foreverexo-l-carat · 4 years
year 3 of celebrating the life of this beautiful soul. we miss and love you 🌹
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(201218) @shinee: i will always love you.
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foreverexo-l-carat · 4 years
tips for how to live a kind life
1) don’t say mean things about people, behind their backs or to their face. it’s not cool to be inconsiderate of others’ feelings. ignore people who want you to participate in talking badly about others, even if you are not fond of that person.
2) speak gently with a full heart.
3) be perceptive of others’ trauma, daily struggles, disabilities, and insecurities.
4) treat animals with tender respect.
5) don’t act out irrationaly towards the people you love. before you lash out, think about the consequences towards their feelings that would follow.
6) always remember that the positive energy you put out will come back to you.
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foreverexo-l-carat · 4 years
hanbin gave a fan his umbrella and ran home in the pouring rain a day or so ago and maybe the world is good so long as good people stay in it
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foreverexo-l-carat · 4 years
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foreverexo-l-carat · 4 years
Lol i guess you can bitch
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foreverexo-l-carat · 4 years
Why tf are you doing this on here ? You can literally text me 😂
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foreverexo-l-carat · 5 years
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hello if you have time please sign this petition that calls for sm to take action against the hateful things being said about jongdae
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foreverexo-l-carat · 5 years
Please take care of yourselves and reblog if you see to possibly save a life 💕
This website is like a suicide hotline but with text chat instead.  I would appreciate it if you guys helped spread the word.
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foreverexo-l-carat · 5 years
Okay, I haven't posted on here in so long (I know I need to come back and fix my page, life is very hectic for me) but I needed to come and post this PSA.
*Ahem* THIS SONG FREAKING SLAPS. Like, the second it started playing I knew it was gonna be a whole bop. PRETTYMUCH & NCT Dream delivered and also said consent is so important and I stand by that shit & stan.
PRETTYMUCH is so underrated in my opinion and I really hope this song can help their careers as well as introduce people to both fandoms. Seriously guys, you have to check this song out for clear skin and happiness 💕💕💕
P.S. I literally cried when Jisung & Chenle sang "I just wanna make sure you're sure" bcuz it's just so funny hearing the babies of NCT say that. Idk, it sent me 😂 (Also, I wish the song was longer because it's soooo good! Stan NCT & PRETTYMUCH)
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foreverexo-l-carat · 5 years
If this isn't me...😂💕
in case you guys didn’t know, i have the biggest crush on mark lee & there’s nothing anybody can do about it
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foreverexo-l-carat · 5 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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foreverexo-l-carat · 5 years
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Someone please try to change my mind
(I know this has been done before, but I literally just saw this thing about a human Toothless and thought he looked just like Seonghwa 😂)
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foreverexo-l-carat · 5 years
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foreverexo-l-carat · 5 years
Please help! Any and all help is appreciated 💕 Even just calming playlists, book suggestions, etc. Anything that helped you when you were struggling ❤
Hello, lovelies!
Hi, my precious little bean sprouts 😊 How have you all been? I feel like it’s been years since I’ve heard from you all 🤧 I’ve been well. Unfortunately, I haven’t been writing much for the new fic since the end of the year is coming and my professor’s decided to throw tons of work onto my plate 😒
Anyway, I’ve come for some help, I guess. I have this assignment for English and I’ve made a Tumblr blog for it. It’s basically a place for you to freely talk about any traumatizing situations in your life, how you dealt with it, etc. I was hoping you guys could send in some things you’ve experienced and how it shaped your life and maybe if you guys can share about this, that would be great and so , so helpful! Please help me out 🙏 The blog is @weave-the-sunshine
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foreverexo-l-carat · 6 years
Kiss || Na Jaemin
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Type: Fluff/Fake Angst
Word Count: N/A
Warning: None???
Description: After getting hurt, Jaemin ignores you for laughing at him
"How did we afford this trip exactly?" You asked the boy whose hand was tightly clasping your own.
Jaemin looked at you and smiled. "Chenle, of course," he chuckled.
Your eyes scanned the island of Hawaii you were on. "Of course. Rich boy Chenle is always trying to take us on trips."
It was just the ten of you. Somehow Yukhei had convinced Chenle to let him come and he was dragging Mark around to look at everything like a toddler in a candy store. You were surprised Mark's arm was still attached to his body.
Kun also came because he didn't trust you guys alone in the care of Yukhei and Mark. "Okay, here are our room keys," Chenle smiled, handing them out. "Noona, you're rooming with Kun-hyung. We were gonna let you room with Jaemin but Taeyong-hyung just about had an aneurysm when we told him that."
You shook your head and sighed. "Of course he did," you said. "It's not like we haven't fallen asleep together before."
Renjun nodded his head. "Which is why whether or not you end up in Jaemin's bed or vice-versa doesn't matter to us," he commented.
"Just keep it PG-13," Kun said. He didn't say it too sternly because he knew the two of you would. You were both legal adults, sure, but sex was too risky.
You all went up to your rooms. You set your suitcase down and went to look at the view. "Wow!" You exclaimed. "Oppa! Our view is amazing!"
He went over and stood next to you, looking out the window. "Hawaii really is a beautiful place."
Suddenly, there were tons of knocks at your door. You both sighed, fearing it was Yukhei. You bravely went and answered the door. Instead of Yukhei, it was Jaemin. "Let's go!" He exclaimed.
You cocked an eyebrow. "Go where?" You asked. "We just got here."
"I know but the boys want to play basketball later, so I want to spend time with you now."
He really was the sweetest. You quickly grabbed your bag and said goodbye to Kun. Jaemin interlaced your fingers as you headed out. "But, why do they want to play basketball? They can play anytime in Seoul!"
"Something about Chenle wanting to make Mark-hyung cry in a foreign country," he told you, causing you to laugh.
You guys didn't do much besides explore and get ice cream. You looked around and kept note of places you wanted to go to the next day as well as restaurants the other boys would like. Finally, just before the sun began setting, you arrived at the hotel.
"Finally!" Donghyuk exclaimed. "Chenle already made Mark cry twice!"
"No he didn't," Mark sniffled.
Jaemin laughed and shook his head. "Whatever, let's just play," he said, catching the ball as Jeno threw it to him.
You watched for a little bit. You stood up to leave when the incident happened. Jisung threw the ball to Jaemin, who wasn't paying attention, and forgot to call out his name. Before you knew it, the ball hit Jaemin in the cheek.
"Ah!" He cried out as he stumbled, tripping over his own feet and falling over.
A loud laugh escaped your lips before you could stop it, followed by a series of giggles. "Are you okay?" Mark asked, helping him up.
The apple of Jaemin's right cheek was red. "I'm fine," he said.
You went over, grabbing his arm. "Are you okay, Jaemin?" You asked.
He shrugged you off gently. "I said I'm fine and I meant it. I'm gonna go get ice."
With that, he left. Renjun sighed. "Ah, that kid is upset," he remarked.
You nodded. "I probably shouldn't have laughed," you stated. "I'll let him cool off and apologize later."
For dinner, you all decided to eat at the hotel's restaurant. You gathered there and that's when you realized Jaemin wasn't there. "No Jaemin?" Kun questioned.
Yukhei shook his head. "He said he wasn't hungry," he said. "Although, he was muttering something early about Y/N and her being rude, so I'm pretty sure he stayed in our room to pout."
You sighed. "He's just trying to prove a point and make me feel bad so I'll apologize," you told them. "I'll see the child after dinner."
You were used to Jaemin's pouty ways. You didn't let it but a damper on dinner but you couldn't help but think about his missing presence every now and then.
"Hyung," Yukhei said, grabbing Kun's attention, "maybe Y/N and Jaemin will kiss and make up and we can have a sleepover!"
Kun's eyes widened with horror. "Dear god, no," he said teasingly, causing Yukhei to pout.
After dessert, you paid and then went to your rooms. You quickly washed up and put your pajamas on before going to Jaemin and Yukhei's room. Just as you got there, Yukhei was leaving. He smiled, "See you tomorrow, Y/N."
You smiled back. "Sleep well, Oppa," you said, entering the room. It was dark besides the dim light coming from the lamp in between the two beds. "Jaemin?"
There was silence and then you called his name softly again. "Go away, I'm sleeping," he said in a pouty tone.
A soft chortle escaped your lips and you went over to his bed. You climbed on top of him, clinging to him. "Oh, well, I guess I just have to go give my love and affection to Hyuk."
He turned and looked at you. "You wouldn't dare."
"Well, I have to give my love and affection to someone since my boyfriend clearly doesn't want it," you said. "And we all know Hyuk adores love and affection."
He stared at you. "Only I can have your love and affection!" He exclaimed loudly, causing you to giggle and roll off of him. You got under the covers next to him, noticing his bruised cheek which caused sadness to fill you.
You looked at him with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry for laughing when you got hurt. I shouldn't have done that and have been so rude."
"That? Oh, well, thanks, but you don't have to apologize for that. I wasn't upset about that."
You blinked. "You weren't?" You questioned.
He shook his head. "No. It was pretty funny, after all. Especially with how Jisung forgot to call out my name," he confessed.
"Then, why have you been pouting and ignoring me?"
A whine escaped his lips. "Because you didn't kiss my cheek after I got hurt!"
Again, you blinked. "What?" You asked.
He nodded. "Yeah!" He exclaimed. "You should have rushed over to see me and kissed my cheek before laughing or kissed my cheek right after laughing but you didn't!"
You scoffed. "That's why you were upset?!" You exclaimed. He nodded. You couldn't believe it. You mumbled about how silly he was before leaning in and pecking his cheek. "There, better?"
A big grin replaced his pouty frown. "Much. But, my lips were also hit, so I think you need to kiss them too."
You rolled your eyes and giggled before pressing your lips to his. The kiss was sweet and simple. "Happy?"
He nodded. "You taste good, by the way," he said softly, pulling you closer.
A light blush appeared on your face. "I had some peach sorbet for dessert," you told him. Again, he kissed you.
"I love peaches but this tastes even better. It must be because I love how you naturally taste."
You rolled your eyes and lightly hit his chest. "Stop being so cheesy."
He smiled and kissed the top of your head, rubbing soothing circles in your back as the two of you slowly fell asleep over pillow talk.
A/N: So, I've decided that I suck at posting unless I have a schedule???? Anyway, I think I want to do a text series on here again. I know I failed, like, three times before but now I know how to actually do it successfully. So, yeah, be on the lookout for either a Mark or Jaemin text series within the next month or so 👀 Lol, don't worry, I'll keep you guys posted. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this and thank you for not leaving me 😔💕💕💕
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foreverexo-l-carat · 6 years
Tender Love || Mark Lee
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Type: Fluff
Word Count: 1.4K (?)
Warning: None~
Description: You and Mark are friends and you never considered the idea that he sees you as more than a friend
Lyrics: We're close friends, we pretend not to have feelings // I introduce you as a good friend // But there are words lingering in my mouth // I am in love with you, I wanna give you // (Hey) tender love
The cold air nipped at your facial features. It was getting harder and harder to sniffle as your nose froze due to the winter air. "It's cold," you observed aloud. You looked over at Mark, whom you were walking with to class. His cheeks were tinged pink but other than that, he seemed fine.
His eyes lit up as he thought of something. "Here, take my scarf," he offered, beginning to unravel it.
You quickly grabbed his hands to stop him. "No! Keep it for yourself! You don't need to freeze, either."
A sigh escaped his mouth. "If you don't take my scarf, I'm gonna give you my whole coat."
He wasn't kidding, either. You too let out a sigh, showing defeat. He smiled happily and removed his scarf before wrapping it around your neck. Moments like that made your heart beat just a bit faster than usual. "Thank you," you said softly. He smiled up at you, finding your pink cheeks and nose adorable.
You finished the walk from the share house the two of you lived in, stepping foot on campus and going to class. You entered the large lecture hall. Your friends were all there but sitting on separate sides. "I'll see you after class, okay?" He questioned. You nodded. "Are we still gonna see that movie later?"
You smiled and nodded. "Of course!" You exclaimed, waving slightly as you went to your friends. "Hey."
"Dude, you're practically frozen," Yeri commented. She grabbed your hands and shivered. "Where are your gloves?!"
"I was running late this morning and forgot everything. I'm lucky I remembered my coat."
Saeron cocked an eyebrow. "What about the scarf?" She questioned. "Don't you usually wear your red one because it reminds you of Goblin? Where'd you get this blue one?"
You blushed slightly and were thankful your cheeks were already tinged pink. "It's Mark's," you confessed.
"Of course it is," Yeri said. "Only Mark Lee would be gracious enough to give you his scarf. Of course, his crush on you only fuels his desire to take care of you."
In response to her comment, you rolled your eyes. "He doesn't like me! We've been friends for a long time now. It's not like guys can only be kind to girl's they have feelings for."
Saeron nodded. "Y/N's right," she said. "But, that's why Yeri included the fact that liking you only makes him want to be nice. He's originally nice to you but his crush on you only makes him treat you better."
You hadn't caught onto that detail and you wished Saeron hadn't, either. "Whatever. The bottom line is that Mark and I are friends," you told them as your professor entered. You glanced over at Mark who was talking about something with his friends, Yukhei and Jihoon. You bit your lip nervously. Lately, things have felt different between you and Mark. You've been looking at him in a different light and you didn't like it. Something about him changed to you and suddenly he was this handsome, charismatic guy that you wanted to kiss. You ignored these thoughts and focused on the lecture.
"We missed it," you panted as you and Mark watched the last bus of the night drive off. You sat down on the bench to catch your breath. "What now?"
He sighed and sat down next to you. "We shouldn't walk home. It's freezing and so late," he commented. He racked his brain for ideas. "I have a friend who lives nearby. He's just a block away."
You looked at him as you rubbed your hands together to warm them up. "Do you think he'd let us stay the night?"
Mark nodded his head. "I'm almost completely positive. He's such a mom sometimes that he wouldn't have the heart to turn us away."
"Let's go, then," you said. "I'm freezing."
He chuckled softly as he nodded. The two of you began the walk to his friend's apartment. Upon your arrival, Mark knocked on the door. "Mark!" The boy exclaimed. "What are you doing here so late?"
"Sorry for not texting, Kun-hyung, but we missed the last bus home and were hoping to stay the night here," Mark said. "If it's okay with you and Sicheng-hyung."
Kun nodded his head rapidly. "Of course! Of course! Come in."
He practically pushed you and Mark in. "What's going on?" Sicheng questioned. Kun quickly filled him in. His eyes fell on you. "You must be Y/N. Mark talks about you a lot."
His comment made Mark whine and you giggle. You bowed. "It's nice to meet you both," you greeted. "Thank you for allowing us to stay the night."
Kun smiled fondly before telling you both to make yourselves at home. You and Mark sat down on the couch. His eyes fell on your hands, which were very red. Without commenting, his clasped your hands between his own, surprising you. "Geez, Y/N!" He exclaimed. "Your hands are freezing!"
You would have protested his suddden holding of your hands but accepted the warmth his hands brought. "It's cold outside, what do you expect?"
He sighed. "You should have told me. I would have bought you some gloves."
A smile played on your lips and you shook your head. "It's fine," you said. "I'll live."
"Here," Kun said, setting down two mugs of hot chocolate in front of you and Mark. "Drink this to warm up."
Your eyes lit up as Mark took his hands away. "Wow!" You exclaimed. "Sunbaenim, this is amazing! Thank you so much!"
Kun smiled. "Of course. Also, no need to call me that. You can just call me 'Oppa'. I feel close to you after hearing all those stories from Mark."
Again, Mark was embarrassed. "Aw, Hyung!" He whined. "Why do you have to say such embarrassing things?"
Sicheng laughed. "We just want to make sure Y/N knows just how much you talk about her," he said. "It shows how much you love her."
Mark hid his head from embarrassment and you smiled before grabbing his hand. He looked at you and smiled. "Calm down, heart," you thought to yourself.
"Um, there isn't much space for you guys to sleep," Kun said, thinking about it. "The couch pulls out but I'm not sure how comfortable you guys are with that."
You looked up at him and smiled. "It's okay, Oppa, Mark and I can sleep on the couch together," you told him. "It wouldn't be the first time we've slept together."
Mark's eyes widened, causing Sicheng to snicker. "Hey, watch your words," he said, causing you to realize your mistake.
You blushed. "That's not what I meant! We've just slept in the same bed together before, that's all!"
Sicheng laughed. "It's okay, Y/N, we understood," he smiled.
"I'll get you guys some blankets," Kun said.
You and Mark finished your delicious hot chocolate before changing. You kept your shirt on but Sicheng gave you some sweats and Kun gave Mark some, too. When you exited the bathroom, the couch was pulled out and set up with numerous pillows and blankets.
"I'm ready to fall into a temporary coma," you sang out as you went towards the couch. Mark simply chuckled and shook his head.
You both climbed onto the couch, pulling the blankets over you. Sicheng has already gone to bed and Kun wanted to check on you one last time. "One last thing," he said, clearing his throat. "I know you're both adults and can do adult things but please refrain from having sex on the couch. The springs can be squeaky as you can tell and I don't want a noise complaint. Good night."
Then, he was gone after smirking at Mark. "Oh my god," he groaned, covering his face. "I regret coming here."
You giggled. You were slightly embarrassed, too, but you knew Kun was just teasing. "I like it here," you told him. "They're both so nice and it's fun seeing them tease you."
"I'm not surprised you enjoy seeing me suffer."
The two of you were silent after that. You stared up at the ceiling and ended up falling asleep afted mumbling a good night to Mark.
When you woke up the next morning, the only thing on your mind was the dream you had where Mark had kissed you. You lied on the couch staring up at the ceiling as you traced your lips. It had felt so realistic. Mark was still asleep.
"I'm not kidding," Kun said softly. "He kissed her."
"How do you know?" Sicheng questioned.
Kun sighed. "I came out here to get some water and he was kissing her! I even took a photo."
You carefully and quietly got off the couch and went over to them. They were sat at the breakfast bar with their backs to you. You snuck up behind them, peering at Kun's phone. Your eyes widened at the photo of Mark lightly kissing your lips. You snatched the phone from Kun's hands, scaring him and Sicheng.
"Y/N!" Sicheng exclaimed.
"Oh my gosh!" You cried out.
Kun groaned. "You weren't supposed to see this," he confessed.
You looked at him. "Oppa, does this mean Mark likes me?"
He nodded. "He does like you. He's told us before."
A whine escaped your lips and you told the two boys that you were gonna make a call. You left the apartment and went into the stairwell, sitting down. "Hello?" Yeri questioned.
"I'm freaking out, Yeri! Freaking out!" You exclaimed. "Mark kissed me!"
She gasped before exclaiming, "What?!"
"Yeah! I mean, I wasn't awake when it happened but Kun-oppa took a photo!"
"So, what does this mean? Does he actually like you?"
You nodded even though she couldn't see you. "Yes!" You exclaimed before letting out another sigh. "What do I do?"
"Wow, I can't believe the turn of events," she confessed. "Well, do you like him back?"
You bit your lip. You did. Maybe you weren't on the same level as him yet but you had feelings for him. You were afraid to tell Yeri that. The moment you confessed that you liked Mark aloud would make everything real.
You never got to tell her, though, because the door to the stairs opened and Mark appeared. "I have to go. See you later," you said, ending the call.
"Who were you talking to?" Mark asked.
You smiled. "Just Changbin. He was wondering where we were."
He nodded his head, believing your lie. "Well, Kun made us some breakfast, so let's eat before going."
You nodded and followed him back to the apartment.
After eating, cleaning up, and changing back into your clothes, you and Mark were ready to leave. You thanked the two boys who you were already so fond of, giving them hugs, before leaving.
The walk to the bus stop was silent and so was the bus ride home. You couldn't help it because you were so lost in thought. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Mark asked, causing you to jump from shock since you had been so absorbed in your own thoughts. "You're really quiet."
You smiled and nodded. "I'm just thinking you," you told him, taking your left hand and tucking some hair behind your ear.
His eyes widened. "Y/N! Your hand is so red!"
You looked at it. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess it is kind if cold. Numb almost."
"Give me your hand," he said, taking it. He interlaced his fingers with your own and then put your hands in his pocket. "Better?"
All you could do was nod. You were glad it was cold out or else your blush would show. Your heart was beating fast and it was in that moment that you could no longer deny your feelings for Mark. Your heart was pounding as you walked the neighborhood streets to get home.
"I need to tell you something," you told him, stopping him from walking any further. "I know you kissed me last night and I know you like me as more than a friend."
His eyes widened. "You do?"
You nodded. "And I want you to know that I like you too. I'm not just saying this because I'm trying to force a relationship. I've liked you for a while now. I get jealous when you talk to other girls and they flirt with you, I get happy when we walk to school together, and I get butterflies in my stomach whenever you hug me or even look at me with that cute face of yours."
A smile took over his face and he stepped closer to you, causing your heart to start beating extra fast. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. "I'm gonna kiss you now, okay?" He softly asked. You nodded, unable to break eye contact. Slowly, he leaned in and then captured your lips with his own.
It was your guys' first official kiss and it was a sweet, simple kiss of the lips. "I knew it!" Someone loudly exclaimed. You looked and saw Changbin and Yeri staring at you two with wide eyes. "Friends don't look at each other like that!"
Yeri laughed and grabbed his arm. "Okay, let's go," she said. "They're alive and safe, so let's go make some hot chocolate."
She dragged him away as he yelled out to you two that he wanted details. You and Mark exchanged a look before laughing. He kissed your forehead and then interlaced your fingers once again, walking home.
A/N: So, it's been a really long time since I've posted anything. I got caught up with a Hyunjin fic on my other blog and I apologize. I've actually been writing a lot of things, especially for this account, but I always got anxious to post anything. I would second guess myself and my writing but I don't want to do that anymore! So, I'm going to get back into the groove of things, start posting more, and clean up my blog a bit because it feels messy. I hope you enjoy this and I'm sorry for being so inactive 💕💕💕
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foreverexo-l-carat · 6 years
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I love you
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