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Wanna watch me be a play games?
Check out my twitch, ArtsyRenee.
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Wanna watch me be a play games?
Check out my twitch, ArtsyRenee.
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It is 5 in the morning, I just want to sleep.
Sold a game and the Xbox, but I’m currently having a meltdown because people be sus.
Person who bought game offered $20 + $30 for the stress + $30 for shipping + $400 for fucking gift cards.
Cant access the money to buy the gift card...so they want me to use my own money, which I don’t have.
Person who bought Xbox offered $100 + $30 for stress + $50 for shipping + $300 for gift cards.
Told them to do the $300 separate from the actual purchase because I won’t be able to access it, they do it Anyways.
I currently have $480 from two different people (making it $960) sitting in my account, that I can’t access.
I’m just trying to sell shot to buy an oculus.
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Sold a game and the Xbox, but I’m currently having a meltdown because people be sus.
Person who bought game offered $20 + $30 for the stress + $30 for shipping + $400 for fucking gift cards.
Cant access the money to buy the gift card...so they want me to use my own money, which I don’t have.
Person who bought Xbox offered $100 + $30 for stress + $50 for shipping + $300 for gift cards.
Told them to do the $300 separate from the actual purchase because I won’t be able to access it, they do it Anyways.
I currently have $480 from two different people (making it $960) sitting in my account, that I can’t access.
I’m just trying to sell shot to buy an oculus.
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I’ve already given my PayPal.
But I’m gonna give you my link tree.
My eBay is on there, I’m selling my old Xbox 360 with Kinect and controller and a bunch of games.
The bidding for the Xbox starts at $100, the games start at $20 each.
I’m selling them because I’m broke, so you will also have to pay for shipping (sorry).
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If you wish to donate to me,
I put my PayPal in my bio.
If you can’t find it, I’ll put it here: paypal.me/DRose1405
I’m just a girl, struggling to get a job that wants to buy things.
You don’t have to donate, but I would really appreciate it if you would. 😂
I love you guys!
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Showing my friend Laid to Rest
During the scene where Jesse was sewing up the bullet wounds, my friend said,
“He’s not even reacting!”
My reply?
“He could be screaming, but he’s mute, so we have no idea.”
Then we both just started cackling.
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The Creeper needs more love and attention.
So, I’ve watched all the Jeepers Creepers movies more than once,
I fucking love that demon
Once again, I’m reading fanfics...
Love them
But there was another gif
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We never see the Creeper genuinely smile,
Only smirks
Or perverted grins
With his silly little grin!
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Can you tell I’m a thirsty bitch?
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You guys are awesome!
I love all my guy, gal, and non-binary followers!
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Can’t go to the movies, So movie night is at home.
I’m unemployed and I still live with my parents.
My mother knows about my love of slashers,
And she accepts me for that because they’re fictional characters.
If I loved real killers, she’d have some concerns.
That’s besides the point.
My mom bought The Boy ll,
Because she knows how much I love Brahms.
This is perfect parenting
As long as it isn’t a crime.
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My followers know nothing about my personal life.
I’m not going to give much info,
But I will tell you,
I’m a Bisexual female.
So when I tell you I just had a gay panic, I’m not kidding.
My best friend, who is also female, just asked me to go on a date with her,
And it fucking broke me.
Sat there for a minute and had a mini (not so mini) gay panic.
I accepted.
Once this COVID stuff chills a bit,
We going on a date to Steak and Shake.
Gonna share a milkshake and fries like in the movies.
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I was never really interested in IT enough to become part of the fandom,
That changed really fucking fast this week.
I just found out today that Richie is Canonically gay, that was nice.
I write my own fanfics with OC’s, but I never post them, don’t have enough confidence to do so.
But I just started thinking, has anyone thought about Pennywise going into his human form, getting a woman pregnant, and her child has a baby that ended up somehow getting Pennywise’s powers?
Seems like a bit of a stretch, but I think it would be pretty fucking cool.
Like the child is a part of the Loser’s club and they don’t find out about their abilities until the scene where Eddie gets killed.
Like, their fear of losing their friend unlocked their powers and they attacked Pennywise before he could hit Eddie.
What do you think?
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I’ve decided to watch a show called
It’s on Amazon prime for free.
I just started episode one and I can already tell this is going to be a little confusing at first.
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Yeah, the rain coming down woke me up. I jumped out of bed and looked outside. I could barely see my neighbors house, but I could see the elderly couple trapped in the garage to avoid the rain. Took me a while to get back to bed after that.
Tell me how the hell this makes sense,
I can watch Laid to Rest, Halloween, Nightmare on elm street, and Friday the thirteenth,
I’m not affected,
Not scared at all!
There’s a fucking storm and I’m terrified.
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Anyone in Illinois, be careful!
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Tell me how the hell this makes sense,
I can watch Laid to Rest, Halloween, Nightmare on elm street, and Friday the thirteenth,
I’m not affected,
Not scared at all!
There’s a fucking storm and I’m terrified.
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Anyone in Illinois, be careful!
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I’m bored so send me some questions!
⚰️ horror movie ask game 🔪
a nightmare on elm street: top 5 fav songs rn?
hellraiser: do u have any tattoos/piercings? do u want any?
the texas chainsaw massacre: what’s ur favorite food?
my bloody valentine: are u in a relationship/do u have a crush?
scream: what’s ur favorite movie?
carrie: if u could have any superpower, what would u pick?
the shining: do u prefer warm weather or cold weather?
us: if u could change one thing about urself, what would it be?
jaws: what’s something u wish u were good at?
hereditary: do u drink, smoke, or do drugs?
nosferatu: do u have a lot of friends?
friday the 13th: do u believe in astrology?
child’s play: have u ever committed a crime? what was it? *adjusts wire* if not, would u ever commit a crime?
frankenstein: what’s ur favorite website?
suspiria: what’s ur favorite book?
re-animator: are u neat or messy?
the ring: if u could visit/live anywhere in the world, where would u?
midsommar: show ur lock screen + home screen!
halloween: what’s ur favorite holiday?
silence of the lambs: what’s something ur looking forward to?
the exorcist: are u religious?
paranormal activity: do u believe in ghosts/demons/aliens/magic/anything paranormal?
saw: give a controversial opinion >:3
alice, sweet alice: what would u describe ur style as?
the fly: what is ur biggest fear?
the evil dead: do u have any weird/obscure interests?
the vvitch: what’s ur favorite historical time period? (without the old-timey bigotry)
psycho: do u collect anything, or want to? if so, what? 
night of the living dead: what’s ur fav hobby?
the blair witch project: what’s ur biggest pet peeve?
alien: what character do u relate to a lot?
invasion of the bodysnatchers: how do u think ppl see u? how do u see urself?
house: do u have any pets? do u want any?
the thing: what’s ur job? (or dream job if u don’t work?)
final destination: what’s something everyone else hates, but u love?
rosemary’s baby: what’s something everyone else loves, but u hate?
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@imtrebleandsharp commented on my post about seeing a chromeskull mask in the Collection. This one
She asked if I could get a screenshot,
Which I got pretty fast since I knew where to look.
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In the bottom right corner.
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