, buddy.” Klaus appeared beside him “You are looking at them as if you want to kill someone.”
Five just snarled, not bothering to respond, his eyes never leaving you.
“Wait..." Klaus looked better at who Five was staring “Are you jealous of Y/n ?!” He was amazed.
“Shut up!” Five forced himself to swallow a handful of margarita.
“Oh my God!” And he wouldn’t stop “You like her! That must be why you live in a bad mood! You must be in the friend zone! ”
“Didn't I tell you to shut up already ?!” Five looked deathly at his brother “And I'm not in the friend zone with her.”
But Five realized that he gaved too much information to his brother, because now Klaus's face was opening in a shocked smile.
“So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend ?!" Klaus was loving the situation.
But, out of the corner of his eye, Five can see Diego holding your arm, showing Luther the place to deliver any stupid blow.
You gotta be fucking kidding!
“No, that girl is my wife!” Five tapped the margarita glass on the counter, teleporting to you and pushing Diego's hand off your arm, replacing his own.
“The show over!” He growled as he left the room, pulling you with him, your feet stumbling a few times before picking up the pace.
“Five!” You said, but he didn't seem to hear.
The image of Diego's legs at your fucking waist, the body sitting on you, the hand on your arm, rewound Five's mind like a curse. He felt his anger inflate, jealousy whispering in the back of his neck like a little devil, making him see the situation bigger than it really was.
You called him again, but for Five, it was like you called his brother's name. And then he exploded in his own fury.
He couldn't wait to go up all those stupid stairs, all those corridors, Five just pulled you against him, disappearing in the blue flash and reappearing in the his room.
“You are crazy?” You pulled the wrist out of his grip.
“I should be asking you that!” He said “Did you see that scene ?!”
“What a scene?” You frowned.
Five focused his eyes on you, in angry energy.
“Diego on top of you, fuck!" He snarled “Luther drooling like a dog on you!”
“Five.” You thought all that was absurd “They are your brothers!”
“You have no idea how much i don’t give a fuck!”
The situation was ridiculous, and you ended up laughing in disbelief and bewilderment.
“We were fighting!” You defended yourself "Nobody was drooling on me!"
“I swear to god tha ...” Five walked over to you, his eyes flooded with rage, his body enveloped in that intense and explosive energy.
You lifted chin to get a better look, your chest stuck to him, Five's breath hitting the top of your nose. That week had been full of emotions and issues to deal with, 24 hours being insufficient to do everything, explain everything. And, well, you and Five didn't have much time alone...
All of this compiled with the fact that your husband possessed the beauty of an angry god,and that excited you so fuck absurdly.
Suddenly, the air in the room became caustic, seething with the expectation of something improper happening, injecting heat into your chest that descended to the middle of your legs.
You sighed softly, and Five immediately noticed the waters where your thoughts were sailing.
“Does it turn you on?” His voice was hoars “See me angry?”
The sigh you gave was your whistleblower, your chest started to rise and fall more breathlessly than usual, your core starting to pulse. You wouldn't be able to say anything even your life would depended it, you drowning in the malicious and hot climate of that room, compiled with the absurd beauty and intensity of the adult in front of you.
God, you needed him!
“Yes, you like.” Five had an arrogant, boastful tone, mocking how sensitive you were.
But his eyes took on a more conscious tone, and he whispered as he said: "Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop. ”
Five knew his own limits, his own anger, his own strength. If he touched you now, in most simple, he wouldn't be able to stop. You agreed, hands moving gently up his body, resting on him hips.
“I will not be gentle.” Five wanted to you know again.
He had already fucked you hard, drowned in insatiable desire, marking your skin with slaps, hickeys. Five had already mistreated your mouth, made you scream. But never fucked you in anger. He never took his anger out on you. And now, submerged in jealousy, he knew how much strength he would discharge on you.
“I don't want it to be.” But you gave Five the go-ahead on a needy sigh, your fingers running around his waist.
Five dropped his mouth to your ear, tracing a path across your skin with warm lips, now bringing hands up to your skin, feeling how hot, needy you were.
“You're wet and I haven't even touched you yet.” His words hung over you like a warm warning of what was going to happen, what to expect.
You moaned softly, your body shivering, screaming for you to get more, seeking some friction, some contact. Then, as if Five read you thoughts, his left hand clung fiercely to the back of your neck, curling him fingers in your hair.
He forced you to look at him, watching the rage and the extraordinary lust.
“Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.”
Five left you brutally, telling you to take off all your clothes, watching all your movements while he got rid of the shirt himself. He left him tie beside the bed, sitting on the mattress and pulling you onto him lap as soon as you finally got naked. He fit thigh in the middle of your legs, making you sit on his thigh.
You groaned, the friction in the place you most wanted, the core pulsing against the dark cloth of him pants. You rummaged your hips for more than you wanted, but Five dropped his hand on your ass, releasing a loud, stinging slap. The groan was unable to be controlled, and you buried your face in the curve of him neck, sobbing there.
“You will be grateful for every slap I give you, do you understand?” He snarled, fingers tightening on your flesh, marking your skin.
You agreed, and thanked him when Five slapped your ass harder. This time, he moved him thigh beneath you, brushing your pulsating core, leaving you in an extremely needy state.
“Fi-five!" A sob escaped, followed by another thanks when a slap hit your in ass again.
Five's hands roughly grabbed your waist, holding you firmly in place as he started to rummage in him thigh, making you moan louder every second. That was torture. You pulsed and wet him thigh, your body rigid from wanting more of that friction, the sobs escaping your lips, the muscles contracted.
“Such a needy slut." He snarled in your ear “So desperate for my thigh.”
You groaned at him words, your fingers around him shoulders, squeezing there while Five took you so badly in him thigh. He dropped his mouth to your hot neck, pouring a hickey there before sighing hoarsely:
“The only way you're getting off is on my thigh."
It sent electric currents to your swollen core, and moans got even bigger when Five increased the speed of his movements, rubbing your clitoris in those mind-boggling movements. His strong grip, compiled wheezing on his neck, his hoarse voice and the movements of his thigh took you to the limit. And you were pushed into that abyss of the climax.
“So fucking quickly.” Five delighted, in a groan, and stuck his hands on your back, holding you there, turning you in one movement to the bed.
Your back hit the mattress, Five’s warm hands roamed your legs, squeezing thighs and parting them, exposing your wet, red core at the climax. Five groaned loudly, as if seeing you hurt physically, and he took his hands off you to grab the tie next to you.
“Be good and open your mouth for me.” You obeyed, and he wiped the cloth over there, fastening his tie.
You sighed brokenly, your heart beating fast, breasts stiff and sore, your ass burning with slaps, core sensitive to climax.
“I think I like you better with a gag in your mouth." Five reflected, him hands roaming your trembling body, squeezing every bit of skin, reveling in how your skin felt at him touch.
Five reveled in the breath you took, enjoying how you looked like a fucking goddess like that. So vulnerable, so needy, so needy.
He was controlling himself until now, pushing you to the limit, making you sensitive, teasing you, making you sensitive to what was coming. Him smile was purely lustful, and Five leaned toward you, roughly sucking the nipple from your breast, nibbling at the needy skin. Then he brought hands up to his pants, opening his belt and zipper, pulling the pieces down far enough for his dick to pop out.
The moan you gave when you felt the hot, luscious member on your thigh was enough to inflate him ego even more. Five turned your body down, pulling your waist up, leaning into your ear to whisper:
“I'm going to fuck you so hard that you'll never forget that day.” Then he entered you, rough, strong, badly.
He forced your walls to get used to him size and sank to the bottom of the well, clutching his hands to your hips and pulling you against him dick. You screamed against the tie, pressing your fingers to the pillows, sobbing when Five set a fierce, wild and badly pace, mistreating every inch of you.
One of him hands went to your neck, closing his fingers there and pouring out all the fury and jealousy he felt in the thrusts, going in as deep as he could and pushing your limit. The pornographic sounds of the two of you moaning, the sound of his hip hitting your ass, invaded the room, mixing with the smell of sex, lust and hunger.
You shouted him name when Five left and brutally entered you, making you choke on your own sobs.
“What's it? Are you unaccustomed to my dick?” He tasted it, leaving your neck to slap your ass aggressively “Is it too much for you?”
You sobbed, stopped by the tie, and Five hit you again.
“Do you think someone can fuck you like me?!”
Now him voice was angry and his movements too. Five fucked you like he had spent his whole life in fury at you, waiting patiently for the day when he would discount everything on you. Him hand went to your mouth, pulling tie from there and releasing your toxic moans.
“Answer me, fuck!” One more slap, leaving your ass on fire.
“N-no!” You cried “Nobody ... no-nobody fucks me like you!”
You talks with a more thrust, and Five pushed your chest to the bed, keeping his hand on your back, him moans mixing with your.
Then he reached the peak of anger.
Five came out of you, turned you up and bent your legs, placing your knees on your shoulders. He entered in a brutal way inside you, the new position making him occupy all the minimum vacant spaces. You screamed, tears welling up in your eyes, your hands tightening on his arms, your heart already racing.
It was too much. Your body begged for more, for the climax, for the lust, for anything fierce that Five could give you. He dropped his mouth on yours, biting your bottom lip instead of kissing you, making you swallow his lines when he said:
“Maybe I should leave you like this, that way anyone who wanted to use you could have a go with you. Would you like that? ”
You desperately denied it. Five could very well come out of you and not let you come, and just that thought made your body tremble and tears flow.
“Plea-Please!” You sobbed “I beg you!”
That did things with Five. He stuck his body to your, him arm going around your waist and fucking you as if that could chase away all his anger. This time he kissed you, sticking his lips to yours as he felt you pulse around him and break up in a hushed scream, trembling at the climax.
Five did not falter, his black hair clinging to his forehead with sweat, his heart pounding. He cum strongly inside your core, filling you with hot cum. You groaned, wrapping your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as he came inside of you, slowly calming down.
The two of you sighed, the room flooding with the smell of sex and desire, your hearts thudding at the same pace. You whimpered in his mouth, and when Five want to leave inside you, you denied it, tightening your legs around him waist.
“N-No.” You moaned softly, "Stay inside, please."
Five drew air through his teeth, him hands gripping the sides of your body, stirring inside you, beginning to feel the lust rising.
He kissed you again, whispering:
“You want to have a child of mine, don't you?" It was an arrogant, provocative voice, and you sighed. “You are such a fucking sensitive little thing.”
Then Five started moving again, and you stayed in that room for much longer.
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comfortablynumb · 3 years
So y’all know by now that I’m weird. And, one of my quirks is that I love Harry Potter AUs and Les Misérables AUs where the huge, scary battles didn’t happen and my mentally ill comfort queers didn’t all die tragically. But I also like…don’t. Because, here’s the thing, when you take away all the bad stuff, all the most fascinating parts of these characters sort of disappear too.
As a Jegulus shipper, I want to imagine that Regulus was this socially awkward school boy with a crush on his brother’s best friend. But, I also know that, at some point in time, he believed in what Voldemort was preaching. He was, at some point, the Harry Potter equivalent of a Nazi sympathizer. And that’s what makes his death so fascinating; the fact that, in the span of a single year or so, he went from supporting this evil man to killing himself so that evil man could be defeated. What happened in the span of that one year that gave him the guts to go against his parents wishes, to follow in Sirius’ footsteps, to believe in something his family and entire community told him was wrong?
As a Les Mis fan, I want to imagine Grantaire and Enjolras growing old together. But I’m also intrigued by this new side of Enjolras that the revolution seems to bring out in him. He was this sensitive, charming kid who had this unwavering respect for human life. He wasn’t demanding or cold or arrogant, he just had these beliefs that he felt the need to fight for. But, once the fight begins, we see him grow violent and, what’s worse, almost numb to everything going on around him. When he’s finally killed, he’s described as looking inhuman. He’s not shocked by the bullet wound and shows no signs of pain; he just sort of stands there staring. The war not only took his life but his humanity as well. When the national guardsmen are staring at Enjolras’ dead body, they compare killing him to “shooting a flower.” Flowers represent purity, passion, and, most of all, hope. By killing him they smothered his, and France’s, hope of freedom.
As sad as these books are, a part of me believes that taking away their death is the greatest disservice you can do to a character. Because, i’m a way, it’s what gives meaning to their existence. The other part of me though knows that I’m never going to stop reading fluff fics. Am I a hypocrite? Maybe.
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