Not art
Not an art post, still kinda important for me. I am Auditioning for American Idol today, and really need some people to pray for me. I'm not fishing for like or anything, I just need aome good wishes sent my way. I promise you upload some art soon!
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My Current Art Piece
It's been a while aince I posted, and figured I should let y'all know why. I had recently been busy with work, and it has affected my art. I was working on a piece featuring Malanya, the Horse God from Breath of the Wild(Depicted as if they looked like the great fairies). I was getting close to finished, when I discovered the Malanya is a guy... Now I gotta redo everything. ;-;
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Phew. It’s been a while since I have posted. Just practicing some more before I decided to post again. Today, I have created my own Squid Kid. Custom Gun and Everything. Leave me any criticism.
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I don’t have the enthusiasm today to type an entire paragraph, so here is the short and sweet.
It’s a Gemsona, from Steven Universe. I can’t draw letters, so sorry. The Man-Catcher is an actual real life weapon, and I know this isn’t my best work, but I enjoy it. I might draw some fusions or the corrupted Red Spinel sometime into the future.
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I decided to do something different this time, and make a Profile Picture. This was inspired by a piece of art I saw where two masks were merged together. So, here ya go!
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Oh my lord, this took forever. ;-;
I have returned though, with my current DnD Character, a Tiefling Bard named Destiny. His outfits in order from top to bottom (left to right) is Pirate, Wild West, Demonic, Angelic, NSFW, Combat, and Gala.
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A Semi-Garbage BOTW Backstory
AGE 8 My breath was heavy. My head was dripping with sweat. I turned thr corner, running faster than I ever had before. I slammed my back against a nearby rock and tried to quiet down. That's when I heard him. Crunch, Crunch. My breath started to pick back up, as he began to approach closer. Crunch, Crunch. "Where did you run off to?" Crunch, Crunch. His footsteps kept coming closer and closer. I peered over my hideaway to see he was approaching a nearby rock, thinking I was hiding there. He pounced on it, screaming and then laughing. "I guess you weren't there." I picked up a nearby rock, and launched it into a patch of trees not too far away. "Hehehe~ Gotcha." He took off after the rock. I crawled from behind the rock and made my escape, dodging through the trees, over roots, past boulders, when I noticed he was there. "I'm not that easy to fool, Jik-Jak. Now, you are right where I want you." I stood there paralyzed. How did he beat me here? I have always been faster, he must have taken a shortcut. That's when he pounced again. "Ha! You're it!" "Aww, man. I don't want to be it." I said. Russo was still over top of me, pinning me to the ground. "Can't you be it again?" "Come on, Jik. The only way I can get you is if I take a shortcut or something. You're too fast for me." "That just means I win more." I said smiling, before flipping him over and pinning him down. "See? I win again." "Whatever." He said, chuckling. "Whoa, look!" Russo pointed to the moon. "We are going to be late getting home!" "Wanna spend the night at my place?" "That could be cool. Let's go talk to your mom." Russo and I crossed the bridges back to Rito Village, where we lived. My house was lower on the mountain compared to Russo's, and so it only made sense for her to let him spend the night. "Mom, I'm home!" "Jik-Jak!" She picked me up in a big hug. "I was getting worried. Why is Russo here?" "He wants to spend the night. Is that okay?" "I suppose. I'll go talk to his parents quickly. Stay here and behave." "Yes, ma'am." Russo said. Before we knew it, she was gone and we were left alone. "So, what'cha wanna do?" "I had an idea..." "Yeah?" "Follow me!" I led Russo over to my hammock, and pulled a small box from under it. Inside, was a matching set of pendants, that the Rito wear on their heads. "I was thinking we could decorate these like, to show we'll always be together." I began blushing, but because of my red feathers you couldn't really tell. "That sounds dumb." Russo said. "Ah! What?" I said shocked. "W-well, I mean... Hold on." I reached underneath the pillow and grabbed two red feathers, from me, and decorated Russo's with the feathers. "Here!" I held it out to him, looking down. "Try it on, you might like it." Russo took it in his green feathered hands and looked it over. "I don't know if red goes with green too well."   "Only one way to find out..." I say as I shyly chuckle. He put it on and looked at me. "So?" It took me a second to collect my thoughts. "You look really good." "Thanks. Here." He handed me two of his feathers from behind his back. "Did you ust tear those out?!?!" I yelled. "Haha! Of course not. When I was taking my shortcut earlier, they fell out. Here put them in yours." I took them and put them into my pendant. They were beautiful, I put them on my head. "So?" "Lookin' good!" "Thanks! I'll just have to wear it everyday." And from that day on, I never took it off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Age 16 "Wow. Look at that moon." Russo said. "Doesn't it look great?" "It looks fantastic." I said. We were both laying on the peak of Rito Village. We had been doing this for about an hour now, but there wasn't anywhere I would rather be. "Jik..." Russo said as he sat up. "Are you sure you want to travel the world?" "Of course I do, Russo, but I don't want to leave all of my friends and my family." Russo chuckled. "You don't gotta lie. Why don't you want to leave?" "I... I'll miss you." I said, blushing. "That's the stupidest thing you have ever said." "Ass!" "Hold on!" Russo said, holding his hands up. "Let me finish. You wouldn't miss me. Remember what we did all of those years ago? The pendants?" Russo looked at me, as I was starting to tear up. "I'll never be without you, and you'll never be without me, right?" I sat up, and ran my hand over the pendant he was wearing. "It's not the same, Russo." "As long as we wear these pendants, everyone will know about how strong out friendship is." There's the word again...  friendship. "Russo, I-" "Oh my god!" Russo looked at ground and we saw specks of red floating within the air. "Look!" The next thing we saw was the moon, becoming a deep shade of red. A dissonant chord broke our silence along with a voice we had come to know as Kass. "Blood Moon! Everyone!" "Jik, we have to go!" Russo said as he held out his arms and leaped off of the peak, with me soon following. We ran to our houses and grabbed our weapons. The women and children were sent to the top while most of the men stood ready to fight and protect our houses. The bow users of Rito village had the supreme advantage, meanwhile I chose a spear as my weapon of choice. Since my house was towards the bottom, I was part of the first defense, while Russo was part of the last. Lizalfos, ChuChu, Keese and other monsters had began attempting to invade. I tried to fight back, but only having a few years of training put me at a disadvantage. "I have a plan, guys!" I yelled to my battalion. I flew up, high into the air, spear within my feet. I began throwing my spear at the enemies, impaling them, and then flying back down to retrieve it. We had begun pulling ahead. "Woohoo!" This stalemate had continued for half an hour before a sharp pain had hit me in my wing. An arrow had grazed it, and I gazed down the bridge to see a group of Bow and Arrow armed Lizalfos taking their aim at me. A flurry of arrows, flying faster than anything I had ever seen came barreling towards me, charged with the force of lightning. Three had hit me. Two in my left wing, and one in my right, but when the lightning was felt it hadn't mattered. I couldn't maintain flight. I had begun falling, and everything around me happened in slow motion. I saw my mother, and Russo looking at me as I fell. My mother in tears, Russo leaped off of the peak and begun trying to dive for me. I hadn't made it halfway down the mountain before a stray arrow hit his chestplate, and knocked him onto the mountain, and away from me. A quick force hit me as I smacked the lake beneath me, and all was black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AGE 20 I am still unsure of how after that night I wound up on the outskirts of Gerudo desert, but what I do know is this. I was in desperate need of help. My left wing was broken, and my right was barely usable. I had heard stories about a tribe of Gerudo women who lived within the Gerudo Desert. I was not familiar with this area, but they were my only hope. I had traveled the desert for hours. Hunger and Thirst were starting to set in, and I was starting to get tired when someone appeared to me in the desert. They were dressed in an elegant outfit, that I assumed was Gerudo. "You seem a bit tired, traveler." They said. "Yes! Please, I need help." I said. They had taken me to a small campsite and told me stories about the Gerudo women, and their strict rules on not allowing "voe", or men, into their village. The stranger than removed the mask from their face and revealed that they were in fact a man. "Whoa, what?" "I disguised myself as a gerudo, and they accepted me into the village. I belive they can do they same with you." That is how I winded up dressing up as a woman, entering Gerudo village and eventually, becoming one of the members of the Gerudo Guard. Now, all that's left is to find Russo, and make sure Rito village is still safe...
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This time around, it isn’t really me, but is kinda like an OC. I’ll still put it in the #AndyAlbum, though. Excuse the “Au Natural” Drawing, I needed it for copy paste purposes and was too lazy to remove it. I censored it though! :D A Bio will be coming soon.
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Can you follow me???
Sure thing!!! :D
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This image for the Andy Album features Boku no Hero Academia as the Version of Andy I recreated. I tried to recreate the style, but couldn’t for the life of me. ;-; Send me some of your criticism! :D
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The Second Part of the DnD Character for the Andy Album. A Crazed Evil Cleric, a Reaper if you will. With out a soul of his own, he is in ownership of a stolen one, the Support Necromancer’s. Legend says, if they look in each other’s eye’s, the instigator will get the soul and freedom; while the other shall be cursed to eternal damnation.
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A Garbage DnD Backstory
The forest was dim. Although it was the middle of day, sunshine barely shone through the leaves of the tall oak trees canopy. Walking around collecting wood for the fireplace back home was something of a relaxing chore for me. I've lived outside of the city limits for two years now. Moving out at eighteen, I've tried looking for work, and found a small gig working at a lumber yard. It doesn't earn much, but enough to help me get by.
Walking around with the axe swung over my back, I was walking through that ever darker forest. I eventually stumbled upon a fallen log, the only kind I would ever chop, and began to swing at it. I was still weak in the sense that it would take about an hour to chop the log to completion, and take another to haul since I had forgotten the cart. About halfway through attempting to slice the log, a twig snapped nearby. My ears perked up.
"Hello?" I asked. No one has answered. A suspicious glance in the general direction and I resumed my labor. Seconds later, the snapped came again, but louder. "Who goes there?" No deer would have continued coming closer. The nearby bush rustled, and I picked up my axe. Holding it in two hands, I clutched it tightly. "Get out of the bush now. I'm armed." My hands quivered as the shape emerged from the foilage.
"Hold on, please." I walked out of the bush to see him standing there, clutching the axe as tightly as possible. When I had finished coming out, he no longer was tensed up and had seemed as calm as ever. "May I have some assistance, Young Man?" He lodged the axe within the wood. He was not threatening in the slightest.
"What can I help you with, sir?" He asked. Placing his hands on his hips, he smiled at me. No doubt he was afraid of me, but his fear seemed to disappear. How adorable.
"I live in a small cottage down the way, and need help getting some fire wood. Could you mind helping me carry some of the logs down that way?" I smiled as facetiously as possible, and he bought it.
"Sure thing." He picked up 3 or 4 of the medium sized pieces, and I grabbed a small piece to carry while I used my walking stick. "Which way?" He asked.
"Right over that way." I pointed in a random direction, as I don't have a house near here. The fool walked right down that way. When his back was turned far enough, I dropped the small piece of wood silently. A quick step foward, and I slammed my walking stick into the back of the young idiot's head. The wood toppled to the ground, along with the man.
"That was easier than I expected." I said, looking at him. He rolled over and looked at me. He began stuttering, unable to find his words. "Shut it." Another quick jab and he stopped moving. "Two hits, huh? It normally takes more than that."
I reached within my robes, and pulled out a small onyx gemstone. Getting on my knees, I breathed a large sigh. "Okay, freedom, here I come." A small wave of my hands over his body, and I saw the blue-ish tint of the young man's soul start to escape his body. "Blue, huh? I was kind of expecting a purple or something."
Seconds later, it was completely seperated, hovering above him like a cloud. "I send this soul into a new vessel, shackling it to this gemstone, and passing this spectral power onto the prior vessel." Using more focus and power than ever before, I sent the soul into the gem. It shone the same blue before returning to the black onyx I had known.
The body, shone with an eerie white light that drifted into a black. It disappeared, and all was still. I stood up, clutching the gemstone in my hand. "Finally, I can be free." I held the stone to the sky. "Send this stone somewhere, anywhere and retain any properties that it has now." In an instance, it was gone.
My head was in more pain than I had ever experienced before. I attempted to stand up, fleeting memories of the elderly betrayer filled my mind. I collected my thoughts and saw him, holding something up to the sky, before it vanished completely. That's when I felt it. Emptiness, I felt devoid. I blinked, and I knew everything. A flash of memories overcame me, death, life, freedom, suffering, I felt and saw everything. Memories that weren't even mine, I saw. Memories I had tried to forget. I had seen centuries worth of memories in an instant. Then came the big reveal. The old man's memories. Joseph.
I walked over to him, attempting to remain as silent as possible. He didn't noticed as I approached behind him. "Joseph." He jumped and turned around. When he saw me, he didn't cower. He didn't get angry or sad. He just started laughing. Not a normal laughter either. A psychotic laughter. "What have you done?" Something overcame me. I wasn't cheery and helpful any more. I had become cynical.
"I have freed myself from the shackles of the curse. The curse you now have."
"So, what all does this curse allow me to do?" I asked.
"You should have already figured it out yourself." He begun to pack things away into his robes. "Shackle spirits, be tormented by the damned, see an eternity of suffering, all without the inability to die from age. Funny thing, though. If you get killed, it is passed on to a loved one."
"How interesting. Why didn't you want it?"
"I've had that power for 15 years, kiddo. I was tired of the torment. Sorry to doom your life, though."
"No, you aren't.
"Right." He finished packing up and begun walking away. "Have a nice life. However long it may last."
"You too." I said sarcastically. He turned away and so did I. I walked over to the axe the I had used for chopping the wood a mere 10 feet away. I grabbed it with one hand, and started walking towards Joseph. He hadn't turned around to see me, which means he was very prone to attack.
"You cursed me. I had shown you nothing but kindness, and you had given me a fate worse than death. Death isn't even an option anymore. For you, however, I will consider it justice." I reeled back my hand and threw my axe at Joseph, landing it square in his back.
He turned to face me, his skin turning paler than the moon. "Y-y-you." He fell to the ground, and I saw his pale yellow spirit rise up from his body. "What? I... I died?" I walked over towards him.
"Joseph Gallo. You're spirit has remained on this plane. Cause: Wrongful death. Is this true?"
"Hahahaha. You've already learned the monologue, huh? That was fast. It feels different hearing it instead of saying it."
He floated their silently. "Yes. I was wrongfully murdered."
"Tell me who your god is, so they may judge you."
"Hahaha, I have no god, boy. I am a man of my own free will."
I chuckled a deep sadistic laugh. "Well, then. I suppose I get to judge you."
"Wait, what? You can't do that."
"Well, you don't have a god and need judged."
"No, Stop!"
"Joseph Gallo, you have stated that you were wrongfully killed, and that is why you were abandoned here. However, I have found evidence stating that you were killed due to placing a curse on an innocent."
"Wait, no please."
"Joseph Gallo, You are a heartless man. Who should not be allowed admittance to the afterlife. I judge you unworthy, and doom you to a live on this plane until your vessel is destroyed or I release you."
Joseph's spirit was visibly angry flailing his hands around attempting to release all of his anger and frustration. I held my hand up and a spectral blue encompassed it. One by one, a set of four shackles cracked through the ground enrapturing his ghostly limb.
"You can't do this. It is wrong."
"So was what you had done to me."
His face was staring at me. With the same sadistic grin. I knew he was relishing the fact he had gotten his revenge. A quick glance around and I had noticed he had blood splattered all over his hand and legs.
"Where did all of the blood come from?"
Another giggle came loose.
"Well, I wanted to make sure you couldn't torment any other people, and so I decided it would be best if you couldn't move. However, I wanted you to be comfortable, so I decided living in your own head would be he best option."
"Excuse me?"
He turned me around to show me a grizzly scene. My body split apart, blood everywhere, and my face; torn off from the skull where I was now imprisoned.
"Such a shame, that when the constables eventually hear that I stumbled upon a dead body they will be unable to identify it. After all, the woods is a dangerous place. Bears, wolves and whatnot eating as they please. They could easily overpower an elderly man."
"No... please."
"It really is a shame, but it's okay. I decided that you would sitck with me. Won't that be great?"
"Please, let me die."
"You already died once. I think I should spare you this time around. Sorry to doom your life, though."
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A little bit more of a dark theme this time around, I decided to draw for the Andy Album again. This is going to be part of a two-piece art sketch for a Dungeons and Dragons piece. This half is a Support-themed Necromancer. Leave any criticism down below. I’ll be releasing a full bio probably tomorrow!
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Chain Chomp Geode
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I took some time out of my morning to try and draw again. This time, it isnt me. XD I drew up a League of Legends sketch and decided to maybe make it a shirt! I am running it through CustomInk, but if it goes well, I might make more designs in the future! :D
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A Very Garbage League Bio
Andy was born into a family that was not the most financially stable. Ever since he was a young boy he has wanted to help his family be more comfortable, but also wanted to stay true to himself. Living near Mount Targon, he had heard stories  of the Aspects and quickly took a liking to them. Seeing how they held themselves, and how unique they all were, he quickly knew that he wanted to be one of them. He had begun preparing for a trek up Mount Targon, when he was informed by rumors that no one believed he could make it. He stopped packing, tore down his maps and plans, and decided to abandon the adventure. Years later, Andy was 16 years old, and was being looked up to by his siblings. He played with them, and often told them stories about the Aspects. One day, they had asked about his adventure to become an Aspect, to which he replied "Maybe I wasn't cut out to be one, but I was young back then. About you guys' age. Maybe when you get older, you can become one." He wasn't happy anymore. Depressed, he locked himself in his room, and fixated himself on his failed attempt at becoming an Aspect. This continued for weeks. A knock came at the door, the knock was his mother's. She came into the room and presented Andy with a slip of paper. Upon further inspection, Andy noticed it was a ticket, to see a concert being played by an artist known as Sona. Andy questioned his mother about the paper, when she replied "You need to get out of this room at some point." She giggled and Andy quickly put on his best clothes and travelled to Demacia. Andy had never been this far away from home. Everything was crisp and clean. The buildings were all beautiful and the whole area felt pure. Walking further into town, he heard the sounds of people clammoring, and found the theatre where the girl named Sona was performing. He presented his ticket, and found a seat just as the show was about to start. As the curtains rose, a beautiful woman in a blue dress appeared with an interesting instrument on the ground before her. She didn't say a word before bowing and waving to the crowd. She held her hands over her instrument, and it floated into the air, at hip level. People started murmuring to eachother in the crowd. "Magic?" "Laws." "Witch?" Andy heard every word of it, but he was instantly enamoured. She began playing beautiful melodies on her instruments, and Andy felt his heart moving. Everyone in the audience could. Andy didn't know what he was feeling, but he called it... Inspiration. The rest of the night was fantastic. The next day, he remained in Demacia, and scoured the streets until he had found Sona again. She was walking aorund in the same beautiful blue dress. A woman was travelling with her. The woman was tall, taller than Sona and Andy. Walking around in a black dress, she exuded confidance. Andy approached Sona and the woman, when she held up her hand. "May I help you?" The woman asked. Andy took a step back, confused by her abruptness. "Oh, uhh. Sorry." Andy quickly bowed and apologized again. "I just wished to speak to Sona for a little bit." "She is unable to talk for now. We have important business to attend to." The woman had cut Andy off as quickly as he had entered the conversation. "Come on, Sona." The woman had begun walking away. Sona; however, did not move right away. Instead, she looked at Andy and closed her eyes. She didn't say a word, or play an instrument, but his heart moved the same way. Sona followed the woman, and it wasn't long before they both vanished. "I apologize for her." Andy heard. Looking around, there was no one nearby who could make such a beautiful sound. A giggle was heard. "Only you can hear me. Sorry for not explaining." Andy looked around frantically, unable to see anyone. "Hello?" He asked. No one responed. "I am not nearby, sir. I am Sona, the woman you had tried to speak to." "Wait, but how?" "I'm not sure how I got ahold of this power, but I have been able to do this ever since I was young. The truth is, I am mute. I can emit no sound, and rely on my Etwhal and my telepathy to communicate." "Wow. So, the Etwhal is your instrument?" "Precisely. Now, what did you wish to talk about?" She wasn't in front on Andy, but he could tell she was smiling and was excited to hear what he had to say. "I just wanted to tell you how beautiful of a performance that was and that you have inspired me." "I... inspired you?" "Well, yes. I want to be as great of a musician as you are." "I'm flattered. I wish you all of the luck in the world..." "Is everything okay, Sona?" "What is your name?" "My name? Why do you want to know that?" Sona did not respond for a few seconds. "I don't have many friends, and I want to make sure that we become friends. I've never inspired anyone before, and I want to see what you do with this new found inspiration." "Andy... My name is Andy." "Andy, you are going to do great things." ---------------------------------------------------------------- Andy was 18 years old, and had reached adulthood. He had packed up his things and decided to move away from his family. He had planned to live in Piltover and get a side job working in a factory while he crafted a plan for becoming a musician. One day, whilst travelling through Piltover he heard about a wise Yordle inventor, named Heimerdinger, who was looking for someone to test out his inventions and experiments on... within reason. After seeing the amount that it paid out with, Andy took the job. Cautiously, of course. Heimerdinger was a very kind Yordle and didn't work Andy too hard most of the time. It wasn't long before Andy had left a notebook behind in the facility. Within it was all of Andy's plans. Sheet music, Lyrics, and even an outfit. Heimerdinger found the notebook and on Andy's 1 year Anniversary of helping, Heimerdinger presented him with a gift. "Boss, you didn't have to get me anything." "Nonsense, you have been one of my best employees, and it would be foolish to not return the favor in some way." Heimerdinger handed Andy his notebook back. "I've been looking all over for this!" Andy said. "Wait." Andy took the large box from Heimerdinger and opened it up. Inside was an entire outfit, and included was two more boxes; one large and one small. "All I request, is two more tests." Heimerdinger pulled out the larger and smaller box. He opened the first one and revealed a pair of boots with a small thruster in the bottom of it. "These are what I like to call, the Hextech Zoom Boots. They are perfectly situated to fit onto your feet, and in a pinch can offer you a large boost to your speed. It also allows for a period of time flight." "Oh wow! I can't wait to try on these bad boys." "The smaller box contains an ear piece that magnifies your volume and your hearing capacity. With this, you will be much easier heard at your concerts." "Assuming I have any." "Oh, don't fret. Everyone starts somewhere. I have no doubt in my mind that you can reach your goals." Andy looked at Heimerdinger, tears in his eyes and gave him a hug. "Now now, there isn't any reason to cry. Let's get you suited up and prepare the tests!" Andy's suit was exactly to his descriptions in the notebook. A white button up shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Pants, and a matching tie; displaying a beautiful galaxy pattern in a golden color. The knee caps matched the Hextech Zoom Boots with a unique white to gold coloured pattern. The earpiece, known as the Hextech Volumizer, displayed a gold galaxy heart on it. Tests went on all day. Before long, Andy was flying, could hear from extreme distances and had a booming voice that filled the lab. Night had fallen, and Andy still was as excited as ever. Heimerdinger looked at Andy as he approached him. "Alright, Andy. Time for one final test." "What is it, Boss?" Heimerdinger led Andy outside of the facility, and took him to a large concrete area. Lights were positioned on the outer edge of it. "What's this?" "It's the final test." Heimerdinger pushed a button, and the lights came on in a large array of colours. Music began playing. "That melody..." "It's your song. You know the words, don't you?" "I... I do." Andy activated the Zoom Boots and Volumizer. He began to sing the song that he had written. One by one, citizens came over to the stage finding Andy singing a song of his own creation. People were cheering for this unknown musician. Dancing to the rhythm of his own beats, Andy looked into the crowd. He saw faces he had never seen before. In addition, were the faces of his family, who had never looked more proud. Not only that, but way in the back behind the waves of identities was Sona and the woman from before. They had a certain look on their faces as they watched him parade on stage. He wasn't quite sure what they were feeling... But he thinks it was Inspiration.
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