fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 month
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 7 months
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My most recent DND OC, Zhang Qui (pronounced chee-OH), my darling monkey boi.
Love this Picrew.
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howdy everyone, i made a picrew! :)
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 8 months
Me when I was 11/12 but replaced Rise with 2012.
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They are similar but different and both are good.
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 9 months
I made this earlier this year, but never showed it here. Need to make another one.
Please read court of roses is so good.
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 9 months
Ace should have had a burrowing superpower.
No- Seriously.
THAT should have been his second super power.
Have it where he generates a sort of destructive energy in/around his hands that breaks down the molecules of anything so that he can ā€œDigā€ through anything. The denser/harder the material the longer it takes.
This would not only be a great counter to Dangerā€™s Egg Randomizer but would also let Revā€™s GPS ability have an easy way to be regularly demonstrated.
Also it grants him an ability thatā€™s ACTUALLY connected to Bugs and one of his Gags
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 9 months
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 11 months
(About tshirts)
Pickles: Iā€™ma medium by de way, people keep sendinā€™ me large but I canā€™t wear ā€˜em cuz deā€™er so big.
Nathan: Iā€™m an XL, people send me smalls cuz they think Iā€™m a petite little boy
(Pickles laughs)
Nathan: when I am in fact a large, fat man.
(Pickles laughs louder and leens on Nathan,)
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 11 months
Episode Concepts
Peach is invited/has to host a very fancy ball and brings the boys along. But uh oh! The bros arenā€™t good enough for high society, so the princess is gonna have to teach em! After some shananagens My Fair Lady-ing the boys (I low key head canon that they did ballroom dance classes as kids so theyā€™re good in that front) they go to the party and it sucks; boring and full of judgy know it alls. So the gang bounces and spend the rest of the night together.
Snow day at the ice kingdom.
Peach and Toad spend a day in New York.
Musical episode taking place in a Music themed land. (Bros duet, peach and Mario duet, fun number with toad, fun group number,)
Just a few ideas
If we ever get some sort of Mario movie spin off show it should be a reboot of the Super Mario Bros Super Show.
Mario, Luigi, Peach, and toad having fun wacky adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom; episodic with good continuity, character development, and maybe an over arching story arch.
Quite right! I've had this very idea myself, and I will be quite surprised if it doesn't happen.
You have the four main characters; Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Princess Peach all ready to go. But now there's opportunities to include other characters (like DK and Cranky) in the midst of it all. Plus the fact the movie has references to the original Super Show, it's just perfect!
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
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"Wh... Who are you?"
I couldn't resist. šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļø Here's another quick scene I made for the body swap concept, this one directly inspired by your inquiries!
A little gift for @pianokantzart, who seemed especially invested in Luigi's side of the story.^^ Enjoy!
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
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The full anime set! It was a lot of fun getting back to some of my early roots with these! Also I fixed Roman's opacity for some reason the first time it was saved it didn't work. 8U
Styles as follows:
Virgil: Yugioh (possibly my favourite- I should draw the others like this too, I forget how much I love this style sometimes)
Roman: Ouran (Romcom anime whats not to love)
Janus: Detective Conan (I want Janus solving mysteries)
Logan: Death Note (For obvious reasons)
Patton: Sailor Moon (torn between that and Digimon, Sailor Moon won out)
Remus: Trinity Blood (took the longest because by gods is that style complex)
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
I made a new art blog.
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
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You lost your youth but you kept your beauty.
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
Two things also great about the montage.
1. Just like how the run thru the construction sight represents what itā€™s like to have a two player game with people on different skill levels (Mario practically an expert while Luigi is more newbyish), the training scene represents what itā€™s like to go through a level over and over and over, getting a little bit farther every time; the same time satisfying to see your progress but also aggravating to lose all that progress; and to finally be at the end when suddenly something happens and you dieā€¦again.
2.this scene also hits home a big part of Marioā€™s character (both in this movie and there rest of the franchise,) he never gives up. Despite everything thatā€™s happened to him, despite everything thatā€™s going to happen to him, he never once stops trying.
He doesnā€™t back down from Spike after he insults Luigi, even tho the guys three times his size.
He and Lu run to their job when the van brakes down.
When the job ended badly and their dad said what he said, yeah he solked in his room for a bit but once he saw the sewer problem on the news he immediately went to fix it.
When heā€™s found himself in a world he doesnā€™t understand, separated from his brother, and standing in-front of and actual princess who tells him that his brother is in the claws of an evil fire breathing turtle, he looks her dead in the eye and tells her that they are going to find his brother no mater what.
And at this moment, when he forced to eat his most hated food, and to go thru a practically impossible obstacle course, he fails dozens of times, and eats dozens of mushrooms (and as someone who also hates mushrooms, I feel that) but he never stops trying, getting closer every time, and never once even considering throwing in the towel and trying to figure out another way. He canā€™t give up now, not when the person that means the most to him is in danger.
We see in later parts of the movie; fighting DK, getting eaten by the eal, fighting Bowser, at every obstacle he faces, every danger he comes across, he finds away out and a way to win.
Cuz Mario. Never. Gives. Up!
(Sorry bout all that just needed to say it)
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Why not both?
When we first see Peach, she is in the middle of a tactical meeting regarding Bowserā€™s imminent invasion. She spends much of her time trying to assure her people that she will do everything in her power to keep them safe.
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After declaring her plan to leave in the morning for The Jungle Kingdom to enlist the help of The Kong Army, Peach walks away from the meeting unattended. Then along comes Mario: breaking and entering, actively running from guards, making a beeline for Peach while excitedly shouting ā€œPRINCESS!ā€ He 100% should have expected to be suplexed.
After rightly slamming Mario to the ground like a sack of beans, Princess Peach looks down at him with wide eyes, as curious as she is startled. The moment Mario catches his breath he tries to scramble back to his feet and ask for help before he is promptly dog-piled by the guards.
At this point, Peach realizes 2 things: 1. This cute guy means no harm. Heā€™s clearly in some sort of trouble. 2. Heā€¦ kind of looks like a human? She orders his release. As Mario stands back up she gets a better look at him, and becomesĀ giddy once she sees her suspicions are confirmed.
ā€œHeā€™s a human! I mean, you are a human, right? Itā€™s justā€¦ youā€™re so small.ā€Ā  Heā€™s a human alright, just a particularly short one. Mario is confused by this reaction, and is a little annoyed by all the touchiness (especially the hat stealing.)
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But thereā€™s no time to focus on that right now, Peach wants to know where he came from. Mario doesnā€™t waste a second explaining his situation. Time is of the essence.
M: ā€œMeā€¦ and my little brother Luigi, we fell down this pipe! And now heā€™s lost somewhereā€¦ in The Dark Lands!ā€ P: ā€œThen itā€™s only a matter of time before heā€™s captured by Bowser.ā€
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Mario visibly tenses up at this. Heā€™s heard of Bowser from Toad, who described him as ā€œthe most evil, wretched creature alive.ā€ Peach reassures Mario that sheā€™s on a mission to stop him, and Mario demands to be brought along.
Ā ā€œThis guyā€™s a lunatic. A psycho. He will eat you for breakfast. He wonā€™t even notice it, probably, because youā€™re veryā€¦ veryā€¦ small.ā€
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When I first saw the movie, this line made me worry for Peachā€™s characterization, but I was relieved to see that this is the first and last time she talks down to Mario like this. In hindsight, her behavior makes sense: Mario doesnā€™t know what heā€™s up against or what his odds are, and Peachā€“ who has no idea who Mario is or what heā€™s capable ofā€“ is trying let him know where he stands in the grand scheme of thingsā€¦ that there is no shame in standing down. But Mario is not going to sit around while his brother is in danger, not in a million years.
ā€œMake fun of me all you want, but youā€™re going to help me find my brother.ā€
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Mario goes on the offensive. He doesnā€™t back out, but instead doubles down, just short of making a direct threat. Peach, being made of equally stern stuff, glares back at him, giving him one final chance to rethink his position.
Mario doesnā€™t rethink his position, but he does take a moment to remember that he is talking to a princess, so he tries to tone it down a bit by ending his sentence with ā€œplease?ā€Ā 
Peach smiles a littleā€¦ like sheā€™s impressed, but doesnā€™t want to admit it.Ā  This guy has spirit, but she doesnā€™t know whether heā€™s got the skills to back it up. So she takes Mario to the training course so she can truly see what heā€™s made of.
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When the course is laid out, Mario is wide-eyed and amazed. When Peach performs the obstacles, he gives her due praise, and questions how he himself is going to be physically capable of pulling off the same thing. Through this short interaction, Mario accidentally proves that though he is impulsive (made worse by his fear for Luigi), he is still capable of recognizing and respecting the skills of others, and has some ability to understand his own limitationsā€¦ to an extent.
Mario is introduced to powerups and fed the super shroom. But despite his newfound size, jumping ability, and confidence, he blows his first run of the obstacle course right off the bat. Peach says nothing to mock or demean him, but merely gives him a bit of advice about how powerups work, and encourages him to try again. So, Mario downs another mushroom, and give it another shot. Another point in Marioā€™s favor is that does not complain beyond the first mushroom he was forced to eat. For hours he has his shit kicked in by this brutal, ruthless obstacle course while heā€™s continually eating mushrooms to the point of vomiting. If he was any less of a man he would decide to try and find Luigi on his own after the millionth try, or at least attempt to argue down the severity of the course, but he doesnā€™t. This is the ultimatum heā€™s been given, this is what he needs to do, so he straightens his cap and tries againā€¦ and againā€¦ and againā€¦
ā€¦ and to Peachā€™s credit, she stays with him almost the entire night, and only goes to sleep when she collapses where she stands. You can see her getting more and more endeared to Mario, offering occasional emotional support, and rooting for him the whole way through. Their first interaction was a little rocky, but the more Peach sees of Mario, the more she likes what she sees.Ā 
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By dawn Mario has almost mastered the obstacles, he just got a little too sure of himself 10 feet from the finishing line. Despite the technical failure, Peach knows one thing for certain: SheĀ really wants this funky little weirdo who broke into her house to go on a road trip with her.
CONCLUSION: Mario and Peach are cut from the same cloth. Mario is a bit more brash and impulsive than Peach (which makes sense. Heā€™s not a royal, heā€™s a blue collar worker from Brooklyn), but theyā€™re both intrepid, big hearted, and willing to do anything for those they love. Furthermore, they are essentially going after Bowser for the same reason: their families, who they spent their entire lives loving and protecting, are being threatened.
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So yeah, kindred spirits Iā€™d say!
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
I didnā€™t even THINK of Blum! Itā€™s perfect!
(Also did not know you were a LMK fan, sweet!)
Do you have any fancasts for Dimentio? The only fan voice I've really seen is Alex Beckham of Man On The Internet; a youtube music group that makes musicals/musical numbers to video game music. They did a set for Super Paper Mario where Alex plays Dimentio and he's pretty good.
Alex Beckham is good, but for me? I think my dream casting for Dimentio is Steve Blum, specifically the voice he did for The Mayor in Monkie Kid.
(Spoiler warning starting at 3:15 for those who haven't seen the show) I desperately want him to have the "drama queen with an insane voice range" vibe... overextravagant and silly 90% of the time, but capable of being really scary when he gets serious.
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
The universe is as vast as it is beautiful.
Oh yeah, I'm waaaay deep into the MCU! (Mario Cinematic Universe)
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fluttershyfan12345 Ā· 1 year
I've stopped wearing a bra around the house a year ago, but i still wear one out of the house and at work.
i have a question for folks with larger chests: which is more comfortable for you, wearing a bra or not wearing one? cuz i personally have felt MUCH much better since i stopped wearing them but I also have a pretty small chest so there's not a lot to keep in place anyway, and i know larger boobs can be a pain in the ass
i'm just curious if wearing bras is usually a comfort thing or just a "this is what we do" thing
also if they are uncomfortable for you maybe try going without for a day or two! it has helped me tremendously and i stopped feeling weird about it after a few days of not wearing one
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