It's Been Awhile
It’s Been Awhile
Hey all –
It’s been awhile…a scary, long time awhile, kind of awhile. Wow, a lot of “awhile’s”. Sounds weird now. Point being, I’ve missed being behind the keyboard in ways that didn’t require me to sell my soul for a few weeks at the end of the semester when I wrote about 50 pages in term papers. I know for some this is a normal, every semester kind of ~thing~, but I’ve never done that in my…
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here’s to every girl working so so hard to reach her goal. i see you. you can do it.
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You will have days when you don’t want to work out.
It’s just a fact! It’s unrealistic to think that you won’t. So what are you going to do when those days happen?
I have a 15 minute rule. On days that I don’t want to work out, I still get changed and go to the gym and I work out for 15 minutes. If I still don’t want to work out after those 15 minutes, I leave.
The hardest parts of going to the gym for me are 
1) actually getting there and then 
2) starting my workout. 
If I can get through those, I’m in the clear like 99% of the time. I think I’ve left the gym twice in the past 4 years after the first 15 minutes.
If you have trouble making yourself go, try the 15 minute rule!
What do you do to get yourself to work out on those days that you don’t want to?
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Get out and run. Do not worry about the rest. Make running a lifestyle. A daily habit, like brushing your teeth. If you run 300+ days a year, every year, for several years, good things will come your way. Start now. Doesn’t matter if you are 16 years old or 66. If you want to be a decent runner you must get out and run; the rest is just noise. Get the running in first— that is the foundation. Then: Eat mostly good stuff. Get enough sleep. Stretch if you want to— or don’t. Lift if you like lifting. Cross-train if it makes you happy. Wear minimalist shoes or big bulky ones, whichever you prefer. Listen to music when you run, or not. You can carry water with you on a long run, or you can go without. If you want to do a core routine, then do it— but first you must get out and run. Run on trails, or streets, or on a treadmill, whatever works for you. Run slowly. Run quickly. Run up hills. Run in the rain. Run in the snow, the heat, the cold. Run into the wind. Run on the days that you do not feel like running. Run on the days that you can’t wait to get out and run. Run with friends. Run alone. Run races. Run in the country. Run in the city. Run in parks. Run when you feel happy. Run when you are depressed. Run when you have a ton of energy. Run when you are feeling like shit. Run when you feel good. Run in the morning. Run at night. Run before work. Run after work. Run.
(via embracingwild)
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Repeat to Self
My hunger cues still aren’t always reliable.
My body needs this food.
These nutrients will make me stronger, healthier, and happier.
I can do this.
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