I'm a genderfluid amab. I have a very masculine body. Thick body hair, broad shoulders, muscular limbs, the whole 9 yards. I identify male about 80% of the time, but the other 20% I identify female and wish I presented more feminine. I own some feminine clothes, but I can't ever look in the mirror because I just look like a guy in drag and then I feel worse. Other than shaving, what can I do to look more feminine when I feel mire feminine while still looking masculine when I feel masculine?
Hey! As I’m not AMAB, I’m not sure I can answer this correctly. However, growing your hair out might help! You can braid it and style it in multiple ways. Since you have broad shoulders and are muscular, a simple masculine style will still make you look masculine on those days. Make up (if you like it) can help with dysphoria on feminine days. Simple things like painting your nails or typical “feminine” activities might help you feel better as well!
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Hey Ray!
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So I identify as genderfluid but am now questioning wether I might be ftm transgender. How did you know the difference? Any advice on how I can brave this ocean that is identity and self discovery?
For me, I had less days that I identified other than male and eventually it outright just stopped. I still dressed femininely some days but wanted to be addressed as male. My dysphoria increased a lot. I guess all of that added together made me realize I'm a guy. My advice would he to take your time! You don't have to have it all figured out right now. Good luck with your journey. Take it one step at a time and remember to give yourself lots of love on the way. ( experimenting with names and pronouns is fun btw)
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since this blog is getting followers again
lemme know what u guys want to see. I am a trans guy (previously identified as genderfluid) who is comfortable with gender expression, so not sure if I’m qualified to run this blog anymore. but ill try my best
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So I️ think I’m genderfluid but I’m not sure because I️ don’t really reach a feminine side. I️ usually just wake up feeling anywhere from no gender to full on masculine but never feminine. I️ know most people would tell me not to put a label on myself but labels is a positive way help me figure out who I️ am and all that stuff. Thanks for reading this
Labels can be great!! Dont worry. It depends on the person if you like labels or not. Anyhow, genderfluid can be any range of genders. A genderfluid person can fluctuate between male and nb and still be considered genderfluid!! Its the fluctuation of two or more genders :)
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Just a warning to everyone going through the dysphoria tag: there's been a lot of hate recently. More than I've seen in the past. Keep your head up and stay strong!! There's so much hate in the world and none of you deserve it. Be safe please!
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I think I may be genderfluid .. I'm looking more into this . I'm actually really scared and confused . It's only been recently I've been feeling like I'm not fully a female . Like I'll dress girly and feel like a girl but then later I'll be like " you know I feel like a boy today" I also live in a very homophobic home and I'm a closeted lesbian as well . I'm just a mess 😢
yeah that sounds like genderfluid! its definitely a-okay to be scared and confused too , don’t worry. if you have any friends that are supportive, definitely talk to them about it. also if you are in a high school with GSA that would cool to go to as well! Those are two groups who would support you! I’m sorry you live in a homophobic home, thats never fun. i know its really hard, but try to ignore the hateful comments if you are in a home where they openly say hateful things. Stay strong!!! I’m always here for you; if you ever need someone to talk to message this account or @gayskatedad
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Ahhhhh my best friend made squidsona art of me and my sweetheart! And drew mine to be nonbinary!
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Hey I just wanted to tell you that you're awesome and I hope coming out goes well for you. I came out to my family around one and a half years ago but we still get into fights because of it but all my friends and my boyfriend are really supportive :3
thank you!! im glad its going better for you!! its good to have a group thats supportive :D
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Best of luck my friend. Just remember that you don't have to come out if you think it could go badly.
tysm!! and yes of course :)
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You are an awesome person, and I often end up reblogging your posts! Hope coming out goes well for you!
thank u!!! ur sweet
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hello it me pls help
i’m suffering pls leave me nice messages in my inbox (im coming out to my parents soon probably??)
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guys please do this! every signature counts
For those of you who don’t know, the Electoral College has the final say in December. It’s only happened once or twice, but sometimes they vote against a candidate who’s already “won”. Candidates can win the popular election and still lose the electoral college’s election. THIS IS OUR LAST SLIVER OF A CHANCE TO KEEP BUTT TRUMPET OUT OF OFFICE!
There’s been multitudes of posts going around, talking about fighting back, never giving up, doing what’s right.
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trans youth in America:
you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved you are loved
please don’t forget
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1800-273-8255 Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741-741 The Trevor Project (LBGT+): 1-866-488-7386
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Respecting someone’s name and pronouns is key to respecting them as a person. They aren’t up for debate. #TransAwarenessMonth
Check out BuzzFeed Video on Why Pronouns Matter: bit.ly/2ea3Gz5
Jacob Tobia also makes many great arguments in “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Gender-Neutral Pronouns”: ti.me/2fE3Ikb
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