thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pChEL5RLZj0)
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
This is a convicted sex offender asking me not to dislike him.
“Just because I’m a horrible excuse of a human being doesn’t mean that you should not like me!”
Miss Sarkeesian, why did you make this guy your mod on Twitch?
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvWDjMopLbE)
Yet another great YouTuber has fallen to the broken YouTube flagging system.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
It’s amazing how people claim that women are these morally superior beings who can do no wrong.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
“Lesbians are the nicest people on the planet! This world would be so much nicer without men!”
No, being lesbian doesn’t make you more violent (as far as I know) but it doesn’t make you in any way morally superior than anyone else.
I say these scum deserve just as much punishment as a man would get for the same crime. Being a homosexual, or a woman, does not and should not grant you exemption from any sort of punishment.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
Happy MLK day!
This should be a day the embrace each other, have a good time, and for once, NOT judge others because of their skin color. No “fuck white people,” no “black lives matter and you’re racist if you say all lives matter,” none of that stuff.
It pains me when someone makes their race their most important trait. I do not need to be reminded about how racist and wrong I am because I’m white, or because I’m male, or straight, or “cis.” I do not need you to tell me how oppressed and morally superior you are because you’re black, trans, gay, female, etc. Nobody needs that.
The whole reason why racism still exists is because people focus on skin color. Why do we have to differentiate ourselves? Why do we have to ally ourselves with and against certain skin colors? Why do we have to make color a point, or a defining personality characteristic? If we just stop looking at race and start looking at people, then racism could truly be over.
Race is not a state of mind. It is not an attitude, nor a personality. It is not something you can change, so judging someone based on it is completely stupid.
It disgusts me when people yell at others because of their skin color and declares themselves morally superior because of their own, then calls themselves an MLK supporter. You people are terrible.
I do not care if you are white, black, Latino, Indian, Arabian, Asian, or any of those. I do not care if you are male or female, straight or gay, trans or not. None of that matters, and should not.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OHMqdMpsj8) THIS LITERALLY HAS 600 MILLION VIEWS
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
This garbage is getting out of hand.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb5fLoL65c8)
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHzJbfFz_NY)
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
Well that’s the first time in a while. Sarah finally made me laugh.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
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thehighwayguy-blog · 8 years
Milo Yiannopoulos thrashes Rebecca Reid. (Highlights)
Milo Yiannopoulos is a freaking god. This was uploaded by Milo himself.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 9 years
New alt!
I opened up an alternate account, where instead of reminding myself of all the craziness in the world, I just post about stuff that I really like. I’ll still use this one, but I will be managing two accounts from now on.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 9 years
“feminism is a peaceful movement about equality!”
Equality my ass.
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thehighwayguy-blog · 9 years
This guy is awesome.
The Radioactive Man Who Returned To Fukushima To Feed The Animals That Everyone Else Left Behind
Naoto Matsumura is the only human brave enough to live in Fukushima’s 12.5-mile exclusion zone
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He fled at first but returned to take care of the animals that were left behind
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He returned for his own animals at first, but realized that so many more needed his help, too
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Matsumura, who is 55 years old, knows that the radiation is harmful, but he “refuses to worry about it”
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“They also told me that I wouldn’t get sick for 30 or 40 years. I’ll most likely be dead by then anyway, so I couldn’t care less”
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Matsumura discovered that thousands of cows had died locked in barns
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He also freed many animals that had been left chained up by their owners
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Many of them now rely on him for food
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The government has forbidden him from staying, but that doesn’t stop him either
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He started in 2011 and is still going strong 4 years later
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He relies solely on donations from supporters to work with and feed the animals
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His supporters are calling him the ‘guardian of Fukushima’s animals’
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The man clearly has a sense of humor as well
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