I can't kill myself...I bought too many concert tickets for this year
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I just saw a post about hiw embarrassing it is to face someone after you had an episode in front of them, after they have seen you mentally completely unstable and self-destructive and that is one of my biggest fears...I can't look at people after I just cried and to think that someone might find me when I am having a bad episode is my personal horror.
I am so scared of someday having an episode infront of my partner, they know I struggle with mental health, that I have several mental illness and am in the process of getting even more diagnosed.
I am considered high functioning...so I struggle with even just doing things like to brush my teeth twice a day and I don't even know when I cooked for the last time but I do all the work I have to, I show up to appointments on time and if in a social setting am present.
It makes it even harder because on weekends I can't even get out of bed but no one sees that.
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My mental health is getting worse....but my jokes are getting better again so I see this as a win
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#every time I make a joke and my therapist loughs I feel like I won
#but then he stops and starts writing and I get scared
#don't open new trauma...please
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I just brougth two new concert tickets and am planning to buy another too (but they are atleast very cheap ~10€)
I have an issue
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When you befriend people but you are not yet completly comfortable with them yet and you have anxiety so every interaction with them is nice and cool but also so so horrible because your brain is going like 245 km/h
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The moment when you study in the library and you and another group are the only ones there and you know them but you don't know them very well so you just study and smile awkwardly every time one of them passes you :|
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I forgot to wish everyone a happy pride month
I am sick and that's homophobic thank you for listening
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I thought it would be fun to follow the formula1 Tag on tumblr...
I wanna know gossip and memes about pierre and yuki not Date au with Max
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I am in awe at the fact that Bring Me The Horizon can write what's ostensibly a generic metalcore song and yet make it sound so incredibly good and unique?!?!?
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OKAY. I saw one of my absolute favourite bands motionless in White live at Rock Im Park. Second row so pretty much directly in the front on the left side where Ricky stood. Sounds Good? Sounds awesome? IT WAS.
But it got better. Chris came to my side of the stage. I screamed my lungs out like everyone else around me and made a heart with my hands. HE SAW ME, LOOKED AT ME AND POINTED AT ME. At this point my brain just gave up.
What did I do after that? I MADE FUCKING FINGER GUNS AT HIM. I don't think he saw it he prpbably had turned to other fans already but WHYYYYY did I do that???????
But it was awesome and I loved every second of that concert
:) <3
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Okay, later today I need to get something off of my chest about RockImPark (good thing) I may be an idiot but it was awesome
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I'm going to Rock im Park next weekend and I am sooooooooo EXCITED
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