frostbytebaby · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Fandom: Marvel
Warnings: mentions to break-up, cussing, fighting, reader preference to coffee
Word Count: 1,462
A/N: Song is not in order! The long awaited part is here! I truly hope that you all enjoy! There will be more! Thank you so so much for all the support and endless motivation. I’m so happy to write things you all enjoy. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated! Sorry by Halsey
Summary: Bucky sees your treats and plates in the garbage while you’re having a great time across the city with a certain someone.
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(gif not mine!)
Bucky sighed at the sight of Alpine sitting at the front door, meowing loudly and waiting to be let back in. He opened the door, allowing Alpine in first and following suit. The house was oddly quiet as Bucky moved to hang his keys on the key rack. Slight dread took over the man’s emotions as his peripheral vision took over, his eyes catching on an all too familiar plate. Slowly Bucky moved towards the trash, his chest tightening at the sight of not just one of your plates but multiple cupcakes and cookies you must have brought.
Bucky was coming to terms with the fact that he never deserved you. You were always too good to him, and it was things like this that proved it. You would go out of your way to bake and cook everything Bucky liked. You’d do your best to spoil him and ensure that he understood how much you loved him.
Yet, Bucky had such a hard time understanding that.
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
The Story of Us
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Fandom: Marvel
Warnings: Fluff, sadness, depression, mentions to breakup, mentions of therapy
Word Count: 2,211
A/N: Hello everyone! Firstly, thank you so much for all the love and all the support on this story! I’m so happy to produce more work for you guys and get this story going! I would love to hear your guys’ thoughts on this chapter, maybe even predictions, and/or just general feedback. I want this story to be something you all want/love, and I’m taking all previous comments/asks/votes into consideration while writing. I will be keeping the winner of which boy reader will end up with as a secret until the end! Anyways, I hope you enjoy! The Story of Us by Taylor Swift
Summary: After Stark’s party you feel unsure of what to do with yourself, that is until someone comes to help you figure it all out.
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(gif not mine!)
You weren’t sure what you should do after realizing you were still immensely in love with Bucky. It’d been three days since you saw him at Stark’s party, the party you never should’ve gone to. 
The first day, you spent crying, nestled under all your blankets in the dark, crying your heart out. It was so wrong. You always used to think you’d grow old with Bucky, that you’d tell your kids and grandkids how you met him, and it was electric. From the moment Wanda introduced you to Bucky, the two of you immediately clicked, and everyone knew you’d get together. But now… now you’d tell your kids, if you had any, he was an old love, your first and maybe your only true love, when they’d come across an old photo of the two of you.
The second day, you spent pacing around your house like a madwoman. You tried contacting Wanda repeatedly, but to no avail, she never picked up. So you paced around the house, arranging and rearranging things, chastising yourself for organizing things in a way Bucky wouldn’t like, and then scolding yourself for settling things in a way Bucky would like. You repeatedly gathered the few things you still had of his and put them in a box, trying to convince yourself to get rid of them, before putting it all back and starting your compulsive process all over again.
And now, on the third day, you were sure that process would’ve started again if your neighbor hadn’t called Sam, begging him to come because she was worried for you. 
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
I just finished one of my essays for finals. My closing line for my math essay on the role mathematics plays in space exploration and astronomy has got me feeling so fucking proud:
"It is with mathematics that humanity is able to ponder its place in the universe, and then calculate it."
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
Quickly the flames have extinguished,
and I am left with the ashes wondering if there
had ever truly been a fire.
Did I love you? Hell, did I even like you?
The ambers that smolder hold little clues that
answer these thoughts resoundingly: No.
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
🦋 freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ you’re under arrest for being so lovely. copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! 🦋
*GASP*!!! You are my first ask!!!!
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
Well, well, well. Looks like it's me and you, Dan Aykroyd. Thanks @x-childish-x , this is the weirdest combination ever 😹😹😹
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Tagging: @slothspaghettiwrites @chubbybuckydumpling @navybrat817 and anyone else who would like to 😄
The Rules— NO CHEATING: You’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. Who/what is it?
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Thank you @the-soulofdevil Sweetpea🧡
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@queenoftheworldisdead @cockslut-padalecki @jukeboxbabbyyy @peachyteague @backoff-imreading @cherienymphe @ozarkthedog @whateveriwant @xxindiglow @marvelmaree @viinchester @raspberrymama @tlcwrites
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
Oh, where hath the time gone, my friends?
Hard times wrought with tears and laughter.
My, it has gone by far too soon for my liking.
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
I'll never let go, Jack
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THE RMS TITANIC SINKS | 14 -15 April 1912
On April 10, the RMS Titanic, one of the largest and most luxurious ocean liners ever built, departed Southampton, England, on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. The Titanic was designed by the Irish shipbuilder William Pirrie and built in Belfast, and was thought to be the world’s fastest ship. It spanned 883 feet from stern to bow, and its hull was divided into 16 compartments that were presumed to be watertight. Because four of these compartments could be flooded without causing a critical loss of buoyancy, the Titanic was considered unsinkable. While leaving port, the ship came within a couple of feet of the steamer New York but passed safely by, causing a general sigh of relief from the passengers massed on the Titanic‘s decks. On its first journey across the highly competitive Atlantic ferry route, the ship carried some 2,200 passengers and crew. After stopping at Cherbourg, France, and Queenstown, Ireland, to pick up some final passengers, the massive vessel set out at full speed for New York City.
However, just before midnight on April 14, the RMS Titanic failed to divert its course from an iceberg and ruptured at least five of its hull compartments. These compartments filled with water and pulled down the bow of the ship. Because the Titanic‘s compartments were not capped at the top, water from the ruptured compartments filled each succeeding compartment, causing the bow to sink and the stern to be raised up to an almost vertical position above the water. Then the Titanic broke in half, and, at about 2:20 a.m. on April 15, stern and bow sank to the ocean floor.
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
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🌛Moon Shining 🌜 gifs made by me :)
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
France has always and I mean ALWAYS had a history of Islamophobia...but, for those of you who don’t know what’s going on right now:
They’re trying to ban the slaughter of Halal chicken, citing animal cruelty and claiming Halal (I believe they also discussed Kosher) methods of slaughter are unethical compared to the European practice of stunning the animal (the Halal way of slaughter would be a cut to the jugular vein so that the animal feels no pain).
They then proceeded to ban the wearing of the Hijab (the Muslim headscarf) for girls under 18 in public places.
They also banned Hijabi mothers (women who wear the Hijab) from accompanying their child on school field trips.
Furthermore, they banned the Burkini (a swimsuit that a lot of Muslim women wear) at public swimming pools.
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These restrictions (I have definitely not covered a lot of them) fall under France’s Separatism Bill which still needs to be passed by the National Assembly. France maintains that these actions are to uphold secularism (the separation of religion and state).
However, these targeted laws and the statements accompanying them...
The Hijab ban was the “prohibition in the public space of any conspicuous religious sign by minors and of any dress or clothing which would signify an interiorization of women over men.” This is a commonly used trope about Islam and Muslim men; that they are oppressive of women which is absolutely not true...take it from a Muslim woman! 🧕🏽
Emmanuel Macron said that Hijab is “not in accordance with French ideals”. This again alludes to the misconception that Hijab is oppressive and that by taking it away, we are liberating women. I don’t deny that there are women who had Hijab forced upon them, but what France is not acknowledging is that the forcing of any religious action upon people is completely the opposite of Islamic teachings and that there are actually women out there who can make decisions about what they want to wear...Surprise! It may come as a bit of a shock to them...
...just showcase how deeply rooted these laws are in Islamophobia and how France is maximizing restrictions on daily Muslim life just to...be a white saviour?
There are five million Muslims in France right now and they are all being affected by this.
As of right now I’m trying to find ways to counteract this. @feel-like-studying has linked a petition in the replies of this post. I’ll also link it here:
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
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frostbytebaby · 3 years
These poems are often written in the middle of the night. I like to think that the lack of sleep or the presence of the moon helps my writing and creativity. I wrote this at 4 am after a fire scare in my home. I hope you enjoy it. I would love to hear your feedback and comments.
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"The sirens have died and the lights have faded,
No smoke, no fire
And now we are left with feelings,
One with fear, the other with confusion.
If there is a lesson to be taught, had I learned it?
If there was a problem to be fixed, had it been mended?
Yet, we move on.
Uncertain of both, and yet,
We move on."
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