gen-ts0 13 days
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9 Days of Lancaster prompts for those who want to participate
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gen-ts0 16 days
Jaune: Maybe...but what if there's two of them?
Yang: Oh babe, worry about this one before thinking about another.
Jaune: No, I mean if we have twins.
Yang: ...what?
Jaune: You know: 2 boys or 2 girls, birthed at the same time.
Yang: ...
Jaune: Although I guess they can be a boy and girl, too. Aren't Qrow and your mom-
Yang: (yanks him by the neck of his onesie so that they're face-to-face) Don't.
Jaune: (red eyes, bad sign) Sweetie?
Jaune: ...
Yang: What's wrong, Jaune?
Jaune: When I was a kid, I had Dad. And when I got to Beacon, I had Pyrrha. And now, I dunno if I can-
Yang: (Flicks his nose) Ya wanna know what I remember most about Pyrrha? It was how much trust she put in you. (Holds cheeks) And it wasn't just her. Ren, Nora... Hell, even RWBY believed in you before all of Remnant did. (Stares into his aqua eyes)
Jaune: (Stares into her lavender eyes)
Yang: (Lays down) Let's just go to bed already.
Jaune: (Cuddles her) Y'know, I'm really scared to do this, but I'm also really excited. It'll be a whole new experience for us. (Rubs her belly) All three of us.
Yang: (Smiling)
Jaune: (Smiling)
Yang: ...I've been thinking of some names. Like, if they're a boy.
Jaune: What if they're a girl?
Yang: Well... I have a feeling you already have something in mind.
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gen-ts0 1 month
Ruby: If it doesn't exist, why do you watch that video of Pyrrha every night?
Jaune: Because - just like you with Santa Clause - I want it to be real.
Ruby: He IS real! Why would you say that??
Jaune: Tit for tat.
Jaune: Oh really? The past exists? Have you ever been there?
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gen-ts0 1 month
Yang: And you thought - out of everyone in our friend group - her big sister in particular should know this?
Jaune: Do you feel like beating me up?
Yang: Quite brutally, yes.
Jaune: Then I told exactly the right person.
Jaune: A girl shows interest in me. Literally cannot stop laughing at her abysmal ability to select mates.
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gen-ts0 2 months
And things were going so well.
Yang: Hang in there, Vomit Boy!
Stay with me, Jaune.
Jaune: I'm...huff...trying...
Oh man, there is so much blood.
Jaune: Well, I...guess that's what I get...for punching above my weight-class...
Yang: Save the self-reflection for after Ruby patches you up.
Jaune: But...she's providing support-
Yang: She's done with that!
She's almost done.
Yang: Ruby will be here any minute with aid. We'll fix you good as new, go to the victory party and all live happily ever after. You're gonna make it.
Please, Jaune.
Jaune: ...I'll do what I can...
Good enough.
Yang: Good enough. Now, help me apply pressure on the wound.
Jaune: I hope you don't mind me saying...but it makes me really happy, you worrying about me like this.
Yang: Of course I'd worry about you, dummy.
What are friends for?
Jaune: You really have a heart of gold to worry about some random schmuck how puked on you in Beacon.
Random schmuck? What is he-
Jaune: I know we're not that close...
...oh. OH...ah crap
Jaune: But...could you hold my hand while we wait?
Yang: ...I can already hear Ruby's teasing...
Jaune: Thank you Yang...I'm really glad we're...
We're friends, Jaune.
Jaune: well...whatever we are.
Damn my stupid pride.
Yang: Jaune?
Jaune: ...hm?
Yang: Back then, I didn't mean what I said.
I was being an ass.
Jaune: Back then?...Yang, what are you...
Say it. Just say it.
Yang: I...I do cherish our friendship. We're friends, Jaune. I'm sorry I made you think otherwise.
Yang: I don't think we're properly hung out. When this is over, let's hit the town. Maybe hit a club. I haven't see your moves in a while. What do you say?
Yang: Don't think too hard now, Ja-
Yang: Ruby! Jaune, Ruby's here!
Yang: Come on, Jaune. Look ali-...
Jaune: Yang, if our friendship ever meant anything to you...
Yang: It didn't.
Yang: (Thinking) It did.
Yang: I just wanted to hurt him.
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gen-ts0 2 months
Jaune: But wouldn't it be fun to eat a projectile cookie?
Ruby: Like you could actually catch one of those in your mouth.
Jaune: You're right.
Ruby: Of course I'm-
Jaune: Your aim might be good, but it's not THAT good.
Ruby: ...I know what you're doing.
Jaune: It's ok, Ruby. We all have our limitations.
Ruby: And it's working, you sonuvabitch.
Jaune: Fowl language is no way to-
Ruby: Sit your ass down, Arc. I'm gonna fill you full of oreos like it was lead.
For jaune ruby concention cookie gun
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Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...Hah. Go ahead.
Jaune: Would you buy it?
Ruby: ...No. No, I would not buy a cookie gun. There's no point in wasting good cookies.
Jaune: Well, what if they're stale?
Ruby: What did I just say?
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gen-ts0 2 months
Jaune: Oh, this is bad. Um. You really love your dad, huh?
Yang: sniff...sniff...uh huh...
Jaune: I guess you picked up his sense of fashion.
Jaune: C-c-calm down, Yang! I didn't even mentioned what a bad sister you are!
Yang: When I'm d-done crying! *sniff* I'm gonna mur-hur-hur-der yooooooou!
Jaune: (Holding back tears) I'm- I'm- I'm- I'm- I'm okay!
Yang: It's okay, Jaune. I've felt this sadness before, when I lost my arm.
Yang: Except way fucking worse, you baby.
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gen-ts0 2 months
Jaune: What's your problem? I've never once ragged on you.
Yang: Hah! What would you even rag on?
Jaune: You have the fashion sense of a middle-aged father.
Yang: (pulls him down by the collar) Take that back, you bastard!
Jaune: (Holding back tears) I'm- I'm- I'm- I'm- I'm okay!
Yang: It's okay, Jaune. I've felt this sadness before, when I lost my arm.
Yang: Except way fucking worse, you baby.
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gen-ts0 3 months
Harriet: What, are you paraplegic?
Emerald: How do you expect me to leave a floating prison on my own? Walk off the edge?
Harriet: While I wouldn't be opposed, I'm legally required to discourage actions of potential self-harm.
Emerald: Wow, so caring.
Harriet: Too caring for a criminal, honestly.
Emerald: Atlas tool.
Harriet: Better a tool than a dreg like you.
Emerald: Know what? You can kiss my-
Jaune: Hi, Emmy!
Emerald: J-Jaune?
Harriet: "Emmy"?
Emerald: Shut up. Jaune, what is that hunk of junk you're flying?
Jaune: Ol' Betsy isn't a "hunk of junk". With 53 years of service, she's the most reliable air taxi money can afford.
Emerald: You don't have any money.
Jaune: Well, not after paying for a round trip I don't.
Emerald: ...is that thing missing screws?
Jaune: Just the extra ones. Now hop on!
Harriet: Well looks like you get your ride after all, Emmy!
Emerald: I hope this dump falls like Atlas.
Jaune: I found out today that Emerald is getting released from prison early.
Yang: Oh, for good behavior?
Jaune: Nah, overcrowding.
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gen-ts0 3 months
Weiss: Why do I let you distract me?
Yang: Because you know I should be the main focus.
Weiss: Adorable. *turns to Ruby* We're not taking them.
Ruby: I might have died, but I know I didn't make you leader.
Weiss: Ruby!
Ruby: What, too soon?
Yang: Dark, sis.
Ruby: Too bad. I'm still in charge. Ren and Nora are joining RWBY.
Weiss: Look, Ruby, we don't need to add Ren and Nora to the team! We already have enough diversity with a faunus and a robot!
Yang: Hey, I'm not a robot! I'm a cyborg!
Weiss: Whatever! You're not human!
Yang: Hey, in my heart, I'm all human!
Weiss: In your heart, you're a pervert!
Yang: (smiles) Ah, so you understand after all!
Weiss: That was not a compliment!
Yang: I'm choosing to take it as one anyways.
Weiss: Honestly, you are so impossible!
Yang: I thought I was a robot.
Weiss: You are a robot! At least 10% of you is a machine!
Yang: (Looks at her arm) Mm... I'd say closer to 15.
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gen-ts0 3 months
Jaune: You're right. The nerdy, pretty girl from Scooby-Doo would totally have higher standards than you.
Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?
Jaune: It means you were falling over yourself in the Ever After to get my attention.
Weiss: T-those were special circumstances.
Jaune: Oh yeah, I was more "mature" back then.
Weiss: Ahp-...gah-...you!
Jaune: At least it's something to look forward to in a few years.
Weiss: Not if I KILL you before then!
Jaune: ...Y'know what? I'd fuck Velma Dinkley.
Weiss: But would she fuck you? Come now, Arc. Humble yourself.
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gen-ts0 3 months
Nora: Want one?
Emerald: Hard pass.
Nora: More for me.
Oscar: Maybe you should cut back on those.
Nora: My body, my choice.
Oscar: Are you serious?
Nora: I'm very serious about you minding your own business.
Emerald: What crawled up your ass and died?
Nora: Oh, just five of my closest friends. Hey, weren't YOUR friends involved with that?
Emerald: You wanna go, halfpint?
Nora: You don't want this smoke, puke-for-hair. (that's for you, Yang)
Emerald: That's it!
Oscar steps between them.
Oscar: We don't know if they're actually-
Nora: Don't you start, Oscar. I hear enough of that false hope nonsense from Ren.
Oscar: Nora, I miss them too. Why don't we process this together?
Nora: Let's not and say we did.
Oscar: I'm not gonna just leave you here to wallow.
Nora: Then you'll have to see me do stuff like this.
Oscar: Do stuff like wha-oh sweet Lord!
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Emerald: Ugh...
Oscar: I think I'm gonna be sick.
Nora: Like that trick? I've got a million of 'em.
Emerald: I'm out. Enjoy your wallowing.
Nora: I certainly will. Bye, Oscar.
Oscar: You know where to find me-
Nora: Bye, Oscar.
Oscar: ...bye, Nora....
Emerald: Whatcha got there?
Oscar: Oh, uh, candy cigarettes. Apparently, Vacuo has kinda cornered the market on them since they can't be sold anywhere else.
Emerald: Can I have one?
Oscar: Sure! (Hands one) Uh, need a light?
Emerald: (Giggles) Thanks, but I've got my own.
Oscar: (Nervously chuckles) Y'know, even with these looking like cigarettes, I don't feel like smoking the real things.
Emerald: Good. Means you're a lot smarter than some people. (Points)
Oscar: Like who- (Looks where she points)
Nora: (Scooping cigarette butts into bowl)
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gen-ts0 3 months
Katara finding Ozai's baby picture and expressing disbelief at how innocent he looks was a nice little touch of humanity without going the redemption path. No, he wasn't born a psycho set on genociding an entire nation. But he is now, and trying to figure out what went wrong won't magically cure him of evil before the comet. Iroh - to his credit or detriment - probably felt Azula was too much like his younger brother in that sense when he told Zuko to take her down.
I know that redeeming villains is sometimes good for stories and its interesting to see what steps an antagonist takes to redeem themselves but there's stories that work better with a consistant bad guy.
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gen-ts0 3 months
Weiss: Ignore her, Jaune. She's trying to cope and seethe, as Yang would say.
Ilia: You don't know what you're talking about.
Weiss: Our feline friend rejected 3 faunus for a blonde, pale-skinned human girl, and you're picking on the only other blonde, pale-skinned member of our group. Subtle.
Ilia: Seeing things that aren't there.
Weiss: I imagine it was quite a shock, that the one person you ever pined after didn't reject you for your sex but for your race.
Ilia: Watch your mouth, filthy Schnee. Or I'll-
Weiss: You watch your mouth, you spiteful peasant. Jaune might let it slide, but I won't. Apologize to him, or this gets back to Blake.
Ilia: Is that supposed to scare me?
Weiss: Who do you think she'll side with? Sweet, loveable Jaune Arc who she's looked up to since childhood?
Ilia: Now you're definitely making shit up.
Weiss: Or the psycho who almost got her parents murdered?
Ilia: She forgave me!
Weiss: Forgiveness does not beget friendship.
Ilia: I thought you were one of the good ones!
Weiss: And I always knew you were one of the bad.
Just ignore this one. I needed to vent and this was pretty much the only constructive way I can do this. Just move along.
Ilia: Racist.
Jaune: Huh?
Ilia: Yeah. You. Fucking bigot.
Jaune: What- What did I do?
Ilia: You're alive. That's enough.
Jaune: I- What are you talking about? What is going on?
Ilia: First, you're pale-skinned with blond hair and blue eyes. Failure at birth.
Jaune: Wh-
Ilia: Second, you're a human male. No diversity at all, and just garbage as a concept.
Jaune: I-
Ilia: And last, the only thing you've ever accomplished was done because of others. You never had to struggle or work hard to get where you are, because you are a walking waste of air long overdue for retirement AND extinction.
Jaune: ...You do realize how terrible you look, right? Like, you're racially profiling and acting awfully bigoted.
Ilia: I have no idea what you're talking about. You're human. You can't be racist to humans.
Was Jaune ever real? Was Ilia really herself? Who knows? Who cares? Like I said, just ignore this one.
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gen-ts0 4 months
Weiss: What do you think a drug is?
Jaune: A substance ingested for the purpose of physically or mentally altering one's state of being.
Weiss: That's...a fair description.
Jaune: And did you not provide me tea with the intention of calming me down?
Jaune: It's not working, by the way. Weak shit.
Weiss: I don't know why I bother.
Jaune: Hey, thanks for trying.
Weiss: You're not welcome.
Jaune: Thanks for bringing me drugs, even if it is the weak shit.
Weiss: It's herbal tea!
Jaune: And it's the weakest drug I've ever had.
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gen-ts0 4 months
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a new Dragonslayer commission :)!
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gen-ts0 4 months
Yang: Shadow the Hedgehog was a garbage game, and you only like him because your colors match.
Ruby: You watch your mouth! Shadow is a deeply flawed and misunderstood character.
Yang: I bet you styled your hair after him.
Ruby: And what if I did!
Ruby: The way I see it, some people just don't like playing as the bad guy in video games, and I get that.
Ruby: Some of us also don't like spicy food, and are condemned to a life of bland tastes.
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