wilt1ng 1 year
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Asa prefers the company of others. While it may not be a chit-chat while drinking tea, hearing their pained screams are good enough for comfort.
Hence, one of the many reasons for Abby's purpose to him.
Asa understands the value in life, and it's one of the many reasons he enjoys being the one to take it. He's the type of monster intelligent and self-aware enough to know what he's doing.
Asa was locked into the box during his childhood, hence his symbolic reasoning for entrapping his victims in there. (Thanks to his abus*ve father)
The reason Asa enjoys critters and insects so much is because they're the only seems of comfort he had during the horrors of his childhood/facing the challenges he did. Spiders would often find themselves crawling within the box his father encased him in.
Naturally, he has more respect for animals and insects over human life.
I'll take note of the fact that he was responsible for the death of his guard dogs and didn't at all seem torn up over their deaths. However, I still believe he AT LEAST holds more of a liking towards them.
(I could see him owning a cat for himself/personal reasons back at home)
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@imtrebleandsharp commented on my post about seeing a chromeskull mask in the Collection. This one
She asked if I could get a screenshot,
Which I got pretty fast since I knew where to look.
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In the bottom right corner.
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wilt1ng 2 years
The Collector: Asa Emory [MORE] Head-Canons.
It has been literal months with no cure for my Asa brain rot. Enjoy.
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The Collector's voice.
Initially in my first set of headcanons, I brushed upon what his voice could potentially sound like. Now at the time it had slipped my mind that The Collector's voice was revealed at the end of the sequel "The Collection". Upon relearning this information, I took it upon myself to rewatch the film and analyze his voice the best to my ability.
In a previous post I wrote, "I imagine Asa's voice as being very husky and low from lack of use. It's a very demanding voice; he's able to provoke fear just by speaking, although he prefers not to around victims especially."
I now disagree with this older information. Don't get me wrong it's not totally off, my thoughts on the subject have just expanded.
His voice is not as deep or gruff as I once thought. In fact, his voice was a pleasant surprise as I felt it didn't match his horrifying exterior. However I find this even more fitting as his voice is something you just wouldn't expect from a man like him.
Although it isn't deep, that doesn't mean it's not a low sounding voice.
His tone was surprisingly calm with hints of genuine curiosity as he asks Arkin, "Are you here to kill me?"
PERSONALLY unless he masked his voice to be more husky/gravely/mysterious, I would find it quite comforting in a way. Like I said, his real voice isn't exactly intimidating. It's almost soft and gentle, especially for being caught by Arkin. You'd think there would be a hint of anger, hate, or gruffness, but there isn't. He isn't the type to waste breath, expressing frustrations vocally. Instead, after he asked Arkin if he was going to kill him; he listened to what he had to say. Clearly not liking what Arkin was insinuating, he leapt to attack him (but failed).
I could see Asa using his voice to comfort his victims. It's literally that nice. Long story short? He could manipulate me any day with a voice like that.
Predator vs Prey. (Primal)
This man 100% has a predator/prey kink. In case you're unfamiliar, urban dictionary explains it well. "A type of sexual kink or deviancy which involves becoming animalistic during sex. Can include scratching, biting, general聽brute force, and animal-type noises like howling, snarling, growling, etc. The dominants in this聽kink community聽are sometimes referred to as primal hunters and the subs are聽primal prey."
I mean are you kidding..? This man literally growls. Although it's primarily expressed in the first movie, I'd like to think it still carries into the second. I've heard people compare him to an arachnid, a black panther, or a wolf stalking it's prey.
Personally, he reminds me of the wolf spider.
BONUS: His preference for restraints are collars used for around the neck. In fact, he measures the circumference of his victim's neck just to get the size right. How sweet of him.
Every killer needs an alibi.
You know how at the end of the movie we see The Collector's true home? It basically let's us know that Asa has a normal, functioning life outside of butchering people. That being said, he doesn't seem the type who would just start a family in order to seem the normal "family man". He is independent, Asa doesn't need no man or woman. However, I could 100% see him making room for a potential lover. I suppose it also heavily depends on the circumstances. Perhaps he develops a liking for someone, and doesn't quite want them to figure out who he truly is. Therefore he masks this side of him, only showing his s/o what he wants them to see.
BONUS: If his s/o discovers who he truly is, they become his next victim. Asa will keep them around longer than he knows he should. He would finally reveal his sadistic side, while maintaining his "sweet" one every so often to emotionally manipulate them.
"Don't cry." Asa purred. His touch was that of cold-wet leather. As tears fell he'd gently swipe his thumb over your damp cheeks, enjoying every second as you squirmed underneath his blade.
"Sh-sh-shh..." He comforted you the best he could, impressed you've held on this long. The Collector had rules, and you made him break every single one. He had straddled you; with your wrists bound in barbedwire, there wasn't much you could do.
"Almost done." He spoke, his voice gentle and soft, despite carving his name into your abdomen.
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An amazing person commented on one of my previous posts,
Telling me to try Tubi so I can watch my movies.
Thank you for that, @523n3-k1d-tr45h, I appreciate the help.
I found The Collector on Tubi, and the same girl that I found out about Chromeskull from, @horrorslashergirl, she also writes for The Collector.
I decided I wanted to check it out.
Holy shit,
This movie is fucking intense.
Not for the faint of heart,
I have 锟紅achycardia, which means I have an extremely fast heart rate.
I鈥檓 someone who wants to finish a series of movies once I start watching.
I just found out there鈥檚 a sequal.
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