fiourandfiower · 9 months
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Body care 🧸
Many people—including myself—love doing skincare but only pay attention to their face and/or neck and then neglect the rest of their body. Here are some little tips and tricks to help give your body the same love you are giving your face.
Put oils in your moisturizer🧴 After I get out of the shower I love to take a scent-free moisturizer and put some drops of rose oil in it before I massage it into my skin. Not only does it boost the hydration but it also leaves me smelling absolutely wonderful!
Dry brush🪞 Dry brushing before a shower has many benefits like aiding circulation, lymphatic drainage, and exfoliation. It’s an easy and quick thing to add to your routine!
Moisturize your feet!🩰 Your feet do so much for you, so every once in a while try a foot mask, or slather some Vaseline on and then put some socks on
Sun protection!! Please! 👒 So many people put sunscreen on their faces but forget to put it on their arms and legs! The skin on your body is just as important as the skin on your face so please protect it!
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fiourandfiower · 9 months
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Happy Holidays to you all!!🩷
I hope you all have lovely a lovely holiday and/or break! I hope they are filled with some good sleep, food, and self care 🩷 I will try to get a post up soon!
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fiourandfiower · 10 months
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Vitamins in Skincare 🍊🍠🥬
We see so many vitamins mentioned and promoted by influencers in ads on social media but, what do they do? In this post I will talk about the basics of some of the most commonly used vitamins!
- Vitamin C 🍊an antioxidant that mainly helps with scars and hyperpigmentation. Can help prevent and smooth out fine lines. Also protects your skin from UV rays
- Vitamin B3 🍞 also known as niacinimide, this helps with keratin production that keeps your skin healthy. It also keeps moister locked in and gets rid of dark spots
- Vitamin E 🥬 an antioxidant that helps protect skin and lock moister in. Some studies show that it can also help with UV damage as well as scars and inflammation
- Vitamin A 🍅 can also be known as retinol that helps stimulate collagen production and increase skin cell turnover (get rid of dead skin cells faster). Helps with preventing acne and wrinkles
- Vitamin B5 🍌 this helps mainly with hydration. It helps draw moister in and keep it in. It also helps smooth skin and keep your skin barrier healthy
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fiourandfiower · 11 months
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Accutane Side Effects🪞🍵
I know that when I was looking into starting accutane I was really worried about the side effects; so I decided I would make a list of the main side effects that I’ve noticed!
- DRY LIPS!! 🧴Everyone that has been on Accutane talks about it bc IT WILL HIT YOU AND IT WILL HIT YOU HARD!! Some ways I’ve helped soothe and hydrate my lips is a chapstick called “Cortibalm” and then slather Vaseline on top!
- Back/joint pains. 🛌 These back pains are insane and will make you feel scared to be an old lady in the future. So far I haven’t found any good fixes but maybe convince a friend to give you a small massage
- Constipation/nuclear poops. 😭 This may be tmi but this is a real side effect and Jesus is it bad. My poops have been so bad and hard to get out that I have to be on stool softeners now (don’t you dare laugh). At first I felt embarrassed bc no one on social media talked about it but trust me it’s a thing
- No oil production. At all. 🛁 I used to have pretty oily hair but now I barely have to wash it, I can get away with washing it twice or even once a week! Honestly, I see it as a plus
- Hair loss. ✂️ Don’t freak out, but I have experienced some hair loss and noticed my hair getting thinner. It’s not that much and I’m almost 100% sure it will come back after I finish my dosage.
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fiourandfiower · 11 months
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Q & A!📄
Hi guys! I know I don’t have a lot of people on here to ask questions but I was wondering if any of you have some skin related problems/questions you wanted some help with! Don’t feel embarrassed!💕
*P.S. I’m thinking of also possibly adding some study tips/motivation to this page, what do we think?
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
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We’ve got some good news for me! A couple of days ago I took my first accutane pill! I am so excited to be on accutane after struggling with painful acne for so long and I will make sure to talk about my journey and spread any tips I find!💕
P.S. It’s officially fall! Happy spooky season🎃🍂
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
Sorry about not posting for so long! School has started and some personal issues came up but I’m back and will try to keep my posting schedule normal! Also, happy fall everyone! It’s my favorite season🍁🍂
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
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🍂Some Skincare Mistakes you Might be Making!🍂
- Not changing your pillow cases every three days🧸
One reason you may be getting pimples even though you seem to have a perfect skincare routine is because at night you lay your pretty head down on a dirty pillowcase! Remember to change it every two to three days!
- Brushing your teeth after you’ve done your skincare🪥
Don’t wash all of your fancy skin products down the drain by getting toothpaste on it! Try to brush your teeth before doing your skincare!
- Not wearing sunscreen the day after you apply retinol 🧴
Even though you should be wearing sunscreen everyday you especially need to do it the day after you apply retinol because if makes your skin ultra-sensitive to the sun.
- Using too many exfoliants at once or too often🧼
Now, we’ve all been guilty of this in some way, but try to put your salicylic acid and BHA’s down if you are using them everyday or together; it’s just a recipe for a destroyed skin barrier which leads to red, inflamed skin.
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
My Sunscreen Recommendations!☀️
Because it’s summer and the sun is getting stronger I thought I would make a cute list of my favorite sunscreens I use! Stay protected <3
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*pls note that what may work for me, may not work for you!*
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
Just saw a pro-ed/anorexia account repost my stuff. Those types of accounts are not welcome here. I do NOT support romanticizing and promoting starving yourself or unhealthy diets of any kind. You are beautiful just the way you are and food does not define you.
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
Just a small reminder…
🌸🪻It’s okay if you had a cheat day by accident, it’s okay if you ate more sugar than expected. One day of messing up isn’t going to ruin your life or your skin. Be kind to yourself🪻🌸
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
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Drink your skincare!🍵
Here are a few herbal teas that I’ve tried and help with hormonal/cystic acne!
Dandelion tea
Spearmint tea
Peppermint tea
Green tea
⭐️And if you aren’t a fan of any of these feel free to just have some hot water with/without lemon or other fruits. Hot water does wonders for your digestive system and helps keep things running smoothly which then helps your skin!⭐️
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
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Airplane Skincare Tips!✈️🎧
I’m about to head on an airplane back home from vacation so I’d thought I would share some tips!
- SPF!! 🧴It’s always important especially when you are up in the sky bc the UV rays become stronger.
- Slug/put on a heavy moisturizer. 🛁 Airplanes are always drying so slug or use a good heavy moisturizer especially for long plane rides.
- Try not to wear makeup for plane rides. 🍵 Plane rides already takes a toll on your skin so don’t add makeup to the mix
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fiourandfiower · 1 year
About me!
- Cold weather
- Skincare
- Elle Fanning
- Angst
- Hot weather
- Allergies
- Enemies to lovers
I’m 18 and currently struggling with cystic/hormonal acne so I am making this account to help motivate myself and maybe others!
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fiourandfiower · 2 years
I'm crying please stop with the male readers I'm gay/j
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fiourandfiower · 2 years
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