frecords · 2 days
I love you albums. I love you songs connected by similar themes. I love you listening to songs in a specific order picked by the artist. I love you reoccurring motifs throughout the same album. I love you album covers. I love you albums with extended editions. I love you songs that reference each other.
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frecords · 2 days
In the club
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frecords · 3 days
Tumblr media
“Never Gonna Give You Up” with every second beat removed
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frecords · 3 days
this seems to work especially well with pop songs since they have the lyrics stretched over several beats so the syllables actually line up somewhat when you remove a beat between them. Rock still sounds good but the lyrics dont line up that well
“We Didn’t Start the Fire” with every second beat removed
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frecords · 3 days
"Disturbia" with every first beat removed
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frecords · 4 days
The early screams
This song was inspired by Lethe by Dark Tranquility. It also features my first attempts at screaming and rock vocals.
I thought I needed to add distortion to make up for what I was lacking in technique. Now I am able to distort my voice pretty well without any effects. Drums were programmed by me.
It's about noone specifically, just a love letter to an imaginary partner.
0 notes
frecords · 6 days
Another satire, this time experimenting with reggea rhythms.
The lyrics are heavily inspired by a video by german Youtuber Rezo (back when he still made music). It was originally a comedy video about school subjects being rappers, but he dropped some serious lyrics when it came to history. You can watch the video here (relevant part from 3:42 until 5:00): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv31vOJzpps
It's about learning from history and not falling again for the same right-wing narratives.
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frecords · 7 days
I definitely experience this with music. Especially when watching people play guitar or hear a really sick riff
do u ever just see an art style that makes u wanna draw. like not necessarily draw similar to that style but just like looking at it you're like :J and it just instantly boosts ur motivation to make ur own stuff
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frecords · 9 days
Really interesting song. From the intro you wouldnt think it was a rock song, but then it takes a left turn. Reminds me of Jethro Tull minus the flute, but that could just be how it was made at the time
✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨
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frecords · 11 days
sick riffs
I made this while staying home with a cold. I was frustrated that I couldn't concentrate enough to write lyrics and weren't fit enough to go outside. So I wrote this rock-y guitar track with barely noticeable drums. I just kept adding layers until my creativity ran out.
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frecords · 13 days
But does it djent?!
Thanks to Jared Dines, I learned about the genre of djent and desperately wanted to create somthing with sweeping guitars. Well, this isn't djent but it's certainly a nice soothing piece of music.
Oh wait, stick around till the end for an actually djenty surprise. Chuggy rhythms and riffs guaranteed! (Is it obvious by now that I write these while listening back to them?)
0 notes
frecords · 18 days
Ear candy!
Did I mention how huge this loop library is? It even has recordings of the apollo space mission!
Here I learned about ear candy (small effects to spice up your otherwise constant song) and tried to throw in as many effects as possible. Some of the synths and drums are played by me, like the main melody and the bass.
0 notes
frecords · 20 days
Everyone's an angel
That's the spoken sentence before the drum break, in case you were wondering.
This is mainly me talking to myself. It's the first time I dare to have vocals as a foreground element.
The synth following the guitar was played by me, the intro and drums is all loops.
0 notes
frecords · 25 days
This song is the complete opposite of the last (IgnoRance). That's because I might not be able to write happy lyrics, but I do love myself a funky bass-riff. Throw some reed flutes and a beat on top, you got yourself some feel-good music.
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frecords · 27 days
Metalcore is my favourite genre: It has heavy lyrics, technical riffs, solos - and breakdowns.
To create one myself, I programmed a double base drumloop and wrote a simple riff, over which I could record this airy solo. I didn't bother recording my voice with a microphone but spoke directly into my MacBook.
From the exasperated sigh in the beginning you can guess that this wasn't exactly a happy time for me. The end of my school time was nearing and I was anxious about my future and detached from the people around me. Sadly, inner turmoil is always my driving motivation to create art. When I'm happy, it is really hard for me to focus on something like writing lyrics because I'd rather be outside riding my bike.
0 notes
frecords · 1 month
Just loops
All thanks to the Garageband loop library, this song exists. It is really huge, but its full potential isn't even used in this song.
I put this together on a melancholic day and possibly at the start of a relationship I had back then.
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frecords · 1 month
the synthesizer without keys
Andrew Huang introduced me not only to great producing techniques, but also to modular synthesizers. So back in 2019 I downloaded a digital rack, set up my laptop in my bathroom and hit record on my phone. This is the result.
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