gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
🌊💄Mermaid Bath Spell For Beauty💄🌊
Every mermaid knows, as she gazed into her mirror, that beauty is in the eye of the one beheld! If you believe that you are beautiful, there is no doubt that most people will be charmed by you.
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🌊 For this spell you will need a mirror- preferably a pretty one,with a handle. You will also need some spring water; some dried rose petals; some seaweed (which can be obtained in good health-food stores,or gather your own); a rose-pink candle; your favorite romantic CD (preferably instrumental rather than singing);and a natural sponge.
Make an infusion by filling a pan with spring water,bringing it to the boil, adding the rose petals and seaweed and then taking the pan off the heat. While the petals and seaweed are soaking, run a bath of warm water,light your candle in the bathroom, and start to play the CD, (or song on your phone,youtube or radio), to build up an atmosphere.
Strain the infusion and add it to your bath. (Note: it is always a good idea to test for allergies 24 hours beforehand by placing a small amount of infusion on your inner wrist.) When the water is at the right temperature for you, get in, and close your eyes.
Bring to mind your own special water fairy that you met in the previous visualization (here click here) and ask her to be near. You may feel her presence as a slight tingling, and if you are lucky, you will see her.
Pick up the sponge and stroke your body all over,enjoying the sensuous experience. Tell your body it is beautiful (even if you are in the habit of thinking the opposite). Say, “From the sea came my life, from the sea came my body. Like the mermaids I am beautiful.” Mentally ask your special mermaid to fill you with confidence and joy in your own sexuality.
Now pick up the mirror, look into your eyes and say, “I love you.” Say this as many times as you can, while sitting comfortably in the bath. Maybe your mermaid will whisper something encouraging in your ear.
Complete the spell by thanking your mermaid and snuffing out the candle with a drop of water. As the water drains from the bath, let your consciousness return to normal. Wrap yourself in a big, soft towel and pamper yourself.
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
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Cosmic Witch With Tarot And Astrology Theme
For @the-cosmic-latte-witch
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
(Disclaimer: I am a white person and I'm not speaking for all native Americans, I'm simply trying to be helpful and spread some information cause I hear a lot of people mixing these two up!)
Just a reminder that smudging and smoke cleansing are not interchangeable!! Smudging is a part of Native American culture and is a part of a closed practice!! So please if you're not a native American don't use smudging in your vocabulary!
Have a nice day!
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
Warding a house!
So I need to ward both my mom’s and dad’s houses, and I wanted to make a list of how you can go about warding a whole house.
Ask the four directions or elements to help cast a circle around your house (you might want to specify that energy can leave, but can’t get in)
Wipe your windows and door(frame)s with a ward mixture (I used moon water, regular water, and some essential oils since I don’t have whole herbs, but sticking some herbs in a bottle with water and letting it sit for awhile works too)
Ward something seen often in a well used part of the house (this isn’t always useful for a whole house but I used a welcome mat)
Enchant a string or something to keep bad stuff from going through a door and put it on top of the doorframe (or I guess you might be able to charm the door itself)
Make an oil with herbs for protection and anoint the doors and/or windowsills
Make one of those string chain things with the bells (I think it’s called a witch’s ladder but I can’t remember)
Make a poppet and place it near the entrance to your home
Put salt on the windowsills/in the corners of your house (not outside!!)
Put ground eggshells around your house (bonus of keeping out snails from plants)
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
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I feel like in this day and age this is super important to remember. Grow at your own pace.
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
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**Reminder that "smudging" is part of a closed practice. Please call it smoke cleansing.
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
Sharehouse Peace Witch's Ladder
This one's been in the works for me for a week or so but I finally had enough peace in my busy moving schedule to sit down and make a pair - one for the front door and one for the back.
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Use 9 silver [coloured] bells in place of knots or feathers so that these double as a door protection Witch Bell/s. Their peal as the door is opened wards off dark energies and brings in positive energy.
Use 3 threads:
Blue - for peace, calm, healing and protection
Yellow - for clear communication (So important in a share house)
Black- to absorb negative energy
I used embroidery thread but strips of fabric or anything you have around will do fine, as long as your bells can thread on.
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Tie a loop large enough to slip on to your door handle, and then thread on your first bell. I always thread my bells onto the black thread so that they will reinforce each others ability to repel and control dark energies.
Start plaiting! Each time you cross a thread over repeat to yourself its purpose: "peace and calm, clear communication absorb the negative, peace and calm, clear communication, absorb the negative-" I find this helps my intent stay focused for such long projects.
When you've plaited enough space that your bells won't touch, thread on another. Repeat this until the 9th bell. Tie this one on with a strong ending statement such as "In this Home!" Or "So mote it be!"
Trim your excess thread (unless you want straggly-chic). Plop it on your door and thank it in advance for its work. You're done!
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
Fog in Witchcraft
Fog is often a forgotten aspect of weather that seems to get passed over when it comes to witchcraft despite it having some powerful and noble uses as well as a history in the craft. Though not all areas get fog commonly, many do, almost every morning depending on the time of year. Allow this small post to perhaps be some help to those who have interest in harnessing fog into their craft.
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History and Fiction
As stated above, in many literary sources witches of both historical senses and fiction harness fog as a powerful towel. In popular lore, witches were said to summon fogs to roll across the lands to protect fleeing mothers and children during wars to hide from invading soldiers, though this lore is hard to pin point down, it is often said to come from Celtic and Gaelic origins.
In other tales witches would summon fog to protect traveling royalty or heroes who are on a quest to reach lands that may be unfriendly to their arrival. At some other times fog was related to almost like the “witching hour” it meant it was a time that the supernatural were out and witches were casting their spells.
Fog as a Liminal Space
What is a liminal space? To put it simply it means a “transforming space” or a place that the Veil or energies are thinner and overcross one another. Often they are associated with spirit work, energy work, astral work and over all witchcraft. Some call these places or areas “places where one area and time stop and another begins”.
In many cases, places that are covered by fog often are said to be liminal spaces during this time, due to the surrealism and energy fog brings with it. It turns something mundane looking to mysterious, confusing and even to some creepy. Its concealing nature brings the feeling of the unknown and the unseen.
Traditionally and theatrically fog is often used to represent the Veil between worlds and afterlife, often used in settings of literature and movies by covering graveyards before something supernatural happens or by filling the streets at night when magick is about to begin. Often when many people who don’t practice the craft think of supernatural energies and the Veil they imagine a foggy night or a wall of fog, this imagery is for a reason.
Often, fog is seen as an important tool for spirit work both fictionally and modernly due to its relations of being a liminal space and therefore seen as easier to contact spirits with the barriers weaker when it arrives.
Correpsondences and Uses of Fog
Generally Fog Corresponds with - The Veil, Spirits/Spirit Work, The Hidden, The Unseen, Invisibility, Protection, Obstruction, Curses/Hexes, Warding, Meditation, Astral Work, Fear, Patience, Calmness, Serenity, Peace and Travel
Often times, fog is useful to one when they wish to cast or enchant items for invisibility and protection during travel, often necklaces or items enchanted while out in the fog. Others will take the opportunity of using fog for spiritual communication, past life work and astral projection, taking advantage of the weakened barriers and Veil for these purposes.
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Crystals - Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Thunder Egg
Herbs/Plants - Cotton, Broom, Saffron, Thistle/Thicket, Wheat, Pansy
Colors - Gray, Silver, Black, Blue
Other Tools - Steam, Incense/Smoke, Wands, Besoms, Branches, Storm Water/Rain Water, Ash, Dust, Mirrors and Gray Candles
Fog Summoning
There are many ways said to summon fog. A few of those ways will be listed below
Method 1: Using storm water boiling it until it has thick amounts of steam rising from it, carefully move it outside or to a window (if one is not already outside) and offer it to the sky. Many will chant or call to the weather or winds to bring them fog much like the steam of the pot.
Method 2: In water on a burner add storm or sea salt and a sigil on paper for fog. Close the lid to it and wait until it is boiling. Remove the lid and allow the steam to rise. Here chant if desired for fog or let the water boil until it is nearly gone.
Method 3: With a besom go outside if it is a private space and much like wind summoning call to the fog to come to you, using your tool as an extension of yourself and your energy. Remember to ask it to come rather than demand for it.
Method 4: Using storm water or rain water, ash and a jar fill it with these ingredients and shake it thoroughly to summon fog. Be sure to center yourself and focus on your energy to put into this fog summoning jar. Leave it outside or in a window afterwards for further effects.
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Fog Water
Fog water is a tool that can be used for witchcraft when fog is not rightfully available or in place of rain water/storm water in fog summoning. To capture fog water is pretty easy though you must be able to accept small amounts.
First you will need either very fine fabric or mesh or screen similar to what can be found in windows or for fishing nets. Tight it taunt onto something to hold it up like rods or sticks. Make sure it is held up at least a couple feet above the ground and somewhere the fog will roll through it. Base it off of how high the fog in your area tends to be, if you have low rolling fogs it may work better lower to the ground. After or during a time of fog you should be able to see droplets of water forming on it, you may use a jar tied below a corner of it to capture these drops or you can collect it yourself during/after they have formed. You can build much larger versions of this for potable water gathering and tutorials on this can be found easily online if that may interest you.
Store your fog water in glass containers and in the fridge, be sure to date and label to ensure you are using fresh water. Do not drink this water unless you set up the proper potable filtration systems.
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Diffusing Fog
Often witches will find themselves tasked with fog being a hindrance rather than helpful. Its a dangerous weather condition especially for those on the road or at sea. 
Historically, sea witches would be asked to disperse fog for the safe return and port of sea vessels and the men upon them. Though it is difficult to find exact spells from these times, often broom or heather is used by facing the sea with it in hand and waving at the fog, putting energy into it and telling the fog to disperse. Other times it is said using a broom/besom to summon winds to remove the fog was a preferred way.
Other options for witches is to sing a fog removal song and often dance accompanied with it and with either a besom or wand in hand, direct the fog to travel away from you and somewhere else. Other witches have found success in praying and working with weather deities to move the fog back to the sky or to lead it away.
Omens, Superstitions and Dreams
In omens it is said fog represents blindness. It blocks our ability to see clearly and makes normal directions seem impossible to follow. It can go hand in hand with confusion and the feelings of anxiety. When fog appears in visions it is to be seen often as a warning that things are about to get just that - foggy.
Though it is also related to shrouding oneself, it may be a sign that it is time for you to create a fog about yourself and to build up those wards.
Superstition wise it was believed fog would steal people, often due to people getting lost in it and vanishing, because of this fog is seen as a warning of loss to come. Some cultures even associate it directly with death.
In dreams fog holds many meanings. If the fog is throughout the whole dream then it is a warning of deception. Someone is deceiving you and deep down you know it to be true. If you dream of being wrapped in fog and it is too thick to see through or escape it is often related to feeling that someone has stolen something from you. Dreaming of wandering in a foggy environment is a warning of dangers to come, keep on your toes. If you escape fog it means you are avoiding danger or theft.
If one dreams of fog just being around their head, eyes or following above them like a halo/hat, then it is an indication that you are lying to yourself. You are refusing to let yourself see the truth. It can also be a play of the saying “its all in your head” meaning you are overthinking a problem.
If you dream of fog and snow together, it is often said to be a dream related to sickness soon to come. Others say its a sign that illness of the mind and emotions is going to creep its way in.
If one dreams of their home, bedroom or apartment being filled with fog it is often taken as a bad omen and sign that a large family drama is soon to come.
Seeing a figure in fog in dreams can have different meanings. If it is someone that you know it means they may be hiding things from you or that you are going to have a fight with them in the near future. It can also indicate if you are in the fog and you see them outside of the fog, that you are guilty about something you did to them. Seeing a stranger in the fog or a shadow you do not recognize is often due to anxiety or fear in one’s waking life. They represent the unknown and the future to come, which you are currently stressed over. Animals in the fog can represent both anxieties and fears looming about you but also can represent that you a repressing your own desires and natural wants.
If you see fog rolling in from the distance of a dream it means something is looming in your waking life. If fog starts descending down on you in a dream from the sky to the ground, many take this as a bad omen for travel especially by air or sea. Historically it is said a foggy sea in your dreams means a shipwreck in your future. Though fog over a lake or river means dream-like wonder and is said that young women who dream of this can expect a mysterious stranger in their future.
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Fog and Different Types of Witchcraft
Sea Witchcraft - Fog is often seen as more of a hindrance in ocean magick, especially historically when fog at sea or port could be rather hazardous and bring tragedy to many. Due to this, fog in sea magick is often used for more negative tasks like cursing.
Storm Magick - Fog is often seen more in the light of a less harsh type of weather compared to storms or rain but still one that can be used to harness energy. The energy of foggy weather is much more mysterious, calm and hazy than that of storm or wind. It can be used for such purposes.
Death Magick - Fog is often related to the barriers of the other-side as some may say, so many death witches will take advantage of fog to use it to communicate and commune with the dead. Many report that it can make using tools of communication like Ouija boards and pendulums easier.
Divination - Often fog can be seen as a hindrance for divination though it is often deeply routed with self discovery and past life work. Many will take the opportunity of foggy weather to explore their past lives and the history of themselves and others. 
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
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A quick little DIY cleansing spray ✨💎
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
Witchcraft Links Master Post
Flower symbolism
History of plant symbolism and a list
13 lesser known flowers and their negative symbols
All about floriography
A good list of flower meanings and a place where you can buy them too
Lots of informative articles about flowers
A long and detailed list of magical and medical uses of many plants
Herbalism courses and workshops
Metaphysical uses and meanings of 500 plants
A giant list of over 400 medicinal herbs
One of the first websites I went to for herbalism. Informative and short
Fun theories about how herbalism works
Herb correspondence list with links to articles about certain ones
Spell crafting tips, meanings, and a place to buy herbs and things
A pdf book about herbalism
Another long correspondence list
31 very common herbs and their associations
List of herbs and links to lore
“Herbal and Magical Medicine” ebook
“Mother Nature’s Herbal: a Complete Guide" 
A list of healing crystals
An encyclopedia essentially where I think you can buy crystals as well
A brief description of the impact of color on properties
Tons of information. Pretty neat site
Religion and books:
Theoi texts library
A ton of legends, myths, and folklore from all over the world
A large selection of books pertaining to mythology and ancient religions
The poetic Edda online as an e-book
Goodreads always has tons of fun and informative books
Social media:
A list of 75 witch blogs from 2020
One of my favorite podcasts
My Twitter (shameless self plug)
A small introduction to fae
More fae stuff
A list of fae and their origins Use a popup blocker
Fae in Norse mythology
Some dream symbols
A ton of different methods of divination along with descriptions
More in depth descriptions of some divination methods
A favorite potion for growth and change
A list of spell types 
How to use witchcraft to help mourn
A really cool site with lots of information and a store
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
rune reading made easy
Here’s why you should get your own rune set and how to use it. Yes, Minor Arcana can suffice just fine for very short term, practical predictions… But what about daily life in detail?  Runes are the most accurate and quickest way to gain control of your everyday life right from the smallest things. 
They can be drawn on their own or featured in Tarot readings and other divination forms: a single rune can clarify the meaning of a card more effectively than any other tool at your disposal. 
The ancient who conceived futhark alphabets have assigned simple and concrete meanings to each figure: that’s why they’re easy to understand. By combining them together, one could be able to create more advanced phrases.  Runes should be kept inside a dark/opaque bag or box that won’t allow anybody to see them from outside.  Runic readings should take place in the morning, as they will warn you about what to watch during that specific day.
1. Shake the sachet and draw one rune at a time blindly. 
2. Once you pick the runic symbol, read its straight-forward meaning and keep it in mind without trying to metaphorically interpret it. 
3. If you want, you can carry the rune with you in a safe pocket or in your bag; it helps you stay aware and the rune stone/coin itself protects you in some way.
4. Keep in mind the meaning of the rune religiously: it is warning you about specific objects, events or people.
E.G. (happened to me last month lol):
I wake up in a super good mood, have breakfast and pick one rune from my sachet. This rune is raidō. I decide that “ok whatever lets just go out, take the family car and drive to this event, the sun is shining today”. I get out of the parking lot, all was fine, no crashes, no crazy noises… but after 6 minutes of driving my car had a flat tire.  And I was shocked in the middle of nowhere waiting for help.
The rune was basically trying to tell me “hey yo, check your tires before you jump in the car ‘cause yesterday somebody slashed them or maybe a family member accidentally drove onto something pointy and hard”.
I call dad to seek some kind of comfort and he goes “yes, I was expecting that to happen…” and explains how something may have pierced the left tile on the rear (the one gone flat, I got chills) on the way back home from the countryside. 
In this case, I should’ve checked the state of the car beforehand and/or ask a family member if all was ok with the car. A simple thing, which I just overlooked despite a super specific raidō showing  up in my quick 1-rune morning reading.
That’s only a small example of how runes can prevent you from getting into trouble on a daily basis.
So lovelies, please give em a try if you feel weak or lost in general. These beautiful symbols will guide you through. ♡
ᚠ fehu - wealth, cattle ᚢ ūruz - auroch, wild animal ᚦ þurisaz - the god Thor, giant ᚨ ansuz - The god Odin, ancestors, insight ᚱ raidō - ride, journey, cartwheel, wheel ᚲ kaunaz - fire, ulcer, torch ᚷ gebō - gift, interaction ᚹ wunjō - joy, pleasure ᚺ hagalaz - hail stone, precipitation ᚾ naudiz - need, necessity ᛁ īsaz - ice, cold, blocks ᛃ jēra - year, season, harvest ᛇ eiwaz - yew, tree ᛈ peorþ - dice cup, mystery  ᛉalgiz - elk, protection, shielding  ᛊ sōwilō - Sun ᛏ tīwaz - the god Tyr, creator, male things ᛒ berkana - birth, mother, beginning, female things ᛖ ehwaz - horse, transportation ᛗ mannaz - man, human being ᛚ laguz - water, lake  ᛜ ᛝ ingwaz - the god Yngvi, young person, fertility ᛟ ōþila - home, heritage, estate, possession ᛞ dagaz - day, daylight Hope this post was helpful and inspiring for you!
Stay tuned for more… Loads of love, 
xx @msmoonfire 
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
witchy tips for when you don’t feel beautiful 🌙🌹
we all have those days, some of us more than others, where we just don’t like our appearance. society pushes a very specific standard down our throats, and we often lose sight of how beautiful those around us perceive us, so here’s some things i do to help me get back on track <3
cry it out! don’t do anything to conjure any extra negativity, but if you’re crying or feel like it, let all that emotion and pain wash out. it’s scientifically proven that crying relieves emotional distress, so don’t bottle it up!
once you’re feeling a little more composed, try washing your face with waxing moon water. a little splash will do, and it will help to reduce the negative energy that surrounds you, to help you feel more like a blank slate, or maybe a little better
light some incense, candles and burn sage/other burning herbs! this will dispel any negative energy in the room that you may have released, or even what caused you to feel this way in the first place. make sure to open a window so the energy can escape into the universe
rose water!!! this water is associated with beauty and romance, so will help reveal your true beauty :) not only that but it is amazing for skin and will have you glowing like a goddess
got any pearls? put them on! pearls association are beauty, calmness and tranquility and purity. they also look timelessly gorgeous so will give you that extra little kick of confidence
put on some pink lipgloss, lip balm or lipstick and enchant it! you can do this fairly easily by either placing it next to rose quartz, a pink candle or visualising a pink energy flowing from your heart into the object! imagine the energy containing pure confidence and kindness and beauty
find the chunkiest, juiciest chunk of rose quartz you own, and just sit with it in your hand while you focus on breathing, read a book, listen to music or watch tv. don’t have rose quartz? clear quartz will do! if you don’t use or own crystals, you can put on a beautiful piece of jewellery or clothing you love to wear :)
close your curtains, turn down the lights, put on some music and dance! don’t feel tempted to look in any mirrors, take this time to release any negative emotions, and be thankful that your body is so amazing that it allows you to do something as amazing as move to music you love! can’t/ don’t dance? maybe you’re bedbound for now? that’s ok! instead, do whatever you love to do, whether that’s singing, drawing, painting, other crafts and hobbies etc. see how beautiful the things you create are, and meditate on how that beauty reflects back to you
always make sure you’ve eaten/ had some water/ taken your meds. if you haven’t done all of these, this may be a reason as to why you’re feeling so down out of the blue. it’s important to keep your beautiful body healthy where you can! you deserve to feel nourished and happy, no matter how you feel about how you look.
i know how hard it can be! but stick in there! you are beautiful. from what you look like on the outside or the inside. your beauty is in your smile, what you create, your academic successes, the way you laugh and make others laugh, the way you support your friends family and community, the way you make your coffee or do your eggs. you are beautiful in every way, and don’t let anyone, including yourself, tell you otherwise.
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
My Death Witch/Spirit Worker Masterpost
Hey everyone! This is my list of resources I have made over the course of the existence of this blog, pertaining specifically to death witchcraft and spirit work. I hope it helps some of you, and provides a resource for you to use! I’ve also thrown in my death work stuff as well. Please note you can do these three things separately, I just choose to put them together for my own personal practice! Some items are from my old blog. 
My Tips for Beginning Your Journey as a Death Worker
Dead Spiders and Other Tiny Corpses
Connecting With Human Spirits When You Don’t Have Access to a Graveyard
How to Deal With Angry Spirits and Banish Them if You Need To 
Ways to Get to Know Death and Its History
Symbolism for Death Witches and Spirit Workers
What to Do When Your House Rules Have Been Violated
Spirit Worker Tip 
Fun/Unique Spirit Vessel Ideas
Spirit Summoning Bath Spell 
Forgotten Dead Funeral 
Death Witch Decor and Crafts
Selfcare for Death Witches
Tips for Setting Up a Shrine/Altar for Spirit Work 
Vessels for Death Energy
How to Call Non-Human Spirits
Sweet Passing Potion
Sweet Passing Potion (Pet Edition)
How I Bind Spirits to Vessels 
How I Cleanse Spirit Vessels for Their Future Inhabitants 
Building Spirit Vessels 
Death Witchery in the Dead of Winter
Scrying With Spirits: Bronwyn’s Complete Guide
Basic Offering Ideas for Spirits 
Something fun:
Death Witch Aks
Your Official Death Witch ™
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
Bedridden witch: Ocean edition
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For the bedridden witches who hear the call of the seas. 
Burn sea/beach scented candles.
Listen to background sounds like waves or the wind.
Make macrame strands that have glass beads or sea glass in them.
SEA. SALT. Just keep a jar of sea salt around for any of your needs and to feel connected!
Make a simple salt water spray to cleanse your space. 
Create an altar/shelf dedicated to the sea.
Keep beach and ocean themed pictures, paintings and postcards around your room. 
Make a sand garden.
Hold a glass of water on your hands, and focus on how the water is/has been connected to the ocean.
Create a sideblog for all your ocean needs. Can double as an altar!
Keep a collection of sea shells and invest in a shell field guide!
Watch ocean documentaries.
Keep crystals like opal, quartz, selenite, blue calcite, ocean jasper, and labradorite around.
Create a bottle filled with things that remind you of the ocean. Here’s mine.
Write/read poetry about the sea.
I really like using ocean waves as a way to clear my mind when I need to calm down/start meditating. Use meditation to connect to the ocean!
Hang flowing curtains from the ceiling - light turquoise and white.
Learn about the lore and mythology related around the ocean. 
Whisper sweet nothing towards the sea - it doesn’t matter how far away it is!
The moon phases directly interact with the ocean. Keep track of them!
Draw sigils designed to connect you to the ocean. 
Get a little fish tank (only if this feels manageable to you of course!) and keep it in your room.
Do seashell divination
Decorate with beach/seaside decor - rustic wood, shells, blown glass, etc.
Connect with any deities of the ocean/sea (for me that includes Amphitrite, Poseidon and Ceto).
Make/wear seashell or pearl jewelry.
Listen to music that makes you feel like you’re standing in front of the ocean.
When it’s windy or downpour rain, allow it to take you to the sea. Feel the raw energy. Open the window a crack if you can!
This is a great resource for some sea witching ideas!
Other bedridden witch posts:
Bedridden witch  - Nature edition
Bedridden witch  - Worship edition
Bedridden witch - Divination edition
Bedridden witch - Stale energy edition
Bedridden witch - Elements edition
Bedridden witch - Pastel edition
Bedridden witch - Kitchen edition
Bedridden witch - Winter edition
All other posts linked here
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
hate bad uquiz questions? well great news I put them all into one quiz! come and find out what kind of tumblr user you are. tag w what u got! 
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gabeswitchybusiness ¡ 4 years
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The sabbats are holidays celebrated throughout the year on solstices, equinoxes, and the midpoints between them. These sabbats form the Wheel of the year.
There is a controversy surrounding the dates of these holidays, as people celebrate them all over the earth, not only in the northen hemisphere but in the southern too. 
One viewpoint is that the Sabbats should be celebrated as they were originally created to be… in other words, Samhain is October 31st, regardless of where you live. In the Southern Hemisphere, even though you are just gearing up to summer on October 31st, this perspective says that you celebrate the cleansing and releasing, the honouring of the dead just as you would if you lived in the Northern Hemisphere. The other viewpoint (the one I personally agree with) is that you should celebrate when you feel like the season corresponds with the holiday, in other words, your craft, your rules. So if you live in the southern hemisphere, you have the choice.
I’ll be writing the dates for each holiday starting with the northen hemisphere and then the dates that many people celebrate them in the southern hemisphere
{December 21st//June 21st}
Yule focuses on rebirth and renewal as the sun makes its way back to the earth. It’s all about new beginnings, reflection and embracing warmth. Much like Christmas, many celebrate with a feast, gift giving, being cosy and appreciating the good.
↟Nature: cedar, frankincense, myrrh, mistletoe, pine, birch, ivy.
↟Foods//flavours: ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, wintergreen, apple, dried fruit.
↟Stones: citrine, ruby, garnet, alexandrite, green tourmaline.
↟Activities: decorate your altar with incense associated with Yule, burn ash wood for prosperity, bake using Yule flavours like ginger or cinnamon, make wreathes to hang around the house, spend time with loved ones.
{February 1st//August 1st}
Imbolc focuses on celebrating the nature that is preparing to grow and renewal, also known as “candlemas” and the “Feast of Pan”.
↟Nature: basil, blackberry, heather, celandine, iris, wisteria, vanilla, bay, yellow and white flowers.
↟Foods//flavours: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, peppers, onions, spices, and herbal teas.
↟Stones: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, onyx.
↟Activities: decorate with candles and sun decorations, go hiking, have a bonfire, bake foods with poppy seeds, and burn any leftover winter herbs.
{March 21st//September 21st}
Ostara focuses on manifesting creativity and love. As the days become longer, energy becomes stronger.
↟Nature: ash, alder, daffodil, honeysuckle, narcissus, primrose, violet, jasmine.
↟Foods//flavours: olives, maple syrup, honey, edible flowers, chocolate, pine nuts, nettle or lavender tea, local fruits and vegetables.
↟Stones: amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone.
↟Activities: gardening and planting seeds, bake breads with olives or honey for example, start new projects, talk to plants, do some painting, decorate with wildflowers.
{May 1st//November 1st}
Beltane focuses on fertility, love and abundance. Also known as “may day”, on this sabbat many celebrate with dancing, bonfires and many high energy activities, including enjoying themselves sexually with a partner or even conceiving children.
↟Nature: frankincense, lilac, ivy, marigold, woods, rose, thyme, mint, yarrow.
↟Foods//flavours: oats, leafy greens, fruits, breads, honey.
↟Stones: malachite, amber, fire opal, red jasper.
↟Activities: dance, decorate with florals and symbols of the sea, go to the beach, go hiking, have a bonfire, feast on fruits, vegetables and grains, laugh and let your hair down. And if you’re trying to conceive or simply would like to have sex, Beltane is a wonderful time to do so.
{June 21st//December 21st}
Litha focuses on growth and celebrating the longest day of the year and the sun, before the shorter days begin.
↟Nature: fern, yarrow, sage, rose, oak, mugwort, lavender, chamomile, myrrh, pine.
↟Foods//flavours: herbed bread, honey, sunflower seeds, iced herbal tea, lemon, vanilla.
↟Stones: lapis lazuli, amethyst, malachite, tiger’s eye.
↟Activities: make or buy a sun catcher, surround yourself with warm tones, watch the sunrise and sunset, make sun water, spend time outdoors, make use of herbs.
{August 2nd//February 2nd}
Lammas, or lughnasadh focuses on celebrating the first of the three harvesting sabbats and taking time to really feel the positivity in different aspects of life.
↟Nature: cornstalks, heather, acacia flowers, hollyhock, oak leaves, wheat, myrtle, spices.
↟Food//flavours: grainy bread, corn, potatoes, nuts, blackberries, wine.
↟Stones: amber, agate, citrine, clear quartz, obsidian, tiger’s eye.
↟Activities: bake bread, make corn dolls, visit a sunflower field, spend time in nature, acknowledged what you are grateful for, journal.
{September 21st//March 21st}
Mabon focuses on honouring the change of the seasons, balance and peace.
↟Nature: sage, pine, marigold, thistle, acorns, milkweed, oak leaves, myrrh.
↟Food//flavours: cinnamon, nuts, beans, dark fruits, pies, soup, butterscotch.
↟Stones: citrine, carnelian, clear quartz, sapphire, yellow agate.
↟Activities: collect pine cones, donate food and old clothes, meditate, dry herbs, spend time with loved ones, speak to the nature around you.
{October 31st-November 1st//April 30th-May 1st}
Samhain focuses on celebrating life, and honouring those who are no longer with us.
↟Nature: heather, sage, pumpkins, straw, flax, patchouli, myrrh.
↟Foods//flavours: apples, cider, pumpkin, pies, soups, stews, potatoes, ginger.
↟Stones: amber, black obsidian, fossils, onyx, sandstone, bloodstones.
↟Activities: honour the deceased, spend time with family, make a hearty comforting meal, make or buy a scarecrow, spend time practicing divination.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭
↟Do a tarot reading relevant to that sabbat.
↟Spend time in the moonlight, charging your crystals and tarot cards, as well as meditating.
↟Bake something using at least one traditional food of that sabbat to share with others.
↟Sage cleanse your living space and any of your magickal items.
↟Write down how you’re feeling and how you’d like to feel in the weeks to come.
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