ghostwasfound · 3 years
Trick-or-treat <3
Just a bunch of lil' idea's about spending halloween with mcyts :D
Happy halloween !! <3
Pairings: bench trio x reader (platonic), dreamteam x reader (platonic)
Pronouns: they/them
Genre: fluff :]
Summary: halloween with ur fav boys ^^
Warnings: mentions of jumpscares ? a few cuss words, one inappropriate joke
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Bench trio
-omg Halloween would be so much fun
- c o s t u m e c o m p e t i t i o n
- First of all, you cant tell me Tommy wouldn't get mighty competitive with costumes
- he still looks a lil' dumb <3
- Ranboo comes in his own cosplay-
- Tubbo literally b e g s you to help him prank Ranboo
- So y'all go and hide some stupid pop up toy outside his door
- He doesn't get scared
- Tubbo still finds it hilarious
- You guys all go trick-or-treating because who cares about age
- too old to go trick-or-treating? says who
- obviously not tubbo because he is very persistent on the idea of going trick-or-treating
- and so you guys all put on costumes with masks, just to try make sure nobody recognizes you, and go out door-to-door knocking, trying to hold in laughter at the reactions of the people inside expecting some small kid or young teenager and being faced with 6'6 ranboo.
- As soon as they shut the door you all burst out in fits of laughter
- you and ranboo take everyone else's candy
- commence you two hiding in a tiny cupboard eating all the best candy you can find in your stash
- tommy and tubbo standing outside waiting for you guys to come out to scare you
- they succeed
-tbh the rest of halloween is spent just tryna prank eachother
- 10/10
- if instead of trick or treating you guys decide to stay in and watch horror movies
- i apologize for your ears
- tubbo on one end of the couch, laughing at all the scary scenes and making dumb jokes about it
- ranboo just tryna watch the movie
- Tommy screaming at literally everything
- its chaos
- but hey, it was probably one of your favorite nights of the year :]
Dream Team
- You guys didnt tell the fans.
- then you just randomly post some photos of you four in costumes and twitter FREAKS out
- step one to breaking the internet tbh
- you all go to dream and sapnaps house
-omg omg omg dream goes so over-the-top with it
- but in the best way possible
- he decorates the whole house
- makes a massive blanket fort surrounding his TV
-patches gets put in a halloween costume but she HATES it so you eventually take it off after a few photos
- *insert dramatic queen patches acting like she just got murdered so you give her cuddles*
- george doesn't care too much for halloween but seeing his friends all be so excited really puts him in the spirit.
- lets be real george probably wears an among us costume and thinks he's the funniest man alive smh
- okay dream puts a lot of effort into his costume
- if you really wanted to, eveyone cosplays their dsmp! character
- this would make for the coolest photo shoot
- you and dream bake a whole bunch of really cool treats
- george and sapnap are probably goofing off somewhere annoying patches
- eventually you guys all go on a movie marathon
- watching all the classic slasher movies
- if you get scared easily get ready to be relentlessly teased by these boys
- except for sapnap
- sapnap is hiding his face through half the movie
- sapnap will hold your hand with the excuse of "you look scared" but everyone knows he is just doing it because he hates horror movies and needs comfort
- if you like horror movies you get two options
1. join in teasing sapnap
2. scold the others for being mean to poor lil sappy nappy </3
- literally so much fun
- tbh you guys dont even eat dinner, just snack on candy and the little sweets you and dream baked
- okay you guys would definitely carve pumpkins
- by the end of it pumpkin guts are everywhere
- sapnap probably raged somewhere along the way and now his poor pumpkin is very ugly </3
- george goes for something way too ambitious
- probably says he's gonna draw dream
- makes it really ugly
- dream actually tries
- his is either a normal jack-o-lantern or its his smiley face
- gotta stay on brand
- honestly so much fun
-you guys probably dont sleep that night
- very tired the next day
- but overall worth it
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
Wait didn’t you have an agere techno x reader fic? What happened to it? =(
i didnt like it so i deleted it :(( it stressed me out too much D: im probably gonna re-do it eventually :] i only just got out of a massive writes block so ill probably be able to start writing better stuff again
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
So I understand if it's too much of a touchy subject but could you write techno comforting reader (he/him) with(/helping him through) an ed and a history with s/h that he's dealing with a relapse of because of the stress he's dealing with.
Pairing: c!Technoblade x m!reader
Pronouns: he/him
Genre: hurt comfort (my favorite <3)
Summary: Technoblade knows you've been struggling and he's always here to help
Warnings: tw!! this story is very triggering. please please please dont trigger yourself by reading this :( triggers include: disordered eating, stress, anxiety, s3lf h@rm, relapsing. Please do not read this if its gonna trigger you <3 i love you and im so proud of you.
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 Some weeks are harder then others.
It sometimes feels like loving yourself comes at a price. Its a love you cant afford.
You pay with shed tears, and counted calories.
You gamble your happiness at the price of the numbers on a scale and sharp, shiny objects.
Its nothing to romanticize. Its not a dramatic movie scene with sad background music. Its just tiring.
 Now you sat on the floor of the bathroom. The tile is cold and stings your knee's. The snow outside looks like an illusion of endless white. An empty world. The edge of the universe maybe.
 Some days are harder then others.
A sick feeling swarms your stomach. A sudden hunger for comfort in uncomforting ways.
Finding warmth in cold crimson.
Longing for relief in strained tears.
 Your reflection. You can see your reflection. It looks wrong.
Why does it look wrong.
I dont understand.
What am i doing wrong.
A voice rings through the house, bringing you out of your own sorrow. How could you reply to him?.. You dont want him to see you like this...
He told you that he was here for you.
Its okay to reach out when you need it. You are worth being cared for and you are worthy of love.
"up here"
Your voice is weak. Almost pitiful
The large piglin hybrid follows your voice up to the bathroom where he opens the door. His face softening with concern when he see's your state. Saying nothing he brings you into his arms, holding you against his chest. The simple thudding of his heart beat reminding you that you're alive. And you're okay.
 You're okay.
 "im so proud of you, y'know. You've made it through everything you've been through and you're still here."
"its hard..."
"I know darlin' but you still did it. And so i'll keep loving you till you learn to love yourself. I'll keep showing you kindness untill you knows how to be kind to yourself."
"because I need you to see yourself the way I see you. The way everyone else see's you"
  Authors note:
 im so proud of you <3
If i should take this down let me know <3 Ive been struggling pretty bad recently so i wrote this as a way to get stuff off my chest aha. But im back guys!! sorry i disappeared for a bit life got... confusing but yo im here again <3
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
The One That Got Away
*has a bunch of requests i could do* *proceeds to write this instead*
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pairings: georgenotfound x reader
pronouns: non used
genre: ansgt. just pure angst. im sad
summary: maybe in another lifetime it could've worked out
warnings: this is sad :( argument, breakup, slight dissociation also a pretty heated make out scene, mention of su*cide
Summer after high school when we first met
The sounds of cheering filled the air. You had finally graduated high school! You had worked so hard to make sure you got into the college you wanted and all your work was paying off with a high GPA.
Turning around, your eyes meet a pair that you recognized. It was a brunette boy from your biology and English class. You always found him very nice looking, and from what you had seen and heard he was a really good person and the few times you did speak to him he lived up to that.
"hey! George, right?"
He nodded his head and a small smile graced his face
"yeah that's me! I just came to congratulate you"
Small talk filled the empty space between the two of you until he finally built up the courage to ask
"do you wanna go get lunch together sometime? or breakfast if that works better- or we could always do dinner but that's probably not as good or if you want-"
"I would love to"
We'd make out in your Mustang to Radiohead
They say you only find one true love in your life. You finally found yours. You and George had been together for a year now and you couldn't imagine it any different.
Now in the back of his beaten down car, you moved in a heated passion filled with pure love. Lips locked together, tongues memorizing every inch of each others mouths, gentle hands caressing your face, and the soft noises that occasionally slipped past your lips.
He pulled away only slightly to mumble soft "I love you"'s against your lips and you smiled against him. As you pulled away to look into his eyes, a suffocating warmth fills your heart. His head dipped into the crevise of your neck, gently kissing the skin before leaving soft purple marks against your collarbone.
And on my 18th birthday we got matching tattoos
Two years. It had been two years that you spent together.
"George I'm scared"
His soft hands reached for yours, sqeezing gently.
"its okay I'm right here. It doesn't hurt I promise"
You had decided to let George get his tattoo first, purely because of how scared you were, but after seeing the excitement in his eyes you took a deep breath and smiled.
A sun and a moon. A small sun was now tattooed onto George's wrist, and a moon on yours. He truly was your sun.
The moon needs the sun to shine.
But the sun is fine without the moon.
If only you had realized sooner.
Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof Talk about our future like we had a clue
"Hurry george!"
As hard as you tried to sound serious, you couldnt help but giggle as he attempted to climb onto the roof. Finally reaching the top, you handed him the stolen bottle of vodka and a bottle of coke. Reaching his hands down he helped you climb up next to him, the both of youre cheeks hurt from the giddy smiles on your faces, elated from the stupidity of the situation, but also from the pure love of being with each other.
Finally sitting next to the boy, you got to look out at the horizon. Beautiful shades of pinks and oranges filled the sky, as if an artist had come and painted it, knowing exactly how to make it look perfect. and so it was.
It was perfect.
Never planned that one day I'd be losing you
Hot tears streamed down your flushed cheeks
"I cant spend every day with you y/n!"
"George its been a week and you've barely said a word to me!"
Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe it was nothing. But it hurt, and as soon as you tried to tell him how you felt, all of his walls came up. Seeing him this defensive was so different. It was terrifying...
"I have a life outside of you why cant you realize that!"
"All I want is for you to at least try include me! Since you started streaming its like I'm nothing anymore! Why cant you just fit me into your life..."
Your voice faded into a whisper
"i just want to know i mean something to you still"
In another life I would be your girl We'd keep all our promises Be us against the world In another life
I would make you stay So I don't have to say you were The one that got away The one that got away
"we're forever right George?"
Though you were both drunk out of your minds, you sat across from your lover, hands on the sides of his face which was filled with nothing but adoration.
"I promise"
I was June and you were my Johnny Cash Never one without the other, we made a pact
Dancing around the kitchen to old Johnny cash songs, George's eyes filled to the brim with fondness for the person dancing around, begging him to join. So he did. And so you spent god knows how long dancing and laughing to the songs that filled the room.
Sometimes when I miss you I put those records on
"okay you can open them"
your eyelids softly fluttered open, to see your lover standing nervously with a record in his hand. A Johnny cash record. He knew you had an old record player that your mother had gifted you when you were in your high school years. A tenderness pulled at your heart as you smashed your lips into his.
now those records sit in the corner of you room, haunting you with the memories that plagued your mind every night.
Someone said you had your tattoo removed
you tried everything to get rid of the thought of him, but it was like you could never escape it.
"hey y/n right?"
A stranger stood in front of you. A look of pity on the young women's face. You seemed to be getting a lot of those.
"you uh... you're George ex right"
It felt like a stab through the heart. It felt like maybe it wasn't true, but now hearing someone say it straight to your face. It hurt. You knew it would but perhaps that just made it worse.
"y-yeah I am"
"oh... I work at the tattoo parlor down the road"
The one you and George got your tattoos at.
"well I saw him come in today to get the tattoo removed... I'm so sorry..."
He really had moved on, huh.
Little did you know, George spent long nights staring at the tattoo on his wrist.
It felt like it was mocking him.
He just wanted to be able to forget you.
That's what was best, right.
And so he got rid of anything that had any memories of you attached. He even got new sheets because if he focused enough he could still smell your perfume. Or perhaps that was just his mind holding on to the sweet smell, fooling him into a false sense of you still laying next to him, sharing soft kisses and sweet whispers.
Saw you downtown singing the blues It's time to face the music, I'm no longer your muse
A familiar voice chimed through the air. Turning around, you blocked out the sounds of your friends and your eyes caught onto the man who you had been trying so hard to move on from. He was singing a soft melody, a soft smile on his face.
He looked...
All this money can't buy me a time machine, no Can't replace you with a million rings, no
You were left with nothing. Even if you had more money than you ever had, even if your friends bought you supposed "early birthday" presents, that you knew were purely bought out of pity, nothing filled the emptiness that plagued you. It hollowed you out and and drained all of your energy. It taunted you and you saw his face in every stranger, heard his voice in every song.
Some days you would wake up smiling, your mind tricking you into thinking he was right there next to you. His skin against yours, his voice whispering sweet nothing into your ears.
I should've told you what you meant to me 'Cause now I pay the price
"I cant do this"
Those four words. They ripped your chest open and pushed all the air out of your lungs.
That's all you could say. No other words could form on your tongue. You wanted to scream and yell and tell him how much you love him. How much you need him. But you couldn't.
"goodbye y/n"
His voice drenched with pain, but still he gave you a soft smile. That stupid. stupid. smile.
As soon as he stepped outside, you fell to your knee's, not caring about the bruises that would most definitely form later. Why couldn't you run outside and beg him too stay.
Outside the front door, George fell apart. Why did he have to do this. He still loved you but he was scared. He was so scared. He did this to stop you from hurting but all he did was hurt you more. The look of agony framing your perfect face tormented him and still does to this day.
In another life I would be your girl We'd keep all our promises Be us against the world In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say you were The one that got away The one that got away
In the end, no matter how the stars aligned this lifetime just wasn't made for you to be together. So you killed yourself in the most beautiful way possible. You fell in love with someone you couldn't be with. In the end even if you were meant to be, you weren't meant to last.
But you will look for him in every universe, every night sky, in every flower field, cause its always been him and always will be.
AUTHORS NOTE: lmaoooo im really sad rn so my brain said "write angst" and i said "yes" so know this ugly mess exists haha
Any comments, follows, likes and reblogs are appreciated
I love you all <3 drink water, eat food and take your meds.
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
c!schlatt being revived the day ur getting married to wilbur and he shows up to ur wedding unexpected and ur his widow? maybe with an angsty ending? thanks love!
Ayup i hope this is okay !!
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pairing: c!schlatt x reader (past) c!wilbur x reader
pronouns: they/them
genre: angst
Summary: When you finally get over your old lover and are ready to turn a new leaf, an unexpected visitor ruins your plans
Warnings: dissociation, mentions of abuse, alcohol, swearing, manipulation, schlatt being a dick (tell me if there are more <3)
The sounds of wedding bells ran through the church. Wilbur stood, tears pricking at his eyes. The soft murmurs of those at the wedding turned silent at your gentle footsteps.
Staring up at the man that promised you a good life. The one who rescued you from a terrifying situation. His black suit flattered him and made your eyes well with tears. This is it. This is where you're meant to be.
"What the fuck is this"
Dread shot through your veins, ad your heart pulsed faster in your head. Turning your head back to the doors of the church of prime, your eyes lock with the brown eyes of the the man you once loved, in a time that felt like a whole different life.
The ram hybrid stood with pure anger flashing through his eyes. He finally comes back to find you marrying another man? After everything he did for you?
"Schlatt?" You're voice came out as a whisper, no matter how hard you tried to sound strong.
"Schlatt what the hell are you doing here" Next Wilburs voice rung through the hall, but his being much harsher.
It had been so many years since you had heard his voice, it almost made you miss him. Almost.
But instantly memories of the abuse, the fighting, the alcohol flooded your mind, reminding you of why you left. Sure, part of you missed the man he was before the election. The man who would dance with you in the kitchen at 4 am, the man who would leave gentle kisses on the tip of your nose. The man who wanted what was best for you. The man who loved you. But you knew you were never going to get that version of schlatt back.
So you moved on. You found out how to love yourself again. You found out how to love others again. You're finally happy again, but now it feels like all of that work came plummeting down, and it feels like you're back to square one from just a simple sentence.
You could tell just by looking at him that schlatt was drunk. His cheeks were flushed and he couldn't stand up straight.
Pulling a sword out from his inventory he took slow, stumbled steps towards wilbur, fiery anger burning behind his eyes. His words were slurred,
"you cant.. they- they're mine"
Everything seemed too slow as schlatts hand drove the sword through your fiancés stomach. Your vision blurred with salty tears and the sounds of screaming seemed distant and far away. It was like watching the scene from a distance.
'everything hurts'
'why cant i breath'
It felt like your whole body was out of your control. You couldnt see anything anymore.
'why cant i see?'
'are my eyes closed...'
'i need to open my eyes'
'why cant i open my eyes'
You woke up to deathly silence. Opening your eyes, you see the ceiling to Puffy's house.
"Youre awake!"
At the sound of niki's voice you sit up and face the gentle girl, her face filled with sympathy. It hurt.
"w-wheres will?"
She gave you a pitiful look. Oh...
And suddenly all the effort you put in to getting over schlatt came crumbling down.
Authours note: hey <3 i rlly dislike this :< i will probably go thru and fix it later and try improve it
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
hiiii ! idk what happened the link just stopped working but it should be fixed now <33
i m p o r t a n t  s t u f f  <3
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this includes:
~rules <3
~` prompt list
Keep reading
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
Pet names <3
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Hiiii so my adhd has been making hard to do like- anything at the moment. I promise ill try finish all the requests soon i just need to wait out this weird stage so take this in the mean time because apparently this is what my brain wants to write dfvbgrtnr pairings: dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, wilbur, c!technoblade (seperate)
pronouns: none :D
warnings: swearing, mentions of nsfw (in dreams)
summary: just some headcanons about pet names
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- Pretty one/girl/boy
idk he just gives me the vibes. I feel like he would make it his mission in life to fluster you so these would give him that power. Definitely uses these to raise his own ego after seeing you get all flustered. (probably doesnt use these ALL the time but uses them when he feels a cocky bitch)
- Baby
this would probably be the most common one he uses. Its simple <3. I think he would way prefer "baby" over babe (or maybe thats just me hating the word babe)
- Bunny
This is the more flirtatious one. Only usually used in more heated situations. this man t h r i v e s from watching you get flustered from this.
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- Love/lovely
british. Thats it. Thats the tweet.
- your name
i feel like he would usually just say your name. i cant imagine him being as much into pet names
- Angel
he uses this when he wants something. this man is very convincing. 100% uses this when he feels needy or touch starved but he will never outright tell you so instead he just uses cute pet names and hopes you'll pay attention to him. Give this man validation pls
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- Cutie
he called karl this on stream one time so i will stand by this till my dying breath. calling you this just adds fuel to his sassy, cocky ego but its okay because you love him for it <3
- pup or puppy
this just matches his vibe. he doesnt use this very often but he will use this when you are just cuddling or having really soft, fluffy moments
- my love
he just loves you man. He is so soft. ofc he will never admit it but he is <3
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- Bunny
Unlike dream, he is just a very soft boy and uses this pet name in a very fluffy way. this man would do anything for you. he just wants to hold youuu and you remind him of a bunny. fluffy and adorable <3
- beautiful
hes just a simp for you <3 he honestly thinks you are the most beautiful, gorgeous, angelic thing to ever walk this earth (and he is right <3)
- lovely/my love
i feel like he would use this one a lot. it just makes him feel so happy to be able to call you this <3 literally will giggle after calling you this just from the pure serotonin he gets <3 he is just so whipped for you
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- mi amor
he feels so much pride calling you this. being able to call you a pet name from his first language is such a nice thing for him. its literally so sweet <3 he always says it with so much endearment too :( /pos
- mi alma
OKAY THIS TRANSLATES TO "MY SOUL" ERGERH. this is a special one for him. he wouldnt use this till he was so sure that you were meant for him. one night he walks into his bedroom after finishing editing, and you are in there waiting for him and when he walks in he see's you cuddled up to tiger (his cat) and his heart just- melts. he just realized how in love with you he was and this is when he first called you mi alma
- baby
i feel like he would be someone who likes calling you baby just because its nice and gentle. this would be one that he would use more in like- everyday life and sentences.
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- dove
i- i cant explain it just- hear me out. sometimes he'll call you "his little dove" i just-
- my love
he is so whipped for you but this man has so much confidence and honestly thrives off of calling you pet names and this one just makes him feel so nice ya know? its that reminder that you are his and he is yours <3
- darling
with his accent it just sounds so nice. he loves teasing you with this pet name sjsjfrherht. but also he is soft boy™ so he will just speak really gently and just be so whipped and soft for you
(im such a wilbur simp-)
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- my god/goddess
he loves seeing how you get all flustered <3 he just gets happy knowing HE can do that to you, ya know?
- my darling
okay hear me out. so piglins are rlly possessive, right. especially the brutes and so you are his darling. Not yandere or anything but just the way he feels so protective over you
- prince/princess/royalty
he will bow down to you. he just loves you man. he was never really fond of love before he met you. he never really thought he would ever fall in love or that anyone would ever love him and then you came along and just- he just wants to treat you like the royalty you are
hiii i hope you liked thisss <3 im hoping getting something published will help me finish all my drafts :0 i tried to keep these as gender neutral as possible :D
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
update <<3
heyyy sorry i havent posted anything in ages life's been hella weird at the moment :// i will try post something soon ! thank you all for being patient <3
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
Yo! Could I maybe get a gender neutral ranboo x reader (platonic ofc) where reader is sad and just hug Ranboo. And he, with the big brother energy he has, just hugs you back and tell you everything gonna be okay?
If your uncomfy you can delete this ask, I’m just in my late night feels and would really enjoy a Ranboo hug 😩
I love this ask so much dude this is adorable !!
ranboo radiates big brother energy, fight me on that
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pairing - ranboo x p!reader
pronouns - they/them
genre - angst to fluff
summary - Some days just arent that good but luckily you had your very own ranboo to cheer you up <3
Some days just don't go the way you want. Sure, you've been through worse but it feels like everything was out to get you today. waking up to realize that your phone hadn't been charging all night so now it was on 12%, accidentally burning your toast, running late for the bus, and so many other things that by themselves wouldn't be that big of a deal but instead they all happened within the span of a day and it left you wanting to curl up in a ball and hide from everything.
Finally you found yourself back at home, and you instantly fell onto the soft cushioning of your bed. As soon as you took a breath you felt tears claw at your eyes, begging to be released.
So you sat curled up on your bed, crying out all the pent up frustration that seemed to be around every corner today. Your phone vibrated, indicating that you had a new message but you were in no state to mask right now, so you simply turned your phone on silent and brought your knee's to your chest, letting everything sink in
Ranboo knew you got like this sometimes. He has seen you through your worst days and somehow managed to have a sixth sense for knowing when somethings wrong. So after several failed attempts trying to check on you he decided he would just go over to you in person.
A gentle but firm knock echoes from the front door, and with an attempt to calm down your breathing you got up, wiping away at any tears that stained your face. Opening the front door you were met with the tall figure of your best friend. Instantly you felt a shit ton of emotions hit you like a train and you fell into the embrace of the 6'6 man.
Feeling him slightly tense filled you with panic and you pulled away, ready to spew apologies when you felt his hands gently pull you back into the embrace, holding you in a way that made you feel safe.
Soft hushes spilled from his mouth
"its okay, youre alright"
"youre doing so well"
"I'm so proud of you"
Pulling back a bit so you could meet see his face, you saw him softly smile at you.
"you wanna go get ice cream?"
Even if some days sucked, and even if things got too a point where it felt like there was no escape, you always had your best friend to help you through everything. Even with the pressure to deal with your problems alone, he would never let you.
And you cherished him with all your heart.
AUTHORS NOTE: im started my assignment thats due tomorrow but decided to write this instead so- oops
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
R e q u e s t s <3
I made a request box <3
requests here <3
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
hand over the requests >:0
I cant think of anything to write pls gimme requests <3
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
j e a l o u s y
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Pairing: Wilbur x reader
Pronouns: they/them
Genre: Angst into fluff my beloved
Word count:
Warnings: kisses?? 
REQUEST:  hiii can i have fluff prompt 10 with wilbur (gn reader pls)
Prompt: “did you just kiss me?”
Out of everyone you could of fallen for of course it had to be Wilbur.
I mean, what isn’t there too fall for
He’s tall
He’s pretty
He’s funny
He’s talented
He is everything you could ask for
But he isn’t yours.
And thats what hurts.
Seeing the way you his eyes light when Niki talks hurts. Seeing how excited he gets when she texts him. It was painful. It left you with nights spent crying until you had exhausted yourself enough to sleep. But he never noticed.
He never noticed the way that your face would heat up at the slightest contact of your skin. He never noticed the way your gaze always shifted to him, because his was always on Niki.
Of course you could never be mad at Niki. She was an angel. She never did anything bad to you and instead was always kind to you, but that just made it worse. It fills you with guilt. 
Wilbur’s laugh filled the room, its a sound that would usually make you feel like you were on cloud nine, but instead of butterflies you felt sick to the stomach. 
No matter how hard you tried to laugh along, or hide the jealousy that floods your veins you couldn’t bring yourself too smile. Looking over too chat you see that they notice
‘Is y/n okay?’
‘y/n looks sad :(’
‘y/n hasn’t said anything for ages’
‘They look so sad’
‘omg i feel so bad for y/n they have barely said anything’
Looking back over to Wilbur you notice him whisper something to Niki and she laughs. That perfect. Adorable. Endearing laugh.
“Hey I don't feel the best, I think I'm gonna go rest for a bit” You say, mustering up the best smile you could. Will finally looks at you, and his face seems to drop a bit before quickly smiling again. 
“go rest on my bed n/n, I’ll be out in a bit okay?” 
You nod your head and quickly walk out of the streaming room, as tears flood your eyes, your lungs feeling like they are suffocating and the emotions build up in your throat, making it feel like you’re drowning. You couldn’t stand to be in this house anymore, so you ultimately decide that its best to go home
Turning around you meet Wilbur's worried eyes. Quickly moving to wipe away as many of the tears that stained your face as possible.
“y-yes Wil?” Your voice filled with emotions, and cracked the slightest bit no matter how hard you tried too keep your composure.
“Can I touch you”
You nodded softly, unable to form any words.
You felt his warm body envelope yours, holding your head against his chest while your tears covered the warm fabric of his jumper. Your fists grasp as the soft fabric, in any attempt to ground yourself
“shhh, its okay, you're okay. I need you to talk to me, can you do that? its okay if you need some time but you need to tell me what happened alright?”
“you love her...” 
He pulled you back slightly by your shoulders.
“You love Niki...” You felt pathetic. 
*he hates me now*
*You ruined everything*
Tears began to blur your vision again, as your breath picked back up. Your legs felt like they were about to break, but before you could fall completely, he caught you.
“Can I pick you up?” You nodded into his chest, feeling your feet lift off the floor. His hands, steady and firm but also gentle and kind, bring your legs around his waist. 
Putting you down on his bed, he kneels down in front of you, on the floor next to the bed
“Talk to me n/n...”
“I hate that you lover her be-because...”
*its now or nothing*
“I want you to love me” You say it so quietly that you almost worry he wouldn't hear you. 
The empty silence of the room is deadly. Fighting off all your instincts telling you too run, you look up too meet Wilbur's concerned eyes. 
“I-I’m sorry i- its fine- i don’t- you don’t-”
Your panicked stuttering is cut off by Wilbur's lips meeting yours. Its soft and gentle but filled with passion
Your lips taste of tears but he couldn't care less. 
His hand gently holds your jaw, his other going behind your neck to bring you impossibly closer. 
After many seconds he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours.
“did you just kiss me?...”
“I cant believe you thought I loved Niki. I knew you were oblivious but jeez n/n” His tone is teasing and playful
“I hate you” you retort
“you love me” 
“yeah yeah whatever”
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Authors not: I HATE THIS AHHHH but hey someone might like it so <3
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
P r o m p t    L  i s t <3
hellooooo my lovesss <3
feel free too send requests ! just say something like “c!/cc!*name* x gn/f/m reader *idea or prompt*”
here are my prompts :D
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“you look better in my clothes than i do.”
“i believe you.”
“is that my shirt?”
“can i play with your hair?”
“you can tell me anything.”
“isn’t the view beautiful?”
“my mother adores you.”
“they’re not you.”
“if you cry, i’ll cry ─ and that won’t be fun for anyone.”
“did you just kiss me?”
“i’ve dreamt about this.”
“is that a drawing of me?”
“i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.”
“of course i will.”
“wow, you’re photogenic.”
“i thought you'd never ask.”
“quick, kiss me!”
“you cancelled plans for me?”
“i’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
“that is not what the instructions say.”
“you remembered?”
“stop looking at me like that!”
“has anyone told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?”
“how mad would you be if i kissed you?”
“you’re hugging me too tight!”
“my lipgloss is all over your lips.”
“that’s the first time i’ve ever seen you smile.”
“you’re lucky you’re hot.”
“i didn’t know you could sing.”
“you weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“shut up before i kiss you.”
“you give me butterflies.”
“i can’t think around you.”
“i just wanted to make you laugh.”
“kiss me better.”
“why’d you stop?”
“you wrote me a song?”
“i’m not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand.”
“you ramble and it’s adorable.”
“are you blushing?”
“did i say that out loud?”
“hey, only i can call them that!”
“have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?”
“i meant it when i said for better or for worse.”
“that’s the sixth time you’ve complimented me today.”
“nothing else matters except for you.”
“we could run away.”
“the world could be on fire and i’d still be happy as long as i'm with you.”
“they’re such an idiot. my idiot but still.”
“this isn’t adrenaline, i want to spend my life with you.”
• angst
“do you love them?”
“you’re not sorry.”
“how did you find out?”
“don’t lie to me.”
“am i not important to you anymore?”
“i didn’t realise i was such an inconvenience.”
“do you think about them when you look at me?”
“how many times am i supposed to forgive you?”
“don’t raise your fucking voice at me.”
“i trusted you.”
“are you ashamed of me?”
“it was open and i read it.”
“i can’t deal with you right now.”
“did you ever really love me?”
“i see the way you look at them.”
“if you can’t live without me, then die.”
“i don’t believe you.”
“all you had to do was stay.”
“i knew you were too good to be true.”
“i don't need help and i don’t need you either.”
“some things aren’t meant to be.”
“all my friends told me you’d break my heart.”
“we can’t afford to do this anymore.”
“you deserve better.”
“it’s not safe.”
“i wish i’d never met you.”
“i can’t look at you.”
“get out.”
“was it worth it?”
“how could you let them say that about me?”
“there’s just no pleasing you, is there?”
“why don’t you give a shit?”
“how many times are you going to look me in the eye and lie to me?”
“i can’t do this if you don't trust me.”
“find someone else then.”
“don’t touch me!”
“they were there. you weren’t.”
“i don’t want to spend another second with you!”
“is your image really more important than us?”
“you win.”
“this isn’t what i wanted to happen.”
“i’d take our relationship back in a heartbeat.”
“you two deserve each other.”
“can’t you listen for one second?”
“you’ll be happier without me.”
“if you loved me, you wouldn’t have done it.”
“don’t you try to explain yourself!”
“you can’t take back what you said.”
“i don’t see the same person i loved when i look at you anymore.”
“why didn’t you fight for us?”
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
M i d n i g h t   s n a c k <3
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Pairing: Sapnap x reader
Pronouns: they/them
Genre: fluff <3
Word count: 0.3k
Warnings: non i don’t think <3 lemme know if there is any
Authors note: this is just a really quick drabble based on a tiktokt i saw! i don’t remember the @ but if i find it i’ll add it :D
Gentle moonlight tracing soft lines across the floorboards.
Peaceful silence besides from the creatures that live in the starlight and the light murmur of those awake to see the moon
Delicate blankets resting peacefully on exposed skin.
Nighttime is something you have always cherished. Even now, eyes gently skimming over your lovers face, taking in every detail.
His soft lips which were slightly parted in sleep. The delicate rise and fall of his chest. 
Slipping your feet out from under the covers, gently placing them on the cold floor, you made your way to the kitchen.
Hunger had decided too attack at a random time of the night, and oddly specific cravings took place in your mind. 
The subtle pitter-patter of your feet making there way to the kitchen filling the silence that was two am.
Making your way over to the fridge, your eyes scoured the shelves looking for anything too fill your need, stopping on the leftover box of pizza from the night before. 
Standing in front of the microwave, a slight shiver passing through your body ever now and then, you watched as the red letters ticked away, the glow being the only light beside the muted streetlights and pale moonlight from outside the windows.
You can feel yourself gently zoning out, the spinning plate of pizza seemingly mesmerizing until a strong pair of arms wrapped around your stomach.
“hey sap”
“you left me all alone :(” He pouted
“i was hungry” 
“Well it was cold without you :(” 
You giggled warmly at your boyfriends tired complaints, his face moving to rest in your neck. His lips gently tracing along your shoulder, leaving gentle kisses on your neck.
Feeling content with food in your stomach stood up, dragging along your pouty boyfriend (who had not stopped clinging to you the whole time, even after repeatedly telling him too go back to bed and that you would be there soon).
Flopping back down into the warmth of your bed you opened your arms to Sapnap, whose pout instantly became a smile as he laid on your chest, nuzzling his face into your should
“goodnight, you big baby”
and just like that his breath evened out and his body relaxed against yours, your heart filling with an overwhelming love.
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Thank you for reading !! I’m actually really proud of this one <3
If you have any requests please send them in :D
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
i m p o r t a n t  s t u f f  <3
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this includes:
~rules <3
~` prompt list
 R U L E S:
~ I write for anyone on the dream smp, chuckle sandwich and corpse husband!
~ I will write romantic and platonic, but strictly platonic for minors/people who are uncomfortable with romantic fanfics
~ I can write fluff and angst but no heavy NSFW content
~ I can write poly relationships with people who are comfortable with that ! (dteam, karlnap, karlnapity, karlity, quacknap, feral boys)
~ I can write triggering topics, since some of my works will be self-indulgent, but please don't romanticize these things ! 
~ I can do age regression fics! 
~ I can write both c! or cc! just make sure to specify which :D
~ If you dont ask for specific pronouns i will use they/them but i can do any pronouns you want :))
~ feel free to give me constructive criticism! I am not a very good writer so i love getting feedback and i wont take any offence <3 just don't be weird about it lol
~ flirting with me is fine as long as you don't sexualize me <3 please feel free to have conversations with me :D 
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
M a s t e r l i s t <3
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Pet names
The One That Got Away:   angst :(
Pet names
Midnight snack: fluff !
Pet names
Pet names
Pet names
Silence: Angst -> fluff
Jealousy: Angst -> fluff
The End of Love: c!wilbur angst
Pet names
I’ll love you till you learn to love yourself: hurt comfort (BIG TW)
Pet names
Ranboo (platonic):
Feel better:  Hurt comfort <3
Tommy (platonic)
Tubbo (platonic)
Benchtrio (platonic)
Headcanons halloween
Headcanons: halloween
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ghostwasfound · 3 years
S i l e n c e
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Pairing: wilbur x reader
Pronouns: non-mentioned
Gengre: angst -> fluff 
Word count: 0.9k words
Warnings: arguments, fighting, yelling, panic attack, getting cut? please let me know if there is more !!
Part of you knew that you should just wait for him too come outside. He was a grown adult, he knew how to take care of himself but that didn't stop the growing pit of anxiety in your stomach. 
All you wanted was for him too stay out of the mindset you knew he sometimes got trapped in. That was something you wanted to help him with but it was impossible to do that when he spent all day in his room. You knew he had finished streaming when his muffled voice silenced and now soft strums of the guitar took their place, as he struggled to find a progression of chords that he liked.
The soft pattering of your feet on the cold floor, leading you over to the sink to get him a glass of water, you walked over to his office door, gently pushing the door open. 
He knew you were there
He didn’t turn to look at you or even glance in your direction before an annoyed grumbled slipped off of his tongue
“what do you want”
You should’ve taken that as your hint to leave, but you just wanted to help so you took a step into his office and spoke as softly and as gently as possible
“you’ve been in here all day so I brought you water... don’t you think you should come out for a bit. A small break might be good for you, y’know”
He stayed facing his monitor but his eyes glared in your direction
“if I wanted water I would get it myself”
Slightly taken aback by his harsh tone you held the glass closer to your chest, in any kind of attempt to stop yourself from storming out of the room. You were only trying to help...
“Wilbur, you haven’t left the room for 6 hours. I haven't seen you all day. Don't you think that its stupid to get angry when I try to HELP you. You have barely spoken a word to me for the past week” 
The tall brunette scoffed, his eyes rolling in agitation. 
“I don't need you to baby me all the time! I don't need you to treat me like a child, okay?”
“I put my everything into supporting you and your career even if it makes me feel like I’m nothing to you! No matter how hard I try its like you- its like you cant even see how hard I'm trying! I feel pathetic..” Your voice softened at the end as you tried to contain tears from spilling out from behind your eyes.
“Well maybe I don't need you at all okay! You are so needy oh my god! Its like I cant do anything without you breathing down my neck! You make everything so much harder! Just fuck off and leave me be!”
.He seemed taken aback by his own words, both of you stunned into silence, the only sound being your heavy breathing. It felt like your breath was being stolen from your lungs. Trying to get any kind of air into your lungs you felt your mind becoming flooded with terrifying thoughts
Maybe he didn't love you anymore
Maybe he never loved you in the first place
The glass dropped to the floor and shattered into a tiny pieces which scattered across the floor, along with your heart. 
legs trembling underneath you, you fell to the cold floor, glass cutting at your knees as you gripped the soft fabric of Wilbur's hoodie in any attempt to ground yourself. 
Everything sounded muffled.
‘Why cant I hear anything?’
‘Who is crying’
‘Is it me?’
‘I cant see anything.”
A solid warmth surrounded your body, and your hands instantly gripped to whatever you could reach, in some attempt too ground yourself. A soft shushing guiding you out of your dazed state
“its okay my love. I’m so sorry. you did nothing wrong. You’re doing so well darling”
Letting your eyes flutter open you met Wilbur's red, tear filled eyes as he cupped your face in his hands, the soft pads of his thumbs wiping away the salty streams of water that spilled from your eyes. 
“i know its hard, but I need you too breath with me okay? can you do that?”
You nodded so timidly that it would have been close too impossible to notice
He counted slowly, breathing in and out with you and kissing away your tears between breaths. When he deemed you stable enough he pushed your head into his shoulder 
“we need to get your knee’s cleaned up, okay? Am i allowed to pick you up?”
You nodded again
“are you able to talk to me, my love”
“You are doing so well. I’m so proud of you”. Picking you up bridal style as too avoid hurting your knee’s any further he brought you to the kitchen, sitting you up on the bench, he began to clean up your knee’s, comforting you after each hiss of pain, and kissing away each tear that felt from those eyes he loved so much. 
When you were finally calm enough to talk he sat you down and apologized. Even though the things he said earlier that day had hurt the way they did, you knew from the way pain coated his voice, he never meant to hurt you. You both talked about where to go from here, and how to avoid this from happening again.
Bringing your body further into his chest he planted a soft kiss against your lips, putting all his emotions into it, letting you know how deeply sorry he was, and how much love he held for you. Even if you had your rough patches, nothing was enough to keep you from loving him, and as long as it was him, you would pick up his pieces over and over again.
Authors note: this is my first time writing a fanfiction and i absolutely hate it BUT hopefully with time i can improve <33
i hope you all have an amazing day and make sure to eat and drink water <3
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