The Girl with Golden Hair: Chapter 3
The Winter Solstice Part 1
Word Count: 2502
Warnings: sibling death mentioned
          We had landed ashore for supplies, Iroh decided to take a walk and I stayed behind with Zuko to annoy him. We were about to leave, but we couldn't find Iroh so we went looking, "Uncle! It's time to leave! Where are you?" I was walking in front of him.
          We heard him call over to use and Zuko reached over me to push a few tree branches out of the way so we could walk through, "Over here!" We found him sitting in a hot spring."
          "Uncle? We need to move on. We're closing in on the Avatar's trail and I don't want to lose him."
          "It sounds like you're talking about catching your cheating boyfriend." He groaned in frustration and looked just about to pull his hair out, and that made me laugh.
          "You looked tired Prince Zuko. Why don't you join me in these hot springs and soak away your trouble?"
          "My troubles cannot be soaked away. It's time to go."
          "You do seem tense Prince Dumby, maybe you should listen to him." I smirked poking him, and he smacked my hand away. 
           "She's right, you should take your teacher's advice and relax a little. The temperature is just right. I heated it myself." Iroh breathed steam through his nose, I laughed a little bit at his antics. 
          "Enough! We need to leave now. Get out of the water," Zuko demanded.
          "Very well!" Iroh shrugged and began to stand up.
          My vision turned back and I was pulled a little bit in him, the sudden closeness made me heat up, "On second thought, why don't you take a few minutes? But be back at the ship in half an hour or I'm leaving without you!" He turned us around before he removed his hand. 
          We walked for a little before I spoke, "You didn't mean that."
          "Of course not," Zuko scuffed.  
          "Good cause I wouldn't have let you," I squinted my eyes at him playfully.
          "Have you forgotten that an I prince? You can't make me do anything," Zuko rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
          We walked past a market, "No even accompanying me to go shopping to make sure I don't escape?" I gave him puppy eyes. 
          He hugged, "Fine, but it's not because I want to."
          "Thanks Zuko!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him behind me. He didn't seem all too pleased by the fact. The Earth Kingdom was much warmer than the Southern Water Tribe, and I wanted new clothes. The seaside market was full of people and I loved looking around at everything. We walked into a small boutique sort of shop. I was looking at a bunch of dresses on a rack when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned and saw Zuko holding something in his hand, "What?"
          "Hold out your hand stupid." I grumbled and did so. He stopped a couple of gold coins in my hands, "I know you don't have any money." I smiled and thanked him.
          I grabbed a couple of dresses and went to a fitting room. I tried on one dress is was long and a little blocky. It didn't fit my body type. I threw it on the door and tried the next one. The next one fit better but it was slim fitted so I wouldn't be able to fight in it if I had to. I threw that one with the other dress. The last dress was an a-line dress. It was a warm green with gold accents along the hem of the skirt. I stepped out of the fitting room, "Is this one okay?" 
          Zuko looked up from his hands and his bored expression fell to a sheepish one, his cheeks growing warm, "It looks… nice." 
          I grinned, "Great then I'll buy it." I gathered the other clothes and put my own back on and paid the vendor. We were walking down the market place Street when I saw an animal in a cage, it looked like a red panda, but he was so sad, "Poor little guy, look at how lonely he is. What kind of animal is he?"
          "It's a fire ferret. Some merchants came in yesterday to sell them." The vendor said, "You can have him for a gold coin and a silver piece." I looked down at my hand and I only had one gold coin left.
          I looked to Zuko, my eyes turning glassy, "Zuko I only have a good piece." 
          "And how is that my problem?" He sighed.
          "Look at him Zuko, he's lonely, he has no family, and taken from his home. Come on Zuko please just one silver coin." 
          He looked to me then the fire ferret, his eyes soften for a second, "Fine, but don't like it get in the way." 
          "You're the best Zuko!" I hugged him out of sheer joy, not really thinking. He patted my back hesitantly. 
          "Just get the ferret at let's find Uncle." I bought the ferret and the vendor gave him to me to hold, the ferret was stiff at first but I petted him and held him.
          "You and I aren't so different little buddy, I'm sure we'll get along. You don't have a home, I don't have a home we can be family and I'll give you looks of food and we'll go on adventures together. It'll be fun what do you say?" Zuko was looking at us with an unreadable expression, "I need a name for him. Zuko what do you think we should name him?" 
          "We? It's your ferret, you name him."
          "But it was with your money! You practically it's father!"
          "There is no way I'm gonna become apart of your dysfunctional family, I already have my own." He scowled. 
          I frowned and looked down at my ferret, "It's okay he'll come around, he's just a hot head."
          "I'm right here," Zuko mumbled.
          "I'm aware Prince Dumby, unlike you I have a brain." We were bickering all the way to the ship to grab rhinos and soldiers to grab Uncle, who had yet to return. A soldier gave me a piece of fish fire ferret. I gave him it and he seemed to get happier and a little more comfortable with me, "Tadashi, that's your name, does that sound good to you Zuko?" 
          "I don't care!" He grumbled and I giggled. We made it back to the spot we left Iroh on the back of komodo rhino's, I was riding behind one soldier, "Uncle! Uncle where are you?"
          The small clearing was empty, not a person in sight. We dismounted and searched the area, "Sir, maybe he thought you left without him," One of the soldiers accompanying us suggested. 
          Zuko and I inspected the hot spring, rocks were tented in the pool that Orh was in, "That's not right, it wasn't like this before Zuko."
          "It looks like there's been a landslide sir," The soldier said.
          I shook my head, "No that's not scientifically possible, rock doesn't slide upward so locally like this. This is geologically impossible, it had to be an earthbender," I concluded, Tadashi chattered next to me and I patted his head.
           Zuko stands up straight from his inspection, "My uncle's been captured. Go back to the ship, I'll find him alone," Everyone else but me left, "Why aren't you going with them? I said I'd do it alone." 
          "Boohoo, I want to come with you, I want to make sure Iroh's safe. Who knows I might be useful," I smiled at him and got on the rhino with him, he tried to protest but he gave up quickly because I was stubborn. Tadashi curled around my neck looking at the scenery as we passed by. "I like it here." 
          "If you like the Earth Kingdom this much wait till you see the Fire Nation Capital. It's more beautiful," Glanced over his shoulder.
          "I meant this world, but you know I'll take your word for it, I hope I do get to see everywhere in this world one day. I just love this world, even with the war it's still beautiful. There was a war in my world going on too. We had a couple of them through history actually, two world wars and a handful of other ones. People seem to be closer knit here, there's more of a sense of community and I like that."
          "There was a war going on in your world too?" Zuko seemed surprised.
          "Not on American soil, we haven't seen a domestic war since 1945, it's 2006 in my home world right now. There's a war that the United States is fighting currently, it's in a desert country across a vast ocean. It's very complicated as to why we are but my sister fought in it. She died when she was 23," I confessed.
          "I know that must be hard, I lost my cousin Lu Ten in this war, he died trying to conquer Ba Sing Se." Zuko tried to relate, he grabbed the hand I had wrapped around his waist so I wouldn't fall, "We just have to remember them and honor their legacy so that they didn't go in vain."
          I smiled softly, "You're right." We rode in silence once again. We came across a sandle after a while and Zuko got off to inspect it. He sniffed and turned green.
          "That's Uncle's alright." I laughed and we kept going. I was looking around when I saw a blue dragon fly past us, with a blue Aang on its back.
          "Woah! did you see that?" 
          "See what?" Zuko asked monotonously. 
          "A dragon it just flew past us! How could you not see it?" 
          "I think you hit your head when came to this world, dragons went extinct." 
          "Whatever, I know what I saw." 
          Just then Appa flew past us, "The Avatar!" Zuko pulled on the rhinos rings to stop it he looked up at the bison flying past us, I didn’t say anything because I wanted to see what he would choose. He ended up going back and follow Iroh’s trail. Down the trail we could hear soldiers talking. We stopped a little before the area they were at, remaining unseen, “Stay here.”
          “No,” I crossed my arms. 
          Zuko stopped me from getting off the rhino, “You aren’t well trained, you’ll get hurt. Stay. Here.” 
          I glared at him, “Fine.” He rolled his eyes and sneaked off. The were a few yells. Wish I could’ve seen the action, but Bossy Prince didn’t let me. Why should I let him tell me what to do? I grumbled about being able to handle myself, and climbed off the rhino, putting Tadashi down on the rhino. That’s when I got grabbed from behind.
          “Look what I found,” A soldier in green uniform said to me. I got dragged to the scene of the fight, Zuko and iroh were facing off against four soldiers, “They had a third person waiting.”
          I struggled against the soldier, “Let me go!”. The soldier put his hand over my mouth to shut me up, and then he put me into some kind of choke hold, his forearm on my throat.  Zuko looked over to where I stood, and he looked enraged. I struggled more,losing air, until I got the idea to bite his hand. I did. Hard. He yelled, and I had a metallic taste in my mouth. I jabbed my elbow into him when his grip loosened. I broke free and spun to punch him in his sternum. I learned somewhere that it really hurts. 
          “You little bitch!” The soldier clutched his chest.
          “Fuck you too!” I punched the air sending fire at him, knocking him over, Zuko proceeded to knock him out. I looked around and the rest of the soldiers were knocked out. I looked over to Iroh, who was only wearing a loincloth. 
          “Now will you please put on some clothes,” Zuko told his uncle. I smiled slightly. 
          That night, I decided to stay in my room. I was listening to music and staring out the porthole, petting Tadashi, who was sleeping in my lap. I wish I stronger, then I wouldn't feel so useless. A knock on my door distracted me from my following thoughts. I looked away from the stars out my window, to see Zuko standing there, "Did I say you could come in?"
          "No, but I'm a prince, I do as I wish." He shrugged, walking through the door and sitting beside me, "Are you okay?"
          "I don't know. I want to be able to hold my own. I hardly know the basics, but I want to be able to do more. If I'm going to be in this quest then I have to right? I could've gotten hurt Zuko. I-" A tear fell, and then the rest came gushing out, "I was scared." I hugged him, "I don't want to be scared anymore."
          He slowly hugged me back, "You don't have to be. I used to be like you, I was so scared of everything but my mom she made everything okay. I knew she would be there to protect me. Until she wasn't and I had to deal with my sister and my father on my own. If you want I can teach you hand to hand combat, that way you don't have to rely on bending and you have something to fall back on while you're still training."
          "Thank you, Zuko," I hugged him a little tighter. I let go and shifted to leaning my head on his shoulder. 
          "What was it like for you? In your world?"
          "Well I mean the general atmosphere was peaceful, like I said, no war has been fought on our soil since Pearl Harbor, but I mean poli-"
          "No I mean your personal life." 
          I was a little taken aback by his question, I didn't think he really cared, "Oh, well I mean. There was my mom and my dad and my sister. We had a dog and it was nice. I had lots of friends in school, me and my sister got along. We were best friends. She joined the army when I was 10. When she died, my mom become distant. She wasn't really there, I know she loves me, she's just grieving. My dad's never home, he's always working to distract himself. I don't know I've spent the past two years practically alone, I had friends at school in those two years but I never brought them home." 
          "That's rough," Zuko hesitated.
          "It is, but you know I got through it and I didn't let the realities of life hurt my view of others, I remained morally good." I smiled, "You just have to keep going without letting world give you leather skin."
          "I guess so." He stood up, walking to the door. Zuko peered over his shoulder, "We start before dawn breaks." 
          "Yes sir!" I saluted him with a mocked serious face. 
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imagines--galore · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if you could write a zuko x reader? Y/n is a water bender working for zuko while he travels(set in the first or second season) thank you !!!
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Mentions of injuries and such but nothing too extensive.
A/N: This is a separate entry from my other Zukoxoc fic The Thread of Fate. So please do not confuse them to be the same. Also you have to read between the lines to sense the romance. Like really between the lines. Thank you! Hope you enjoy!
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You may have be on the ship because of a debt you owed General Iroh, but it didn't mean you had to like any of the occupants.
And by occupants you meant resident Prince Pouty - Zuko.
You had kept your distance at first, keeping your head down and going about your job, but it didn't take long for your patience to snap and you began to talk back to the Prince. All because he just had to be rude to you and everyone else on the ship.
Sure General Iroh had explained the reason behind his behavior, it still didn't excuse him from being so rude all the time. Not to mention brash.
Your skills as a waterbender came in handy whenever he or any of the other soldiers aboard the ship would return with injuries. The soldiers had been wary of your at first, and you them, but in time they had accepted you as one of their own, and would often joke around with you, or seek out your help with an injury or a bruise.
Prince Zuko, on the other hand, had been entirely too stubborn to allow the enemy, his words, to see to his injuries. It wasn't until he had very nearly collapsed from ignoring his injuries, after several run-ins with the Avatar, that he had allowed you to come close and heal him.
Afterwards he had been somewhat civil towards you, and you him. Though there were times when you would berate him for putting himself in unnecessary danger and only coming to you when the pain would be too much for him to handle. He would justify his actions, saying he could handle it. Iroh was usually the mediator between the two of you, always there to make sure neither of you accidentally harmed the other. You had threatened to toss the Prince overboard on more then one occasion.
Funnily enough, he had never ever mentioned hurting you with his firebending.
Your transition from hostile shipmates, to hostile companions was slow-going and took months for the both of you to actually admit that perhaps you both could get along.
Of course, when you had just come to that realization, Zhao had commandeered Zuko's soldiers and ship, to be used to take over the Northern Water Tribe. Iroh had instantly dismissed you from your post, saying your debt had been paid. He had no desire to see you in the hands of the evil man.
Which was why you were now staying at the small inn where Zuko's ship had made its final port. You had no idea where to go from there. You didn't have any family to go back to. You had been saved by General Iroh out of the goodness of his heart. Which was the reason you had stuck to him with the claim that you owned him a debt.
Truthfully you had just felt safe with him, and now?
Where would you go now?
You were so lost in your thoughts, staring at the small cup of tea in your hand that you very nearly jumped out of your skin when the door to your small room slammed open and General Iroh stumbled in, supporting an unconscious and injured figure at his side.
Your eyes widened at who it was. "Zuko!" Your cup clattered to the floor as you ran to help the General lay the Prince down on your bed. A sharp gasp left your lips as you assessed the damage to his body. Burns, cuts, scraps, bruises, gashes. There were so many of them.
"What happened?" You demanded, even as you quickly began to gather supplies. A bucket of water, an old blanket to rip up for bandages and the bag that contained your own salves and pastes to help with the bruising.
"The pirates. They were in league with Zhao and they blew up the ship with Zuko onboard." The man explained, worry for his nephew evident in his gaze as he watched you do you work. Taking a small knife, you quickly cut open the shirt Zuko wore to assess the damage there.
You worked the entire night.
The more serious injuries were healed with your healing abilities and once you had tired yourself out from that, you began to apply the healing salves to whatever small burns and cuts you could find. You were almost out when your patient began to stir.
"Wh-" You reached out to gently grasp his shoulder to keep him from getting up lest he aggravate his injuries.
"Shh....just lie still. You're alright. You're safe." You told him. Pouring the concoction you had steamed a few moments ago, you held the cup to his lips. "Drink this. It'll help with the pain."
For once Zuko made no complaint, as he raised his head just enough to drink the warm liquid. His face grimaced at the taste but you made sure he drank every last drop.
"Your Uncle has gone to get some food. It's nearly afternoon." Outside the sun was high in the sky. Sleep hung heavy in your eyes as your gaze ran over his face. "Does anything hurt? I was able to cure most of the injuries, but I don't know if I missed something." Worry laced your tone as you fussed over the bandages that were wrapped around his forearm.
He pulled back his arm, only to grasp her hand tightly with his own. You were surprised at the strength behind the grip but you met his gaze with your own as he stared at you with an intensity that had never been there before. At least not the kind where you felt your face growing hot and had you averting your gaze after awhile and clearing your throat. His grip softened, allowing you to slip your fingers from his grasp.
"Thank you Y/N." Well that came as a shock. He had never once thanked you for when you treated him. He must've hit his head really hard on something.
Still you didn't say anything, the blush along your cheeks only intensifying as you nodded and cleared your throat. "It was nothing." But it seemed to mean something to him.
Thankfully Iroh returned just then, with food and provisions, and with the way your stomach had been growling, you all but wolfed down the soup and dumplings.
Of course you couldn't ignore the feeling that someone was watching your every move.
You simply focused on the food, too afraid to meet those intense golden eyes again.
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gloves94 · 4 years
Kingdom of the Sun [Fire Lord Zuko] 1
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Story Warnings: Violence, NSFW, Smut Chapter Warnings: None Rating: M Pairings: Zuko/OC Summary:  It has been three years since the end of the war. Fire Lord Zuko has his Empire to reconstruct and multiple assassination attempts to worry about. Across the sea Tsai is occupied with the Restoration Movement in the new Republic of Nations. Together they must: define their relationship, push some boundaries, bring down a dangerous enemy and most importantly work together to restore order and prosperity to this new world. Kingdom of the Sun MASTERLIST Last Airbender MASTERLIST My MASTERLIST
- SEQUEL to: SUNBURN . You don’t have to read Sunburn to enjoy this story, but if you want go ahead. - This story is loosely based on the ATLA comics, so don’t read if you don’t want spoilers. No Korra spoilers since I haven’t watched it myself.
AN: Woo!! We are finally here. I’m really excited about this story (also kind of very nervous, it’s going to be pretty different from Sunburn so let me know how I do!) I’m almost done writing it and it should be about 10 chapters long or so.
Zuko lay awake in his bed.
It was a cold night despite the spring season that graced the Fire Nation's capital. He let out a miserable long sigh before turning to face the empty side of the bed. It was then that a rustling behind the bedroom’s maroon curtains nearby caught his attention.
Paranoid, he quickly sat up glaring in the direction where he could've sworn, he heard an intruder's movements. His eyes scanned the darkness of the room, heart at his throat as he held his breath waiting for his attacker to show.
It was then that he felt it, the blade pressing tightly across his neck. It seemed the assassin had finally gotten to him. His body was stiff for a moment before relaxing into the knife. He let out a deep breath and allowed the blade to take him…
Zuko awoke alone and cold still heaving from his night terror. His eyes danced around the room fearfully scanning every possible nook, cranny and hiding place for an assassin. He sat up and ran a hand through his sweaty bangs pushing them back, catching his shaking breath. It wouldn't be the first time somebody broke into his room and tried to pull a stunt like that…
He exhaled a sharp breath and again collapsed back on his pillow. He couldn't believe he had caved into the assassin's blade like that. It had only been a dream, but still... For a moment he had forgotten his will to exist. After all, did anything matter? Every day was the same over worked routine of a Fire Lord having inherited a monarchy on the verge of a colonial disunion and at the end of a lost war. Not to mention the frequent assassination attempts he had to endure from the New Ozai Society. A group of loyal members of the Fire Nation mainland who were still supportive of his father and wanted to see Zuko dead and off the throne. But worst of all was that he had never felt as alone as he did now… He was cold, alone, unhappy… Did anything really matter?
His eyes turned to look at the painting he had framed next to his bed. It had been the last painting that him and Tsai had gotten. He wore his royal garments and head piece, she sat next to him hugging his arm. It had been painted that day the two saw “Love Amongst the Dragons,” the last time they saw each other...
He missed her. He needed her in his life now more than ever.
He dreaded the morning that was to come. He already knew he had a mountain of work to do, but the worst part about it were the Fire Sages. He did not want to be in the same room with a handful of them and a dozen of elite Fire Nation women who were all considered 'fit' female suitors eligible enough to one day take seat next to him as the Lady of the Throne.
"Will you be making your decision today Fire Lord Zuko?" One of the Sages had inquired hiding its hands in his sleeves. It had been weeks now and all those old crones did was pressure him into seeing these girls.
Traditionally Fire Sage's were the advisors to the crown and all royal marriages were arranged. However, considering there was no former Fire Lord in power to order such decree no such arrangements could be made.
His eyes glazed over the nervously fidgeting dark haired women before him. Some looked awfully nervous, others giggled at the situation hiding their blushing smiles before waving fans.
He was silent, his eyes boring ahead.
"I already know the one for me."
"Wake up!" A loud voice shouted.
"Wake uuuup!" The voice repeated in an even louder tone.
Tsai lay exhausted and alone in her bed. She let out a grown and pulled the sheets over her head. "Get out of my room Mecha!" She shouted loudly at her older sibling. However, he had no mercy, he ripped the covers off her waking her up.
She glared at her brother upset.
"You overslept, again." He said with his arms crossed over his chest. The scarred man glared down at her. "This isn't like you," he said frowning slightly.
She ran a hand through her messy hair in hope of taming it down a little. "I was up late last night," she grumbled. "Has there been another bombing? Another protest?" She asked more accustomed to being awoken due to the sporadically protest of the Anti Revolutionary Movement that was against the independence of the Fire Nation’s colonies.
"Oh yeah?" He challenged arching an eyebrow, ignoring her questions. "Doing uber important things like midnight snacking or writing sad poetry about your ex-boyfriend?"
"Out!" She roared throwing her pillow in his direction.
He caught it with ease. "Be ready." He said cooly sounding like their over-bearing mother and throwing it back in her direction with all of his strength making her slightly jerk back.
She sighed hugging the pillow and hunching her shoulders over. It had been three years since the One Hundred Year War was over and since the Fire Nation colonies had been liberated, and lot had happened since then. Ever since, her family had renounced to all of their royal titles, after all the Vice-Royal Colony of Yu Dao was no more. Instead now this territory belonged to the sovereignty of the United Republic of Nations. After losing his position her father had become… She didn't even want to think about it. Thankfully, her mother had forgiven her for everything that she had done during the time of war and her family now focused on running the United Republic of Nation's first newspaper. She did that and also working as an ambassador for the young nation, attempting to solve the thriving nation's issues a strong leader of the post-war restoration movement.
She had also ended her brief relationship with Zuko. You think dating is hard, imagine when your ex-boyfriend is the Fire Lord? She let out an exhausted breath and looked up to see the painted portrait of the two of them that hung on her wall. It was small and simple, her red head and broad cheesy smile standing out as she hugged onto his arm. He wore a smile as well and wore his hair down and wasn't wearing his royal robes. He was like she remembered him, he was simply Zuko, he wasn't his Lordness. She couldn’t even remember when they had gotten that painted. It had been a little more than a year since their breakup and she missed him dearly…
Dating of course had been an option but nobody had come close to filling the void she felt inside when she thought of him. She would never admit it out loud but a part of her was miserable without him in her life.
She missed him.
The memory of their breakup still fresh, she shook her head and clapped her cheeks lightly hoping to smack some sense into herself and push that depressing memory back in the attic of her brain. She didn't want to think about what had happened in the Dragon Catacombs the last time she had been in the Main- in the Fire Nation. She corrected herself.
"Aang! Katara!" Tsai stood in what was now the former palace's tearoom as she welcomed her friends. She embraced Aang and then Katara tightly. She had been happy to have kept in contact with them after the war. Katara was usually traveling between the Republic of Nations and the South Pole to visit her family, so they would see each other whenever she was in town. Aang was pretty much the same, except his travels were more worldly, after all, he was the Avatar. The bridge in between all nations as well as humans and the Spirit World. Tsai's mother had arranged for an elaborate tea party for just her children and their two friends. It was very over the top with teas, pastries and decorations, but then again, that was just the type of woman she was.
"It's so great to see two!" She said. Her brother greeted them both with a rough hug and took a seat next to his sister.
Aang was taller, fitter, and looked more mature. However, he was still his same goofy self and wore his nation's symbolic colors of yellow, ochre and orange in traditional robes. Katara had grown to be even more beautiful, her hair was longer, and she still wore her trade mark hair loopies. The two of them had been inseparable and had started dating at the end of the war and were still together. Distance and other factors not str Tsai poured a brewed floral tea and the four made idle talk catching about what the most recent news in town were, trending restaurants, theater, each other travels and what not.
"So, we've come with news!" Aang said excitedly shifting on his seat. He hadn't even touched his tea. Katara smiled at him lovingly and hugged his arm taking his hand in her own. "Shall we tell them together sweetie?"
Tsai arched an eyebrow, she mentally gagged at Katara's pet name for her boyfriend. Yikes, those two were so sappy. She took a sip from her tea to hide her smile.
They spoke loudly in unison. She wasn't sure if she had heard right. She was only aware of the sacred sin she had just committed. She spit out her tea in surprise spraying the couple before her who were overjoyed and simply laughed at her surprised reaction.
"Congrats!" Mecha stood up from his seat and walked around the table to give the couple a congratulatory pat in the back.
Tsai still sat stunned unsure of how to process the news.
AANG AND KATARA WERE GETTING MARRIED? Was Aang a child bride? Sure, he was now past sixteen, the customary marriage age, but really what was the rush? She shifted uncomfortably in her seat before realizing she had to say something to them.
"Congratulations!" She said sincerely excited going around the table and hugging the both of them again. "Katara, let me see your necklace!" She said inquiring about the engagement jewelry that Aang had made for her. It was a traditional Water Tribe necklace that had carved the Air Nomad's symbol in the middle. It was very cute.
"We'll be sending invitations out soon, but we wanted to tell you two in person." Aang explained.
"We were both very moved by your family," Katara began. "I know it's not usual for people to have interracial marriages, but when I saw your family- Your mother being from the Earth Kingdom and your father's side being from the Fire Nation. I saw what my future with Aang would be like." She said once again hugging his arm, he smiled at her and kissed the top of her head.
Both siblings noted how she mentioned her "father's side" and not the monster himself but said nothing.
"We are getting married here in the Republic of Nations. However, Gran Gran is getting a little too old for travel so we're having a ceremony in the Southern Water Tribe and we'd love for you two to come!" Katara beamed.
"You have to go." Her brother insisted chasing after her as they walked back to the dining room where they would now be joining their mother for dinner. "No. I don't. I have work." She barked back; fists clenched at her sides. "No," he drawled out stepping around her stopping her walk. "I'm staying so you can go. Besides, you already agreed. You can't back out now."
Tsai glared at her older brother; he could be such a pest sometimes. "I only said that to be polite!"
"Come on," She lowered her shoulders her brown eyes meeting her brother's forest green ones. "I look like crap- and well you know he's going to be there."
She said referring to Zuko, a thought that made her stomach twist nervously at the thought of seeing him again.
"So? Are you scared of him?" Her brother scoffed. "What's the worst that can happen?"
She remained silent.
"Who knows," he began moving out of her path. "You know he is married to his work, just like you. Odds are maybe he won't even show," Mecha said optimistically.
'Maybe… Just maybe he was right?'
next: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/624849870080131072/kingdom-of-the-sun-firelord-zuko-2
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adira-joe-tomlin · 3 years
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"https://mystic-kitten-writer.tumblr.com/post/185866989592/limerence-m-245-bonus" - from Limerence ︳Zuko (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/186304521?utm_source=android&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_quote&wp_page=quote&wp_uname=Caoimhe_Agafin&wp_originator=IJrXOnW33uk7OMeAQMOJgAX8y%2BW8DkBPZk5dxqTAqr3rgsKhOEbPaXySWAEDp6PmYtUnj%2Bdb%2BwuOo%2BbmIGZYnmpdJZS%2BLwAt49oepXBNe0GZ2Cofbxe1WWShHk1ubOv7
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zi-i-think · 4 years
Hi! I stumbled upon your story summary for your ZukoXOC. It sounds like it's going to be awesome! I also saw you accidentally deleted everything. That really stinks. But, I patiently awaiting the chapter to come out. Can you tag me in them? Thank you, and have a super awesome night. 💕
Hi! Thank you for your interest in my story! When I talked about deleting everything, it was just from Tumblr. I accidentally deleted my account so I had to make a new account and reupload the story. I write on Google doc and cross-post on Wattpad so unless I actually try to delete everything, I have it.
As for tagging. I'm so sorry to disappoint, but I don't so taglists. It's a personal preference. They take too much space and I don't like how they look. I do my absolute best to update every weekend, so you can always look to see if I’ve posted or not. ☺️
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
[catchy title]
Great to see you here, reading my desperate try to find someone to rp with. But let’s get straight to the important (and probably more interesting) stuff.
I’m a female, have the RP experience of three years, love to have long-term RPs and some OOC chat, like to write more than just a ‘he laughed’ and I am up for many fandoms (and genres).
Speaking of fandoms, these are the ones I play in:
Avatar: The Last Airbender (pls, contact me if you’d like to do one, I’m craving it so much!!) (canon x OC, Zuko x OC, OC x OC or Zutara)
Harry Potter (canon x OC, Dramione, Wolfstar)
Marvel (canon x OC, Stony)
Star Wars (OC x OC, canon x OC, Reylo)
The Elder Scrolls (OC x OC)
Assassin’s Creed (OC x OC, canon x OC)
Game of Thrones (canon x OC)
Sherlock (canon x OC, Johnlock)
What you should know:
I have a private life I care about a lot, so I won’t be online 24/7, but can still reply a few times ( a lot), mostly. So it would be great if it would be the same with you, but it’s alright if not!
I prefer canonxOC, but I’ll tell you straight away, I cannot play every canon character. OC x OC is pretty good to, but I do not like much canonxcanon, except it’s a ship I love endlessly! (Ships are listed with the fandoms)
Write more than just ‘he laughed’. It gets boring if I have nothing to work with.
I have like 0 experience in doing rps over discord, but I know how most of the people like Discord as their rp platform – it’s alright, but I’m not a pro in it.
Contact me through my tumblr (scmndr)!
I play mostly M/F, but would also be up to F/F and M/M.
I repeat it again, I’d love an atla one (especially ZukoxOC) :)
Anyway, I hope to hear from you!!
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tassjabella · 12 years
Of Shadows and Fire by Thalassa Jackson
Out of pure curiosity, I decided to post the summary of my fanfic, "Of Shadows and Fire," on Tumblr in the hopes I can get people to tell me what they think about it. (Concrit is always welcome, flames are not.)
Forgive me if it's a bit messy: it was first posted last year, and I'm still working on the rest of it.
*Mysterious voice clears throat*
“Long ago, before the time of the Avatar, there was one kind of bender that was different from the others, and had the ability to bend shadows. These Shadowbenders were able to control the darkness around them, which made them very powerful. However, this power started to corrupt them. The very darkness they controlled started to enter their minds, turn them insane, causing them to kill without mercy.
“The people of the world began to turn to the Avatar for help, so she journeyed into the Spirit World to speak to Anei, the goddess of darkness and the mother of the Shadowbenders. She herself was upset about what her creations had become, so she decided to take them from the world. On the winter solstice, at midnight on the new moon, the Shadowbenders all gathered drawn by their goddess’s will. Anei, knowing this was the time, pulled them all into the ShadowWorld, a place between the Spirit and physical worlds that she had created, trapping them there for all eternity.
"At least, that's how the story goes.
“One day, when the Avatar had disappeared for a century, Anei knew a Shadowbender was needed to return to the world and restore balance. So, she gave birth to one more Shadowbender, a girl. She faced a hard life ahead of her, but she would also find love along the way.
“This is the story of the last Shadowbender.”
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gloves94 · 4 years
Sunburn [Prince Zuko] Update
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(This was my Tumblr after last night!) Wow I am beyond shook and I am so warmed by the reception you all have had towards my Avatar fanfic. Good news is that I’m almost done writing it and I just finished around chapter 25 last night? So I will be updating soon!
Again, thank you so so much for all the love. As always I appreciate criticism both good and bad is welcome. Else how can I grow as a writer?  I also loooove predictions so feel free to comment any theories or anything you think is going to happen heh 👀. 
One thing that I am going to make very clear is that this story is going to be borderline PG-13 SFW. I feel weird writing about two sixteen year olds getting it on when I’m past my teens (which is why I’m going to make a mini sequel in which they are a bit more mature and get down and dirty 😂😂) Anyhow, I can’t say it enough. Thank you! And if you haven’t read Sunburn (ZukoxOC) here’s the link to Chapter 1: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621142853126602752/sunburn-prince-zuko-1
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gloves94 · 6 years
*** click or tap on the title of the story to be directed to the first chapter***
Buy Me a Coffee?
* Avatar the Last Airbender MASTERLIST
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* Prince Zuko (ZukoxOC) - Sunburn - Chapters (1 - 39 ) [FINISHED] CHAPTER MASTERSLIST
* Fire Lord Zuko (ZukoxOC) - Sunburn Sequel - Kingdom of the Sun - Chapters (1-?) [UNFINISHED] CHAPTER MASTERLIST
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* Bruce Banner (BrucexOC) -  La Vie En Rose - Chapters (1 - 15 ) [FINISHED]
S T A R  W A R S
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* Cassian Andor (CassianxOC): - White Holes - Chapters (1 - 10 ) [FINISHED]
P E A K Y  B L I N D E R S
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* Thomas Shelby (Thomas ShelbyxPious!Reader) - Flowers of Glass -  Chapters (1 - 10 ) [FINISHED]
H A R R Y  P O T T E R
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* Draco Malfoy (DracoxOC): To Be So Lonely - (1 - ?) [UNFINISHED]
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