fruitlupsthings · 3 years
The Writer Returns
So the break I took was fantastic. I did a lot with it, you'll all be pleased to know.
I got into university... my dream one at that. It was a rocky time in-between, and a nerve-wracking wait... but I was offered an unconditional and I'm very proud of myself.
Since I've been here, I've been working on a lot more projects, spoken to people about them, and am comfortably taking my time with each one, moving through lots so I don't burn out or get bored. Other people seem happy with them too.
Speaking of people being happy with my work.... I got a writing job too. I use a site called Upwork to reach out to clients I might be able to help, and I've connected with a really fantastic person, and it's safe to say that I love my job. :)
I'll be back on here more, hopefully. I'll be working on a few different projects, but I'll be sure to tag them appropriately so if you like one project and not the other, you can feel free to let me know, and also simply search for the tags you enjoy.
I can't wait to show you all the inner workings of my mind again..
Until then, thank you for reading and, as always, have a kitto for your troubles <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
it's good to remember to take breaks sometimes. make sure you've been outside today and enjoyed some air and some living time instead of all that thinking!!
“I came to a point where I needed solitude and just stop the machine of thinking and enjoying what they call living, I just wanted to lie in the grass and look at the clouds.”
— Jack Kerouac
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
{REVISED TITLE ON THE BACK OF THIS THOUGHT LOL 17/08/21} There really isn't much of July left and tbh this has become a much wider project, so I may have to revise the titles of this blog, maybe just call it the writing challenge or the writing project or something. I'll decide that if I'm not done by the time we start heading into August (highly unlikely lol, given the expansion this little universe has received recently). But just thought it would be good to keep you updated. SO This post is a bit of a brief explanation of the experiment, what happened to make it go wrong and an accident occur to release the gas into the environment, a brief guest appearance from our main bad guy, Huxley, and a short timeline of the aftermath of the descending of the fog. Confusing? A little. but once drafts start coming in of the actual writing, and maybe if I explain connections and actual write a good canon lore document to show you guys, then it may make more sense :)
If you wish to read my work before getting into the nitty gritty of its creation, just click this link to hop straight to it, and then pop back here when you're done if you'd like to get into it more. I may even be editing or writing in real time, so you can always keep refreshing the document to track my progress. As always, any comments or feedback you want to give to me will always be more than welcome, and you can reach me on any of my socials (links are in this blog's bio, though the handle is always fruitlupsthings) or my email [email protected]. _____________________________________________________________
So there is a lot to unpack here. There are also major spoilers so if you skipped past the first disclaimer paragraph because you see it on all of my posts and you want to skip to the fresh content just be mindful that this will contain major spoilers (seriously) for the entire book, not just the sample available for the challenge, I really do mean the whole thing. So please just be mindful of that before you read on. Thank you. _____________________________________________________________
Anyway, I decided I wanted to link this book with a larger universe I had already mostly world-built, as it was advantageous to both works as each had questions answered by the others, which was an awesomely rare literary revelation for me.
So I’m going to pretty much unpick the mini blurb thing I wrote, as I think it’ll be a good way to answer all the questions for this to-do list and also will keep me reasonably on task and structured throughout this post (it’s going to be a long one). “An organisation were experimenting with a weapon in the form of a lethal gas which, upon inhalation, triggers a hallucinogenic response, causing you to experience your most treasured, happy and safe memory, including all of the sights and SMELLS associated with making you keep calm and happy, This causes you to inhale more of the gas which (remembering it is lethal) ultimately kills you. However, there was an accident in the building which was hosting these experiments, and the gas was unfortunately released into the atmosphere.
The population must now wear filtering masks to protect themselves from the gas, lest they should be forced to hold their breath if they are maskless should they wish to live. Down the line, "safe zones” were created, which resemble domes or bubbles where a filtration system generates safe air, providing sanctuary for a small community within each bubble or dome, Within these “safe zones” you are free to be maskless.“ So the organisation is The Hive Foundation (big gasp). This was just one of the many shady operations that Martha ended up carrying out during her reign of the company. It’s kind of a weird one to be writing, but it helps with the general push of the main series I drafted, and it saves me having to world-build a whole entire extra villainous world or something. It also helps with the world design of the world post Martha, (in bigger universe, this blog hasn't met her yet) as i knew i wanted the rest of the series to take on a more apocalyptic role (think district 13 from the hunger games) but i didn’t really know how to go about it. So now that’s solved too which is awesome !! Huxley (villain for this story) was one of the people they were testing this gas on, and when the organisation collapsed (main story) and everyone went into hiding, he escaped from the lab as the whole building went up in flames and crumbled, but suffered near fatal injuries. As he was being experimented on, he was almost completely mentally broken and insane, repeating the things they had told him - that the gas was going to cure humanity, and that he was part of something special. During the building collapse, no one was really thinking about one of the many secret labs in the place, and the gas canisters burst, and the gas leaked into the atmosphere, mixing with the gases in the air, and then descending onto the world in the form of a fog/mist.
There were many tragedies, as no one knew how to handle this new threat at first. The wearing of masks outside of homes became mandatory. Windows and doors were closed permanently, unless absolutely necessary. Eventually, the development of “bubbles” became commonplace. Cities who couldn’t afford these changes were relocated to those who could and had space for more, many communities often separated to avoid overcrowding. We join the story after these have become commonplace, and people have begun adjusting as best they can to this new way of life, and are finding their roles in their new lives, grieving over those lost, and hoping they survive the deadly fog. _____________________________________________________________ That's about it for this section!! It feels so good to get another thing ticked off my to-do list!! I've been slightly ill for a little while since I hit you all with a flurry of posts, and I think this has been a good way for me to speed up my recovery, as having something I love to focus on is a fantastic healer, and I hope I can keep up a regular rate of posting from now on... I may even get some regular posting times in the future!! As always in my long posts, if you made it this far, thank you so so much. Your support means everything to me, and I couldn't be happier to be hearing all your feedback on which posts you find interesting and whether you're enjoying the plans so far. So it goes without saying that you all MORE than deserve this kitto gif :)
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Thank you so so much for reading, I hope you're all taking care of yourselves. fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
Just a small post about how the gas permeates the atmosphere too just because it's not overly scientific but I do need to mention it for the wider lore. The gas descends onto the environment downwards from the clouds, and is often referred to as "the fog". This, rather fortunately, means that explaining it is kinda easy? If you wish to read my work before getting into the nitty gritty of its creation, just click this link to hop straight to it, and then pop back here when you're done if you'd like to get into it more. I may even be editing or writing in real time, so you can always keep refreshing the document to track my progress. As always, any comments or feedback you want to give to me will always be more than welcome, and you can reach me on any of my socials (links are in this blog's bio, though the handle is always fruitlupsthings) or my email [email protected]. The heat in the atmosphere mixes gases in the atmosphere together, and when the gas joins said atmosphere, it just… mixes in there with the rest.
However, as its chemical compounds are heavy (like fog or mist), they descend back upon the city. ...yikes… Yeah, a pretty basic concept, but honestly I'm just happy that these few posts are reasonably short because I feel like the NEXT one is going to be really long so I'm preparing myself for that. Thank you so much for reading!! fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
{REVISED TITLE AS OF 17/08/21} (making my way through!!) This post here is to explain how the gas kills you CANONICALLY just because world-building and bits. :) If you wish to read my work before getting into the nitty gritty of its creation, just click this link to hop straight to it, and then pop back here when you're done if you'd like to get into it more. I may even be editing or writing in real time, so you can always keep refreshing the document to track my progress. As always, any comments or feedback you want to give to me will always be more than welcome, and you can reach me on any of my socials (links are in this blog's bio, though the handle is always fruitlupsthings) or my email [email protected]. “a lethal gas which, upon inhalation, triggers a hallucinogenic response, causing you to experience your most treasured, happy and safe memory, including all of the sights and SMELLS associated with making you keep calm and happy, This causes you to inhale more of the gas which (remembering it is lethal) ultimately kills you.” This is an excerpt from the little blurb thing I did back in my first post, and I feel like it sums up the canonical gas-death. Which is good because I didn't want to write it all from scratch again :) A small little post really, but I don't want you guys to have to read the same stuff over and over again really. Thank you so much for reading!! fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
This will be my THIRD post of the day, which is crazy, and I definitely will not be able to keep this up, but you guys waited so long for some actual good content so I thought I would treat you :) If you wish to read my work before getting into the nitty gritty of its creation, just click this link to hop straight to it, and then pop back here when you're done if you'd like to get into it more. I may even be editing or writing in real time, so you can always keep refreshing the document to track my progress. As always, any comments or feedback you want to give to me will always be more than welcome, and you can reach me on any of my socials (links are in this blog's bio, though the handle is always fruitlupsthings) or my email [email protected].
So THIS post is just a little bit about how the the gas ns527 kills you biologically.
I am not a scientist, so this is probably not all big science accurate, but it's just for little bits of dialogue and the world-building so bear with me c: "The gas basically enters your lungs and the chemicals it contains absorb into your bloodstream, and once they reach your brain, they trigger the same part of your brain that produces happiness and relaxation, encouraging your brain to produce your happiest and safest memory for you to experience visually and through your favourite aroma whilst the toxicity of the gas slowly kills you by shutting down the important parts of your systems." Just another little bit of story planning for you :) Thank you so much for reading!! fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
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...pssssst... I named the gas too!!
"ns527" ALSO enjoy the early access peak of my new posts I'll be prepping for instagram to tease this story. :) It won't be coming out for a while on there, so you guys on here following both this blog and my instagram won't see this teaser or the sample on my instagram until August so as not to get in the way of the July theme.
However, I will probably release the full story at the same time across all platforms so as to be fair to all my followers.
Thank you so much for reading!! fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
Welcome to checking things off that rather daunting checklist I showed you in my last post (so glad to finally get that up) Today we tackle... CHARACTER LISTS!!
As I mentioned in my last blog post, if you wish to read my work before getting into the nitty gritty of its creation, just click this link to hop straight to it, and then pop back here when you're done if you'd like to get into it more. I may even be editing or writing in real time, so you can always keep refreshing the document to track my progress. As always, any comments or feedback you want to give to me will always be more than welcome, and you can reach me on any of my socials (links are in this blog's bio, though the handle is always fruitlupsthings) or my email [email protected].
I currently have 9 characters total planned out. It's not going to be a very long story, so it doesn't require that many people, and it's quite a microcosm for the bigger universe. (kind of decided that one on a whim in planning but found it ties in really well with the story and answers a lot of the questions I was struggling to fill).
I wrote all of this really badly on a scrap of paper which is currently blu-tacked to the top of my desk, but we have names, small character sheets and each character's scent weakness. _____________________________________________________________
Character backstory aka before the fog: She was a pretty unassuming kid before the fog, and hadn’t even had so much as a first kiss when it first settled over the sky, but she witnessed her father inhaling the fog, and soon after, her community’s bubble got a leak, and everyone had to get their community stamp removed in the next bubble on. The trauma from losing both her father and her home led to a complete personality change for her, and so she created this flirtatious persona for herself, and found that, for a while, people would respond positively to it, and she’s maintained it ever since.
Identifying marks: Got a heart shape tattooed behind one of her ears from one of her more possessive endeavours. Communities have their own identifying stamp on the wrists of their residents, however this character has a few scars from the removal of community stamps as and when her group’s protection over her ran out.
Facial features: Blue/grey eyes / long, straight blonde hair / arched eyebrows / pink tinted lips
Scent: Roses
Survival method aka after the fog: Soft flirt, seducing people into protecting her or giving her resources and food. _____________________________________________________________
Character backstory aka before the fog: He and his sister got separated from their parents as they were in a different state visiting family when the fog came down. They had been visiting their sick grandmother and grandfather who was looking after her. Their grandmother passed away soon after the formation of the bubbles, and their grandfather went outside to scatter her ashes in their favourite place, and never came back.
Identifying marks: He has the stamp of one community bubble on one arm, and one on the other. Only one is real (unfortunately, the state in which his grandparents were, not his hometown) but he has half of his hometown community tattooed (self done) on his other wrist, matching the other half with his sister, so they will always have that connection and never forget where they came from. They did have the opportunity to have the old one removed whilst they were there, but also wanted to remember their grandparents.
Facial features: Blue eyes / brown dishevelled hair/ sharp nose
Scent: Coffee
Survival method aka after the fog: Nomad type, he travels between bubbles, trying to connect communities. _____________________________________________________________ {GUY 2.. TBH MORE LIKE PERSON, THEY ARE NON-BINARY - EGNATIUS/PHOBUS}
Character backstory aka before the fog: They were in uni when the fog descended, and it was a very traumatic time for them, as obviously, when people didn't know what it was, when it first settled, there were people outside having a party, and all of them died. Their girlfriend had gone to the party that night, and all they had to remember her by was some panicked text messages, and a bottle of eu de lune, which was her favourite perfume.
Identifying marks: One community stamp on their wrist, along with several scars from the depressive trauma they experienced but pushed through. Wouldn’t normally mention things like that in this, but it is pertinent to the story.
Facial features: Hair tied back and in a cap 24/7 istg / black hair / brown eyes /
Scent: Eu de lune
Survival method aka after the fog: Has lived in 1 community since the beginning, they're good with tech, but not much physical strength. They're just pretty scared tbh. _____________________________________________________________ {GIRL 2 - ZILLA}
Character backstory aka before the fog: She and her brother got separated from their parents as they were in a different state visiting family when the fog came down. They had been visiting their sick grandmother and grandfather who was looking after her. Their grandmother passed away soon after the formation of the bubbles, and their grandfather went outside to scatter her ashes in their favourite place, and never came back.
Identifying marks: She has the stamp of one community bubble on one arm, and one on the other. Only one is real (unfortunately, the state in which her grandparents were, not her hometown) but she has half of her hometown community tattooed (self done) on her other wrist, matching the other half with her brother, so they will always have that connection and never forget where they came from. They did have the opportunity to have the old one removed whilst they were there, but also wanted to remember their grandparents.
Facial features: Blue eyes / brown wavy hair / sharp nose
Scent: Whiskey
Survival method aka after the fog: Nomad type, she travels between bubbles trying to connect communities. _____________________________________________________________ {VILLAIN - HUXLEY}
Character backstory aka before the fog: the biggest villain touched on in this story, but not in this story’s universe. He is insane, as they experimented on him with the gas and he escaped in the accident.
Identifying marks: Has half an oxygen mask melted to his face. He has many burn scars, and very crazy, hollow but piercing black eyes.
Facial features: He has literally sewn the other half of his face shut to avoid the gas, and has a tube running through the gas mask melted to his face
Scent: Unknown
Survival method aka after the fog: He tries to “cleanse” the world, as he is deluded into thinking the gas will save humanity, and that those who cannot survive it are impure and basically not built to live. _____________________________________________________________ {HENCHWOMAN - BOSS BATTLE TYPE THING - LILITH}
Character backstory aka before the fog: Went into witness protection after her dealings with government agencies and started a new life. Her kid was playing outside when the fog came down.
Identifying marks: Several scars across her body and face
Facial features: Black hair, brown eyes, eyeliner
Scent: Baby shampoo
Survival method aka after the fog: Trained {now} killer hired to protect {VILLAIN} _____________________________________________________________ {HENCHMAN - JACOB}
Part of the trained killer’s “team”. One of {VILLAIN’S} followers.
Character backstory aka before the fog: n/a (put this because i haven't yet thought of anything but it also isn't incredibly important for the story so i'll probably just make it up on the fly for the actual writing, so anything you see n/a written on any of these posts... that's why)
Identifying marks: Tall, has a prosthetic arm, bolted to which is a baseball bat with nails hammered in.
Facial features: Brown hair, green eyes, not really important either really.
Scent: Cut grass
Survival method aka after the fog: Follow {VILLAIN} _____________________________________________________________ {HENCHMAN 2 - JAMES}
Part of the trained killer’s “team”. One of {VILLAIN’S} followers.
Character backstory aka before the fog: n/a
Identifying marks: Eye patch
Facial features: Blonde, chiselled jaw, scar down left side of face (a slash over his eye)
Scent: Wood chippings
Survival method aka after the fog: Follow {VILLAIN} _____________________________________________________________
Part of the trained killer’s “team”. One of {VILLAIN’S} followers.
Character backstory aka before the fog: n/a
Identifying marks: Fat henchman lol, gets tasered because funny, basically used as a security guard/doorman to buildings, tall so can be kind of intimidating
Facial features: Blonde, shades, busted lip like CONSTANTLY
Scent: Petrol
Survival method aka after the fog: Follow {VILLAIN} _____________________________________________________________ Just as a disclaimer, I may not stick to these exactly because I may need to tweak them or something to better fit the plot or the characters themselves as they form better in my head. But that's what I've got so far.
Something checked off the to-do list - hurrah!! If you made it this far, thank you very much. Your continuous support means the world to me. Have your well deserved kitto gif!!
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Thank you so much for reading, I hope you're having a fantastic day!!
fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
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I present to you.... The first of 5 July Challenges!! As you can see, this post's theme is going to be on the sense of smell. For those who can't see the image above, don't worry, I'll cover the basic gist in this post as I take you through my thought processes whilst building, drafting and, in general, creating this topic's piece. If you wish to read my work before getting into the nitty gritty of its creation, just click this link to hop straight to it, and then pop back here when you're done if you'd like to get into it more. I may even be editing or writing in real time, so you can always keep refreshing the document to track my progress. As always, any comments or feedback you want to give to me will always be more than welcome, and you can reach me on any of my socials (links are in this blog's bio, though the handle is always fruitlupsthings) or my email [email protected].
"write a scene about arriving in a new place where you or your character notice a smell." This is the prompt we were given for this weeks topic. It's definitely a good one to go off, as it isn't trying to box you in with only a few avenues of plot, or a specific characteristic that you have to build your main character around, but it offers inclusivity also in the fact that it's just people smelling. There are also a series of helpful questions that they've provided to get your creative ball rolling. I didn't like all of the questions... mostly because my brain didn't like the quantity and the depth of the world building up, so I've chosen the ones I thought would be pertinent to my drafting process and to the success of the prompt as a whole, and whilst in that selection process, I actually found the question which laid the foundations for the entire idea I ended up creating. ...So way to go help questions, I guess!! My chosen questions for this topic were: -How does (main) respond to the smell? -Does the scent bring back any strong memories? -How does this smell show up in (main)'s interactions? -Are characters speaking from behind scented handkerchiefs to mask the smell? -How can you relate the smell to another sense? Explaining how each of these became important to me is incredibly crucial to making sure the process of writing this is fully understood. The first question is a good, if not slightly basic kickstarter for literary brain food. A good, thought-provoking question designed to immediately get you questioning how your character would react under scenarios that you create unconsciously in your head. Are they emotive? Are they logical? Does it matter upon the event, or how far they've progressed in their own timeline? (For example, someone may produce a highly emotive response to someone dying at the start of an apocalypse, but through desensitisation and survival instinct, they deem the death of another person to be normal, necessary or even sometimes advantageous the further along the timeline you travel with that character.)
The next two questions don't become extremely relevant until I explain the fourth first, so... I will. The fourth question remarks about the characters talking "from behind scented handkerchiefs", as they are masking the smell. This was incredibly interesting to me. The handkerchiefs weren't really the point of intrigue here, but the covering of the face with a piece of cloth seems.... oddly familiar, don't you think? Having just been through this experience, I was prompted to include some sort of protective covering in my piece, and so the smell became something threatening almost subconsciously. The two questions preceding this brain trigger ask about how the smell affects (main)'s interactions and if the scent brings back any strong memories. These catalysed an immense creative burst, and so sprung forth my very rough draft of a world-building response to this prompt: "An organisation were experimenting with a weapon in the form of a lethal gas which, upon inhalation, triggers a hallucinogenic response, causing you to experience your most treasured, happy and safe memory, including all of the sights and SMELLS associated with making you keep calm and happy, This causes you to inhale more of the gas which (remembering it is lethal) ultimately kills you. However, there was an accident in the building which was hosting these experiments, and the gas was unfortunately released into the atmosphere. The population must now wear filtering masks to protect themselves from the gas, lest they should be forced to hold their breath if they are maskless should they wish to live. Down the line, "safe zones" were created, which resemble domes or bubbles where a filtration system generates safe air, providing sanctuary for a small community within each bubble or dome, Within these "safe zones" you are free to be maskless." I was quite proud of it honestly. c: SO I've spent the rest of my time drafting to do lists, whic obviously I'm going to share, as I am very excited to start upon this creative journey. THINGS TO DO: -CREATE CHARACTER LIST FOR BLOG SAMPLE -NAME THE GAS -ATTACH A MEMORY/SCENT TO EACH CHARACTER -FIGURE OUT HOW GAS KILLS YOU BIOLOGICALLY -FIGURE OUT HOW GAS KILLS YOU CANONICALLY -EXPERIMENT? WHAT SCIENTISTS... WHICH ORGANISATION? -WEAPON? FOR AN ONGOING BATTLE OR JUST PREPARATION? SOMETHING DARKER? -ACCIDENT? WHAT HAPPENED!! -"PERMEATING THE ATMOSPHERE"? HOW DOES IT STAY? -MASKS - DESIGN SOME DIFFERENT STYLES AND STUFF -HOLDING BREATH - THESE ARE GOOD TENSION SCENARIOS!! -SAFE ZONES - DOMES, BUBBLES, FILTERED AIR FOR COMMUNITY?? -BASIC SETTING PLANNING - CHARACTERS NEED SETTINGS TO EXIST IN -CONSIDER A LARGER WORLD-BUILDING PROJECT FOR THIS BECAUSE IT IS QUITE GOOD.
As you can see, it's a pretty extensive list. I'm going to try and tackle them all in individual posts (hopefully they won't all be as long as this one to save your eyes, brains and attention spans, and so I don't have to edit and proof read until I go grey). If you made it this far, thank you so so much. Your support and attention really means the world to me, and I know this has been one long-winded post but hopefully you can see and share my excitement at this project. Have a kitto for your troubles c:
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Thank you so much for reading, I hope you're having a fantastic day.
fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
UPDATE ON THE CHALLENGE... and a few other things I want to say c:
This is VERY late coming, but the challenge page is finally back up on the website, which means I can finally get to work putting more regular content on here (although I am slightly proud that I've managed to maintain at the very least regular checking of my account and providing some promotion to it and stuff). My aim is to intertwine entries with samples for the prompts and also my little ramblings on each of the senses, with my concept graphics as the top image. It might look a bit weird, but it sounds nice in my head, and it'll mean that you guys aren't reading blocks of all same-y content (always thinking of you :D). Also just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have been giving me feedback on this account, and telling me the posts you've been vibing with on here. I really do appreciate it as it gives me a good push for maintaining this account, boosts my confidence AND tells me what sort of things to write in the future to better appeal to my readers!!
There may also be a post soon talking about putting a steady schedule in place for more regular content posting on this blog AND my other socials, although they're all being used in slightly different ways, however that will all be explained in that upcoming post. Thank you all for your wonderful patience, and as ever, if you made it this far... please enjoy this kitto pic c:
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Have a fantastic day, and thank you for reading. fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
“Many people hear voices when no one is there. Some of them are called mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing.”
— Margaret Chittenden
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
The Challenge Has Begun!!
Finally, the day is here. We got the first prompt through on the 12th of July, and I am so excited to share it here.
Just as a reminder, there will be 5 parts to this challenge, and I'll be bulking it up in between with my own posts about my thoughts (....ramblings) on the senses and other stuff relating to the theme.
I hope you guys enjoy my work and, as always, thank you for reading.
fruitlups <3 edit; unfortunately, there has been a technical difficulty with the challenge site, so uploads might be slower relating to the challenge and the prompt responses until this issue has been resolved. However, don't panic, as I have already emailed to speedily sort this issue!!
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
an exploration of the senses #1 - sight
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Since signing up for this writing challenge, (soon...!!) I've been thinking a lot about prompts for writing about the 5 senses, and in this post, I'd like to focus on the sense of sight.
When writing about sight, there are SO many avenues you can venture down. If you want to be literal, you have sight AND lack of, which can be heart-breaking, uplifting or spooky, depending on which order the sight/lack of timeline flows. If you desire more of a projected message, you can talk about lack of sight more in a sense of ignorance, which poses the question of ignorance being bliss, and this theme is often tagged with the expression "taking the red pill" (handy Matrix reference) and can sometimes be controversial.
To try and help future me with the tricky decisions of picking a story line, I'm going to use the 5 days between now and the start of challenge date to comprise a short list of prompts for each sense that I can hopefully adapt and combine to fit each of the 5 challenges I will be faced with.
- someone experiences an accident, causing them to go blind mid-way through life, and now has to adjust and overcome the challenges of their new life.
- a monster is tailing a group of hikers, and it's primary power is inducing hallucinations (friends into monsters, completely new environments instead of the forest, maybe a guy jumping off a cliff because he thinks it's a pool? Kinda vibe?)
- (inspired by Jack Steggles' music) someone living in a society where they have to keep smiling and positive, no matter what. main character suffers with depression, and takes medication for it which alleviates this somewhat. they find out that the pills are being used to subdue the people, and put them into a hallucinogenic, trance like state. they experience one day without the pills, and must then decide whether they want the ignorance of the drug, or whether they want to fight.
These are just a couple of rough ideas I'd like to explore during this challenge and this month. Even if I don't use these prompts for the challenge itself, I'd like to further explore these concepts until my next theme, so look out for seeing these again in future posts!!
If you got this far, thank you so so much and just ahead of your well deserved kitto gif, I'd just like to turn your attention to the graphic I showed at the head of this post. I created a series of concept graphics for this months theme, all of which are showcased in their entirety on both my instagram and my pinterest if you'd like to view them in advance, but I will be posting each one for each of the graphics on the 5 posts showcasing each of the individual senses on the run up to the challenge. I also created a 6th graphic, just showcasing the month and the overall theme, and that will be the lead image on the announcement of the challenge post on the 12th of July.
I do love designing stuff like this, and I would love to hear what you guys think of it, and if you'd like to see more of that in the future.
And now.... kitto. He sit. He think about food. Now he hungry.
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Thank you so much for reading, see you soon!! fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
Socials and Stuff
As networking is important, especially in my line of work, I thought I'd share with you the rest of my socials and other important fruitlupsthings.
Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Gmail Please check out the content on these socials, and if you have any queries or you wish to commission something or collab on a project with me, please don't hesitate to email me or private message me on any of my socials. I check all of the above daily so will respond quickly to any interactions!!
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
Coming up in July...
This July marks my first writing endeavour shown on this blog!!
I'm embarking on a writing challenge split into 5 parts as the theme is the 5 senses.... pretty clever, huh?
This challenge was brought to us by Shut Up & Write! and I will most likely be participating in more challenges from them in the future if this one goes well!!
SU&W! promote writing that is free and safe, as they charge no fees for attending. Their challenges are said to encourage you to build your writing habits with social support from people of all skill levels, and in all types of writing. They really seem like my type of people, and I'd like to do more with them in the future.
The event starts on the 12th of July, so there will definitely be some posts in between this one and the start, but I'll tag them appropriately so you'll be able to find them in clusters once the things kick off. I think it might be nice to explore the 5 senses in the mean time and throw some ideas around as to the sort of topics we might be able to explore both in this challenge and afterwards as inspired by it.
If you got this far, have some kittos doing cool stuff c:
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Thank you very much for reading, I'll see you next time c: fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
A Slightly More Organised Explanation...
Without taking myself too seriously... I made a blog? Out of this account?
Basically, I need to become more serious about my writing. I want this to truly be my career, and that takes work and commitment, which can be difficult, but I'm willing to try.
I'm going to try and create daily posts for this blog, and keep creating content to hopefully entertain myself and anyone else who tags along for the ride.
I already have something kinda cool planned out for July (no, I'm not going to spoil), and will be posting weird stuff for the rest of this month, (literally 3 days, my god) including, but not limited to:
- promotions for my linked socials
- explanations of things I want to create, and bits about me as a writer and a freelancer
- how I'll be releasing my posts/other content, why most things will be released this way, and how anyone can reach me
- other stuff I can do that isn't crying over writing, including samples of writing and other creative stuff
- some bits for anyone tagging along that are currently top secret.
Kinda crappy for my first proper burst onto this thing, but it gets the boring professional stuff out of the way so we can really delve into the magical chaos of writing without too many speed bumps along the way.
If you made it this far, have a kitto looking at a feather c:
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Thank you very much for reading, I'll see you next time c: fruitlups <3
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fruitlupsthings · 3 years
okay, this time I'm staying, I swear
This post won't be staying, probably. I wouldn't imagine any of them will, honestly, as we are headed for a full revamp again c:
I really need to get serious about this whole writey thing so I'll probably do a few profile tweaks, some revamps in other places, like my twitter (yes hello, other dusty, antique account) and then start planning my content a lot better. We shall see how all that goes.
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