Story left behind
So basically this is me. I am not of this world. I see no more evil as i see no good. Walking amongst human beeings, i feel drafted away easily. I care less for humans than i do for animals, i care not about you any more than i care for a stray cat on the street.
As i carelessly walk my path i see laying on the ground, a still piece of torn paper, a paper carrying a longer drama. I read through it as fast as i could glue it back together. I was black home when i managed that.
Thyes: “You disturbed my sleep. After 200 years i awoke to this mess. There are no more gods, there is no more choice. No option lays in front of your feet. Now you are as lost as you have ever been.
Kopn: “I do not fear this. I will stay and i am sorry for that. Rude as i am, we cannot discredit ourselves. I am sorry to have awaken you.”
Thyes: “I see you as nothing. A mere disturbance in between a thousand years of solitude and path to awakening. You shall have to make distance. You shall have to make way.”
Damaged i threw the prayer away.
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5/7 novel
“My fortress is in myself. I build it as it grows. It has a mind of its own and stand divine.”
I have agreed upon the consent to write as art. This is not a form of communication, rather look at it as quality silence. I do not want to go into today’s communication. My heart cannot bear another moment of it. I feel much pain.
So i see all of you write thing on walls since i was born, and im keen, i discovered urban world as a kid. As an infant i found out countrysides.
The Taurus manuscript
I’m as dank as one can get. A child with night tremors, a …
My name is Chris. I like wine. I lie a lot and have cheated on two girlfriends before. It hurt me as hell knowing my father bangs other girls. I have destroyed worlds because of it. Towers fell. But the wine will keep pouring and all the sadness of this world will not share a drop of it. Let us have fun now, evade gods, let’s playthis dance of the devil like no dancer swung his feet.
I raise my glass to you, the restless immortal soul.
“My friends see me run. They see me walking the streets i live upon and stare. They can see me, witness my image, but they cannot touch. I am for them untouchable ocean of possibilities they will never understand.”
“They will never hold my hand, my elusive self is hidden in the mist from them. As i stand here forcefully, i act as a wall. I am tall and cold. I stand ironed in barbed wire and they will not brake in. I stand fortified, as i hold my ground against them, every second of my life so.”
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