fruitygal26 · 4 years
The shining Moon//Zutara One shot Pt.1
WARNING: SMUT 18+ READERS ONLY!! - Contains strong sexual content and language! - CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP
Cold. Above anything else Katara was overwhelmed by at the moment- the cold seemed to take precedent. It was a strange feeling. Usually Katara had been accustomed to the cold, being from the Southern Water Tribe and all. Her body had created a sort of tolerance. But ever since she began her journey with the Avatar and had traveled through all four nations, her body hadn’t felt the cold in quite some time. And let me tell you- she loathed it. As Katara lay in her sleeping bag shivering, she tried to let her mind wander in an attempt to ease her suffering. She thought of the days to come. What would happen if Aang didn't master firebending? What if Ozai had been training as well. What if it's an unmatched fight- Ozai and his army against poor Aang. There would be no way to see it coming. What if Zuko doesn't teach Aang everything he needs to? 
Katara tried to wipe his existence from her mind ever since he had arrived at the western air temples ten days ago. Somehow he managed to convince toph, aang, and even sokka to let him to train Aang in firebending. She understood their options were limited- but Zuko? Really!? The guy who had been hunting them through their entire journey suddenly wants to do the right thing? No. That's not true. Katara knew better. If you had asked her before their chance encounter in the prisons of Ba Sing Se- she may have given him a chance- but not anymore. Not after earning her trust in a matter of minutes only to have it thrown back in her face at the first opportunity.
To put it lightly, Katara held a grudge. But deeper than that, Zuko haunted Katara's dreams. She never told anyone- but Katara was afraid of him. What would have happened if she had trusted him in Ba Sing Se and they escaped arm in arm. He could've killed them all in their sleep when he finally decided to “change his mind”. What haunted Katara the most about their exchange was just how quick she was to trust him. How taken aback she was when she finally came face to face with the banished prince, and worst of all… how attracted she'd been to him. He was much more handsome than the first time they had met- she had a feeling his haircut had something to do with that. She had been engulfed by his dark presence and even mesmerized by the power his eyes held. Even with his scar and the dimness of the prison- zuko had a glare that could pierce through any girl's soul. But Katara was not just any girl, she was an integral part of helping Aang complete his destiny. She couldn't put that in jeopardy by trusting the wrong people, like Zuko. She fears that the reason she was so quick to trust Zuko back then was due to her surprising attraction to him and she hated herself for it. That thought haunted her every night…. Among other things.
Her nightmares began that dusk, though- it may be unwise to deem them all “nightmares''. While some created an uneasy sense of panic that Katara could not run away from, others created a much different sensation. In fact, on some of the coldest nights- it was these dreams that managed to warm her. She hated herself for it, but more and more often Katara found herself dreaming of Zuko's toned body and strong arms. These were the dreams that truly burned Katara. Of course the nightmares were terrible, but at least with them when you woke up you were able to escape. When she would wake from her warm dreams, she seemed unable to differentiate between reality and her hidden desires. Not to mention those dreams often left behind specific evidence in Katars underwear. 
And now Zuko was here. Sleeping yards away from Katara every night. Capable of killing her and her friends in a matter of moments- and yet, that was not what Katara feared most by having some close by. Now when she would wake in an attempt to escape her vivid dreams, she'd be met with a pair of golden eyes staring back at her. And as much as she loathed him, she feared that one of these days her body would betray her mind. She could not let that happen. 
A gust of wind hit katara's face, interrupting her thought process and bringing her back into reality. Her very, VERY, cold reality. She decided if she could not sleep, the least she could do to prepare for the upcoming fight was train. Ever since Toph had joined the Gaang, Katara had been taking her training more seriously, and not just because she was intimidated by how much toph trained. I mean seriously, how can a 12 year old girl have more power and stamina than an entire army? 
Katara slowly slid out of her sleeping bag, trying not to make any noise. The closest people to her location were Sokka and Suki, who had spent most of the night talking and had ultimately fallen asleep cuddling each other around 1am. They wouldn't wake easy, and even if they did- Katara doubted either of them would let go of the other to see what all the noise was about. It was sweet, and disgusting. Although, Katara had to admit… ever since Sokka and Zuko rescued Suki and the others from the fire nation, Sokka had been way less uptight, which was much appreciated. She still couldn't believe Zuko was instrumental in the rescue, but stranger things had happened. She wasn't just going to trust him after every good thing he did, even if he saved her dad. 
As Katara neared the edge of the lake she reflected, for just a moment, on how life has changed since the rescue. Don't get it twisted, Katara was endlessly grateful to see her friend and father. It took a lot of stress off her, and on warmer nights even allowed her to sleep calmly. But she couldn't shake the feeling that came with reunion… loneliness. She knew it was absurd, but ever since she sokka and suki were brought back together, she longed for the feeling of being touched. Not in a platonic hug, or handshake. Not even in a way she could feel herself. Though she was finally the least alone she'd been in her whole life, she just could not shake the feeling of being wanted by someone else, and it killed her. 
Katara's mind was rushing at 100 miles an hour, while her body was practicing traditional water bending forms, even tackling new scrolls in an attempt to learn a few surprise tricks before the fight. In such a pit of concentration katara had not heard the footsteps approaching her from behind.
 One second. Katara felt his presence one second before he had put his hand on her shoulder. It was not much time, but enough for her to muster up the strength to conjure the water beneath her feet and redirect it forcefully towards the attacker. 
Katara turned around to see a soaked Zuko collapse to the ground, clearly surprised at the unnecessary use of force from the waterbender. 
She didn't hit him hard. Well… not hard enough to do any true damage, but apparently enough to create a gash on his collarbone. At least she knows the water whip serves its purpose. 
“Zuko” She said, not bothering to hide the spite in her voice. “You should know better than to sneak up on a master waterbender, shouldn't you? Especially if that Master happens to be me.”
“Youd think I would have learned that by now.” 
Katara couldn't put her finger on it, but something in his voice made it seem as though he was teasing, but then his expression changed.
“I'm sorry Katara truly. I’ll go back to the campsite now. I had just woken up and didn't see you in your sleeping bag. I- I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” 
Katara started turning around, ready to get back to her training and to ignore the man huffing away behind her...but she couldn't just leave a member of their team injured. Even if she never agreed for him to be on said team. She reasoned with herself that this was because If they were attacked, she needed to make sure none of the members of the gaang were injured in a way they couldn't fight. Though this wound did not create any real problems for Zuko, better safe than sorry. Besides, we know how he gets scars. 
“Wait Zuko… come here for a moment.”
Zuko stopped in his tracks and turned slowly towards Katara. The full moon glistening in his eyes as he gave Katara a confused look. 
“I need to heal your collarbone before you go back, wouldn't want you using that against me in front of the team, or as a device in whatever plan you are hatching would we?” 
Zuko seemed even more confused than he was in the beginning, but that didn't stop him from moving towards Katara's hands. 
When he was far too close for Katara's liking, she stopped him by pressing her hands forcefully into his chest, halting his movement. The moment her palms had made contact to his dripping robe, she felt a surge of electricity flow through her. This made her blush incredibly hard, but lucky for her, the darkness made it so Zuko couldn't see. To her surprise, her blush faded in a matter of second- only to be replaced with a loopy sensation in the pits of her stomach.  
This can't be happening….she repeated over and over to herself. This isn't one of her warm dreams, this was real life. With a real zuko standing less than a foot away from her. She detested this man, feared him even. Why then was she letting her imagination bring down her defenses. And yet- Katara could not shield the curiosity of the body lying beneath her firm grip. 
“Shit. I can't see properly in this light… this may be harder than I thought.” Great. Just what Katara needed. Not only to be distracted by the boy in front of her, but to do such a poor job on his wound that she would appear weak.
 If there was one thing Katara was not, it was weak. 
Without a second thought, Zuko ignited a small flame from the palm of his hand and brought it up towards Katara’s face. Katara was shocked. Of course Zuko was a master firebender- but everytime she thought of that she thought of war and destruction. For some reason it had not occurred to her that fire could be used in gentle ways too.
“I forgot you could do that… thanks I guess.”
“Don't mention it.”
 She wouldn’t. Katara slowly moved her right hand from her initial halting position towards his collarbone. It was in this moment, when Katara's skin touched him, that she realized how cold she truly was, and just how warm Zuko seemed to be. Even by standing near her, his body radiated heat. She had been so caught up in her own actions, she hadn't realized she stopped shivering. 
“You're cold.” said Zuko, more as a statement than a question.
“I'm used to it”
It wasn't a lie, she had grown accustomed to it. But that didn't change the fact it sucked. 
“Oh” he said quite abruptly. It appeared he was trying to make conversation, but he should have known that would never work with Katara. That didn't stop him from tyrin though. 
They both fell silent for several minutes. The only noise being the sloshing of the water Katara was using to heal him. Suddenly Zuko spoke. 
“I wouldn't by the way.”
“What?” She asked, genuinely confused. 
“I would never use it against you. The gash.”
“ What-what do you mean?”
Katara was genuinely confused. 
“I snuck up on you, you reacted- you reacted very well as a matter of fact. You're a very powerful bender, I should have known it was unwise to approach you in that manner. Im sorry.” 
Suddenly it made sense. The comment Katara had made earlier, about her healing him so Zuko wouldn't use this “fight” as ammunition against her. Did she offend him? Not that she cared. She knew what kind of guy Zuko was. She knew whatever reason he was here with them, was not truly to help Aang. She just didn't know what reason it was. 
“Katara looks at me, I'm serious. I'm sorry, and I'm sorry if you feel like I would do such a thing.”
Katara nearly rolled her eyes. 
“Look here Zuko. You may have everyone else here fooled, but I’m not buying it. I don't want your intentions to be by joining our group- but I know they aren't pure. You can try this whole nice guy act on everyone else- but it's going to take a lot more for me to believe you pal.”
In the heat of the moment Katara had not realized how close to Zuko’s face she got, or how much shed raised her voice. She looked around suddenly, checking to see if anyone had heard the commotion and were rushing to help her- but alas, no such thing. She was sure Toph would have heard something- then she remembered the bottle Ba Sing Se’s finest rum shed bodied before heading to bed. Not even a fire nation attack could wake Toph at this moment. 
“Katara…” Zuko mumbled softly.
Oh no. She felt it again. Her stomach felt the same way it did when She took a sudden drop with Appa. And the war began infecting her bloodstream, spreading through her whole body.
Stop it Katara. This is real life. 
Then Zuko interrupted her thought process. 
“Katara I swear I’m here to help. It hasn't been an easy path for me to take, and yet I wish for no other. I am here to fulfill my destiny, and to help Aang fulfil his. What can I do to make you believe me?” 
Katara looked away from Zuko for only a moment, but when she looked back- her eyes locked on his… and she knew shed lost all control over her actions. Even if Zuko hadn’t yet.  
“You have a girlfriend do you not?” Katara asked smugly. 
Zuko looked taken aback, even sad for a moment- though the sadness washed away in under a second. 
“I- I did. Not anymore. We just were not destined to be.”
“Pity. But that is not why I asked.”
Katara was in complete control of this situation. Though she was a bit shorter than Zuko, at this moment she felt as though she was towering over him. 
“I- Im sorry Katara. I think I'm a little confused…”
“What was her name?” 
“I don't see how that's relevant,” Said Zuko, getting a little defiant. Not to worry, Katara would put him in his place in just a moment. 
“Answer the question Zuko. How am I supposed to trust an outsider if he doesn't even answer simple questions about his life?”
Defeatedly, Zuko responded. 
“Mai. Her name was Mai.”
Katara smiled. 
“Thank you for your candor Zuko. How long were you together?”
“It's complicated,” he started. “We liked each other when we were kids. After the attack on Ba Sing Se we kind of got together on the trip back to the fire nation. We were together a few months before I knew where my destiny would lead me. She wasn't as understanding. We split up not long after that.”
His face fell forward. He was trying. He was really trying to open up to Katara. If this was the only way she would feel safe with him, or even start trusting him- it was worth it. 
“And in all that time with Mai, I have to assume… you two got intimate didn't you?”
Zuko’s head bobbed up suddenly. He was perplexed- and quite honestly.. A bit embarrassed. 
“Remember to answer honestly Zuko- I’ll know if you're not.” she interrupted. 
Blush filled Zuko's cheeks as the little fire dancing in his palm struggled to stay lit. 
“Yes. We did.”
“No need to be embarrassed, Zuko. You're a 20 year old boy- it's only normal.”
“I… I guess. What does that have to do with anything?”
Zuko had no idea where this conversation was going- but he felt a tad uneasy. 
“What did you guys do?”
Zuko's eyes widened. 
“Katara, I- Im not just going to, you’re-” 
“I'm almost 19 Zuko, answer me honestly. Did she suck your dick?” 
Katara said this with no trace of it being a touchy subject. She might as well have asked him his favorite breakfast food with that tone. 
Zuko was ambushed. He didn't know how to react and his facial expression showed it. 
“Did you eat her out?” Katara said, as a small grin grew on her face. 
“Oooh or did you fuck her. Did you fuck Mai in your fancy bedroom Prince Zuko?”
This seemed to be the final straw for the banished prince. It had taken him a moment to realize how he wished to react, but he had decided upon being offended. No one dares speak this way to a prince in the fire nation. 
“THATS ENOUGH KATARA” Zuko said loudly, yet he did not shout it. 
 “If you have a point get to it.”
Katara was not shaken. 
“I just need you to answer the question, great prince” she said with a hint of sarcasm. “I need to know what kind of man you are.”
“All of it-”
“Huh?” Katara said, missing the moment. 
“We did it all. Not all at once, obviously. But we were very passionate. Is that what you wanted to hear?” He said rather defiantly. Katara didn't mind- in fact, she kind of liked it. 
“Yep, that's all I need to hear.” Katara said as she slowly withdrew her hand from his previous wound. The healing process had ended a bit ago, but neither one of them had retreated. 
“Now I’m going to tell you what you need to do Zuko, if you want me to ever trust you.” 
“Wasn't that it? The questions? I mean- I've never told anyone any of that stuff, doesn't that prove anything?” He asked, rather coyly. 
“It's a start.” Katara said as she made her way to a nearby rock and propped herself on it. Zuko following slowly behind. 
When she was settled on the large boulder, she turned to face Zuko. Confident in her actions, Katara felt no hesitation in her next statement.
“You’re going to eat me out Zuko.”
She was met with a blank stare. She couldn't tell if he was confused or pondering. So she decided to clarify either way. 
“You're going lick my pussy with your warm tongue, and you're going to make me cum. If you don't make me cum- we’re gonna have a serious problem, and who knows what I’ll tell the gang about you. And now that we know about your little shenanigans with Mai- we know you have no excuse to not come through.” 
Katara smiled to herself. This was an ultimatum he could not pass up. He knew it, she knew it. All that was left was the anticipation in the air from waiting for his response. As Zuko slowly contemplated his options, their eyes made sudden contact. Katara was now the one taken aback. For in all his pondering, she could see the excitement reflected in his golden specks.
Without breaking their eye contact, Zuko spoke.
“This is the only way?”
Katara responded with the slow spreading of her legs up on the boulder. 
“The only way.”
The fire concentrated in the center of Zuko's hand suddenly grew strongly before going out completely. It was as if some had poured gasoline on it. With no more light to guide them, Zuko slowly made his way towards Katara.
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fruitygal26 · 4 years
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R-a-y b-a-n glasses anniversary, only this day!
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