ghitathepanda · 1 month
The biggest impact the Sulemio vs Destiel poll would be if something major happened in the real world right after the end ala Reigen vs Sans
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ghitathepanda · 1 month
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My contribution to Sulemio today ft Chuchu
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ghitathepanda · 1 month
Getting into Hoyoverse games (like more than one) and getting into the lore and seeing how Genshin, Honkai Impact 3rd, Star Rail and others fit into one big cosmology as someone who is also into Kingdom Hearts, this is when someone like me can properly have the proper ways to explain how Kingdom Hearts isn't as much of the Disney/Final Fantasy crossover as it is a Disney/Square collab ft variants of Final Fantasy characters.
Stuff like seeing Donald Duck being in the same screen as Sephiroth and all that does plenty to convince people to simply think of it as a crossover which lead certain amount of people to expect a different thing concerning the FF characters in KH than whatever Nomura cooked up in his head. The reason I bring up Hoyoverse games is because what the various expies/variants of HI3 characters that show up in Genshin and Star Rail do and are is basically what the FF characters in KH actually are, more so with Genshin than Star Rail because Star Rail is much more connected to HI3 in its lore than Genshin does. Although if Genshin and KH have a thing in common, it's that they have a good number of fans expecting more of certain aspects out of those versions of characters showing up in the game (More Honkai lore connections for Genshin, KH fans wanting FF characters being more involved to fulfill the "crossover" fantasy that they think Kingdom Hearts initially was)
Anyways, point is, Genshin and Star Rail's whole thing with certain characters allow me to better point out a thing I think about with FF characters in Kingdom Hearts. This could be a hot take that people don't like to see for all I know... or the mere idea that these gacha games have a thing in common with a game franchise they like might be "sacrilege" or whatever.
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ghitathepanda · 3 months
Anyways, after stumbling upon the Ascendance of a Bookworm anime and then reading the light novels and go straight to the original web novel website and reading THAT via Google translate till the end... man that's a wild ride.
Also there's a Hannelore POV sequel spin off and Google translate keeps using he/him pronouns for Rozemyne and she/her pronouns for Wilfried and I find it amusing... but also what exactly sort of pronouns for those two in particular in Japanese is written in Hannelore's POV that makes google translate be like that?
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ghitathepanda · 3 months
I don't wanna get spoiled by Gundam Seed Freedom AND FF7 Rebirth, but seeing Shinn Asuka be depicted by the recent Japanese fanarts to be puppy coded really makes me hope I'm not the only one who notice how 2024 gave us the return of Kenichi Suzumura characters.
Again, I haven't checked because I don't want to be spoiled by neither
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ghitathepanda · 5 months
random chilumi thoughts: them going on a date while Abyss Prince Aether is fighting Skirk in the background, the latter making sure Aether doesn't interrupt their date.
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ghitathepanda · 5 months
Remembered a thing about Spider-Man again and how some people went on about the Raimi Spider-Man ruining people's perception on the character by making Tobey's Peter Parker a bit of a "soft boi" and I already had my whole thing on how from a certain perspective, I see it as a result of Peter in this universe having fallen in love so early in his life that he repressed the more negative aspects of what he was meant to be.
And while I was thinking about how in Spider-Man 3, Peter started growing an ego and finally felt like he can act however he want now that he has gotten what he wanted after all the stuff he went through, thus reverting him to be something closer to his early comic counterpart only for his actions to fracture his relationships even before he got symbiote, THAT is when something clicked in me. An adult Peter acting like a manchild and ruining his relationships by being reckless despite all the experience he's supposed to have prior? That sounds like something you see people talk about in modern Amazing Spider-Man comics these days, huh? Except Spider-Man 3 definitely felt a bit more on purpose and have that serve the narrative instead of feeling like some editorial mandate by folks with a specific biased nostalgia on the character that clashes with what the character had been before they ruined everything because in the movie, the movie pretty much painted that sort of behaviour as something that's very much wrong. Even back when the folks in charge of the ASM books let Nick Spencer do his thing, he took the opportunity to make his whole run do a similar thing in regards to the decade-old Dan Slott run before it... only for editorial mandate to ruin things and for Nick's run on the book to end up in a similar state to the Raimi movies, where the guy doing these stories end up being forced to not make it the story they want to tell but at least end it with Peter and Harry Osborn teaming up to fight some big bads with Harry eventually dying via self-sacrifice... and then the ASM books went to Zeb Wells and anyone up-to-date with the ASM books (as of January 2024 because I hope this whole bit age poorly) know how WELL that went.
Anyways, tldr for anyone wanting to see the conclusion of this weird revelation I've made, depending on the perspective you view this whole thing, Spider-Man 3 was an unintentional warning for what comic Spider-Man fans post One More Day would have to deal with but if we pretend that whatever Peter 2's fate was is any indication, than there's still some hope.
But the real short answer is that an adult Peter Parker acting more like how he did in his Ditko days is just not right
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ghitathepanda · 6 months
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BoBoiBoy pet name shenanigans with Fang and Yaya (aka Mimi)
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ghitathepanda · 6 months
Fang: What's the name of your old cat you used to have?
BoBoiBoy: Mimi?
Yaya, popping her head into the room: Yes?
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ghitathepanda · 6 months
Watching Frieren and Himmel's whole relationship thing made me think of NeuviFuri where I imagined Neuvillette and Furina watching the Frieren anime. While Furina is just sobbing hard at the Frimmel scenes, Neuvi's there thinking "they're just like us fr fr"
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ghitathepanda · 7 months
I hope I'm not the first person to think of the comedic potential of Arlecchino ships with any other Genshin characters because imagine Lyney, Lynette and Freminet awkwardly calling whoever it is that gets shipped "Mother", at least if we pretend Arlecchino decided on that decree for shits and giggles.
I don't do Aether ships usually, especially straight ships because the harem fanon has ruined my perception towards those but Aether with Arlecchino is getting a pass SOLELY on the idea that he's gonna be the one getting called "Mother" and Paimon enjoying sweet, sweet revenge for all the emergency food jokes the Traveler likes to pull off once per region. Sure that can apply to Lumine and I'm more of a Lumine person but this is the one time I like the Aether perspective.
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ghitathepanda · 7 months
Has anyone checked if you can finish Fontaine's Archon Quest (Chapter 4 Act 5) and do Furina's Story Quest without unlocking Neuvillette's story quest? Because I wanna know if certain Furina-related details would be altered due to spoiler shenanigans already happening in this version and also because the general broad strokes of Neuvi's quest (excluding said Furina-related details) makes more sense to take place after only because you start out Chapter 4 Act 5 as if the Traveler and Paimon spent the time gap between the previous Act and this still within the Fortress of Meropide.
Just a random thought
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ghitathepanda · 8 months
I know there are people who are at least a lil miffed that the Raimi Spider-Man movies popularized the passive soft Peter characterization but one thing no one really talks about is how those movies contextualise the change, because clearly Tobey's Peter in those movies have those "negative" traits seen in the comics occasionally, like in some parts of the first movie and a good chunk of the third but are just more repressed. And then it clicked on me... what if that all came as a result of him falling in love with MJ so early in his life? He basically has less reasons to be so bitter towards the world when he has someone to pay attention to. I'm not saying this to re-inforce any side, I just think it's a cute PeterMJ thing to think about
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ghitathepanda · 9 months
Being reminded that Aoi Yūki is a big Bumblebee (Transformers) fan is kinda funny as a Genshin fan because Ryohei Kimura voices Bee in Japanese dubs for recent Transformers stuff. So you have Lumine's VA being a big fan of a robot character who shares the same VA as Childe. To the Chilumi fans who JUST now learned of this, you're welcome.
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ghitathepanda · 9 months
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Reaching level 200 in Rockman X Dive Offline gives you 6900 element metals and 6900000 zenny.
They know what they are doing
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ghitathepanda · 10 months
I am reminded that scaramouche/nahida (scarahida) is a Genshin ship that is a thing and all I can be reminded of are my old thoughts a long time ago that if Sayu looked more her age (of being at youngest, an early teen), she probably would've been shipped with Yoimiya by a bunch of folks at least.
Welp brainrot is coming back as I am typing this
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ghitathepanda · 10 months
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the Dynamic
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