firestar001 · 7 years
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firestar001 · 7 years
Why did I come to camp? Friday the 13th E01
All I wanted was a nice relaxing camping trip.  And all I got was horror.
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firestar001 · 9 years
AWESOME.  I should’ve thought of this
best ones from Thomas Sanders’ Narrating People’s Lives.
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firestar001 · 10 years
Tumblr media
Just something for school.
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firestar001 · 11 years
This is a link to my web page for my Siteground Web Page
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firestar001 · 11 years
Still Here
This is just to let everyone know that I am still checking on this... occasionally. 
Since I have been working on a web page for UW-Waukesha, here is the link for the web page: Web Page
So let me know what you all think about it and comment HERE: HERE
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firestar001 · 12 years
Update on what's going on
So I'm not sure how many people are still reading my blog or if any of you have figured out how to RSS feed this blog, but I thought I'd post SOMETHING here to show I'm still looking at it.
What I'm watching: I've gotten into the Walking Dead (sometime around Christmas.)  Currently I'm hoping to get through Friday and Saturday so I can watch the latest episode.
What I've been doing:  I've been taking online classes; one on how to make smart-phone apps with html (Sorry gram).  And the other is Intermediate JAVA.  (Basically how the computer runs and stuff.)
Plans for this blog: One of these days I'm going to give this site a bit more.... Pizazz.  More color, maybe an animation, change the style around.  Please leave thoughts and ideas in the comments below.
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firestar001 · 12 years
College Humor
How true is this everyone?
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firestar001 · 12 years
Merry Christmas Everybody.
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firestar001 · 12 years
I'm alive
This is just a post to say that YES I am alive and still kicking.
That's all.
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firestar001 · 12 years
November Thanksgiving Aftermath
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving last week, I know I did.  Turkey was delicious along with the corn, the carrots, the oreo ice cream dessert.. actually it was all delicious.
Update:  Originally this was supposed to be posted on tuesday, but I forgot to change it to "publish now" rather than "save as draft"
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firestar001 · 12 years
The Future Is Black
So this is the post I've had for my "24 hour count down" to the most anticipated game of the year.  Currently I have played 0 minutes of the game but I have seen three other people play the game: someone on Youtube (who played the campaign), a friend at college (who let me watch him play the multiplayer) and my friend TheTekuKid* (whom showed me the zombie mode via FaceTime)
Below is my own little "Review" of the game.
Campaign: or what little I've seen of it, is AMAZING.  They've totally blown me away in terms of what they'd give you before the mission starts.  I'm not going to give spoilers, but I will say it is NOTHING like the previous games.
Multiplayer review is limited, but it's possible to do battle on a yacht, the Dragonfly's (Quad-rotors as I call them) look amazing.  For those that don't know what Quad-rotors are I will attempt to describe it.  Take something the size of a normal computer keyboard, attach four helicopter rotors onto each corner, give a camera at it's head and a mini machine gun.  Quadrotors are what help with sports filming, only they don't have machine guns underneath.
Zombies is a mix of old and new: They've kept the zombie moans and cries while they've added new guns and the Tranzit map allows the players to travel to five destinations: a bus stop, diner, farm, power plant, and city.  During this time the players (max of four) have to work together to survive against an endless wave of undead.
What I'm a little frustrated is that none of the students on my floor are willing to play split-screen with me.  And the fact that I've gotta wait til CHRISTMAS until I can get the game.  (Yesterday I could describe myself as "hyper" to see more of the game.  Even when I took my medicine.)
All in all, the game will be worth the wait and it will be worth every seconds worth of waiting.
* "TheTekuKid" being my friend's play station username (for privacy reasons unless he gives me permission to reveal his name)
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firestar001 · 12 years
November Post
And here we are with the 11 day old post for the number 11 month of the year. 
First of all I would like to do a shout out to my mom and brothers to stop whatever they're doing and ask Siri about "World War Z". IT IS SO FREAKING A-BACON-MAZING! 
I am also finally watching The WALKING DEAD so while I will post this, the update might be a while now.
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firestar001 · 12 years
Back home again
As I settle down at my desk and log onto Tumblr from up in my room, one thought goes through my head:  "It's good to be back."  Also as I type this up I am also updating my blog.  Now all the posts have some sort of tag to allow the readers to see what else I have under a similar post.
It also seems that my blog hit counter increases with every refresh of the page, as I found out while trying to make collapsible posts.  The collapsible posts aren't going to be implemented yet, but there might be a day where I will have them.
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firestar001 · 12 years
Launch Trailer - Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Video (by CALLOFDUTY)
To me, this is worth posting on my Blog.
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firestar001 · 12 years
October update 10/14 - 10/20
So first of all I would like to report that yesterday we didn't have MAGD lecture since the projector wasn't working.  Also I found out that the viral video is due NEXT tuesday.  My ideas are either me taking an egg puzzle apart, putting it back together and ending it with an explosion.  My second idea is to do a remix of "A pirates life for me" with college-style lyrics.
Site update:We now have a "hit" counter so I will know how many people visit my site.  As long as I don't update the code or anything, I should be alright. 
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firestar001 · 12 years
October Post
I'm back everyone.  Yes that is right; I am still alive and still breathing.  So I just finished another project for MAGD; a piece of program that is not only artistic, but it also has motion to it.  Saturday night and evening I was working on it and just now [9:49] I presented it to the class.  So I guess that is all I have to report for today.
I just heard (just now) that I'm going to need to make a viral video for the next MAGD project.  Viral being uploading it onto Youtube and hoping I get X number of hits.
My MAGD professor said that we're turning into Egyptians: we write on walls and worship cats.
((More updates to follow.... possibly))
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