Showing my friend Laid to Rest
During the scene where Jesse was sewing up the bullet wounds, my friend said,
“He’s not even reacting!”
My reply?
“He could be screaming, but he’s mute, so we have no idea.”
Then we both just started cackling.
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pretty-slasher · 4 years
Another Updated Character List
+ Rules
Hello everyone! This is the last character list that I’ll write for a while but I didn’t want anyone who finds my original one to be confused as I have added a few to the list in the past. And I decided to include my rules as well.
Jason Dean ( J.D.)
Veronica Sawyer
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Billy Lenz
Brahms Heelshire
Ash Williams
Michael Myers (OG and RZ )
Jason Vorhees
Thomas Hewitt
Bubba Sawyer
ChopTop Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Drayton Sawyer
Herbert West
Carrie White
Tiffany Valentine
Chucky ( Both Human and doll )
Freddy Kruger
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Norman Bates
Harry Warden
Jack Torrance
Pedophelia. I will absolutely not write for pedophelia/underage at all. No matter what.
Rape/Non-Con. If it’s the aftermath or getting over it from a past situation, sure. But not one of the slashers raping and/or touching their S/o without their consent.
Bathroom Kinks. I’m sorry but I’m just not comfortable writing this sort of things. No scat, urine, or any other bodily fluids like that will be written.
Incest. Another thing I’m not comfortable writing.
Beastiality. I’m sorry I just see this as plain wrong. Absolutely not.
Ok and thats all. If anything you want to request is not on the Not Gonna Write list then feel free to send your requests!! 💕
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Quick lil headcannons for yall whilst I have time
Q. How would the slashers react to there s/o asking them to grow out their beards
He would be confused why you want that but sure why not
At first it's fine a bit of stubble here and there but not a full beard yet
After a while it's growing pretty well but it's hard for him to put on his mask so he wants to shave it off but you negotiate with using his old potato sack instead
After some negotiation with him you both agreed that he would wear the sack but you have to read to him every night (he loves to hear you read)
The beard itself isn't much but it's still a manly one
Two words NO WAY
He will refuse no matter how many times you beg
He does however consider stubble but nothing else
You give up and agree on the stubble if it means you can see a tiny bit of facial hair
In a way it makes him hotter and more rugged than he already is
You do hate how rough it is tho
But... But he's baby why would you ask such a thing you monster ¡o¡
Nevertheless he agrees if it makes you happy
For bubba his no shave season went pretty quick mainly coz he forgot to do it in the first place
In about 2 weeks he had a little bit of fluff
You then realised how bad of an idea this was and demanded that he shaved
He's now never aloud to have a beard
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pucca11111111111 · 5 years
The night he comes home ( Michael Myers x female reader ) part one
He would leave you for days at a time or sometimes even a whole week. You knew that he was a killer. That’s what killers do. Leave for a week or even months. You always waited for him to come back to you safe and sound. You knew that he would be ok out there. You sometimes got worried, but you tried not to think about it too much. You knew he would come back home to you once he was done. It’s been ten years since you’ve seen the love of your life. The last time you saw him you kissed him goodbye before he left you. He thought you moved on with another man. That you had forgotten about him after all those years of him leaving you. The past 10 years in fact. You did move on with your life, but not with another man. You did a lot of different things, you knew in your heart that one day he would come back to you and that he never stopped loving you. That day finally come he was coming home after so many years. After being away from you, he was reddy to see you, hug you and touch you for the first time in years. Once he opened the door to find you after all those years, you still looked very beautiful to him, no matter how old you were. You were still very beautiful to him no matter your age. As he closed the door he said your name for the first time in years. You stated to cry as you run to give the love of your life a hug that you haven’t given him in years. No matter how old you both were you still loved each other very much, even if you had to aged a bit. You still waited for the love of your life to come back to you. He took you upstairs, carrying you into the bedroom you both used to share before he left you for ten years since you both were in your bedroom, the room you once shared were you both of you would cuddle together and make love, keeping each other warm on those cold winter nights. You still remember the last time you made love before he left you for so many years. You keep thing keeping over and over again. You still remember how he asked you on your first date. You come home from school and saw a note on your bed. Thinking that your parents have left it for you to tell you something, you pick it up and begin to red it without much thought. But it wasn’t from your parents. It was from a killer from the night before who was inside your house. You never forget what happened that night. He must have broken into your house while you were in school, or perhaps he had broken in while your parents were still getting ready for work. He had to have been very quiet not making one sound. The note said “ will you go on a date with me?”From the killer who broke into your house
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slasherwife · 4 years
Hey, I just read your headcanons on how Thomas and Bubba would react to a reader who's very strong (in that ask, the person said that they could lift like twice their bodyweight or something). How would Jason and Bo Sinclair react to that? It just got me curious, because in a lot of headcanons, especially Jason (Bo not so much) is pictured as this extremely protective guy who would pretty much do anything to keep you out of harm's way, you know?
Totally! 😊
How Jason and Bo react to a super strong s/o
By jena marie
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How do Jason and Bo Sinclair react to their s/o being able to lift someone twice their body weight?
Jason Vorhees
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Jason is strong boi himself so being able to lift heavy things and be able to accidentally rip someone’s arm off is completely normal to him
but YOU—
Ok to be honest he wasn’t like OwO when you lifted a tree trunk off his leg, but he was surprised! 😂💘
He kind of just stares up at you before getting up and continuing his hunt against those teens 😂💖
Like “thx ily, now go back inside ur too fragile to be out here.” —whoosh—
Basically 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ yeah
His protectiveness does not falter AN INCH, btw. Ur still his sweet innocent cinnamon roll who will always need his protection 🤭💕💕
Bo Sinclair
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this gif is hot
When you lifted a couch out of the way to get to a person escaping, Bo wasn’t even focused on the girl— he was like “what the f—“
Lowkey bewildered, but we need to kill this person so whatever
But afterwards you’ll see him glancing at your arms and being like “did I eat crack for lunch or did that rlly just happen?”
Actually tho 😂
The asshole gets mad that he can’t help you with carrying big boxes
Will push you out of the way angrily to carry a heavy thing for you— even if you are more than capable of doing it urself 😂💖
Just know that he does it affectionately 😂💕
Will compensate in other domains tho— you probably will get food made for you, he’ll just leave it out bc he doesn’t know how to give it directly 🥺💕💕
How else are you going to feed all those muscles?? 🤷‍♀️😂
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laurel-of-feathers · 7 years
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Slashers Yandere Boyfriend Scenarios (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/sFRgOqQhwH ...Hi?
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Can’t go to the movies, So movie night is at home.
I’m unemployed and I still live with my parents.
My mother knows about my love of slashers,
And she accepts me for that because they’re fictional characters.
If I loved real killers, she’d have some concerns.
That’s besides the point.
My mom bought The Boy ll,
Because she knows how much I love Brahms.
This is perfect parenting
As long as it isn’t a crime.
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So, I’m watching The Collection,
The second movie for The Collector.
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I was just watching the movie when I noticed,
At 1:01:58,
There’s a ChromeSkull mask...
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So, I’ve watched all the Jeepers Creepers movies more than once,
I fucking love that demon
Once again, I’m reading fanfics...
Love them
But there was another gif
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We never see the Creeper genuinely smile,
Only smirks
Or perverted grins
With his silly little grin!
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Can you tell I’m a thirsty bitch?
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I’ve decided to watch a show called
It’s on Amazon prime for free.
I just started episode one and I can already tell this is going to be a little confusing at first.
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I managed to find Laid to Rest online and watched both movies last night.
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I honestly prefer the first one over the second one.
Laid to rest is about Jesse and his kills,
But the second movie didn’t have enough Jesse shots or kills.
Due to his injuries at the end of the first movie, I understand he needed to heal before going out and killing again
Completely understandable.
But the entire second movie was just me constantly going
“What the fuck, Preston?”
Jesse is irreplacable
You fucked with the wrong guy and karma came to bite you in the ass.
I’m not saying the second movie wasn’t good,
We got to meet Spann,
Find out what happened to Jesse’s wife,
But when the main character isn’t seen a lot,
The movie can be rather disappointing.
For example: Halloween 3
No one liked it,
There was absolutely no Michael in it.
Back onto the topic of Laid to rest 1&2
I enjoyed the gruesome deaths,
I liked both movies,
The second one just wasn’t what I was expecting.
I was expecting more deaths, too.
I was talking to a friend while watching it,
I came to the realization that Jesse is kind of like a present day Zodiac.
While Zodiac would send ciphers to the police in a game of cat and mouse,
Jesse sends videos to the police like,
“Look at the piggy you couldn’t save!”
Everything considered,
I’m glad I found @horrorslashergirl’s page,
Because if it wasn’t for her, I never would’ve heard about Laid to Rest.
I’m glad I found her Jesse fics,
I understand her love for him,
I love that man.
Thank you for writing amazing fics!
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@imtrebleandsharp commented on my post about seeing a chromeskull mask in the Collection. This one
She asked if I could get a screenshot,
Which I got pretty fast since I knew where to look.
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In the bottom right corner.
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I was never really interested in IT enough to become part of the fandom,
That changed really fucking fast this week.
I just found out today that Richie is Canonically gay, that was nice.
I write my own fanfics with OC’s, but I never post them, don’t have enough confidence to do so.
But I just started thinking, has anyone thought about Pennywise going into his human form, getting a woman pregnant, and her child has a baby that ended up somehow getting Pennywise’s powers?
Seems like a bit of a stretch, but I think it would be pretty fucking cool.
Like the child is a part of the Loser’s club and they don’t find out about their abilities until the scene where Eddie gets killed.
Like, their fear of losing their friend unlocked their powers and they attacked Pennywise before he could hit Eddie.
What do you think?
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An amazing person commented on one of my previous posts,
Telling me to try Tubi so I can watch my movies.
Thank you for that, @523n3-k1d-tr45h, I appreciate the help.
I found The Collector on Tubi, and the same girl that I found out about Chromeskull from, @horrorslashergirl, she also writes for The Collector.
I decided I wanted to check it out.
Holy shit,
This movie is fucking intense.
Not for the faint of heart,
I have tachycardia, which means I have an extremely fast heart rate.
I’m someone who wants to finish a series of movies once I start watching.
I just found out there’s a sequal.
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So, I was looking on Amazon Prime,
So I can watch laid to rest.
Amazon said, fuck you, can’t watch the first one for free,
But the second one is all yours.
This fucking sucks!
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