ghulehvu · 4 years
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The weight of the guilt.
‘’As a cardinal, his eminence forsook the sacred vows that bound him to the church and the bloodline, betrayed his kin, and took the mitre to himself… When he finally got his wings, they were so small… pitiful, contrasting so much against his magnificent mantle, covered in jewels and gold embroidery. Few have seen them, but they say they look broken and withered, as if a higher power deemed him unworthy of his new title, he could never take to the skies, weighted down by the soul-crushing guilt that now tormented him…’’
Keep reading
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ghulehvu · 4 years
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Decided today on Twitch to do some rebranding! I’ve been using my IMVU avatar for a while, but since I don’t play IMVU a lot anymore I decided to make some new avatars! One is me, the other is me with the Ghoulette mask! I also made these CUTE emojis!! Thank you to everyone who joined my livestream and if you’d like to follow my Twitch username is @GhulehLivestreams! This is my first post in a while on Tumblr so I hope you guys like it 🥺💓
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ghulehvu · 4 years
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Hello my dear! ‘u’
Papa Dracopia! Hope you like it!
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ghulehvu · 4 years
I’m Back!
Took me forever but I’m getting back to posting on Tumblr!
I have some Ghost art ready. I got comics I wanna make. And I’m streaming on Twitch! @Ghulehlivestreams
Anyways, I can’t wait to get this blog up and running again to show you guy’s what’s new in my life! Hope everyone’s been doing well while I’ve been gone.
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ghulehvu · 5 years
d o n e
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ghulehvu · 5 years
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Glad to be back off hiatus! To celebrate, I drew this Meliora-era Nameless Ghoul. Took me about 4 or 5 hours give or take but I hope you guys like it! New audios coming out soon! :)
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ghulehvu · 6 years
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We're getting there slowly but surely on the costume! ❤ This is without makeup, my contacts or my fangs though.
Still waiting on my contacts in the mail and I'm going to get my fangs today. The makeup I already have, it's just not Halloween yet! But say hello to Sister of Sin Ghoul bc honestly I had a kind of interesting take on it.
(Please excuse the awful explanation below)
So, I've been thinking of a concept for this costume for a while now and I really believe that ghouls are pure towards God for most of their lives, living as regular Nuns in a convent or maybe they're a higher-ups, more respected priest. Something traumatic happens to them during their lifetime-- maybe a challenge given to them by Satan-- and they turn their backs on God.
God, in turn, punishes them and makes them into beasts- ghouls- to be feared by other people and set an example for those of the faith so hopefully no one turns their back again. The ghouls ridden and pushed away are invited by Papa Nihil and the clergy to join them, and are reaccepted into another group.
It's still something I'm working on- explaining to others why tf I'm wearing a nun costume AND a nameless ghoul mask- but I'm getting there and hopefully this is interesting to someone.
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ghulehvu · 6 years
Casual Ghost Fans are valid
I had this talk with someone a while ago and it’s been in my head for weeks. Friendly reminder that it’s ok to be a casual Ghost fan. You don’t have to have a life changing experience because of the band, fan super hard, or have deep personal connections with Ghost. You don’t have to be die hard or dedicate your life. It doesn’t make you less of a fan! You can just like the music, you don’t have to be invested in lore or extra stuff! You are still welcome and won’t be left out! :) *Edited cause mobile ate all of my post!!*
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ghulehvu · 6 years
Idk if you wanna go makeup-route but I've found myself that when you use black makeup if you set it with black eyeshadow it stays longer, I've done it for face paint before and it helps. Idk if it'd help you I just like being helpful 😂😂
I’m gonna need some really good black eye make up that’s water proof for this costume. 
I forgot that I’m an excited cry-er and am probably going to look like a drowned panda by the third song at the ritual. 
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ghulehvu · 6 years
700+ Followers!
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Thank you all so much!!! I was purging the pornbots I had following me when I realized I had surpassed the 700 milestone. It feels just like yesterday that I hit 500!!
So once again its contest time!!!
I will do one drawing of a character of your choice in flat color. It doesn’t have to be Ghost or Fallout related either.
This will be a much shorter contest than last time since I’m still working on commissions. I’ll pick the winner on Friday night PST
Like and reblog this post to enter!!!
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ghulehvu · 6 years
i think there is some chart out there of all the ghouls until popestar. we're gonna need to add the new ghouls lmao
*cracks knuckles*
Gentleghouls, it looks like we have a new project on our hands! 
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ghulehvu · 6 years
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Remember to feed and water your wee Ghoulings so that they can grow into fine young Ghouls.
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ghulehvu · 6 years
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ghulehvu · 6 years
Hey guys! ❤
I'm going to be going live on Twitch soon to draw some stuff with extra commentary. I'll be chatting it up with you guys and doing your requests! For the sake of practicing, I will take requests related to Ghost ONLY!
This is a pretty rare opportunity considering I usually only have commissions open so either drop me an ask or join the stream and request your drawing to see me bring it to life! Love you guys and hope you all enjoy the stream.
Also I may sing covers of Ghost songs if you guys wanna hear that, or listen to the ones I've already completed. Let me know!
Here’s the link to the stream
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ghulehvu · 6 years
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why are you like this
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ghulehvu · 6 years
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For all your Copia cravings
I think you know what reference I used but still here is the vid again!
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ghulehvu · 6 years
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I was messing around with FireAlpaca and some brushes I recently made and tried drawing Papa III but it ended up looking more like a lady face-wise so I turned it into a genderbend bc why the hell not it’s my drawing and I wasn’t trying to be serious with it
So here’s Mama Emeritus III enjoy
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