gigglyalex · 1 year
time to spruce this old place up, let the migration begin!
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Yashmirs first mare Ciri, she’s a bitch and a boss, and knows how to throw her weight around.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Ref sheet for peanut, she accepted our invitation to join the herd!
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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He’s trying so hard, this time he’s learned her name is peanut.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Another attempt to woo a pretty lady.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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An ultimately unsuccessful meeting with a fiery mare, maybe next time will be better?
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Finally got into cottonwood valley on DeviantArt, meet Yashmir (formally known as Quincey)!
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gigglyalex · 2 years
Fanfiction from my own dnd slow romance? With and npc? Couldn’t be me 🥰
Triggers- blood, corpses, blades, the wild hunt
First meetings
Legs sore, equine sides caked with sweat under her blankets and saddlebags, Hestelle peered out of their hiding spot at their saviour. They hadn’t anticipated getting hunted by The Wild Hunt this morning; the thick fog dampening the parties senses and easing them into a false sense of security.
How frightened she had been for her friends, hoisting Lucia onto her back and taking off after the carriage the second her eyes had drifted over that horned helmet. Her hooves had eaten up the road behind the carriage with a thunder and spray of stones, one arm making sure Lucia was secure in her grip before even attempting to get her to safety. No man left behind- even going so far as to make sure Butter the corgi was safe once they found these ruins.
For some reason the Hunt didn’t follow them into the decrepit castle, halting their foul hounds and steeds at the abandoned carriage and destroying it with glee and many a guttural growl. They hadn’t registered the sounds of clanging metal at first- nay, Hestelles sides were still heaving from the exertion of carrying her friend and keeping up with the speeding carriage.
And yet still her curiosity pushed her even now to peek out of the castle and creep to where the sounds were now silenced, her friends too tired from their ordeal to follow. Foxglove had already been and told them of what she had seen, and the others were reluctant to even risk the thought of someone who had taken on a faction of the wild hunt finding them and possibly sending them to the same fate. That didn’t sit right with Hestelle, the thought of not even offering the chance of thanks or gratitude felt like oil down her spine, even more so with the thought of a defenceless woman and child were here in which this black knight had unknowingly saved.
Her hooves tread lightly on the grass, picking her way around rubble and vines she came to the gap in the wall they’d crept through to get to safety before taking a deep breath. First she just held an eye out to see around the corner, eyes alighting on the corpses of men and steed bleeding into the dirt, blood pooling before soaking in. Then her gaze trailed upwards towards a black armoured boot before her courage disappeared and she pulled back behind the wall. There was a moment of hesitation, of thinking if it was the right thing to do or would she be putting her friends lives in danger?
Chewing her lip, Hestelle rolled her shoulders before fully coming out of her hiding spot, hoofs purposely stomped louder to alert the knight of her presence before she even said a word. Eyes carefully to the ground she saw his boots once again, they’d now half turned in her direction, before she let them rise to look at the knight properly.
Black armour that seemed to blend in with the shadows, there was not a sheen to this metal that she could see; it almost had a black hole texture to it, sucking the light out the space it occupied easily. Spiked and menacing over every inch of his body, even down to his singular blazing blue eye- it almost glowed with an inner radiance that screamed fae to Hestelle. Her breath was stolen for a long moment as she stared at him before she found her tongue and courage.
To hell with it- if he killed her at least she was brave enough to thank him.
“Um, thank you for stopping them, I didn’t think i was going to make it” she spoke softly, voice trembling lightly from this mans intimidating gaze. She was careful to not mention anyone else, just in case he was indeed bloodthirsty and coming for her next.
The knight stopped cleaning his blade to look at her, almost seeming surprised to see someone who was not the hunt looking back at him- despite the fact she couldn’t see a single expression on his masked face. Giving the sharp blade one last wipe before sheathing it; she was surprised to hear a gravelly voice respond to her in kind.
“You’re welcome”
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Rionnag likes to bother his friend Floki and make him talk, Floki obliges as the chatter from his smaller counterpart is worse than the face he is speaking.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Roman and Delilah were always together, as long as she could remember. She especially liked to bother him and climb over her taller companion with an aggressive enthusiasm he secretly adored. Siblings in soul if not by blood.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Roman and Delilah meeting lightfoot and joining him, distrust was in the air at first.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Horse glasses? Horse glasses.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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The gangs beginning to all be here! The first role play event is the festival of ages, and lightfoot is opening the ceremony with a pomp and circumstance, Roman and Delilah are amongst the crowd and hopefully won’t lose their herd.
Other horses are all offical characters from the Equiis rpg
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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My final horse for the Equiis role play group, Rionnag! Rion for short. Original design by the lovely tawodi over on twitter go check them out!
Name: Rionnag (star in Gaelic)
Age: 20 human years
Gender & Pronouns: he/ they, experiments with gender
Personality: Shy and sweet, rionnag is a gentle soul, choosing to keep his mouth shut most of the time and hiding behind others. He doesn’t like to be alone much but also doesn’t like to be a bother and so he sticks to himself even in a herd. They have a fixation on geology, fascinated by rock weathering especially.
Herd: n/a
Abilities: Rionnag can sense and manipulate emotions, only subtly but enough to keep the peace. Raging tempers ease to more mild discussions, a grieving mothers pain easing enough to allow sleep and feeding, even heightening foals joy at a game of tag. He can’t switch off feeling emotions, and so it exhausts him easily to be around large herds, and manipulating them makes things even more exhausting so he naps often.
Species: unicorn!
History (Optional):
Art done by the lovely tawodii and myself! ( I love them thankyou!)
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Wip of my love Hestelle and Lancelot at a ball, I love a good romance story and this one has been a year to get to this point.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Some doodles of two of my equiis children.
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gigglyalex · 2 years
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Roman my second horse for the horse rp/ HARPG Equiis, he’s a half Pegasus half earth horse and has the tail and dusting of downy shoulder feathers to prove it!
Name: Roman
Age: 45
Gender & Pronouns: cis he/him
Personality: cranky, stoic, mildly unpleasant, Roman is content to be left alone despite Delilah’s constant company and badgering. He would never admit it but he finds her endearing and is her eyes when she cannot see, and is incredibly loyal to her.
Herd: none currently potentially a member of lightfoots herd with Delilah
Abilities: something he keeps to himself, but his skill with a blade and ferocity is rarely matched, and he uses elements of telekinesis to his advantage when in a tough spot.
Species: technically an earth horse, however he does have feathers and a tail from an ancestor that was a Pegasus.
History: to be decided.
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