g1itchtree · 1 month
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So I decided to make some Gavinners OCs purely because I had a dream I was dating the bassist
 which is this guy. Anyways expect more coming soon but Sam is definitely my favorite of the bunch lmao
Also yes, all of them have pun names. Who do you think I am?
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g1itchtree · 3 months
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Some recent colored sketches I did :)
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g1itchtree · 3 months
Redesigning characters go brrr
This is a bnha oc for my fic Caged Bird on Ao3 and Quotev. I might start uploading chapters here too idk
Anyways I really like to see how much not only I’ve grown but my character has grown as well :)
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g1itchtree · 4 months
Starting Dual Destinies rn and
 animated cutscenes? Voice acting?? Immediate explosions and is that fucking vigilante Apollo or something???
I was supposed to go to bed after I finished the first game but I apparently made the mistake of loading up the second to be ready to go tomorrow
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g1itchtree · 4 months
Starting Dual Destinies rn and
 animated cutscenes? Voice acting?? Immediate explosions and is that fucking vigilante Apollo or something???
I was supposed to go to bed after I finished the first game but I apparently made the mistake of loading up the second to be ready to go tomorrow
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g1itchtree · 5 months
Divulgence- Part 2
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SO I'm really only going to be updating this when ideas hit me. Which takes a while tbh so yeah very sporadic updates sorry
Also I really like writing dialogue but that comes at the expense of actual like scenebuilding or whatever lmao
“You WHAT?!”
“Shh, not so loud!” Marinette scolded, covering Alya’s mouth. “I’m really trying to not let my parents know, okay?”
Alya rolled her eyes, licking her hand in retaliation. Marinette immediately pulled away, wiping her hand on Alya with a laugh. “Okay girl, geez. But I thought you were over Luka?” Alya asked.
“Well, not really. I just knew I couldn’t feasibly be with him and be Ladybug at the same time,” Marinette shrugged, averting her gaze. This next part was the one she was most worried about sharing. “But
 he may have found out who I am?”
“He WHAT?!”
“Alya!” She laughed, mostly to shake off the nerves.
“But how? You’re so careful!” Alya pressed.
“Well, you know how Wishmaker revealed people’s dreams, right?” Marinette started, receiving a nod in return. “I brought Viperion along in case me or Chat got hit
 and Viperion may or may not be Luka.”
Alya opened her mouth, probably to scream again, but Marinette shot her a look and she smiled sheepishly. “Okay, so he saw your dream?”
and Chat’s.”
It’s like you’re looking for a reaction.”
“I’m not, really! Yesterday was just a lot, that’s all.” Marinette shrugged, tapping her fingers together. “But it should be okay, since Shadow Moth has no idea.”
Alya let out a little huff, crossing her arms. “That’s still a big risk.”
“I know, I know! But really, it shouldn’t cause any problems. We talked it over a bit, and unless he gets akumatized then there’s basically no way for Shadow Moth to know. And I already gave him a charm, so we’re totally fine.” Marinette explained, knowing she won when Alya gave an overly dramatic groan.
“Okay, but what about Adrien?” Her friend asked, giving her a look. “We both know you have feelings for him, don’t even try to deny it. Is Luka okay with that?”
“That’s a whole other thing,” Marinette sighed, slumping over slightly. “Apparently Luka likes him too?”
“No!” Alya gasped, smiling wide.
“Yeah! That’s what I was like!” Marinette exclaimed, standing up as she tries to explain the whole thing. “And he told me about this thing called polyamory? Basically just having multiple partners at once.”
Alya snapped her fingers, eyes shining at the realization. “So you guys can both date Adrien!”
“Well, if Adrien wants to,” Marinette held her hands up, shaking her head. “He might not be into that sort of thing, or even like either of us. Or maybe just one of us.”
“Well duh,” Alya said, brushing it off. “But this makes so much sense. No wonder why you couldn’t choose. You literally love them both the same!”
Marinette gave a tiny laugh at her enthusiasm, relieved she didn’t find it super weird. “I’m not really telling a bunch of people though. I mean, Luka and I just broke up, so it’ll be a bit weird to be back together so soon without explaining why.”
“I guess you can’t just say you only broke up cause you were Ladybug, and now he knows so it’s chill,” Alya conceded.
“And we both know I won’t be able to stop gushing over Adrien,” Marinette pointed out. “I don’t really know how everyone would react to the whole ‘multiple partners’ thing either, so please don’t mention it until I do?”
“Of course girl, you know I wouldn’t out you like that,” Alya immediately assured, zipping her lips. “I’m glad you felt you could tell me.”
“You know I can’t keep anything from you,” Marinette giggled, pulling her into a hug.
Alya smirked a bit, messing with Marinette’s hair. “Yeah, I’m too charming~”
“Oh my god you sound like Chat.”
“Well maybe he had the right idea!”
Marinette gives her a disapproving look, eventually dissolving into more laughter with her friend. This was good. More than that, this was relieving. She didn’t expect it to be more nerve-wracking than the first time coming out (was this even coming out?). Obviously Alya wouldn’t react too bad, but hopefully her other friends would react like this too!
Maybe Adrien wouldn’t mind either?
“You seem happy today, m’lady,” Chat Noir hummed, swinging his legs from his place on the roof.
The two of them were just relaxing after their patrol, as they often do. It was tradition at this point. But today, she had this sparkle in her eyes and her whole demeanor seemed
Ladybug gave an awkward little laugh at his comment, scratching at her cheek. “Is it that obvious?”
“Nah, I just know you too well~” He grinned, bumping their shoulders together. “So what’s up? Something good happen?”
“You could say that
” Her cheeks went a little rosy and she played with fingers a bit. So it was embarrassing then? That just intrigued him more.
“Come on, what is it?” He pressed, turning to fully face her. “Give me the deets!”
“The deets? Seriously?”
Chat snickered at her incredulous look, starting to chant. “The deets! The deets! The deets!”
Ladybug broke into laughter, waving her hands to stop him. “Okay, okay! I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you, but
 don’t freak out, okay? And
 tell me to shut up if it upsets you?”
He paused at that, curious and a bit concerned. “Okay
? Though I doubt you would be able to upset me so easily.”
She let out a sigh, tracing the edge of the roof with her finger. “Well
 I kinda have a boyfriend now?”
Ladybug must have seen something in his expression that she didn’t like, because she immediately went into fix-it mode. “I’m sorry, I know you’re trying to get over me, and I really appreciate it, and I didn’t want to rub this in your face! I know how much it sucks when the person you like is with someone else, and-”
“It’s okay, bugaboo,” Chat cut in, grabbing the arm she was waving around, like she did whenever she rambled. “I was just surprised, that’s all! And you don’t need to apologize for dating someone, that’s your right and I don’t mind.”
“Really?” She asked. “‘Cause I’d totally understand if you did mind.”
“It’s fine. I’m happy for you, if anything!” He assured. “You deserve to have someone to love and for them to love you, even if it’s not me.”
She let out a sigh, though she was still hunching her shoulders uncomfortably. “Thanks, Chat. I appreciate that. But
 there’s something else you should know.”
He raised a brow at that, concern seeping into his expression. “Alright
She glanced around them, probably looking for any cameras or potential eavesdroppers. So this was something confidential, then? How could this be related to her boyfriend?
Satisfied that no one was listening, she leaned in, voice just above a whisper. “He kinda figured out my identity.”
“How did that happen?” He asked. She was more careful than anyone he knew, it was definitely weird.
“Well, I dated this guy before,” She started, which honestly surprised him more. “I didn’t tell you right away in case you know me, since it would be suspicious that Ladybug me and civilian me started dating someone. But
 it didn’t last long. I couldn’t devote enough time to him because of this whole superhero thing.”
“Ah. That sucks.” Chat could relate. He hardly had enough time for his own friends. Not because of his superhero identity, but his jam-packed schedule.
Ladybug nodded, a bit of a sorrowful, wistful look in her eyes. “It was my decision. I didn’t want to keep lying, and he deserved better. But I guess he connected when I had to run off to the time Ladybug appeared. He asked me about it the other day.”
“So now you’re back together?” He finished, smiling a bit. “That’s such a sweet love story! Definitely fanfic worthy.”
Ladybug laughed, her nose scrunching up in a way that had his smile widening involuntarily. “I think I’ve actually read this exact scenario before, now that you mention it.”
“But why tell me this time?” He asked. “Not saying I don’t appreciate it, but that risk is still there.”
“We’re not telling that many people right away,” She explained. “It would be kinda awkward to explain why we got back together so quick.”
He nodded at that, getting her point. “So he’s good to you, then?”
“Amazing,” She confirmed, her smile gentle but so sweet it could give him a toothache. “Even before he knew my identity, he was such a big comfort
 He always knows what to say to make me feel better.”
“Sounds like a good guy. Hopefully I can meet him eventually, make sure he’s treating you right.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that. The thought’s sweet, though,” She replied, patting his arm.
The two of them sat in companionable silence from that point, content with watching the sunset. Chat excused himself when it started to get seriously dark, not wanting to risk being caught by his father or Nathalie. He could only “shower” for so long, after all.
Dropping through his window and releasing his form, Adrien flopped onto his bed with little grace. He dug some cheese out of his pocket for Plagg, tossing it towards the kwami before shoving his face in a pillow.
He could feel Plagg’s eyes on him, probably out of a modicum of concern. “So you are upset about Ladybug’s new boytoy?”
“Plagg, that’s rude,” Adrien scolded, reluctantly sitting up.
“Don’t avoid my question!”
He rolled his eyes, leaning against his backboard with a huff. “I mean, yeah. I really am happy she found someone, don’t get me wrong, but it’d be weird if I wasn’t somewhat sad.”
“You’ll find someone else, kid,” Plagg said, though Adrien couldn’t quite tell if he was being sarcastic. “Plenty of cheese in the world! Sometimes you have to taste many different kinds before you find the one right for you.”
“You and your cheese metaphors,” Adrien shook his head. “Don’t you have any other material?” 
Plagg scoffed, looking thoroughly offended. “Why have more when cheese is so applicable anyways?”
That one earned a laugh. He scratched the top of the kwamis head, letting himself think the night over. He really was trying to get over Ladybug, at her request. And strangely, he didn’t really mind that she was dating someone else. What bothered him more is that he would never be able to hold the same kind of place in her heart. He knew she cared about him, but it just wasn’t the same.
He supposed he would have to learn to be satisfied with what he could have now.
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g1itchtree · 6 months
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Splatoon art I did for commission examples cause I realized I never really do full pieces lol
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g1itchtree · 6 months
Hey so I got an oled switch like 6 months ago and moved all my games over. But the thing is, my old switch came with Splatoon 2 already installed, so now it says I don't own it already when I tried to download. Is there any way I can fix this or do I actually have to buy it. I really wanted to play octo expansion again lmao
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g1itchtree · 6 months
Okay so apparently it was linked to like the very first account. Problem is my brother made it cause I was too young and I don't remember the info. Let's hope I can work something out
Hey so I got an oled switch like 6 months ago and moved all my games over. But the thing is, my old switch came with Splatoon 2 already installed, so now it says I don't own it already when I tried to download. Is there any way I can fix this or do I actually have to buy it. I really wanted to play octo expansion again lmao
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g1itchtree · 6 months
Hey so I got an oled switch like 6 months ago and moved all my games over. But the thing is, my old switch came with Splatoon 2 already installed, so now it says I don't own it already when I tried to download. Is there any way I can fix this or do I actually have to buy it. I really wanted to play octo expansion again lmao
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g1itchtree · 6 months
Divulgence- Part 1
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Okay quick authors note cause! Why not!
This is a new lukadrinette series. Honestly I love this ship so much it needs more stuff so. Here I am! It’ll be a bit canon divergent, idk how much but Chat and Ladybug actually have proper communication so that’s fun.
Updates will be pretty sporadic, basically whenever the writing mood strikes me. I wrote this in only like a few hours but then l’ll go weeks without writing lmao
Also I really have no idea how to use tumblr and I’m on my phone so if these are formatted weird please let me know
That’s it I guess? Enjoy!
“Miraculous ladybug!” Ladybug shouted as she tossed the spotted Dino Huggie in the air. As always, the magic ladybugs swirled around the city, fixing any damage the akuma had caused.
There was one thing that couldn’t be reversed, however.
As Marinette- no, Ladybug. As Ladybug gave Alec his charm and the trio of heroes brought him back to his TV crew, Luka couldn’t help but dread the consequences of what he had learned today. Two of his close friends (if that could even describe what he felt for each of them) were Paris’s superheroes. The sheer fact that they risked their lives every day and still managed to make time for average civilian life was astounding.
He was beginnning to understand why Marinette was always running off.
After they were done with Alec, he and Ladybug zipped off toward an empty alleyway. As soon as the coast was clear he took off his Miraculous and handed it over.
“Thank you, Luka,” Ladybug smiled at him, tucking the bracelet back in her yo-yo. And yeah, he could totally see it now that he knew. He knew quantum masking was powerful and all, but they had the same exact smile, same sparkle in her eyes after a job well done. How could he have missed that?
“Thanks to you, our secret identities were preserved and no one discovered who Chat Noir and I really are.”
Oh, she was still talking. Luka should probably stop staring.
It didn’t seem to matter too much though, because she turned to leave right after. Except she stopped right before tossing her yo-yo, that nervous smile that was just a bit too tight and her eyes a bit too wide to be genuine on her face. “Not even you, right?”
“Not even me,” He confirmed, though he could feel his nerves bubbling up. “Luckily Wishmaker never hit you or Chat Noir.”
Ladybug narrowed her eyes at him, and he knew she could see right through him. Like he could hear her inner song, she seemed to be able to know his deepest thoughts, no matter how much he tried to play it cool. Sure, that was part of the reason he fell for her. She was always the first to comfort him whenever things got a bit much. But damn, if it wasn’t inconvenient right now.
With a look outside the alley to make sure no one was near, she let out a deep sigh, her shoulders slumped as she leant against the wall. “Tikki, spots off.”
With a pink glow, the suit slipped away, leaving only Marinette and her kwami behind, looking stressed to all hell.
“Sorry,” Luka muttered, mostly on reflex.
“It’s not your fault, I knew this was a possibility when I asked for your help,” She assured, fishing a macaron out of her bag and giving it to Tikki. “Is it just me, or Chat Noir too?”
“Both,” He admitted, tugging at the bottom of his hoodie with discomfort. “
you looked really cute as the knitting fairy?”
She looked at him with that adorable expression she had whenever she was disgruntled or surprised, nose scrunched and lips pursed slightly. She then let out a laugh, shaking her head and pressing her hands to her face. “Fuuuck, that’s embarrassing.”
“Not at all,” He waved it off, grinning just a bit despite the circumstances.
“What was Chat Noir’s?” She asked, then seemed to realize her mistake. “Wait, maybe you shouldn’t tell me that, scratch it-”
“He just wanted to please his parents,” Luka shrugged, figuring that wasn’t too bad. Lots of people wanted to do that. “Make them proud, do whatever they said.”
Marinette furrowed her brows ever so slightly, nodding after a moment. “Yeah, that makes sense. I know his dad is overbearing, but he still loves him.”
The two sat in silence as Tikki finished her snack, unsure of where to go from there. Eventually though, the tiny god wiped her face and gave Luka a smile, diving into Marinette’s bag.
“We should head back and find Adrien,” She said after that, pushing herself off the wall. “Can you come back to my place after? We
 need to talk.”
“Of course,” He agreed, but really he was dreading that conversation. Many possibilities ran through his head, each worse than the last. Would she not let him be Viperion again? Would she tell him they couldn’t be seen together anymore? Would he have to leave the country just so Shadow Moth couldn’t get to him?
The endless downward spiral screeched to a stop as Marinette took his hand, giving him that tiny smile that said everything would be fine. “It’ll be okay. Let’s just head back for now.”
And so they went.
As soon as they reached her bedroom after talking with her parents, Marinette immediately started freaking out.
She paced back and forth, hands tugging at her hair as she started to plan. “Okay so obviously it’s bad that you know who both of us are. If it was just one that might be okay- hell I already told someone, and I let Chat know that he could do the same. But both is a recipe for disaster! If Shadow Moth finds out, then you or your family could get hurt, and if you’re akumatized? I don’t even- that can’t happen! I could load you up on charms, sure, but what if you lose them? Or they break? Wait, can they even break? What if-“
“Marinette,” Luka interrupted, making her stop in her tracks. “You’re going to burn a hole in your floor if you keep going like this.”
She let out a sheepish laugh, her eyes dropping to her feet. “Sorry, sorry.”
“Come on, sit down,” He offered, patting the spot next to him on the chaise. “Let’s work through this one problem at a time, without catastrophizing.”
“Right, okay,” She agreed, plopping down and taking a deep breath. “How about
 do you have any questions for me?”
“You mentioned others know?” He started with, figuring that was easiest.
“Oh yeah, that’s a pretty recent development,” She admitted, looking down at her hands. “I told Alya, after the Gang of Secrets mess she figured something big was up. I
 I was really struggling balancing my superhero and civilian life, and it kind of just came out.”
“That’s perfectly reasonable,” Luka said, giving her his patient smile that honestly made it super hard not to cry. “I’m sure being Ladybug is stressful enough, and after you became Guardian? I’m not sure I would’ve been able to handle it myself.”
She bit her tongue, holding back from saying that she wholeheartedly believed anyone could do better than her, and she was sure Luka would do utterly amazing. She instead continued her answer, picking at her nails a bit. “I told Chat Noir who Carapace was, cause it was a bit unfair that I got someone and he didn’t, and obviously Carapace isn’t me so there was no risk of him accidentally telling me his identity. And the two are around the same age, and I know Carapace can keep a secret if it really matters. I’m not sure if Chat ever approached him though.”
Luka nodded, silent for a while before asking his next question. “Will
 will I get to be Viperion again after this?”
Marinette sighed, dragging her hands over her face as she thought about it. “I don’t know
 in all honesty, I really shouldn’t. But
 you know how this all works already, and you’re really good at it too! Finding someone else I can trust to wield that power will be a lot of trouble. It’s easy to abuse it or not really know how to utilize it. And
 I know Sass likes you a lot, too.”
That made Luka smile, a low chuckle escaping him. “Well, I like Sass too. I’d miss the little guy.”
Marinette couldn’t help but smile back, glancing to where the Miracle Box was hidden. “I guess
 well, I won’t call on you unless it’s really needed. But
 so long as no one ever finds out you know, then it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”
“I can keep a secret, there’s no need to worry about that,” Luka assured, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She glanced up at him, the familiar butterflies returning once more. It wasn’t fair that he was just so
 so charming! And comforting! And someone she could just be herself around without any fear! Not to mention absolutely gorgeous? Honestly, it’s like the universe was trying to make her suffer.
“Marinette?” He all but whispered, drawing her attention back to reality. His brows were pulled together ever so slightly and he was biting the inside of his cheek, sure signs that something was on his mind.
“What’s wrong?” She immediately asked, starting to panic. Did he think this was too much? Did he not want to be seen with her anymore? This was the first time they’ve really spoken after the breakup, and honestly, she didn’t know if she could watch him leave again. Even if it was for the better.
 the whole reason we broke it off was because you’re Ladybug, right?” Luka asked, immediately filling her with dread. “Because you had to keep leaving, and I couldn’t know why.”
She winced at that, turning gaze back down to her hands. “Yes, that’s most of it
 and I’m so sorry for that, Luka. I just couldn’t tell you. If I hadn’t broken down, I wouldn’t have even told Alya! I just didn’t want to put you in danger, but I still-”
“No, I get it,” He immediately assured, moving the hand on her shoulder to her own hand. “Now I do, at least. I’ve never had any hard feelings about it, I knew you had your reasons. I still loved you, even though I couldn’t be the one who you open your heart to. I still do, even now.”
 you still
?” Marinette whispered, looking to him with wide eyes. Great, now she felt even worse for dumping all this on him. He now knew why it was totally unable to work at all, not with the utter mess that was her life.
“I do, and now that I know you’re Ladybug
” He trailed off, looking down to where his hand laid on hers, slowly interlacing their fingers. “I really wanted us to work, y’know? Is there
 any chance we still might?”
“Wait, you-” She immediately moved back, pulling her hand away. “Are you serious? You- after all I did, you still-”
“Sorry, that was probably too much,” He immediately backpedaled at her reaction, hiding his obvious hurt behind a smile. She could see it though, and it made her feel all the worse. “I just wanted you to know I care about you. I get why you wouldn’t want to, though.”
“Hold on, I didn’t say that,” It was her turn to interrupt as she held her hand out, cutting him off. “Just
 give me a minute. I honestly wasn’t expecting that.”
Luka softened at her flushed cheeks and how she bit her lip, his affection for her evident in the look he gave. “Of course, take all the time you need.”
She visibly relaxed at that, leaning against the back of the chaise as she contemplated it. She glanced up at him every so often, then at her picture board, and a few times towards the box.
 I wouldn’t be able to dedicate enough time to you,” Marinette started with. “I would always have to run off, leave you behind again.”
“And I’m okay with that,” He said. “I was just worried that something was wrong with you before, that you were in danger. Or that I did something wrong. But I know why now, and I can help you escape if it’s needed.”
She let out a sigh, knowing he had a point. “If Shadow Moth ever finds out who I am
“He won’t,” Luka immediately cut in, that passionate fire blazing in his eyes. God, she loved that look. “You’re always so careful. That’s why I was there today, right? To ensure Shadow Moth wouldn’t find you. And that was a good call. There’s no way he’ll find out who you are.”
He really wasn’t making this any easier, was he?
“Dammit, Luka
” She muttered, uncurling herself and moving back next to him. “I really lo
like you, too
” She winced at the stutter, cursing herself for being unable to really express her feelings. “You make me feel so
 comfortable? I don’t know if that’s the right word. I can just relax around you, not worry about every little thing. I hated breaking it off. I do want to be with you, really. But
 I still don’t think it’s a good idea. I still
 I lik-”
“Is it Adrien?”
Marinette turned to him with wide eyes, sputtering at that. “I- wha- nooo, of course not! Why would I ever
 was I that obvious?”
“I think the only one who doesn’t know is him,” Luka joked, bumping their shoulders together. “I don’t blame you. Honestly, I’ve got the hots for him too.”
“You do??” She almost shouted, mouth agape. “But- you just-”
“You can love more than one person, Marinette,” He started, taking her hand in his again. “It doesn’t have to be this exclusive thing. I mean, it’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally have no problem with you pursuing a relationship with Adrien while you’re with me.”
She looked from their hands to his eyes, utterly confused at this point. “I- I’m not sure I understand.”
He laughed at that, tucking a loose hair behind her ear. “That’s alright. I can try to explain.”
He turned away, a little smile on his face as he walked her through it. “Love isn’t something that’s limited. Some people choose to only love one person with their whole being, and that’s perfectly fine. But others prefer to have more than just one partner. They spread their love evenly and wholly. And you, Marinette, have more love to give than anyone I’ve met. I’d honestly feel bad keeping you to myself.”
She was silent, processing his words. “So
 you, me, and Adrien would all be a couple?”
“That depends. I’m not sure if Adrien’s into me. But we don’t all need to date each other for it to work,” He explained. “As long as there’s communication and clear boundaries, then I see no reason why you can’t date who you want. The only question is, are you comfortable with that?”
Marinette thought about it, coming up short with a perfect answer, as was the pattern with her feelings. But
 it sounded nice. “I don’t know. It
 I guess I wouldn’t mind trying? I haven’t even considered that.”
“Most people don’t,” Luka smiled, turning back to face her. “It’s fine if you don’t want to. Just follow your heart.”
My heart really wants to kiss you.
The thought turned her bright red, but she was unable to deny its validity. Could you blame her? The way he looked at her, with endless compassion and devotion, made her absolutely melt. Now that she had this new perspective, she honestly couldn’t bear letting him go again.
It seemed he felt the same. He was slowly leaning in, bringing a hand to her face. Not pulling, just caressing her gently. His eyes flicked down to her lips then back up, a new glint of desire in them.
Fuck it.
She grabbed him by his hoodie and pulled him down to her before she could second guess herself. He jumped a bit in surprise but adjusted quickly, tilting his head ever so slightly as he reciprocated it.
It was quite honestly the best thing she’s ever done. His lips were soft and warm, and they fit against hers perfectly. His hands were rough from years of playing guitar, and the feeling of them on her was too good to ignore. The one holding her hand moved to her waist, drawing tiny shapes there.
They pulled apart after a few moments, both breathless at the exchange. Marinette immediately panicked once it was over, which should honestly be expected. “Oh my god, we just- wait I am so sorry I didn’t even ask that was so awful of me! I can’t believe I did that, I’m so-”
“Mari, it’s okay,” Luka interrupted with a laugh, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. “I wanted it too, no worries. You can ask next time if it bothers you that much.”
She looked up at him with amazement, smiling nervously. “How do you always manage to calm me down?”
“I know you,” He murmured, sending her heart into overdrive.
She hesitated for just a second, a bit shy but really wanting to continue. “Can I
 can I kiss you? Again?”
He huffed in amusement, dipping his head down to capture her lips in his. She immediately melted against him, a little content hum escaping her. She brought a hand to his hair, threading her fingers through it and pulling him closer.
She really had no idea what she was doing, but Luka made everything so easy. He slowly backed her up so she was against the back of the chaise, moving the hand on her cheek to the back of her neck. His tongue glided over her lips carefully before retreating, giving her the chance to back away if she needed to.
Yeah, like hell.
Instead, she gave an experimental poke of her, surprised to be met with his. She let him guide her, following his movements and slowly making bolder moves of her own. She tightened her grip on his hair, not quite pulling but definitely firm. A low groan escaped him and he kissed her with more fervor, clearly affected by her actions.
Marinette herself was thrilled with this course of action, giving a few more slight tugs as she wrapped her legs around him. Before they could get too into it however, she felt someone watching them. Many someones.
With a groan, she reluctantly pulled away, glaring over at the kwamis. Most of them had their heads poked out, including Tikki, the traitor.
Luka sat back with a laugh, giving a small wave to the creatures. Daizzi rushed forward first, flying around his head with excitement. “Are you the Guardian’s new partner? That’s so amazing! She’s been really upset, honestly. Staring at those photos of you all day, that glum look on her face.”
“That’s enough!” Marinette squeaked out, grabbing Daizzi and covering her mouth. “Another word and I won’t be sneaking you any choquettes!”
“We’re just happy for you, that’s all!” Xuppu cheered, the rest of the kwamis flying out. “And it sounds like you can still be with Adrien! It’s a win-win!”
“Please don’t take our choquettes!” Mullo whimpered, giving Marinette her puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh, fine, just don’t peak next time we make out
” She sighs, letting Daizzi go.
Luka perks up at that, shooting her a smirk. “Next time?”
Marinette turned red, waving her arms around awkwardly. “What? Did I say that? Pfft, how silly would that be? Unless you want there to be a next time, then I’d be more then happy cause honestly that was really hot and I wanted to keep going but! I get if you don’t want to cause I wasn’t really expecting to either, not to say it was amazing, it totally was, and please just shut me up already
He laughed at the last bit, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “I’m totally down for more. But maybe another time
 I’m sure we’ll get some privacy next time?”
He looked to the kwamis, and each instantly nodded their agreement, giggling and looking between the two of them.
“See?” Luka gestures to them, that easy smile stretched across his face. “No trouble.”
“I should probably feed them now, anyways,” Marinette sighed, slowly standing up. “Do you want to grab something too?”
He grinned up at her, grabbing her hand and pulling the hatch down open. “Lead the way.”
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g1itchtree · 7 months
Is procreate dreams crashing a lot for anyone else or is this a me thing
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g1itchtree · 7 months
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g1itchtree · 9 months
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I always forget to post here but take some PokĂ©mon art I’ve done lol
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g1itchtree · 9 months
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g1itchtree · 1 year
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Woo art wow. I wasn’t gonna post this here but fuck it I’m proud of this one. Anyways new one shot soon I’ve just been busy with finals lately
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g1itchtree · 1 year
I’m playing through TOTK right now, no spoilers please I’m still not far. But I just got to Rito Village and I LOVE the motif to Dragon Roost Island from Wind Waker. That was like the second Zelda game I’ve ever seen, watched Chuggaaconroy play it, and Dragon Roost always left an impression on me. Hearing it be so melancholy is chilling
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