fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Looking forward to it! Both the care manuals AND the new bitties!
Glad to see it nonny!
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Follow-up Announcement!
Alright folks, I’ve considered the opinions brought to my attention on the idea of expanding and creating a partner blog.
And all I’ve seen is overwhelming support for it! As such, I’ll tell you all my plan.
The idea is to finish the care manuals for the current bitties available. Once this is complete, then we’ll have the first new set of bitties come into circulation. Though the real fun will come when I decide which AU I should start with! Either way, the expansion will go through in-universe as well, and perhaps there’ll be a special event to kick things off?~
I hope you all enjoy the bitties when they inevitably arrive, but for now, enjoy the current ones available!
Mod Willow out!
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Loving the new care manuals! <333
I'm glad you're enjoying them nonny!
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Care Manuals - Fluffs
‘Taur Bitty
‘4 to ‘5
Good for Beginners
Adopter Compatibility
Fluffs do well with an owner willing to play with them regularly, while also just fine with cuddles. They do best with those who enjoy the outdoors, and will happily sit on your shoulder if you venture outside. Fluffs can work with most kinds of households, but do enjoy being in a group.
They aren’t exact fans of laziness for laziness sakes, and will probably push any owner they deem lazy to get up and move around. This can be a good incentive to take care of yourself, at least!
Those seeking a playful ball of fur will enjoy a Fluff
These bitties are the more energetic of the Cattaur bitties available in Fluffy Adoptions, and it shows in their personalities. They hold a love of play, so don’t be surprised to see a Fluff zooming around a room for the fun of it. At the same time, they’re wonderful caretakers. A Fluff will usually assign themselves the role of caretaker when placed into a group. Though, sometimes they can be a bit pushy, they only have good intentions for those around them.
Bitty Compatibility
Smokeys, Rowdys, Retrievers, Snowfalls, Errors
Wolfs, Wolverines, Pines, Cheshires
Mutts, Inks
Just Don’t
Important To Note
Fluffs require a higher amount of exercise than most other Cattaurs, so it’s recommended to set them up an obstacle course of some kind. If this isn’t possible with your living arrangements, taking them on daily walks either through your home or outside (preferably outdoors) is just fine as well. If your Fluff seems to be quiet and moody, take them on a walk and they should perk right up!
A Fluff’s markings usually come in a softer, bright blue color, and patterns can range from common ones to rare ones.
Fluff’s also have the chance to be born with mutations, such as folded ears, shorter legs, no tail, etc.
Health Concerns
The best way to check a Fluff’s health is through the vibrancy of their markings/inner ears. If the color is dull, that’s how you know their health isn’t doing so well!
Fluffs with any of the above mutations listed are at a higher risk for health complications, so be aware. If your Fluff starts to show signs of a health complication, please take them to your nearest adoption center, or to Fluffy Adoptions, for immediate treatment and care.
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Are there any cat-taur bittys what would take well to affectionately being called 'Brat-Cat'?
The cat monster cackled for a moment, before answering.
“Any of them really! Though Fluffs may pout at you more, heh. Rowdy’s definitely deserve that title though, and good chance they’ll wear it with pride because they live to be little pains in my rear. Love ‘em anyway though!”
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Which of your adoptable bittys would you recommend as a therapy companion?
Willow hummed, a paw under their muzzle.
“It depends on the kinda therapy, really, and what you’re looking for. For emotional support I’d say Cheshires and Snowfalls make for great companions! If you’d prefer more of an incentive to take care of yourself, Retrievers and Wolfs are some of the best. Fluffs also work, and they’ll probably try to take care of you! Rowdys will do the same, so beware how much they love you!” The monster giggled.
“Anyway, just about any of our ‘Taurs, Pups, and Kitties can work as a therapy companion. It all depends on you as a person and what kinda partner you’re searching for. Hope that helps!”
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
It doesn't matter if the theoretical new bitties wouldn't be 'fluffy', I'd love to see them!
daw, we’ll see then! glad to see you’re enthusiastic nonny!
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Expand the adoptables shop! Give us the AU goodness! :D
heh, we’ll see! do note that these potential bitties aren’t exactly ‘taurs, but that doesn’t mean they won’t come with their own variants and potential. glad to see you’re interested tho nonny!
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Care Manuals - Mutts
‘Taur Bitty
‘7 to ‘9
Good for beginners
Adopter Compatibility
Mutts mesh best with those with a spark of Determination in their soul, and isn’t afraid to drag them outside for a bit of exercise. They’re extremely loyal, and enjoy the lifestyle of a lap dog.
They can adapt well to most environments as long as they are able to get their required exercise, and aren’t particularly loud, making them good for suburb living to apartment living!
Those seeking a lazy sweetheart will fall in love with these pups.
These bitties are on the lazier side for a ‘Taur, though don’t be fooled by their silver tongues and sleepy behavior. They might pretend not to, but they enjoy a good routine of exercise and playtime with their owners. Mutts are very sweet individuals who have a tendency to hold grudges lasting a lifetime. Despite their calmer behavior, they aren’t afraid to stick up for themselves and carve out their own place in their environment. If your Mutt seems prickly, talk to him! They make for good conversationalists and are happy to explain their troubles if talked to. 
Bitty Compatibility
Smokeys, Cheshires, Rowdys, Razzs, Pines
Gleams, Snowfalls, Pearls, Retrievers, Wolfs,
Fluffs, Wolverines, Errors,
Just Don’t
Important To Note
Mutts are very vocal about their feelings and opinions, but only when asked. They are rather smart bitties, and do not enjoy being looked down upon. Make sure they feel heard, and your Mutt will be a happy bitty.
Mutts are to be fed a meat-based meal, raw or cooked. These bitties have a preference for cooked meat, but are able to eat raw meat just as well.
A Mutt’s markings tend to come in a darker rusty orange color, and patterns can range from common to rare.
Mutt’s also have the chance for mutations, such as shorter legs, folded ears, etc.
Health Concerns
Mutts have a history of general teeth problems, so be aware in case yours starts complaining of jaw and tooth pain. It is common for Mutts to lose at least one tooth when they are young, making replacements common in most older Mutts.
If your Mutt displays any of the above mutations, be aware that they are at a higher risk for health complications. If you notice your Mutt displaying any health complication, please take them to your nearest adoption center, or Fluffy Adoptions, for immediate care and treatment.
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Rollcall Update
just a quick update! the heights of the bitties has been changed to a MUCH smaller size, seeing as I realized that, once they get over a foot tall, they’re less bitty and more “full size”. ESPECIALLY for the dogs and cats!
perhaps the larger heights can make a return in a special event if you all would like it? Specifically in MUCH larger heights~
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
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not to distract from my announcement, but please enjoy some bitty doodles! apologies for showing you all my terrible art
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Important Announcement!
Mod Willow here, and I arrive with an important announcement!
This is not a bad announcement, so don’t worry about that.
Recently I’ve been very focused on UTMV and developing my own various AUs through the form of private roleplay on my rp server (sorry folks, not open for the public!) and I have come to a possible idea.
I have many AUs. I have genuinely played with them in the setting of bittybones, with said AUs becoming adoptable bitties for me and my friends. I even have a character unrelated to Fluffy Adoptions who houses my large collection of AU bitties.
My question is this: Would you all like it if Fluffy Adoptions expanded to include these bitties? Would you enjoy a separate (but partnered) rp blog featuring that character and the bitties? None of this means I will neglect the heart of Fluffy Adoptions of course, and I do plan to make more care manuals and start back up again after the disaster that was 2020.
If the general consensus is that yes, Fluffy Adoptions should be expanded, I would expand the bitty selection slowly so that both I and all of you don’t get overwhelmed with options.
Even if Fluffy Adoptions doesn’t get expanded, I will still continue work on it of course! I still adore bitties, and I adore the cattaurs and dogtaurs present on this blog.
So go ahead and respond with your opinions in whatever way you see fit! Replies to this post, reblogs, asks, you name it, I don’t mind it.
And if that partner rp blog doesn’t become a reality, I’ll tell you guys about the character who would’ve been featured. If it does, you’ll still get your info one way or another~
That’s all folks, Mod Willow signing out! (to work on care manuals eek)
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Do you have any care manuals for mutts that I could read? I want to be certain he'll be a good fit with my other bitties before I commit to adopting.
heya, mod here
My life has been pretty chaotic so i kinda let this blog go to the wayside. Ill try to write up more care manuals and make more art soon though! Im glad to see youre interested in adopting, and ill make sure to focus on mutts next
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
ack, turns out the link doesn’t work.
anyone know how to fix it for mobile?
I’m sorry. I’m on mobile and can’t find a list of the bitties you offer. Is there a tag I should be searching?
Mod Willow here, and sorry about that! the blog isn’t particularly mobile friendly at the moment, but I’m working to fix it!
hopefully this link works!
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
I’m sorry. I’m on mobile and can’t find a list of the bitties you offer. Is there a tag I should be searching?
Mod Willow here, and sorry about that! the blog isn’t particularly mobile friendly at the moment, but I’m working to fix it!
hopefully this link works!
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
Hey, hi, hello! I would like to adopt a Cheshire please! If they have any friends or family that would like to tag along then I'm willing to adopt them too! Any problems the poor bab might have are fine by me, makes them more unique to me owo (can I have a scenario please?)
(Apologies for the late reply, and of course you can!)
Charm was the one at the front desk when you walked in. He looked up at you as you list what you’d like to adopt.
“Cheshire, ey? I hear those are pretty popular nowadays. Follow me, I’ll show you the little ones.” Charm says, before walking back to a door labeled PLAYROOM.
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fluffy-adoptions · 4 years
He!!!! Is so lovely!!!! You did wonderful on the ref!!
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Drew a ref sheet for my boi Ethel, the old man himself XD. Gonna post this here for no reason at all lol. I’ll do his grandson, Emory, someday- buuuut not today lol. Too tired :V Got more bitties and stuff to draw lol I made him ombre/have gradients though BeCaUsE I CaN XD You have to click on the image then zoom in to see everything more clearly :/
Please don’t trace, steal, repost etc, etc my drawing without my permission. Reblogs are appreciated though!
Cheshire (Ethel from @fluffy-adoptions)
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